The Romney campaign needs to get a hold of its surrogates and maybe shake them a little.
This morning, John Sununu went on a multi-network tirade against President Obama, saying that the president “doesn’t know how America works” because he spent his early years in Hawaii smoking something.”
On MSNBC, he claimed that he wished President Obama would learn how to be an America.
Is it still crypto-racism if the ‘crypto’ isn’t very cryptic?
Bobby Thomson
He should ask fellow New Hampshirite Billy Shaheen how well that works.
I’m sure Hawaii will be enlightened to learn that they’re not part of America.
I think this was on a campaign conference call with reporters.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
What constituency is served by bringing Helicopter John out of the attic? That’s the weirdest– I guess we could say the Romneyist, for that combination of oddity and nastiness– part of this. Romney and his surrogates have been using lowest common denominator, talk radio rhetoric from the start, from the title of his book to palling around with Trump, even the sining of God Bless America was part of Romney’s “he’s just not one of us”. So why the hell bring this nasty old fart out in public? Sunnunu’s someone you keep in the background, on your fund-raising committee.
Sununu born in Cuba.
And they said this campaign was going to be boring.
They almost don’t care what they say, so long as it’s outrageous enough to take the spotlight off Bain for a media cycle.
I’m not sure what they can say now that hasn’t been said at some point during the last 3.5 years. I guess they haven’t floated “alien from outer space” yet (though it’s possible I just missed that chapter of this ongoing saga of the Worst Thing Evah).
Amazingly, all it took to cause the Romneyland freakout is to point out the inconsistencies in Romney’s questionable record and to ask Romney to follow precedent and release more of his tax returns.
Sunununununu is sent out to quell the Bain Pain. Nothing more.
The vacuous nature of the Sunununununu charges draws in the media like flies to shit.
“Look! Somebody said something inflammatory! Goody!”
Hmmmm. Sounds to me like Sununu is being a great Romney surrogate.
You know what’s great about John Sununu?
He’s been a fucking stupid asshole since the 80s, when he was actually involved in the federal government.
A consistent stupid asshole.
Fuck these people. They are out of ideas.
@Mino: To a Palistinian and a Salvardorian. The irony.
Wow – it’s like someone just turned the crank on the Wingnut Jack-in-the-Box until something hopped out and started furiously shrieking.
That “Anyone who disagrees with me is a pot-smoking hippie” still has resonance several decades after the last hippie sighting strikes me as absolutely bizarre, btw.
Little known fact.
John Sununu is an anagram for plutocratic douche nozzle.
I am beginning to think that the entire Romney campaign is a piece of performance art. Their latest “attack” against POTUS is that if he hates Bain so much that he shouldn’t have taken $120K in donations from people who work there. Now I know nothing about running a campaign but I would think that the last thing you want to do is to point out that former employees of your candidate are actively supporting the other guy.
Wow! I didn’t think John Sununu would be in the news again. Here’s a 1989 picture of him picking his nose, though I guess he could have been just chewing a fingernail.
[ETA: better punctuation]
Did anyone see this gem from TPM? McCain rushed to Romney’s defense today, saying that he didn’t pass on Romney as a Veep candidate because of Romney’s tax returns. Instead, it was because “Sarah Palin was a better candidate.”
Oh, snap!
Has a familiar ring.
Eh, I’m going to vote for him, but Obama is quite a hypocritical fucking scumbag for presiding over the destruction of countless lives through the drug war.
I don’t think attacks on this front are going to get much traction, but I don’t see why they’re not fair game. Obama has admitted to doing drugs. Obama clearly thinks that you should go to jail if you so much as smoke pot. I don’t see why his opponents can’t make him own that he admits to having done a very very bad thing.
It’s ironic that if Sununu were a Democratic surrogate, the right would be complaining about the Cuban born, descendant of a Palestinian.
It looks like Mittens has a habit of hiring stupid people for spokesmen/women. (BTW, whatever happened to that “Etch-A-Scetch guy? We don’t see him anymore)>
(Bolding by me)
Um…Obama was SIX when he moved to Indonesia the first time. So John Sununu is basically saying that Obama was smoking weed as a preschooler.
the Conster
Win the hour!
Saw this on twitter
here is the real stupidity of it all….ROmeny and his surrogates should be noun, verb, unemployment. period. targetted tax cuts at industries that are populated with job creators…tort reform, or any ass-backward policy in their GOP tool kit, but it should always be about jobs. jobs in the red states and jobs in the blue states. romney, as much as anything obama has done or said, is showing himself as clueless as to what people are looking for. palin was indeed a better candidate….
OT: Another high-profile figure names Mitt as a sociopath or a liar:
Omnes Omnibus
Which Sununu was this? Father or son?
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Mattminus: Did you miss the part where Sununu says Obama needs to learn how to be an American?
I take it you missed the bit about the teleportation/time travel room to Mars, then. No, I’m not making this up.
EDIT – @eric:
That is my joy. They can’t. Obama hit the jobs issue immediately, while the primaries were still contested. Now Romney can’t talk about jobs, because it will give Obama another opportunity to talk about how Romney destroyed jobs to make a quick buck, which is exactly how George Bush got us into this recession.
@hueyplong: Beat me to it. I wonder if Sununu didn’t just up and say, “Guys, I’m going to do it. Fire me afterward and let that be the storyline but I’m going there.”
