(Tony Auth via GoComics.com)
People misunderstand the Eeyore philosophy — what the classicists call Cynicism has been degraded into a cheap wiseguy excuse for inertia. But when you understand the Way of the Donkey, you know that of course the house always wins, that rust never sleeps, and that Coyote is always hungry. The joy of life is to understand all this and still celebrate the joys (however fleeting) of the wins (however compromised). To quote Mr. Pierce, and President Obama:
To hang your fortune on chance.
The president finally has found the six-word answer on why health-care reform — any health-care reform — couldn’t wait until the second term, or on a jobs package, or on a Wall Street bailout, or something else that tickled Rahm Emanuel in his funny places. People were getting sick because they couldn’t afford to stay well. People were dying because they couldn’t afford to get well. This is a moral imperative with which every industrialized nation on the planet, except this one, had grappled successfully. And today, in reaction to the Supreme Court’s decision largely upholding his own admittedly flawed attempt to come to grips with it, the president was more eloquent, and more convincing, than he’s been at any point during the prolonged — and occasionally ridiculous — fight over the law itself. He talked about all those American citizens who had to worry “not just about the cost of getting sick, but the cost of getting well.” Those people, he said, shouldn’t be forced to “hang their fortunes on chance.”…
The popular opinion among the pundits is that the president should now walk softly on this issue, or that the issue will fade as the campaign rolls on. I think that would be as big a mistake as his pulling back in the face of the manufactured outrage of 2010 was. The president should talk about this every day….He got a win today. So did the people who no longer have to hang their fortunes on chance. To hell with repeal-and-replace. The president should run on maintain-and-improve. His defenders back when the law passed kept saying that the ACA was worth passing because it was the first step toward the progressive goal of universal coverage. If he really meant what he said today, that should be the president’s position now and forever…
Although, if I’m being totally honest, I was betting Doghouse Riley’s line:
Did you feel this coming? I thought I did, but only a fool predicts Court decisions, even in this benighted 5-4 age. It’s a political decision, and the political winds just shifted alee. Roberts’ “tax-based” decision sounds for all the world like the sort of thing that happens whenever any Grand High Poobah decides to get tricky. It’s overwrought and stupid, and transparently does what it was really designed to do, except for the fooling people part. I guess we can’t ask for more, except the massive stroke that Scalia has deserved for years now.
(Guess I better be careful, or I’ll be infringing on DougJ’s Moore Award turf.)
What other fleeting, incomplete, flawed wins are up for celebration on this evening’s agenda?
Wave you hands in the air’
Like you don’t care
Word Up
A little while ago the temp here was 99 and it said “feels like” 109.
Feels fucking hot would be more accurate.
Tonight’s activity: panting between sips of white wine.
and Germany has bailed out of the Euro …
… football tournament
I’m celebrating my boss being on vacation for a week and a half.
@BGinCHI: There’s a reason I’m still at work. One fringe benefit of working 40 feet underground is a certain degree of not-give-a-fuck about the outside weather.
I still have to go home at some point. And I live in a brick
kilnwalkup.General Stuck
You do loves your boy toy liberal snarkists, Anne Laurie.
Mary G
I am a fully paid up member of the Way of the Donkey (love the phrase), but I am giddy with joy today. I really thought John Roberts was going to sell his soul.
I might even fish the Obama “Hope” yard sign from 2008 out of the garage and put it out to annoy the wingnuts across the street and next door and up the street and…
Linda Featheringill
It’s hot. I know you folks further south would laugh at me if I told you the actual temperature so I won’t.
We have a major heat wave in the US right now. Weather dot com says that [geographically] half of the country will have temps over 100. Apparently the heat supposed to last for a few days.
You guys in the worst of it take care of yourselves, and anyone you’re fond of, in the next few days. It looks like you have some killer temps coming your way.
And Al Gore’s adipose tissue hasn’t kept the heat away.
Edited because I can’t spell.
A journal listed my first name incorrectly in the table of contents (a completely different name, not a misspelling and not even phonetically close). They shipped it out before noticing. Then they noticed that the printer fucked up the page order and physcially misprinted the journal. So they sent out corrected copies to everyone, which I received today.
A win for me via a double fuck up by them! It’s a weird world, I tell ya.
@BGinCHI: Went out to water the hanging baskets a little bit ago and the concrete patio was hothothot under my feet. We usually walk around dusk, but I think it will be too hot even then.
Dewey Defeats Truman!
@Linda Featheringill: That’s okay. I’m further south and it’s all of 77 here.
