Upon hearing that the individual mandate was struck down (it wasn’t) Ohio Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-Crazypants) screams with joy like someone had told her she just won the lottery. The video is delicious. I wish there was video of her reaction when she realized she was wrong, wrong, wrong. You’ll just have to use your imagination.
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Saw it yesterday. Congress, and the rest of us will be better off without her, as she lost her primary. What a dreadful excuse for a human being.
I just watched this in a previous thread, but I plan to make time to view it several more times today. Several more times.
Slightly OT: According to NPR this morning, the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the ACA is good news for Mitt Romney.
That it was also good news for John McCain is so obvious that it required no mention.
Poor Jean. She lost her primary race and will be gone from congress in January. We’ll miss her entertainment factor, but will somehow muddle through.
Ohhhh, yeah! That’s my congresswoman! Condolences cheerfully accepted.
Of course, she lost her primary and she’s soon to be done, which makes this little “farewell” video all the more satisfying.
General Stuck
Savage blames it on the dope
This really isn’t funny, but I can’t help but laugh.
Whatever will cause wingnuts to have aneurisms BEFORE ACA kicks in and covers it, is just gravy in my estimation.
Nothing less than total Blood Vessel Collapse!
Mark S.
Dignity, always dignity
Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.)
Does anybody have any links to any of these clowns breaking down in tears when they find out the law got upheld? That’s something that would make this day even better.
Clowns, the lot of them. For all the ways the GOP love to vilify Pelosi and Hillary and Obama, I’m amazed Dems don’t put foolishness like this on a loop and air it continuously. Nothing de-legitimizes Republicans better than Republicans.
Roger Moore
@General Stuck:
I guess wingnuts have to be experts at recognizing cognitive dissociation, since they get to see so damn much of it.
Chyron HR
@General Stuck:
Why would an epileptic be sympathetic to the idea of universal health care? THE ANSWER IS NIGOBAMA’S THUGS THREATENING HIS CHILDREN, STUPID.
@General Stuck: I was waiting for a winger to bring that up.
So much for The Orange One’s advice to “not spike the ball.”
comrade scott's agenda of rage
Ah yes, as soon as the did the piece introduction and turned it over to their national political correspondent, Moira Liarson, I had written the entire piece in 3 seconds.
And yup, it lived down to my expectations.
And NPR wonders why I never give it money. Well they don’t, but they should.
JGabriel, Statist Minded Ideologue of the Left
Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.):
Here are photos.
JGabriel, Statist Minded Ideologue of the Left
For such bitter people, Republicans have awfully sweet tears.
Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.)
@General Stuck:
Do these assholes ever take anything with good grace? They lose, and they weep and moan and have fever dreams about how President Obama threatened Roberts’s childred, and talk about armed uprisings. If anything, they’re even worse when they win, I guess because we liberals who lost haven’t been rounded up and gassed yet (I’ll never forget Adam Yoshida’s amazing “curb-stomping liberals” screed after Bush won in 2004).
General Stuck
@Roger Moore:
it is extra special whacked out, that full time crazy person Michael Savage is diagnosing mental problems in others. Or the psychotropical drugs to treat the underlying dementia, or something. Like Al Capone volunteering his expertise to the Temperance Society.
Has anyone even seen MeanJaean since the theoretical tears? Because wall all know what water does to some of her breed.
Mark S.
In the spirit of reconciliation and fellowship, I offer this video to our wingnut friends.
I almost feel bad watching that. It’s not nice to mock crazy people
JGabriel, Statist Minded Ideologue of the Left
We’re not spiking the ball, we’re just renting airplanes to fly around the country trailing banners that say or sky-writing in huge letters:
And also a lot of Dancing In The Street to Martha Vandella. But ball spiking? Nope, no ball spiking here.
Unless you’re talking about the GOP Testicle Shish-Ka-Bob BBQ’s taking place all over the country, but I suspect that’s really an entirely different meaning of “spiking the ball” than you intended.
