***I know Cole covered this already, but bear with me.
TBogg has a post up over at Firedoglake that is balls-to-the-wall hilarious. You see, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina doesn’t quite understand how teh Google works, and has threatened to sue TBogg over a post that Teh Boggs wrote about how George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina is a colossal douchebag.
In short, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina likes to tweet about how Sandra Fluke is a slut and a c#nt and all of the stuff that assholes like George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina routinely call women like Fluke who dare speak out for themselves.
While reading TBogg’s post about George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, I read the following comment, the subject of which is George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, and which was written by internet sage and purveyor of hilarity, Betty Cracker (of Rumproast and Balloon Juice):
Boy, that George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina sure doesn’t understand how the Google works, does George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina? I hear there are online rep management organizations that could help George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina if George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina were willing to pay them thousands and thousands of dollars.
But I’m not even sure that would help George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina since the name, “George Tierney,” and the location, “Greenville, South Carolina,” appear on high traffic blogs and popular Twitter streams. And people keep saying “George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina.”
I think George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina is shit out of luck. Unless he wants to change his name to something other than “George Tierney” and perhaps move away from Greenville, South Carolina. Maybe George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina shouldn’t have been such a giant dick. Lesson learned, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina?
I think Betty is spot on about this George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina business. As such, I have decided to blog in solidarity with TBogg against the baseless litigious threats of George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina and to laugh in George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina’s general direction:
Looks like George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina found out the hard way what so many others not named George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina have discovered: The Internet is Forever.
(George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina.)
[via FDL]
I love it! Read this yesterday on FDL, couldn’t stop laughing.
The best part is a few tweets later he talks about being a southern gentleman or something…what a douche
George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina you say?
Both Sides Do It
I think this is an example of what Malcolm Tucker calls “unleashing the media forces of Darkness.”
Except the opposite. This is seriously fucking awesome.
Mark S.
All right, this has been fun, but can we just leave George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina alone now? Everybody, including George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, makes mistakes and it’s unfair to keep dragging George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina through the mud. What if George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina was your brother? What if George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina was your friend? Think of the family of George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina. Don’t we all know a few George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina in our lives? Isn’t there a little George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina in all of us?
Villago Delenda Est
I might add that a blow my nose at George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC.
I wonder if the Greenville SC Chamber of Commerce is going to give George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC, some sort of award for putting Greenville, SC, so firmly on the map?
After all, it’s publicity, right?
I am unclear as to the subject of this post. Is it in fact an article about George Tierney, of Greenville, SC? Or is it in fact a profile of one George Tierney, rumored to live in Greenville, South Carolina? Being as I’m just a stupid “libtard,” perhaps someone smarter than me (like, say, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina) could pop in here and offer some small explanation. Also, too, did his mother have any children who survived to adulthood??
I just made sure that Daily Kos readers will know who George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, is. He has an ever-expanding circle of friends. Wonder how he feels about women’s issues now?
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@Mark S.: But I don’t think George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina thinks he made any mistakes. George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina cannot make mistakes. George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina can only be mistaken.
This is SC. Will he really suffer much grief from his community? Maybe for his explicit language but no doubt many there will probably agree with his meaning. I guess I’m being cynical that he won’t be shamed at all if very little in that part of the country.
as i see it, George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC. is a misunderstood metrosexual Lincoln. bear in mind that although George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC. might have been asexual before his rant, i am pretty sure that George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC. will be a practicing asexual for a good deal of time. well done, George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC. well done.
@Mark S.:
If George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC was my friend I would be aghast that George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC name is being spread over the internets. Fortunately, I do not know George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC. George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC was outside my knowledge until TBogg broke the news regarding George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC and John Cole wrote a BJ frontpage story about George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC.
...now I try to be amused
@Mark S.:
Yes, but the George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina in all of us doesn’t post rude things on Twitter under the name George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, unlike the George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina that is in George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina.
I have never heard of George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina. I guess that is what I get for only checking in at this blog a few times a day.
So tell us more about George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina.
The Dangerman
I wonder if George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, plays with John McCain’s (golf) balls.
So, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, I guess you never heard how Google works. Well, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, Google isn’t a big encyclopedia. You see, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, while it doesn’t store actual phrases or best matches, it instead, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, pulls up the most popular, the most accessed, and the websites where a particular phrase is used quite a bit. So, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, as long as a certain phrase is popular and searched for, like a name or a place or even both, Google will keep on bringing that phrase back to life, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina.
Well, I’m glad you know now, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina. I sure hope you totally have learned your lesson, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina.
@…now I try to be amused: not only is there a little bit ofGeorge Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina in all of us, we call it shit.
Cris (without an H)
I don’t know if the internet is forever, but is is most certainly public. Posting asshole comments on twitter is like masturbating in front of the Jumbotron cameras. You might think you’re doing something private, but the 20,000 people watching you don’t see it that way.
We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC, because George Tierney, Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC the infamous butt of a near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet. That is, unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC made in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke. Unless we exhibit some forgiveness and charity toward George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC, how eve will George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC ever live this down, even after George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC comes to his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, let’s cut George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC some slack. George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC will thank us for that someday, even though he still seems to be determined to act like a complete dick.
mai naem
@Mark S.: Hey, Mark you are inaccurate here, it’s George Tierney Jr. of Greenville South Caroline not just plain ole George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina. George Tierney Jr. really needs to talk to Rick Santorum and Dan Savage about the Google and how it works.
Stuck in the Funhouse
You wanna read something really tea tard stupid.