Mike E
My lame duck Gov. maybe, just maybe, will veto the shitty fracking bill just passed here in Mayberry. C’mon, sweet mojo…
Enzo is totally into chomping on frozen cucumber slices these days. Good for a cool down and teething relief.
Not to be cruel, but the weather here is … um … decidedly not like Chicago.
PS: The County shut down the weekly Beauregard party because of a crotchety neighbor complaining it violated a use agreement! Appeals are forthcoming, but it was a pissy thing to do.
Jesus…you just can’t resist, can you? What is wrong with you?
JGabriel, Statist Minded Ideologue of the Left
What are you, a subway engineer? Somehow, I thought you were a programmer.
the feels like it’s fucking hot is coming my way tomorrow and staying so all weekend long. So not looking forward to that.
tonight: hopefully some sleep, finally after a white night, some netflix, some wine. plenty of celebrating too, today was a good day.
Omnes Omnibus
What is “fleeting, incomplete, [or] flawed” about today’s decision?
General Stuck
@Omnes Omnibus:
Nevermind. The natives need to find a fly in their ointment. File it under nature.
JGabriel, Statist Minded Ideologue of the Left
@Linda Featheringill:
I turned the AC on early this afternoon, so as to keep the apartment cool before the heat kicked in, and I am now basking in the relative coolness of my city hovel.
The Populist
It’s amazing how much whining I see on boards ranging from lulzy anti-Obama troll boards to places where hardcore cons congregate.
I’ve read many saying today America died, constitution is over, time to move to a new country, etc. To that I say move to a new country idiots. Shoot, I’d allow them to take Alabama, Texas or Mississippi with them and they can live in their messed up fantasy utopia and stop bothering the rest of us.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I believe AL was makin’ a little joke.
@JGabriel, Statist Minded Ideologue of the Left: I’m a scientist, physicist to be exact. We work in the sub-basement because several of our instruments are very vibration sensitive and are happiest sitting directly on the foundation slab of the building.
You know, who gives a flying fuc& why Roberts did it or what other issues might arise in the future – it is a victory over the teabaggers and other retarted thugs; I will enjoy this for now and also, millions will have health care who would not have if we lost. How many thousands would have died, as well? We won and it is President Obama’s victory more than anyone’s and he gets the credit. It is a good day.
@jeffreyw: No shit, I was in a staff meeting with my boss sitting right across from me. I was sneaking peeks at scotusblog and they said yes. I hit CNN and they said no. I had to just sit there!
Anne Laurie
@RP: The intense heat, it is burning out peoples’ snarkmeters.
@dmsilev: Rain headed in, though may not make it to the south side.
@Loneoak: I’m going to guess “Jasmine.”
@Anne Laurie:
I read it as a joke, but let’s be fair – spotting deadpan snark is really HARD around here. There’s always someone who actually holds a position you think is totally off the deep end.
Just to mess with a certain person (you know who you are):
Also, Laettner teh kitteh was so happy about the Supreme Court ruling that she went out and
stomped on Gimel Martinezkilled a rat and left the carcass by the front door.BGinCHI
@Loneoak: That’s a travesty. The winery party shutdown, not the cucumber.
Xavi eating that mashed up rice stuff plus banana. Frozen veg a good idea as he’s getting those bottom teeth.
Jealous of your weather, but not of your cranky old haters.
David Koch
I guess Russ Feingold knew what he was doing when he voted to confirm John Roberts.
I always liked Laettner. You have an Obot cat :)
Xecky Gilchrist
@RP: I read that as snark, though as always I could be wrong.
It is supposed to be 105 here this weekend (feels like 110) and my DH thinks it is a good time to go out and mow the back lawn (which is a weed fest). This may end up with me chaining him to his recliner.
JGabriel, Statist Minded Ideologue of the Left
@dmsilev: Ah, got it. Thanks.
Omnes Omnibus
@Anne Laurie: If you take a look at many of the earlier posts and their comments, there seems to be a determined effort to see this decision as negative in some way. Well, fuck that; this is a big fucking deal.
It is 75 degrees here.
Of course, no one wanted to join me in the winter, when it is below zero by double digits. This is the yin and yang of where I live.
@Omnes Omnibus: Buncha Roseann Roseanna Dana’s!
David Koch
I watched goopers interviewed tonight and they had the most pained look on their faces.
Halperin was reeling as he desperately spouted that the decision was Great News for Romney.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Like this (warning: FDL link)?
It’s arguably correct, but fuck … we’ll worry about that tomorrow. Now let’s have some fun.
