The House GOP is proving, yet again, that if you have a vagina, they don’t give a shit about you.
They are also proving that they will not rest until Planned Parenthood is totally defunded and women, mostly low-income women, who rely on Planned Parenthood for basic healthcare services because they can’t afford anything else, will have to start trading chickens for cancer screenings.
In addition to defunding Planned Parenthood entirely – thus ensuring that women will not have access to, for example, breast cancer and cervical cancer screening – the new spending bill released by some Republican asshole in Montana guts the Affordability Care Act, and eliminates Title X funding. It also places female employees at the mercy of their employer and their employer’s tiny mental Jesus.
For example, if Jesus told your boss that contraception is the devil, the GOP wants to protect your boss’s right to deny you access to certain healthcare services in health plans that you are already paying into.
Oh, and lest you forget, Republicans have no serious plan for ensuring that women in this country can obtain preventive, reproductive, and other healthcare services. Their only plan is two-fold: (1) keep passing bills that kick women in the collective ham wallet, like the Blunt amendment, or the bill that would have stolen money from women’s healthcare to keep student loan rates low; and (2) shut up sluts.
[full post here]
“women, mostly low-income women, who rely on Planned Parenthood for basic healthcare services because they can’t afford anything else, will have to start trading chickens for cancer screenings.”
I thought Obamacare was going to make sure people like this have health care coverage? So there shouldn’t be a problem with women depending on Planned Parenthood, right?
I know, it’s tough to remain consistent when your positions are all over the place. If Obamacare doesn’t cover what Planned Parenthood is providing to these needy women, then it’s not a very good comprehensive health care law. And if it does cover the things these women depend on Planned Parenthood for, then it shouldn’t cause a problem if Planned Parenthood is defunded.
…also places female employees at the mercy of their employer…
I’m sure you meant “Job Creators”.
El Cid
I would have thought that white conservatives would be all for funding contraception and abortion for the colored folk, at least.
El Cid
@qwerty42: Also, by “female” I’m sure she meant “gestating” and by “employee” she meant “parasite”.
Mike Lamb
@Caz: Or maybe Planned Parenthood is cheaper than the co-pay? Or maybe the Planned Parenthood clinic is the closest available?
And it’s flabbergasting that you would have the balls to talk about ACA not being comprehensive when your folks don’t want to change a fucking thing about access to health care.
Hypatia's Momma
Try reading the entire sentence. If Planned Parenthood is defunded, then women who rely on Planned Parenthood won’t be able to use Planned Parenthood because Planned Parenthood won’t be around to use. Having been defunded.
They again trying to ban abortion in the District of Columbia. Again.
I hate these guys.
@Mike Lamb: Who are “my folks”?? None of my folks ever get elected, lol. It’s all democrats and republicans, neither of which are “my folks.”
Cue conversion to Christian science–my religion forbids all medical treatment–and don’t you dare look into my private life to see if I abide by the requirements I impose on my employees.
And how much good does health insurance do if there are no health care providers?
And is not increasing the supply of low cost health care providers part of health care reform?
Most actual health care providers do not specialize in shuffling mass quantities of money around, so I understand it is difficult for GOP types to understand exactly what they do, so trust me on this, OK?
@Caz: Yep, agree
@Hypatia’s Momma: You are assuming Caz is capable of reading with a degree of comprehension. No evidence of that being the case.
El Cid
The liberal Democrats who did Title X to fund Planned Parenthood access should be ashamed of themselves.
Why on Earth would you name a law paying for abortions after Malcolm X anyway?
@Hypatia’s Momma: Yeah, I read the entire sentence. If it’s defunded, then women who rely on won’t be able to. My point is that I thought women don’t have to rely on it anymore since Obamacare is the law of the land. That should cover pretty much everything for needy women. And I don’t think there is a co-pay for needy women under Obamacare – it’s just free for them.
Planned Parenthood used tax dollars toward abortion services, among other shady uses of tax dollars. So of course there is a movement afoot to defund it. Maybe you should take your anger out on Planned Parenthood for running such a shady, shabby organization that puts them at risk.
If PP were an upstanding, law-abiding organization, no one would be moving to defund it. In fact, no one did try to defund it at all until recently when these things came to light. It’s not like R’s have been trying to defund it for ten years. It’s recent, based on the recent news about its shady practices.
Contraception and abortions, while legal, should not be paid for by we taxpayers. If a woman wants to engage in either of those, they should have to find their own way of paying for it, either through insurance, Obamacare, whatever; just not through Planned Parenthood if PP can’t run a legit organization.
Anyway, you really think this whole war on women rhetoric is going to help your guy in November? It’s not registering much interest across the board. Maybe you should focus on something else. Not sure what though, since Obama’s record is atrocious. I guess this along with other distractions is about the best you can do for Obama, and then pray for the best.
@Caz: A Republican by any other name is still a distinct odour. Since you’re voting for Willard we have this pretty much figured out.
El Cid
” Anyway, you really think this whole war on women rhetoric is going to help your guy in November? ”
I think telling the truth will help, generally. So, yes.
