Here’s John Stewart, once again stepping up and doing what the media won’t:
Never in a million years did I think the GOP would freak out this much over killing Osama. On the other hand, every time one of these pencil-necked whiners like Gillespie goes in front of a camera whining about Obama spiking the ball, all they are really accomplishing is reminding everyone in the country that Obama, not Republicans, hunted down and killed America’s #1 enemy.
I’m ok with that kind of press.
I had the exact same reaction to all this.
If the Republicans want to spend all day complaining about how Obama is making too big a deal out of his gutsy decision to hunt down Bin Laden and put a bullet in his brain, then, well, fine by me.
Wow. This episode was very revealing.
Apparently, it is in fact possible to compel Jonah Goldberg to take a shower and not dress as though he slept under a bridge last night. Incredible.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
DougJ’s post below sent me to the WaPo oped page, where I haven’t been in a while and I wanted to look at Eugene Robinson’s last couple of columns. Pearls are still being clutched about Obama taking credit for OBL. A couple of points I’d like to see made if I were Serious enough to go on CNN or MTP. 1) would John McCain or Ed Gillespie or David Gergen or Arianna care to attempt to straight-facedly argue that if the raid had failed, they would not one and all be saying it was because Obama acted rashly and is inexperienced and shit? or saying, ‘yeah, the Seal team really blew it’? 2) Mitt Romney’s campaign platform-book is entitled “No Apologies”, in every speech he tells the lie that Obama “goes around apologizing for this great country”. The Willard set the terms of this debate. He’s been lying and demagoguing about Obama’s foreign policy for two years and more.
And kudos to Stewart for actually managing to repress his inner Broder on this.
Yea, I really hope the GOP keeps this one in the news cycle for about 6 more months. As, for instance, Mayor A Noun, A Verb, 9/11 Giuliani did this morning on NPR.
Moar Popcorn Plz!
Republicans are enemy #1.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I too was shocked that Stewart went 30 seconds without saying, “of course Democrats….” The clip ended rather abruptly though, so who knows how he continued it.
Not to mention, the whining about “how dare Obama point out things that Mitt Romney actually said!”. Memo to the GOP: You nominated a career liar who has been videoed saying all sorts of dumb shit. The fact that his primary opponents were too incompetent to point this out does not mean that he never said those things.
Surreal American
Mr. President, spike the ball! On Dick Cheney’s head! (figuratively speaking)
That is all.
It is really insane of them. All they have to do is congratulate the President, say “God bless America and damn her enemies” and then try to change the subject to tax cuts, and Americans would probably forget who actually killed the guy since voters have a short term memory worse than someone who smokes 10 joints a day.
Forum Transmitted Disease
You are aware that a not insignificant number of these sore losers are claiming that OBLs death was faked.
Like the moon landing.
Yeah, that’s the caliber of dumbfuck you’re dealing with here.
Great Stewart segment, I enjoyed the whining butthurt on display. The brownshirts know Obama’s got a winning hand with this issue, one that they can’t take away, and one that totally undermines their claim to be the party of national security. So all they can do is whine.
PS: what’s happened to Hannity? He looks like a bad cosmetic surgeon has been implanting potatoes in his face.
kd bart
The attached link from TPM shows the remainder of that segment from TDS. It includes an imagined Dubya campaign ad if he had killed OBL before the 2004 election.
Hunter Gathers
A candy ass (Mittens) leading a group of pansies. How fitting.
Clime Acts
Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t…I’m OK either way. But there’s been no proof of death provided to the public.
John, do you also believe the government’s story that Pat Tilman was “accidentally” killed by friendly fire?
Do you also believe the government story that Bush and Cheney were the victims of bad WMD intel in Iraq?
Do you believe Obama’s reasoning is valid when he says that in the case of Bush war crimes, this country should “look forward and not back?”
Do you believe the U.S. government does not lie to its citizens on a regular basis?
Why so credulous?
as somebody at the GOS pointed out, it isn’t as much obama spiking the ball; since he’s more a basketball fan, it’s more that he’s posterizing the shit out of the GOP again and again.
You got it, John.
And, the best way to keep the meme going is to engage the whiners and keep hammering the point home. To wit:
There really is no limit to this communications strategy.
Ash Can
The embarrassment for them is enormous over the fact that it was a Democratic president, not a Republican one — and a black one at that — who iced bin Laden, and did it in far less than the seven years W spent dicking around over it. But also, I’ll repeat what I said in another recent thread: Osama bin Laden was the best thing that happened to the GOP since the Iron Curtain was taken down. He was a scary ooga-booga bogeyman that the Republican leaders could use to whip up fear among the masses and keep everyone in line and distracted while they shook down the country. They had a sweet gig going, and Mr. Uppity blew it all to shit for them. And how, they’re pissed off over it.
@Forum Transmitted Disease:
i know! what kind of pants-on-head retarded moron…
@Clime Acts:
…would oh, jesus.
I know it’s basically a cliche at this point to do the “Can you imagine if a Republican…” party-switching opining or whatever, but SERIOUSLY. If Bush had gotten OBL I have zero doubt whatsoever that the GOP as a whole would have engaged in the biggest circle jerk in the history of wanking. The country would have been coated in wingnut jizz from coast to coast, and they probably would have declared the day a national fucking holiday. And if one Democrat had even dared to meekly question the mission, the choices, the celebration, anything, they would have been raked over a football field’s worth of coals as being TEH MOST UNPATRIOTIC SOSHULIST AMERICA HATER EVARRRRR.
I mean really. Fuck these disingenuous assholes. Gah.
The clip from the Pataki “George W. Bush” speech made my skin crawl. Bush ended so poorly, I forgot how much Bush worship was going on in 2004.
As usual, clueless Cole and most of the commenters here don’t really understand what is going on.
This is about trying to reframe the conversation. By talking about this you are adopting the GOP’s reframing. So congratulations on becoming the GOP’s bitch once again BJ’ers.
For future reference (not that I expect I can teach old dogs new tricks) don’t try live in the oppositions meme. Just keep attacking.
So instead of saying, “no Obama is not spiking the football”. Or “yes, it’s appropriate for Obama to remind people he got Bin Laden.” Instead of saying that you should be saying, “Thanks for reminding everyone that Obama got Bin Laden”. “Republicans sure hate it when we remind everyone that Obama got Bin Laden and Bush didn’t”.
So endeth todays lesson.
Chyron HR
@Clime Acts:
As always, that’s rich coming from the guy who whines that we should all take George Zimmerman’s word for it that he shot Trayvon Martin in self defense, and not “lynch” him with a trial.
@chopper: Ah, but he’s “just asking questions”. That makes it OK. Supposedly.
Hunter Gathers
@Clime Acts:
Never seen a picture of Hitler’s corpse, either. Perhaps he really is living in Argentina. Or, more accurately, you’re just a fucking moron.
McCain… Cripes. Like HE wouldn’t have “spiked the football”? Oh really? A real hero wouldn’t have mentioned it? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Full metal hypocrite.
great lesson. maybe cole should have said something like “every time one of these pencil-necked whiners like Gillespie goes in front of a camera whining about Obama spiking the ball, all they are really accomplishing is reminding everyone in the country that Obama, not Republicans, hunted down and killed America’s #1 enemy.”
Hillary Rettig
more good times here:
the guy is getting eviscerated in the comments. As in: “So we gave these guys $1Trillion in tax cuts. Where’s the $20Trillion in improvements in the economy?”
And if you want a short course on why newspapers are dying, compare the Reader Picks comments to the NYT Picks. Readers ftw.
I don’t think the GOP is freaking out over OBLs death. It think the GOP is freaking out over Obama being on national security offense, and there being nobody but the dead-end club around to rebut it.
You know, as much as Jon Stewart irritates me sometimes, he does have a gift for drawing rational conversations out of crazy people.
Unfortunately TDS’s online episode cut that interview up a bit – at least on my machine – I don’t think I’ve ever heard David Barton sound coherent before this.
I’m not saying he’s *not* crazy, or that I agree with him. More than anything, I’m giving JS credit for providing us a glimpse inside the id of a christianist, and revisionist of history.
Clime Acts knows Trayvon Martin’s mother is a grifter… but he’s still not sure what to think about bin Laden’s death. He has interesting priorities, that one.
Clime Acts
I’m guessing a lot of Botulists would actually pretty much be OK with Obama reprising the Bush Boy’s glorious carrier landing to celebrate the alleged OBL killing, complete with an ever BIGGER potato in his jockstrap than W utilized.
Cause, you know, he’s a Dem so everything has changed.
The more realistic scenario: OBL was already dead, perhaps for years, either by violence or kidney disease and the Bushies had kept him alive in the public mind as a bogey man to fuel war fever. Obama decided to put an end to the perception that the U.S. couldn’t be bothered to get the alleged 9/11 mastermind, while at the same time claiming big balls status with the macho kill. So the big charade was played out, complete with the laughable Islamic-approved burial at sea and no proof of death.
Yeah, yeah, I know: Birther, deather, racist, conspiracy theorist, blah blah. You are children.
@Martin: this
kd bart
@Hunter Gathers:
al Qaida, itself, confirmed that OBL was killed.
Davis X. Machina
No, no, we should be saying “Wasn’t this a massive due-process violation? And a violation of Pakistani sovereignty? Shouldn’t OBL have been extracted to face a US grand jury, or the ICC?”
That is what we should be asking…
The GOP is the ‘rule of law’ party, isn’t it?
@Hillary Rettig:
lol. with rich guys like him and romney, pretty soon the only real ‘job creators’ will be the guys opening pitchfork factories.
@Mickey: This is actually a really funny comment in light of what John’s post actually says, as in, you know, the actual words which appear in the post.
Shorter Mickey:
By the way, are you Mickey Kaus? You seem to have just about the same level of political savvy.
Clime Acts
@Ash Can:
the fact that it was a Democratic president, not a Republican one—and a black one at that—who iced bin Laden
You do realize, don’t you, that even in the official story Obama did not go in there himself, biceps bulging through shredded uniform sleeves while half naked Islamic babes clung to his thighs, Uzi’s blazing, to cut off OBL’s scalp himself, right?
@chopper: I’ve been dabbling in torch futures.
Imagine if the raid went badly, with loss of US life.
So who thinks Romney et all would ignore that on the campaign trail?
anybody gnashing their teeth about Obama taking a victory lap should realize that in reverse, Obama would be raked over the coals.
@kd bart:
They’re just part of the conspiracy! Can’t you see? Wake up, sheeple!
Mark S.
Because they think they have to win every news cycle, because they are completely oblivious to the fact that 99% of the country doesn’t watch hours of cable news like they do. Also, because they have to be opposed to everything Obama says or does, even if they agree with it, because Obama is the WORST PRESIDENT EVAR!
It’s not enough to say “My policies will be better than the other guy’s.” It has to be a fight to the death against the forces of Mordor.
Ash Can
I’m blockquoting this because it captures the embarrassment factor so much more beautifully and succinctly than I did. And hey, GOP, I don’t recall any NBA players demanding that the league stop printing up Michael Jordan posters.
