This pooped into my inbox a little while ago:
Eric Allie, who’s an unfunny and not very talented cartoonist, must need some hits, because he drew a cartoon titled “Deep Throat II”, which shows Obama (who’s beyond Allie’s limited ability to caricature, so he’s mainly recognizable because his skin is brown) sitting in the Oval Office. Another misshapen human-like caricature asks “I thought the Washington Post was here to discuss the campaign” and a bubble from under the desk says “Down here”.
I think I’d have to work to push out something this old and tired: a Watergate reference, the Washington Post as the exemplar of liberal media, and a Lewinski/blowjob joke. If I had to make my living as a cartoonist and this was the best I could do, I’d be sharpening my razor and drawing a hot bath.
Update: I thought this was Daryl Cagle’s work initially but I fixed the post to give credit/blame to the right asshole. BTW, Cagle is the cartoonist for the liberal MSNBC and syndicates Allie’s work.
Eric Allie drew it, not Cagle. Cagle’s not a good cartoonist either, but he does host a political cartoon clearinghouse site.
@whiskey: Yeah, I had the post all fucked up, so I fixed it.
Thanks, but I am not interested in viewing the cartoon. Nice to get more evidence they are running on fumes, though.
A Reader
c u n d gulag
Give Conservatives a break!
They’re not funny because they suffer from a severe ‘irony deficiency.’
the clenis will haunt this earth like david broder’s ghost moaning “BOTH SIDES DOOOOOOOOOOO IT”. this morning (and it’s only 10:30) i have noted 4 separate clenis mentions/allusions. two of those were on sports talk radio during my commute.
can’t these clowns get dennis miller to write some new material for them?
Quaker in a Basement
Aw, quit yer honkin’.
Is Allie’s point completely stupid? Sure. Is his metaphor hamhanded and tasteless? Of course.
But there’s no Lewinsky angle here. No cheating-on-his-wife implication. The point of the cartoon is that the WaPo is fluffing Obama’s candidacy.
It’s a stupid, ugly cartoon invented by a stupid, ugly little mind. No need to improve on the outrage with fake interpretation.
For a daily dose of unfunny, check out Mallard Fillmore.
Culture of Truth
Former President George W. Bush told ABC News Tuesday that he supports Mitt Romney. “I’m for Mitt Romney,” Bush said.
@Culture of Truth:
The real news is Bush didn’t fuck up the pronunciation of “Mitt Romney”…
@Quaker in a Basement: C’mon: BJ in Oval Office = Clenis.
Southern Beale
I don’t get the Watergate reference unless we’re supposed to surmise some kind of deep throat thing?
Stupid. Yes, they’ve gotten so bad in the right-wing world they’re trolling for hits by trying to gin up controversy.
It would have been smarter and more relevant to attempt a parody of the Time cover. Ah well.
A few years ago the Something Awful forums had a thread documenting the worst of the worst right-wing hack political cartoonists, Eric Allie was always a top contender but then someone would break out the Glen McCoy “Obama taking baseball bat to babies in dumpster” cartoon and everyone would solemnly nod and agree that that was truly the worst.
The thread actually spawned some really good discussions and tribute artwork, the satirical takeoff Mallard Fillmore strip when author Bruce Tinsley was arrested for DWI was brilliant. They also showed how Cagle himself is lazy and constantly recycles “the media is a mindless herd” gag drawn similarly every time. There’s some remnants if you google “Politiquiddick Cartoongate Thread”
Note to self: baiting mistermix is not the toughest task on the planet.
Any time someone uses ‘goes there’, this will not end well.
Clime Acts
Oh please. Lighten up
I don’t agree with the gist of the cartoon, but the caricature of Obama itself is damn good for the style this cartoonist favors. Spot-on, I’d say.
Don’t fall into the scowling, humorless mode of the far right scolds please.
Villago Delenda Est
@c u n d gulag:
There. That’s better.
Only in the bizarro world of the wingtards does the WaPo, home of Fred Hiatt, wanker of the decade runner-up, give Obama a hummer.
As a mix of about an even dozen different winger fears and resentments, it’s revealing and pretty weird. I think, every now and then that I ‘get’ the winger mind-set, and then they go and surprise me.
@Clime Acts: fuck off, Timmeh.
and inb4 your inevitable ‘groupie’ act.
Are You Kidding
On what planet is MSNBC “liberal?” They’re corporate shills, like the rest.
It begs to be answered- Why when conservatives try to be funny, it’s just….painful
patrick II
@Culture of Truth:
I hope G.W. repeats his endorsement at the republican convention on national tv.
As bad a president as George Bush was, if he would have actually choked on that pretzel, Cheney would have been worse. If he would have won, McCain would have been worse (we would have had war with Iran by now, and no clue how to do anything else). And even Romney, the uber-capitalist, pension stealing, tea-party malleable, etch-a-sketch presidential candidate would be worse.
