For those who didn’t have a chance to watch over the weekend, via Paul Constant at the Stranger. I particularly like the ‘Man Show’ joke at the six-minute mark…
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guess who said this on “This Day in History”?
Ben Cisco
Had to look it up. I was shocked at the answer.
@Ben Cisco: Pretty funny huh? Oh Noe’s, Mornin Joes is shocked that Obama would talk about offing OBL and is now explaining that there is a code among military heroes that you don’t go to the VFW and wave your medal around!
@Raven: Fucking Nixon! First and last Republican I ever voted for. My excuse…I was in the Army at the time.
@Ralphie;: I was in the Nam but I was too young to vote!
WereBear (itouch)
@Raven: Don’t forget the part where you discreetly stuff some socks in your flight suit, fly onto a carrier, and make a speech under a big banner the rank and file slappped together in five minutes.
(This was sarcasm. The Bush WH made a big fuss in the most orchestrated way possible.)
Hill Dweller
If the Bin Laden raid had failed, Rove, Morning Douches and the rest of the Republicans would have certainly made it ‘political’. Hell, they would have hammered Obama until he left office.
Hill Dweller
@Raven: What does Squint Scarborough(h/t Charlie Pierce) know about military heroes, and how they behave?
@Hill Dweller: Bingo. What does this ratfucker know about anything for that matter ?
I love it that Obama ignores the poutrage from these scum bastids and keeps on doing it his way.
Hill Dweller
@amk: Did Scarborough whine when the Bush people crawled out from under their rocks after the Bin Laden raid to give their incompetent former boss credit? Has he complained about people like Rove and John Bolton still trying to deny Obama any credit for the OBL raid?
Ben Cisco
@Raven: Mourning Joe is a spectacularly useless meatbag. There is no lie he won’t spread, no cognitive dissonance he won’t embrace, no 180 he won’t turn in order to disparage, demean, or undermine this President. His hero strapped on a flight suit and got chauffeured onto the deck of a godsdamned AIRCRAFT CARRIER to take a victory lap, and the job wasn’t even done yet. And he has the BALLZ to criticize President Obama?
As for that “code”, how the hell would HE know? He’s just another Walter Mitty, living vicariously through people who he would not deign to join when he had the opportunity, another NeoConfederate chickenhawk. F*ck him.
International Labor is beginning to come up with numbers of third world workers injured by lack of industrial safety standards. They are still exposing people to asbestos, for Jeebus sake. Of course, there is no interest in amassing statistics by the governments that are profiting from the exploitation of their people and environment.
Asia Monitor Resource Center has released a report that suggests 2 million workers a year die from occupational hazards.
@Raven: When scumbaggism comes to america, it will be wrapped in patriotism, god and unctuous words.
A great video of Obama standing by his record and asking the rethugs to GFT.
Thanks. That in conjunction with (re)watching the WHCD routine combined to give this Monday a good start!
Linda Featheringill
Forward video: Nice. Very positive and well done [naturally].
I like to see elected officials list their accomplishments to justify reelection. That’s the way it should be.
Thank you for the video.
Not a surprise that Morning Joe thought Stephen Colbert bombed at previous WHPC Dinner.
@Linda Featheringill: egg.sack.lee. I love the way the ad took its shots at the thugs (yes, thugs) early on and the last few minutes are all positive messaging about his achievements and what he wants for america. A perfect ad in short.
Can’t wait for mittbot’s “but he is not ‘murkin ” rebuttal ad.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
We entertained ourselves yesterday researching the local R candidates for next week’s primary until a search for one led us to the Encyclopedia of American Loons.
mai naem
@Hill Dweller: Dude, he watched Hogan’s Heroes, that’s how he knows. So STFU because he a Republican.
Don’t waste any of my time perusing the real mouth-breathing rightist sites, but surprised that haven’t yet heard even a whisper of a hint pustulating from those quarters that Obama is now denying/dismissing/disrespecting/reversing the outcome of WWII and apologizing/capitulating/surrendering to the Japanese.
The President was on point.
My week probably won’t involve all the awesome of a WHCD, but it will involve editing video and trying to pack the rest of the house before I move.
General Stuck
Buncha Obots :)
@General Stuck: You betcha. Also. Too. ;) ;)
I liked Kimmel’s comment on the “yahoos” that want to bomb Iran…and the Netanyahus.
It may not be the winning margin, but it sure is obvious that Obama has more charisma in one incisor that Romney has in his whole controlled, coiffed, and nasty head.
I laughed out loud at the “here’s what I’ll look like in 4 years” bit.
And taking on the dog-eating with snark was excellent.