Really, I have to laugh at these people who are whining about “spiking the ball.” Damn right he should spike that ball. We all should. I’m not one to celebrate death per se, but anyone who remembers how awful that morning in September was should be itching to slam that sucker into the turf as hard as he or she can. And then get jiggy with it. When you’ve just put up the winning points in a championship game, you’re not going to get too brokenhearted if some sourpuss ref off to one side throws a flag because they think you’ve offended the sensibilities of the officials.
Clime Acts
@Chyron HR:
Of course I never said any of those things, you lying turd.
Please link if otherwise.
exactly. the bush administration is still radioactive. it’s half-life is roughly a decade, i’d say. thing is, in order to beef up his ticket’s foreign policy chops, there’s nowhere else in the GOP for mittens to reach. if he’s at all interested in taking on obama in that realm, he’s going to have to pick someone who is associated with bush and whose grubby fingerprints are all over things like iraq.
this is driving these people insane.
Clime Acts
@Hunter Gathers:
Not willing to answer my questions about the lying U.S. government, I see.
Forum Transmitted Disease
@Rosalita: At least the football would have been under McCain’s full control as it hit the ground, unlike the four planes he managed to total before even getting out of pilot training.
@Clime Acts: “and the Bushies had kept him alive in the public mind as a bogey man to fuel war fever.”
… this is all ok. But Obama telling the truth – Osama is dead, is not ok, got it.
@chopper: Right after he posted an entire video of Stewart adopting the GOP framing then said “Never in a million years did I think the GOP would freak out this much over killing Osama”. Amirite?
Like I said, I don’t expect I can teach any of you old dogs new tricks and you just proved my point by failing to see the more suttle aspects of it. I don’t expect you would see it even if it came marked on a sledge hammer smashed over your head either.
btw. Ever wonder why some of these GOP operatives go on the Daily Show sometimes? It’s not because they think it hurts their cause.
@Ash Can: Posterizing is dunking on the opposition. It has nothing to do with posters.
One of the few stewart pieces I really enjoyed. He totally nailed that one with facts. His frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex was hilarious.
General Stuck
Obama has been POTUS for 4 years for better or worse. And has a record to run on and is doing precisely that as though the wingnuts and msm pearl clutchers did not exist. I think he gets the obvious that just about everyone is insane and he couldn’t possibly please crazy people. So he pleases his self and anyone else out there that has their head screwed on halfway straight enough to vote for him over a pandering empty suit. What else can he do that is smart and doable?
If you look at battleground state polling, he is doing something right, despite the cacophony of bullshit.
@Chyron HR: Shorter troll: Oooh Goodie! a tangent!
Derail in t minus 5, 4, 3 … =)
Chyron HR
@Clime Acts:
Your exact words to describe the Zimmerman trial: “Lynch mob”.
Now go ahead and make like your True Progressive idol Newt Gingrich and complain that quoting you is rank slander.
@Clime Acts:
Ordering a midnight special forces raid to take out the man responsible for 3,000 American civilian deaths:
Codpiece worthy
Ordering the invasion of a Middle East nation under false pretenses, using insufficient force, and prematurely declaring victory:
Not Codpiece-worthy
@Clime Acts: I call Poe! you can’t be real, so I take it as humor.
@chopper: Too bad he cannot pick Bush the Elder (I shed crocodile tears). His policies in Iraq were much more successful. But Bush I is considered a wimp by the present GOP.
@Ash Can:
yeah. everybody’s got the whole ‘where i was on 9/11’ thing, but i certainly remember where i was on the day i found out bin laden had got croaked: looking at the TV and yelling “FUUUUCK YEEEEEAHHHHH”. stewart was right about that part.
Clime Acts
@kd bart:
AQ, of course, being another reliable source of information. Wouldn’t you rather have pictures/recordings/video of the operation? Shouldn’t the body have been retained and autopsied? Why do all your standards go out the window as long as its your team doing the obfuscating?
The government probably has OBL’s body, lovingly preserved, somewhere where the chosen elites can sit next to it and have a cocktail or three while chatting with Henry Kissinger.
I wish somebody would extend Republican logic that denies President Obama any credit in the killing of Osama bin Laden to CEO’s.
Obama gets no credit for making the decision because the Navy SEALS did the work.
Therefore a CEO should get no credit for making large scale decisions about an organization, since it is the workers at lower levels, who actually provide the services and interact with the customers or manufacture the products that are sold.
I await the GOP assault on decision-making-CEO’s and their huge compensation packages, because of this decision-making-responsibility any minute now.
Hill Dweller
Obama simultaneously took out OBL and the Republicans’ claims on being the sole protectors of the country. The OBL raid also exposed the Bush admin’s incompetence in the only area they could pretend to be credible.
As an aside, Steve Clemmons told Maddow last night that right after the inauguration, a top level Obama adviser told him OBL’s capture/killing was their only ticket out of Afghanistan.
@Tractarian: FTW!
Ah, the birther, deather, racist pig 3-fer troll.
@Raven: Sure it does. When you get ferociously dunked on, you may inadvertently appear on a poster featuring the dunker. Hence, posterize.
actually it does have to do with posters, in that it’s the sort of scene they print on posters like some dude epically dunking over some shlub with his hands up in front of his face or something.
Clime Acts
I would prefer he tell the ACTUAL story, as opposed to a big, dramatic, made up slice of bullshit.
Do you believe Pat Tillman was “accidentally” killed by friendly fire? Two bullets right to the head? You believe that one too?
@General Stuck:
Yup. He is telling teh stoopid to GFT.
@Davis X. Machina:
No. He’s neither a citizen nor was it taking place in the US. Due process is a US right. You can make a moral case here, though. But the UN acknowledges that the US and Al Qaeda are at war, so its a war casualty. I know people here are having trouble with the notion of non-nation-states at war, but the UN doesn’t seem to suffer from that.
Possibly. Certainly in all of the agreements and treaties we have with Pakistan since 9/11 it was made clear that Pakistan would turn OBL over to the US if they had him in possession. Since there’s decent evidence that they were actually harboring him, Pakistan likely also violated quite a number of our agreements as well.
It was a capture or kill order. According to the soldiers, OBL picked up a gun. Even in domestic law enforcement situations, there’s not much question of how to proceed in that situation. And there’s no due process violation there either.
Seriously, what should they have done better?
Clime Acts
@Chyron HR:
Link please.
I believe I was describing people like you and the press, not the trial itself.
Link please. You confirmation bias is inherent.
LOL, yeah, whatever you say. we can’t see the “suttle” aspects of it, even though cole said the shit straight-up.
you’re a buffoon.
Chyron HR
@Clime Acts:
Oh, yeah, the ACTUAL story! Like “Trayvon, during a scuffle, got the gun from Zimmerman, and became armed” – Clime Acts, April 22, 2012
(And then, presumably, shot himself dead.)
Davis X. Machina is spoofing. But your retort is welcome anyway!
Clime Acts
Hi Obama taint licker/stalker.
@Tractarian: Yeah, I thought that was odd. Should have known better.
@ Micky:
Thanks so much for the political advice. You remind me of Mark Penn, only without the gravitas.
@ Clime Acts:
Yes, we know that Obama did not personally fly to Pakistan and pull the trigger himself. You see, he is the Comander-in-Chief, not a member of Seal Team Six. The way it works is that the CIC gives the order, the Special Ops guys carry it out.
The fact is that Lil’ Smirky and Darth Cheney had given up on ever catching OBL, and during the 2008 campaign, the Rombot1.0 and Gramps ridiculed Obama when he said he would take a shot if he had the chance. Moreover, Obama could have taken the safe route and simply bombed OBL into a dust pile, along with anyone else in the compound. Instead, Obama made the tougher choice of sending in a team. Any way you slice it, Obama comes out the winner, and the Repuplicans come out the chumps on this issue. They would be better off to put their tails between their legs and slink away.
Ash Can
source here
Davis X. Machina
Not entirely a spoof, Tractarian, I’ve heard those arguments — just not from members of the GOP.
If GOP’ers made them, the arguments wouldn’t necessarily be any good or any better, but they’d be more in line with some (noisily professed) past positions.
Clime Acts
@Chyron HR:
Hi Lying Turd.
As you well know, the above was presented as an alternate POSSIBILITY, not the “actual” story. How about a link to the entire paragraph your quote is tweezered from?
You really have NO arguments without misquoting and selectively pulling quotes out of context, do you?
@Martin: Absolutely great points.
This was about as clean an operation as you could expect – as far as assassinations go. (no snark intended) Militarily, diplomatically, and in all other areas we know of, it was a success.
Obama has every right to run on his record, in this regard.
And anyone that thinks anybody (McCain included) wouldn’t have done the same is a damned fool.
@Alison: Oh, yes. If Bush/Cheney had gotten OBL, there would have been a movement to eliminate the two-term-limit on Presidents, so they could continue to “protect” us forevermore.
@Davis X. Machina:
Well, one can spoof from the left as well as from the right, no?
Chyron HR
@Clime Acts:
But of course. Your precious paragraph in its entirety: “Hmmm…is it possible that Trayvon, during a scuffle, got the gun from Zimmerman, and became armed?”
(Answer: No, it’s not, becuase it assumes that Trayvon shot himself for no good reason.)
P.S. Isn’t your story about Bin Laden’s death also an “alternate possiblity”? Why are you therefore touting it as “the ACTUAL story”?
O/T, but Junior Seau has committed suicide, it is being reported.
@Chyron HR:
i think the conspiracy goes all the way to the top! just like with OBL, obama’s pulling the strings here.
Well, there’s this too:
Without Osama Bin Laden and with the weakening of “Al Queda” the neo-con case to prolong the global war on terror becomes weaker and weaker.
This. No fucking doubt.
This poutrage from the wingnuts/neocons is just throbbing butthurt.
@Xboxershorts: google bush best thing for al qaeda
This is all the average uninformed american hears:
Ok, so one year ago, US soldiers killed Obama Bin Laden.
@cckids: You betcha. Also. Too.
@Xboxershorts: I’m sure they’ll come up with some new bugaboo to scare us all with. There’s always Iran, but since they’ve been screeching about that for the last roughly 30 years, one might hope that people are tuning it out.
@cckids: There is no doubt in my mind that the “he kept us safe” lie was brilliant, also totally wrong. and evil.
But as long as the press didn’t say a word, might as well push it.
OT: Southern California public radio station program Air Talk is having a discussion about Iran and nuclear arms (KPCC 89.3 fm).
One of the guests is absolutely certain that a president Romney would have US troops invade Iran subsequent to an attack to destroy their nuclear capability.
Might Mittens use this in a foreign policy point in a foreign policy debate?
And is the GOP really this nuts?
@Brachiator: Yes. SATSQ
Also, reoccupy Iraq…
@dmsilev: “There’s always Iran, but since they’ve been screeching about that for the last roughly 30 years, one might hope that people are tuning it out.”
No one brings up 2003, when the Israelis were shouting: “Iran will have a bomb in 18 months, we gotta do something, NOW.”
I bet there are earlier eruptions of this, that is just the one off the top of my head.
2003 was the year that Iran proposed cooperation on stopping Al Qaeda, and also nuclear talks, and Bush blew them off.
