Remember George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina?
Well, I hope you libtards are happy: Apparently, you’ve driven George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina off the Twitters:
O George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina, we hardly knew ye…
Well !
I hope you guys are proud of yourselves….
Ash Can
That loud “bang” I heard earlier must have been the Twitter door hitting George’s ass.
Cue the celebration you must give all hockey goalie substitutions:
It’s Google’s fault.
Goodbye cruel world!!
Mark S.
Good luck to you on all your future endeavors, George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina.
What a tragic loss for the national conversation. We won’t see the likes of George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina for probably minutes.
This is good news for Romney because the President is censoring free speech.
Good riddance to stupid but entertaining trash.
They seek him here, they seek him there, / Those Frenchies seek him everywhere. / Is he in heaven? Or is he in hell? / That damned elusive Pimpernel!
Linda Featheringill
Too late. He is well settled into google by now.
Don’t fret – I’m sure he’ll show up on a Fox News talk show, or possibly Limbaugh, by early next week.
More onMORON, George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South CarolinaThere, fixed that for you
Forum Transmitted Disease
Another victim of the Internet Hate Machine. Hell, we didn’t even get it fired up past a low idle this time.
The account is gone but the douche lives on. And so do his tweets and the rest of his trail. I find it amazing how many people still don’t understand that the internet never forgets.
His boss probably explained to him that the phone calls stop or he’s fired. I expect he’ll be jobless soon enough anyway, guys like him usually don’t stay employed long-term anywhere.
Felinious Wench
Bless your heart, George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina.
Linda Featheringill
Okay, that’s cute. :-)
[In the original with Leslie Howard?]
It’s just ‘cuz George Tierney Jr. of Greenville SC got so many date offers he couldn’t keep up with the twitter anymore. We have all been played by the master, George Tierney Jr., who hails from Greenville, SC.
I’m sure that George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina is not embarrassed or repentant regarding his racism, misogyny, or general hatefulness. But even his friends are gonna think he’s pretty stupid for not understanding teh google, and that’s gotta sting!
Brian S
I eagerly await his next explosion when he discovers that Google Image search has saved every screen cap of his tweets for all eternity.
Now how will anyone ever remember George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina?
Spaghetti Lee
Well, with him gone, we’ll likely never see anything stupid on the internet again.
Living proof that the stupid does indeed burn.
Forum Transmitted Disease
I also expect today’s revelation of the DV restraining order probably convinced him that this could lead somewhere he REALLY did not want to go.
But, but … his lawsuit seeking gazillions from tbogg and others ?
Effing typical rethug coward.
Betty Cracker @ Top:
I’m surprised it took this long.
I wonder if Tierney shut the page down himself, or if Twitter shut it down for TOS violations?
Bubblegum Tate
My money’s on getting his balls licked by Sean Hannity.
@Spaghetti Lee:
Jim Hoft is still around. Weapons-grade-stupid is alive and well on the internet.
In other news, it now appears that in the Facebook IPO, some muppets might have got burned:
What I think is funniest about this is that most of the commentary on George Tierney (Jr) of South Carolina was simply repeating the stupid and badly written twitter posts of which he was so proud. But, somehow, that was really a problem for him. Its what happens when a good ol’ boy (self proclaimed) crawls out from his epistemic pig sty enclosure and discovers that in the real world attacking a woman as a “cunt” and the President as “the nigger” is not really all that attractive as a general proposition. I’m wondering what his father and his father’s nice church friends had to say when they found out that what is everyday speech in their community is actually obscene and bordering on hate speech in the real world? Are they more embarrassed than mad, or more angry that he brought attention to them than they are disgusted with George Tierney Jr’s version of Southern Hospitality?
There is something about that state.
Early in my legal career, I went to a two-week trial training program, where I was randomly assigned a roommate. My roommate was a young lawyer from Charleston (Citadel undergraduate, as I was told in the first few minutes).
Within less than an hour of knowing me, he dropped an “n” bomb. I couldn’t believe it. I look the part of a whitebread male, so he just assumed I’d be totally cool with that.
Quite a place, that SC.
The Red Pen
I searched Free Republic for a mention of George Tierney.
I learned that William Pitt had a duel with a guy named George Tierney, but otherwise the Freepers seem to be overlooking this hero to their cause.
I wonder if George Tierney, Jr. of Geenville, SC has written to Google threatening them with a lawsuit? Maybe Twitter also, for making his say all that stuff.