@hueyplong: They can’t use that because Mormons are from outer space, and will return there when Mittens gets elected. It’s in the prophesies.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@EconWatcher: back in 2001, there were rumors that McCain was going to switch parties to get revenge on Dumbya– Jim Jeffords then stole his thunder, the McCain imitates no man! But there was a little noticed or remembered quote from an anonymous Republican laughing and saying, in essence, “You can have him!, he’s an overhyped moron”. I think time has proved the anonymous Republican right.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
Are we sure were not taking this out of context? Maybe Sununu really said that Obama needs to learn to act like a continental American, where we irrationally fear sharks and worry about people crossing the border from Mississippi into our states.
Uh, no. Trap and cage them like a pack of rabid weasels perhaps. I’m waiting for the next surrogate to completely go bonkers. I’m hoping for something like getting completely naked and hanging from the sound boom while calling Obama an Islamofacist and completly covering the camera in spittle.
Is it just me, or does it seem like Romney has accumulated for himself a ton of enemies in the GOP who are just itching for a chance to go on record with a backhanded compliment, damning with faint praise, or a deniable smear?
How old was Sununu when his family moved to the US? I wonder if that changed his outlook. The fucker is otherizing any American who grew up somewhere else. And he can get away with it because he looks white. FUCK HIM!
Apropos of little, I’ve been saying “I’m 5000, like Sununu” for over 20 years now, as a form of departure. I’m wicked cool, as you can see.
My last several employers have held “safety stand-down” days following a bad incident to review and revise procedures, examine practices, etc. I believe the Air Force does it after certain crashes.
The Rmoney campaign could use one, and I’d enjoy the break myself. Have never witnessed such frantic digging; I’m exhausted just watching them.
Can I get a job as a Romney surrogate? I’ll say some crazy stuff on TV. I’ll work for as little as $300 an hour.
Well it certainly looks as though the long knives are coming out. Just got this link about the VP vetting process in the NYT from a tweet and read this snippet
So Mittens gets to see his VP picks tax returns but we don’t get to see his?
ETA sorry forgot the linky dinky
Odie Hugh Manatee
Let’s see…
Obama smoked pot and snorted coke for a short time as a youth, then quit them and later became one of the best presidents we have seen in decades. Sununu did neither and became the piece of shit we all know him for today.
I’ll take the former drug user over the current piece of shit, any day.
wasabi gasp
Bullshit. Dude smokes homegrown.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
A man who is named “Barrack Obama” and got himself elected president of the United States is a slacker according to Sununu. Yes, when will the young Mr Obama make something of himself? There is more to life that raising two kids, getting a law degree from Harvard, being the leader of the most powerful country on earth and flying around in Air Force One.
Kids these days.
@Betsy: who?
The prophet Nostradumbass
I Am America (and So Can You!)
@EconWatcher: After the 2008 GOP primary, it was clear that everybody else hated Mitt.
Likewise in 2012.
Just letting Sununu near his (Willard’s) campaign was a very stupid move.
This Sununu was WH chief of staff to GHW Bush. He resigned under a cloud as is briefly shown below. There was a lot more he did as well.
” Democrats Question Sununu’s Personal Use Of Military Jets Business
…said. A White House aide who…All (Sununu’s) personal…jet. The Air Force lists the…review all of Sununu’s trips…paid for the White House chief of…trips for the Republican Party.” Taxpayers…spent by John Sununu for his own…”
Same competent people must be running his presidential campaign.
@Belafon (formerly anonevent):
Yeah, but once again, the President needs to own his positions. He apparently agrees that smoking pot is so un-American, at least for those that actually get caught doing it, that they should have their life prospects destroyed and be subjected to state violence.
I get that Sunnunu’s playing footsie with birtherism, but he’s got enough plausible deniability that I don’t see this as particularly outrageous.
@Mattminus: A Republican hack calls Obama un-American and makes dishonest insinuations about Obama’s admitted prior drug experimentation. And your takeaway from this is that it’s fair game to ding Obama over smoking pot because the DEA prosecutes pot smokers?
Your priorities and sense of context are seriously fucked. It’s like all you bothered to pay attention to were the words “Obama” and “pot smoker”, and that’s all it took for you to springboard onto what I can only assume is your pet issue.
@Mattminus: “He apparently agrees”
ever heard of choosing your battles?
@GregB: Hahahahaha
So basically, you’re so pissed off at Obama for not ending the drug war that you’re willing to overlook somebody calling him unamerican? I’m not sure how else to interpret this. And what do you mean by plausible deniability? He said the President has no idea how the American system works. Where’s the deniability (if he even wanted to)?
Yes, yes…. I agree. The Near Sheriff With The Funny Name should go to the mat, in an election year, on legalizing weed.
Is that you, Bob Shrum?
Patricia Kayden
I guess according to Sununu, I will never be a real American (being a Black foreigner and all, albeit now a US Citizen).
Interesting that Sununu is Arab, and many American Islamophobes on the Right would question his “Americanness” as well.
@Patricia Kayden:
He was the only U.S. governor who didn’t call for the “Zionism is Racism” UN resolution to be repealed in the late 1980s. Eventually he got in line with the rest of the GOP on Israel.
I know many young conservatives who smoke pot so I really don’t know who this guy is trying to impress. Oh wait a minute. It must be those coke snorting banksters on Wall Street.
This campaign just took a turn from crazy to motherfuckinginsane