This is what Republicans consider a win for Team America:
The Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday that the Supreme Court decision on President Obama’s health care overhaul would probably lead to an increase in the number of uninsured and a modest reduction in the cost to the federal government, compared with estimates before the court ruling.
The court said, in effect, that a large expansion of Medicaid envisioned under the 2010 law was a state option, not a requirement.
As a result, the budget office said, it now predicts that six million fewer people will be insured by Medicaid, the federal-state program for low-income people. But half of them, it said, will probably gain private insurance coverage through health insurance exchanges to be established in all states.
On balance, the budget office said in a new report, “about 3 million more people will be uninsured’’ in 2022.
If you can stick to Obama, that is in itself a win, but the 3 million more people without the safety and security of health care insurance? That’s just a bonus!
So now that this portion of the bill was effectively repealed, what do they plan to replace it with? Just kidding.
And seeing poor people die, just gives the GOP hard-ons.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
I believe their plan is to replace this portion of the uninsured with a larger number of uninsured.
Brian R.
As long as they can make someone else more unhappy than they are, it’s all good.
El Cid
O/T, vast majority of NRA owners prefer stricter gubmit gun control regoolatin’s.
If the wealthy had more tax breaks they could use there money to personally care for these folks.
Evolving Deep Southerner
In terms of “speaking with a single voice on behalf of its members,” how’s the NRA different from, say, the Chamber of Commerce?
3 million down, 30 million to go.
/conservative POV
What do they plan to replace it with?
Instruction on how to replace the aspirin between the knees with a placebo.
MBA’s take care of their own.
NYTimes readers saying headline misleading. Issue is GOP governors refusing Medicaid funds
@El Cid: I know a lot of gun owners and the vast majority of them are normal, responsible people without sociopathic tendencies. They know how dangerous guns are and do not particularly want to see them in the hands of mentally deranged people, the NRA’s insistence on this notwithstanding. FWIW, a friend of mine’s husband is a locally well-regarded hunter here who hates the NRA with a passion and has never been a member. He says they collect the names of hunters at the weigh-in stations during deer season and bombard these people with alarmist mailings and phone calls.
I do wish poor people had advocacy groups that were even half as effective as the NR or AIPAC.
The Invisible Hand of the Free Market will provide a solution, as soon as it gets its Holy Fingers unstuck from the Gay Chicken Muppet-Puppet of excessive govt regulations.
OT, but this is about the scariest thing I’ve ever read
How is the Invisible Hand of the Free Market going to handle this?
El Cid
@beltane: People don’t understand that the NRA is primarily an industry lobby with roots in a John Birch Society ideology — sort of the National Association of Manufacturers of the 1920s with a particular twist.
Hill Dweller
The wingnut governors talk tough now, but we’ll see what happens when the hospital lobby starts making threats.
Roger Moore
By charging people an arm and a leg to protect their property from the rising sea level.
@beltane: Since most coastal property is owned by the wealthy, they will receive a bailout when they have to relocate. Wall Street will also receive moving expenses but unfortunately the other folks in NYC will have to buy their own insurance. It will just toughen them up to become better citizens. As an added bonus, it could lower the unemployment rate.
I think the Invisible Hand has its Holy Fingers stuck in the Gay Chicken Muppet Puppet’s holes, too.
Fixed for accuracy.
A fat wallet buyeth lots of good medicine: but a broken purse should go without.
The wicked spend a buck for sound judgment, the Holy know dough is a the best death panel.
Proverbs from the Book of Wingnut.
“Restore Anglo-Saxon relations…” W.T.F!!!!!!
Mitt Romney would restore ‘Anglo-Saxon’ relations between Britain and America
Wow! Just wow!
@beltane: Holy fuck.
@lamh35: Romney either has the tinnest ear known to human kind or he just set the dog siren to 11.
@arguingwithsignposts: I wish you were wrong. I stand corrected.
@lamh35: In the words of SiubhanDuinne…. Holy fuck
@lamh35: Isn’t this consistent with (racist) Mormon beliefs having to do with Angle-Saxons being one of the tribes of Israel as opposed to the impostor tribes of Israel, i.e. the Jews?
Or maybe I’m reading too much into this and all Rommney is saying here is that he plans on selling the USA to a London investment bank just as the founders would have wanted.