So it looks like Scott Walker is coasting to victory in Wisconsin. That’s what Citizens United has done for us–pouring in oceans of unlimited corporate cash for victory. Just think of what it can do for Romney in the general…
Scott Walker is going to be Governor of Wisconsin for a good, looooooooong time. Next up: Getting Wisconsin to become a right-to-work state.
he claimed to have a wife and family and his own business. i wonder what his wife and customers felt about this.
Cluttered Mind
I bet a Regnery book deal is on the way.
folks thing that they can hide from their nonsense.
sorry, George.
@Forum Transmitted Disease:
Do you mean to tell me that George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, SC has been accused of violence toward a woman at one point in time?
No way. Color me shocked. Shocked, I say.
Good riddance to bad rubbish. He can put his hood back on now and keep on licking Christo-fascist assholes.
George charmed his wife by saying “That’s a nice looking dick-sucker you’ve got there. Could you show me your cunt?”
Kathy in St. Louis
George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina is a tacky, in my opinion possible racist, possible sexist, and all round jerk. That is, of course, merely an opinion,and does not reflect those of management here at Balloon Juice.
Sorry he had to close his twitter account. It added to much to the national debate on important issues. The words c*nt and ni##er always do.
Chris Grrr™
Oh, goodness gracious, I do hope George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina is recovering from this trauma in a place where he can freely use that kind of language without fear…
Amir Khalid
So George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina finally figured out that George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina’s Tweets were doing George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina more harm than good. But has George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina learned the lesson that it was the toxic opinions George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina expressed, all spleen and no sense, that did the self-inflicted damage, and not the liberal political correctness of George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina’s critics? I expect not. George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina has merely gone to ground nursing feelings of martyrdom.
@Spaghetti Lee: I refer you to @Cato, and rest my case.
I think he crawled out from under his rock just to underscore my point.
heh. cheers.
Given that tweet, I’m surprised that Jane, instead of helping tbogg make fun of the guy, didn’t hire him to write about Obama!
Comrade Scrutinizer
@MattF: If you asked George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina about violations of the spirit of FINRA, I’m pretty sure that George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina would tell you that there’s no such thing as violating the spirit of the law; the only thing that matters is the letter of the law. But we’ll probably never know what George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina actually thinks about it, since George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina no longer has a twitter account from which to share the wit and wisdom of George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina.
I’m waiting for the 10-page screed from Greenwald defending his honor, followed by a Cole front-page post saying “I see nothing wrong with his reasoning”.
Has anyone ever seen Cato and George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina, in the same place?
It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
The Red Pen:
HA! Two minds that think similarly — I was just searching RedState for the same thing.
You’d think Erikson, a man with a history of calling a Supreme Court Justice a “goat-fucking child molester”, would come to the defense of a man who called Sandra fluke a “cunt” and President Obama a “nigger”. But, surprise surprise, RedState has no mention of George Tierney at all!
It’s almost like conservatives are studiously ignoring Tierney and hoping he goes away before anyone notices he’s one of them. Too late.
I’m not from South Carolina, for starters. I’m from Indiana, moron. Big difference.
Unfortunately for George, the Internets, like rock and roll, never forgets.
In parts of the South, there’s no such thing as hate speech. It’s just everyday conversation. Hell, it’s not that much different in some places outside the South.
No one could have predicted. Have you found George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina, in UR BUKKIT yet?
He’ll just crawl back under his rock to come back out another day, like all good Republicans.
@aimai: I like the phrase “epistemic pig sty.”
@Cato: I’ve lived in Indiana; I can say for certain that it’s not.
John M. Burt
@LanceThruster: Answer: Hell. Definitely Hell.
Clime Acts
How is his language any worse than that found in the average Balloon Juice thread?
I’m rather sad to see George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina go.
George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina offered us much comic relief to break up an otherwise boring week.
Maybe Skoal Rebel will be emboldened to step up and attempt to fill his shoes. One can only hope.
You people have stolen his first amendment rights, you UnAmericans.
Being familiar w/ upstate South Carolina, I imagine they’d commiserate with him about how unfair it is that a “good Christian boy” would get picked on a by a bunch of niggers, queers, dykes, and godless liberals.
you won’t have George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina to kick around anymore!
@LanceThruster: You are my hero. That is all.
@Linda Featheringill: I much prefer the later version with Jane Seymour and Ian McKellan.
The Red Pen
Well, this happened fast.
Free Republic is like diarrhea: the unpleasantness comes quickly and without warning. Red State is like constipation: there is more work, and the results take longer, but they’re ultimately the same thing.
Erick may be in the laborious process of squeezing out a commentary as we speak.
@Clime Acts:
maybe George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina enjoyed being raped by the google.
