The President addressed the Commencement Ceremony at Barnard College today. I haven’t seen the speech, but I’ve seen tweets of parts of it.
My favorite so far, from @lisamcintire: “There IS something more boring than attending a graduation: everybody live-tweeting a commencement speech.”
Prosecutors Set To Unveil Evidence In Trayvon Martin Case
Obama Goes Negative On Romney — I’ve seen the ad and it is devastating, but not unlike one that Gingrich unleashed months ago, about which the Romney folks didn’t whine.
Somebody replaced Joe Kline with a clone. That clone is holding forth on Romney’s non-apology-apology for the bullying he did in high school:
Instead, Romney has a near perfect record of cowardice, obfuscation and downright lies. It shows enormous disrespect for the intelligence of the public.
I blame Obama.
I am just loving this. Obama is toying with the MittenMan. Romney goes to Liberty U, which teaches that the Mormon religion is a cult, and plays up to the rigid fundie view of family values. And denies that the GOP is engaged in a war against women.
Obama goes to a womens’ college and implores the graduates “to stand up be heard, not just “sit back and watch.”
What a wonderful contrast.
Since this is open thread…..
In this otherwise interesting article about fish and urine, came this nugget that blew me away:
Is it common knowledge that ice skating on ponds kills fish? I’ve never heard this before. I’m stunned to wonder how many fish I’ve killed playing hockey.
Evolving Deep Southerner
Commencement speeches are nice. But I want more of this from Obama et al.
Gin & Tonic
@Punchy: Can’t think of many other blogs where I’d read “In this otherwise interesting article about fish and urine.”
Evolving Deep Southerner
@Gin & Tonic: I can’t think of a single other one. And that’s a good thing.
Culture of Truth
These are the ads I’ve been talking about. Nothing terribly new, Bain was used against him in Massachusetts. I wish Ted Kennedy were around to see this.
Hillary Rettig
i was shocked in a good way to see this the NYT this weekend:
@Evolving Deep Southerner:
You’re getting both.
Obama is in campaign mode, and his Barnard address is a very neat counter to Romney’s speech at Liberty U.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
If I remember correctly, other Republicans started whining about how this would hurt Romney in the general.
@Evolving Deep Southerner: Obama’s doing this about once a week right now. Obama won’t give Romney a chance to make any kind of statement on his own. Instead, Romney is having to react.
@Evolving Deep Southerner: That’s the ad.
Tony J
And why would they feel the need to do that?
The Morning Joe Zoo Crew kicked off today’s show with that Bain Capital ad, and it’s been awhile since I’ve seen Joe Scarborough in high dudgeon. His basic complaint/whine was that the President doesn’t understand how capitalism works, and this negative ad is just TOTALLY UNFAIR BECAUSE IT IS.
You know how we know that ad is good? Because Scarborough was as pissy as I’ve ever seen him. Keep up the good work, Obama’s reelect team!
Oh, and Sooner? IIRC, the Romney camp did indeed whine about the Gingrich attack on Bain. Thing is, they didn’t have an adequate response for it other than “you’re giving President Obama ammunition!” I have a feeling the Romney camp still has no idea how they’re going to respond, and I happen to think that’s awesome. :-)
I can’t wait for the GOP convention. Go Ron Paul
Mitt Romney supporters, Ron Paul partisans brawl at Oklahoma GOP convention
the Conster
Based on the OH NOES OBAMA’S GOING NEGATIVE concern trolling by Scar and Halperin this a.m. about that steel/Bain ad, it left a mark. I think Newt is going to have quite a bit of freude to go with his schaden later.
ETA: JenJen got there first, but yessirree that was some weapons grade mewling. Moar plz!
Evolving Deep Southerner
@Soonergrunt: Shit. What was that you were saying the other night about “Guess I should have read the whole thing?”
Back to lurking for me. Keep up the good work, SoonerG.
