It’s a good day for the Uterati. The contraception mandate lawsuits were tossed out of court (see post below), and the South Carolina House voted unanimously to override Nikki Haley’s heartless veto of funding for the Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.
Also, remember how I was all, “aw, maaaan!” when I found out that Nikki Haley had also vetoed $100K for the James R. Clark Memorial Sickle Cell Foundation? Well, the House overrode that funding veto too!
In yo face, Nikki! Also? I think a “neener neener” is in order.
Well, uh, hooray for South Carolina!
Holy crap, did I really just write that?
A flower of progressiveism blooming in South Carolina? How long before the rabid tea party wing of the party comes along with Roundup to snuff it out like a noxious weed.
Spaghetti Lee
If you’re too crazy for the SC legislature, you’re pretty damn crazy. I mean, unanimously, wow. She couldn’t even get one crusty old loon from the Upstate suburbs to stick up for her.
Holy and fucking Moly.
So Mittuns is gonna double-down on her for VP now?
Odie Hugh Manatee
Great, now we are going to be inundated in a flood of winger tears.
Cool! I’m digging out my snorkeling gear.
Dr. Mengele to the SC House floor please, we have a series of broken teatards in residence…
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
I prefer surfing.
Joey Maloney
Bonjour, Mesdames et Messieurs, la soupe d’aujourd’hui c’est creme du larmes wingnuts.
Hip hip hooray for the uterus! This one had bothered me so much when I heard about it. Haley is such a heartless sack of crap for that veto.
Guess I’m sexist – but as a woman it is impossible to understand how another woman can act in this fashion – rather sad to admit I can understand the motivation that leads men to these types of decisions.
Just so South Carolina doesn’t get carried away with this political sanity business: native son Sen. Jim DeMint, the Tea Party King, just successfully led an attempt to sink the Law of the Sea Treaty, which had been in force since Saint Reagan. Why? “UN takeover,” what else?
Patricia Kayden
Hip Hip hurray!
Haven’t heard that Haley is in the running as The Bot’s VP. She certainly has the required callousness to be high on the list.
Ben Cisco
All Hail The Uterati!
@TS: I think the motivation is the same for the ‘guys’ and the ‘gals’.
1)If you can’t imagine yourself in a situation you won’t see a need for any remedy.
2)If you think there is a political benefit to behave as if #1 were true you won’t see a need for any remedy.
Men and women are not that different, if they are obtuse or cynical their actions are going to be largely identical. If they are aware and caring their behavior will be very similar also. The divide is not in the Y chromosome.
Randy P
In South Freaking Carolina? I think of them as the heart of craziness going back to the beating of Senator Charles Sumner by Congressman Preston Brooks in 1856 on the floor of the Senate.
I’m really starting to feel optimistic about my country. How weird is that?
What’s the makeup of the SC legislature? Any SCers want to comment on what to make of this?
And to prove how class-ay she is, Nikki (or some flunky of hers)spent the morning posting snotty responses to each House veto override on her…FB feed.
And we get to have fun with it all over again today, when the Senate meets to
rub her nose in itvote on overrides.BruinKid
The makeup of the state house is currently 76 Republicans and 48 Democrats, so Republicans have a supermajority in the state house.
Now, the veto will still have to be overridden by the state senate, where Republicans have a 26-19 lead.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Tuned into Morning Blowjob for the first time in eons and my brain is already hurting after less than five minutes. Switched back to something of substance to prevent brain cell suicide: Adult Swim.
OT: Not surprised to see that Copypasta is back on top here again…lol!
Woodrow/asim Jarvis Hill
@Randy P: SC’s been Conservative for a long, long time — this is part of why Haley’s isn’t really a strong contender for VP; despite the fact that the Obama org actually has a pretty strong presence here in the more urban areas, there’s no way SC’s going for him.
Also, the understanding I get from my limited interactions with local/state politics is that a lot of the GOP here, having been conservative for a long time, see Haley and, indeed, much of the Tea Party as upstarts. A good example is Bob Inglis; someone I’d not vote for pretty much ever, but himself was run out on a rail here by a Tea Party opponent, and now is writing op-eds in Bloomburg about how conservatives should support climate change.
So there’s some tension and friction there, and that’s part of what you’re seeing play out; Haley’s too far to the “right” for almost everyone in the Legislature here.
@Woodrow/asim Jarvis Hill:
So the conservative conservatives are pushing back? Maybe we have passed Peak Wingnut.
Nahhhh …
Even if it’s overriden in the Senate today,it’s all good for Haley: she gets her Tea Party creds burnished, other politicians get blamed for the spending, and people can still vote Tea Party with the ignorant thought that they can’t really cause any harm, because none happened…this time.
I’m impressed that only one commenter has brought up the bullshit from 150 years ago with which to tar South Carolina in general. But, it’s early yet.
Yes, we have a Tea Party Princess as our Governor here in SC and she is a carbon copy of Sarah Palin in the intelligence department. Her relationship with the leaders in the House and Senate is horrible, despite the fact that they are all Republican.
I just hope the last shred of sanity shows itself in the Senate today.
I guess Nikki won’t be able to lead them up Cemetery Hill.
Hayley, like Sanford before her, is a grandstanding, offensive egomaniac who’d rather get her face in the news than get shit done. The state’s probably better off for it.
@Randy P: I am a native South Cakilackian who got out but still follows the news. It all boils down to the fact that old school SC GOPers hate Haley. It could be that she is a women, that she’s differently colored, or just that she’s not part of the good old boys’ network in the state.
Personally, I think a lot of the conservatives, who come from suburban areas where things like Rape Crisis centers and schools for the academically gifted are quite popular, could not support this even if they wanted to.
Is this a sign that SC is growing more liberal? Doubtful. MOre like, SC finally reached peak wingnut in the governors’ office. I’m pretty sure Haley will serve one term due to no support from anyone and some good old boy will get elected, who will go back to doing what SC governor’s do best, which is not very much. (There maybe a one -term Democratic governor in between, but he / she will merely be a placeholder. See Hodges, Jim. )
what djork said. This has more to do with the relationship between the legislature and Haley than it does with enlightened progressive values. Most of those good ole’ boys in the legislature don’t give a flip about women’s health. But the chance to poke a stick in Haley’s eye was too good to pass up.
Could you explain it to me. Slowly. I’m a man and I don’t get it.
grandpa john
@cmorenc: Well not all of us are bat shit insane. There have always been tufts of reality and liberal thought flourishing in scattered locations
grandpa john
@Citizen_X: You call it power and ambition, Haley is just as driven as any of the wingnut males in SC. She like most sociopaths cares nothing about who she has to trample over in order to reach the top of the heap.
To her, amorality is a virtue, not a vice.
grandpa john
@Randy P: First you have to know that in SC, the real political power is in the legislative branch, Truth is for all their hype,, the governor has relatively little power.And also remember that Haley’s ;mentor, Mark Sanford was noted for his inability to get along with the Rep legislature, well Haley has succeeded in achieving the same degree of friction with them. Both Sanford and Haley were and are closet Libertarians who did not play well with the power holding legislature, constantly demanding to have their way and refusing to compromise even with their fellow repubs.
All this makes for some interesting headlines here locally , good times are had by all except for the citizens who are dependent on good governance. Now why my fellow citizens continue to elect morons as leaders is something I can ‘t answer. other than to look at our standing in the education world. However it is not the long under educated blacks that elect these morons, but the good ol boys with degrees from the Citadel, USC and as much as I hate to admit it even my alma mater, Clemson that scratch one anothers back and keep putting the morons in office
I can’t believe it happened.