I was just taking pictures of my dog attempting to use my iPad, and I thought I’d post a couple.
Here’s Nate Dogg pre-groom, looking very much like a black version of Falkor:
And here he is post-groom, looking like a diva:
The end.
by Imani Gandy (ABL)| 45 Comments
This post is in: Dog Blogging, Open Threads
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Falkor is cool. And don’t even try to tell me it wouldn’t be awesome if Nate Dogg were a luck dragon.
/80’s kid
OMG what a cutie poo :)
Watch out he doesn’t chomp on that lighter.
YAY for black luck dragons! I would so love to have one.
Be forewarned and despair, for we cannot be stopped. You cannot predict our actions. You cannot hope to escape our grasp.
We are legion. We are everywhere.
And we are coming to snug your dog.
Check out what happened to Russell Pearce’s friend did today.
This is horrible.
is nate dogg a smoker
or does he just like to burn stuff
Also I’m pretty sure Falkor is related to Ray Walston
Props for The Neverending Story reference. LOL
@suzanne: Holy fuck :( That is disturbing beyond measure.
You’re so shrill and your posts reek of adolescent outrage!!
/BJ concern-troll fuckhead.
Nate-Dogg is a prince of the city and I’m glad you’re still posting ’round these parts. I missed you here and congrats on the Raw Story gig, Imani.
@Alison: It’s so awful. Russell Pearce baptized that shitstain into guess which church. If this doesn’t sink Pearce’s hopes for a second run at elected office, I don’t know what will.
That baby was the same age as mine. Who does that?!?!
OMFG, and here I thought the saddest sack in the Valley today was the driver of the crunched Durango I saw on the 101 just South of the 60 that made me (and I’m guessing a lot of other people more than) 10 minutes late for work. This story is fucking disgusting. So sad. There’s no rhyme or reason, just madness.
@suzanne: I’m just glad you guys aren’t in town right now. How horrible.
@freelancer: It’s horrifying. I can’t even fathom it.
@Yutsano: I know. That’s not far from where my mother and many of my friends live.
Whatever you do, never send that dog to that white house where that blackety black guy lives. Ooo, the horror.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@amk: Nate and Bo would probably gay marry each other, and OMG, how awful!
Tone In DC
Nate Dogg looks like a Bootsy fan, I think.
@The prophet Nostradumbass: With that kenyan muslin in charge there ? not.gonna.happen
You let your dog use your iPad? I hope you trim his nails first.
So who’s ready for Gateway Pundit, HotAir, RedState, Powerline and the rest to tell us tomorrow that this is tragic but there were some anarchist terrorists who had no connection to anyone remotely involved in liberal politics tried to blow up some shit in Ohio, so really, it’s all the same. Oh and the anarchists are worse because border defense with an M4, body armor and landmines is a legit position.
Le sigh…..
@suzanne: The vast majority of my Arizona peeps have checked in tonight in some fashion or another and all seem to be well. I get the feeling this is gonna be a delayed reaction sort of shock.
@Bnut: Anarchists destroyed Niketown in downtown Seattle on Tuesday. BOTH SIDES DO IT!!
(that’s just one prediction, I’m sure there’s more)
@Yutsano: The circle doesn’t complete itself until we get a Friedman article about how violent political outliers only confirm that Bloomberg should get 3 Presidential terms.
Nate looks like a cross between my two girls. Looks like my Nikki, the brown cocker, with my Conni’s, a black yorkie pom mix, coloring.
I don’t watch the local news and I’m only local just recently. I love it here, but some citizens have irrationally adopted what can only be described as a siege mentality. It’s odd, like “WTF do you have to be afraid of, really?”
Going to downtown tomorrow night to see one of my favorite standups do his thing since he’s in town. Anybody else in the valley who’s aching for a world weary laugh, I thoroughly recommend stepping out on the town to hear this guy.
It’s not easy to get good pics of black cockers, rock on Nate-eroo!
I was hoping to see a picture of the dog trying to use an IPad =)
the fugitive uterus
wow, new doo, new ‘tude! and quite a bit of ‘tude, i must say!
Ready was a perfect example. Here’s a picture of Little Adolf in full battle rattle, ready to hunt for Messkins. Fucking Nazi loser. Why not just eat the bullet by your miserable self?
Oh, and @look what the media did: he was a soshulist!
I showed my kitten the Koi Pond app on my iTouch, and it was a couple of months before he forgot about it. Tried very hard to get those fish out of the water.
So be careful of success, there.
Southern Beale
What is that term we use for the 22% of Americans who are batshit insane?
Omnes Omnibus
@Southern Beale: Only 22%?
@Omnes Omnibus:
‘new math’.
Joseph Nobles
Putting out an shameless plug for a Kickstarter project from a really great progressive blogger:
The film “Mega-Dittoes!!! The Tea Party Cult” is made, he’s looking for a promotional tour. You can catch his website here:
And the website for the film is here:
He’s a sweetheart, groomed or un.
I posted back on Easter that we had to euthanize my mother’s cat Josephine because she had a rapid onset of late-stage congestive heart failure. I was very worried about my mother, as Josephine pulled her out of the serious depression she suffered after my father died. Things had not been going so well. I was browbeating my mother as best I could to get a new cat. Not to replace Josephine, but because the shelters are full and she shouldn’t be living alone.
Well, it finally worked. She spent most of the morning at Animal Services, “road testing” the kitties. I’m very happy to say there is a new kitty monster in residence.
Meet Miss Yolanda.
Also, too.
She’s a total love bug who loves to give face licking, if one doesn’t mind tuna breath. She’s more outgoing and less fussy than Josephine, which is exactly what my mother needs.
Also three, it was the first time I’d been back to animal services in about six years. The shelter was always clean and decently staffed, but the feline euthanasia rate was appalling. In a giant middle finger to the teatard @sshats, the new director has gone on a renovation binge and the place now puts every private operation in town to shame. Lots more staff, who are very professional and friendly. Very aggressive pricing to get people to take dogs and cats home, and there was a steady stream of pets going out the door. The euthanasia rate is down 90%.
Good guys can win.
Betty Cracker
What a handsome cocker!
Don’t let your dog use your ipad! Mine whacked two keys off my computer!
Kitteh! Calicos and tortoishells are great cats as long as you accept from the beginning that they are the undisputed rulers of the household whose every whim must be indulged.
Fortunately, most of their whims involve cuddling, snuggling, and purring.
@JR: Get in line, buddy.
From DFH to Dapper Dandy.
He looks pretty effin’ happy either way.
Good on you, mate!
gogol's wife
Yolanda is a diva! I want her!
I love Nate Dogg too. He has fabulous attitude and personality.
opie jeanne
Great doggie pictures, and I have to add:
I miss SoCal.
Michele C.
I miss my Phoebe Dogg sooo much. Thanks for sharing the Nate Dogg pics. However, I agree that letting him use your iPad is risky, plus don’t let him light the couch on fire. :D
@BGK: Gorgeous kitty!! We have a tortie rescue who we are supposedly fostering right now. Princesses, indeed.
Awwww, I love the Nate Dogg. Thanks for the pre and post-grooming pics, ABL! What a cutie-pie.
@Raven: I love your babies, too!
@BGK: Miss Yolanda is gawjus!
Hello, Yutsy, hon! *waves*