Commentor Johannes passes on another plea for help:
Two weeks ago I found this lovely, under a year old, male wondering the streets of 7th ave and 126th. He was hiding under a parked car. I am shocked he did not get hit by a car.
He is one of the most friendly cats I’ve ever held — he needs a home, loves other cats, and would probably do fine with a dog too.
Every time his cage is opened he reaches out for your shoulder to hug!
Please help me find him a good home.
Anybody with a lead who doesn’t want to put personal information in the comments, you can contact me at AnneLaurie @ (click on my name in the ‘Contact’ list to the right —-> ).
With one small change this is the same as the opening of Yutsano’s memoirs:
/tongue firmly in cheek
Pretty. Big guy too. C’mon people, have a little Harlem in your lives.
Linda Featheringill
Oooh! I like my guys orange and striped! What a lovely fellow!
I live deep in flyover country and so am not a candidate. Good luck.
oh mah gaw. That is a cuddlemonster of huge, adorable proportions. If I was still in Manhattan, I’d make my little family a 3 furball household. Wish I knew people who loved pets in Crooklyn. but you know what, some of the younger family is more pro-pet than the aunties. I’ll send the info along.
schrodinger's cat
@Linda Featheringill: I have a stripy orange girl, who looks like Tunch’s cousin. She is a cutie pie.
I posted it on my FB page for all my young friends who just HAD to move to New York.
I’m too far south and more importantly, already have 5 cats and 2 dogs (all rescues) so I can’t help but I wanted to provide an endorsement…super-sized orange male kittehs are the best! I adopted one who ran out in front of my car three years ago this summer and have never regretted it. Super affectionate and very well behaved – well, other than really having no use for any other human in this house other than me. Someone please give this fine boy a home.
OK, hold on a second. People are saying the color of the frickin cat determines it’s disposition? Come on now.
@BGinCHI: I’m out running around with Mom so I can’t do a proper correction yet, but as soon as I’m home I’ll do so. You’re off by one word good sir.
Oh and KITTEH!!
gogol's wife
@Raven: For some strange reason it seems to be true, in my experience.
It can, yes. Haven’t you ever been owned by a tortoiseshell cat?
@Yutsano: The suspense is killing me!
Amir Khalid
A couple of days ago, I got in a cab and found a pair of tabbies just chillin’ it in the back seat. One of them was orange just like the one in the picture. Never before have I spent a cab ride giving skritches to kittehs. I highly recommend the experience.
Oh…Brooklyn. I’m not having much luck reading today.
Once upon a time, I described a friend’s cat as “cat-colored.” They still make fun of me for it to this day. But seriously, there’s like that one color that is not found in nature other than on cats!
Sheesh. I thought you people knew me by now.
(Comment edited to avoid potential confusion. And FYWP.)
Michele C
If no one can take him right away, please contact Anjellicle Cats ( P.O. Box 2084, Radio City Station, New York, NY, 10101-2084
ph: 646-457-2130 | email: [email protected]
They are really busy this “kitten season,” but they are wonderful!
@Raven: No, really — even my vet comments on it and my most recent orange tabby rescue is the sweetest thing. And a girl no less, orange tabby girls are quite rare.
I’m out in AZ with 3 cats of my own or he would be mine.
Abo gato
Oh man, he looks so much like my Honker who died last year. I wish I was closer to NY.
Linda Featheringill
@Amir Khalid:
Unexpected pleasures. :-)
Culture of Truth
Most New York City cabs come with kittens now. It’s all part of the ongoing quality of life campaign.
I posted to FB – looks like a great cat.
sorry to be OT: this headline over at Yahoo made me laugh…
The Obama Enigma: Can a cautious risk-taker get re-elected?
next up, can a team full of athletes, some proven and some not, win a championship?
Culture of Truth
@Piratedan: The defending champions? The mystery deepens…
@Mnemosyne: One cat ever. Ran away after a vet visit.
Amir Khalid
At least you know straight away that the writer’s got nothing, and he’s basically just spinning his mental wheels for a few hundred words.
@Amir Khalid: It’s June. There are no more juicy primaries. They have space to fill and the US has no mandatory leave law. Silly Season continues apace.