Clime Acts
@Chyron HR:
Are you really this stupid? IF Trayvon at some point became the possessor of the gun, it is entirely possible that Zimmerman then wrestled it BACK from him or that the gun went off in the scuffle and hit Trayvon. This is an alternate scenario of the type lawyers present in court every day; doesn’t make it true or false; it’s POSSIBILITY. See how that works? Then the jury decides what they believe is most probable, and how to render as a result. That’s what a TRIAL is…
You’re lying again: My possible OBL story is clearly presented above, by me, as a “MORE REALISTIC SCENARIO,” not the “actual” story.
See how you can’t argue in good faith? It’s tempting me to stop engaging you, and I know you can’t live without my attentions, so watch it.
From the Atlantic Wire: The Swift Boating of Obama Has Begun
I don’t know if it’s gonna work this time though.
1) Bin Laden is dead. Obama gave the order. The SEALS followed the order.
2) whether or not you think the admin as been “politicizing” the killing. I dont’ recall Obama saying “I got Bin Laden” he always makes it a point to say he “authorized” a mission for the SEALS to take him out.
3)anyone who remembers know what happened to Kerry in 2004, hell it’s why we call this type of ad “swiftboating”. The ad worked (or not or whatever) because first it was the first of it’s kind to get mainstream airplay and Kerry ’04 was way different than Obama ’12. People have an idea what one means when we say a politician has been “swiftboated”. It’s only gonna rile up Obama supporters and after Kerry, it will prob disgust independents, IMHO. This ads does nothing but give anti-Obama people another viral video to watch and rant off too.
Anyone else think this ad will amount to a hill of beans outside the beltway?
Enjoy your little celebration while it lasts “progressives”, because tomorrow it’s back to reality: back to the economy. The Friday jobs report will be piss-poor and show Recovery Summer Three to be yet another mirage.
@Clime Acts: TRUST NO ONE CLIMET ACTS! Everyone’s in on it. You’re like the last person to be Body Snatched, but rest assured, they’re coming for you too!
Relatedly, have you ever seen the rings around Uranus? If not, are you sure they exist?
G. Gordon Liddy still dreams about Bush’s penis killing Bin Laden.
I too remember when the GOP gave credit for winning the Cold War to the previous 7 Presidents who committed decades of time, billions of dollars and tens of thousands of casualties fighting the Cold War.
Egg Berry
Wow, Clime Acts and Mickey AND ver1tas/casteroil in the same thread. The trollularity must be near.
Where is your Elder?
They have a sad, because it is a lot easier to pretend they are stronger on defense than Democrats if there isn’t such a obvious example of Democrats being better on defense than Republicans. They know this won’t flush down the memory hole like many other things. Although why they want to demonstrate how whiny they are, and thus, how ill equipped they are to deal with tough situations like this is beyond me.
@Shit for Brains:
And yet net private sector job growth since Obama became President is greater than the that during the entire Bush Presidency.
Yes, I too remember the horror of 5% unemployment under Bush!
Culture of Truth
That Pataki thing was so creepy. They’re just so fucking proud they brought us 9/11, The Greatest Day in American History™ , and now they’ve lost their preciousss
Chyron HR
@Clime Acts:
“I would prefer he tell the ACTUAL story, as opposed to a big, dramatic, made up slice of bullshit.”
Let me guess, I’m also taking that quote out of context to make it look like you’re saying the official story is a definitely a lie, and that there must be an different, “actual,” one.
Still, have it your way. I just find it ‘telling’ (to borrow your catchprase) that Zimmerman’s story rates a “don’t rush to judgment”, but anything the President says is self-evidently a “made up slice of bullshit”.
And now I’m actually going to stop engaging you, while you will probably continue to reply becuase anything less would mean you lose an internet slap-fight. Again, ‘telling’.
Culture of Truth
that even in the official story Obama did not go in there himself, biceps bulging through shredded uniform sleeves
If you’re naive enough to believe the official story
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Culture of Truth: Or Giuliani telling the story about how he turned to Bernie Kerik (hah!) after the planes hit and said “Thank GOD George W Bush is our president!” Giuliani having rather ostentatiously endorsed John McCain in 2000. All mavericky and shit.
Culture of Truth
Ah, the birther, deather, racist pig 3-fer troll.
sung to the tune of “Kokomo”
@Shit for Brains:
Underemployment trended upwards during the Bush years, and trended downwards during the Obama Presidency.
Fucking tiresome trolls. Bring some fresh materials, you klowns.
I love those whiny ass titty babies complaining about the President having the foreign policy club.
I loved yesterday.
Candidate one:
President of the United States
Where: in Afghanistan. Visiting the troops. Talking to the troops. Talking to the American people.
Candidate two:
Where: A firestation house in NYC passing out pizza with Mr. Noun, Verb, 9/11
I LOVE that the President stomped all those mofos.
And, I’m not even someone who agrees with the policy on Afghanistan. It’s the one policy where I profoundly disagree with POTUS, but I knew it when I voted for him.
Huh. Guess the Romneytronic 3000’s troll budget rolls over at the beginning of each month.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Well Bush allowing 9/11 to happen made people forget what a massive fuck up Giuliani had become… ;)
Linda Featheringill
@Clime Acts: #37
Oh, my. [snicker]
Come out, come out wherever you are.
eh, romney will just claim that all the job growth was really all his idea.
@Clime Acts:
Nobody gives a shit about your questions about how the government lies. News flash: not relevant to the fact that anyone who seriously thinks the government is lying about OBL being dead is either pants-on-head retarded, or fucking deranged–and in either event needs mental health care, not Internet access.
That means you, you worthless fucking Deather troll.
If you bothered to exercise even a single brain cell you’d realize that if OBL was still alive, al Qaeda would be sending video of him alive to every news outfit in the world in order to humiliate the United States and expose their lies, instead of openly confirming his death and mourning his passing.
How the fuck do you even breathe without mechanical assistance?
Taco haz a sad because EVERY DAY is Romney Campaignfail day.
Keep on fucking that chicken, Taco
@Clime Acts:
Absolutely false
Jurors are supposed to evaluate the facts, the evidence, not to entertain which alternate fantasy they prefer.
Attorneys can deal with possibilities as they try to create reasonable doubt, but no, jurors don’t get to choose from a menu of scenarios.
The Nobel Committee really intended to give the Peace Prize to Rmoney, but you know, NOBAMER done stole it.
Do his trolls read Rove’s manual?
Hill Dweller
@Cato: Bush had the worst income and jobs growth record since Hoover.
Bush was a monumental failure. It is nearly impossible to overstate how devastating he was for this country.
Culture of Truth
Bush did keep us safe, except for that one time on Opposite Day
@Hill Dweller:
“Bush’s failures were all Clinton’s and Obama’s fault.”
— Fox “News”
Arm The Homeless
@Egg Berry: I was particularly amused by this piece of Cleek-gold
There is just so much joy in that statement that it really makes me glad that the trolls are here.
@Culture of Truth: I always loved that. “Other than 9/11, Bush prevented terrorist attacks on American soil”.
As the saying goes, “other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?”.
@dmsilev: LOL
Well we did a good job of ignoring the trolls for a little bit….
In all honesty though, the whole brew-ha-ha about Obama using OSL’s death as a political ad is Karl Rove at his finest. Doesn’t everyone see that? Karl says: Take your opponent’s strength and turn it on it’s head. That way your opponent can’t use their strength against you. I mean, it worked with bush43. It just isn’t working so much now outside the reichtwingnutz. Karl has chutzpah, Karl has really big brass balls. Of course they are trying to use his play book because the economy is getting better, Mitt already has the lying thing down pat, now they are just working the refs (those Serious Village Elders of the MSM) and it’s only working a little with them. So they freak out and spittle all over themselves.
Of course they are!
@Egg Berry:
Are we really sure that they aren’t all just some elaborate piece of performance art?
9/11, anthrax, a few others…
@rlrr: Dems own all rethug failures and rethugs own all dem successes, dontchaknow ?
Man, ‘murka is one fucked up nation (if it can be called that anymore – it looks a banana republic right now for a fucking ferrriner like me).
The idiocy sprinkled throughout this thread is at least of the amusing variety. So, there’s that.
Off topic, but can we please have a virtual moment of silence for the death of the dream?
[voice = Walter Cronkite]
[removes glasses]
At 3 PM Eastern Daylight Time on May Second, Newt Gingrich officially suspended his Presidential Campaign.
Egg Berry
I don’t think I can stretch the definition of either “elaborate” or “art” that far.
Culture of Truth
@kindness: Sort of. It’s as much the GOP playing defense, and responding (or whining) from a position of weakness. Mondale could say the economy should have been better in 1984, but that’s not Rovian, so much as desperate.
When Obama spends all summer running ads destroying Mitt’s business and job creating credentials, that will be an example the Rovian tactic working.
Culture of Truth
Really, though, who’s roving who? The GOP’s stregth used to toughness and militarism. Now it’s whining about not talking about your accomplishments lest America get a big head.
Republicans were spiking the football because there were no terrorist attacks on American soil after 9/11. That’s a “other than that, how’d you like the play, Mrs. Lincoln?” situation if there ever was one, and they were celebrating it! Republicans are despicable, as usual.
@Egg Berry: Why are you surprised? This is another idiotic post by John, “I’m not a Republican anymore but we should just give up and let Romney win” Cole after all.
The guy deserves to be shit on as much as possible for his long and sordid history of brain farts like this. If he doesn’t like it then he shouldn’t be running a political blog.
@rlrr: Excellent link. It’s not sourced, but it pretty much describes the trolls.
Here’s another link I’ve found that describes rove’s tactics and concludes with ways to counter them (PDF).. it’s geared for people running for office, but still useful, and some could be arguably useful on the Internet as well.
@Culture of Truth: Bingo. Obama took the tired old ‘rovian tactic’ and shoved it so deep in his ass that he is crying uncle now.
@Clime Acts:
Question for you: why is “shut the fuck up” never an option for you?
I’m fairly certain that at least some of them are spoofs put on by some jackass who has rationalized themselves into thinking that spoof-trolling is clever or somehow performs a service by giving the regulars a foil against which to sharpen their claws.
As opposed to, you know, routinely derailing threads, trashing worthwhile discussion topics, and participating in the right-wing puke funnel instead of trying to marginalize and destroy it.
I know it’s a popular theory that some of them are DougJ spoofs, but I’d prefer to think otherwise–because if that’s the case, he’s a fucking idiot and a tool who’s degrading the blog, not improving it or being entertaining.
@Culture of Truth: “Who’s Roving Who?” was an album name from the 80’s, right? I forget the band.
Mike E
Ya live by the sword, ya die by the sword.
WTF. Junior Seau found dead. Not much in the way of details, yet.
Very sad. Only 43 years old. Apparently, self inflicted gunshot wound.
Egg Berry
@Catsy: besides which, haven’t all three of them been banned at least once, only to cleverly come back under another disguise like a pair of reading glasses?
I would think a front page poster would be above that.
Maybe if you stopped hating America you could join in the celebration, too.
@Brachiator: Knowing nothing about this, I bet his brain was severely degraded due to head trauma. I recently read a very sad article in Scientific American on an ex-NFLer who’s lost a great deal of functionality due to his playing days.