@lamh35: Ohh so close Willard. Just come on out and say it. You know you’ll feel better once it spews out of your mouth.
OT.. Why does Mitt lie all the time? I say it’s from his bullying days and then it became convenient. Now his bullying days could have occurred because he had such a successful daddy but that’s another story.
Comrade Dread
Why, they’ll replace it with the: “Ayn Rand ‘F*** Off and Die Now, You Lazy Parasite Act’ of 2012”
Well, hey, Willard, you know, at this rate, I am not going to be white man much longer. I don’t have enough Anglo Saxon in me.
Will the Irish get a special exemption? Or should I try to pass as an Alpine curiosity: not enough of us ur-Swiss to threaten nobody, I hope. Maybe if I flee back to Zurich I can handle his money, and be treated well.
Note to self: dispose of my tartan tie collection asap, tell cousin to burn his haggis recipe (which he never uses, but still, it’s evidence)
@lamh35: And again I say: Holy fuck.
You and me both. That scared the hell out of me when I saw it. I live on the coast (albeit slightly inland), but if sea level rise is real then I could be in real trouble.
I know this is a really silly question, and I know I will get “life is not a movie” slammed for it. But honestly what is the truth in the “I think we have reached a critical desalination point” part of “The day after tomorrow”? Anyone?
Texas, it’s like a whole other country:
You just can’t make this shit up.
Roger Moore
Shorter Mitt Romney:
@Litlebritdifrnt: I think just the surface of the ice sheet melted, not the whole ice sheet. I guess the idea is if you walked over the whole continent, even over a mile above sea level, you would walking through slush.
That is scary as shit, but a warning sign, not the calamity itself.
And the whole Greenland ice sheet melting would be a fricken calamity, since all the ice above sea level would go directly to raising, well the sea level.
@lamh35: Why does Mitt Romney hate the Normans?
Pro tip for Mitt: the English (much less the other parts of the UK) are not Anglo Saxon.
Do they teach history at Harvard?
Linda Featheringill
Scary. This is talking about the amount of surface covered with ice? Do they mean it melted down to the rocks?
And a bunch of other questions.
@BGinCHI: Moral of the story.. real men who carry concealed weapons are cowards and have to run and hide.
So wait. Doesn’t this serve to remind conservatives that the ACA will reduce the budget deficit?
Ok ok I’m sorry. I assumed that GOPers would employ critical thinking. My bad. I won’t do it again.
Davis X. Machina
How can you complain about the prospect of a 3-million-person increase in the number of those who have been freed from the tyrannical dead hand of government?
Because it is all about the freedom, right? It couldn’t be anything as…petty…. tawdry, as money? Or sticking it to a President of the other party? It has to be a matter of high principle. Conservatism is a highly principled movement.
Roger Moore
If you’d just bend over, Mitt and his buddies will be happy to put lots of Anglo-Saxon in you, over and over again.
@Roger Moore: Anglo-Saxon probably won’t play well in LA.
@beltane: It will use its invisible hands to cover its invisible eyes.
I posted in an earlier thread about DiFi saying the WH was responsible for the leaks of classified info, well now DiFi trying to “walk it back”
Too late now DiFi too damn late.
Sen. Feinstein Backtracks On Leak Comments
@Roger Moore: I worked in finance, I know the drill. Protective measures became a reflex. But, back then, I was still a white man, and as long as I pretended I wanted to get rich at the game, was treated no worse than anyone else.
How much do these vicious loons need to talk before people realize that 99 percent are on their damn list, it is just a matter of prioritizing?
Linda Featheringill
@Linda Featheringill:
Discussion from NASA website. Apparently, the melting is not going down to the ground. This is surface melting.
So the surface is turning into slush? I’m sure it will find a way to run off.
@linda Featheringill
The inland glaciers covering most of Greenland are up to 2 kilometers thick, so no, not talking about melting down to the rocks. Yet.
However, as the total weight of ice is decreased as it falls or melts away, the entire land mass is rising noticeably.
@BGinCHI: Surely that’s grounds for taking away your concealed carry permit, even in Texas, right?
@jl: uncannily on mark, though myself, I’d have to flee to Thun or Berne.