Fresh offin the idjit branch on the Tree of Evolution.
Hulllo Texas!, indeedy.
If George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC would have kept his god damn dick sucker shut he never would have developed his famous overbite.
I have learned from perusing the Twitter stream of George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC that not only is George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC a pea-brained misogynist prick whose favorite word is “cunt,” but that George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC also hates hockey. As a woman, a thinking person, and a hockey fan, to George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC, I say a hearty, “Fuck you!”
I, personally, am very much intrigued by the rumination of George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC and would like to learn more. Does George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC have a newsletter perhaps?
I laugh at the term “Southern Gentleman” That was originally coined by guys who thought they were too good to whip their slaves so they hired the work out to less genteel souls lacking in the good breeding they themselves had. douche, Southern Gentleman and George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC are all pretty much synonyms.
We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC, because George Tierney, Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC the infamous butt of a near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet. That is, unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC made in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke. Unless we exhibit some forgiveness and charity toward George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC, how eve will George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC ever live this down, even after George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC comes to his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, let’s cut George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC some slack. George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC will thank us for that someday, even though he still seems to be determined to act like a complete dick.We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC, because George Tierney, Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC the infamous butt of a near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet. That is, unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC made in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke. Unless we exhibit some forgiveness and charity toward George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC, how eve will George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC ever live this down, even after George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC comes to his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, let’s cut George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC some slack. George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC will thank us for that someday, even though he still seems to be determined to act like a complete dick.We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC, because George Tierney, Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC the infamous butt of a near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet. That is, unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC made in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke. Unless we exhibit some forgiveness and charity toward George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC, how eve will George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC ever live this down, even after George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC comes to his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, let’s cut George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC some slack. George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC will thank us for that someday, even though he still seems to be determined to act like a complete dick.We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC, because George Tierney, Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC the infamous butt of a near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet. That is, unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC made in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke. Unless we exhibit some forgiveness and charity toward George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC, how eve will George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC ever live this down, even after George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC comes to his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, let’s cut George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC some slack. George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC will thank us for that someday, even though he still seems to be determined to act like a complete dick.We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC, because George Tierney, Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC the infamous butt of a near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet. That is, unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC made in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke. Unless we exhibit some forgiveness and charity toward George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC, how eve will George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC ever live this down, even after George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC comes to his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, let’s cut George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC some slack. George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC will thank us for that someday, even though he still seems to be determined to act like a complete dick.We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC, because George Tierney, Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC the infamous butt of a near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet. That is, unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC made in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke. Unless we exhibit some forgiveness and charity toward George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC, how eve will George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC ever live this down, even after George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC comes to his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, let’s cut George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC some slack. George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC will thank us for that someday, even though he still seems to be determined to act like a complete dick.We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC, because George Tierney, Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC the infamous butt of a near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet. That is, unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC made in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke. Unless we exhibit some forgiveness and charity toward George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC, how eve will George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC ever live this down, even after George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC comes to his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, let’s cut George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC some slack. George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC will thank us for that someday, even though he still seems to be determined to act like a complete dick.We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC, because George Tierney, Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC the infamous butt of a near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet. That is, unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC made in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke. Unless we exhibit some forgiveness and charity toward George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC, how eve will George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC ever live this down, even after George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC comes to his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, let’s cut George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC some slack. George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC will thank us for that someday, even though he still seems to be determined to act like a complete dick.We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC, because George Tierney, Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC the infamous butt of a near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet. That is, unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC made in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke. Unless we exhibit some forgiveness and charity toward George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC, how eve will George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC ever live this down, even after George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC comes to his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, let’s cut George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC some slack. George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC will thank us for that someday, even though he still seems to be determined to act like a complete dick.We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC, because George Tierney, Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC the infamous butt of a near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet. That is, unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC made in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke. Unless we exhibit some forgiveness and charity toward George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC, how eve will George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC ever live this down, even after George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC comes to his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, let’s cut George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC some slack. George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, SC will thank us for that someday, even though he still seems to be determined to act like a complete dick.
I just wanted to chime in here about George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC. Thank you.
Mike E
Needs moar George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC
But won’t all this repeating of his name push him up in the Google search results? If you think that he should be forgiven and left alone, you shouldn’t keep posting his information. You know – George Tierney, JR of Greenville, SC.
I was going to mention George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC, but I’m afraid I might get sued.
Mark S.
Can we have an open thread to discuss non George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC topics? It’s getting a little old talking about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC. God damn it, I’ve had it up to here with this mother fuckin’ George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC.
Nom de Plume
Folks, please don’t forget the “Jr” part of George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC. His father may yet live, and if so it’s even possible that he’s a decent man (though from the available evidence, I would consider it unlikely). There are also doubtless other George Tierney’s in Greenville, SC, many of whom presumably don’t deserve this association, so any extra steps we can take to differentiate George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC from the rest of them is probably a good idea.
Just to reiterate: let’s not confuse George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC with anyone else.
Ordovician Bighorn Dolomite (formerly rarely seen poster Fe E)
I need to make a mental note about this, it seems that I have head a little bit about this “George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina” fellow, and none of it good, BTW.
In fact, it would seem that George Tierney from Greenville South Carolina is in fact a colossal dick–which may or may not come in handy when the time comes for George Tierney from Greenville South Carolina to go fuck himself.
Which many people say is now.
Wait, are you guys talking about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC?
I’m only just getting caught up on the George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina situation. Best laugh I’ve had in ages. Thank you for the entertainment, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina.
