The godson, sporting his spiderman outfit:
Ryan and Sarah, the parents, are posting pictures almost every day on that facebook thingee, and I swear I have never seen one picture in which the kid was not smiling from ear to ear. I’ve never paid much attention to babies before, but young Cole strikes me as one of the happiest babies I’ve ever seen.
Just wait until you have god-grandchildren. They make life worth living for sure.
Corner Stone
schrodinger’s cat
Ask and you shall receive. Cole was recently posting about his cramps, now his babies.
Stuck in the Funhouse
Looks like he already knows how to make a million dollars.
That’s one happy li’l nipper, for sure. Cutest BJ boychick since Samkitten.
I’m informed Michelle Rhee would like him to attend a for-profit charter school. Yay.
Happy, carefree, totally oblivious the inequities and casual cruelties all around him. Imagines himself to be some kind of superhero. Young Cole reminds me of a young David Broder.
Your small kids are all your cute little buttons to raise as you see fit…UNTIL the key threshold event happens when they start school and they begin spending a substantial part of most days being heavily influenced by the behavioral quirks, pathologies, and habits of numerous other people’s urchin spawn. They start bringing home behaviors and demeanors which are clearly “other” than those recognizably the product of your intentional designs for upbringing your own young’uns. Yes, you still retain a great deal of control and influence over how your own kids are raised, their attitudes, etc. Nevertheless, THAT’S the day looking back that’s the starting point from which your control and influence over how your kids turn out clearly began to slowly, inexorably slip away from you, progressively continuing over the next dozen years, culminating with high school graduation and going away to college or whatever.
THAT is the biggest reason why some parents send their kids to “Christian Academies” instead of public schools; to safely contain their kids’ ideal upbringing from contamination from too much exposure to undesirable “others”.
Villago Delenda Est
The kid is going to be a game show host.
Count on it.
So how long before you start teaching him to be a curmudgeonly old bastard? In my opinion, you can never start too soon.
Well it’s time you did, Cole. Find a nice girl, settle down, make a few cole-lets.
I mean, it’s not like posting about shaving soap in the middle of the night evidences an entirely meaningless existence, but still. Room for improvement ‘n all that.
Ash Can
And to think that little smiley-puss has such a grouch for a godfather.
Linda Featheringill
You know you don’t “have” your kids. You have only borrowed them. And they will probably wind up somewhere you had not intended.
Reminds me of my youngest nephew; born with a smile, and will go out the same way. It brightens even the crusted cockles of my heart. Congratulations, Mr. Cole, you’re going to be one heckuva uncle.
Stuck in the Funhouse
If you were still a wingnut, your first thought might be how much free stuff this kid was getting. Karma works in strange ways, and now you can write the word “zen” in mixed company and not have to look over your shoulder.
Couldn’t agree more. The sooner they become cynical the better!
The cockles, they is not only warmed, but melting.
Nam myoho renge kyo…
Okay that brightened things up a bit. My sushi lunch coming up will do so as well.
Ack! What is this? A Cathy cartoon?
Don’t listen to it, Cole. Spawning children to imbue your life with meaning is a ticket to a lifetime of therapy for them and an endless exercise in frustration for you.
This has been a public service announcement for all would-be parents who think that, “What the heck? I’ve got nothing better going on,” is a good reason to have kids.
mai naem
What a cuuute kid. He sure looks like he’s well loved and cared for(okay, I didn’t mean to sound like he was a pet.)
Bite your tongue! I’m sure if Dougj ever trolled him, gushing ” You’re like the diaper David Broder!” happy young Cole would suddenly turn all flavors of nasty.
Marvel Comics rocks!
Amir Khalid
Maybe we could have a Balloon-Juice photo feature of all the frontpagers’ and commenters’ young’uns who’ve been highlighted over the years. I’m sure it would be to squee…
I hope you mean that a meal of sushi is imminent, rather than that it’s coming back up. I would be somewhat disturbed if you were looking forward to regurgitating your lunch.
Yeah, what’s up with that? With a name like Cole you’d expect him to be snarky, grumpy, and irascible, and would only be happy if he had a Lily to cuddle with.
@Amir Khalid: The sushi lunch is in the very near future. Fortunately except for a couple of spells in the hospital I haven’t had any nausea at all.
I know you don’t care, but those of us who have no desire to have children find it incredibly insulting when people say shit like this. I don’t know if Cole wants kids or not (I’m thinking, at his age, probably not), but it’s entirely possible he likes being single and not having an anchor around his neck for the next 21 years.
@Amir Khalid:
I much prefer the pets, thanks.
And to Cole, yes, the god child is cute. Just like my nieces were/are cute, too. And I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to wallow in the cute for an hour or two and then hand them back to the suckers that birthed them.
Villago Delenda Est
This is what’s known as “grandparents’ revenge”.
@Villago Delenda Est:
In my world, it’s known as “the triumph of the single and childless.”
The Other Bob
What a wonderful, carefree young lad, so naive at that age…or maybe he is Canadian and naturally happy.
TaMara (BHF)
I needed that. Squee.
TaMara (BHF)
BTW, I’ve decided on strawberries for tomorrow’s recipe thread. I have a test batch of shortcake in the oven right now. If it’s as good as it was simple to put together, it’s a winner.
I think you might could reword that some.
Cris (without an H)
Don’t listen, Cole. Know what parenting does to you?
By the way, your godson is cuter than my own son. Prepare to find him switched out.
What a squishy pie of love. Thank you for that gorgeous pix.
fer fuck’s sake, it was a joke. Lighten up gracies.
Kind of thought “find a nice girl and settle down” would have made it obvious, but what-ev.
@Cris (without an H):
I seriously would be the last person in the world to ever try to persuade anyone to have a kid, least of all someone who didn’t think they wanted one.
Parenting is the most serious commitment on earth. Look how horribly it gets fucked up by people who DO want to do it.
Randy P
@Dave: When I reflect on my own childhood, I realize I started on the self-taught curmudgeon path early. “There’s no good Saturday morning cartoons but Bugs Bunny anymore. Why I remember back when I was about five…”
1. That is some weapons grade cute, right there. Just aim, smile and world wars are won.
2. I HAVE INTERNETS! Living in a room, but I have cable and internets, plus, I can still cook. Zen about it.
Wow, that’s one cute happy baby.
Hard to tell since people say that to Cole here all the time. But if it’s a joke, fine.
Cute baby, and yes, a great ear-to-ear smile.
Young Master Cole is adorable. Thanks for the photo.
Just wait until he realizes he’s gay.
Awwwwww! Young Cole is a doll-baby! Look at that smile!
@geg6: A-yup. It seems like every time Cole posts a pic of a baby or Tunchie, Lily, and/or Rosie, someone tells him to settle down and have kids. Glad eemom said it as a joke, but it’s kinda like Poe’s law in that it’s identical – including the ‘settle down with a nice girl’ to comments of people who say it in earnest.
I also agree that some of us with no children are positively gleeful to be in that state (yes, I am one of them). It’s hard to convince some parents of that, though.
@asiangrrlMN: Because I can’t not correct myself: “…it’s identical – including the ‘settle down with a nice girl’ – (missed ending hyphen)to comments of people who say it in earnest.
To justify commenting twice in a row (as if I never do that!)
@Cris (without an H): To play devil’s advocate, a recent study showed that fathers are happier than non-fathers. Mothers, on the other hand, not so much.
Daww…that is a CUTE baby! Those squishy little thighs just slay me!