Wait whut? I can trace my heritage back to the ancient Cornish tribes, (although I have to admit to having SOME french blood in my veins with an obscure relative with the name of Poms Frit for gawds sake). I am a proud Anglo Saxon. (Who wants nothing to do with Mitt Romney thank you very much).
Back OT, I’ve always been ACA advocate and I’ve known people who did not have insurance (myself included), but it really hit close to home with my mom having a heart attack 2 weeks ago. She works hard, but her job never gives her enough hours to work FT, so she works darn near FT hours, but with no health benefits. It wasn’t a problem at first because she was married and was on my step-father’s health insurance, but then they seperated (not divorced I recently found out they are still “legally” married) and my stepfather took my mother off his insurance. So since 2006, she has not had enough money to pay for her insulin, nor any real medical care except ER visits. Her untreated diabetes caught up to her 2 weeks ago when her heart which had 100% blockage in one artery and 95% blockage in another MADE her take notice. If it wasnt’ for her co-worker making her go to the ER, she would have gone home and she would be dead. Everyone of her doctors told her that the blockage and the subsuquent heart attack could all be brought back to her not keeping her diabetes in check.
My mother working 12 hour days, but still unable to afford healthcare is exactly why I’ve become so engrossed in this whole healthcare debate and such.
Day after day, more people come to L.A.
Ssh! Don’t you tell anybody the whole place is slipping away.
Where can we go when there’s no San Francisco?
Ssh! Better get ready to tie up the boat in Idaho.
Do you know the swim? You better learn quick, Jim.
Those who don’t know how to swim, better sing the hymn.
Tuna at the bowl. Fine fillet o’ much soul.
Whoo! Whoo! What can we do with a bushel of wet gold?
Day after day, more people come to L.A.
Ssh! Don’t you tell anybody the whole place is slipping away.
Where can we go when there’s no San Francisco?
Ssh! Better get ready to tie up the boat in Idaho.
Where can we go when there’s no San Diego?
Ssh! Better get ready to tie up the boat in Idaho.
Do you know the swim? You better learn quick, Jim.
Those who don’t know how to swim, better sing the hymn.
Tuna at the bowl. Fine fillet o’ much soul.
Whoo! Whoo! What can we do with a bushel of wet gold?
Day after day, more people come to L.A.
Ssh! Don’t you tell anybody the whole place is slipping away.
Where can we go when there’s no San Francisco?
Ssh! Better get ready to tie up the boat in Idaho.
Better get ready to tie up the boat in Idaho
@JPL: You forgot “and they also shoot themselves in the ass.”
I guess the old saw from A Christmas Story still applies:
No, you’ll shoot your eye out.
@BGinCHI: The English tend to be less sensitive than we USians, but I wonder how the 14 percent of England with other racial backgrounds think about Mitt’s racist, and ignorant statement?
I remember watching a clip of debate between some racist party leader in the UK, and an English born guy of Pakistan almost in tears, asking the racist where he, a true born Englishman would go.
Time to break out DeFoe’s True Born Englishman. See if I can find it.
they are fucking sociopaths.
@WaterGirl: God only knows. That state has some fucked up laws.
Healthcare you can find in your own backyard ! Elm bark and tincture of dandelion root.
Tonal Crow
More tax cuts for Romney, invading Iran, re-invading Iraq, and inserting their dirty hands into our sex organs. Any other silly questions?
I’m pretty sure there’s someone trying to make those illegal, as we speak.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I was pointing out the simple fact that England was a country inhabited by Anglo Saxons (and Jutes) who gave way (in the north especially) to the Norse and then (everywhere pretty much) to the Normans. It doesn’t make a bit of sense to call England (much less Wales, Scotland, No. Ireland) an “Anglo Saxon country” unless you have no idea at all how England was populated/settled/fought over.
Linda Featheringill
As the melt water flows into the Atlantic and messes with the Gulf Stream [which is already slowing down, I think]:
Daughter has facebook friends who live in the UK and they are complaining this year that they’ve “had no real summer.” I did some comparing of temperatures in the UK versus the eastern seaboard of Canada and found them very similar. The UK does not want this to continue into the winter.