Omnes Omnibus
Quiet dignity and grace.
there’s a trombone in the background going wah-wah-wah-WAAAAAAH
Odie Hugh Manatee
I really hope that Roberts is enjoying the evisceration of him on the right. I want him to get the Full Monty from his side and I hope that they don’t let up, ever. I hope they do everything they can to sour him on the R brand, maybe even pissing him off enough to side with progressive issues more.
The Savage Weiner going after him using his health issues is sweet. Nothing pisses someone off more than being disparaged for their health issues.
Keep pissing on Roberts you wingers! Ol’ Erick, Son of Erick, was taken to task for his lack of enthusiasm in going after Roberts so he has a new post up at Redneckstate where he is giving the Teahadists a thorough sphincter tongue-bathing to make amends for his lack of purity.
I may have to put on a life preserver if these wingnut tears get much deeper.
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
not likely. tho friction between him and the more crazy wing of the court can only be helpful.
Amir Khalid
John Roberts is pulling a triple-secret maneuver to outsmart Obama and the Democrats.
John Roberts is playing a long game; he’ll still be CJ long after Obama is back in Chicago.
John Roberts is loopy from his epilepsy meds.
John Roberts was being coerced by the White House.
John Roberts is a RINO. TRAITOR!
What justification will these people pull out their hats next?
Southern Beale
Me too!
@Odie Hugh Manatee: If they’re bitter / salty enough, we should find it a little easier to float in them. Dead Sea, ya know.
i only wish we could send the wingnut tears to colorado.
Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.)
I’ve brought this up before, but I guess it holds here, so I’ll beat this horse a little more… Conservatives are stalinists. They really are. One of the defining traits of bolshevism in the early U.S.S.R. under Stalin was that anybody–anybody–who strayed in inch from Stalin’s interpretation of what Lenin or Marx had said would be summarily cast out. If Stalin switched 180 degrees around the next day about something, everybody had to follow along. Nobody could respectfully disagree; it was dangerous to even ask questions: do anything like that and you’d find yourself the star of a show trial.
It’s the same way with American conservatives. Whatever the orthodoxy of the day is, you have to follow it without question. If you go against it, you’re cast out. True, there aren’t any show trials, and nobody gets sent to the gulag, much less shot, for any “deviation”, and in American conservatism at least, you can redeem yourself if you come grovelling obsequiously enough to lick Rush Limbaugh’s balls or something, but, really, these people are stalinists. There’s a reason Grover Norquist has spoken admiringly of early bolshevik tactics…
@Amir Khalid:
john roberts was replaced by an alien transvestite robot
@Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.): Even by the rather low standards of the wingnut blogosphere, Yoshida is special.
I cherish the memory of the smack down I saw him get once on Usenet back in the days of the War on Terrah ™: He posted some screed about VICTORY! and traitorous Democrats and so on and so forth. One of the group regulars, a retired Navy CPO, came back with “Adam, I will *pay* for the hooker to get you laid”.
Linda Featheringill
Boehner, “Don’t spike the ball.”
They really, really thought they would win. They convinced the MSM that they would win. They convinced me that they might win, even though I couldn’t see the logic of such a decision.
I thought that Risk was a Republican virtue.
The US Chamber of Commerce did not submit a brief in support of the right wing position in this case. So we probably have them to thank for Roberts’ vote.
If that’s what it took to win, that’s too bad. But as we’re seeing, winning is preferable to losing, and a little post-ruling Schadenfreude is much more fun than looking at photos of a smiling Scotty Walker.
I’m very concerned about you people. Very concerned indeed at the total lack of decorum exhibited toward a sad bunch of losers. We should all come together, not to mock … OK, maybe a little bit of mocking … their total loss of perspective as to what the American form of government is/was supposed to be.
