Happy Birthday, Angry Black Lady. The other night when I was talking to her, she told me she was turning 24. I don’t know if I believe her, but I’ll play along.
Open Thread
by John Cole| 60 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
by John Cole| 60 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Happy Birthday, Angry Black Lady. The other night when I was talking to her, she told me she was turning 24. I don’t know if I believe her, but I’ll play along.
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Happy Birthday, ABL!
Just 24 ? Methinksnot eeither.
Happy b’day ABL. No need to lie though. :)
Difficult to pin down corroboration on the situation, but something is putatively going on:
In order to be 24, she would have to have graduated from high school at 13, or done undergrad and law school in two years. Not saying it’s not true, but it’s more likely that she’s playin’ witcha.
@NotMax: Gotta break some livers to make foie gras omlettes.
Most romances started with less.
Comrade Mary
Happy whatever damn birthday you’re calling it, ABL! Anyway, who says we all have to count in Earth years? So boring.
There is one faction in Afghanistan for whom the words “school girls” are an abomination. I don’t find this even a little bit implausible.
ABL is 24 like my ass hurts from Keira Knightly spankings.
And there are plenty of direct flights between LAX and Pittsburgh …
Lies! I’m 22!
happy birth anniversary ABL, ty JC for giving us a forum to pass along our congrats.
happy birthday ABL!
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
Happy B-day! Oh, and John? Did she tell you about the teensy bit of numerical dyslexia? 42, not 24. So, same as you!
Well aware of that. So far haven’t come across even a whisper of these cases in the Western press sites, nor in English-language news sites in India and China, which sometimes break these types of stories well before they bubble up in the North America or Europe.
That is absolutely NOT to say that what was reported is not happening, just a standard caveat on single-sourcing.
Ash Can
@ABL: If you’re under 50 you’re a punk AFAIC.
Happy B’Day ABL. :)
Mark S.
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday ABL!
Whichever birthday it is, I’m sure you’re not a day over 29.
David Koch
Happy 24th 24 birthday!
Happy Birthday, ABL!
Happy 24th, ABL, and may you lose not one iota of healthy outrage in your declining years :).
A Birthday Lady!
Mr Stagger Lee
Stevie Wonder does it better!
freelancer (iPhone)
Happy B-day, ABL. And many more!
Happy B-day ABL. I wish you many more happy healthy birthdays.
22 is OK.
Watch out for 24 and 27.
I think Cole is 42, which has a mystic relationship to 24 by switching the digits, which would have sent conspiracy theories aloft among the commentariate, I am sure.
Is the supposed Cole (evidence of the existence of whom stands on ONE blurry pic) 24?
27th birthday hazard requires no explanation.
@jl: Now he’s gone and joined that stupid club.
John have u learned nothing!! there are two numbers you don’t challenge a woman on, her age & her dress size (especially if u suspect it’s a higher number than she is saying) .
so “22th” Happy Born-day ABL
Hypatia's Momma
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday *yesterday* ABL. I guess Cole was too busy furminating Tunch, so this post is a day late.
(Just teasing you JC! All in good fun :))
I’d say you’re only as old as you feel, but my own birthday is coming up and I feel about 93 most days, so…yeah, no.
Newsweek seems to think there is no there there.
Psy-op? False-flag operation by the government to put the Taliban on the outs with the locals? Mass hysteria? Could be any, all, or none of the above.
My birthday today too. Wow, ABL and I are like twins.
Been off cycling in lovely Michigan for a couple of days. Good times. Not sure what I missed in politics, but I’m probably better off not knowing….
Happy {___th}* Birthday, ABL!
*birthday person: enter appropriate number in the underlined space.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
Happy birthday, dear.
Happy birthday ABL!
Thanks for that link. Came across the piece I linked to on Friday, and looked around quite a bit on Friday night and Saturday for more. Hadn’t yet done a full news trawl today.
..And Many More, ABL!
Hope that you enjoyed your day…
יום הולדת שמח!
Happy Birthday, ABL.
Think years are calculated differently on the West Coast.
May this be a good year for you.
Happy Birfday ABL and BGinCHI! Mine’s Thursday. CRABZ RULE!!!
Hey! Happy Bday ABL!
Thanks for everything over the last year that you’ve given us!
Happy Birthday ABL. Hope you have many more.
(Glad you’re here.)
I think you should be only as old as you WANT to be! Happy Birthday, ABL. Thanks for all your posts!
Happy birthday, ABL!
I think Jack Benny had it right, so I celebrate my 39th birthday every year.
Happy Birthday!
let this be your best year ever, until the next one.
Mike S.
Only 24?
I’ll believe it, her postings surely are sophomoric.
Happy Bday or day after!
Hau’oli lā Hānau, ABL!
At 24, I think ABL is remarkably astute about law and politics.
Many happy returns on your “24th” birthday, ABL!
And Mike, this is a birthday wishes post. How about you insult the woman in one of the many other, more appropriate threads available? Doing it here is just tacky.
Thanks everyone!
Odie Hugh Manatee
Late to the party but what else would someone expect from a slacker like myself?
Happy Birthday ABL! If I’m late, will Happy Afterbirthday work? Nope? Darn! ;)
I hope you had a great one ABL. :)
Patricia Kayden
24 for the nth time. Happy B’day ABL.
Hey, I’m 24 too! Well, actually I’m closer to 3B, but Cole’s 2A, so you guys are only, like, six years apart.
Oh, wait, you’ve never coded? Never mind …
Happy Birthday!
Ben Cisco
Happy Birthday ABL!
Hope you enjoyed the day.
I used to work with a tough, young, black chick…then after about 22 years she turned into a tough, middle-aged, black chick :)
Rex Everything
Wow, Cole, maybe as a birthday present you could let her write “posts” on Balloon Juice that are really just links to her crappy blog.
Happy Cake Day !!!
Have a great birthday, get some yummy treats of some kind to celebrate!