I recognize that I have completely shirked my duties as a blogger and ignored you all day, but what can I say- it was beautiful outside and there was lots of yard stuff to do. I bring a peace offering:
That’s Tunch, lying on my gut while I watch tv, kneading away and purring like a crazed kitty.
Comrade Mary
Aww! He looks like a kitten in that.
He looks like a kitten!
Tunch looks content.
And all is right with the world.
Awaits flood of squeegasms….
Comrade Mary
(And it’s nice to know that you knead away and purr like a crazed kitty while you watch tv. Me, too.)
He just loves you.
Aaawwww. Cute. I want to smush his face, gently and lightly but just enough to play with him. (As I used to play with Rowdy.)
Warning signals shall be posted apace.
Hot here today almost 90, yikes.
Insanely beautiful in Georgia. If only we could get this weather next week for Athfest.
Another Halocene Human
Me three! Awwwwwwwwww.
Aww, he is lovely.
Squee. (Autocorrect wants to turn “squee” into “squid,” but I won’t allow that.)
J. Michael Neal
I’m now the treasurer of the booster club for Gopher women’s hockey. That’s right: I’m unemployed and I still have to go to meetings.
Hole in one at the open for John Peterson from LSU!
Hill Dweller
I’m watching the Homeland marathon on Showtime. It’s not bad. Claire Danes is good.
gogol's wife
Love you, Tunchie.
That’s the best picture I’ve seen of him.
robertdsc-iPhone 4
He iz King! Thanks, John.
Fascinating article on what’s become of the iconic “napalm girl” in the subsequent forty years.
Occasionally, good emerges from distilled horror.
Jade Jordan
The evil Tunch is beautiful. What shampoo does he use? Why do cats knead?
Roberto Unger, Obama’s Former Harvard Law School Professor, Says The President ‘Must Be Defeated’
The professor went on to list his complaints:
“His policy is financial confidence and food stamps.”
“He has spent trillions of dollars to rescue the moneyed interests and left workers and homeowners to their own devices.”
“He has delivered the politics of democracy to the rule of money.”
“He has disguised his surrender with an empty appeal to tax justice.”
“He has reduced justice to charity.”
“He has subordinated the broadening of economic and educational opportunity to the important but secondary issue of access to health care in the mistaken belief that he would be spared a fight.”
“He has evoked a politics of handholding, but no one changes the world without a struggle.”
I know some of you have a fucking stroke if a Huff Post link is posted so you have been warned.
Evening guys.
Since I had 8 days until I start my new 7 on/7 off schedule, I decided to drive home to NOLA. for the weekend. I”ve been here since Thursday. It’s been a blast, but it has been a very frustrating day and a half. Yesterday after driving my car all day, I stopped over at a cousin’s house to eat my overstuffed shrimp poboy (it.was.so.good). I stayed about 2 1/2 hour and when I went to leave, my car wouldn’t start. I don’t know if it was a light left off or a door left open, but it was only 2 hours after driving most of the day. So I got a jump from my cousin and drove the car to my aunt’s house after driving around and charging the car. When I got at my aunt’s house and turned off the car and restarted it, it wouldn’t start so either my battery or my alternator was dead. So the next day, I had to get another jump, and took the car to autozone to test my battery or my alternator. So they checked the battery first and the charge was zero percent. The battery was not holding the charge from the jump. So Autozone charged the battery and retested it and in less than 15 minutes the test came back as a bad battery. So I had to get a new battery and then they retested the alternator and the rest of the charging system and they all passed. So it looks like it was a bad battery the whle time, so yay.
Anyway, my car is working great now. So my trip can continue on.
I’ll be back in DFW on Tuesday, but for now, I’m enjoying spending time with my NOLA family.
Cuteness overload!
@Jade Jordan:
Pushing on mama’s tummy to get more milk.
Beautiful here, too, Cole. Grilled some NY strips. Awesome.
Star Trek on FX. Nuff said.
@J. Michael Neal: That’s terrific, I know how much you like hockey.
@lamh35: Excited for you about new job, glad you are getting in some quality time (and food!) with NOLA family, and glad the car problem was straightforward.
Plus, TUNCH!
To make mama release milk. Come on John, release it.
Roger Moore
And they retain the instinct into adulthood. When they’re really content and relaxed, they revert and start acting like kittens again, including the kneading. Cat people love it because they know it’s a sign that their kitties are happy.
Hill Dweller
@Raven: Is Romney going to solve any of those problems?
obviously Tunch does not connect you to the sprinkler incident…
@Hill Dweller:
Roger Moore
@Hill Dweller:
Hush. Don’t you know that this is a yes/no election? Bringing this Romney person into the equation is a sign that you’re a sell-out who likes eating shit sandwich. Only by purifying the party by throwing out all the half hearted centrists like Obama can we bring about progressive policies./firebagger
If you’re interested in the latest RomBot trouble ticket status report, Rmoney steps in it in one of the pointlessly stupid local rivalry panderings (Wawa versus Sheetz in PA: like, fuck, they’re both big convenience stores where you grab some grub after filling your car, mkay).
