Advantage, Obama
While President Obama campaigned in the rain today —
Mitt Romney took the fam for a spin around Lake Winnipesaukee on the SS Failboat:
Not to begrudge Mitt Romney a little R&R — after all he had a pretty rough Friday, having appeared on five different networks in an effort to convince everyone that he left Bain Capital in 1999 (CNN); he left Bain Capital in 1999 (CBS); he left Bain Capital in 1999 (ABC); he left Bain Capital in 1999 (NBC); he left Bain Capital in 1999 and besides the president is black (Fox News).
Still, the optics are not in Romney’s favor.
**Photo credit: (Mandel Ngan/Getty Images)
***Photo credit: Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, takes his family for a boat ride on Lake Winnipesaukee on Saturday, July 14, 2012 in Wolfeboro, N.H. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
David Koch
Check out the cute blonde with the sweet melons
Cue the winger outrage – “OBAMA HATES AMERICA HE LEFT THE FLAG OUT IN THE RAIN!!!!111!11!1one!”
@David Koch: Racist.
teh sauce, it is awesome
Again, Mittens = Tony Soprano.
. . and then the S.S. Failboat ran aground on a pack of dirty lies. The End. You’re welcome.
Saw something that Oprah interviewed Mittens and Ann.
David Koch
2nd photo: Thurston Howell driving the S.S. Minow
Plus his campaign staff still can’t spell.
Just got an email (titled “My VP”) with the From line
I haven’t heard the phrase “Obama isn’t working” recently. I wonder why.
Is anybody keeping track of how much time Romney takes of from the campaign trail? I have the impression that at the moment he is making Gingrich look very engaged in comparison.
@Calouste: “Mitt Isn’t Working.”
@Violet: yeah, I saw that headline and I’m guessing that O Magazine is also going in the crapper like the OWN network.
At least she put them in the magazine and not on the air. Still, way to lay with the devil Oprah. But I’m sorry, having on the Romney’s is not gonna make more white soccer moms watch OWN.
But I’m guessing it’s hard to see all that money go down the drain for her vanity projects.
She shoulda kept the tv show.
David Koch
From Sully:
Sully says the abortion profiteering ads will hit the airwaves in mid October.
David Koch
@eemom: speaking of awesome, the blog is always funnier when ur around.
To be fair, I’m sure Mittens bravely withstood the mist that surely sprayed up and battered his perfectly chiseled face as he expertly steered his craft to protect his beautiful little grandchildren (all 53 and counting), as he heroically battled the rough freshwaters in his trusted steed, and all you Obama-lovers better back the phuck up, yo, and quit trying to SwiftYacht Mr. Governor W. Mitt Romney. Standing in the rain, well that’s just stupid. You ever hear of an umbrella Obummer?!? Duh. -Glen Kessler
@lamh35: Hey give me my words back! You took them right outta my mouth.
Maybe Mittens will be the first cover model for the mag other than herself.
@David Koch: I can just imagine the vitriolic swill the wingers will come up with this. BHO is a big boy, and I’m fully aware he can take it, but the dark American psyche let loose with this kind of photo op are a kind of Milgram experiment and the results are just as disturbing.
I suspect will get many more great optics fails on the way to November. I even think he can surpass green background McCain and Germany vs german restaurant McCain and slaugherhouse Sarah as well.
Mitt Romney set a new world record for appearing in seperate interviews on CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, and FOX all in one day. He surpassed the previous record held by Kim Kardashian, Jim and Tammy Faye Baker, and the Bubble Boy family.
Seriously, does anyone recall a presidential nominee ever appearing in five seperate televised interviews on the same day?
CW in LA
Letting little kids ride on the front of a motorboat like that doesn’t look very safe. And should we assume that they’re not wearing life-jackets because, hey, if they go flying off they’re dead anyway?
I guess boating safety regulations are for little people, too. But are they really so willing to bet that the laws of physics follow the same principle?
comment from someone at buzzfeed: you won’t see Romney doing that; his bolts can’t risk the rust.