Well, I don’t care how hot it is. I’m fixin’ a big glass of icy limeade and taking it out on the deck, where I’ll shove some crushed mint into it. I may even have some Indian spiced nuts, because this is a speshul day.
@The Populist:
I don’t think they will find a new country that they would want to live in that doesn’t have universal health care.
@David Koch:
funny story: my mom was in the gym this afternoon and she bumped into Halperin. When she said she had just seen him on tv (my mom does this, randomly walk up to people she sees on tv and talks to them) he asked–did I look good? Fucking asshole. I told my mom next time she bumps into him to kick him between his legs. :)
My bad. Never mind. Carry on. Etc.
@Valdivia: Well, what did she say back? I hope she at least rolled her eyes dramatically.
Damn, this is a good day.
It hit 108 here this afternoon, but it is back down to just 107 now.
J. Michael Neal
I finished the rough draft of my novel at 11:45 this morning. My brain has been completely fried ever since.
Oh, good fucking grief:
J. Michael Neal
It’s still about 90 here but fortunately (no snark) it’s a relatively dry heat, by Minnesota standards.
JGabriel, Statist Minded Ideologue of the Left
David Koch:
Roberts is still the same justice who wrote a concurring opinion for the majority in Citizens United, comparing it to ending segregation.
So, while I’m relieved by today’s decision, I don’t think any of us need to join the John Roberts fan club just yet. Roberts basically agreed with the conservative dissenters in most of their reasoning, voting only on the narrowest of grounds to uphold PPACA.
(ETA: Or did my snark meter fail to go off?)
My mom didn’t know as of this am that Halperin is evil and deserving or derision. And yet she thought it was such a stupid thing to ask.
But I am on her case about the MSM. I have many times explained to her how Cable is making us all dumber but she still listens to Williams on NBC every night. I think she got an inkling today when CNN botched up the announcement that it is better to trust the web and blogs than these jerks.
@J. Michael Neal: Yay! Revel in the fried brain; so many have never experienced it through creative endeavor!
@J. Michael Neal: Congrats!
Davis X. Machina
@burnspbesq: That’s a man who gets up every morning, depressed and sighing, because he leaves behind a wonderful dream where he is by turns standing in a schoolhouse door or pulling the lanyard on a Parrott rifle on the Battery in Charleston…
Tonal Crow
No. Roberts’s tax-and-spend argument is far from stupid, and almost correct. The mandate penalty is indeed a tax, but that’s broad-brushing it. What it really is, is a side-effect of a new tax and an accompanying tax credit. The new tax is a flat “mandate tax” that, in the first instance, (nearly) everyone must pay. The tax credit permits you to avoid paying the “mandate tax” if you have qualifying health coverage.
Looked at in this way, the “mandate tax” is just like hundreds of other tax credits, under which you avoid some portion of a generally-applicable tax if you do something that the government deems desirable (like buy a house with a mortgage, or adopt a child).
All this “penalty” stuff is just so much verbiage. The functional core of the thing is a tax with an accompanying tax credit.
And the Court has always held that Art.I s.8 cl.1 gives Congress virtually unlimited power to enact taxes and tax credits.
Riley needs to read some caselaw.
@Valdivia: Kick him in the nuts and then say “Was that good for John McCain too?”
So, I tried to buy tickets online for movie I want to see tomorrow is already sold out at like 2 theatres! All the tickets were bought online. Wow! That’s the first time that’s happened when I’ve bought tics online.
ETA: forgot to add the movie, it’s that male stripper movie Magic Mike. I had to call the box office. There had better be some nice physiques and lots of partial nudity in this movie for all this trouble I went to to get tickets. This is girls night and all the girls (i.e. me and my gays as Kathy Griffin would say) wanted this the fun part of our “drinks and fun” girls night.
JGabriel, Statist Minded Ideologue of the Left
@J. Michael Neal: Congratulations, JMN!
CA Doc
Such a great historic day! The only disconcerting thing is how close they came to throwing the whole thing away, when so much of the law presented no constitutional question at all. But a win’s a win and it means so much to so many of my patients (even though they don’t all know it yet)
Have to go to a meeting, but planning a little toast tonight when I get home :)
Summer shower! Love, rain o’er me.
thank you. even better idea. the funny thing is that my mom who is the sweetest lady ever, also took up kick-boxing a few years ago so her kick will be specially efficacious :D
@J. Michael Neal: congrats! a toast to you all the way from the Capital of the Empire.