@BGinCHI: Thank you Thank you Thank you for breaking the OT Ice. And, please, all, forgive me. Butt-Dueling.
How fucked up is that poll that’s out this week saying that Romney is more trusted on the economy.
Did they conduct it at a private golf club?
@scav: How is that off topic?
Brian R.
Elm bark and tincture of dandelion root.
And then I was slain by an elf.
@NotMax: Obviously the ‘scientists’ documenting the rise of Greenland as the Greenland ice cap supposedly melts are all part of the global warming conspiracy.
Follow the money, man. Those ‘scientists’ from the University of Miami taking readings from GPS receivers are on the take. There is no other reason why U of Miami scientists would care about sea level changes, is there.
I fear we won’t do anything about global warming until we lose another American city. Which will it be? New York City? Miami? New Orleans, again? Trick question…over time it’s All of the Above, and more.
@BGinCHI: The queen is not Anglo Saxon.
The True-Born Englishman
” Thus from a mixture of all kinds began,
That het’rogeneous thing, an Englishman ”
with link to full text.
And, I note, to bring on topic, this mongrel horde, who mixed in with those swarthy Latins for hundreds of years, all have good medical care.
Now, we need Juvenal. We need to go all the way back, to our most distinguished original ancestors of nobility, the escaped convicts, criminals, outlaws and pervs.
Uhhh, somebody wanna clue Romney into the fact that the UK is a pretty diverse place, with second and third generations of people from India, Pakistan, Africa and the Caribbean.
Or maybe he retroactively went back to the 1920’s and thought he was in ‘Brideshead Revisited.’
@BGinCHI: Well, some consider bad puns a health hazard and we’re technically sposed to mindfully pontificating and/or ranting about insurance. Not that we color within the lines, really, or can even find the box to think outside of.
@BGinCHI: Hasn’t that been the case for most of the recent polls? That doesn’t mean that it makes any sense and it does confirm my sense that we are now living in a bizarro post-truth world.
@BGinCHI: I agree and was being snarky, it STILL pisses me off that I have those damn frenchies in my family tree though. (and I can only use one side of my heritage as my father was adopted and the branch stops there) :) Having said that there are some of us who can trace their roots back to the original Anglo Saxons. However, there are as many people in England (and the rest of the UK) who can call themselves British who have many other roots, Jamaican, Pakistan, Indian, etc., etc., etc., we are almost more of a melting pot than the US is these days. My sister (adopted) is a prime example, she is half white and half black (much like POTUS) and has no idea where her family tree lies.
I was going to try to make some crack about traditional Pictish relations, but damn, this is just too fucked up. I am depressed.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I got that English, Irish, Norwegian thing going on.
Roger Moore
You’d better be careful about encouraging people to grow their own cures in their backyards. Next thing you know, they’ll think that Cannabis sativa is an appropriate choice, and we wouldn’t want that.
@Roger Moore: Fields of poppies…
@lamh35: It’s lie after lie from Romney’s advisers in that article. If the Torygraph is trying to help Romney somehow, it’s doing a poor job.
Roger Moore
And I’m not sure if Merck, GSK, et. al. are going to be happy about people making their own medicines. We wouldn’t want to hurt the profitability of our favorite drug companies, now would we?
Chris Matthews is entertaining when he is pissed off.
@lamh35: In Mittenz defense this is the telegraph where talking about. They make shit up all the time. Although, the Romney team is despicable and incompetent, so I wouldn’t put it pass them. The only reason they get any traction is because of a horrible media and 40% of the voting public voting solely on the bases of party identification.
@jl: Oh, lusty Juvenal!
/See Nashe, Thomas and Marlowe, Kit.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Yep, righto.
Romney probably only meeting with bluebloods. I can’t wait till he tells them we don’t have class in America.
@Anya: The Torygraph isn’t gonna make up stuff to make a conservative look bad.
john fremont
@WaterGirl: Or exclusively patented by Archer Daniels Midland, Cargill , Monsanto, etc. and then donate a portion every year to private faith based charities as part of an annual PR campaign to show how much they Care.
About time someone kicked the wicked French influence out of the English and by colonization Americans.
We need to go back to the pure Anglo-Saxon tradition that was pissed all over by the French in 1066.