David in NY
A new tag line?
But remember, Democrats are the real racists .
I just hope he can still be nominated for Breitbart’s Citizen award without a twitter account. I’m sure he’s a ray of sunshine for the women and naturally tan of Greenville, South Carolina and it would be sad for that to go unrecognized. Hell, I almost did it myself, fail to recognize him! This is George Tierney, Jr., that I’m talking about.
Sic transit Tierney on Monday
Joey Maloney
@Cato: Not all that big, says the man from Evansville.
@Forum Transmitted Disease: It appears, from Linked In and other sources, that George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina works (or did until VERY recently) at a temp staffing agency.
@Forum Transmitted Disease:
George Tierney most likely works in a place around Greenville, SC where he’s surrounded by a similar-minded folk, only most of them have at least moderately keener sense of which contexts and around which people one can safely speak of particular women as sluts and blacks as Ni**clang-clangss. George is probably actually moderately-competent enough at whatever trade he’s employed in, and his boss is of probably of similar, though perhaps of less extreme, mindset and any annoyance at George is more for the extent to which he’s recklessly created enough of a distraction of himself that it’s spilling over into the workplace and bizness, rather than for the nature of the substantive content of the distraction itself. In other words, the annoyance is probably much more for George being a distracting fool than for his being a distracting sexist/racist jerk. At least that’s likely so if George works for a more or less local company around Greenville. If instead he works for some multinational company concerned about potential exposure to image and liability, he might be in trouble, but not so much if he works for a local concern.
GOVERNMENT OPPRESSION! Y’all be hearing from my lawyer, who happens to be a chicken, but rest assured he knows the law real good like.
Ordovician Bighorn Dolomite (formerly rarely seen poster Fe E)
Ahh, that old move. Works every time.
Or, do I have that backwards…?
Bubblegum Tate
I’m assuming that’s a Futurama reference and am applauding you for it.
@Bubblegum Tate: A simple country chicken, at that.
George Tierney Sr. of Greenville, South Carolina
We coulda done told y’all about that boy George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina. Boy ain’t right, wearin’ them pink tennis shoes and whistlin’ them showe-toons. That’s why we done useta called him Nancy.
Mike E
@cmorenc: Or, “We keep it in house ya dumb cracker! Now you’ve ruined it for everybody!”
It’s the Secret Southern Handshake tm wink wink!
Mike E
@redshirt: Ah’m sorry, Ah thought you was corn!
Every time this subject comes up I’m posting this. How quickly we forget…
Another Halocene Human
Yes, your religious conservatards specialize in beard-poaching, sister-raping, and cheese, rather than foot-washing, down-home revivals, and fried chicken (or shrimp’n’grits, mmm mmm good).
I’m not saying there’s no difference, I mean, IN gave us Evan Bayh and SC Lindsey Graham. I’m pretty sure one is gay and one is straight, that’s a deep theological difference right there.
Another Halocene Human
@4tehlulz: SC has better food.
Forum Transmitted Disease
@cmorenc: The context is not lost on me; my family’s from Alabama, and my cousins are employed in exactly the kind of local business that you describe. I’m not laboring under any illusions that what he said is the problem for his employer, it’s the attendant hassle that will have his boss pissed.
What will eventually get this guy’s ass fired is that guys like him sooner or later get it up their noses that they know better than their boss and act on it. And hell hath no fury like a Southern employer whose
slaveemployee gets all uppity and pulls rank on him.Nemesis
@Clime Acts: you are tripping. See how shrill liebruls can be.
Villago Delenda Est
“Too small for a republic, too large for an asylum.”
The fight goes on:
Another Halocene Human
There’s really no creature more determined, crafty, and downright vicious than a hungry chicken.
Move over sharks, I think lawyers have a new mascot.
He does know that simply leaving the Intertrons doesn’t mean the Intertrons don’t exist or stop hosting sites that reference the tweets of THE George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina, right? The Intertrons will still demonstrate his hatred of females and blacks. And his slandering of the south and southern hospitality.
@Yutsano: lol
Villago Delenda Est
@Clime Acts:
The cretinous stupid. It burns.
Trouble is, dropping the N-bomb costs you deniability points if you’re hoping to draw wingnut welfare. Oh, but wait, black comics (the real racists) use it, so OK then.
Bubblegum Tate
Y’all are in a 12-piece bucket o’ trouble.
Forum Transmitted Disease
@yopd1: Ol’ Pastor Pork Ass isn’t going to be building any electric fence, or for that matter doing any kind of manual labor unless he can ditch some of the lard off his lazy backside.