By observing my own behavior recently, I conclude I am fed up with the following the campaign. I noticed over the last week that whenever my sanity was threatened by exposure to a talky head show my hand moved out and fingers poked, or wrist turned, in such a way as to remove the offensive material.
Or I removed myself from earshot.
Obama and Biden speeches are only campaign content I can stand to watch anymore, and even those I cannot watch in ‘Obot mode’.
TPM for some reason is starting to fill itself with empty political angle articles. Marshall has admitted he is running a business, so maybe he needs to put that stuff in there. But many of the articles seem like what Politico would write if it included more facts in its stories.
For example, a story today about how Rubio is laying some kind of tarp, prat fall, trap for the Democrats by offering his watered down DREAM act.
Supposedly because it blurs the distinction between Dem and GOP immigration policies. I do not see how. The article admits that the sequence will be
Rubio maybe someday writes down his weak sauce proposal on paper and offers it as a bill,
Congressional GOP blocks it, probably in very public way with a vengeance and an extra helping of teabagger ‘tude.
How does that blur the line between Dems and GOP?
The article does not say, but you know, that will be followed by Romney making some bizarre (Edit: and awkward and probably demonstrably false) public statements that satisfy no one, and Rubio has to squirm out of his abject failure.
How is that a trap for the Democrats? I don’t see it.
Can any kind commenter point out if I have missed anything?
Chinn Romney
Just remember to leave your water guns at home. Guns that fire bullets are okay though.
Linda Featheringill
Oooooh! That ad is something else. To be repeated several times, I’m sure.
It’s not surprising that Joe & Co. are howling. Ouch.
Go! Go! Go!
@Evolving Deep Southerner: No worries, mate. Between all of us, we can figure it out and keep our average for correct answers and timely information up there with the most mediocre of them.
@Chinn Romney: If we’re all lucky, the Romney/Paul floor fight will be waged with tactical nukes.
Ron Paul just “suspended” his campaign.
@JenJen: Did you catch his “it seems like Russia, which it is”?
If Joe Scarborough ain’t happy then I am ecstatic. I cannot stand that prissy fucker. I cannot listen to him talk without wanting to kick him in the balls just for the hell of it. The President and 99% of the population knows exactly how capitalism works. That is the god damn problem. Or at least one of them.
TPM, like John Stewart, with their versions of both sides do it will be the death of us all.
@flukebucket: And when he started at MSNBC there were “thousands of people sitting around doing nothing”.
I also think POTUS is playing with Willard
Evolving Deep Southerner
@Soonergrunt: Snatching victory from the jaws of mediocrity – or mediocrity from the jaws of failure. Either way, better than the alternative. :)
Seriously, had a rare Monday off and was just WAITING to post that link to the motherfucker so badly as soon as an open thread appeared … forgive my impatience.
Romney’s folk didn’t whine about Gingrich’s ad because they knew they could bury Gingrich under negative ads themselves, and that Gingrich is a non-entity outside Georgia and some surrounding areas. Whining about it would only draw more attention to it, which they wanted to avoid (this might be the only smart thing that the Romney campaign has done so far).
@JenJen: This. That’s Scarborough for you. He gets very offended when Dems fight back with facts, logic and reason. I heard him call Paul Krugman a “cartoon character” a week or two ago. Could it be that he worries that if he had Krugman on the show he’d be intellectually smacked around the way Micah’s Dad schooled him when he called Joe stunningly superficial? I don’t watch anymore. Listening to him prattle on about the deficit and entitlements when that’s clearly not our problem right now is boring.
I also read that Steve Rattner said the ad was unfair on Morning Joe. If I was Obama, I’d tell Rattner to go fk himself.
Nethead Jay
For the pet lovers of the Balloon-Juice community: Anne Laurie was so nice to put up my cat health rescue bleg on saturday. But since it’s my impression that many regulars aren’t around so much over the weekend, I hope it’s okay to repost it here for the weekday crowd. All help, comments and questions are very welcome.