ETA correct use of semi colon from the original. AWESOME.
the Conster
Jeebus, after today what does Mitt do now? He’s well and truly fucked. If I were Rick Santorum I would clear my calendar for late August.
@CW in LA: I would love to assume they’re not wearing life jackets, but they (at least the kids) are. They just aren’t wearing bright orange, instead opting for bright blue, yellow and pink.
Whoever greenlit the German restaurant and greenscreen debacles for McCain should never work in politics again. Man, those comparisons were brutal.
While I am not a huge Olbermann fan, his sheer delight at the Palin slaughterhouse event was a joy to watch.
CW in LA
@MikeJ: On closer inspection, I see you’re right, and they are at least wearing life vests.
Still, imagine if the prez or John Kerry blah blah blah…
@TheMightyTrowel: A semi-colon enthusiast. Nice.
Mitt Romney, Owner, Sole Proprietor, Captain of the The Offshore.
NOTE: Mitt Romney bears no responsibility for the SS Offshore. His ownership and commanding officer status is a technicality.
H/T Tengrain at MockPaper Scisors
Why doesn’t someone ask Romney this question:
“Governor, we realize you left your active management role at Bain in 1999, but don’t you, as CEO, get credit for the amazing business achievements of that firm while you were still shareholder? I mean the company made lots of money and was very successful and it was your company. Doesn’t it’s success further bolster your credibility as a job creator and what is right for the US economy right now?”
“Oh, and a follow up Governor, if not, why do you seem so scared of three years of success at your company? Are ashamed in any way of the activities of the firm at that time? Bain was very successul then, you should be proud of that, shouldnt you?”.
“Oh, sorry, Governor, one last follow up, so the olympics had you so busy you couldnt do anything else. How does running the olympics compare to running an entire country? Foreign policy with one active war on. Domestic policy during a tenuous economic recovery? Crumbling infrastructure? Crumbling education? and so on? You obviously couldnt multi-task your own business and running the olympics (which by the way you saved by asking the federal government for a bailout, correct?), how does that help in experience to run the country?”
“Thank you Governor”.
Marcellus Shale, Public Dick
it really makes your heart hurt if you judge the game by its advocates.
karen marie
@pattonbt: I think your last question is the one I’d like most to hear Romney asked.
So I was googling Nebraska Republican trying to get info on the paultard coup, and the Big G tells me that the web site of the Nebraska Republican Party “may be compromised.”
For those of you catching up, Paul has a majority of delegates in four states. He needs a majority in five to get a speaking spot at the convention. Nebraska is the last state choosing delegates, and it happens this weekend.
We can all agree that’s a pretty sweet boat though. Right? See, I can cross the aisle.
@ABL: I think enthusiast is a rather wan term for the affection I feel towards the mighty semi-colon. ;-)
Hey, technically they both are in water. So both sides do it etc. etc.
@Bnut: I’m kinda partial to this one.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Bnut: From what I’ve seen, the whole set-up in NH is pretty sweet. I’m not much for So Cal, but I bet the view from the little place in San Diego is great. And the place they recently sold in IIRC Deer Valley? fucking amazing. I’ll be all bipartisany and say Romney has great taste in real estate.
I wonder what the upside for Oprah and the Romney is for that interview. Does anybody read her magazine? Are the Romneys gonna move copies off grocery store check out line shelves?
karen marie
Hard to say what happened (other than Paultards misoverestimating themselves).
@ABL: Are there any photos of Mitt Romney boating available from other sources?
The reason I ask is, from what I’ve read, AP tends to be real assholes about people using their photos w/o payment. They’re not big on fair use, and John might not be eager to get a C&D from them.
Nanobots, being prepared for release into the water. They’re going to Bikini Bottom for some door-to-door campaigning/missionizing.
David Koch
Went over to freeperville and they’re crapping their pants.
They’re not indignant or even angry, but in the grip of pure fear.