@Valdivia: Yours is the work of the angels. Keep it up, sister.
Dee Loralei
Mrs Obama gave an amazing speech today, I was so rapt, I forgot to live tweet LOL. Actually my battery was low and I was tired of peck and find on my iphone. Heading out to a city-wide celebratory OFA meet and greet and nosh. I made a kick-ass chocolate cake! I was out in the 100+ temp waving signs for 2 hours before I went inside for the speech. Mayor Wharton also gave a great speech!
I’m exhausted and still hot, and I’ve been home for a few hours. Will check back in later, if I’m still sentient after my long day.
Today was a great day to be a Democrat! Except for the Holder thing.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Biden himself sent out a tweet today (you can tell cause it was signed VP) “this is a BIG – IMPORTANT – DEAL” I LOL’D.
@Dee Loralei:
sounds like a great day! the chocolate cake sounds yummy too.
:D just thank you.
list of the 21 Dems who voted for civil citation against AG Holder:
Jason Altmire (Pa.)
Ron Barber (AZ)
John Barrow (Ga.)
Dan Boren (Okla.)
Leonard Boswell (Iowa)
Ben Chandler (Ky.)
Mark Critz (Pa.)
Peter DeFazio (OR)
Joe Donnelly (Ind.)
Kathy Hochul (N.Y.)
Ron Kind (Wis.)
Larry Kissell (N.C.)
Jim Matheson (Utah)
Mike McIntyre (N.C.)
Mike Michaud (ME)
Brad Miller (NC)
Bill Owens (N.Y.)
Collin Peterson (Minn.)
Nick Rahall (W. Va.)
Mike Ross (Ark.)
Tim Walz (Minn.)
@lamh35: WTF is wrong with Peter DeFazio? Isn’t his district deep blue?
Holy crap…the network news media is finally talking about the good points of health care..
J. Michael Neal
@Valdivia: Right now I’m doing my volunteer tutoring gig; fortunately no one has asked my fried brain for help yet. When I’m done, I am entirely undecided as to whether to go out drinking or go home and go to bed.
JGabriel, Statist Minded Ideologue of the Left
@lamh35: Hochul?
I hope DougJ or mistermix weigh in on that one.
” Roberts’ “tax-based” decision sounds for all the world like the sort of thing that happens whenever any Grand High Poobah decides to get tricky. ”
Roberts floated the tax interpretation at oral arguments. So it was in his mind. Just a question of whether he wanted to use that trick or not.
Question in my mind is whether the 4 losers decided to try and wreck as much as they could and would not compromise?
Is there a core of 3 wingnut (or 4 if Kennedy is going that way) on the court so reactionary Roberts won’t go where they want to go?
Guess we will find out next year.
Omnes Omnibus
@J. Michael Neal: Try drinking in bed – preferably with someone. And congrats on finishing the book.
@JGabriel, Statist Minded Ideologue of the Left: The NRA has decided that this is the most important vote ever and they have lots of money.. I’m still waiting to hear on MSM why the NRA wants to sell arms to Mexico.. I’ll let u know when I do.
@lamh35: Almost 20% of the Dems in the House are from CA – and none are on that list.
Y’all need to nut up.
@JPL: I’ll be damned. I suspected they’d only do that if the ACA were overturned.
James E. Powell
I don’t know if it matter to him, but Chris Matthews is really giving Chief Justice Roberts a tongue bath.
Bob Shrum observes that the Republicans will use this to fire up their base. Given that the president is so black, can their base be fired up any more than they already are?
J. Michael Neal
@Omnes Omnibus: If I knew how to get someone to share the bed, I wouldn’t have been driven to write the novel.
@shortstop: ABC and a tad on CBS but not as strong.. they both showed folks waiting for the ruling who had pre-existing conditions.
J. Michael Neal
@Martin: Two of them are from Minnesota. Sigh. Sometimes I’m scared to leave the Cities.
Omnes Omnibus
@J. Michael Neal: Horns of a dilemma.
Anne Laurie
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yes, that would be why I put “Winning” in the post title. Haven’t read all the comments yet, but when the blog’s unofficial haterz-eeyore-pessimist-alte-kacker has to point out that A Good Thing Happened Here, well…
Omnes Omnibus
@Anne Laurie: Touche.
@J. Michael Neal:
I vote for drinking, but that’s just me, being a lush.
ETA: @Omnes Omnibus: has a much better idea.
So I decided to venture into work today, only to discover I am totally locked out of my system. So I’ve been sitting around doing nothing and getting paid for it. But at least I’m getting paid for it.