Sadly, G.W. of the cream of their crop.
Speaking of actual humor, Ellen DeGeneres has won the Mark Twain award for American humor this year. One, well deserved although she is technically a bit too nice for a Mark Twain award, and two, fuck you again, Million [sic] Moms against Ellen.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
So they are accusing Obama of being gay? ROLF
If the social conservatives taught America anything it’s in the closet gay guys do not marry Amazon goddesses like Micheal Obama lest they be seen as small and weak next to their wives.
You know what this is; it’s these in the closet gay conservatives have the hots for Barrack Obama.
Randy P
Clue to conservative “humorists”: the reason non-wingnuts are not laughing at your stuff is not because it’s “controversial”. It’s because it isn’t funny. It tends to lack crucial elements, like an actual joke.
My daughter introduced me to a show called “Portlandia” which pokes fun at all kinds of liberal hippie types in Portland. It’s hilarious. Yet I know that in the hands of a Mallard Fillmore, the very same material would be tiresome, juvenile, unfunny blah. Why is that?
The link isn’t working.
Yea, I know it’s a link from a copied post but….
@Clime Acts: saying “that’s all you got” is humorless and scowling? things must look strange through firebag tinted glasses, klymaxx.
@Randy P: That’s a good example. I’d bet that no actual conservatives are involved in the making of Portlandia.
Villago Delenda Est
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Well, damn, have you seen this guy in a swimsuit? He’s a sexual object for straight women and gay men, who view Michelle with envy.
Villago Delenda Est
The link, I’m afraid, is non existent. It’s part of a larger jpg.
Here, try this!
@Culture of Truth:
of course a guy who has to walk around with boxing gloves taped over his hands is going to endorse a guy named ‘mittens’.
Derp derp, the only presidential candidate who hasn’t had a single week in this election cycle with more positive stories than negative stories is getting a hummer from theliberalmedia, derp derp. GEEZ THAT’S FUNNY.
@quannlace: @quannlace:
This, for example…
(a) Cagle is also a terrible cartoonist. He isn’t a rightwing hack, but reliably right leaning because he can’t resist the lazy, both sides do it framing. That would be ok if he were a good artist, funny, and insightful, but he’s none of the above.
(b) Why does anyone respond to Clime Acts? As I’ve noted before, he’s obviously a paid rightwing troll.
The Other Chuck
@Randy P:
Because Portlandia aims to be good-natured at pointing and laughing at the goofiness of hipsters, the things that are actually funny on their face. A right-winger would instead turn it into bitter spiteful preachy polemic against the wastrels and moochers of the hated counterculture. You have to mine the newsletters from actual communist activists to find a similar attitude toward humor on the left.
Forum Transmitted Disease
This would be a lot funnier:
Amirite? Shit, I’d put it on my fridge.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Villago Delenda Est:
and speaking as a straight guy this must be quoted for the truth, Obama does have the “it” factor.
To funny to think of most the Right Rage at Obama is just shock over their own carefully repressed sexuality.
Mark S.
@Clime Acts:
Okay, you’re just trolling. That’s an absolute horrible drawing by any standard.
Rob in Buffalo
The premise of the cartoon is that the Kaplan Daily is in the tank for Obama, presumably just like the rest of the liberal media. No, really, that’s the premise.
Omnes Omnibus
@rlrr: No. You can’t make me. Geneva Conventions and all that.
Mark S.
@Mark S.:
It’s so horrible it makes Ted Rall seem competent by comparison.
I don’t think you need to have a corrosive wit to stand with Mr Clemens. Ellen has a sly, oblique style that I think that Twain would easily have applauded.
Good on her.
Couldn’t link to the editorial cartoon, but am not feeling overly sad about it.
@The Other Chuck:
QFT- communists are not funny. I’m related to one. He’s able to make choice of ice cream into a painful discussion of first world privilege.
@jibeaux: You’d be surprised how much scheiss I throw away every day.
Mike G
Cagle leans toward lazy-Broderism but occasionally does something good.
I remember one from a few years ago, showing Bush as a hyperactive cowboy, wildly firing off his six-shooters in every direction, and woman standing next to him saying, “I like him. He makes me feel safe.”
Villago Delenda Est
@Rob in Buffalo:
Which ties into the Watergate thing, in that back then, the WaPo was on the cutting edge of exposing the criminal Nixon, which Rethugs have never forgotten. It’s why there is a birdcage liner straight of the presses rag like the Moonie Times in DC.
@Clime Acts:
Yeah, I don’t get the criticism of the art either. It’s evokes Ren and Stimpy, and posing Obama with his head tilted at that angle he so favors isn’t that bad a caricature.
