Since my post yesterday about Real American car adornment sparked a good-natured exchange, here’s another one. This is aftermath of a Saturday night. Speaking of Saturday night, here’s a joke from one of my family members:
Individual Mandate? Sounds like something a guy does alone on a Saturday night.
Relax, he’s a more rabid Democrat than most of you. Open thread.
Mo Rocca used that joke (may be he came up with it) on this weeks Wait, Wait (which I actually got to go to the taping of Thursday night).
General Stuck
After completing today’s duties for saving mankind by blogging, think I’ll take a break
Hunter Gathers
I don’t know what’s more disturbing – that some one could actually drink that much Bud Light or that they they still had enough room for that can of Coke.
The lonely coke can on the Siverado’s bumper? I’d hope it was half filled with whiskey or rum at one point in the evening. That’s a decent start on pissing a campfire out.
Roger Moore
@Hunter Gathers:
Two points:
1) There’s no obvious reason to assume that this was the work of just one person.
2) Bud Lite is only one step removed from water, so it shouldn’t be surprising that somebody could drink that much of it, especially if they stop to relieve themselves regularly during the process.
daaaang, heat index of 136!
hoping y’all in the hothouse of the US are making it through this, especially those without power.
Hypatia's Momma
Naturally, as you might expect from any man famous throughout for his unswerving loyalty, rigid obedience, and unquestioning patriotism, he was betrayed by his own government, imprisoned as a traitor, and executed for treason.
I’m an admirer of Mr. Thompson’s use of hyperbole but there isn’t a bit of it in that sentence.
@Roger Moore:
yeah, bud light is like sex in a canoe.
Ronnie Pudding
Telephone’s ringin’; it’s your second cousin
CPAC’s boy wonder swings left
Speaking of Real Americans–what’s with all the coverage of the Romney family ‘Olympics.’ Details abound, such as how it’s mandatory, no excuses for not attending. How Romney ‘expanded’ the variety of games when he started losing. And how they coordinate their wardrobe.
Good God, they even vacation weird.
there’s a reason budweiser products have a picture of a horse on the package…
Linda Featheringill
Amory, Mississippi:
After the 2004 election, Googling “Bush Mandate” would display a gay dating site as the first result…
I don’t get the point of Bud Light.
I don’t get the point of Bud Light.
It’s beer for people who don’t like real beer flavor.
Many lovely commentors wanted to know when I launched a Way of Cats fund drive. It’s NOW.
Let’s keep the Way of Cats blog Blooming
Ironically, the blog’s growth is why I need contributions. I don’t have enough ad, cat toy, or book revenue to cover bandwidth, security, and all the etceteras that come with popularity. I’m apparently not that popular yet.
If you are so moved… Help the Cause?
Increase cat understanding and acceptance. And let’s empty those shelters!
A liberal is a conservative who grew up.
Gin & Tonic
I bailed early on that thread, but wasn’t it mostly hatin’ on fat people?
oh and I”m sure someone already posted this today, but file this under a slow news “No Shit Sherlock” day…Anderson Cooper…”Yes I’m Gay”. And all of America says..uh duh!
Linda Featheringill
@Gin & Tonic:
Actually, it degenerated into a real fat-fight, with hissing, clawing, and howling.
Also, I realize it’s not breaking news, but I didn’t know so many modern evils had Republican roots:
Lou Pearlman, 20th-century Republican leader
Ed in NJ
but isn’t that what Bud is for?
And yes, I heard Mo Rocca use that joke on WWDTM this weekend.
Commenting at Balloon Juice since 1937
The aftermath of a Saturday night is Sunday morning
bud light is for people who feel terribly guilty about drinking and wish to make it as painful as possible.
@Violet: I don’t get the point of Bud Light.
The Placebo of Beers.
Hypatia's Momma
@Gin & Tonic:
There was also the “women are the ‘n—— of the world’ bit (and also, I guess, students going through voluntary tertiary education which they are free to drop at any time) from people one would think were better than that. Apparently it’s ok to “reclaim” the word if it’s never been used to attack you and everyone like you because… some white man from England sang this song.
Hypatia's Momma
It’s a mortification of the flesh?
A liberal is just a conservative who has undergone puberty.
Roger Moore
@Hypatia’s Momma:
It’s a mortification of the taste buds; whether that counts is left as an exercise for the reader.
@lamh35: Water is still wet too Mr. Vanderbilt. But at least he didn’t live off Mummy’s money.
Slept like a wreck last night. Think I’m gonna call out. Not sure yet.
Grumpy Code Monkey
Bud/Miller Light are for the guys who want to get smashed on the cheap without turning into a parade balloon. They’re not drinking it ’cause they like the taste. They’re drinking it strictly because it gets them drunk (eventually).
At least that’s how it was explained to me by one guy I worked with, who would regularly order pitchers Miller Light when the rest of us were going with a bottle of something that had a flavor.
I could comfortably go the rest of my life without ever hearing Mo Rocca again.
Roger Moore
@Commenting at Balloon Juice since 1937:
In honor of which…
This sounds like all the British upper class moronic obsession over competition and sport that Monty Python used to make fun of. Oh no, these people can’t chill, crack a beer and watch the ball game or read a book down by the lake. They have to make it into some Kid’s Birthday Party From Hell with organized teams beating the crap out of each other in stupid games and scorecards and yelling from the grownups, lorded over by the Grinning Idiot himself. I’m sure this will endear him to the masses even more.
You try drinking 30 Snooty Dark Special Reserve Lagers on a Saturday night. Hard to do! Hence, Bud Lite.
Roger Moore
Couldn’t you just drink 10 Snooty Liberal IPAs and wind up in about the same place as 30 Bud Lites?
@Grumpy Code Monkey:
This really doesn’t make sense if you give it just a few minutes thought. That “eventually” part is the tell – in my limited experience I had to drink about twice as many Bud Lights as any good beer to even get “buzzed”. I can’t imagine how many I’d have to drink to get drunk – a whole case? (Full disclosure – I’m a mean drunk with a family history of alcoholism, so I don’t tend to drink to get drunk).
If you want to drink to get drunk without ballooning up like a parade balloon you skip beer altogether and go straight for the vodka or the whiskey or something else with a high alcohol content. Bud Light is generally for people who really don’t actually like the taste of beer but want to be social, or for people who want to drink something cold, don’t want sugar, and hate ice water and iced tea. Or for people who hate the taste of beer but feel like they need to drink some kind of beer or their masculinity would be called into question.
@Roger Moore: You could. But what about those all day/night parties? A cube of Bud Lite (or, if so inclined, Miller Lite) is just the ticket.
Was there not a super lite beer folks used to drink way back in the day instead of water? Like that.
@Hypatia’s Momma:
exactly. only with more pissing.
Well, if we’re going to look at car adornments, here’s one my wife shot today in Winston-Salem.
Ash Can
Friends don’t let friends drink Bud Lite.
I thought Bud and Miller and Coors were chosen by people whose mentalities were so shaped by mass market advertising that it essentially never occurred to them to try anything else. Just like you don’t order Domino’s because you’re on a careful quest for the perfect pizza, you order it because you saw it on TV. They’re not considering a universe of options, they’re picking the last thing they remember hearing about, something that won’t taste “weird” or make them physically sick. This is also why people go to chain restaurants. It’s also, frankly, how I pick something like toothpaste. I think, Crest, Colgate, whatever, I’m sure it’s fine, it won’t be all weird and gritty like the baking soda brands at my crunchy in-laws’ house.
It’s great having a nice, fat wife: warmth in the winter, shaaaade in the summer. ;)
Also, Bud Light is only tolerable with ample infusions of tobasco sauce.
The guy drank all those Bud Lights, then thought, “I better sober up to drive home!”
And so he drank the Coke.
Water balloon
No, people drink it because it’s cheap and perfect for binging on in college. You’re not playing beer pong with some microbrew. Then they develop a taste for it.