@MikeJ: But do they believe that would make him look bad? They’re horid. They’ve been so fixated on Obama returning the loaned Churchil bust, I bet all they heard was “I will bring back the Churchill bust.”
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh35: Any mention of taking up the White Man’s Burden? Or is that for next week?
Romney is very comfortable lying. When he is trying to act like he understands the peasants he is beyond awkward. Since he “took the gloves off”, he looks like he is in his element. Yup, lying is second nature to him.
I guess Jews like me aren’t real Americans according to Romney:
My parents are of Eastern European heritage after all.
The Other Chuck
What makes you think we’ll do anything even then?
Linda Featheringill
Anglo before 1066:
As far as I have been able to ascertain, the surname Featheringill came over to England with the Normans.
That’s not my maiden name. I’m actually kin to the Stuarts through one of their [many] illegitimate offspring. Dunno how Anglo-Saxon they were.
@Anya: They’re not that bad. They recognize when something sounds bad, even if they agree with it. (Disclaimer: I did some work there on IT stuff. I still disagree with their editorial stance though.)
Well, you don’t expect someone with Irish heritage and a name like O’Bama to really appreciate the abuse that Anglo-Saxons on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean have heaped on the Irish over the centuries.
Or is that not what Romney meant?
Roger Moore
If your ethnic group does not vote reliably Republican, you aren’t a Real American(TM). It really is that simple.
Not that it should matter a whit, but regarding Obama’s ancestry and “Anglo-Saxon”:
German, mostly, on her father’s side, but her mother was English and Scottish. There’s some Saxon ancestry in the royal line, but it’s pretty thin.
Try that again.
The Thin Black Duke
Y’know, if Obama gets re-elected, keeps the Senate and takes back the House, I think a lot of people will be surprised what a cold hard nasty son of a bitch he’s gonna be. As Wesley Snipes said in New Jack City, “Sit your five dollar ass down before I make change.” These soft whiny pasty-faced GOP asswipes have no idea what’s waiting for them around the corner. I can’t wait.
@The Thin Black Duke:
Should that happen, popcorn and beer’s on me the first year. But I haz my doubts about the House.
El Cid
@The Thin Black Duke:
Perhaps, but I think a whole lot of people I know and who live near me and work with me will be surprised what a cold hard nasty son of a bitch I’m going to be, after these years with their asses all on their shoulders about welfare and Obama killing th’econmee and inflatino and ACORN and he’s killin’ Amurka and blah blah blah blah blah.
They have no idea how badly I’m going to rub it in.
@El Cid: I’m not even waiting til the election. I’m a cold, hard, nasty bitch rubbing their faces in how stupid and evil the Repugs are every day to people.
AA+ Bonds
@efgoldman: How about our special relationship with the French? You know, the country that was on our side during the Revolution.
Lurking Canadian
@The Thin Black Duke: That sounds like a fine plan, but what is going to change? The media is still in the tank for Satan, the Senators can still filibuster, secret hold and/or pearl clutch the whole government to a standstill…What can he really do differently?
Another Halocene Human
@lamh35: OMG, I hope your mom pulls through. That’s terrible and I don’t know how you keep it together with that going on.
In other industrialized countries you might work a shitty job and live in a dingy apartment and be poor, but you have access to fucking affordable healthcare. I mean, diabetes supplies? Should be available.
Another Halocene Human
@Omnes Omnibus: now that made me laugh
Take up the White Man’s Burden
To send the jobs offshore
So swarthy Mex’ and Red Chinee
Can earn a little more…
Another Halocene Human
@Calouste: None more Irish, &cet.
Another Halocene Human
@The Thin Black Duke: Relevant.
Oh what a day, if we took back the house.
Another Halocene Human
@honus: Boo-Yah!
What is Mittens going to do, return the Statue of Liberty? Rename LaFayette Square?
Suck it, bitches! /sadly, after many years of public school French I have no idea how to say that in French… they really neglected that whole cursing thing, although I could call someone a dirty liar and a turkey. really has that sting, you know?
In SC, where GOP Gov. Nikki Haley has said they’ll turn down federal Medicaid funding, the hospitals are starting to pressure her to change her mind. Good luck with that, but it’s nice to see the reality-based community exercise a little influence.