Josh Marshall notes that the New York’s margin for Obama in the latest polls is the largest in the nation for any candidate and wonders why. Here’s something that might be related:
Is Batman massacre staged terror?
I was going to write about it but Alex Jones has already covered the (very likely) false flag shootings in Colorado. They have been doing this forever and they count on the sheeple to sleep through it all. Face the facts – they need to get the guns out of the hands of the American citizens and they will do whatever it takes for them to do so. I am betting that the final official total of dead and wounded will be 77. They need the 11 factor and they always program it into whatever event they pull off. It is always in there somewhere.
I know that most of you will continue to sleep through all of this. Those who do will be no help to America as she struggles and gasps out her last breaths. America is on her deathbed and the sheeple can do nothing but demand more “protection” and more laws from their sick and twisted government. Rest assured, you will get just that as that is the purpose behind everything that they do.
This arrived in my email yesterday on a Tea Party mailing list. It’s written by Allen Coniglio, leader of the Buffalo wing of the Tea Party, hometown supporters of the last Republican candidate for Governor, bestiality porn fan Carl Paladino. Allen had his moment in the sun when his defense of Carl’s pornographic and racist emails would be quoted by MSM outlets like the Washington Post. Now he’s back under the rock where he crawled out of, but people like him have left an impact. I doubt that’s the whole reason for the disparity in the New York polls, but it sure hasn’t helped the Republicans.
The “11 factor”?
Because I’m ignorant, is that whole multiples of 11 thing a tenet of wingnuttery or is it this dude’s own special brand?
That is beyond crazy. But then again, Coniglio is rabbit in Italian..and Allen Rabbit has 11 letters..
Just wondering..
“11 factor” must be something new and imagined by Coniglio. I tried Googling it and got nada.
ETA: But, 59 injured and 12 dead equals 71. So some one is bad at math.
Chyron HR
11 factor? Oh, I don’t go outside with anything less than SPF 30.
Jerzy Russian
Here is the conversation that just took place in my head with this guy (I need to stop reading this damn blog):
Me: OK, so the whole thing was staged. What is in it for the shooter? He will be drawn and quartered, unless he is found to be totally crazy, in which case he will be locked up somewhere.
Allen: They used mind control.
Me: There seems to be evidence that the shooter planned this thing for months. Was he under complete mind control this whole time?
Allen: Yes.
Me: Damn. That is pretty amazing.
Allen: As I said, the government is sick and twisted.
Me: If this mind control technique works so well, wouldn’t it be more effective to use mind control on members of congress and on members of various state houses to make them pass gun control laws?
Allen: argle-bargle
Chris T.
Southern Beale
Why? Why do “they” need to get the guns out of the hands of American citizens? Do these idiots seriously think they can amass a bigger arsenal than the U.S. military — which these people, ironically, also support funding to increasing degrees, so it can develop ever more weapons?
I don’t fucking get it. I just don’t. These are two completely contradictory thoughts. On the one hand “we” the people need our guns so we can overthrow the government. On the other hand “they” the Pentagon need to have ever more of our money so they can develop ever more weapons that “we” the people can never hope to match.
I’m sorry but this is fucking stupid.
Chris T.
@Southern Beale: It makes perfect sense when you realize that to the man making this argument, the gun is a stand-in for his penis.
Southern Beale
Also, I just did a blog post on the Mormon Church owning an unregulated gun sales website.
A fucking church sells guns — and not in a legal, regulated way, but in a “let’s fuel the black market” way.
I really try to be tolerant of peoples’ religious beliefs but this takes the fucking cake. A church that profits from gun violence is not a real church. It’s not.
Villago Delenda Est
These people are simply not sane. They’ve lost it. The hatred of the other has pushed them over the edge, and they’re at the point where they have become a danger to themselves and others.
Slightly OT but since we’re talking about gun control and the american reaction to mass murder… Charlie Brooker from several years ago tearing TV media a new one over how they cover mass shootings. The end of the segment is damning.
@Southern Beale:
You get it.
Moving the goalposts yet again.
I guess we’ll be subjected to analysis suggesting that Carl Paladino is now a temperate moderate in NY Republican circles.
Thanks for that. Worth sharing.
@TheMightyTrowel: Charlie Brooker is spot on. I love him.
@Southern Beale: Nice.
Spotted on the drive south this weekend:
for GOP Senate candidate George Allen, in Virginia: huge sign on private property:
George Allen … for us.