Hovercraft Full of Eels
So, I’ve heard that if you look in the mirror and say “George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina” three times – like this: “George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina; George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina; George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina” – a giant douchebag will appear.
Is that true? Because not only do the words “George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina” have a somewhat unpleasant ring to them, I wish to avoid giant douchebags, especially any that seem to be named after George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, or that can be invoked by repeating the phrase “George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina” three times, like this: “George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina; George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina; George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina”
In conclusion, if any of you have more information about George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, please post it here.
Just to be clear, this is George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina we are talking about, not plain old George Tierney, who appears to be this guy:
Stuck in the Funhouse
George Tierney of Greenville SC, juss needs some karmic love and maybe a little aroma therapy to soothe his inner wingnut. You all aren’t helping a bit, being mean and nasty. He’ll never vote democrat unless given some reinforcing liberal messaging. Ummmmph!!
Andrew Abshier
George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolinia:
This could well be the stupidest person on the face of the earth.
Amir Khalid
This whole fuss about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina is threatening to become an extended exercise in avoiding the pronouns he, him and his.
Let’s not forget that Sandra Fluke, has shown infinitely more class toward George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina than George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina has earned. She keeps on showing the world what she’s made of: something beyond the understanding of pitiful little men like Rush Limbaugh and George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina. They’ve been stupid and hateful enough that that’s all she has needed to utterly defeat them.
John Dillinger
I’ve been retained by all of the George Tierney’s of Greenville, SC (except for one) to obtain a cease and desist order so that the any reference to George Tierney of South Carolina include a statement that there is no intent to disparage any non-douche non-nozzles among the George Tierney of South Carolina group.
It appears George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina really stepped in a whole lot of frothy mixture. He should be grateful he hasn’t pissed off Dan Savage — yet.
With as exhausted as the web crawlers will be after logging all the George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina mentions, they should remember that name for a long, long time.
Hey Greenville, SC! Are you proud of native son George Tierney Jr. yet? He’s made you famous!
karen marie
@Mark S.: Ewww! Gross! I sure hope not!
No person with any self respect would allow George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina inside the house, much less their intimate person.
George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina owes me a new monitor and keyboard. I will be contacting legal counsel regarding George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina.
@Cris (without an H):
It was more like 36,000 of the folks subscribed to Sandra Fluke’s Twitter feed. But, yeah, the idea still holds.
Villago Delenda Est
George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC, does not have a wiki page.
Hovercraft Full of Eels
Wait, so now you’re telling me that someone has to look in the mirror and say “George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina” three times – like this: “George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina; George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina; George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina” – in order to make a giant douchebag appear?
Thanks for clearing that up, because I really don’t like the sound of the words “George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina” all that much, either. And I do wish to avoid giant douchebags, so I definitely will not be looking in the mirror and saying “George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina” three times, like this: “George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina; George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina; George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina”.
Also, I was wondering: could George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina be the son of George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, or otherwise related to George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina? You have to admit, the names “George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina” and “George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina” are somewhat similar.
Felinious Wench
Some facts about Greenville, SC., where resides George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC.
George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC lives in the home of Bob Jones University. Color me shocked.
George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC’s U.S. Senator is Jim DeMint.
George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC’s former U.S. Senator is Strom Thurmond.
George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC lives near Sassafras Mountain, the highest point in South Carolina. I’m sure he hikes there often.
George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC often sweats, as he lives in a humid subtropical climate.
George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC may attend one of the four independent theaters that present several plays per year. I doubt he is that cultured, though he may be interested in The Vagina Monologues, should it come to town.
George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC may have caddied at the only golf course in the world with each hole conceived by a different designer. I suspect job prospects may be slimmer now.
And finally, a famous resident of George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC’s home town is Dorothy Allison, author of…wait for it…
Bastard Out of Carolina
Warren Terra
Fine post, ABL, but Cole is going to throttle you over those two new tags you created for the occasion, referring to George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina.