@Yutsano: I have a friend who used to be Chesney’s merchandising manager. Got the chance to meet him once. Dude is so amazingly short it does not surprise me at all that he has a massive black yacht.
I’ll go ahead and take this boat though.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I detest Cali, but San Diego is awesome, would totally live there. Considering where bases normally are (Satan’s armpits), getting to spend a few weeks at Pendelton was the best training ever. And yeah, he def has good taste. I mean, I would love a car elevator and anyone who doesn’t is wrong.
How many boats does Romney have?
@David Koch: Ooh, got a link?
Rather, they should be smuggled into every major Republican running for office.
Never write off such a valuable asset.
@Bnut: San Diego is awesome, if a bit wingnutty. There are tons of jobs for civvies at Pendleton too.
three hour tour
@David Koch:
Nah, the abortion profiteering stuff is going to hit before the GOP convention. That’s where it is going to have a great impact. We want to see GOP delegates being called 24/7 by the voters threatening to stay at home if they endorse that abortion profiteer. And of course, it will enable Santorum to give a rousing speech to position himself for 2016.
I just can’t wrap my head around this notion that Democrats suddenly know how to fight. How did this happen? Does not compute. My first vote, at 18, was for Mondale. Being a Dem is supposed to be like being a Cubs fan.
Triassic Sands
I assume we can’t see the dog because it’s tied to the bottom of the boat.
Dammit, now I’ve got that song running through my head.
“a three hour tour, a three hour tour…”
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
@EconWatcher: Ze dope, he has been roped.
I’m not sure I get why these are bad optics. I think Obama is dedicated and in touch with people here, but the ‘out of touch Romney’ meme would have to be sinking deep for the undecideds to resent him having fun with his family on a boat. I do hope you’re right.
Of course, I’m not relying on these bad optics. Romney is friggin’ drowning in bad optics. Flopsweatbot IS a bad optic.
@David Koch:
Over what? They have plenty to fear, but surely not this. Are they just now realizing their candidate’s going to phone in the whole campaign?
Mark S.
Who keeps track of such things? It’s like trying to remember how many ties you own.
Has Romney been on vacation for a month? I know he has to rest up before going to London and Israel for some fundraising, but if I were a candidate I might be hitting some swing states right now.
@karen marie:
Libertarians misjudge the actual popularity of their movement with the public? Unpossible! Clearly this was an assault on FREEDOM and LOVE by the Redistributivist Communist Republican Governor of Nebraska and his minions in the Nebraska GOP who somehow suppressed the votes of legitimate lovers of FREEDOM!!!
I think that the Ron Paul Revolution should take to the streets of Tampa in protest of this theft of their Freedom. In Revolutionary Era garb and waving “Don’t Tread On Me” flags for maximum
entertainment valuepolitical effectiveness.tjmn
I’d like to say it’s the youngin’s. I think they are a bunch of Democratic media savvy rebels. I know my youngin’ is.
The strategic release of ads pertaining to Mitt’s fetus crematoria empire makes me think the Obamamessiah is about to wreak vengeance on the whole GOP. This will ultimately be to the great benefit of all Americans though many of them will probably never realize it.
The scandal is not the number of boats he has, but the boat elevator in his boat house.
@Mark S.:
Two words: Martha Coakley.
Actually, that is not fair to Martha – she had a decent lead in the polls when she took her vacation. RMoney is behind, especially so in swing states (Obama is ahead, apparently, in Viginia!), and is taking a long weekend at the lake and heading to Europe.
Obama was ahead when he went to Europe, too. The outpouring of support for him there added to his momentum. What momentum is RMoney going to gain by leaving the country just as his ass is getting severely kicked.
Rupert Murdoch must have known something a couple weeks ago when he declared that Mitt needed a major shakeup in his campaign staffing or he would get creamed. That old pirate knows his stuff.
@Triassic Sands: I thought it was the case that he had his grandchildren tied to the hood of the boat. I live near a New England lake with a summer population of lesser Romneys but I’ve never seen someone take their boat out with such small children clinging on to the front of the boat like that.