Flying Squirrel Girl
The fundigelical bigots in my family (Oklahoma) think it’s A-OK to say the n-word or to refer to Latinos in less-than-nice terms in front of their kids, but the minute I drop an f-bomb the kids are swept up and taken out of the room.
Villago Delenda Est
@Flying Squirrel Girl:
hate is cool
sex is evil
@gex: If’n I don’t look, then the tubes don’t exist.
Another Halocene Human
@Forum Transmitted Disease:
Truer words &al etcet &so on &so forth
Flying Squirrel Girl
@Villago Delenda Est: Yup, that’s about the size of it. Which is why I live in Costa Rica.
Mike E
@Bubblegum Tate: Badger!? Where?
Another Halocene Human
@Nemesis: B0+H s1d3z do !t!!!eleven
Because cussing is the same thing as abuse, and shredding someone’s argument with facts is the same thing as ad hominems and malicious slanders.
Sally Rakowski
@Joey Maloney:
There is no place in all of South Carolina that’s anything remotely like Evansville.
Randy P
@Another Halocene Human: Wait, what’s wrong with fried chicken or cheese? Being bearded, I’m not sure I like the sound of beard-poaching though…
Joey Maloney
@Sally Rakowski: I’m not sure there’s any place in all of 2012 that’s anything remotely like Evansville. We used to call it The Town That Time Forgot.
Another Halocene Human
@Randy P: Nothing, just commenting on their regional differences, of which proud ignorant racism is not really one of them, but food culture is.
Beard cutter comes in the niiIIIIIIIGGGHHHHhhhht!
We have friends and family from the south and they are really careful about letting their bigotry show to strangers. We have been gone so long that they are careful around us,too. Occasionally though, they slip up and it’s always such a shock that people talk and think the way George Tierney,Jr does. The only person I’m concerned about for now is poor little George Tierney, III. He’s marked for life.
@Sally Rakowski: I see that the Taco Traitor is exploring his feminine side again.
sockpuppets are so clever. nobody on the internetz has ever seen such a masterful con before…
The Red Pen
Too true. Nothing in North Carolina can match the smell of Gary.
Years ago, I drove from Chicago to Grand Rapids. The person who gave me the directions told me, “You’ll know you’re halfway when you smell Gary.” I had no idea what that meant. I thought, “Who’s Gary?” So I’m driving along I-94 when I find myself saying out loud, “What the hell is that smell?” Then I realized I was half way.
True story.
Did George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina delete his own Twitter account, or did the libtards in charge of Twitter take it down, thus censoring George Tierney, Jr with their thug’s veto?
@Bubblegum Tate: Maybe, but if BillO is feeling ignored this week, he may pull seniority…
That’s future Congressman George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville South Carolina.
Get it right, libtards!
I suspect Bob Somerby would disapprove of you libtards calling George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina a racist.
@kc: Who knows? All I’m certain of is that the internetz has suffered a great loss today. George Tierny of Greenville South Carolina was a comedy goldmine. We barely started mining the rich ore of stupidity.
I mourn his passing. He was taken too soon.
Villago Delenda Est
I strongly suspect that censorship, per se, was not Twitter’s motivation.
Having been in a position of authority in an ISP once, I know that some things will generate such a slashdot type effect that you simply have to shut them down, or your servers will lock up trying to deal with the traffic demands, especially if you’re a small community ISP like the one I worked at.
Some yahoo created something he called the “Lesbian Temple of Doom” and this created an avalanche of requests from out on the ‘net, and our servers simply could not cope with the load. So we had to take him down.
George Tierney Jr. of Greenville SC may have triggered a “too much traffic” flag at Twitter, they looked at it, and decided that it violated their TOS and the most simple way to deal with it was to nuke the account.
As a native of Illinois, I can tell you that the difference between Indiana and South Carolina is much smaller than you seem to think.
Villago Delenda Est
@The Red Pen:
I saw what you did there. Well played.
I’m George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina and I would have approved this message if the motherfucking…hey, who pulled the plug?
Congressman George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina will make Congressman Joe “You lie!” Wilson look like a distinguished scholar and statesman.
Tony J
Does this mean that George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina is about to become the wingnut Sandra Fluke?
I only ask because the very idea seems stupidly illogical enough to have some appeal on the Right.
Joey Maloney
@driftglass: The title of your post puts you in the DougJ Hall of Fame.
@Cato: Not really, South Carolina and Indiana, the only differences are the size of the mosquitos and the smell of the water.
@Cato: Not really, South Carolina and Indiana, the only differences are the size of the mosquitos and the smell of the water.