People, there is a HUGE difference between the Swift Boaters and the OBL shamers:
The Swift Boat attacks casted doubt on John Kerry’s central qualification to be president – that he acted heroically and selflessly in defense of his country.
The OBL Shamers, on the other hand, are casting doubt on Obama’s … campaign etiquette. They are not disputing that Obama actually did the deed; they are just questioning whether it’s mean and unfair for him to mention that during a campaign.
@redshirt: They’re reporting he shot himself in the chest, possibly to preserve his brain for study like Duerson did.
Hill Dweller
In other news, Politico and Drudge look worse than usual by falsely accusing Obama of being another James Frey for using ‘compression’ in Dreams From My Father.
It would have taken 5 minutes to read the introduction, where Obama clearly said some characters were composites.
Journalism: who needs it?
Culture of Truth
@Tractarian: Indeed, it’s very weak sauce. I was promised ghost peppers and Romney is serving watery gruel.
General Stuck
It is early to put too much stock into head to head polling for POTUS, but this number is jaw dropping, if for no other reason it is from Mormon heavy Nevada, and done by Rasmussen.
Apparently, noot quit. Anyone care ? Thought so.
Villago Delenda Est
@Clime Acts:
There is no proof that you are not a Pakled. On the other hand, circumstantial evidence would seem to indicate so.
I’ll bet you voted for that megalomaniac jackass Nader in 2000, didn’t you?
Ash Can
@dmsilev: It’s so funny how these mopes are all “suspending” their campaigns, so that they can keep collecting scratch from the poor slobs who are dumb enough to send it in. Lulz!
@Catsy: Hey, have you seen this? Makes you wonder if Lego should not wait for the inevitable and launch their own printer.
Clime Acts
Not willing to address the past lies the U.S. government has told; and explain your credulity in this case, I see.
David Koch
But even the liberal Arianna Huffington says the republicans are right
@General Stuck: More Latinos in Nevada than Mormons. That most of them are also underwater on their house and it was in Vegas that Mitt made his ‘let the process play out’ comment isn’t helping any.
Villago Delenda Est
Did he suspend the book tour, too?
Probably not. It was the main point of the campaign, after all…
@Catsy: Agree wholeheartedly. And haven’t you noticed there aren’t even “Osama sightings”, like Elvis sightings? That’s a real sign he’s really dead, when not even his true believers are expressing doubts.
Any other explanation makes no sense. He’s alive but too hurt to be presented? If Al-Quaeda could present him, they would, even if he was in a coma or a wheelchair-they could make him a martyr of sorts. Even if a visual was too hideous, they would produce an audio of sorts. The fact is they have acted as if they knew for certain he was dead.
He died naturally years ago? This would have been the time to present the grave and the proof that an innocent man was murdered instead. That too would have been a humiliation as well, implying incompetence at the least.
Captured, but hidden from the public? Why not try him publicly and clarify to those around the world his crimes? While he couldn’t be tried in the States, the Hague or a special place would be secure enough for a trial. And seeing him in the dock would be just as much a triumph as him being dead.
Tonal Crow
Football fans love, love, and love it when players spike the football. So please, Republicans, don’t stop telling us how bad it is for the President to do it to celebrate offing the most-wanted terrorist in American history. Also too, you haven’t been using the word “Bush” enough.
The Atlantic is reporting that a swiftboat campaign has already been started against Obama regarding the killing of Bin Laden…
The tactic credited with unraveling John Kerry’s presidential campaign is being re-tooled for President Obama.
On Tuesday night, Veterans for a Strong America, a political action group led by Joel Arends, a lawyer and veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, released an ad attacking Obama for exploiting the killing of Osama bin Laden. The powerful spot tugs at the heartstrings of supporters of American Special Forces units and looks in horror at any politician who might put himself above the selfless men of SEAL Team Six.
The ad also summons the memory of the 2004 Swift Boats Veterans for Truth ad campaign, which succeeded in casting doubt on Sen. Kerry’s chief selling point, his Vietnam war hero status. In this respect, the Veterans for a Strong America ad chips away at one of Obama’s signature stump lines: I killed bin Laden. In the ad, you’ll notice a series of frames proclaiming what “real heroes do” that leave the viewer left thinking: Is that what Obama did?
The ad then cuts over to the president’s announcement of the raid on May 1, 2011, splicing together every instance he refers to himself: “I can report … I directed Leon Panetta … I was briefed … I determined … at my direction … I called President Zardari … I, as commander-in-chief.” It then shifts over to the Obama campaign’s latest ad with former President Clinton emphasizing how bad a botched raid would’ve been for President Obama. “For Him”? asks the ad. What about for the SEALs?
It shouldn’t surprise anyone that this type of attack campaign was going to surface. The first signs of veteran angst concerning the raid came in a Daily Mail story Monday involving a handful of current and former Navy SEALs chastising the president for using the raid to score political points. That was followed up by a report by BuzzFeed’s Michael Hastings, who said he heard similar rumblings from current and former SEALs.
Of course, the thing about this ad—like the Swift Boat ad—is it’s nearly impossible to tell how much this sentiment is genuinely coming from the community it purports to represent. Yes, Swift Boats Veterans for Truth included some 200 Vietnam veterans, but the majority of the veterans had never even served with Kerry. What do we know about “Veterans for a Strong America”? Very little from FEC data at this point though its clear from the group’s website it has a somewhat inclusive mission to represent “veterans and veterans’ supporters as advocates in the public policy process.” One thing that’s clear from this advertisement, if more current and former SEALs decided to come out of the woodwork in opposition to Obama, it could do real damage to him.
Clime Acts
Then why no death pics to put the matter to rest?
Oh, I know: To spare our delicate sensibilities, natch.
Your a Botulist pea-brain.
Carry on.
I’ve said many times I’m perfectly willing to BELIEVE the official OBL death narrative, if and when some evidence is presented that’s not hearsay.
Your standards are obviously much lower, because your team is doing the obfuscating now.
Maybe if the polls are really close, Obama will release pics just before the election, in which case they better be photoshop-proof.
Mike E
@SatanicPanic: Persistent brain damage is the shame of the NFL, and the NHL cannot escape it either. Something’s gotta be done about it now, tho profits will somehow get in the way of anything happening soon.
ETA: this wasn’t a comment on Clime Acts btw
@Clime Acts:
You’re welcome:
Wait, let me guess — because you didn’t actually use the precise phrase “Trayvon’s mom is a grifter,” but instead used her as an example when saying “speaking of grifting,” that means that you didn’t really call her a grifter and we’re all lying liars when we quote your exact words back to you. Again.
Clime Acts
Your eagerness to reply belies this statement. You care because my questions touch a nerve and you know your man is vulnerable in these areas.
Hey, I’m just pushing from the Left. I at least am doing my job.
Egg Berry
@Clime Acts:
You obviously have no idea how photoshop works.
Villago Delenda Est
I don’t know. It would rival the Reagasm, but not sure it would top it. Certainly at the very least, a close second.
Culture of Truth
Real heroes don’t brag; they undermine their commander through anonymous quote to the media!
which really was an own goal on kerry’s part. clearly, not responding to the swiftboaters quickly and forcefully was bad, but making that the center of his campaign was pretty stupid.
then again, 2004 was a hard time to run against an incumbent.
Clime Acts
Wow. I knew you were a incurious Obot, but until now I had no idea that you were dumb as a doorstop. That is exactly what juries do every day, “fool.”
@Hill Dweller:
Obama vetting FAIL. We’ve already had a couple of those already this cycle, and that project, vital to the future of these great United States has another FAIL.
The didn’t have time to skim preface and intro, and the nation may be doomed because of it.
No wonder NObama cannot be vetted properly, the wingnuts are too sloppy and, shall we say, limited in certain capacities, to get the job done.
@celticdragonchick: The Swift Boat ads worked in large part because Kerry was the challenger and hence wasn’t really all that well known by the bulk of the population. Obama has been President for nearly 3.5 years at this point; most people have pretty well-defined opinions about him by now.
@Mike E: Yeah, it’s really diminished the joy in watching football knowing what it’s doing to the players. I don’t know how they fix it.
Clime Acts, I suspect the pictures are of such a kind that might identify “methods, sources, and people” involved. If that’s the case, I doubt they would be released for decades. Autopsy pictures would be pretty gruesome as well and also inflammatory.
In any case, people can reason from absence. What possible reason would Al Quaeda have for not trying to refute the story of his death if it was in doubt?
Clime Acts
Catsy patsy had a sad.
so cole, what is the level of stupidity you’re willing to put up with your pet trolls ?
Oh, Mickey, you’re an ass,
you’re an ass who’s got no class,
Hey Mickey! Hey Mickey!
What I’d love to hear from POTUS or one of his surrogates: “So, which is it? That I’m a braggart, or that I ‘apologize for America’?”
As others have pointed out, the epicness of the GOP freakout about this stems from the fact they’ve been able to rely on the CW of “We’re the party that gets national security” for the last 35 years. They spent an inordinate amount of time trying to pretend foreign policy’s harder and more complex than brain surgery during the ’08 campaign, insinuating that Obama’s not savvy enough to handle its intricacies and only the deeply schooled and experienced McCain could (never mind the pre-office inexperience of Bush in all matters foreign policy).
Rhetorically, they could get away with the cognitive dissonance between “foreign policy’s really hard and only our military-trained wonks get it” with the unbelievably simplistic actual foreign policy record of Bush (“You’re either with us or against us.”), because voters don’t connect those dots. But now that they’ve got a real live Democrat in office who’s actually succeeding on those matters, after 8 years of monumental fuckups, their upper hand on foreign affairs is being flushed down the toilet for a generation. So they’re desperately trying to shame Democrats into not pointing it out to everyone. That’s all there is to this.
Thanks. Finally. Can I also add to your point and say that I hate the knee-jerk, fearful reaction every time “Karl Rove” or “Swiftboat” is mentioned? The Swiftboat comparison doesn’t make any sense, but just the phrase is enough, apparently.
They’re selling fear. They want us crouched and waiting for the next blow. Just this once, let’s not buy it immediately.
@Clime Acts:
man, teh lolz just lol themselves sometimes.
@Clime Acts:
If you have any reliable evidence that the bin Laden takedown didn’t happen in the way it was reported at the time, let’s see it. Otherwise, you may want to STFU and do some damage control for your shredded credibility.
@Clime Acts:
clearly you’re a super-liberal, since you think the gubbermint lies about everything.
Villago Delenda Est
Well, perhaps they’re doing that to be ignored so idiots like Clime Acts can speculate that he wasn’t killed a year ago, but is either still alive, or died earlier.
Take your pick, the point is to do something, anything, to make the ni*CLANG* look bad.
General Stuck
Clime Acts Clime Acts Timmy Timmy TimmyClime Acts Clime Acts Timmy Timmy Timmy Clime Acts Clime Acts Timmy Timmy Timmy Clime Acts Clime Acts Timmy Timmy Timmy Clime Acts Clime Acts Timmy Timmy Timmy Clime Acts Clime Acts Timmy Timmy Timmy Clime Acts Clime Acts Timmy Timmy Timmy
There now, that about sums up this thread, like so many others these days.