@General Stuck: So, he’s calling for Roberts to step down, I assume? We can’t have that, can we? Who could possibly choose his successor?
@Amir Khalid:
Those justifications aren’t being pulled out from their *hats*.
Obama “feeling pretty good” about y’day.
@chopper: The real John Roberts is being held at Guantanamo in isolation.
Patricia Kayden
@General Stuck: What’s dissociation?
Sounds pretty darn scary!
JGabriel, Statist Minded Ideologue of the Left
Odie Hugh Manatee:
Po’ Erick has just never taken the same joie de vivre in attacking SCOTUS justices since he was publicly reprimanded for calling Souter a goat-fucking child molester.
It’s kind of too bad she lost her primary, because this clip would have made one hell of an ad.
Hill Dweller
I’m having trouble deciding what it sweeter, the Republican tears or the media’s desperate attempt to spin this as good for Willard.
Just go to youtube and look for videos of Italian widows at funerals.
@Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.): I couldn’t agree more, and I think we’re very fortunate that (so far) they really haven’t latched on to a truly compelling leader. If they do, then we will be living in interesting times, indeed.
OT Zimmerman-Bail-Grilling reminder for those having entirely the decorous amount of fun but wanting to keep eyes on other balls in the air.
@Keith: I believe it went something like this.
Wonders never cease! Meet The Press might be okay to watch this weekend. Nancy Pelosi is going to be on and then Jindal and Dean will debate the health care law.
@General Stuck:
I just saw on Media Matters that drudge is pushing this too. The rightwing circular vendetta squad didn’t wait 24 hours. I suppose Roberts will have to hire a lot of security for a long time to protect himself and his family. Of course, Savage, Drudge, etc don’t have any concerns his wife or kids may be harmed.
@General Stuck: Hope someone sends these ‘homilies’ to johnny boy so that he fucking comes to his fucking senses in all future decisions.
@Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.):
A friend said she heard on the tv somewhere yesterday that Republican legislators were even kicking furniture after the decision came out but I haven’t found links to that yet. If true, I’m sadly sure there won’t be any video of it.
And if you want an antidote to Schmidt, take a look at this lovely photo and read the last few lines of the text below. This is what it’s all about.
Mark B
Frankly, after 2000, I’m surprised whenever the Supreme Court considers a case on its merits instead of just doing the bidding of the Republican party hierarchy. I’m guessing Roberts just couldn’t find the part of the Constitution that said that poor people who are sick need to just die.
It’s too bad he wasn’t on the court in 2000, he might have stood up to the nakedly partisan nonsense that was Bush v. Gore.
@comrade scott’s agenda of rage:
Not just NPR but Tweedie on MSNBC had one guest after another spelling doom and gloom for Obama as if ACA had been overturned! What gives with these people? And if it had been overturned, of course it would still be doom and gloom for Obama and certain victory for Bishop Romney
I hope Dean will be arguing for ACA because I remember a time when he didn’t. If he does it will be nice to see him kick Jindal’s ass a bit.
gogol's wife
That video literally made me sick to my stomach.
TaMara (BHF)
@dslak: I heard that this morning. And they must have said, ‘very unpopular Obamacare’5 times in 2 minutes.
Strengthens my resolve to NOT listen to NPR. Liberal media my ass. Next time congress wants to cut their supposed funding, I’m all in.
Flying Squirrel Girl
This video reminds me of the day OJ was acquitted. The owners of the company I worked for threw a party and rented TVs and had one for every office; they served mimosas and everyone crowded around the TVs as the verdict came down. Next thing you know, white women with champagne buzzes were crying all over the place, lamenting the travesty. One lovely woman I had the pleasure of working near said, “Look at that jury. They’re probably all used to being beaten by their husbands.” Angry, vicious, bitter people.
In other SCOTUS news:
gogol's wife
Yes, and the NYTimes had their front-page story analyzing the stupidity of the Democrats for thinking it would be upheld. As I recall they also published a story about why the bill hadn’t passed, a few days before it passed.
