I’d like to think this email, sent by me, is why I got that Moore Award earlier today:
From: Douglas Jones <**********@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 12:01 PM
Subject: Moore Award nominee
To: [email protected]Dear Andrew and Co.,
Long time reader, first-time writer in. Love your blog, it’s about
the only place a Burkean centrist can get a fair look at things these
days.I have a possible Moore Award nominee — the vile gang at
Balloon-Juice comparing Romney to Hitler
Keep up the good work!
I know, I know, it’s only a nomination.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
I knew it. I’m still very happy for you and will vote early and often.
“I’d like to this email”. Nice. For great justice!
A little sunshine on an otherwise sad day. Thanks, M. Black Abe.
Comrade Jake
Effing brilliant. Well playedJ.
No worries we will make sure you win it at the end of the year!
Way to pole the electorate.
Evolving Deep Southerner
You’d like to … what?
Put down that keyboard and go to bed, son. I may drunk-post here from time to time, but I’m not a front-pager. There’s a difference.
See, I told you people.
BiJocular Cranky TrollJ himself was behind the whole thing.
Doug, when you’re good, you’re REALLY good. Well played.
Did you send the interns a link to this post yet?
You’ve got all my votes when it’s time to pick the winner. I’m good at poll spamming.
Metrosexual Black AbeJ
@Evolving Deep Southerner:
Site is slow for me, had trouble editing.
I humbly bow before the master. Truly, I am not worthy.
Well done.
Pavlov's Dog
Haha…well played.
This is the funniest thing I’ve seen today.
This makes me feel better about being unemployed, having my girl have to go back to the other coast, and the world going to hell and all that.
Doug wins the inter tubes!
Meta-trolling taken to a new level. If only you blogged at a right wing site under another fake name, we could get you another nomination.
DougJ wins the internets today
Also, that nick
Comrade Javamanphil
If Andy Kaufman were a blogger…so much win.
Jay in Oregon
No, no, no, no.
I refuse to believe that you got away with sending an email about your own BJ post under the name “Douglas Jones”.
” If only you blogged at a right wing site under another fake name, we could get you another nomination. ”
That is a great idea, and I am sure MBAJ can pull it off. Then a commneter submits a new troll feat of strength.
This could be a new feature on this full service blog:
The Pseudonymous Name of the DayJay spoof troll challenge.
Paul at Predictable Funk
This is ten flavors of awesome covered in awesomesauce.
Mark S.
@Jay in Oregon:
That is hard to believe. Also hard to believe: “it’s about
the only place a Burkean centrist can get a fair look at things these days.” Come on, who could read that and not have their Burkean bells go off?
Upper West
Let me echo those above, Doug, and add,
12 dimensional chess
Supreme Kabuki Ninja maneuvering
Reverse phylogenetic tactics
In short, mockery within passion within mockery.
We are not worthy,
Dee Loralei
This is the reason we love you DougJ. Kudos to you sir!
Judas Escargot, Your Postmodern Neighbor
This post is very uncivil.
It deserves a Moore Award.
Jesus Christ how do these people manage to take themselves seriously? And did you really send this from your own email account?
I’d love to praise your genius on this, DougJ, but it’s hard to when these people are so incredibly absurd in and of themselves. Kudos to you, though, for putting in the effort to take advantage of their pathetically transparent conceits.
OMG, lol!
You’ve finally done it. Should this be considered some kind of Grand Unification Theory of trolling?
What are the odds that ol Sully, seeing Mitt surging in the polls, goes 180 and starts writing Oakshottian paens to Mittens? Because it’s all about being on the right side of public opinion for him.
I’m thinking it’s 50-50 right now.
Anyways, well played sir. Andrew’s little blog monkeys are dumber than we thought (which isn’t saying much).
@Jay in Oregon: “No, no, no, no.
I refuse to believe that you got away with sending an email about your own BJ post under the name “Douglas Jones”.”
That’s the best part!
Jewish Steel
If I could play the guitar the way you play these saps? Sheeeit.
Dude. You so fucking rock and roll. This made me bust out in a hearty gut-laugh. Kudos, Metrosexual Black AbeJ! Fucking brilliant.
Fucking hilarious. Nice work, Mr. AbeJ Doug Metrosexual Lincoln.
Good Lord, Doug, this cracks me up. And to think I wrote you earlier today with “You may already be aware, but if not…”
Hmm. My computer and/or wordpress, etc.. are doing weird things with my attempted edit. (Whee — my post briefly appeared as from “undefined”. I apologize in advance for any triple-posted half-chewed-up words.
Suffice it to say, Alan Sokal, you’re no AbeJ.
Rafer Janders
I think it was the use of the word “vile” that got to Sully. He just can’t resist it, it’s catnip to him..
Oh my. Ha ha ha. You’ve made my day. Burkean centrist? Hoot!
More like the Klein Bottle of trolling. Or the Ouroboros. Or something.
Claim your prize now! If it’s good enough for Jonah Effing Goldberg, it’s surely good enough for you.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@SFAW: And the Ouroborus made me laugh out loud, too.
Grumpy Code Monkey
Is it remotely possible that Sully knows DougJ is playing with him, and is playing along just for kicks? Or is he really that blinkered?
Fun either way, though.
Yes. It’s also remotely possible that the hair which formerly occupied the top of my head will grow back tomorrow. (Just to be clear: it’s disappearance is not due to cutting or shaving.)
It’s also remotely possible that Mitch McTurtle will make a public pronouncement that, yes indeedy, the Senate Rethugs have been actively trying to destroy the economy, in the hope that it takes down Obama as well, but he now realizes that it’s wrong to do so.
It’s also remotely possible that Nobel Peace Prize for Hack Writing nominee Jonah Goldberg will write something intelligent. (Nah, never mind, that’s too ridiculous to contemplate.)
I hope this helps.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Did you ever know that you’re my hero? You’re everything a blog troll should be…
This is like the Mona Lisa of trolling.
Master troll is masterful
So, now Balloon-juice is “the Moore award winning Balloon-juice,” featuring J.C. and Metrosexual Black AbeJ.
Troll Pride 2012!! When’s the march?
They didn’t nominate me personally? Man, that’s a bummer.
The guy who made that nomination is definitely the Julius Streicher of the 2010s. But at least he’s offering a Final Solution to the “liberal problem.”
There. Maybe that’ll do it.