You have not seen the future, unless you have seen it Riley Martinized! [http://www.rileymartinizer.com/Riley-Martin-Izer-Text.cfm]
This is Riley Martin, friend of the aliens. We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, roughly a, uhhhh, hundred uh, and forty four thousand circular symbols, Jr, you see what I mean. There are people, unnamed, in high echelon positions that I could call at this moment and tell them to nullify… uh, the f*cking, uh, satellite radio industry. of Greenville, the, uhhh, Biaviians, SC, ’cause George Tierney, the, uhhh, Biaviians, Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, the, uhhh, Biaviians, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), Jr of Greenville, Insectillians, SC the infamous butt of a, uhhhh, near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet, you see what I mean. They do not articulate like we do – they don’t talk. That is, roughly a hundred uh, and forty four thousand circular symbols, unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC made uhhhh, in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke.. Look, uh, Unless we exhibit some forgiveness uh, and charity toward George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr of Greenville, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), SC, how eve will George Tierney, Insectillians, JR of Greenville, roughly a hundred uh, and forty four thousand circular symbols, SC ever live this down, the Biaviians, even after George Tierney, the Biaviians, JR of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC comes to, you know, his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), let’s cut George Tierney, Insectillians, JR of Greenville, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, SC some slack, so to speak.. Look, uh, George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC will thank us for that someday, the Biaviians, even though he, uhhhh, still seems to, you know, be determined to, you know, act like a complete dick.We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), Jr, you see. of Greenville, Insectillians, SC, ’cause George Tierney, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, the Biaviians, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC the infamous butt of a near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet. Roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols. That is, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, Insectillians, Jr of Greenville, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, SC made uhhhh, in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke, you see what I mean.. Look, uhhhh, Unless we exhibit some forgiveness and charity toward George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC, how eve will George Tierney, the Biaviians, JR of Greenville, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), SC ever live this down, Insectillians, even after George Tierney, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, JR of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC comes to, you know, his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, the Biaviians, let’s cut George Tierney, the Biaviians, JR of Greenville, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), SC some slack, you see what I mean.. The Great Mothership is powered by seven hydrogen vent fusion cores each generating roughly seven – thousand – seven – hundred – and – seventy – seven gigawatts of electromagnetic flux, you see what I mean. George Tierney, Insectillians, Jr of Greenville, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, SC will thank us for that someday, the Biaviians, even though he, uhhhh, still seems to, you know, be determined to, you know, act like a complete dick.We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr, and i saw lights above the river. of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC, ’cause George Tierney, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, Insectillians, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, Jr of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC the infamous butt of a near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet, so to speak. That is, the Biaviians, unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr of Greenville, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), SC made uhhhh, in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke, you see.. Look, uh, Unless we exhibit some forgiveness and charity toward George Tierney, Insectillians, Jr of Greenville, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, SC, how eve will George Tierney, the Biaviians, JR of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC ever live this down, the Biaviians, even after George Tierney, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), JR of Greenville, Insectillians, SC comes to, you know, his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, let’s cut George Tierney, the Biaviians, JR of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC some slack.. Look, uh, George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr of Greenville, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), SC will thank us for that someday, Insectillians, even though he, uhhhh, still seems to, you know, be determined to, you know, act like a complete dick.We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, Jr, you see what I mean. The Great Mothership is stationed near the planet Saturn. of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC, ’cause George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, the Biaviians, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), Jr of Greenville, Insectillians, SC the infamous butt of a near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet, you see what I mean. That is, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC made in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke.. Look, uhhhh, Unless we exhibit some forgiveness and charity toward George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr of Greenville, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), SC, how eve will George Tierney, JR of Greenville, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, SC ever live this down, manipulate the receptors, even after George Tierney, the Biaviians, JR of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC comes to, you know, his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), let’s cut George Tierney, JR of Greenville, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, SC some slack, so to speak.. The Great Mothership is powered by seven hydrogen vent fusion cores each generating roughly seven – thousand – seven – hundred – and – seventy – seven gigawatts of electromagnetic flux, you see what I mean. This ship was your classical saucer, circular saucer shape. George Tierney, manipulate the receptors, Jr of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC will thank us for that someday, the Biaviians, even though he, uhhhh, still seems to, you know, be determined to, you know, act like a complete dick.We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), Jr, you see. of Greenville, SC, ’cause George Tierney, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, manipulate the receptors, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC the infamous butt of a near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet. O-Qua Tangin Wann. That is, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, SC made in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke, you see what I mean.. Look, uh, Unless we exhibit some forgiveness and charity toward George Tierney, manipulate the receptors, Jr of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC, how eve will George Tierney, the Biaviians, JR of Greenville, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), SC ever live this down, even after George Tierney, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, JR of Greenville, manipulate the receptors, SC comes to, you know, his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, the Biaviians, let’s cut George Tierney, the Biaviians, JR of Greenville, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), SC some slack, you see what I mean.. Look, uh, George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, SC will thank us for that someday, manipulate the receptors, even though he, uhhhh, still seems to, you know, be determined to, you know, act like a complete dick.We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr. of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC, ’cause George Tierney, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, Jr of Greenville, manipulate the receptors, SC the infamous butt of a near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet, or seemingly paranormal occurrences near them. I felt static electricity, uh, in my hair, in my clothing. That is, the Biaviians, unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr of Greenville, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), SC made in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke, you see.. Look, uhhhh, Unless we exhibit some forgiveness and charity toward George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, SC, how eve will George Tierney, manipulate the receptors, JR of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC ever live this down, the Biaviians, even after George Tierney, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), JR of Greenville, SC comes to, you know, his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, let’s cut George Tierney, manipulate the receptors, JR of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC some slack.. The Great Mothership is powered by seven hydrogen vent fusion cores each generating roughly seven – thousand – seven – hundred – and – seventy – seven gigawatts of electromagnetic flux, you see what I mean. George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr of Greenville, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), SC will thank us for that someday, even though he still seems to, you know, be determined to, you know, act like a complete dick.We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, Jr, you see