Apparently, RomBot really loves him some Wawa where you can order yer sammitch through a touch screen app and never have to deal with a smelly local human at all! It’s terrific! More efficiency so we can sack another super-expensive hard-to-source convenience store employee! Personally, I think he’s got the hots for the Sammitch-O-Matic; maybe some enterprising reporter will catch them illicitly interfacing and exchanging packets in the backroom and we’ll have our first RomBot sex scandal.
Villago Delenda Est
Tunch looks so cute there, totally unlike the “stealthy” behemoth we hear about so often.
TaMara (BHF)
Awwww. That tops off a wonderful day. Good job John. Skritch, Skritch, Tunch.
I have a 3-legged skunk coming to the feeder at night. There will not be a rescue attempt.
@jeffreyw: A 2nd LT?
Roger Moore
IOW, the plan is:
1) Let the Republicans win
2) …
3) ZOMG! Ponies!
@Roger Moore: Maybe it’s a stealth appeal to the middle?
@ericblair: Caught with his dongle in the wrong port….
@Raven: Shouldn’t Unger have primaried Obama when he had the chance?
I am
the piano player.
Just goes to show that being a distinguished scholar and being a total imbecile aren’t mutually exclusive.
Hill Dweller
@Raven: How can someone that I assume is intelligent be so stupid? A Romney presidency will almost certainly result in a right wing dominated SC for years to come, making his form of justice all but impossible.
I’m really starting to despise these type of people. We have two options: Romney or Obama. Unlike Unger, the vast majority of the country can’t afford to play purity troll, root for a Republican victory, and watch as they destroy the country, in the hopes of magical liberals riding to the rescue.
@Hill Dweller: See above.
Beer can chicken on the grill. Forgot to put some rub and thyme in the beer. I usually likes my redneck fare to be elistested up but I’ll manage.
Roger Moore
Getting caught jacking
offin; how embarrassing.Baud
@Hill Dweller:
Intelligence is not the same as judgment
@Hill Dweller: He didn’t get his pony. There all rubes shall suffer.
Ok, what did you do with real tunchie ? That’s not tunch. No way he is that slim.
He may well have expected to be appointed to something, or be invited to the White House for poker with the boys.
@Roger Moore: Just another repressed cyborg, on the down load.
@SiubhanDuinne: thx. yeah totally enjoying the time home. Already planning my next one :-)
Sweet swimming Ronnie Reagan on a Ritz raft, Gonzo is doubling down on Yoo’s getting all hot-n-bothered about the preznit violatin’ the Konstitution and all. Latest victim–the oath of office.
“Shameless” in no way approaches the vileness of these free-roaming criminals.
@trollhattan: Did Alberto Gonzalez ever find a job? If I remember correctly, he had a real hard time finding someone who would take him.
@Raven: It’s easy to consider health care secondary when Harvard’s paying for yours.
@trollhattan: Did Alberto Gonzalez ever find a job? If I remember correctly, he had a real hard time finding someone who would take him.
Good. Fucking. Grief.
Roger Moore
I agree. Failing to prosecute people who clearly violated the statutes against torture was a terrible failure. Obviously, Obama needs to rectify the situation, ASAP.
@trollhattan: Did Alberto G. ever land a job? I recall he had a tough time finding one.
@burnspbesq: Just think of the example given by Victor Davis Hanson. Today he is calling people with student loans Helots, with nary a mention of how the states are not funding the state colleges like they used to. It’s your party trying to enslave people, stupid.
I’m apparently moderated at NRO, my comments never show up, even though I try really hard to be polite.
And FYWP for the multiple posts.
Happy cats = happy cat owners.
UNhappy cats = definitely unhappy cat owners, if the cats have anything to say about it :P
I had a friend in middle school whose cats were declawed, which I am totally against, but the one plus to it was you didn’t get those occasional ACK OW OW OMG STOP moments during kneading when they get a little enthusiastic and give you ten little stabbings.
Roger Moore
You fail to meet their definition of polite, which includes never pointing out how stupid their arguments are.
I like how Tunch’s eyes are closed blissfully, but his left ear is still on the job noticing the camera. Vigilant even in ecstasy.
Roger Moore
Are you sure that’s bliss, and not an instinctive response to the blinding light shining in his face?
@Roger Moore: VDH doesn’t meet the standards of polite, either. I *endured* a dinner party that included him once, he monopolized the conversation with his endless tale of how put upon he is. Spartan up, bitch.
TUUUUUUUUUNCHIE! Cole, that’s the sweetest, lovingest, adorablest picture of Tunch EVER! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
@Yutsano: What would I do without you, hon?
@trollhattan: Thank you for the link. That made me tear up in a good way.
@lamh35: I’m glad it was only a bad battery! I had a “shrimp poboy” in a local restaurant (put in quotes because it in no way resembled the actual thing) and it made me almost cry. I was in NOLA three months ago. I *know* a shrimp (or oyster) poboy when I eat one, and that wasn’t it. I’m so jealous of you right now!
Cliff in NH
I think this is a sign.
maybe it’s a sign that I should attempt some really horrible political cartoon, cause… I can’ts takes its no more!!!!