Villago Delenda Est
@Tony J:
Well, it’s not like George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC is going to need a great deal of contraceptives due to his incredibly vigorous sex life. Unlike the characterizations of Sandra Fluke based on something totally unrelated to her testimony.
@Villago Delenda Est:
That’s CENSORSHIP, libbats!
His facebook page is also gone. I believe that was for TOS violations (where he accused Bill Maher of being obama’s dick sucker on FB)
The page was there yesterday…gone this morning.
He also threatened me last night. I responded with giggling.
Small grammar point: the town/city normally precedes the state, like this:
Wasn’t that easy?
I’m going to miss George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina. I feel like he was gone before his time.
Joey Maloney
@brantl: I wouldn’t go that far. Indiana runs the gamut from Northern rust belt wasteland through Midwestern stick-up-the-ass smugness to Southern hill-country inbred redneck crackers. I don’t think SC has quite that diversity of dumbfuckery, does it?
Kathy in St. Louis
@driftglass: With living expenses what they are in the DC area, and the way that cogressmen seem to room together, perhaps he and Joe the Plumber can work something out. Perhaps they can get an apartment together that can be the intelletual center of Washington politics, sort of a salon setting. They can have friends over on weekends to meet with economist, foreign relations experts and….oh, God, I can’t go on with this. More than likely if they roomed together it would be at the local Motel 6 where they’d split White Castles and a 6 pack.
Sally Rakowski
Why do you post his place of employment on your website, driftglass?
Why damage the business or the employees who work there, which is surely your intent.
@Villago Delenda Est:
If true, then the goats of the Greater Greenville, SC metroplex had better be showered, powdered and ready for some hot George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC-on-goat action!
It would be irresponsible to not speculate.
And where, sir, may I deliver your internets?
@Ordovician Bighorn Dolomite (formerly rarely seen poster Fe E):
So if I scratch you with an awl and pour some dilute HCL on you…you get mildly fizzy?
Actually, it’s not. But thank’s for playing, or trolling, or both.
I heard a clip of this guy spouting off on the Stephanie Miller Show on the radio this morning. I’m not surprised that these people are fighting back and are openly espousing their bigotry.
Appalled, but not surprised.
@Forum Transmitted Disease:
There are a pair of men with this name from that city on Linked In. One seems to be the father and the other the son. I don’t know whether this is the same person, though. It is a common name. It is also possible that this is an impostor trying to hurt a former boss? The two people with that name do run a staffing agency. (I can’t help it. I’m a novelist.) This whole thing is really funny, though.
karen marie
Oh dear.
P.S.: There are now 313,000 references to “George Tierney Jr.” on the google, and 8,980,000 to “George Tierney.” Oops!
Reverend Mikey
Well I know I am…
That’s the double-edged sword that is freedom of speech. Sure you can say whatever you want, but don’t come crying when everyone you’ve offended flexes that right too.
@Joey Maloney: I’m half-Chinese and half-Caucasian. I went to visit a friend in Muncie several years back. She actually gave me the name of a town along the way that I should absolutely not stop in because I am not white enough to avoid trouble.
That was about all I needed to know about Indiana.
Ummmm… he’s back!!!/geotie2323
@Brachiator: It will be precious to watch America get the vapors over this after 20 years of supporting people like this. As though the people who think gays are destroying families and America would be satisfied with denying gays marriage.
Congratulations, to us (America). We’ve enabled these fucks for so long now, they feel free to say what they really think.
ETA: I’m guessing GT Sr. is probably regretting giving his son his name. He may not disapprove of the message, but he doesn’t want to be taking heat for shit Jr. says.
Who knew that we had real live Nazis right here in NC.
Not sure what else to call a guy who calls for people like me to be put in concentration camps behind electified barbed wire and left to die.
Oh, also…
The local Catawba Valley anti defamation group is calling on Nazi Preacher Joe Worley to apologize and meet with local GLBT leaders.
I don’t talk to Nazis. Not unless it is at bayonet point and the bayonet is pointing at the Nazi.
Personal rule.
George Tierney has ratcheted up the Sheen:
He is America’s greatest treasure.
Thanks for that, I needed a good laugh.
Joseph Nobles
Indiana took to the Klan like Scarlett to Twelve Oaks barbeque. They had a Klan governor before Alabama did. The Klan’s influence there was broken by a corruption scandal, but that’s only because Governor Stephenson finally started naming names on the secret rolls (just the way the Klan lost hold in Alabama a few years later), but people fleeing a no-longer secret society haven’t changed their hearts or what they teach their kids.