what I mean. Chocolate candy! Uhhh… oatmeal cookies – oatmeal cookies! Soda pop! Orange soda pop! And we be eatin’ like dogs, man. For a while, anyway. of Greenville, manipulate the receptors, SC, ’cause George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, the Biaviians, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), Jr of Greenville, SC the infamous butt of a near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet, you see what I mean. That is, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, manipulate the receptors, Jr of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC made in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke.. Look, uh, Unless we exhibit some forgiveness and charity toward George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr of Greenville, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), SC, how eve will George Tierney, JR of Greenville, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, SC ever live this down, manipulate the receptors, even after George Tierney, the Biaviians, JR of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC comes to, you know, his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), let’s cut George Tierney, JR of Greenville, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, SC some slack, or seemingly paranormal occurrences near them.. Look, uh, George Tierney, manipulate the receptors, Jr of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC will thank us for that someday, the Biaviians, even though he still seems to, you know, be determined to, you know, act like a complete dick.We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), Jr, you see. Unusual. of Greenville, SC, ’cause George Tierney, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, manipulate the receptors, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC the infamous butt of a near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet. That is, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, SC made in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke, you see what I mean.. Look, uhhhh, Unless we exhibit some forgiveness and charity toward George Tierney, manipulate the receptors, Jr of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC, how eve will George Tierney, the Biaviians, JR of Greenville, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), SC ever live this down, even after George Tierney, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, JR of Greenville, manipulate the receptors, SC comes to, you know, his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, the Biaviians, let’s cut George Tierney, the Biaviians, JR of Greenville, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), SC some slack, you see what I mean.. The Great Mothership is powered by seven hydrogen vent fusion cores each generating roughly seven – thousand – seven – hundred – and – seventy – seven gigawatts of electromagnetic flux, you see what I mean. If you stood above the stratosphere and downloaded 7 gigawatts of negative ions into the turbines would this not disrupt the..electromagnetic flow? George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, SC will thank us for that someday, manipulate the receptors, even though he still seems to, you know, be determined to, you know, act like a complete dick.We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr. of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC, ’cause George Tierney, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, Jr of Greenville, manipulate the receptors, SC the infamous butt of a near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet, or seemingly paranormal occurrences near them. I was hit by a blue-white light, and it transfixed me. That is, the Biaviians, unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr of Greenville, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), SC made in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke, you see.. Look, uh, Unless we exhibit some forgiveness and charity toward George Tierney, Jr of Greenville, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, SC, how eve will George Tierney, manipulate the receptors, JR of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC ever live this down, the Biaviians, even after George Tierney, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), JR of Greenville, SC comes to, you know, his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, let’s cut George Tierney, manipulate the receptors, JR of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC some slack.. Look, uh, George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr of Greenville, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), SC will thank us for that someday, even though he still seems to, you know, be determined to, you know, act like a complete dick.We should really stop commenting about George Tierney, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, Jr, you see what I mean. And thus began this oddysey… of Greenville, manipulate the receptors, SC, ’cause George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr of Greenville SC made one stupid, the Biaviians, horrible mistake on the internet which will doubtless make George Tierney, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), Jr of Greenville, SC the infamous butt of a near-infinite amount of derision across the entire internet, you see what I mean. I have visually witnessed, in the physical, several life forms, intelligent life forms, aboard this great mother ship… That is, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, unless we stop posting more stuff about that horrendously stupid mistake George Tierney, manipulate the receptors, Jr of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC made in making such unwisely nasty comments about Sandra Fluke.. Look, uhhhh, Unless we exhibit some forgiveness and charity toward George Tierney, the Biaviians, Jr of Greenville, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), SC, how eve will George Tierney, circular symbol configurations, JR of Greenville, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, SC ever live this down, downloaded into my neurotronic syntaxes, even after George Tierney, the Biaviians, JR of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC comes to, you know, his senses and apologizes for being such a dick? Come on folks, Insectillians (aka the Skreed), let’s cut George Tierney, circular symbol configurations, JR of Greenville, roughly a hundred and forty four thousand circular symbols, SC some slack, or seemingly paranormal occurrences near them.. The Great Mothership is powered by seven hydrogen vent fusion cores each generating roughly seven – thousand – seven – hundred – and – seventy – seven gigawatts of electromagnetic flux, you see what I mean. The duration of that light burst was approximately twelve seconds. George Tierney, downloaded into my neurotronic syntaxes, Jr of Greenville, the Biaviians, SC will thank us for that someday, the Biaviians, even though he still seems to, you know, be determined to, you know, act like a complete dick.
George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina will live to regret the day the didn’t stop to think how the internet works. In a few months, we may hear that George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina is no longer gainfully employed. One way for George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina to put this mess behind him is to leave Greenville, South Carolina, thus turning into the man formerly known as George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina.
Felinious Wench
Oh, and Tbogg’s post is now the first Google result for George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC.
I’m guessing that when George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina posted his comments to Twitter, George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina was trying to impress George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina’s Limbaugh-listening buddies and didn’t realize that George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina’s comments were visible to literally the entire world (or at least that part of the world that has access to Twitter).
I think George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina has won the Internet equivalent of a Darwin award.
Apparently there are only two people in South Carolina named George Tierney: pere et fils, so fret not about the innocence of other, nearby George Tierneys. If Dad’s a decent fellow, now’s the time for him to say so.
But we gotta copy TBogg’s punctuation correctly. There are no commas: George Tierney Jr. of Greenville South Carolina.
Villago Delenda Est
@Andrew Abshier:
That clip is just glorious. Great scene from an underappreciated movie.
I love the part where the kidnappers tell Danny DeVito’s character that if he contacts the police, or the media, they’ll kill the hostage (which would suit him just fine, thank you).
So soon we see massive media coverage at his home, and Judge Reinhold exclaims “What did he do? Hire a publicist?”
It appears to me that the subject of this post and the ensuing comments are about a collosal dick named George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC, but I could be mistaken. Is it true this thread is about George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC, is it about a collosal dick, or about both a collosal dick and George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC who are, it may appear, one and the same George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC?
I saw this comment in the TBogg thread and I’m pasting it here because it made me laugh so hard!
Find out where he works and get him fired – I’m sure his employers wouldn’t like to hear about him using this sort of language, particularly if the name of that employer was to be widely publicized. Find out who his neighbors are and send them notes in the mail with a copy of what he said. Send a message.
Could be the same person. Or not. Who cares.
Cris (without an H)
@Warren Terra: No no, those are tags, not categories. ABL is totally falling in line.
Googled and Facebook-posted the TBogg piece. You know, George Tierney of Greenville, SC.