Us was underlined.
Unlike Democrat Tim Kaine … for them.
Not subtle.
Numerology is classic looney-tunes thinking. There are, if I may say so, lots of numbers out there, so it’s easy to find some with secret meanings, if you’re so inclined.
Amir Khalid
I’m looking right now at a TIME story reporting 12 killed and 59 wounded by Holmes. That makes 71. Where does Allen Coniglio come up with the other six victims for his “11 factor”?
No, Mr Coniglio, “they” don’t need the number 11. You do; you’re the one that pulled it out of your hat.
Villago Delenda Est
Yup, thanks for that link.
Of course, the sane guy is utterly ignored by the mammon worshiping trash of the MSM…worldwide.
Sensation, sensation, sensation. It’s what sells, and what sells is the ONLY THING THAT MATTERS.
The Ferengi culture MUST BE DESTROYED!
Ash Can
The way this guy talks makes me think he probably owns at least one gun, and that concerns me. Eccentricities are one thing, but firearms need to be kept out of the hands of those who are clearly mentally ill.
Villago Delenda Est
I recall some Jeebus worshiper type saying that people who are all excited by the Mayan calendar thing are mistaken, that there’s nothing to worry about, because the numerology used in the Mayan calendar isn’t biblically based, so it’s not valid.
Yes, the stupid motherfucker said that.
@Villago Delenda Est
Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #109: Dignity and an empty sack…is worth the sack.
Amir Khalid
@Villago Delenda Est:
Worse, Mayans themselves don’t believe that the world ends in 2012. All this nonsense has come from outsiders wildly misinterpreting their calendar.
I have given up trying to find reason in the rantings of unhinged morons. My disposition has improved greatly.
Apparently, the “11 factor” is an Illuminati thing: Google knows all.
On the New York thing from Josh Marshall…
As a New Yorker (I’m a down-stater, but I also went to school in Buffalo, so I’m familiar with the region), I’d point out that when Republicans have been successful here, they’ve tended more towards the “socially liberal/law-and-order/technocrat” variety than any sort of truly tea party-esque right winger.
Pataki, Giuliani (at least pre-9/11 Giuliani) and Bloomberg (who was only ever nominally are republican anyway) all fit into this mold. There are variances between them, but as a general rule, I think this might explain it.
Heck, the most conservative person in state government is probably a downstate democrat (Ruben Diaz). We’re just weird like that.
Also, while upstate and western new york is CERTAINLY more “midwest rust belt” than the are surrounding new york city, there are also a significant number of public and private colleges and universities throughout the region (Buffalo alone has 7 schools), and the politics has a real undercurrent of progressivism on par with, say, the parts of Wisconsin that produced Paul Wellstone and Al Franken.
And lastly (and purely anecdotally), most (not all) of the republicans that I’ve known over the years tend to be more of the “pro-choice/pro-gay but I’m selfish and care more about low taxes” variety. Those folks have their limits when it comes to the tea partiers. One such friend, who was actually active in republican party politics for years, voted for Obama on the last go-round because he was so mortified by the Palin wing of the party.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Villago Delenda Est: I’ve been known to ask crazy Christians if believing in the Mayan Apocalypse means they agree with the Mormons that the Indians are the Ten Lost Tribes. It’s the only way I can come up with to justify putting the Mayan “prophecies” on the same level as Biblical ones.
Chris T.
@Amir Khalid: My calendar ended in 1999. The new one I bought ended in 2000. Obviously the world ended in one of those two years.
Of course, then I bought a new one in 2001, but it ended on the last day of 2001. So the world ended in 2001!
Like Charlie Brooker.
We’re all living in “the Legoland Dimension”, it would seem.
Have been ignoring the Shootathon media coverage.
(1) it’s a ratings bonanza for TV, and its commentators get to put on their “shocked” and “empathetic” faces. It’s purely ritual.
(2) This could have happened anywhere in America, could have killed me or my loved ones, and there is NO fucking will to do anything to stop the carnage. I don’t see how, with current law, anyone could have prevented this one.
(3) The circus will roll on to the next outrage or massacre soon. These victims will be forgotten. They died for nihilism, and will live paralyzed or greatly restricted lives for no reason whatsoever.
I understand a citizen wanting a firearm to protect his/her own life and property.
I don’t understand why military/police grade armaments and protective gear are a good idea in the hands of the general public.
And when the 11 thing doesn’t happen, that will be deemed a cover-up to throw the select who are in the know off the scent.