Also, I’m flying out to visit my friend in the Bay Area on Sunday the 20th, going home again on the 30th. So if there’s any local people around, maybe we could get a meet-up set up if there’s interest.
Poor Ron Ron. I really do mean “poor” Ron Ron
I guess the Romneybot 5000 will stop for an oil change and cash infusion, and then full speed ahead.
@Raven: Oh, yeah! Didn’t Scarborough say that if his blue-collar dad would’ve seen that ad, he would’ve responded, “If you want to keep a job the rest of your life, move to Russia!”
That would make quite the bumper sticker.
@the Conster: Wasn’t Scar just a piece of work today? Between that and English Premier League soccer (replete with “Americans just don’t understand” condesencion as if Scarborough were a subject of the crown), he was insufferable.
I think my favorite part of the morning was watching Ezra Klein tell him, “By November, every voter in Ohio is going to know the name of every factory Mitt Romney and Bain ever closed.” I thought Scarborough was going to start breaking pencils.
I thought it was bogus too.
Rubio is offering a DREAM Act —WITHOUT THE DREAM.
If this were 1964, he’d be offering Black folk Jim Crow-Lite, as opposed to the CRA and VRA.
I think the Dems should get all on board, but have the ads ready – THIS is what the GOP offered, and we took it, but if you had more Democrats, THIS is what you could get.
@JenJen: I thought Scarborough was going to start breaking pencils.
He’d need a fucking hammer.
@Hillary Rettig:
Nice NYT column on vice and virtue and how capitalism works. Thanks.
Contrast between Smith and Mendeville was oversimplified. For example, yes, Adam Smith did too think that government interference with the market was necessary to promote general welfare.
Main difference between Smith and Mandeville was the latter’s obsession with the narrowest and ruthless self interest and self indulgence as the key to economic prosperity. Smith did not share that view at all.
If Smith were in charge of economic policy today, we would see stronger financial regulation than anything proposed by the Democrats, up to caps on interest rates in many financial markets.
I think Mornin’ Joe, some unregulated free market Chicago School fanatics and Austrian economists are big fans of Mandeville’s outlook, whether they are aware of it or not.
That ad is just devastating. And Obama should do it for each and every company Bain destroyed. Etch A Sketch, AMPAD etc etc.
The only problem I see is that as devastating it is for Romney, Obama didn’t really make a case to vote for him. But I guess that’s the key to negative ads… just show how horrible the opponent is.
By the way I watched the ad over at little green footballs.
I think Obama can’t wait for Rubio to put his proposal on paper. Obama will then endorse it with some slight adjustments, which will cause Romney to run off into the direction of revoking birthright citizenship, and endorsing arresting anyone darker than himself on sight, because he can’t be seen as having any position remotely close to “that one”. And then suddenly all those Latinos and AAs that were somewhat upset about Obama endorsing same-sex marriage will be reminded about what is really important to them.
Evolving Deep Southerner
@Raven: God damn, y’all almost make me want to start watching television again.
Almost. Not quite.
Ronzoni Rigatoni
@Brachiator: WHEEE! I am old enuff to recall the fisticuffs ‘twixt Robert “Mr. Republican” Taft and Eisenhower supporters at the 1952 GOP convention (the 1st, I think, to be televised). Conventions were fun in those days. “Daddy, what are they doing?” “Son, they are voting, I think.” I live just south of TPA and I think I’ll attend just to watch the fun (and with guns to boot).
On second thought….
the Conster
I don’t know why I’ve started watching again after a very long hiatus, but there is something about seeing the Villagers each play their assigned role with such predictable hackery that I’ve been finding it more amusing than annoying. Halperin’s such a ridiculously predictable joke of a hack and since reading blogs starting in 2002 I know exactly where they’re all going to come down on an issue, and it’s almost scary how right I am all.the.time.