Ordovician Bighorn Dolomite (formerly rarely seen poster Fe E)
@Andrew Abshier:
One of my favortie scenes ever, from a very good, and nnow largely forgotten movie.
Oh yes: George Tierney Jr. of Greenville South Carolina.
George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina, or George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina is about to learn a very valuable lessons about the limits of stupidity. And, sadly, he’ll probably learn the wrong lesson when he’s invited onto Fox and Friends and other rightwing outlets. George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina, that is.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Someone told me that there’s some prick named George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC that people are all atwitter about.
Can anyone be nice enough to fill me in on the details?
Not George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC
LEAVE George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC ALONE!
Or, you know….not
Not George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC
From a records search Jr appears to be 45. There is a second Geo. Tierney in Greenville who is 73, about the age of the guy in the photo and someone that would have been 28 when Jr. was born, and from the search they appear related somehow.
This is *exactly* what being a “southern gentleman” is about. Pride/honor/blah blah blah.
Hovercraft Full of Eels
Upon further consideration of this matter involving George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC, it occurs to me that there may be people with names that are somewhat similar to George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC but who are not George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC that might not appreciate being associated with the crude, stupid remarks made on the Internet by George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC.
So, everybody: if you’re going to refer to George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC, make sure you’re actually talking about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC, and not someone who is not George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC but who may have a similar name to George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC.
k thx bai!
karen marie
@Someguy: Leave the innocent neighbors of George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina out of this. Isn’t it bad enough they live near enough to be considered neighbors of George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina?
If the employer of George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina doesn’t already know what a dick George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina is, the employer probably uses dial-up internet. Who knows, the employer may never discover that George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina won the internets today and has been nominated for a Darwin Award.
If the only thing that comes of this is that George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina is unable to find a woman to bear his spawn, all the people who are not George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina will be way ahead of the game.
Betty Cracker
@Someguy: You know, even though George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina is such a massive douchebag that George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina’s douchenozzle can be viewed from the International Space Station, I don’t like the idea of anyone directly contacting the employer of George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina nor the neighbors of George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina nor the acquaintances of George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina nor the parents of George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina nor George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina’s fellow church-goers.
Maybe it’s a fine distinction since I am positively gleeful about the prospect of George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina’s Google search results becoming such a smoking crater that George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina fervently petitions the god of George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina to never allow anyone to conduct a search on “George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina.” But contacting people who are unfortunate enough to be connected to George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina in real life seems over the top to me. YMMV.
Can’t everyone who is talking about George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina stop talking about George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina? Because I’m really tired of hearing about George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina and various comments made by George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina and the constant repetition of George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina such that when I type in “George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina” I get Tbogg’s post about George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina.
@eric: For the win!
OMG this whole thread is so fricken hilarious. I’m glad I’M not George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina right now. I’d be in pretty deep ka-ka if I was. George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina a bad name to have right now.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Agreed. I’ll stop talking about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC, unless someone says something about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC. I have no choice but to respond to something said about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC but I will stop talking about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC, other than responses to statements about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC that are posted on teh internets.
Makes sense to me so I hope it makes sense to George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC. Too.
Keith G
@LanceThruster: How long did it take you to write this and type it out before pasting it into the comment box?
And thanks to everyone for providing such good laughs this afternoon.
Do I dare… yes, I must join the fun…
George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC
Can somebody tell me what George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina said? Did he tweet something stupid? Did George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina act like an ass in a public forum and then complain that his privacy was being violated? Is George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina a terrible golfer who can’t find his a** with a driver, a caddy, and a GPS unit? What makes George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina such a dirtbag? What sort of immature, boneheaded threats did George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina make?
This is gonna totally end up in court, libtards, and you’re all gonna pay cash money to George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina.
A Google search for “George Tierney cunt” results in a Facebook page that leads to a George Tierney who looks like the tweet-famouse George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina. And he appears to be a fan of the NRA, but NOT our beloved president.
The Golux
It must be said: We are all George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina now.
Everyone is being too hard on George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina. He literally cures cancer, y’all! And not even macho manly cancer like the men that can play at augusta get, but the cancer that us bitches get!
Don’t believe me that George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina is a miracle worker? Ask the anonymous oncologist who couldn’t figure out the right chemo combo, even with all his book learning or (for some reason) ask ESPN’s Stuart Scott. They’ll tell ya, George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC is the man!
Sir Nose'D
I would like George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina, a whole lot more if he didn’t hate America so much.
George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina sure has a red face. Is that from sun exposure or because he’s about to explode with rage against all those bitches and cunts who won’t keep their goddamn dick suckers shut?
Wow, I thought that was hyperbole until I read the post. What a douche.
The Sheriff's A Ni-
@Nick: Surprise, surprise, surprise!
What was that guy’s name who said those nasty things about Sarah Fluke… George Tierney? I think it was George Tierney and he lives in Greenville, South Carolina. Yah. I’m pretty sure it was George Tierney. And I’m pretty sure he lives in Greenville, South Carolina. If his name is not George Tierney and he does not live in Greenville, South Carolina, I would like to be informed. Because I would really really hate it if George Tierney in Greenville, South Carolina was mistaken for a insufferable horrible man who says nasty things to women on the Internet.
I’m confused. Does George Tierney,Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina dislike the dick-licking? Or does George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina merely dislike the dick likers? Because it seems that George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina has completely shot his odds of being on the receiving end of any dick lick. I thought boys liked that sort of thing?
Night shift checking in. Haven’t had time to read the thread. I heard somewhere that George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC, is the rage of the Internet today. Anybody here know anything about that?