There’s no winning their ‘argument,’ there’s just totally and completely drowning it out and marginalizing it through showing the pitiable and ridiculous thing it is.
Omnes Omnibus
@HelpThe99ers: I notice that you have a multiple of 11 in your ‘nym. How can we trust anything you are saying?
Stupid sheeple! The 11 factor is well known, as the Reptilians use a base 11 numbering system. Open your eyes!
El Cid
Maybe liberals should keep whispering and commenting about how much we want their guns, how we’re going to get their guns, how deeply we plot about their guns…
Well, probably not, because although a few types would react by nutty public comments, one of the worthless fucks would go shoot somebody.
@Elizabelle: The Onion has already been there.
I was going to make a dig about the 11 factor being related to said believer’s IQ, but then I recalled some of the nuttiest, sickest, most putrid swill I’ve heard in the past few years have come from highly educated, well respected professionals that are quite competent in their chosen field. Get them talking about the social issues facing our country, and it’s off to the races however.
In light of the inevitable response to our country’s ever increasing challenges, I propose we change the National Anthem to “Entry of the Gladiators” (aka Thunder and Blazes)
Well, a few days ago my sweet old 1999 Saturn SL-1 managed to reach 222222 miles. I marked the occasion by taking a photo of the odometer and posting it on my FB wall with a silly caption. But I wasn’t thinking numerology or conspiracy or 11 factor; I was only thinking “Ooh, this is kinda cool!”
J-a-m-e-s H-o-l-m-e-s
11 letters.
Well, a few days ago my sweet old 1999 Saturn SL-1 managed to reach 222222 miles. I marked the occasion by taking a photo of the odometer and posting it on my FB wall with a silly caption. But I wasn’t thinking numerology or conspiracy or 11 factor; I was only thinking “Ooh, this is kinda cool!”
@Southern Beale:
And your point is?
There’s also to fantasy of the military that will revolt, Seven Days in May style, (see “Oath Keepers”) against the treasonous (Democratic) government. That being the case, why does the “citizens” need guns?
And then there’s the contradiction in the belief that the Second Amendment gives you right to own a gun so that you can, presumably violently, resist the authority of the government. Forget that the stated rationale of the Second Amendment is to preserve order and state authority (“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state”) There is apparently no contradiction in these people’s minds about interpreting a the Constitution establishing a right to armed sedition to the government it created.
It’s the same logic expressed by a caller to a radio show I heard Friday who said one reason he bought a gun was to keep the government from raising his taxes. (He also claimed to make more than 250k per year, which I suspect was another fantasy)
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Omnes Omnibus: Everybody knows that double numbers are magic; duh.
@Southern Beale:
Actually, there are a hell of a lot more guns in private hands then there are owned by the military, and we have seen (in Iraq and Afghanistan) that civilians with guns can make life real, real difficult for an army that ostensibly has overwhelming firepower.
Something else to consider: There was a study conducted back at the time of the Militia movement in the 90’s when I was in the service. In the event of an actual large scale insurrection in the United States, at least one third to one half of the soldiers in any given unit could be expected to either refuse to fight or actively go over to the insurrection (presumably taking their weapons with them).
Screw the crazy people, it’s the sane one’s that bother me. Had a FB conversation with a lovely, young lady, socially liberal, but young and not old enough to realize that the Republicans are just bat-shit crazy. So she posted something about how it’s disrespectful to use this tragedy to “force a political agenda”. I asked how is taking about gun control and the availability of guns forcing a political agenda? Her response is that it would be more respectful of those who were dead if we waited. I ended up politely expressing that how are we not disrespecting the dead from all the other massacres by continually not having this conversation.
Nice, smart girl, but wants to live in the “Both sides do it” mindset.
Chyron HR
@Amir Khalid:
11 is two ones, and 1 plus 1 is 2, and one 2 is how you write 12. TWELVE EQUALS ELEVEN, SHEEPLE.
As soon as I read “77” and “11” I said to myself, numerologist. Yikes. The stupidest fucking theory ever invented. That alone should bar him from owning firearms.
I used to live in Aurora, and an old friend emailed me to say that no one we knew had been involved in the shooting. I hadn’t been there in years, and everything had changed so much, that I couldn’t visualize the locations. My friend told me that the theater was across the street from the mall where I worked as a teenager, and that the shooter lived about two blocks from my childhood home.
Now I can visualize it.