Betty Cracker a while back mentioned that George Tierney hire an internet reputation repair firm.
That reminded me of Blair Hornstine who back in 2003 became infamous as a high school senior because her (and her father’s) approach to getting her named sole valedictorian. The incident was extra juicy because Harvard rescinded her acceptance because of plagiarism issues and she escaped to Scotland for college.
After the incident, she or people working for her family set up lots of websites about what a nice girl she was and managed to bump the plagiarism problem off of google’s first page of results.
However as the above google search link now shows, plagiarism/rescind appears in results #3 and #5 – maybe because google has improved its ranking scheme to discount reputation repair attempts.
This got posted to, so he has a lot of attention. But what surprised me most was that the comment thread on fark, which is often filled with vinegar and water containers has not a single defender for this one.
It makes me feel that maybe there is a point of going too far & these yahoos hate when they find it!
He’s still at it:
Hmmm. Not a right winger? Independent? Nah, George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, is just a douche bag.
Villago Delenda Est
A right-wing douchebag.
But I’m repeating myself.
I can’t imagine how this disgusting idiot managed to get through junior high school. He actually seems to believe gays will eventually die out if they are segregated from straights in a electrified enclosure. The mind reels.
I can’t watch these rabid pastors. Their congregations creep me out even more. They’re just loving every word.
@JustBeingPedantic: LOL. Must be a “Principled Libertarian”. That George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina!
It’s a debate that has become necssary because the fundies have decided to openly war on gays and others. But this is just another in a general war against bigotry. Margaret Talbot has some very good stuff on this in the current New Yorker.
And ultimately, America, like other enlightened nations, have to deal with changes in attitudes. Talbot concludes:
The only hope, here or any place else, is that compassion and justice, and a healthy debate, can ultimately overcome.
As old as he is, I’m guessing he went through junior high loooong before South Carolina integrated the schools…so talking about hanging queers was Sunday dinner table conversation….
he’s back… Apparently by popular demand.
We’ll continue to get our daily dose of fail, yay.
OMG! George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina addressed me directly! I feel touched, as if by the hand of MADNESS er, I mean, FREEDOM.
Villago Delenda Est
Wow, we’re all just a degree of separation away!
Well, I don’t know about the rest of you, but my day has been made!
Another Halocene Human
@JustBeingPedantic: No, not independent, in-de-pee-dint.
And became a pastor, seemingly a natural progression in these wingnut churches. Even at his age, he should have learned a few basic facts along the way. They sure do live in an isolated, ignorant world.
George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina:
But he does a flawless imitation.
Spells like one too.
@Villago Delenda Est: We are all George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina. Except not – the opposite.
George is an independent. Just like all of those tea partiers in ’08 who never ever resemble right wingers. Ever.
He actually threatened me last night. I haz a sad :(
Details, man, details!
@celticdragonchick: Why sad? You’ve joined an elite club of just a few hundred people on this fair Earth threatened by George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina. A badge of honor!
@JGabriel: I Twitter-Poured one out for his then deceased account. He said it sounded like I was threatening him. So sensitive, that George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina.
That’s an enemy you can take pride in.
Or ignore as beneath you.
Arguments for either course are valid.
Indeed, sir, indeed!
George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina just has to be included in the BJ Lexicon and used whenever any random racist asshole raises his voice on matters of public policy or any other subject for that matter.
Sean Hannity says something stupid? It should be noted that Hannity is pulling a George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina.
Limbaugh? Whale of a job.
Beck. Insanely so.
Romney? In magic underwear, no less.
Cantor? Darn tootin’.
Boehner? Fore!
Palin? You betcha!
Nugent? Lock and load!
Best tweet so far imo:
Tbogg, the Demonic Conservative Ridicule Machine has struck again.
Phoenician in a time of Romans
Sorry, y’all, but reports of his twitt-demise have been greatly exaggerated:!/geotie2323
George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina would like y’all to, “Stop raping people!”
Wonder if he jogs?
” No apology. tblogg, you are pathetic. ”
Take that tblogg! Now you’ll never again accurately quote someone thereby drawing attention to someone’s public speech. You’re just as bad as the lame stream media tblogger.
Tony J
@Villago Delenda Est:
Does it make any sense? No.
Would it require feats of mental agility beyond those of anyone with genuine self-respect and a moral compass? Yes.
Does it feed the insatiable heart of the Wingnut Maw for more victimitude and pissing of Liberal Hypocrites? Yes.