Uncle Glenny
F-ing A! So John Cole was behind this the whole time, just using George Tierney Jr of Greenville SC to get more hits!
Sm*t Cl*de
So, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, I guess you never heard how Google works. Well, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, Google isn’t a big encyclopedia.
I was given to believe that it’s a series of tubes.
Villago Delenda Est
Haven’t heard a word.
Mainly because I’m deaf now from the shouts of GEORGE TIERNEY JR. OF GREENVILLE, SC.
@Hovercraft Full of Eels: Am I going to have to upgrade my name to A Zeppelin of Moose?
Ben Cisco
Late to the party as usual, but I totally linked to both ABL’s and TBogg’s posts about one George Tierney Jr. of Greenville South Carolina.
Guy seems to be a bit of a douche.
And by “a bit of a douche” I mean “one big ass douche.”
Ben Cisco
@Sir Nose’D: Now now, I think George Tierney Jr. of Greenville South Carolina loves America.
George Tierney Jr. of Greenville South Carolina just hates most of the people in it.
I will say that George Tierney Jr of Greenville SC is performing a very public service for other Rush Limbaugh fans who hate women and have the imagination of boll weevils.
Nobody says “teh” anymore. Not 4chan, not Tumblr, not Reddit, and certainly not George Tierney Jr of Greenville SC.
Has anybody thought to update the “Streisand Effect” page on wiki with this wonderful example of George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC? I do think it would fit in nicely, no?
Odie Hugh Manatee
I was thinking that maybe George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC has that red face because of a drinking problem. If that’s the case, it could explain why George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC says bad things about women.
Mind you, it would only explain why George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC is acting like a total dick, not excuse the fact that George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC is a total dick.
George Tierney, Jr, of Greenville, South Carolina? The hell you say. Now I must go back and read the thread.
Genius. Could only have been better coming from JeffreyW.
Until now I didn’t know anyone who was not aware of all internet traditions. But then I read about one George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina. If I did know George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, he would be that one person. However, I suspect that about the time I became aware of George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, he has since learned of at least a couple of internet traditions. I suspect that all George Tierneys who Goog themselves, whether they are from Greenville SC or not, are aware.
Liberal Sandlapper
Holy fuck. I live in Greenville SC, too.
I promise. We are not all misogynistic assholes.
the fugitive uterus
my tweet to Sandra Fluke:
@sandrafluke GTierney is a disgrace to SC, I apologize for State of SC. Many of us admire your grace intelligence&integrity tremendously
I’m a little surprised that George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina hasn’t started whining about how the internets are being mean to him, one George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina.
Alas, i was so busy digging stuff and burying stuff in the garden that I didn’t learn about George Tierney Jr. of of Greenville, South Carolina until I’d stopped digging Had I but know about George Tierney Jr. of of Greenville, South Carolina while I was digging shit and burying stuff in the garden, I would have thought how apt it is that both George Tierney Jr. of of Greenville, South Carolina and I are shoveling shit and burying stuff only I’m not doing it in South Carolina and I’m not burying myself in my own shit. Wonder if George Tierny Jr. of South Carolina will figure out the stop digging part of the activity?
Felinious Wench
Soon, the Balloon Juice Lexicon will need an entry for George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC.
Stuck in the Funhouse
George Tierney Jr. Of Greenville, SC, his heliocopter haz a sad.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
I wonder if George Tierney of Greenville SC can spell misogynist? I doubt that George Tierney of Greenville SC can spell many words of more than 2 syllables. Besides oncologist, of course.
the fugitive uterus
i’m not a stalker type, just a curious one, and since we are speaking about George Tierney of Greenville SC on the internets, he on the googlemaps wif a picture of his street and evahthing.
is he gonna sue white pages?
West of the Cascades
Wow. It truly sucks to be George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina.
Maybe George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina should have gotten advice from his fellow travelers about how conservatives totally rule the Twitterverse now before posting his rude messages.
the fugitive uterus
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): i’m sure he had to look that one up – if we get a holt a him, George Tierney of Greenville, SC, he’d better start looking up proctologist
the fugitive uterus
George Tierney of Greenville, SC is officially fucked
Sm*t Cl*de
OMFSM, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina is the victim of a HI TECH LYNCHING!!!
George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC seems to have a real intertubes problem.
George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC would be wise to seek legal counsel. As George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC knows, lawyers gotta eat too.
George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC shouldn’t stop with legal counsel. George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC needs help with people aware of all internet traditions. I’d suggest George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC interrupt
George W. BushC Minus Augustus from his to-be-ground-breaking book on economics to provide George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC with help about the intertubes and teh google.cmorenc
@Keith G: Count the number of times I redundantly mentioned George Tierney of Greenville, SC and tell me again if you think I was serious about doing anything beyond increasing the frequency count of his name in future Google searches.
Hovercraft Full of Eels
@Bago: Not unless you want to!
third of two
George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina
@Mark S.:
Um….fuck no, I’m happy to say. There are lots of people around who are more than mildly irritating, like James O’Keefe. However…I’ve seen few like George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina who is the walking, talking distilled essence of douchebag. You’d be hard pressed to find a more perfect combination of stupidity and assholery – usually one characteristic or the other prevails. Does make me wonder how he squares his comments on Southern hospitality, etc. with supposed Southern gallantry and manners towards women and his complete lack thereof.
To borrow a phrase, I’ve seen men ruined by drugs, drink and Dodge pickup trucks, but never have seen once so quickly and completely ruined by public douchebaggery. I mean, it usually takes an extended period of serious effort to have one’s name become a synonym for asshole. This guy achieved infamy without even working for it.
