Just got back from Walt’s, who had a party for our friend Kim who just finished a degree.
Got a solid face wash from Lily and Rosie, so apparently they are not mad at me for cheating on them with the other dogs at the party.
So I got that going for me.
Has anyone posted about the NAACP announcing their support of same-sex marriage?
The Snarxist Formerly Known As Kryptik
So….apparently the Walker Love-On remains strong, as the Journal-Sentinel endorses Walker and basically calls the Recall pointless.
Seriously, Walker’s going to skate, after all this bullshit? All that lying, mendacity, and tanking of the economy for supply-side purity, and he’ll still skate because “FUCK THE UNIONS AND THE LIBBY COMMIES!!” wins elections still?
You whore
The prophet Nostradumbass
For those of you watching the Murdoch scandal, I give you the cover of the newest issue of Private Eye magazine.
Hill Dweller
@The Snarxist Formerly Known As Kryptik: We live in a country filled with stupid people. Walker should be losing by 20 points. After what the Republicans did over the last 10+ years, they shouldn’t be able to win an election anywhere. Instead, their party is flourishing, and they have a pretty good chance of controlling both the congress and White House.
@Frankensteinbeck: It really feels like we’ve passed a tipping point of some kind.
I would like to be as happy as you:-)
Hill Dweller
@Narcissus: The new Republican talking point is Obama’s the most divisive politician in history. I’m not kidding. The media will play right along.
By any modern political standard, the Republicans have been radicals for the last decade. The Senate Republicans especially have been nihilists since Obama took office. Nothing from the media. Hell, they shun people who actually do point out the Republicans insanity.
@Hill Dweller: and its true… if he wasn’t so black, they would have to drop back and hate him for being a Democrat and adopting all of those Republican Lite positions
OT (of you can be in an open thread): just thinking today about perceptions and personalities. Listening to my deeply hetero male partner’s favourite band the Scissor Sisters and laughing at how all our friends think he’s “really really masculine” while I know he’s a former goth new romantic obsessed with glam rock and costume dramas.
He’s a continent away right now and I’m missing him a lot.
lol Who’da thought a couple of fuzzy girls who are okay with a daily menage-a-trios wouldn’t mind you becoming a swinger.
The prophet Nostradumbass
Apparently our blog host is being weird on Twitter again.
Corner Stone
@The prophet Nostradumbass: That’s one spot where an Oxford comma would make all the difference.
John Weiss
@Frankensteinbeck: Not that I’ve seen. I was delighted. The NAACP’s support is only logical.
Corner Stone
“I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly…”
opie jeanne
@Corner Stone:
I read that as “Oxford commie”.
It’s late and I blame the cough syrup.
opie jeanne
John, unconditional love and sweet doggie kisses are excellent.
Corner Stone
@opie jeanne: Dammit opie jeanne! How many times do I have to tell you to not go out huffing with the high school senior class!
@The prophet Nostradumbass: We need a tag for it like “Drunk-as-hell, naked Twitter” and have frontpagers post them in order. Drunken Cole tweets light up my insomnia-laced Saturday nights.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Corner Stone: Are you referring to me? I follow the AP stylebook when it comes to commas.
I bought one of these today. I shouldn’t be so excited, but I am a middle-aged, fat suburban housewife (kind of, not really).
I made a spinach milkshake. It was muy rad.
link needed for next troll sighting
@piratedan: Um. Come on, now.
@Alison: wha? you don’t think that applies to Clime Acts or Cato?
@piratedan: I don’t think that word is appropriate as an insult, no. I’d call them assholes or dumbshits or whatever, but that term is a slur, IMO. I mean, fine if you want to use it in your own life, but it’s not really something to boast about.
G’d evening. Open thread, so…anybody run across this?
I don’t check all the threads, so I might’ve missed it, but…if I told you Frank Gaffney had been excluded from two recent right wing events, 1) the last CPAC (maybe not excluded but apparently not allowed to speak), and 2) a Norquist brunch/lunch get-together named after Paul Weyrich…who would you conclude was the too-crazy party?
Asking, because *I* couldn’t be sure…in fact, my guess was wrong, but it’s possible I haven’t been keeping up.
Bonus enticement…the name Allen West appears!
(Why does that make me think of Mr. Kite?)
James E Powell
@The Snarxist Formerly Known As Kryptik:
I am not surprised that the owners of a corporation believe that Walker should not be recalled. I am a bit surprised that so many people in Wisconsin believe that he is a good governor, that they things he has done and the way he has done them are good and desirable. If a Democrat acted like that, I’d want him gone.
Why do so many people like this guy? What’s he done that’s of any benefit to the ordinary, average person?
James E Powell
I have to agree with Alison. I can’t condemn you; I’ve used the word myself. But times change, our shared understandings change, and our language should change accordingly.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@The Snarxist Formerly Known As Kryptik:
Frankly, if that’s what the majority of the people of Wisconsin want then I say let them get what they deserve. Sometimes a drug addict has to hit rock bottom before they figure out that they have a problem. I really feel for those whose lives are going to be ruined by this, that’s for sure.
If Walker wins I bet that Wisconsin becomes a right to work state.
@James E Powell: @Alison:
fair enough… I happened to find the link an apt description of the frustration (that I feel) of what its like to engage these folks on the issues. I understand your dislike of the term in the link and can agree that its a harsh slur to be used. I will even admit that its not a word I would use in impolite conversation, just felt that the link captured a feeling and that others would appreciate the sentiment. Guess I was wrong about that (not the first time, nor likely to be the last).
@The prophet Nostradumbass: a belated thanks, I just goe to it. Ah, Hislop )et al). garden gnome with fangs.
Suffern ACE
@fourmorewars: Norquist is married to a Muslim. The article doesnt mention that. Gaffney has been raising that issue the past few years.
Phil Perspective
@The Snarxist Formerly Known As Kryptik: Who owns the Milwaukee paper? Right-wing Republicans, no doubt.