(I pity the world cause I can’t draw and don’t care anymore anyway)
@Alison: My cat was part of trap/neuter/release program, so he was a formerly feral cat. When I got him he didn’t purr, or knead.
Also, he does not allow any cutting of nails. Mostly, the cat scratch pads do a good job, and the clicking of his nails on the floor means he can’t sneak up on me.
After a couple of years, he became a bit more affectionate and now regularly wakes me up with both purring a kneading, that very much evoke an OW OW OW response. But of course I keep quiet, because he is happy.
Didn’t know so I peeked:
That he’s sorta competing with Ol’ Perfesser for ruining the young legal minds of Tennessee seems somehow fitting.
May they both endure an unending bout of chiggers the rest of their days.
@ericblair: Sheetz has the little touchpad to order a sandwich, too. It’s inconvenient, in my opinion; I prefer the Subway assembly line method.
Of course, unlike Romney, I like interacting with the staff—
karen marie
@Roger Moore: Lack of prosecution up the Watergate food chain made the Shrub administration possible. I cringe to think what we’ll get as a result of lack of prosecution of Shrub people.
@Roger Moore:
Mine always stare straight into the lens to be sure to display demon eyes for posterity. They can even do it if the camera does a small flash first to reduce red-eye. It is completely different than green-eye, apparently.
Omnes Omnibus
Guilty pleasure alert: Undercover Brother is on VH1 right now.
Awww…I want to kiss him right on the nose. Who’s a sweet kitty? That’s right, Tunchie, YOU are! Yes, you are!
@Hill Dweller:
Homeland was awesome. I love love Damian Lewis.
And: Tunchie! love.
Roberto Mangabeira Unger is a fucking moron. Take it from someone who knows him.
He is so sweet.
Since when are foreign politicians the go-to sources about who should and shouldn’t be elected in our country? Cause last I heard Mangabeira Unger has ran for President of Brazil and failed and is presently working on some local projects for state govt in his country. And he is more a political philosopher who is not very respected by anyone in the field.
And with that, the good professor shows he doesn’t have a fucking clue.
Our kitty drinking from a watering can. He prefers outside to inside water.
@Omnes Omnibus: “I am NOT A SISSY!” Noted for the triumphant return of NPH.
@SuzieC: Ooooh, link doesn’t work!
Dr. Mrs. and I went to see Prometheus (in IMAX 3D! [/Nerdgasm]). We both enjoyed it and it’s been months since we’ve had a chance to see a movie at the theater.
Tomorrow she’s back to writing and I’m spending the day mowing/edging and drinkin’ beer. I might play a little BF3 while I’m at it…it being a Double-XP weekend and all.
An offering
Odie Hugh Manatee
I picture RMoney as the Humping Robot from Robot Chicken, banging away at the Sammitch-O-Matic.
Of course, he would only do it as a prank.
Now there is a happy cat…for as long as it lasts, anyway, which will be until one of the canines tries to horn in on the affection and jealousy rears its ugly head.
And bigod if there are two people who are experts on selective enforcement of the law by the president, they are Alberto Gonzales and John Yoo. (Signing statements, anyone? I’ll take half a dozen.) I’d add David Addington to the list, since we can certainly anticipate a blast from the Addington mouth and pen about this horrible abuse of executive power (since it’s a Democrat who’s doing it).
2. It’s hot. Getting someone into and out of a car after a hip replacement is awful, and it’s worse when it’s 92 degrees outside.
3. Sick room nursing sucks big time, but it’s part of the whole “for better and for worse, in sickness and in health” gig. It WOULD be easier if the sicko (sickee?) wasn’t so damned bossy.
4. Beer is an absolute requirement under these circumstances, and I may yet resort to stronger measures. As long as I can wake up for 4 am meds….
jake the snake
@Roger Moore:
I take it you have seen “Circuitry Man”.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
With any luck, this will be a replay of the utterly out of touch George Herbert Walker Bush encountering a grocery store scanner.
These people. They sure ain’t living in my world.
@Valdivia: Is Brazil like a hotbed of purity-bagging or something?
One would think so no? Mangabeira Unger is a different sort though. I would say he is an opportunist more than anything. I would use stronger words but I’m trying to stay within the polite terms I set out above with fuckung moron :)
Phil Perspective
@Raven: I disagree with the guy, especially given the system we presently have. Harvard had Socialist/Marxist law profs? Who knew!
Omnes Omnibus
@Valdivia: OT: I sent you a link to my refugee article through your Flickr account.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Thanks so much! I’ll print it tomorrow morning and read it. Yay. So excited to read that.
Omnes Omnibus
@Valdivia: It is old. The law has moved on since then. Also too, I was a callow youngster when I wrote it, so bear that in mind.
I don’t think Tunch looks like a kitten.
Tunch looks like the cat version of the cosmic superbaby floating around in the next dimension at the end of Space Odyssey.
What great leap forward for humankind is in store?
@Omnes Omnibus:
I promise I will. :)
schrodinger's cat
Tunch kitteh FTW! Is he praying?
Speaking of Wa(h)Wa(h)’s, I was listening to this as I read your post: