For the first time in decades, the Advocate is endorsing someone for President:
Never has the substantial progress in equal rights and treatment of LGBT people been more at risk than in this presidential contest. This election presents a choice between starkly opposing futures.
Barack Obama is a leader of undeniable accomplishment, vision, and integrity on LGBT rights. His opponent Mitt Romney betrays equality on numerous issues and aligns himself with a faction of the Republican Party that does not include equality among its declared ideals.
The Advocate’s last endorsement was decades ago, but the president’s statement of May 9, unequivocally in favor of marriage equality, along with his record on LGBT rights, has distinguished him for the ages and has made it clear that he is a transformational leader and our best choice for president.
That’s a pretty big deal.
So let’s see how many comments it takes before someone writes off the Advocate as yet another nest of corporatist hackery.
Just words.
Seriously though. Nice to see him getting credit.
Good for them. Seems like an easy choice but then, everything these days is fraught with complications I can’t follow.
Have the Mormons(tm) endorsed yet?
And yet I still know quite a few gay folks who are voting Romney because “too many illegals”, “taxes are too high”, “obamacare is socialist”, “he’s taking away all our guns”, “light bulbs”, “large sodas” (obama got blamed for that even though it was the half-Republican Bloomberg’s idea).
most of the gay dudes I know with this viewpoint really liked Ron Paul, but are going with Rmoney anyways because they just hate democrats that much.
Welp, you can’t fix stupid.
@NonyNony: sadly true. they may be gay, but that doesn’t make them smart.
@Cargo: Let me guess…they’re all male.
Wow. Excellent.
Can I get a “worse than Bush, sold us out?” in here?
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
@Violet: And let me guess… they’re all white.
@Violet: Oh yeah. Your basic red staters. of course they can’t stand the Christian Right, but they just wish errybody, left AND right, would leave them alone. not realizing that things like gay marriage aren’t going to happen without liberals to fight for it.
OT, but watching “The Cycle” on MSNBC, and even without now having the “opportunity” to watch the horrible Sippy Cupp on a daily basis, it’s terrible.
@Ivan Ivanovich Renko: I’m gonna throw in a guess that they’re probably making well above minimum wage too…
Obama getting credit for something? What is this, opposite day?
@Ivan Ivanovich Renko: not all white, but mostly.
@Cargo: It always warms my heart to hear about folks voting for the party that, if its base had its way, would have them extirpated from the face of the Earth.
Good thinking, there!
I’ll be damned if I can figure out the House wingnuts’ litigation strategy on DOMA.
@Derelict: you and me both dude. I think of these dudes as chickens for colonel sanders when I am being charitable, sonderkommando when I am not.
@Derelict: Well, just like “Religious” doesn’t include Muslim, “Those People” doesn’t include “Me”.
@Cargo: I remember after Obama said he supported gay marriage Andrew Sullivan made some comment about how he thought the Republican party would be the natural home of gay men, while he figured lesbians would still stay with the Democrats. Well, DUH! If gay men are treated equally and not as second class citizens, what do they need with the Democrats anymore? They can just go hang out with the IGMFY party. I don’t think Sullivan realizes how transparent he is half the time.
Matthew Reid Krell
Obama sold us out. What has he done for gay rights? POOOOOOOOOONNYYYYYYYY!!!!!
CW in LA
But… but… Drones. Droooooooonnnnnes.
@burnspbesq: there’s an appeal on the same issue in the Second Circuit, which is where the Connecticut court is. The governing case law could be changing shortly within the Circuit, makes sense as a matter of judicial economy to stay proceedings pending a decision.
Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn
@Derelict: Every demo is gonna have its counterintuitive “Alan Keyes” contingent.
@CW in LA:
Roger Moore
Next up: The
Uncle Tom’sLog Cabin Republicans come up with some reason why gays should vote for the candidate who hates them rather than the one in favor of equal rights.BGK
Not where I am. The two lesbians of my closest acquaintance, a co-worker and a friend, both love them some Ronpaul. The former styles herself a gun-toting hipster punk (confuses me also), and is a total grind (at least when not around me – she knows better) about it. The latter isn’t very forward about it and usually doesn’t talk politics because it gives me red-faced fits.
@Violet: I’m of the opinion that gay men who are likely to vote Republican are already doing so and vice versa for gay men who are likely to vote Democrat. I think we’re more likely to see more gay republicans come out and be more vocal if the Repubs suddenly embrace gay rights. I’m not convinced we’ll see a major change in voting patterns among gay men though there may be a bit more crossover. Too many years of distrust to overcome for most gay men to suddenly start voting for conservatives in droves.
Also, Sullivan’s self-serving statements/conjectures rarely bear any resemblance to reality…
Obama offered his support too late, and it was too little.
This is a slap in the face to Hillary.
But, but, but Donnie McClurkin!
Has Halperin said it’s good news for Mitt Romney yet?
Culture of Truth
This only proves he put gay rights ahead of my personal pet project.
Culture of Truth
The Advocate? Who cares? People hate lawyers.
Wasn’t there a flap about revealing names of people who contributed to Prop 8? No proof Romney contributed?
@Roger Moore:
“It doesn’t matter if Republican leaders hate us, so long as we have more money, which we can use for more donations to people who hate us and … wait, I sense a vicious cycle somewhere.”
Like others, I am disappointed at the lack of any “worse than Bush” comments in this thread. The “droooooones” thing took the anticipatory mockery a little too far, though.
@burnspbesq: Am I the only one who sees BLAG and invariably thinks of PFLAG?
Who’d they last endorse? Carter?
Yep, it was a huge fight that they eventually lost, leading to this here listing. I see lots of Mormons, Catholics and their running buddies represented:
Don’t know how many donor doors teh ghey stormtroopers have kicked down since these were published, but I’ll bet it’s been tens of them.
Even without that endorsement PBO would have gotten most of the gay votes other than the goproud ‘house faggots’ and whatever demeaning term you want to call Mary Chaney.
You might be, because when I see BLAG I invariably think of vomit.
Ron ‘at least AIDS will wipe out the gays’ Paul? Sigh. People truly see what they want to see.
Not a new phenomenon. I do think some libertarians are well aware that Paul has anti-gay views, but they think that since his commitment to letting the states decide whether they’ll endorse marriage rights or not is “sincere,” it wouldn’t be a problem.
Which tells you a lot about the problem-solving capability of the average Paulite.
This list might be more user-friendly.
I’ll note the biggest pro-8 donor state outside California was Utah.
Also, bully pulpit!
Roger Moore
They probably also don’t connect the dots and realize that he’d prefer a pre-Lawrence approach to the legal status of gay sex.
@Roger Moore:
I’m sure at that point they’d just point out the Supreme Court ruled on that already and so Paul’s views on it wouldn’t matter. Paul himself encourages this from time to time – he’s got a kind of weird abnegation thing going on where, while his views and the Constitution’s are theoretically homologous, he’s willing to say “I don’t agree with this but I guess [he says resignedly] the Constitution would let other people [he says, barely restraining himself from making air quotes] do it.”
His followers eat this shit up.
Yeah, that’s what they said, but the District Court in Connecticut didn’t buy it, and neither do I, because the decision in Windsor may not (in fact, probably will not) control the outcome in Pedersen.
And while im ranting, let me also say that If standing is the basis for their appeal of the Windsor case, their should be sanctions, because it’s just frivolous to suggest that the executrix of an estate, who is personally liable for the tax, doesn’t have standing to bring an estate tax refund case.
Could be. I see BLAG and immediately think “bleccccch.”
Could be. I see BLAG and immediately think “bleccccch.”
Gadsden Flag Burner
I’m Rick Warren and I do not approve this message.
Xecky Gilchrist
@trollhattan: oh yes, the Utah donations were widely commented on at the time, leading to all those idiotic calls to boycott the state in retribution.
Why haven’t they endorsed anyone in years? They didn’t see any difference between Bush and Gore, Bush and Kerry? This sort of annoys me.
That’s why I asked who was the last candidate they endorsed. I’m wondering the same thing.
@AxelFoley: @David:
Last time they endorsed anyone was in 1977, and even then it was non-presidential.
David Koch
For 4 straight years he’s been constantly accused of being a homophobe. A year ago at this time, Dan Choi was tearing up his photo at Netroots. They even tried to deny him credit for repealing DADT.
Now they finally come around. O My Fickle Liberals
David Koch
Then you haven’t been reading enough. On too many occasions to count, some one will run into a complete unrelated topic and post how much they hate obummer because of unmanned aircraft.
@David Koch:
Was The Advocate really at the forefront of that? I get that they reported on everything Dan Choi did, but that might be because he was of interest to their readership?
David Koch
@CW in LA: Win.
David Koch
I was aiming my comment at the greater blog community, as opposed to any other community.
@David Koch:
Hell, then what makes you think they’re coming around? The Advocate‘s at least relatively mainstream.
Patricia Kayden
@CW in LA: Had to laugh at your post because it looks like PZ Myers and many of his supporters are using the drones issue as one reason tonot vote for Obama. Wonder if he refrained from voting for other Dems who used drones/military tactics that he didn’t like. Also, wondering why there isn’t a bigger outcry among Dems re the use of drones.
Good for the Advocate. No doubt that President Obama supports civil rights for all citizens. Cannot say the same about Romney and the Repubs.
I’m not a fan of drone strikes, civil liberties, etc. but I don’t think for a minute that a President Romney or a President Nader for that matter would do any differently.
I was thinking the other day that if Romney wins, most white dudes will instantly shut up about the TSA for example. And they only hate it now because the airport is the only time in their lives when they get treated like an immigrant or a minority, who puts up with strip searching and intrusion every day of their lives, and the white dudes are ace with that.
Freddie deBoer
Welp, this is not a friendly place.
About fucking time.