I’m pretty sure that for Clime Acts, that ship sailed long ago.
Clime Acts
Maybe you should EMAIL him multiple times about it, hall monitor.
And while you’re at it, provide a list of the commenting rules I’ve violated, ok?
Note: “Disagrees with me and makes me haz a sad” doesn’t count.
Grow up, tender flower.
From what I understand, reality dictates that need to remind people that Obama found OBL, when the GOP not only did not, but started made whiny goofy excuses for not doing so.
And bitch slap politics dictates that it is important to remind people that Obama can indeed spike that football, when in reality, he has a reality based reason to do so.
@Kay: Agreed. I think it’s important to remember that unlike Kerry, Obama is a virtuoso when it comes to campaigning. He’s charismatic, engaging, likable. Even his attack ads have a positive message in them. That plays. Obama doesn’t really play defense on the campaign trail. The closest he did was set up a site to debunk smears.
He knows the game. So does his staff. Furthermore I think he took the measure of Karl Rove long ago. He’s no dummy. I believe he’s prepared.
ETA: Say what you will about his presidency, Obama is the best campaigner since Reagan, at least.
Clime Acts
@Egg Berry:
I use it almost every day. Will that do?
Ash Can
What about for the SEALs? It makes them look like they always have in this story, as the crack-team badasses who were rocking the direct orders of their commander-in-chief, which is exactly as it should be, and everyone came out smelling like a rose, John Hudson, you airheaded poseur. The people who aren’t smelling like a rose? These supposed SEALs who are going all crybaby about Obama being the CiC and issuing orders and the troops not getting top billing, ’cause you know, it’s all about them — although if anyone is going to shine the spotlight on them, it had better not be Obama, him being that, ahem, swarthy exotic non-American usurper and all; who does he think he is anyway.
Yeah, Hudson. This could do real damage to Obama. Especially if these embarrassingly pathetic shenanigans put him really, really far out into the briar patch.
Good lord, what a useless heap of concern-trollery.
Didn’t you know? The person presenting the extraordinary claim doesn’t have to provide any proof whatsoever of that claim. It’s up to the person disputing the claim to disprove it using whatever shifting definition of “evidence” the person making the extraordinary claim decides to accept. Otherwise, the extraordinary claim has to be accepted as God’s Own Truth.
I’ve been on this particular merry-go-round before.
from what i hear, romney’s really working hard to counter this. i hear he’s trying to bring in Seal Team Six as his running mate.
@rlrr: No joke, we were ready to run that asshole out of town on a rail until 9/11.
Egg Berry
@Clime Acts: Then explain how a photo can be “photoshop proof,” or would you have to kill me afterwards?
And “I use it almost everyday” doesn’t mean shit about how it works.
@Clime Acts: point proven. case closed.
Clime Acts
Of course, I never said “everything,” did I? The government has clearly lied about MANY, MANY things over the years. Plenty enough to give a reasonable person pause in believing further claims except when accompanied by evidence.
YOu disagree? Then you are a Republican.
Mike E
@SatanicPanic: Appropriately, my fave Iggle Brian Dawkins will have his #20 retired, the same uni worn by Andre Waters who played his position (more or less) and suffered Seau’s same tragic end. BDawk’s style no doubt shaved years off of his lifespan; I hope there will be resources for improvement to his life in later years
@Clime Acts: Yea, but people can still tell that that’s not your real dick.
Wowzers, this thread is woven from the freshest, stickiest trollpaper. Sane people: leave immediately because we’re about to release the soapy water!
Clime Acts
@General Stuck:
Oh Stucky, are you jealous?
Strange, given that you post in far more threads than do I?
Are you feeling threatened?
Silly me, I forgot.
@burnspbesq: I am trying to figure out if he thinks the Republicans bought into a conspiracy that makes Obama look good or if he thinks the Republicans were kept out of the loop and not a single one has gotten a whiff of scandal. And I am trying to figure out which option actually has the greater likelihood, but I am stuck since the odds for both is “no chance in hell”
Culture of Truth
@gaz: I agree. Even Republicans who have tried to undermine Obama start off by saying, “well sure he’s a great campaigner, but…”
well guess what time of year it is…
Clime Acts
@Egg Berry:
You are correct, even though your criticism is not in earnest.
It would have been more accurate for me to say something along the line of the photos had better be able to stand up against the inevitable accusations of tampering.
How’s that?
I also doubt that these are real SEALS. When you get into an secretive elite unit like this, you know that secrecy is your best friend and a guarantee of your family’s security. Folks don’t know who you are, so they can’t pick you off while going to work, for example. When fighting terrorist groups with long international links, this is essential.
Indeed, I suspect the selection process is designed to weed out butt-hurt showboaters of this sort. Your job is anonymous, your thanks come from the quiet respect of your peers, thanks from your superiors, and perhaps an occasional medal-and a job well done.
@Martin: I have not, but to be honest those swords are some pretty weak tea. :) I’ll take BrickArms anyday (disclosure: I’m a good friend of the proprietor and an admin on his forums), or even BrickForge if fantasy is more your thing. But there are close to half a dozen high-profile businesses producing aftermarket minifig accessories, and a number of smaller hobbyists as well. It’s a HUGE market right now, especially with the Lego CMF line in its 7th series.
My current project (business formed, web site under development; we go live in a few weeks) is hexagonal minifig stands so that tabletop gamers can use minifigs rather than painted miniatures on a 1″ hex map or any other battle surface.
@Ash Can:
Yeah, I am not sure that this “SEAL” campaign will have a lot of effect, but a commercial showing Obama thanking the people who went in on the raid (using the footage Stewart showed last night would be perfect) should deflect this bullshit charge that Oabama is making it all about him. It would remind people that it was accomplished on his watch while showing himn to be a gracious and effective CINC.
Mark S.
A self-effacing braggart, the worst kind.
BTW, I got subjected to a couple hours of Fox News last week, and I was informed that “Obama apologized for America” at least twenty times in every eight minute segment. It didn’t matter what the topic was. When it comes to getting their sheep to memorize talking points, no one does it better.
Southern Beale
I have NO clue what they are trying to do here. Lose an election, maybe? Are they stuck in that “if we repeat it often enough it will become so” loop?
Ditto with that stupid Karl Rove-funded “Obama’s too cool” ad. All they’re doing is reminding everyone that Obama is cool and they’re not.
General Stuck
@Clime Acts:
Taint true, gracie. But troll on to your own delight.
Clime Acts
Hmmm…but what if to expose Obama’s story as false the republicans would have to admit that OBL had been dead for years and the Bush/Cheney regime knew that and covered it up to feed war fever…?
Would that go over well?
Unlike you, I don’t claim to know all the answers. I do claim to know that it is very “fishy” that the most wanted man in the world was killed and dumped in the ocean just as quick as can be so Muslims wouldn’t haz a sad because of our burial techniques…or something.
It’s silly, and you know it.
Ash Can
And in other news, the wife of the NC pol who wrote the anti-gay-marriage Amendment 1 says he did it to help preserve the Caucasian race.
Clime Acts
@General Stuck:
Stuck…now you’re in denial.
I’ll skip commenting in six, seven, eight threads, but almost every time I read through one YOU are there.
It’s ok to admit your have a problem. There’s help out there.
Egg Berry
@Clime Acts:
What the fuck does that mean? I was correct. Full stop.
Secondly, having been around the Internets since at least the kerning wars of Bush’s TANG records, I can confidently say that no photograph in this day and age would satisfy right-wing assholes who want to craft a conspiracy. Witness, for instance, the moon landing. Or are you going to tell us that was a fake too?
@Mark S.:
My mother has told me this time and time again that Obama went on an apology tour. When I told her that I could find no proof of it in any actual news article or source…she responded that she does not trust the “liberal MSM” and they don’t report the truth.
And there you have the perfect, self contained bubble.
And yes, my folks have Fox News on all day and they are in their 70’s.
@Clime Acts:
yes, cause clearly nothing defines conservatism like ‘believing what the gubbermint says’.
clearly, you are a super-liberal, and not a GOP plant.
David Koch
the Village has always been disconnect with reality.
so it’s no surprise that they misunderstand the swift boating.
the swift boaters falsely accused Kerry of lying about his record and distorted Kerry’s vietnam protests.
none of those elements, lying and protests, are here. if anything, it’s mittens who has been lying about his multiple cowardly statements saying he wouldn’t go into Pakistan to capture bin laden.
keep fucking this chicken. it allows us to remind people that mittens is weak, a draft dodger, and a liar.
@Ash Can:
I’m posting this one at LGF. Charles loathes VDARE racists like this with a passion. I’ll mention I got it from you.
Mark S.
Yeah, my parents came to visit last week.
Clime Acts
@Egg Berry:
Who’s worried about satisfying those freaks anyway? The photographs only need to stand up to reasonable inquiry, and convince the majority of the American public.
And we know that is not hard to do.
There is far too great an obsession at BJ with what the far right freaks are saying, as if you’re ever going to change that.
it allows us to remind people that mittens is weak, a draft dodger, and a liar.
“Obama dodged the draft by choosing to be born in 1961.”
— Fox “News”
@Culture of Truth: So when I’ve been saying Romney will win the Nom, and lose the general – that latter bit is mostly because of this.
Of course there’s that old adage in politics: It’s the economy stupid! (Personally I think it’s the TURNOUT stupid!), but it doesn’t matter because:
When Obama stumps, it’s a net win for the Obama campaign.
When Romney stumps, it’s a net loss for the Romney campaign.
Ergo, if anyone is capable of making this election NOT ABOUT THE ECONOMY, it’s one Willard Mitt Romney. Go Willard! Go!
And if Romney is successful at that, Obama wins.
Just watch… =)
/grabs popcorn
@Clime Acts:
i think the venusians did in bin laden back in ’99 and the guy what did 9/11 is actually an alien transvestite robot from the galaxy of andromeda. he has obama under his control, what with his beams and all.
Mine, too.
not motorik
Probably unpopular, but I think Stewart has been pretty terrible lately. His increasingly common “both sides are bad” pre-election credibility drive is not watchable.
Clime Acts
Like you, the “conservatives” believe what the government says when THEIR liars are in power.
You believe the government now because YOUR liars are in power.
Me, I like to see evidence regardless of WHO is in power.
You know it’s instructive: Back when Bush was lying about WMDs and I was shrieking to anyone that would listen that he was lying, I took the same kind of abuse I’m getting on this thread.
Bots are just like Bushies in that regard.
Ash Can
@celticdragonchick: I’m a lurker there and thoroughly enjoy his site. One of these days I’ll sign up there and start
lipping offposting comments.chopper
romney, in a smug and smarmy example of true, utter douchiness is probably going to pick ‘NO APOLOGIES’ as his campaign slogan going in to the general. i don’t apologize for being a rich douchebag who treats everyone like the help, and i won’t apologize for america like the kenyan usurper!
David Koch
I’m watching CNN and what did they talk about during the first 20 minutes: obama’s dangerous flight to a war zone and mitten’s swiss bank accounts.
as charlie sheen would say, “winnnning”.