Mitens reminds me more and more of the Ann Richards comment about Bush, Sr.: “He can’t help it, he was born with a silver foot in his mouth.” RMoney’s got the whole leg in his mouth.
@Xenos: Are you implying that Americans won’t be so bowled over by the patriotic fervor surrounding Ann’s dancing horse that they will fall in love with Romney all over again?
Maybe, but that is a freaking huge boat. And Kerry was tarred as an elitist for windsurfing, for FSM’s sake.
BTW “” redirects to the actual Mitt site. Not sure whether this is a good idea.
Seriously, I assumed that there is some sort of seating up there; the photo doesn’t enlarge, so it’s hard to tell. Lifevest or no, if a kid fell off going at that speed it would be serious bad news.
If Mitt Romney were a likeable rich person then this wouldn’t be a problem. If the US were at full employment this wouldn’t be a problem.
Mitt Romney is an unlikeable asshole whose company laid people off to get money. And he owns a gigantic yacht.
The big boat isn’t the bad optics. Mitt Romney is the bad optics. The big boat just puts an exclamation point next to the bad optics of Mitt Romney.
Roger Moore
Why? There’s plenty more where those ones came from.
Excuse me for asking this, but shouldn’t Obama own at least one hat? His face looks like John Boehner’s when John has a sad.
I think this is a good optic for the Mittster. Why?
1. He’s tooling around in ‘Merkin waters for a change.
2. The boat isn’t named the SS Minnow
3. He isn’t wearing a helmet. Sows up the Hell’s Angels vote
4. This is, once again, sooo Kennedyesque!
@Triassic Sands: Nice!
Edit: But, but, the dog likes it down there.
I’d like to take the tears of that Free Republic commenter, bottle them, and then put them in an atomizer so I can cover my home in a fine mist.
@rob!: THIS.
Just delicious.
@rob!: THIS.
Just delicious.
Mike in NC
Who’s that at the helm? David Gregory?
I thought Mitt was (intermittently, obviously) against embryonic stem cell research. I guess that excludes research into how well they burn.
I’m becoming more bullish on an rnc floor fight/ switcheroo… I put the odds at 37 percent Jeb bush
Enhanced Voting Techniques
With the kind of negatives he has Mitten let himself be pictured driving a small yacht like an elitist dork? The man does not get it at all.
@Triassic Sands: To which location would you like your internets delivered?
Roy G.
Hmmm, looks like Rmoney is engaged in offshore powerboating – he sure likes offshoring doesn’t he?
Those Freeper comments are HI-larious! Comedy gold. They’re all convinced that if only Romney’s campaign would listen to them, and go after Obama for being an America-hating commie with a shady birth certificate, that this thing would be in the bag.
Bless their wee hearts…
There are a few other shots of the same event and, yes, the kids are in a seating area that’s recessed into the hull of the boat.
But there really should be someone over the age of 10 up there with the kids to supervise, for Gosh sakes.
@Roger Moore:
I dunno — the Romney sons have all had to resort to IVF in order to reproduce, so those kids cost $30K apiece. That’s enough that even the Romneys might flinch at the replacement cost.
Carol from CO
Are those kids sitting on the roof of the boat’s cabin?
Carol from CO
@maya: Kennedys wouldn’t be caught dead in a motor boat unless it was a power yacht like the Honey Fitz.
Roger Moore
And their even tinier brains.
phoebes-in-santa fe
@JordanRules: Okay, I’m pretty politically saavy, but I don’t remember anything about a german restaurant in 2008. Could someone explain?
@phoebes-in-santa fe: On the day of Obama’s speech in Berlin, McCain chatted with the press in front of a German restaurant.
Mitt Romney. Captain of his own dingy.
That’s why I’m really looking forward to Romney coming out for personhood and against IVF at the convention.
He’ll have to do it to appease the Crazy Christians and then we can all have a good time reminding him he’s just repudiated many of his own descendents.
Earl Mardle
Obama does rain so very well. This has to be about the best… so far