J. Michael Neal
@Omnes Omnibus: I just wanted you all to be aware of how much I suffer for Art.
@Anne Laurie: gotta say.. a long time conservative friend asked her husband why this a bad decision..and after his ranting he couldn’t answer. we have paid for bad health care for those that couldn’t afford it and now it’s time to pay for decent health care.
El Cid
@Tonal Crow:
It struck me that way from the very beginning — mortgage insurance tax credit, child tax credit, earned income tax credits, etc.
It seemed to me that it might have been wiser to set it up as such, since the “mandate” sounds so much scarier and obviously suggests some legal challenge to this Soviet tyranny, but I’ve heard a few Democratic politicians and analysts say that they feared it would be more difficult to pass with the term “tax” on it.
I thought you’d promote it as a “health insurance tax credit” and make it sound great, yay, a tax credit, except people might be expecting some sort of net tax credit increase rather than ‘yay we’re not charging you any more than you’re paying now!’
I dunno, the “health care tax” or “health care mandate” would likely have been just as much a scream-phrase for the right during Stalin Summer (the TeaTard occupations of Congressional town halls and rallies of Revolutionary War costumes for FREEDOM).
It gets even weirder when it’s pointed out that there’s little, and maybe even no, enforcement for anyone not following the “mandate”.
David Koch
Today, more than any other day, proves why who nominates supreme court justices is a paramount importance.
I’ve always been shocked how a number of hard core lefties have little interest in the Court.
I mean, think about it. If you peruse hard core leftist blogs, they only talk about the Court when a bad decision comes down, but they never talk about the judiciary on a regular basis like they do economics, or gay equality, or foreign policy, or the environment.
That’s just weird. The Court has an impact on every subject the care about.
First FB unfriending: High-school classmate living in Wasilla, AK (no, really) flounces off my friend list after reading my amused update about conservatives who want to leave country but cannot find developed nation without universal healthcare. I had failed to notice that she’d just posted her intention to sell her house and move to Costa Rica.
I suspect there will be more before the night is over.
@James E. Powell: Bob Shrum failed to observe that the Republican base is perpetually fired up in a way that usually only applies to someone who just had a habanero enema.
Yikes. Then again truth hurts since Costa Rica, my country!, although not a developed country has free sociaIIst healthcare!
Female on the Beach
“The roster of Democratic shame“
@Valdivia: That’s why it’s so fucking funny! A number of other people are announcing their intention of moving to…Canada!
And I guess I should have said “developed or developing” country.
@Valdivia: If these rugged wingnuts insist on remaining in the western hemisphere they will have no recourse but to move to Haiti, a country that fits their description of a Galtian paradise.
@beltane: I though those were illegal since the Democratic nanny state took over. Maybe you can still get them in Nevada, though.
@shortstop: @beltane:
indeed they are going to be hard pressed to find places where the galtian paradise even remotely exists. As Obama said in the 2008 election-it’s like they take pride in being ignorant.
Omnes Omnibus
@J. Michael Neal: Who is Art?
@shortstop: Thailand is right out too. I suppose there’s always the UAE.
I’ve always wondered how Figueres Ferrer pulled it off.
The commie democratic socialist reformer who got away with it.
But all the big pols fighting to rule were so lefty that maybe the US just threw up its hands and gave up.
So um question…ChristianMingle.com??? Shouldn’t Christian’s be mingling at chruch????? I’m just saying.
@David Koch: second mistake of the day.. who are you talking about… just because a few sites screamed doesn’t mean the left …sorry.. no more compliments for your posts…
Anne Laurie
I’m seriously expecting the Redstate Trike Farce to call for the US to “liberate” Haiti sometime just after Labor Day. My best guess, it will be cloaked as “border protection” because “those people” are dirtying up our nice cruise-ship playground, what with the cholera and the poverty and the orphans, so the Xtianist Jeebus will tell Pastor Saddleback that we need a bold band of 21st-century Rough Riders to
remember the Maineimpose Good Protestant Liberty where those 19th-century Frenchies failed in their duty…lamh35
In 2006 Video, Romney Calls Health Care Mandate ‘Essential’
Roger Moore
They’re not trafficking weapons, they’re exporting freedom!
J. Michael Neal
@Omnes Omnibus: He’s the guy that offered to buy a copy of this doorstop if it ever gets published.
@Anne Laurie:
Paraguay looks like the place to go for free market health care now.