So why not? I expect to see something like this bizarre argument for “Why Teh Left is Worser!” cropping up on Rightysites within the next few days. After all, it would be odd if just days after claiming they’re winning the Twitterwar they didn’t send in the 101st Chairbourne to rescue this wounded warrior, YGMD?
@Tony J:
IOW, asshats like George enjoy pissing off liberals much more than having sex.
Kerry Reid
South Carolina racists sure love to surrender from the wars they start, don’t they?
Ben Cisco
@bemused: Which is a good thing, since they certainly seem to be doing more of the one than the other.
I suspect that George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC is “too much of a man” to go down on a woman.
He’s certainly no cunning linguist.
Tboggers report that George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC is back on the Twitter machine.
Can’t access from the Borg, so don’t know for sure.
(EDIT: I see the Phoenician beat me to it. Good to know Mr. Southern Hospitality is back in action)
Not so fast kids, George Tierney Jr., of Greenville SC has reopened his twitter account and his gaping dick-hole to spew some more of his fetid waste at the world.
He is back in the game, apparently the first go-around of that butt-hurt felt so good he has come back and stepped up to the bar to get some more :!/geotie2323
@Flying Squirrel Girl: Pay the kids a dime apiece to run back into the room, and keep doing it at regular intervals; it will wear out the mean old farts to the piint that they will leave you alone, and it will convert the kids to your side. Win, WIN!
Mac G
I nominate George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC to be called a clit nibbler from here on out.
elaine benes
FWIW, someone over on FDL claimed to have gone to high school with George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina.
Says George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina was a massive douchebag back then as well and that this George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina shitstorm is richly-deserved.
Tony J
Well, yeah. That’s where the ‘Ororoborus of Fail’ that is the modern conservative movement has its mouth and tail. There is literally nothing more pleasurable for the true believers than the feeling they get when they horrify a Liberal. It’s how they know they’re Right!
So, would pretending they really think that the sad case of George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina (He Who Pounds The Ass Proudly!) totally proves that Liberals are hypocrites because this is so much worse than anything that happened to Sandra Fluke i.e. “Was she hounded from Twitter? I do not know, so the answer is NO!” be beyond the abilities of the Wingnutosphere?
IOW, would it annoy you if they did it? Because if it would, they’ll totally be there. It’s what they do.
Ken J.
His twitter account seems to be tweeting at high velocity.
Tony J
@redshirt: I would really like to work in an Avengers reference here, but the best I can come up with is:
Loki: “I have an army!”
Stark: “We have a George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina!”
So you’d best have an Internet IMHO.
John M. Burt
@Mac G: Speaking as a proud clit nibbler who doubts George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina, has ever had the generosity of spirit to nibble a clit, I object to your suggestion.
His new profile tag:
not catholic no affiliation to the church in greenville sc
Kay Shawn
Do you think George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina has ever met Mr. Richard Fader of Ft. Lee, New Jersey?
There is another George Tierney of Greenville SC who is
1) much older
2) a deacon of the local Catholic Church.
3) presumably Jr.’s father
Thus all of his requests to leave his father and the Catholic church alone.
elaine benes
On Jan 19, George Tierney of Greenvill South Carolina had this to say about President Obama:
And I must say, the list of people he hates is quite long and comprehensive.
Gentlemanly, no?
@Joey Maloney: I wouldn’t go that far to go to either South Carolina or Indiana, and I live in Michigan.
@Tony J:
Puny George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina!
Southern Beale
Hah I was going to direct people to the latest in the saga of George Tierney of Greeneville South Carolina but I see you are ON IT!
Aaaand this is why Al Gore invented the internet.
By the way, the guy is back on the Twitterz.
@MonkeyBoy: Ah, he grew up basking in the blessed glow of the blessed child of the blessed Lord who blesses us all – except for the womin and coloreds and the rest.
Sally Rakowski
In Which A White AFL-CIO State President Smashes a Nikki Haley Pinata
Something in the water in South Carolina?
Another reason it’s not at all like Evansville, IN.
Or the rest of the state.
@Tony J:
A little late to respond but they don’t piss of liberals, or me anyway, the way they think they do. They think they annihilate liberals but nothing of the kind. We know we’re dealing with irrational people so it just makes us more determined to prevent them from getting the car keys.They aren’t fit to drive.
Patricia Kayden
Waiting for Georgie Boy’s lawsuit. What a pathetic man.
mai naem
I read this idiots tweets when tbogg posted the original story . I know I’m playing keyboard psychiatrist but this guy seems to have a real anger issue. I am figuring when he was a pro he probably threw golf clubs all over the place. Anyhoo, I also think he’s kind of retarded because nobody does what this maroon’s done unless he’s not thinking. He’s several stars short of a whole confederate flag if you get my drift.