I see a new email from the Tea Party just hit my spam box. Let’s check it out!
OK, let’s not check it out then.
Nothing like feeding the wingnut paranoia for monetary gain, eh?
@Amir Khalid: It’s kind of disturbing that you’re doing the math to debunk the “11 factor” for him. Sort of like proving the Easter Bunny doesn’t really exist. See arguingwithsignposts at 26.
@Elizabelle: I bet I know where that is. If I’m right, a picture of that sign, with the big estate house in the background, would make a great Kaine ad.
@Chyron HR: That’s much more complicated than my “maybe 6 of the casualties weren’t white” thought
ONE ??
Word went out that it was going down and that all critical personal
not participating in this operation should put on their goat suits and join their herds for safety.
There are numerous quotes from various founders concerning the use of private firearms to resist tyranny (civilian militia was used in numerous Rev War battles including the battle of Guilford Courthouse which occurred right where I live)
Madison et al where not going to put that sentiment quite so blatantly into the Bill Of Rights, but you have to keep in mind that they were real revolutionaries who had just forcibly overthrown the Rule of the King, and were prepared to go for round two if the new government got seriously out of hand.
What the Tea party gets utterly wrong is their notion that income taxes and health care are what the Founders had in mind to justify an armed response. Maybe they should go back and read about the Whiskey Rebellion. The Founders did support the right of a people to dismember a tyranny by force. They had just done that very thing. They did not support anarchism (which is why the actually tea party was regarded as an embarrassment, because is was theft and vandalism) and resistance to legitimate rule of law freely chosen by the people.
@Ash Can:
I’d bet that from what he wrote that he owns 11 guns. or 22. And 11,000 rounds of ammo.
Anybody that uses the word sheeple, no matter which side they’re on, should have their heads dunked in a bucket of dung. It’s a word that disqualifies everything else the writer is trying to say.
Thought of rule by the modern Republican party makes me consider getting armed.
Ash Can
@quannlace: Since I was speaking completely seriously, I was giving the situation, if not the person in question, the benefit of the doubt. Someone as messed up as him could easily either own a huge arsenal, or be deathly afraid of even touching an actual gun and own none (the optimal but admittedly unlikely case).
11 are the pillars of the temple of Baal Zebub.
Can you sneak up to the sign and paint out the ‘f’, or is that just asking to be shot?
It faces I-95 South, just below the CarMax near Fredericksburg.
I would think there are several signs like it throughout Virginia. Not a billboard; more of a big sandwich board with a bluish photo of George Allen and that non-inclusive message.
That would be fabulous!
Davis X. Machina
All those guns are needed to suppress the inevitable servile rebellion. Gun policy in this country has never come out of the shadow of Toussaint Louverture.
Anything in this country that momentarily doesn’t make sense is cleared up by saying to yourself “OK, pretend it’s 1850…” and re-thinking the problem from that POV.
Marcellus Shale, Public Dick
well, western new york has a long proud tradition of batshit politics. know-nothingness is still in the blood of its natives like toxic waste from love canal.
@sam: I wanted to echo this. I’ve spent less time upstate, but grew up in Westchester County, and many of my friends went to upstate colleges. One of my best friends from high school is a self-described Republican who has NEVER voted for a Republican candidate for president. Five elections, no GOP nominee has met his idea of what the Republican should be. He liked Giuliani.
Another factor I think might play a role is that because New York (Wall Street) is the epicenter of the economic crisis, people in the tri-state area understand the truth of the matter more than the capitalism-worshippers in the hinterland who blame Washington for their ills rather than Wall Street. Upper middle-class New York suburbanites are quite likely to actually KNOW a “master of the universe”, and are extremely likely to know someone who works in the industry and can give first-hand anecdotes about the shade shit he sees on a daily basis.
Look at Westchester County. This is one of the most affluent counties in America, a suburban haven of million-dollar homes that should fit squarely into the GOP demographic. But it went over 63% for Obama in 2008, and that can hardly be attributed only to large urban population of the cities like Mount Vernon, New Rochelle, Yonkers and White Plains. The professionals who commute into the city every day on the Metro-North KNOW these assholes and know that they are the problem, not the solution.
Davis X. Machina
@Marcellus Shale, Public Dick: Hunkers v. Barnburners. The struggle has changed parties — the Democrats of 100, 150 years ago are the Republicans of today — but never ended.
Well, Frank Lautenberg is going to put and end to this gun nonsense.
Glad that’s handled.