But what makes you think Al Queda would hold the secret? If Osama was dead for years, the revelation would have humiliated both Obama and Bush in a single blow.
What makes you think his wives would hold the secret? If the man who was shot in that room was someone else, wouldn’t they reveal that, and gain their freedom that way, and have a cause of action against the United States?
The arrangements make no sense if he wasn’t bin laden-the tarp, the wall on the second story with no line of sight-the couriers doing all the errands. If the man wasn’t bin Laden, he could have lived a normal life with normal housing. He wouldn’t have needed 10 computers. He could have had a telephone. The stuff on the computers would have been harmless stuff like any other household. So what is it?
@Clime Acts:
please do go on, self-described super liberal who’s clearly more liberal than anyone else.
are the moon men involved? i knew it was them. even when it wasn’t them, i knew it was them.
@not motorik:
I agree. I still like it when he interviews wingnut sociopaths though, as he has a knack for being able to tease complete sentences out of them.
I expect a satire show to point out anything stupid, regardless of party – but Jon has been hitting the false-equivalence bottle pretty hard.
Apparently several Republican Congresscritters, including Sen. John McCain, have viewed the official photos of bin Laden’s corpse, so the claim clearly can’t be that the Republicans were kept out of the loop. They have to be in on the conspiracy.
Obviously, the logical, rational answer is that the White House, the US Navy, the government of Pakistan, al-Qaeda, random tweeters in Abbottabad, and the Republican Party are all conspiring together to conceal the fact that Bin Laden wasn’t really killed by US Navy SEALs on May 2, 2011. I mean, believing something just because all of the evidence points that way is, like, craaaazy, man.
@Clime Acts: In that scenario, you need me to believe that either the Bush administration successfully hid this from Democrats or that the Democrats went along with it. Both of those possibilities are as unlikely as the first two I mentioned.
Amir Khalid
@Clime Acts:
i’m imagining you’re the sort of dude who if you met the president would spend the entire conversation trying to trick the dude into saying his name backwards.
@Mnemosyne: Look at the soil around Des Moines, Stuart. You can’t build on it, you
can’t grow anything in it. The government says it’s due to poor farming.
But I know what’s really going on…
Logic, evidence and rationality don’t work on Clime Acts. He will not be happy until the government releases the Bin Laden photos so he can immediately declare them obvious fakes.
It’s interesting that our most persistent local troll has so clearly revealed that he’s a Republican pretending to be a liberal.
People should keep this in mind when responding to hand-wringing about Obama – that the claimed sincere concern actually isn’t.
@Ash Can:
I have it posted now. Thanks.
@Ash Can:
I have it posted now. Thanks.
@Mnemosyne: I agree he won’t be convinced either way. Even if his wives gave an interview saying he was dead, he still wouldn’t believe there wasn’t some sort of conspiracy. He’s at the other end of the 9/11 conspiracy theorists who believe Osama had nothing to do with it, the government did it.
This is a perpetual problem with some elements of the left: any adversary of America is automatically more creditable than the Government, despite their personal flaws or motivations. He would assume a good faith with them before ever admitting any Democratic President was right. This has been going on since Johnson and Vietnam, and is a symptom of the same.
May be why Romney picked the misogynist gay-marrier in the first place. No 1st or 2nd string to draw from. It’ll be interesting to see how long it takes for Rmoney to find a new foreign policy spox.
@RalfW: Maybe he’ll finally get around to choosing some advisers that don’t think we’re still fighting the Cold War
but I doubt it.
@CarolDuhart2: I meant to add it to one of my previous comments, but it fits here too.
I am not naive enough to believe that the government is going to tell me the truth at all times, but I am also not naive enough to believe they could maintain a conspiracy of this magnitude for this long without a single leak. This is why Climae Acts initial list of eaxmples was so ridiculous. Sure, the government lied about WMD in Iraq and Pat Tillman’s death, but those lies also fell apart pretty quickly as credible contrary information was discovered and presented to the public.
Clime Acts
Could you lay out the details for me? Not really following that…
…consider for a moment how instructive this is for me: I have never, in almost 36 years of voting, ever pulled the lever for a republican. Yet here on a supposedly progressive blog I am being accused of being a republican…because I ask uncomfortable questions and disturb the sanctity of the O-Chamber or something.
Because Bots confuse being a Democrat/Progressive/Liberal with being a blind Obama supporter.
You guys are a joke.
@Clime Acts:
It’s not about teams, you moronic troll. It’s about using your brain. Try doing it. You can start by looking up “Occam’s Razor”.
Not that you’re actually arguing in good faith, because you’re a worthless fucking troll with zero credibility and everyone here knows it. But for the sake of anyone reading this who might actually be persuaded by your steaming pile of horseshit, I’ll simply quote someone else who’s put it more succinctly.
Your turn, troll. You’ve spent all this time demanding we explain why we believe the official story and present evidence in support of it. We’ve done so exhaustively. Now you refute that and justify your grounds for thinking this is a giant conspiracy. You explain the rational basis for believing that all of these disparate actors–including avowed foreign enemies of the United States–are cooperating to support the official story.
Hint: “the government lies about stuff!” is not a persuasive counter-argument.
250 comments and you guys still haven’t proven that bin Laden is dead.
Sentient Puddle
While I think the most appropriate way to deal with Clime Acts would be to try and get him to subscribe to some other ridiculous conspiracy theory (like the moon landings were faked), I think it’s worth it to step back and be serious for a second.
I get the sense that a lot of people who are demanding to see the photos have some preconceived notion of what such an image would look like, and would blithely click the link to look at the photos. At that point, they’d probably toss their cookies because they just learned that gunshot wounds to the head aren’t as pretty as Hollywood makes them out to be (link is TV Tropes and thus safe, you can do further exploration on the subject at your discretion). And of course, all accounts of bin Laden’s death say that he’s no exception.
There are certainly other reasons why the administration decided to withhold the photographs, but in my estimation, this is the one that strikes me most: People who think they’re properly desensitized finding out the hard way that they really aren’t.
@Catsy: I figure it’s just a matter of (short) time before the 3D printers get to turning out high quality stuff.
The hex stands is a clever idea. I hope that takes off for you.
@Clime Acts:
Fix’d. Based on this post from the other day, I’m starting to suspect you’re a sock puppet of James Taranto’s.
Clime Acts
Could you please link me to evidence that the U.S. government on any level has admitted that it lied about WMDs during the Bush administration?
Could you link me to any evidence that the Obama administration is holding anyone in the Bush administration responsible for those lies?
Could you link me to where the government has admitted it LIED about Tilman, and admitted that he was fragged as the evidence overwhelmingly indicates? Relatedly, could you link me to any evidence that the alleged fraggers have been arrested and tried?
My point being that even when the stories fall apart the accountability is very selective.
Meanwhile, Bradley Manning rots in jail for his unspeakable crimes against the universe. Naturally, you’re OK with that because a Dem is in the WH.
Yes they have. Now you prove he’s not.
Clime Acts
@Sentient Puddle:
In other words, Obama is protecting our delicate sensibilities. Please…I’m perfectly happy to toss my cookies for verification of OBL’s death.
As you likely know, the Intertrons are full of disgusting pics, including JFK’s blown up head on the autopsy table.
Pretty sure we can handle OBL’s splattered brains.
Yes they have. Now you prove he’s not.
Clime Acts
@Sentient Puddle:
In other words, Obama is protecting our delicate sensibilities. Please…I’m perfectly happy to toss my cookies for verification of OBL’s death.
As you likely know, the Intertrons are full of disgusting pics, including JFK’s blown up head on the autopsy table.
Pretty sure we can handle OBL’s splattered brains.
Yes they have. Now you prove he’s not.
Yes they have. Now you prove he’s not.
@Clime Acts:
Clime Acts is the liberalest, progressivist, most democratic human being I’ve ever known in my life.
Clime Acts
@Sentient Puddle:
In other words, Obama is protecting our delicate sensibilities. Please…I’m perfectly happy to toss my cookies for verification of OBL’s death.
As you likely know, the Intertrons are full of disgusting pics, including JFK’s blown up head on the autopsy table.
Pretty sure we can handle OBL’s splattered brains.
Clime Acts
@Sentient Puddle:
In other words, Obama is protecting our delicate sensibilities. Please…I’m perfectly happy to toss my cookies for verification of OBL’s death.
As you likely know, the Intertrons are full of disgusting pics, including JFK’s blown up head on the autopsy table.
Pretty sure we can handle OBL’s splattered brains.
Clime Acts
naturally, you fucked up the quote you pretneded to pull.
So when MattR says that the lies fell apart, our resident troll doesn’t even try to PRETEND he’s not moving the goal posts. Apparently those goal posts are now somewhere in the neighborhood of:
The US Government did not admit that it lied about the WMDs or Tillman, ergo they didn’t really kill OBL either, even though everyone that was even remotely involved seems to think otherwise.
James K Polk, Esq.
Re: Bin-Laden’s death
Well, there you go.
But he may be affiliated with the government, so he’s probably lying. Or something.
@celticdragonchick: I, too, struggle to break through that epistemic closure with family members of the preceding generation. There’s just such a huge disconnect with reality, and so many pat little responses and shorthand, it’s just impossible to pull them out of their fantasyland of everflowing resentment-flavored catnip.
@Clime Acts:
Dude, the government does not exist to satisfy your taste for snuff porn. Go buy it on the internet like the rest of the sickos.
@Clime Acts:
Your point has nothing to do with the issue that you brought up; that the Obama administration (in cooperation with the Bush Administration and Al-Qaeda) has participated in a massive campaign of deception and obfuscation against the public for personal political gain at the expense of… their own co-conspirators.
That your point has nothing to do with the discussion you started is because your point is stupid, and so are you. The only option you have to maintain your sense of smug self-satisfaction is to continually move the goalposts of the discussion and hope that no one notices.
Clime Acts
Christ your Botulism has fried your brain.
Then let’s go back to the original goal post, which is where it always was: Show me the photos and explain the bizarre alleged quickie burial at sea.
@Clime Acts:
Still waiting, troll. Explain why you think the set of circumstances in the first blockquote–which are required in order to believe that the Obama admin is lying about OBL’s death–are more plausible than the face value story.
You can’t and won’t, because you’re full of shit and not arguing in good faith. This is for the benefit of anyone who might be reading and tempted to buy into your ludicrous horseshit.
@Clime Acts:
you really are a spoof.
@Clime Acts: Burial at sea isn’t bizarre as you might think. First of all, where could he have been buried? Saudi Arabia didn’t want him. September 11th killed people from several nations-and none of them would have wanted him buried on their soil. Pakistan was out, Afghanistan was out. Bringing him back to the United States would have been pretty thorny-no place would have wanted his body and would have violated the 24 hour rule.
And again, what about his wives? If there was any doubt he was dead, why wouldn’t his wives say so? They are no longer in custody in Pakistan, and could issue a statement otherwise.
Clime Acts
cause we all know misspellings don’t happen on blog comment sections
eye roll
@gaz: Was out getting some medical tests done, but that is pretty much what went through my head as I read Clime Acts repsonse to me.