He’s proud of it now, apparently. Fast and furious. George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina wins!
@redshirt: In the immortal words of of Pee Wee Herman…”I *meant* to do that!”
AA+ Bonds
Y’all should really be including the term @geotie2323 in all of this for easier location in the LOC archives, that is, if you want to ruin this guy’s life for the rest of it
So far every post I’ve seen would need an existing image and character recognition to pull that out
(This is especially useful if he’s back on Twitter under a new account which seems likely)
A free tip from COMMENT TWO HUNDRED.
I recall the days fondly when I could Google “George Tierney” and immerse myself in the short Wiki entry of an English Whig who accomplished a major fail in the House of Commons in 1819. Though not from Greenville, South Carolina, Tierney was considered a douche before that word was invented. Says one scholarly article:
“As a speaker Mr Tierney was exceedingly original….In a style which never rose above the colloquial, the most cutting sarcasms level to the most ordinary understanding, escaped from him, as if he were himself unaware of their terrible effect …”
I think this sums up the Two Tierneys.
Odie Hugh Manatee
There needs to be a T shirt that says: I Was Threatened On Twitter By George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina!
Umm – he is still there. His twitter feed still shows, and he is still writing stupid shit.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Ken J.:
Unemployment will do that to ya but only as long as you have a spouse or Mom who pays for the internet connection.
Too much time on my hands…
George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina comes across as a Mom’s basement dweller kind of man.
help. in moderation?
@elaine benes: I hope they verified their status as schoolmates by declaring “YOU DON’T MAKE THE RULES!” That would definitely confirm their claim if you ask me.
@MonkeyBoy: Papa shouldn’t have raised his namesake to be a massive douchebag. Or if he approves of this behavior, he should have given Jr. a different name.
Odie Hugh Manatee
If this link is real, George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina is one crazy motherfucker.
His 70 year old Daddy sez: “I am embarrassed beyond belief”.
Gee, I wonder why.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
It’s a satire site but the author states that he has a video of his interview as proof and it sounds legit. No satire tag or such.
If it’s real then George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina, has found nine cures for cancer but Obama keeps killing the researchers!
I feel bad for his “lil lady.” He claims to have found nine cures for cancer? I hope one of them is avoiding toxic douchbags. Osculating that bilious orifice has gotta be like gargling the Love Canal.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Quote from the above link I posted:
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
Just wait ’til Thursday—George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina @geotie2323 —when you discover you’re messing with the Bassets of Doom!
Phoenician in a time of Romans
Thus all of his requests to leave his father and the Catholic church alone.
It must be really embarrassing for George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina, to have all his twitters forwarded to his father’s church for comment, letting people who know his father read precisely what he has said.
It would be even more embarrassing for George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina, to have his twitters forwarded to the contact addresses on this page
given that both he and his father are listed as working there on LinkedIn
But why would George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina be making these comments in public if he didn’t want his employers or community to associate him with them?
Phoenician in a time of Romans
Ah, his twitter feed says he now “works” pumping gas. Somewhere in the Greenville area.
Of course, that narrows it down to 98 possibilities, but still getting closer…
Odie Hugh Manatee
The Hounds of Doom shall be unleashed!!
@Phoenician in a time of Romans:
So George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina, pumps gas for a living? Well good for George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina! Someone has to do it and it sounds like the skill set might be something that George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina, would be capable of.
Barely. Just keep the matches away from him.
El Cid
Has The Onion and George Tierney been seen at different places at the same time? It could be a dual identity.
George has started a new Twitter account. Still bitching and moaning like crazy on it, too. Odd, you’d think if he didn’t like what was going on with the first Twitter account, he’d start over and maybe not be so obnoxious. But George obviously isn’t very smart.!/geotie2323
George Gowen
Ah, the continuing saga of George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, South Carolina takes me way back, nearly back before the flood (that is, the flood of non-whitebread folks who insisted on being treated like actual citizens and/or persons). Worked two summers in Charleston, SC (1963-64), for the state highway department as rodman on a surveying crew. Worked for/with a number of recent grads of fine local universities – the Citadel and Clemson. And what do you know?: they were uniformly members of the same clan to which George Tierney, Jr., of Greenville, SC so proudly belongs. Unapologetically racist, misogynistic a–holes. I’ve come to think it was a shame that Sherman didn’t raze the whole town to the ground and plow it with salt.
Just so you know, it’s a hoax. Some troll invented the guy. Look him up on Linked In and call the Co that he supposedly owns.