@Elizabelle:I was thinking of one farm here in Albemarle that in the past has had a huge Allen sign in the field in front of a huge mansion.
That slogan is a hell of a dog whistle. It’s hard to believe Senator “Macaca & Mom’s a jew but I still love pork chops” would adopt it.
To be honest, when I first read it, I thought the 11 was a reference to 9/11.
On to the lunacy. Based on how quickly people on the Right, like Gohmert, were quick to point out how, if only someone had been packing heat in the theater they would have stopped the guy, I think this was all a set-up to argue for looser gun control laws, so that the whole country had concealed carry. Heck, I am sure this was set up to promote laws that required everybody to have a gun or be fines or go to jail.
I’d say that by not talking about gun control after this she’s implying that the deaths and injuries are too trivial to bother with, so she’s got it backwards.
Scott S.
11 factor, my ass. Everyone knows the Law of Fives rules the world.
@honus: As an additional thought on the constitution and the 2nd amendment. During the Supreme Court heath care debate much was made of the need for a ‘limiting’ principle or we would all be eating broccoli. Since the good senator Johnson from Wisconsin claims that a 100 round magazine is covered by the 2nd amendment where is the ‘limiting’ principle on gun ownership – crew serviced machine guns?, maybe Mortars or tanks? And for the 1% your very own F-16 (pilot costs extra)??????.
Limiting principles are only a concern when faced with a liberal legal argument – they don’t apply to conservative legal theories.
No, sorry, crazy wing nuts does not explain a27point advantage for Obama in ny
Dennis G.
I know that we are way over our limit of new categories, but “They need the 11 factor” is pretty descriptive of wingnut crazy.
Thanks for the link. If you hadn’t provided it, I would never have (or “never of”, as our more literate wingnut brethren might say) known that Thomas Kinkade was murdered by the Illuminati. I KNEW something was fishy.
@Baud: ah, glad you cleared up that point. It was causing my morning caffine to curdle
@Marcellus Shale, Public Dick:
“well, western new york has a long proud tradition of batshit politics. know-nothingness is still in the blood of its natives like toxic waste from love canal.”
Where did you get your information?
Just like the rest of the US, the nutcases arrived on scene with Paladino’s recent attempt to be governor and they never were plentiful.
Do yourself a favor and look at a map of WNY. Love Canal did not encompass the entire region.
Pee Cee
The eleven factor is one louder than the typical wingnut craziness. For when they need that extra push over the cliff…
Villago Delenda Est
It would be difficult for them to take their weapons with them, unless the arms room sergeant was one of them.
However, consider this: in the mid 80’s I was in the division operations/plans shop, discussing something with a fellow officer, and mentioned that Pat Robertson was running for President, and if he were by some fantastic set of circumstances elected, I’d have to resign my commission. One of the troops nearby overheard, and told me flat out that he’d very willingly follow me into the hills as part of an anti-Robertson resistance.
Then two more piped up and volunteered to join the resistance, too.
So, it cuts both ways.
Since they are all original intent types, I think they need to admit the 2nd ammendment really just refers to flintlock mustkets and other late 1700s technology. I think its much harder to massacre people with a flintlock
Villago Delenda Est
Western New York: where the Millerites and the Mormons got their start.
Need I say more?
Villago Delenda Est
@Davis X. Machina:
Case in point: when the Black Panthers went to Sacramento and openly carried firearms, Ronald Reagan himself led the charge for restrictions on open carry of firearms.
If the near types start asserting 2nd Amendment rights, suddenly things are different, somehow. Can’t place my finger on why, of course…
Cole Moore Odell
NY has the largest margin for Obama in terms of significant states at +27.5, but according to that TPM article my home state of Vermont is +32 for Obama, while Utah, unsurprisingly, is +42 Romney.
Jay S
@Southern Beale:
On the surface that appears to be true, but I think a lot of this reasoning (to the extent there is reasoning) is based on an assumption that the military will end up on the side of the resistance, not the government. It’s part of the myth of the infallible US military, obviously these resisters are good guys and GI Joe is a good guy, how could he not be on their side? So guns in the hands of the military are somehow less of a threat than those of other federal authorities.
On second thought I’m not sure there is as much overlap in the anti tyranny theory of gun ownership and unfettered support for military spending as you and I believe.
@Villago Delenda Est:
“Western New York: where the Millerites and the Mormons got their start.
Need I say more?”