But Joe took the cake this morning, really, with his supreme douchery. Rattner was a little bit of a surprise though – he usually provides some good old contempt for the Republican talking point du jour, but today he climbed on the “so disappointed that Obama went negative” train. Somehow though Romney’s endless stream of bullshit and lies never seem to get discussed. Funny that.
Has somebody finally compiled a list? Linky?
How very uncivil of Ezra.
Hope he keeps it up; getting Scarborough to fume and sputter like a drunken Yosemite Sam would be must-see TV.
I’m at work. I have no idea what my attitude is yet. I just know I’m gonna have one.
“I thought Scarborough was going to start breaking pencils.”
Yeah, watching these tin pot TV news reality show wanna be alpha males go apeshit is fun sometimes.
My theory is that most of these talky show celebs have serious emotional issues. If you met these guys in real life (and I think we all have known a few like them), you kind of wonder about what is going on inside them, and are on your guard.
If Scarborough is suffering maybe I need to start watching it again because that smug bastard is why I am stuck watching Good Morning America on ABC with their constantly breaking bombshells about mothers and children and tanning booths.
Amir Khalid
Lately I’ve been this problem with my laptop. When I’m playing a video, whether from YouTube or with Windows Media Player, the machine often shuts itself down, suddenly and without warning. One moment the video is playing quite normally; then boom, the screen goes black and the power button is no longer lit. It’s a 4-year-old Compaq 1.6Mhz dual-core running Vista Ultimate SP1.
Can anybody hep me?
TaMara (BHF)
Well, since it’s an open thread.
I just gave my notice at work. How scary is that??
I haven’t watched or listened to “the news” since the end of the 08 Election. I’m immeasurably better for it, but the downside is I’ve not seen much of Obama either. Doesn’t ultimately matter since I am 101% OBOT, but still, I’ll have missed watching Obama first hand at the time.
Speaking of morning TV, there used to be a show on at 6 and 7 on the “HD Network” – which is now the “Speed” network or some such – that was just nature scenes. Beaches, forests, grasslands, etc. Natural sounds with beautiful visuals. Best TV for morning prep. Alas, gone.
@TaMara (BHF):
Scary, but an opportunity. Good luck with whatever you choose to do next. Anything lined up? Or are you just winging it?
Evolving Deep Southerner
@TaMara (BHF): Depends on how bad the job sucked and how badly you hated it. I have only jumped to that steppingstone once without knowing where the next steppingstone lay, and it was – without a doubt, by orders of magnitude – the best professional move I ever made. I can’t say I’d want to make that jump again unless I had to, but it worked out marvelously that once.
Good luck, Godspeed, and you go girl. Too much of who we are is tied up in our work for it to be day after day of misery.
Ben Franklin
Ron Paul out of primary race. What’s he up to? A convention challenge?. Using delegates to leverage his platform into the GOP’s?
Woot Woot, Woot!
@Nellcote: Ron Paul was campaigning for something? {/snark}
Evolving Deep Southerner
@Ben Franklin: I hate to hear that. I was hoping the creepy old fucker would stay in just as a fly (well, a gnat, or a microscopic mite) in the ointment.
TaMara (BHF)
@Brachiator: @Evolving Deep Southerner:
Thank you. I kind of have a plan. My basic job is herding cats and I’m pretty good at it, so there are people who want me, so to speak, just not sure I want to continue to herd cats.
My boss wants me to stay on in some capacity – maybe 10 hours a week, which I’m willing to do, as long as nothing in my job description has the word management in it.
The cats have become rabid here. ;-)
@TaMara (BHF): EH?
Egg Berry
The gold standard, IIRC.
@the Conster: If I heard him correctly, Halperin actually made the point that, if the Romney campaign was pushing the idea that he created jobs at Bain Capital, then he had to take his medicine, i.e. the jobs lost through Bain Capital. I was somewhat taken aback, to say the least.
Ben Franklin
@Evolving Deep Southerner:
If he plans on causing trouble, what could go wrong? :>)
TaMara (BHF)
@jeffreyw: I’ll email you the ugly details. Guess that W4DS income is going to have to stretch a little further!