Clime Acts
Oh Catsy, sweetie, do fuck off.
Your hysteria is embarrassing. You are a blind partisan. Your frothing name calling and insults, entirely unnecessary if you really believed your position was valid, tell the tale.
YOU have not explained why Obama hasn’t released photographs; the most convincing form of evidence.
As I’ve said ad nauseum: It is Obama’s obligation to prove his assertion; not mine to prove its negative.
I’ve also said I’m fine either way, but I won’t accept U.S. government statements at face value, JUST BECAUSE OBAMA FUCKING SAYS SO.
You’re a blind partisan, so you’re cool with that. I’m not.
Oh and do remember to fuck off and take your meds.
Clime Acts
You blind, stupid bastard.
Yes, I have finally resorted to name calling in kind. There really is no alternative.
I have never said I have PROOF that OBL wasn’t killed, just that I do not believe the current story on presented evidence, and I have presented an alternate theory of what may have happened.
Why would that cause the resulting foaming at the mouth other than from hyper partisans who care more about Obama the man and less about the United States the country, which is a known liar?
You don’t argue in good faith, like most Bots.
@Clime Acts:
What about the fact that Obama said so, McCain said so, the military said so, Bin Laden’s wives said so, Al_Qaeda’s remaining leadership said so? (I’m sure I’m missing a few others)
@Clime Acts:
You keep ignoring the fact that while the US Government lies, it is unable to keep the lie a secret for long. Evidence comes out to contradict the official government story, even if the government refuses to acknowledge it. In the case of OBL, no contrary evidence has ever come out which makes it more likely that the government is not lying in this case.
There are several plausible reasons for no photos:
1) The photos may reveal identities of the Seals, their methods and practices. If that’s the case, better to wait until they are safely retired and out of immediate harm’s way. By then methods and practices have changed, and Al Queda may be just a memory.
2) There may be legal actions or claims that could be pending or possible. The photos may be evidence of some sort.
3) The sensibilities of his family. Whatever the beef was with Osama, he had young children- releasing the pictures would only traumatize them. Once his children are old enough to request them, and they could see them privately, then a public release may be possible.
4) Inflammatory to the Middle East in general. Wait a while, say a decade, and when things cool down in Pakistan and elsewhere, then quietly dump them into the National Archives for scholars to study and then release with permission in a controlled-and controllable-dump.
To sum it up: he’s dead-and will remain so. There’s no rush to release pictures. In five or ten years (or even twenty), he’ll still be dead, but passions would have cooled somewhat, and they will be received the way the Kennedy autopsy phots were received-with just scholarly and personal interest.
@Clime Acts:
There are reasonable explanations for the burial at sea, the primary being that it mitigates the martyr fantasies of current and would-be militants. There are also reasonable explanations for not releasing the photos. The fact that you do not like them does not mean that they aren’t reasonable.
There are not reasonable explanations for the scenario you allege.
Why would the Obama administration continue a Bush-era lie that was crafted to gain political capital for Bush? To stage the killing of Bin Laden for their own political gain? Just as much, if not more, political capital would have been won by exposing the deception. Such a revelation would have utterly destroyed the Republican party’s credibility on national security issues.
Why would Al-Qaeda go along with the story of his killing? They were releasing videos of OBL for years in order to cement into the minds of their audience that OBL and Al-Qaeda evaded American reprisals. That they hurt the United States and got away with it (and so can you!). If those videos were produced before his death, then there is no reason why they would not cease releasing them after the Obama claimed that he was killed on his order. In fact, continually releasing them would only further undermine the credibility of the United States.
Nothing you post substantiates this paranoid conspiracy theory. “The government lies all the time!” is not substantiation. The failure of the Bush administration to admit to its own errors in judgement is not substantiation. The decision of the Obama administration not to “hold responsible” the Bush administration (whatever that means) is not substantiation.
One could point to the Congressional hearings and reports on WMD and Tillman, or the reports by independent investigators on these same issues, as evidence of the Bush administration’s errors being brought to light. But all that would do is further serve the pathetic smokescreen you’re employing to hide the fact that you’re a fucking moron.
Now that people are seriously trying to reason with a crazy conspiracy theorist, I think this thread can safely be written off as a complete fail. Why don’t you guys go debate with some birthers or truthers while you’re at it? It would be equally productive.
Because when someone acts like a fucking moron, they should be called a fucking moron. In a mocking and condescending tone, so that any would-be fucking morons might be disinclined from participating.
I think the debate is healthy. It’s like the anti-birther sites I visit: while the birthers themselves are deluded, there are a lot of people who haven’t really thought about this but who may buy into a facet or two, or question the story due to birther ranting. If what we’ve written helps put those folks minds at ease, it’s pretty useful.
@Clime Acts:
I never asserted that. I KNOW you don’t have proof that OBL wasn’t killed. As do we all.
Where your whole little conspiracy falls apart is that you simply cannot present an alternate theory that is anywhere near as plausible as the events on which every other party agrees (including parties hostile to each other).
Not that this hasn’t been pointed out to you already. And not that you won’t immediately dismiss it, and hurl a few more idiotic insults in your defense. You are after all, a crank. Anyway, whatever. Trolls gotta troll, amirite?
While I do appreciate your revealing attempt at being sexist and condescending to someone you think is female, I need to point out that I’m an outie, not an innie.
Those irrational, hysteric women! Oh, wait.
You’re not interested in good faith discussion, troll, and you adamantly ignore any point which undermines your argument. My words aren’t for your benefit, troll. You’re beyond reaching. They’re for the benefit of anyone who hasn’t spent enough time here to be aware of what a worthless, mendacious troll you are and might make the mistake of taking your horseshit seriously.
Nor does anyone here have to, because it’s completely irrelevant to any sane person’s reasons for believing that OBL is dead and that the Obama admin was telling the truth about killing him. A photograph of a dead body is not the sole metric for evaluating whether or not a person is dead or the official story is credible.
YOU have yet to explain why al Qaeda and Pakistan–neither any friends of ours–would cooperate in supporting such a conspiracy by confirming his death and the assault, respectively. Nor can you. In fact, you’ve studiously ignored every single instance where someone has pointed out to you that this doesn’t add up, precisely because you can’t refute the point.
And, this.
You can’t.
You can’t, and you know it–and so does every single person here who is capable of reading the English language and has two brain cells to rub together.
Which is why you ignore the point every single time and refuse to answer it.
@Clime Acts:
oh, but accidental misquotes do! naturally, you’re a fucking moron.
Clime Acts
No, douche. You took out entire words from a quote which you could have copied and pasted. That’s the problem.
@Sly: But you didn’t call him a fucking moron. Instead you chose to spend your time laying out lengthy, rational arguments, and I have to ask who you believe to be the audience for those arguments.
@Clime Acts:
Except, of course, it’s not just that Obama said so.
It’s because the US Navy said so.
It’s because the government of Pakistan said so.
It’s because al-Qaeda said so.
It’s because members of Congress who saw the pictures said so.
I don’t know why you keep pretending that Obama made his announcement and everyone just said, “Well, okay, if the president says something happened, we’ll just go along with it.”
Actually, I do know why you keep trying to pretend that the only person to have any knowledge of Osama’s death is President Obama — because you realize that you sound utterly fucking nuts insisting that al-Qaeda actively is conspiring with the president, the US Navy, and members of Congress to conceal the truth.
Clime Acts
Catsy Patsy Puddin’ Pie:
I don’t know why you think I thought you were a woman. That seems to be YOUR issue.
I also don’t know why, since I have NO point and NO credibility, you keep flapping your keyboard uvula my way in response. OH…that’s right, I forgot: for the benefit of all mankind that may read this blog now or in the future.
Twentieth time: O admin is the one asserting a story, they are the ones under a burden to prove its veracity. They could do so most credibly by releasing photos. Everyone here knows it. Which is why they released photos of the Hussein boys in various states of gory death.
But for some reason they haven’t done that in this case. None of the offered excuses seem credible to me. So I continue as a skeptic, while you suck the Obama teat.
Let’s be content to leave it at that, or do you have further spittle flecked ravings to share in response?
Clime Acts
Why won’t they release the photos of this obviously accomplished feat?
Why the Hussein boys and not OBL? A precedent was set.
IOW: troll doesn’t matter to Obama. Big surprise.
The downsides include (but certainly not limited to) a risk of creating a rallying point around Osama, which is counter to our national interests.
The upside is .. appeasing Clime Acts.
Frankly, I’m with Obama on this one. The question of OBL’s death is in as much serious dispute as the location of Obama’s birth.
Clime Acts
Your additional “evidence” is just more Obama sycophants saying things…proves nothing.
If it’s not in serious dispute, why are you still down here deep in the entrails of this thread, arguing against me?
Because I like watching you spew the crazy. And it tends to keep you off the other threads. We here at BJ call it ‘tard wrangling. I even listen to the Dead Milkmen while engaging with you. It’s fitting.
My “evidence” was in direct response to your endlessly repeated question as to why the WH did not release the photo. It wasn’t evidence of anything. I was quoting the WH statement on it. You seem to have a problem discerning “evidence” from statements. That might be why you are in this mess in the first place.
So you don’t like the reasons given. Who cares? The fact that you do not like the reasons does NOTHING to bolster your stupid conspiracy. The fact that some individual or agency has been known to lie does not in fact make the case that they are lying this time, especially absent a SHRED of evidence (circumstantial or otherwise) or even compelling motive to do so that is not directly contradicted by the known facts.
The bottom line is this:
You still have got ABSOLUTELY nothing to bolster your claim of Obama lying about the death of OBL. Nothing. You’ve offered conjecture. Implausible conjecture. Conspiracy nonsense. You seem to think that it’s everybody else’s responsibility to disprove your outlandish crazy assertion that ABSOLUTELY NOBODY puts any stock in other than you. That’s beyond ridiculous. It’s just pants-on-head retarded.
Rational responses to this fucking moron don’t exactly require heavy amounts of time to invest. Especially when all the fucking moron does is introduce into the argument as many red herrings as possible to distract those who don’t buy his bullshit.
Clime Acts
Have you convinced yourself yet? Keep raving and you just might.
Back to question one: Why not release the photos and prove it once and for all? Worked for the Hussein boys, why not OBL?
In case you didn’t know…commenters can go back and forth between threads.
Chyron HR
Wow, Tim’s spent seven hours here throwing fits about the Osama Conspiracy (and making bizarre comments about people’s sexual organs)?
Call me “incredulous” if you must, but his earlier claim that he’s 54+ years old seems hilariously unlikely.
Clime Acts
Yes, I’m one of the 15%; once of the country’s “fucking morons” who said GWB was lying about WMDs before the Iraq War, and right wing partisan wackos called us names then.
Now you’re a partisan right of center wacko doing the same thing. Yawn.
Quite an emotional investment you’ve made in your team.
Clime Acts
@Chyron HR:
Did you know you can go back and forth from being on the Intertrons to doing other things?
Really, you can. Especially if you work from a home studio like I do.
Is that ok with you?
Also: It’s cute that you checked the time stamps on my comments. And also kind of sad…
troll just wet himself.
he’s re-pasting his original posts now as though the thread never happened.