I just looked at the last half dozen or so, and I agree they are unfunny.
I consider it the source of 65% of their rage; the other 35% is bitterness.
Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.)
It amazes me how much so many American conservatives are like communists, at least as far as their personalities go. Lack of humor? Yep. Taking themselves far to seriously? Yep. Persecution complexes? Yep. I bet there are other ways, too, but I don’t want to spend this lovely afternoon thinking about communists or American conservatives any more than I have to. But maybe we could get somebody to answer Jonah Goldberg’s dum liberal fascist book with a well thought out, well written book about conservative Stalinists or something.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
Ugh, so am I, complete with over-the-top politicization of food choices and a firm belief that the entire world economy is and has always been a zero-sum game: that’s right, there has been no increase in total wealth in the world since Adam, it’s all just been traded around and every transaction necessarily involves a winner and a loser. I wonder if it’s the same guy? There can’t be that many of them roaming around, even with the mental hospitals shut down.
@Clime Acts:
Physician, heal thyself.
Villago Delenda Est
@Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.):
Check out Michael Lind’s Up From Conservatism, in which he describes movement conservatism as “inverted Marxism”.
y’all know it’s an article of faith among the rightwing idiots that obama is gay, right? someone from the republican back bench is going to blurt a ni-CLANG but odds are just as good someone will call him a queer or whatever.
D.N. Nation
Allie is a petulant prick and has been for years.
@Brachiator: Yeah, I don’t have a problem with it. She’s cut from a different cloth, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t have appreciated her.
@Dave: Ah, is that the dog whistle in Rand Paul’s obnoxious line a few days ago?
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice:
We might be related then. I seem to have met a lot of these people though. You’re already to enjoy your food/music/whatever and then you hear “are you really going to eat/listen to/do that?” Uggh, here we go again.
@Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.): Conservatives have certainly proven their ability to purge with the best of them.
Clime Acts
Hi Moron. I see you are up to your usual scintillating rhetoric today.
So am I to gather you think the caricature itself, as caricatures go, is inferior? Or are you doing the daily tribal thing you do?
You’ll have to help me out here…are you referring to BJ’s Bot-tards groupie act? If so, then yes, my comment indirectly points to that. Glad to entertain you.
Clime Acts
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Where in the cartoon is the implication of gayness?
Your sexist kneejerk assumption that it must be a MALE journalist under the desk is rather disturbing in the context of this fabulously progressive blog.
There is plenty to mock amongst the wingosphere without resorting to fevered imaginings.
@burnspbesq: hey, stop stealing my lines.
@Clime Acts: son, that shit is just old. you should get over yourself. but of course you won’t, because that’s the kind of shit house troll you are.
@Quaker in a Basement:
I agree – stupid cartoon, BS point, but really nothing to get the BP into hypertension territory.
Clime Acts
noooooo…pretending that the art is bad and that there is not a shred of amusement in this cartoon is “humorless and scowling.”
@Clime Acts: you are already humorless and without a shred of amusement, clime ass. go ahead, call me a groupie, you humorless POS
@Clime Acts: having a subjective opinion on the quality of art and/or whether it is funny that doesn’t comport with your own is “pretending”? well, then. the only way that humanity can comply with your requirements is if you tell us how to feel about everything. how about you take your own advice and lighten up? opinions can and will vary, ya jackalope.
@Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.):
Back in college (early 1980’s) I used to show off two pamphlets I collected, one from the College Republicans, the other from the Young Communist League. It was amazing how similar they were…
Clime Acts
Hmmm…because they want to?
and you are obviously incredibly and willfully stupid.
The idea that I am right wing only illustrates how wackadoodle your perspective is.
There really ARE some of us who push from the left to offset your genuflecting from the center right.
Villago Delenda Est
@Clime Acts:
In the minds of the broomstick-up-the-ass wingtards, anything but man on top missionary vaginal sex for reproduction purposes only is gay.
You figure it out.
@Clime Acts: you aren’t liberal in anything, shithead. keep lying.
Clime Acts
@Mark S.:
I completely disagree. The rendering of Obama is an amusing cartoon, reminiscent of the old Warner Bros. stuff.
God, blind tribalism is the dumb. If it were a cartoon of Romney, most of you would be going off about how hilarious it is.
Clime Acts
@Mark S.:
Ted Rall is awesome. The slapdash drawings are part of the schtick.
@Clime Acts: ted rall can steal your shit? good to know.
Clime Acts
Ellen is beyond awesome. And her mom is just as cool.
Also, too: JCPenney is awesome for keeping her as spokesperson. Go shop there!
@rlrr: I think this is the best Mallard Fillmore ever (fake, from America: the Book)
Clime Acts
I did not get that Ren and Stimpy connection on my own, but you are absolutely right. Good catch.