The Tour of California is about to roll past my house. It’s the biggest social event of the year in our tiny mountain hamlet.
TPM for some reason is starting to fill itself with empty political angle articles.
Good to hear other people have noticed this. I was beginning to wonder whether I was being hypersensitive, but it’s more striking every day.
When Marshall is framing the story on the new Bain ad exactly the way Morning Joe is framing it, you really have to wonder what’s going on over there. “Obama Goes Negative”? Really, that’s your lede??
@Evolving Deep Southerner:
Phenomenal ad.
Or “Steal”, if you’re Bain Capital.
Hope everybody sees it.
@ Amir Khalid:
Yes, get rid of your pos Compaq and buy a real laptop. I speak from experience, my last laptop was a Compaq and it did the same thing.
@Brachiator: From the link:
The GOP convention, with concealed-carry and ‘stand your ground’ in full effect is going to be fucking awesome.
the Conster
I missed that – I must have been letting the cat in. Halperin couldn’t have come up with that by himself, he must have read a tweet.
@Amir Khalid:
This is a random thought but install a CPU temperature monitor. There might be a small chance the videos are rising the temp enough to make the laptop shut down. This happened to me with one particular game which would make my system overheat. The crash only in this one game was mystifying until I realized it was overheating and I needed to clean out the fans.
To determine if this is software or a hardware related problem, download a live Linux CD (usually as an .iso file) and burn it to a disc or, if you have a USB memory key around and your laptop supports booting from USB, you can copy it there. Reboot into Linux and see if the video crashes happen there. If they do, then the video hardware is either failing or overheating.
The other thing I would try is look for any updates to your laptop’s video and sound drivers, in case there’s an update that will fix the issue.
Another thing you can do is force Youtube to play in HTML5 only. If no crashes, then you know that part of the problem is how Flash integrates with your system. Flash is often the problem.
Also look in Event Viewer. Windows might give you a reason for the crash.
Sorry for the randomness of the post. Just troubleshooting off of the top of my head, which is often dangerous.
@Amir Khalid: Sounds like it’s overheating when the GPU fires up. Either the fan isn’t turning on, or it’s not effective. I’d start by just trying to blow the dust out of it and see if that helps.
@Amir Khalid: I don’t know what to tell you (since I don’t have it on my bench) other than to look at reinstalling the graphics driver, or better, upgrading the driver if possible. Also look at installing a newer version of the WMA app.
You could probably do a reinstallation of Windows and drivers if you have the disks, but there are no guarantees with that.
At four years, it’s possible that your graphics core may no longer be in contact with the heat sink, and anything more stressful than the windows desktop overheats it, but again, that’s just a guess at this point.
I wouldn’t put any money into it. Four years for a laptop is a good long life, and there almost certainly isn’t any upgrades you could do to it that would be cost effective.
Evolving Deep Southerner
@TaMara (BHF): Are we talking literal cats or figurative cats?
@feebog: Four years for a laptop is a pretty good run.
@Soonergrunt: For a PC.
TaMara (BHF)
@Evolving Deep Southerner: Some days it felt more like 13 year olds, but yes, figurative cats.
EDIT: No Tunchs were harmed in my daily duties.
@Raven: We’re talking about computers here, not Macs.
@Amir Khalid:
First, upgrade to the latest Service Pack.
Second, if that doesn’t fix the issue, my bet would be that there is an issue with your memory. When you start up the computer, hit F2 or F12 (depends on the model) to get into the BIOS menu and there should be a memory check option somewhere.
One thing I’d like to know more about is the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp, a government agency that takes over pension plans for failed companies.
How much did the taxpayer kick in to GST and other Bain-related bankruptcies? I’d bet that GST (known as Armco prior to the take-over) had a defined-benefit pension. My father-in-law worked at an Armco plant and his pension was that way.