I wonder how many times we’ll end up rebooting the troll today.
Clime Acts
Maybe that’s because no one has given a credible answer: Why the Hussein boys and not OBL?
Pretending you belong to a tribe here is really important to you, isn’t it? Hence your frequent use of “we” and your constant reference to “trolls” as a marginalization technique.
Odd that you don’t trust your clansmen to simply see the worthlessness of my arguments and leave it at that.
@Clime Acts: And yet another reply from the tin foil troll that completely and totally ignores the facts that shred the premise of what passes for an argument in its skull. Note the absolute lack of acknowledgement, once again, that anyone wrote so much as a single word calling out the ways in which its insane conspiracy theory do not comport with reality.
If it had an rebuttal it’d make it. Instead it just pukes up the same garbage that has already been shot down countless times in this thread, and focuses like a laser beam solely on the completely irrelevant demand to produce photos because it knows that nobody here is in a position to produce those photos despite the reams of other evidence. Not once–not one single time, not ever–has the worthless troll bothered to even try to respond to the fact that everyone from al Qaeda to the Pakistani government to bin Laden’s own wives agree that we killed OBL. It’s hilarious watching it squirm around that.
QED. It pretty much beclowns itself.
Time for me to bail and go spend time with the family. It’s been fun humiliating the troll, but now it’s just repeating itself because it knows full well that it can’t afford to acknowledge the existence of any arguments it can’t refute.
Different administration. Bush didn’t exactly give a fuck about protecting american soldiers.
Clime Acts
Again repeating, since you have no answer: Why the Hussein boys and not OBL?
The idea that the government doesn’t owe its citizens complete disclosure and verifiable evidence is ridiculous. You would have made a great Soviet era Russian.
You don’t have a family. Please.
LOL, you fucking idiot. I can use we on this thread. We means everyone on the thread other than YOU. Nobody here believes your bullshit. Nobody anywhere believes this shit from you. Probably a good reason for that.
You marginalize yourself, crybaby. You have a well earned reputation for trolling this board. Now you wanna whine about marginalization? /plays world’s smallest violin.
Suck it up. You’re just another victim, kid.
Clime Acts
Same government, same country.
Obama should be setting himself to a higher standard than Bush. Instead we get “because we said so.”
WMDs = OBL without photos
Your tinfoil hat needs adjusting.
Go ahead and have the last word. I could use one final laugh before I exit the thread.
@Clime Acts:
Red herring. Substantiate your claim or sit down.
Projection. Substantiate your claim or sit down.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Don’t feed the troll, just ridicule it. It loses the ability to divert the conversation and besides, it’s just plain fun. Engaging you to divert your attention is what this goatherd is all about.
Don’t let him get your goat, get his. :)
Clime Acts
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
You should get out more.
I’m a commenter on a blog, as are you.
No one EVER has to reply to anyone they don’t choose to.
Which is why the weak ass “troll” thing is so utterly stupid.
A Humble Lurker
If y’all ever want the troll to go away, just ask why Mnemosyne’s analogy about catching his underage daughter getting violated and walking on by as being the same as seeing the same happen to an unrelated young boy and treating it the same. He said the analogy was inapt. I asked how. He said he’d answer me. Since then, ever since I’ve asked about it, he’s shut up.
I really wish in response to him everyone would just ask “How was Mnemosyne’s analogy inapt?”. He’d be gone within five minutes.
@Clime Acts:
Obama released photos of the Hussein boys in 2003? Really? Do you have a link to when Obama did that? I’d love to see it.
And you wonder why we all assume you’re a right-winger. You have that same fascinating habit they do of “accidentally” forgetting who was president from 2000 to 2008 and attributing every presidential action between those years to Obama.
Because there’s no need. The only people who think there’s any doubt are utterly crazy fuckers like you who would immediately cry “fraud” anyway, so what’s the point?
@A Humble Lurker: Ben there, done that. I have his quote link bookmarked. You are assuming the troll can feel shame. That’s a dangerous assumption, friend. chances are he was busy downloading childpr0n on IRC and didn’t bother replying to you before.
Clime Acts
@A Humble Lurker:
Incorrect. I would ignore them as I ignore you.
Why is it important I go away? Do my questions make you uncomfortable? Do they threaten your little playground here where you feel important and a sense of belonging your likely lack in meat space?
My boys say hi.
Clime Acts
I don’t need pron, silly goose. I have the real thing right here.
All the kids say hi to you too.
Clime Acts
The point is to prove the veracity of their claim that he’s dead. But you know that.
Maybe he is…I haven’t see any proof. neither have you, but you’re a credulous obot moron so you take it at face value.
Millions and millions and millions of people take the official OBL story with a grain of salt. That’s all. A grain of salt…too bad you’re too little a good citizen and too much a hero worshiper tribal bot to do the same.
You really should be ashamed of yourself.
I push from the Left. You worship from the center right.
@Mnemosyne: Remember Mnen: only Special Timmeh knows DA TROOF!! He is the only human brilliant enough to see through all the lies and only HE can see the tapestry of the conspiracy fully. We’re all just dull-witted Obots to his TROOF!!
I could have sworn there was something on The Caucus that mentioned that Obama is doing nothing more in talking about his national security record than Bush was doing in 2004. But I can’t find it now. “I am a good war president” may be an unseemly appeal to patriotism if you don’t believe in the war. But it’s not partisan per se. And the NYT will not take the extra step and openly mock Republicans for making a big deal out of it.
(Today EW made a complete
hasheager speculative assertion of a post about the takeover of Wachovia. Treasury may have known about Wachovia’s money laundering activity, but Treasury had nothing to do with either the Citi offer or the Wells Fargo offer unless they made the suspicious change in the tax code. GEITHNER was cajoling Bair to help guarantee some of Citi’s losses, but he was at the New York Fed at the time. That is in Too Big To Fail, too. But the money laundering part was interesting. So I said, “No, John,” and got alarmed that this having my life back is going slower than I thought.)Clime Acts
Yutsie, you dear sweet waste of semi human flesh, you’re lying again as per usual.
I’ve said time and again I do NOT know what the truth is; I only have theories. But I DO know that the U.S. government has no credibility whereby its claims are to be taken at face value.
If you were a good citizen, and not simply an Obama fellator, you would agree.
Holy christ, this idiot managed to sustain the trolling for 320 posts? I’m impressed. That might be some kind of record.
eta: shit, 322. The troll is still rolling IN REAL TIME.
@isildur: Trolls will always insist on the last word. Even in long-dead threads. And Special Timmeh ALWAYS has to have that last word, because, winning, or something.
@Clime Acts:
Imagine, if you are able (which I doubt) what it means to push something “from the left” and you might garner some general clue as to the direction of that object’s resultant movement.
Hint: It ain’t moving in the direction you think, moron.
At least Republicans ratfuck on purpose.
Theories follow from observable facts. Substantiate your claim or shut your stupid fucking mouth and go back to InfoWars where you belong.
You are on to more truth than you realize here. However knowing your posting history I may be speaking in haste.
Clime Acts
Yes, while YOU are posting in real time as well. :P
Any time Republicans are reminded of the FAILINGS of the Bush Administration is a good time– and John Stewart always brings a good time. Yes, it’s true that George W. Bush was President, and yes, he was the worst one ever.
Please keep bringing this up whenever possible, to remind those with a short attention span.
@Clime Acts:
That’s right — only a credulous idiot would believe West Point when they release 6,000 pages of documents that they say were brought from Bin Laden’s compound after the raid.
I mean, obviously every one of those documents is a forgery and everyone working at the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point has to be added to the list of conspirators who are all working together to pretend that Bin Laden is dead. There’s no possible alternative explanation to why the US government would not only claim to have documents retrieved from Bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan, but would also release those documents after analyzing them. It’s all so clear if you’re not a naive Obot.
Clime Acts
“only a credulous idiot would believe West Point when they release 6,000 pages of documents that they say were brought from Bin Laden’s compound after the raid.”
Cause we all know documents are never faked, especially by the u.s. government.
You really don’t know the meaning of demanding transparency and full disclosure from our government, do you?
You’re the type of easily bamboozled citizen the Founding Fathers were always warning us not to be. Shame.
Why no photos?
@Clime Acts:
So let’s go over the list of your conspirators in this situation, shall we? They include:
The White House, including every person in this picture
The US Navy
The government of Pakistan
Random tweeters in Pakistan
The Taliban
West Point
Republican members of Congress, including John McCain
Democratic members of Congress, including Dianne Feinstein
So your story is that it’s far, far more rational to believe that all of the above people and organizations are conspiring together to fake the death of Bin Laden and have produced reams of documents, photographs, and even planted a fake crashed helicopter, than it is to believe that Bin Laden is dead.
I won’t ask your opinion on the Apollo moon landing, because I’m pretty sure I know what your answer to that one will be, too. After all, all we have of that are photographs, video, personal testimonies, and alleged spacecraft, so clearly there’s no evidence out there that we ever actually landed on the moon.
Clime Acts
All of that…”evidence,” and yet no photos of the body of the alleged target of the entire operation, dead as a doornail.
Wonder why that would be?
For 41 years, the U.S. government managed to conceal that the Gulf of Tonkin resolution was based on a non existent sea battle. Given all the people involved, and the REEEEEAAAAMMMMMMSSSSSS (you are very impressed by pieces of paper for some reason) of documents generated by the incident, and the shear numbers of conspirators, I just don’t know how this could have happened. And yet, they did it.
You believed there were WMDs in Iraq, didn’t you? After all, there were REAMS of documents to prove it!
Clime Acts
All of that…”evidence,” and yet no photos of the body of the alleged target of the entire operation, dead as a doornail.
Wonder why that would be?
For 41 years, the U.S. government managed to conceal that the Gulf of Tonkin resolution was based on a non existent sea battle. Given all the people involved, and the REEEEEAAAAMMMMMMSSSSSS (you are very impressed by pieces of paper for some reason) of documents generated by the incident, and the shear numbers of conspirators, I just don’t know how this could have happened. And yet, they did it.
You believed there were WMDs in Iraq, didn’t you? After all, there were REAMS of documents to prove it!
@Clime Acts:
Huh? Robert Scheer showed that the battle was fake in 1981. That’s 17 years, not 41 years, and that’s just when Scheer was able to prove it beyond a doubt. It was pretty well accepted that it had been fake within a year or two afterwards.
Or are you now going to try to claim that, like, everyone totally thought it was a real battle until the information was declassified in 2005 even though the information that it was fake had been common knowledge for 24 years prior to that? That sounds like yet another of those situations where you believed something that had been debunked decades before until you got slapped in the face with the evidence.
The fact that you continued to believe that the Gulf of Tonkin was a real battle for decades after it was publicly debunked says a whole lot more about your gullibility than it says about the evils of the government.
@Clime Acts:
Actually, no, I didn’t because — as you seem to have forgotten — there were actually REAMS of documents to disprove it that came from the UN. Upon comparing the two reams, it was pretty obvious that the UN was telling the truth and the US was not.
Please provide links to your similarly competing documentation that proves your assertion that Bin Laden was not actually killed in the US raid on May 2, 2011.
Clime Acts
Why no photos, Memn?