El Cid’s mockery is actually the only appropriate response to anything posted by Caz. Ever.
Mike Lamb
@Caz: I’m sorry, but on principle, why shouldn’t tax payer dollars be used to fund abortions?
Hypatia's Momma
Or maybe I should take my rage out on the misogynists, such as yourself, who beray any conversation regarding the continued health of myself and other women with malicious lies and other compremetic spew on a topic about which they know nothing.
I’ve been going to Planned Parenthood for more than 30 years and I’m proud of that and will do whatever is in my power to continue to support them.
Caz is clearly and consistently a person of faith, albeit 100% bad faith based on the preponderance of evidence. And, given that elections are usually won by bipeds, I can understand her frustration at lack or representation, although I also like the undertone that even her own genetic folks aren’t returning her calls.
El Cid
@jl: Also, what I think really helps our guy is all the stumbling, loudmouth sexist pigs in the Republican Party who keep doing shit that makes women look at each latest action with seething horror.
Like this:
Put that into law, and you wait and see what happens when women have to pull out cash or credit to buy birth control and they watch as men they know get their Via-da-la-di-da-gra paid for by insurance when their insurer refuses to pay for contraception and even the employer says ‘it wasn’t us!’
You won’t need any ‘war on women’ rhetoric, just point to the Republicans who passed this law over a veto and say ‘they did that, and if you don’t like it, stop electing them.’
[Edited to remove the magical incantation of the organ stiffening med name.]
You realize that Planned Parenthood runs healthcare clinics that accept insurance, right? I mean, you’re not stupid enough that you’ve actually swallowed the propaganda and think that PP runs some kind of shady, off-the-books business that only takes cash? You can walk in there with your Aetna or Blue Cross card and get care from them, plus you can get care using Medicaid or Medicare benefits. Because what they provide is health care — cancer screenings, Pap smears, vaccinations, birth control and, yes, sometimes abortions.
Next up from Caz: why do we still have hospitals? Now that Obamacare is the law of the land, weren’t all hospitals supposed to shut down?
Ash Can
@Caz: And I say we should use taxpayer dollars for contraception and other health care services. Let’s go fight it out at the voting booth. Oh, wait, we already did. And you lost. Boo hoo.
pseudonymous in nc
Caz has previous. And is an idiot. “Coverage” doesn’t mean shit if there ain’t no facilities.
Now, in a sensible healthcare system, there’d be clinics providing low cost access for women’s and sexual health services, directly funded by government. In America, where women’s healthcare generates shrieks of “OH NOES NO HOOHAS!” from the usually suspect, there’s Planned Parenthood; because Planned Parenthood exists and has the infrastructure, funding goes through them.
Yes, if they have a time machine, since the parts of the law that would provide for that don’t take effect until 2014. But going two years without basic medical care won’t cause them any harm, right?
OT, but the weather here in NYC has gone nuts. Between 2:20 and 4:35 the temperature in East Village dropped 26 degrees, from 104 to 78, the sky is as dark 30 minutes after sunset, nearly tropical force rain, and hail.
The hail was more or less pea/berry-size, so not too damage — unless it comes back bigger. But it seems to have stopped now, and we’re just getting heavy rain, lightning, and nearly continuous thunder at the moment.
I’m kind of enjoying the spectacle of it, though I hope everyone is indoors and out of harm’s way.
You’re a lying sack of shit, Republican.
Name them.
pseudonymous in nc
Cite or GTFO. And to head you off at the pass, “b-b-but money is fungible” is not going to wash.
Joseph Nobles
“If PP were an upstanding, law-abiding organization, no one would be moving to defund it.”
Points for bravado is about all that can be said for this statement.
It’s weird. I went to sleep one night in the early 21st century, and I woke up in 1956.
What I need someone from the “tax dollars . . . Abortion! *flail*” camp to explain to me is this: why do they think a ginormous (relatively-speaking) entity like PP–with proper accountants and everything–Can’t manage to keep their funding sources and expenditures straight, while itty bitty non-profits manage (as they are legally bound) to do precisely that on a daily basis.
You know, guys, they make software for that shit.
Ash Can
Then again, there’s always the possibility that Caz is actually a feminist who’s here to spoof us into action on behalf of Planned Parenthood, working to elect politicians who don’t view women as livestock, and promoting women’s and health care issues in general.
Also, we should end all insurance coverage of healthcare for children. I didn’t ask you to have those kids, so you should be paying for all of their healthcare out of your own pocket instead of picking mine to pay for it. Kid has leukemia? Too bad, so sad, you should have known that could happen when you chose to have a kid. If that infant wants health insurance, s/he can go get a job with health coverage like the rest of us.
Mike Lamb
@Mnemosyne: Maybe not shutting down hospitals, but his argument is basically the same as saying, we have emergency rooms, therefore we don’t need urgent care centers.
@El Cid: ok, I laughed.
Please let it be true that Romney and his supporting pacs are wasting some of their multi-millions on talking points like those Caz is spouting.
Our greatest hope is that they spend their seemingly endless resources inefficiently.
pseudonymous in nc
@Mike Lamb:
Or, given the GOP’s attitude towards women: “We have vets, why do we need doctors?”