ETA: I should have googled before I posted. According to Reuters, PBCG had to pony up $44 million to bail out the company’s underfunded pension plan. Nevertheless, Bain profited on the deal, receiving $12 million on its $8 million initial investment and at least $4.5 million in consulting fees.
It seems that voters might be interested in knowing how much it cost us for Bain to make millions.
Ben Franklin
I think making a stink is the Paul strategy. From comments on his website
May 14, 2012 at 12:51 pm | Permalink | Reply
Please, advise Ron Paul of the following:
1) We will continue to invest our precious time and hard-earned money to the Ron Paul Campaign (since our Future depends on Ron Paul winning).
2) We are strong, and justifiably energized, individuals that believe in our ability to succeed without having our hands held in each step leading to the State’s Convention.
3) However, we DEMAND that at least two Senior Campaign Staff members be sent and PRESENT at EACH State Convention (one, a Parliamentary Procedures Expert, and one that oversees and guides us through the pitfalls and traps, that the GOP in collusion with Mitt have set).
4) Bombarding Texas with Ads against flip-flopping anti-gun Mitt (spend most of the money we’ve sent you — since Texas is a do-or-die State).
Posters here have properly stated — we have given our blood, sweat, tears and money to this Just Cause — so, do what we ask in return!
Hill Dweller
Ratner did say it was unfair, but it was based on the premise Bain wasn’t in the business of creating jobs. However, Willard has been running around the country for months claiming Bain created jobs. Although the Willard camp did significantly reduce the number of jobs he allegedly created from 100,000 to “thousands” this morning.
Scarborough is a arrogant half-wit.
Evolving Deep Southerner
@TaMara (BHF): *Whew* More of a market for herding the figurative kind than the literal. Though the more I think about it, literal cat-herding may be an untapped niche. I wonder how much milk or meat you could coax out of them on a high-density feedlot
Just to be clear – guns will not be allowed in the security zone around the convention or in the convention hall itself. Sadly, we won’t get to see the shoot out at the ‘Your not OK corral’.
Outside the exclusion zone though, where the protestors and hangers on will congregate – yeah, expect some “occupy deaths” being reported.
Translation: Romney’s check cleared the bank.
@Amir Khalid:
Its over heating. If you can blow the dust out of it that may help. Also if you can keep it off of your lap so that air can flow out of the bottom air vents. Mine is a bit older & has been doing this for some time, I have learned I have to do things in small increments but it is getting close to time for a new machine.
@Evolving Deep Southerner: I have also wondered about who makes Chihuahua cheese. they must have such small hands.
Sounds like it could be a wingnut Night of the Long Knives in Tampa. I suspect Paul suspended his campaign to create a little more plausible deniability when his supporters go nuts at the convention.
Linda Featheringill
Get off the internet, honey. Don’t want you to get into trouble. Check in with us later.
Hugs and kisses.
No comments on the Joke Line link.
I only need to figure out what personal insult to the Joke happened. Insult is his muse.
@Amir Khalid:
I agree with the suggestion that it’s a temperature problem. Blow out the air vents with compressed air, get one of those fans that sit under the laptop, and try to keep the ambient temperature down. However, once the machine starts overheating, it’s just a matter of time before it goes, in my experience.
You might upgrade from Vista to Windows 7, if you can. It seems a lot more stable. Updating your video driver might help, too.
Edit: Moderation? What did I say?
Suffern ACE
@jl: Nothing is really certain, but I assume that if it passes, Obama signs it and while it is weak sauce, thats the end of it. At this point, you have Romney deciding that self-deportation is the best tack on illegal immigration and 40 months of birtherism to remind Cubans and Puerto Ricans for whom illegal immigration isn’t an issue that Republicans don’t think the children of people with foreign born parents count as natural born citizens.
If you recall, throughout much of 2011, Romney was touting his time at Bain as a strength and an attribute, and he was claiming that he had created 100,000 jobs. And Romney and his campaign were laying the ground work of portraying any criticism of his work at Bain as an attack on the free market itself.
