I have nothing against that Facebook guy who bought TNR, he sounds fine to me, but this is telling:
ON a cloudy Sunday in March, Mr. Hughes and Mr. Eldridge were relaxing at their estate in Garrison, N.Y., a quiet, countrified enclave 50 miles from the city where Jacob Weisberg, a former New Republic editor who runs the Slate Group, also has a house, as does Roger Ailes.
Weisberg chuckles “Roger Ailes and I together in the same NYT sentence.”
Actually, Jake, you and Roger are exactly the fucking same. He peddles right-wing horseshit to elderly middle-Americans, you peddle it to tote-baggers. His is openly xenophobic and hostile, yours is self-consciously “polite”. But it’s the same horseshit: Paul Ryan is very serious, Paul Krugman is shrill, throw the middle-class down the well so my country can be free.
The only difference is that Ailes’ business model has been a lot more successful.
To that I can only add: Huzzah!
Fuck the
middlestatus quo enablers.Hill Dweller
Well, I never. Bring me the fainting couch, Viola.
Actually, Jake, you and Roger are exactly the fucking same.
So impolite. You’ll never persuade him to fuck off and die using that kind of language.
“Roger Ailes and I together in the same NYT sentence.”
Isn’t this an over-correction like ‘between you and I’?
With a verb “Roger Ailes and I appear together in the same NYT sentence.” sounds right but the sentence fragment sounds silly.
Silly grammatically in addition to the silly content.
the Conster
Man, I’m glad I’m not Weisberg reading that last paragraph, but then again I’m also not a sociopathic self-important dick who would never deign to read this shitty blog.
schrodinger's cat
The MSM is concern trolling Obama’s campaign, again.
Freddie deBoer
Get ’em Doug. Fuck Jacob Weisberg.
@Nutella: You could fix it with a comma before “together,” but I mean, you’re proofreading a tweet here.
Villago Delenda Est
@schrodinger’s cat:
Where the fuck is that damn meteor to deal with the MSM for once and for all?
I ordered it 10 years ago!
Wait, are you actually suggesting that there is no meaningful difference between Fox News and TNR?
With all due respect, that’s a crock, and I suspect you know it’s a crock.
Your honor, the People move that People’s Exhibit A, the collected writings of Jonathan Cohn, and People’s Exhibit B, the collected writings of Timothy Noah, be admitted into evidence.
Thank you, Your Honor. The People rest.
Borat reference FTW.
DougJ, Head of Infidelity
Slate, not TNR, he’s been at Slate for ten years now (I don’t associate him with TNR, teh google would tell us if he was ever there). I would agree it’s a total crock to make the comparison with TNR.