I try not to feed the trolls, but I just can’t let this slide.
Liberal positions aren’t “all over the place”. They’re in one place. They’re based on the knowledge that human suffering is a bad thing.
I get that you refuse to understand that. But your demands that people suffer and die so that you can feel better about your own moral choices doesn’t make you a decent person. It makes you a monster.
@Joseph Nobles: I’m not sure “bravado” is the word you’re looking for…
Also, too, we should all note that Caz is all in favor of letting employers impose their religious beliefs on employees. So I guess if Caz goes to work for a Catholic boss who requires all employees to attend Mass before work, Caz would be fine with that because, hey, if you don’t like your employer’s religious beliefs, you should find another job.
@Mnemosyne: Win.
Because if not,
@Mnemosyne: I’m more in favor of Caz being fired by a Muslim boss for using his wages to buy bacon. Because, you know, MONEY IS FUNGIBLE!
Mike Lamb
@Mnemosyne: Or a boss that only allows his/her employees to eat fish on Friday…
@Mnemosyne: Think of the savings Christian Scientist bosses would bring to the table!
El Cid
I want to found a tiny Wiccan business just to make news on what sort of odd health insurance restrictions I could publicize!
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
Thank you for writing that, Caz. It’s helpful to have an unambiguous example of just how mendacious and detached from reality a wingnut troll is so that one doesn’t have to waste any more time reading them in the hopes that they might have something of value to say.
Now the rest of us can safely skip any comment with your name attached to it, secure in the knowledge that we’re not missing anything worth reading.
I think I’m going to become a Shaker so I can insist that all of my employees stay celibate — hey, if they don’t like the terms of employment, they’re free to find another job somewhere else.
Or: goes to work for the Mormon boss who pays in scrip, that isn’t accepted at the liquor store. What’s the diff?
El Cid
@Catsy: If the Conferacy was indeed racist, why would so many people still be trying to honor its heritage?
Joseph Nobles
@ABL: “Bravado” was the nicest word that came to mind. :D
@El Cid: Exactly.
This fallacy can be played all day.
El Cid
@Mnemosyne: No shit. Also, do you know how much money we’d save on Social Security and Medicare if we just let more old people die? I mean, they’re the ones getting sick and needing all the expensive care.
But do we let insurers and hospitals cut off these aging parasites to do what nature intended and rot in the dirt after they’ve lost their value to The Free Market?
Nooooooo, we all have to moan and groan about Grandma Ancient needing heart medication, or Great Uncle Fossil saying his stomach hurts him real bad whenever he tries to eat or drink anything and he can’t keep anything down.
Plus if they’d just die off earlier, there would be a lot more jobs available for more survivable types, given that nowadays so many of these paleo-humans are hanging onto jobs like leeches because they’re so addicted to ‘living’ and ‘their loved ones’. Why don’t they just let go?
They chose to let themselves get old. I didn’t choose, they did.
I shall start a Hutterite construction company. All of my employee’s property is become mine.
I’ll start a Mennonites bidnez and disallow sexxytime for employees. Because it might lead to dancing.
@trollhattan: I’ll start a Branch Davidian business and require sexxytime from teh ladeez.
salacious crumb
hey ABL,
did you read today that the relatives of the American people killed in Yemen, including those of Anwar Al-Awlaki have sued Panetta and Petraeus? But since Panetta and Petraeus work for Obama, in essence, ACLU, who is representing those relatives, is taking its case against Obama.
That makes the relatives of Al-Awlaki Obama haters, as well as the traitors Nazi loving ACLU for challenging the Obama people!!! Please let ACLU know you hate them for challenging Obama.
Patricia Kayden
Repubs “keep passing bills that kick women in the collective ham wallet”
So when will White women get the memo and stop supporting these freaks?
If Caz can be retroactively aborted, much annoyance can be avoided.
@El Cid: New Obama Slogan: YES WICCAN.
@Citizen_X: I’ll start a humanist business so that all my wingnut employees will have to evolve migrate or die.
@salacious crumb: Your language chip is malfunctioning, son.
@salacious crumb: May your poultry fornication continue unabated.
@ABL: I lol’ed.
El Cid
@ABL: That was good.
Change Wiccans Believe In!
This thread appears to have shuffled off, but I’m going to yap anyway…. I don’t have ladyparts, but I love Planned Parenthood. My wife relied on them for a lot of health care when she was younger and had crap (or no) jobs. Also, she is now about six years clear of breast cancer, and while we were lucky enough to have had good insurance at that time, it made us acutely aware of how many don’t and how important their screenings etc. are. Planned Parenthood needs defending, not defunding. Tell me where to show up with a baseball bat or a lead pipe. So fucking sick of troglodytes.
@Jebediah: I hear ya.
Yutsano, I’m stealing that!
@YellowJournalism: Heh. Amazing what comes out of my brain when I’m bored at work. :)
Another Halocene Human
Chickens! Ooooo, luxury! Think you’re better than the rest of us, eh? Putting on airs? In my town we raise locusts–and like it!