@Stuck in the Funhouse:
Maybe the Interwebz would stop laughing at George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina if only he would fax them his credenza.
Felinious Wench
@West of the Cascades: Whilst pondering the plight of one George Tierney of Greenville, SC today, I recalled the claims of Conservative pwnership of the Twitterverse that emerged recently from that quarter.
Someone should mention that to George Tierney of Greenville, SC.
As an aside, I haven’t had this much fun on The Juice in weeks.
@Felinious Wench:
It is kind of like shooting fish in a barrel (or shooting old men in the face if your name happens to be Dick Cheney), but sometimes you just can’t help yourself. I tried, really tried, to resist helping in the public roasting of George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina, but I’ve never been very good at resisting temptation. George jumped into the deep water all by himself, and I confess that I enjoy throwing anvils to people in his situation. To thine own self be true…
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Liberal Sandlapper:
Do you know this ginormous douche named George Tierney Jr. of of Greenville, South Carolina? Or is it George Tierney Jr. of of Greenville, SC? Either way, do you know George Tierney Jr. of of Greenville, South Carolina (or George Tierney Jr. of of Greenville, SC)?
Anyway, I was just wondering if you were unfortunate enough to know this guy, George Tierney Jr. of of Greenville, South Carolina (or George Tierney Jr. of of Greenville, SC).
Hovercraft Full of Eels
Can’t everyone who is talking about George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina stop talking about George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina? Because I’m really tired of hearing about George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina and various comments made by George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina and the constant repetition of George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina such that when I type in “George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina” I get Tbogg’s post about George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina.
Quoted for agreement.
When I read Tbogg’s first post, I was inclined to ignore the guy. After all, there are many dicks and douches of both genders who want to abuse courageous women. After reading Tbogg’s update, I started googling, well, you know, George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina. In doing so, I learned that many fine blogs have been discussing the failings of, you guessed it, George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina. George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina, has behaved in a dickish and douche-like manner, my favorite bloggers have noticed and commented upon this behavior, and I am proud to be a reader of such fine material.
George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina, your words were petty, nasty, and small, but now you have achieved your fifteen minutes. Enjoy each second, George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina.
Isn’t “copy and paste” a wonderful invention?
Hovercraft Full of Eels
So many people are talking about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina!
Here’s something on the Internet about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina.
And here’s something else about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina.
Yet another thing about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina.
No doubt about it, people sure are interested in George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina.
Good gravy the man is so stupid that his tweet calling Sandra Fluke a c**t is still up on his twitter feed now. On May 21st. This maroon doesn’t get that we ALL can see his tweet, does he?
I think he must have taken several two irons to the scull earlier in his “pro” golf career.
Just wowza the stupid is heavy with this one.
Ben Cisco
George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina, his heart black, his neck red.
Villago Delenda Est
Well, he was told it was going on his permanent record, so there you go.
@West of the Cascades:
I’m afraid his fellow travelers are mistaken, about a great many things.
Brock Samson
George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina.
I have to wonder what the mother of George Tierney of Greenville SC thinks about this…. I also wonder if George Tierney of Greenville SC has any sisters? Perhaps George Tierney of Greenville SC has daughters? Is George Tierney of Greenville SC aware that nearly 100% of Catholic women of child bearing age use birth control.
I have to day I very seriously doubt George Tierney of Greenville SC will ever get laid again, unless Mr. George Tierney of Greenville SC has a girl tied up in his basement…which given his misogynist rhetoric – I would not be surprise to learn of such a “gentleman” as is George Tierney of Greenville SC.
What can be said of George Tierney of Greenville SC which has not be said before. George Tierney of Greenville SC is not the smartest man in the world, nor is George Tierney of Greenville SC the most well spoken.
What can be said about him certainly is this, George Tierney of Greenville SC is a very sad little man…..soon to be sadder.
Facts about George Tierney Jr. of Greenville South Carolina
1. George Tierney Jr. of Greenville South Carolina is a mammal.
2. George Tierney Jr. of Greenville South Carolina fights ALL the time.
3. The purpose of George Tierney Jr. of Greenville South Carolina is to flip out and kill people.
If you don’t believe that George Tierney Jr. of Greenville South Carolina has REAL Ultimate Power you better get a life right now or he will chop your head off!!! It’s an easy choice, if you ask me.
Anton Sirius
George Tierney just Tweeted his email address.
Oh dear.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Anton Sirius:
This won’t end well.
George Tierney Jr. of Greenville South Carolina, I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
Hmph, Comment Number 137, a fitting number for a solid-state device physicist from Berkeley. Take that quantum theory, hah~!
Now go away, or I will taunt you a second time!
George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, is a douche. Having said that, schadenfreude is the opposite of what everyone is doing with this subject, so your subject heading is a tad off the mark.
Scratch that, it’s way early and I was thinking assbackwards, your subject heading fits and by the way, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, is an asshat.
All together, now:
the fugitive uterus
i could easily drive to where he lives and empty a giant bag of dawg and cat shit on George Tierney of Greenville, SC’s front porch, i know zactly where he live
now he’s upset that people are not using “Jr.” instead of “Sr.” – “leave my father out of this!” – be sure to drop the “Jr’ in the future
@Mark S.:
If he was my brother, I’d have him at the Doctor’s to see if he had brain cancer or some other kind of organic damage because there is no fucking way my brother would say that. Even if he were crazy I don’t think he’d say that…