I never heard of any Mormons in WNY. Quakers are more abundant in the history of my region as the starters. I don’t even know who Millerites are until I google it. All religions are welcome here.
Ok I see where in the 1800s they must have considered Palmyra and Low Hampton as WNY. They are not around the WNY area currently cited now.
Coniglio on ratemylandlord:
What a dick.
Spaghetti Lee
This sort of crap just makes me laugh now. Yeah, there’s a secret conspiracy that rules the world and wants to control everybody and destroy freedom, but they leave secret numerological hints in all their misdeeds, so everyone can figure out it’s them! Pure genius.
Fucking Alex Jones. Fucking batshit idiot followers of his.
Google “Burned-over region”
It is amazing- In the early 19th century it was the most fertile bed for wacky American religion- Mormons, Millerites, Aventists, Spiritualists, Oneidaists were born there.
They still suffer from the The Great Disappointment.
Which happened on October 22, 1844 [2×11, 18(4×11)]
@Southern Beale:
Tell me about it.
it’s a money grubbing cult
@Poopyman: Secret activities have surrounded Obama since before his birth
Wow, that’s some serious wingnuttery!!
Since BEFORE his birth? MORE “fraud” candidates? Why would they need to plant non-citizen candidates when they could just as easily nurture babies born as citizens? Is it that being natural-born citizen gives you extra-exceptional DNA and secret ingredients that makes you immune to any Commie/muslimofascit/totalitatheist indoctrination?
We keep uncovering more and more the deeper we dig.
Only we won’t tell you what we’re finding!
I note how the entire email tells you that shocking new details are available, but it never actually tells you what they are. Do you need to send in your credit card number before they reveal to you that Obama once hugged a black professor?
Dressing like a goat and moving to Utah has actually been pretty typical behavior for those who lived in places like Rochester.
@Pee Cee @ 11 times 7: You nailed it.
Carl Nyberg
There are Lefty activists who buy into the idea that firearms represent so sort of defense against consolidation of power by the government & elites.
Doesn’t make any sense to me.
I see no reasonable reading of the *entire* Second Amendment that leads to this position.
I don’t see how this would work in real life.
And it’s not consistent with our past history of progress in the United States.
But the people who believe it… challenging it is about like challenging a believers faith in God.
@Dennis G.:
I support this category as well. It sums up beautifully that these people aren’t just narcissists and extremists, they’re conspiracy theorist kooks.
(As opposed to the BJ constituency of conspiracy theorist cooks.)
“The 11 factor?” Given hIs connection to Paladino, I’m going to assume it refers to the length of horse cock.
West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.)
I bet that if someone conducted a poll in regards to this pinhead’s statement, 27% would agree that it was dead-on accurate. An additional 12-15% would be undecided. The amount of stupidity in this world is over-flowing.
Wha’ ya’re sayin’? Tha wabbitt is a mole?
AA+ Bonds
This is known as a “delusion of reference” and is a symptom of psychotic illness. Here are some recent papers if you have access to PubMed:
AA+ Bonds
The “11 factor” business is known as a delusion of reference and is a symptom of psychotic illness. Here are some recent papers if you have access to PubMed:
I’m not up to doing the math right now, but I wonder if enough New Yorkers could vote for Jill Stein to give the Green Party 5% nationwide and still give Obama the state.
I’m not voting for a major party candidate for anything until the Electoral College is repealed.
I’m not up to doing the math right now, but I wonder if enough New Yorkers could vote for Jill Stein to give the Green Party 5% nationwide and still give Obama the state.
I’m not voting for a major party candidate for anything until the Electoral College is repealed.
That’s the calculation Ralph Nader fans made in Florida in 2000. How’d that work out for the rest of the country?
11 can be good though.
AA+ Bonds
Well isn’t that precious.
chrome agnomen
the tagline on this post reads, ‘this blog goes to 11’.
Oh Lord. I live in Buffalo and there really are many nice things about the region. Why can we only get attention for disasters (natural, political & sports)?
When the GOP picked Paladino I just figured that they didn’t have anybody they thought could beat Cuomo & gave it a pass til next time.
Mistermix, I’ve quoted your quote of this odious Teatard on facebook and now I’m being asked for source material. If you have a way to verify, that would be rad.
meskin murkin
@Chris T.:
I have an idea. Let’s fund massive billions to develop a drug that will double the size of a penis. But to get the drug you have to give up at least one gun. The gun nuts can keep their guns if the penis drug fails to enlarge their penises to average size.