@Roger Moore: second time today that my keyboard got moist.. lol
@Anne Laurie: The poor dears will certainly feel as though they must invade something, if only to erase the painful feeling of emasculation they are experiencing right now.
I have my own little office at work but am forced to keep the door open. So I heard a burst of wingnutty excitement at around 10am.
Then, silence.
Then, someone calling out angrily: “Call CNN and tell them their coverage sucks!”
TIME magazine cover next week on healthcare:
David Koch
@JPL: I don’t want to give anyone undeserved attention, I will give as examples defunct blogs like “open left” and “MYDD” who possessed administrators who said Court picks were low priority. In fact, one high profile admin said Court picks are completely irrelevant, and voting has to based on other criteria. Left is an incorrect characterization. As you say, just because they call themselves left doesn’t make it so. Populist maybe more accurate.
@J. Michael Neal:
Finishing my first novel was one of the greatest moments of my life, except the moment was actually about twenty four hours later. It takes awhile for the empty whole where your book was to fill with other emotions. It will give you an amazing sense of accomplishment. I wish you the best of luck getting published.
A friend wants to know where to get a gigantic Obama sign for their yard, like the size of a freeway sign. I have no idea. Anyone?
Omnes Omnibus
@bemused: Free? ‘Cuz otherwise I am told that someplace called zazzle dot com has them.
I just wanna thank Nancy Smash this evening. When Scott Brown was elected, and Democrats began to despair, she told them to buckle up and gird those loins and helped the President drag the ACA over the finish line.
thank you, Nancy Smash.
J. Michael Neal
@Frankensteinbeck: Rough draft. It’s only the rough draft. I’z gots a long way to go.
I’m leaning towards drinking first, then bed.
@lamh35: hm, wonder if this had the effect he intended. I’d heard he may have been concerned about his legacy; oh well, I guess if he gets to be a hero out of this but it benefits us in the end, I will endure it.
Like my state Washington, you never know with Oregon. The liberal masses in the big cities usually swamp the national votes, but out in the hinterlands, it can be a real patch-work. DeFazio’s been in forever it seems, but before him, the seat appears to have flopped regularly back and forth.
@Raven: They totally punked themselves. What a clusterfuck, jeez. Will Wolf Blitzer ever be able to masturbate another “conservative” guest again?
@Omnes Omnibus:
I didn’t ask but I’ll let them know about zazzle.
@beltane: Bwa ha ha.
@bootsy: Bwa ha ha ha ha.
@rikyrah: Hear fucking hear. I will never forget what she did.
I got an email earlier today from a Sistafriend. Between the two of us, I am the political junkie- we don’t talk politics very much. But, her email was so simple. She said,
” I was worried FOR HIM.”
She didn’t have to explain to me who HIM was. I understood.
I respect President Barack Obama for many reasons, most among them is the fact that he inherited a mess, and in addition to trying to clean it up, he CHOSE to tackle healthcare. It wasn’t the ‘safe’ thing to do, but it was the right thing to do.
There has been a concerted effort from the moment this President was sworn in, to diminish and disrespect all that he has done and tried to do. To try and erase this man’s place in history.
Today’s decision will take care of that.
Loved this final piece from Rev. Al’s show yesterday.
@Anne Laurie: Tell that to poe.
@rikyrah: And hear hear again.
Bobby Thomson
@Omnes Omnibus: :
There are bad things about it.
1) Five votes to gut the commerce clause in ways that wouldn’t have been conceivable even in 19th century. (If regulating something that makes up almost a fifth of GDP doesn’t constitute regulating commerce, nothing does.) This is a big fucking deal.
2) Five votes to gut the provision extending Medicaid to poor people without kids so that those people are at the mercy of Jan Brewer and Scott Walker.
Yeah, there’s plenty to celebrate, but I’m feeling a lot like Winston Wolf here.
that is a good long story. but you know he was part of the League of the Caribbean. which has an interesting left/right connection.
Unfortunately the son fell very far from the tree. sigh.
If there’s justice, future generations will continue to give President Obama credit for doing what he did to help sick Americans and their families. “Obamacare” will be as casual and as natural as the terms “Social Security” and “Medicare” and “Interstate” in the future.
I am grateful right now for everything everyone did to get the Affordable Care Act written and signed into law. From the lawmakers to the bloggers to everyone here who called their Senators and Representatives in 2010. Thank you all.
And thank you, President Obama.
@lamh35: Hochul? Hochul voted for it? I really thought she was smarter than that.
@shortstop: He is a firebagger supreme. Asshole
He contains a large amount of mavricky prickishness,