But what the Romney campaign didn’t expect was that Gingrich and Perry would attack him with populist arguments. If you remember, perhaps the biggest outrage from the GOP establishment was when Gingrich and Perry made those arguments. It’s one thing for those on the left to make populist arguments against Romney, but it was another thing to have those arguments made from someone on the right.
How effective were those arguments? When was the last time that you’ve heard Romney or his campaign speak of Bain as an attribute? Romney avoids the topic of Bain entirely and no longer claims to have created 100,000 jobs, he just meekly says that he knows how to create jobs.
@TaMara (BHF):
Sometimes, you gotta get out to preserve your own sanity. I think there was only one job I had that I quit without having somewhere else to go, but it was a bad, bad place to work. I probably should have left when I came back after taking three days off (for my wedding) and discovered that the temp who had been covering for me had walked out halfway through the second day, never to return.
On the “karma’s gonna getcha” side, that horrible boss was eventually fired by the Giant Evil Corporation. That’s a really hard thing to get them to do once you’re an executive VP, but he managed it. Now I have two very nice bosses who only drive me nuts in the ordinary workaday kind of way. I try to be amused
As cohesive and plugged-in as the Paulistas are, I suspect Paul can continue his campaign perfectly well with a few mass emails. Who knows, maybe Romney will lulled into a false sense of security while Paul continues to rake in delegates.
David Koch
rUn pOLe Iz 0uT
CrUsH 2 gL3nN n C3nK
David Koch
Halperin is on Tweety saying there’s a liberal media cabal supporting this attack ad.
yes, yes, the same liberal media cabal that launched feeding frenzy over the hillary rosen comment and gay marriage.
Mine, too.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Amir Khalid:
One thing I would try is to right-click on a Flash window, go into the settings and turn off hardware acceleration for the video. A question that needs to be asked is when did you last blow out your cooling system. I would blast some compressed air back through the exhaust(s) to see if you dislodge a mouse or small kitten that’s collected on the heat sink radiators.
Of course there’s always micro-fracturing of the solder connections (such as the GPU BGA connects) that is always a possibility on older computers. But first comes the fun of troubleshooting!
Turn off hardware acceleration in Flash and try it.
I’m on a Dell Inspiron 9100 w/ 3.4 GHz P4 EE (Emergency Edition s478/Gallatin proc), 2 Gb. of RAM and an ATI 9800 256 Mb. graphics card. Running 32-bit Win7 Ultimate on it without a problem, all of the hardware is recognized and works.This is that first Dell laptop that transformed into a fireplace during some meeting after it was released.
I’ve been flogging this thing forever and it just keeps plugging along. I now use it as my garage laptop, keeping it in a drawer that I can pull out and use whenever I need. Since I’m one of those nasty smokers who doesn’t smoke in his house, I spend a lot of time on it and am impressed at how well it performs today.
This is an excellent point, and I hope it is pursued.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: That’s some good life out of a REAL old laptop.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Yup. This summer it will be eight years old…lol! It’s essentially an XPS model without the XPS trim. I game on it when the wife is on the main pc and while very dated, this thing still kicks some ass. All hardware is functional and the screen (1680×1050) is still perfect. It cost over $3,200 new and I think I got my moneys worth out of this thing a long time ago. I have an XPS m1730 for my main lappy and while a bit dated, it’s still kicking ass.
I hope it lives as long as this old dog I’m typing on now.
Tim I
I’m no fan of Joe Klein, but you should spell his name correctly when he actually figures out the right side of the argument, however belatedly.
@TaMara (BHF):
Responding to dead thread comment but “WOW” someone else has the same job as me.
I knew exactly what you meant when you described your current job. And — fortunately for us but unfortunately for the human race — it really is a necessary job. Sigh.
I am just ecstatic I ‘met’ someone else in the same profession.