I looked at a few of the guys other cartoons and found them unfunny also. There was one involving dog being served in place of turkey at Thanksgiving that made me laugh because it’s so awesomely juvenile. :D
BTW: Prepare to be hammered here for your heresy.
Clime Acts
Dave, I’m gay and I do get a low level reading on my gaydar from Obama at times. Seriously…but not ALL the time.
My gaydar is very accurate, time tested and reliable, so I’m guessing he’s straight but veering a bit toward gay on the sexual continuum.
Why? Surely you don’t feel, as do wingnuts, that being a bit gay or all gay is a bad thing?
Clime Acts
you already did that for me.
and I thank you.
Clime Acts
What is a Jay Leno monologue?
@schnooten: It’s slightly funnier if you read it in a Daffy Duck voice as a parody of an out-of-touch right-winger bitching about fake problems.
#61 shit house troll should be a rotating tag line.
Clime Acts
Aw…poor Bot-baby.
@Clime Acts:
I was not a bot baby, I was breast fed.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.): You forget that the Neo-Cons are the ideological descendants of Trotsky.
To funny again, the final battle between Stalin and Trotsky is fought out in the Republican party in the 21st Century.
Tina Brown/Newsweek first out of the gate.
Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.)
Yeah, I recall some wacked-out nut, Larry something-or-other, who called a press conference to tell the world that he and Obama had had sex, only he was wanted for check fraud or something, so some police showed up and arrested him.
If I recall rightly, this was back before the end of the primaries in 2008, and the PUMA losers were frothing at the mouth that Larry whatever’s arrest was just Obama using his “Chicago-style thug” superpowers to stifle any dissent. You know, since a one term senator had somehow gotten control of the Washington, D.C. police force.
And now all of those fucked up PUMA assholes are shilling for Rmoney. Since, well, any good liberal who honestly backed Hillary Clinton for president would naturally understand that Rmoney is soooo much more like Clinton politically than Obama is. Idiots. Liars.
@SatanicPanic: …which itself sounds like it could be a solid four minutes on “Portlandia”.
Not funny to happen to you specifically, but possibly hilarious in the proverbial third person.
A Humble Lurker
@Clime Acts: Are you admitting that you’re a rightwing idiot? ‘Cause that’s who that post was talking about. You can’t possibly be shocked said rightwing idiots could be wrong or lying, can you?
This does raise the point that obots have repeatedly made: namely, that Obama doesn’t get near enough credit for the things he has done.
Obama hasn’t been involved with any sort of scandal, sexual or otherwise. And none of Obama’s appointees, not a single one, has been caught stealing or whoring on a yacht paid for by some giant corporation or buying crystal meth from gay hookers while railing against homosexuality, or taking bribes while pontificating about “law and order,” etc.
Compare the squeaky-clean Obama administration with the orgy of thieving and corruption and bribe-taking of the Nixon administration. Or the frenzy of cronyism and outright smash-and-grab stealing in the Reagan administration. Or the maggot-infestation of thieving and con jobs and rampant stealing that went on in the maladministration of the drunk-driving C student and his thief torturer sidekick, who piled up billions in sweetheart contracts and outright bribes for Halliburton while Vice president, then went back to working as its CEO as his reward for all this crass theft.
Nobody seems to notice or praise Obama (or Clinton, or Carter) for running administrations as clean as hounds’ teeth. No brown paper bags filled with cash bribes, no getting caught with strippers in love nests paid for by giant corporations, nothing like that.
But who has praised Obama for this? Who has even noticed?
Clime Acts
Clime Acts
@A Humble Lurker:
Not really sure what this comment of yours is supposed to mean…I meant what I wrote.
I get a slightly gay-ish vibe from BO; big deal. Acting like anyone who picks up on that is ipso facto a wingnut is just stupid.
Oh, never mind.
I’m gay. I like gay people. I like bisexual people. Straight people too.
What’s your problem this evening?
Clime Acts
Mclaren, well, I would hope the O campaign will make a big deal of this point in the fall, no?
@Clime Acts:
Of course you’d like it, fuckwad.
@Clime Acts:
Wait; clima acts doesn’t disagree? Head explodes.
Oh wait…s/he agrees with assholery. Head un-explodes.
Clime Acts
Goodness gracious.
Why don’t you explain to me what is artistically objectionable about the caricature of President Obama in that cartoon?
Not the content of the cartoon as a whole, but of the Obama rendering.
Do you not think it calls to mind Mr. Obama? Did you not think it is humorous? Do you think it insulting/degrading/sloppy/hackish/what?
Do you allow yourself ANY opinions that are not firmly lashed to your Botulism?
Tom Betz
Cagle tweeted about this cartoon earlier today.
This was clearly a convenience cartoon for Daryl.
He said deep throat. Heh heh heh.