Mark B
It’s amazing how the spin goes on this, the media and right wing were ready to paint Obama as a crippled lame duck president if the Supreme Court had struck down any part of the ACA, and now that they didn’t, they are going all in that the fact that he won is going to be political poison for the Democrats.
I guess the fact that once the ACA kicks in and people end up not having to scrounge for health care or go without … Most people will come to the realization that Chicken Little was wrong, and health care for everyone isn’t worse than 100 hitlers. And then what do they do?
Great quote from Gov. Martin O’Malley in MD today (from TPM) ” Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) on Republicans: “The only health care mandate they can embrace are transvaginal probes for women.”
Keep your foot on their neck, Martin.
But this is the kind of messaging that the Democrats aren’t very good with.
E.g. re the NRA, they could run ads asking why the NRA supports the murder of cops (via teflon-coated bullets).
Re abortion, they could run an ad depicting a future post-Roe society where some parents are screaming with grief over the fact that their daughter now has to bear her rapist’s child.
@TaMara (BHF): Right, and that the law’s popularity varies according to what people know about the content continues to go curiously umentioned.
West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.)
NPR’s Mara L. is billed as a “National Political Correspondent”, and yet she always somehow manages to see things through a Republican lens. According to her, Obama is now stuck with “an unpopular — extremely unpopular for the Republican base — act” that will surely give das Mitt many fine opportunities to court victory. It would be interesting to see how Mara is treated among her NPR colleagues. My take is that a lot of the reporters are intelligent and educated (therefore, liberal) — Ira Flatow, for instance, on Science Friday is clearly annoyed with global warming deniers, creationists, etc. I suspect that the management is more right-leaning.
Didn’t NPR recently announce a goal of having less “he said, she said” reporting and returning to more objective analysis? I don’t know that I’ve seen much evidence of said policy in action.
I see Charlie Pierce caught United States Senator(!) Jim DeMint in an act of sedition:
@bemused: “The rightwing circular vendetta squad didn’t wait 24 hours.”
In that respect, at least, they are very much like us.
TaMara (BHF)
@chopper: Like this?
Do we have one of those? Other than on blogs, that is.
Meh. It’s not sedition. The act actually has provisions for what to do if you’ve got Governor Dipshit at the helm who decides to be a righteous patriot by giving a finger to the Man and not setting up the health care exchanges.
My understanding is that the Federales come in and do it for you if Governor Dipshit decides to fight the power. So your state gets an exchange run by the Federal Gubbmint instead of the local cronies of Governor Dipshit.
I’d actually count that as a win – I actually trust the Feds to set up a better health exchange for Ohio than I do our own version of Governor Dipshit.
@JenJen: Dude, my congresscritter is JOE WALSH. You get no pity from me.
He’s not gone yet, but redistricting did at least make him scurry to anothr district to avoid losing in the primary to another GOP incumbent.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@MaryRC: The delicious text bears repeating:
I’ve sent this far and wide. (And probably posted it in every thread here since I read it.)
@West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.):
I heard this bullshit too. No one on NPR seems to be willing to talk about how the individual parts of the ACA are actually extremely popular, or how why Obama was never going to win the votes of Republicans anyhow.
These folks are twisting themselves into pretzels trying to find anything negative to talk about so they can keep portraying themselves as a 1000 percent impartial. Which apparently means just saying everything is good news for John McCain.
@General Stuck: Ya, just because they’re turning on one of their own, but that is really a fucked up attitude. I wish such a disorder on him or one he loves, then he can pontificate about how it impairs them mentally.
chrome agnomen
@General Stuck:
bill frist watched the roberts tape and diagnosed roberts as brain-dead.
28 Percent
Shorter Erick: “won’t someone rid me of this turbulent justice?”
my congresscritter is JOE WALSH.
Has life been good to him so far?