@Yutsano: I should have known.
Culture of Truth
@Piratedan: These are the Yahoo headlines below that one:
I want to see that shark-head guy
Adorable! The cat is cute too. Wish I could take either but sadly no room and I doubt the kitteh would like a 4-5 hour trip on bolt bus to DC.
Learned today that the pit bull that attacked my dad on Sunday was apparently on the lam already. King county wanted to pick the dog up after he attacked somebody in Kent, but he was missing. When dad’s police report was filed the animal control officers noticed the owner’s name was the same, so this is either the missing dog from Kent or a second pit bull that likes to attack people owned by the same guy.
Dad’s arm stopped finally bleeding yesterday, but his fingers/hand are still massively swollen and black and blue. Doc say no permanent damage, just keep it wrapped and immobilized until it’s better.
@Culture of Truth: That is SO much better than celebrity voices telling you to make sure you have all your stuff when you get out.
@Yutsano: At first I thought you said, “There are no more juicy primates.” I blame BG.
@Raven: It is a subject of much debate; but most cat fans agree you can tell much from the coat.
What’s in my cat: Fur
details some of the most common beliefs.
Amir Khalid
Yet another attempt to post my comment
Off topic:
I have just come across a curious product, of which its makers say:
Mmm, shoe polish.
ETA: Alas, FYWP took exception to the URL, so no link.
@Amir Khalid: My dog a) is obsessed with shoes (although she courteously demurs from chewing them) and b) wants to lick any human skin that has had moisturizer or lip balm applied to it. I suspect she was on the development team for this product when I wasn’t looking.
If anyone can help with transporting Sir Feline of Brooklyn to me, I’m all for him.
@Amir Khalid: It’s a floor wax AND a dessert topping!
Yes, and tuxedos are the best! But big orange guys are pretty cool.
@Jacquelyn: Where do you live? I can chip in for gas money.
People on Balloon Juice contributing to any form of transport – plane or auto – is a very likely if you work out with poster and Anne Laurie that you are qualified and serious. I’m certainly in for contributing to transportation underwriting. Like you rent a car, you drive up to Brooklyn, you drive back.
I completely agree! I had a gian orange striped boy and he adored me. He didn’t starve the rest of the family, but he was definately MY KITTEH! Miss him so much, he’s been gone for almost 5 years. I had the joy of knowing him for 15 years before he had to go so it was worth it. This boy in the pic could be his double at that age. He got a LOT bigger over time. GD, I miss my Max.
I’m in the Chicago metro area, not exactly around the corner from Brooklyn…and yes, I’m serious about the cat. I sent my contact info to Anne already. Thanks.
Giant, orange, male kitties are the best! I was heartbroken when my Jake died several years ago. We recently rescued an orange male kitten, and judging from how leggy he’s getting, I think we may have another big boy. His name is Cheddar and he is already a doll.
Hope that gorgeous boy finds a home!
By the way, you’ve already seen my boys on Balloon Juice ( I’m sorry to report that Murphy and Ying-Mu are now gone from this world, but Linus, Biscuit and Augie would love another red head in the family!
Please keep me in the loop about the big boy’s possible trip to Chicago. Spend most of my spare money feeding strays and donating to cat rescues, so I would be in.
[email protected]
Please keep me in the loop about the big boy’s possible trip to Chicago. Spend most of my spare money feeding strays and donating to cat rescues, so I would be in.
[email protected]
BTW, just trapped this baby a few blocks from my home in Queens. Male, maybe 10-12 weeks, neutered, Revolution, FeLV/FIV negative, vaxed. Hissy at the moment, but will be calm down into a gorgeous pet. (Still need to trap his sibling and TNR his mom.)
J R in WV
It’s true, cats have lots of other genetic features that are linked to their color.
White cats with blue eyes are deaf.
Orange cats are luv kittys.
Any news?
@ADS: Harley the cat (who we may be renaming BJ – opinions?) is on his way to his new home. One quick stop at the veterinarian’s, then off to meet his new roommates and bask in some warm sunbeams.
@HelpThe99ers: Great news!