Wondering why this livestream puppy cam hasn’t picked up more attention on the intertoobz. I mean, six baby golden retrievers people. Where’s the love?
They’re outside playing right now. Also, too, open thread if you want it.
This post is in: Dog Blogging, Open Threads
Wondering why this livestream puppy cam hasn’t picked up more attention on the intertoobz. I mean, six baby golden retrievers people. Where’s the love?
They’re outside playing right now. Also, too, open thread if you want it.
Comments are closed.
BTW twitter is back but not refreshing. I am like an addict waiting for my next fix.
Villago Delenda Est
OK, I just had a squee protection fault give me the tan screen of death.
While you are thinking Happy Puppy Thoughts, the Way of Cats fund drive is happening NOW.
Let’s keep the Way of Cats blog Blooming
Since the Republicans pulled the Debt Ceiling debacle, my cat toy and instruction book revenues has fallen off a cliff. Talk about ruining the economy. I can’t keep up with the bandwidth etc without a bit of help.
Lend a paw? Even the price of a latte would thrill me!
The server gets overloaded. If Mittens keeps this up, Twitter will be down a lot.
Gin & Tonic
What was the name of that young woman way back in the mists of history who was the first up with a live cam in her home? Christ, how long ago was that? Revolutionary at the time.
Now it’s chow time. With Mama standing closely by.
Oh and PUPPEH!!
PS: All six of these little guys will grow up to be service dogs!
Seems no one wants to go and have dinner with mittens. They’re slashing the ticket prices for his fundraiser.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I am very proud of your country right now. :)
J. Michael Neal
Japan beats Spain and the UAE is carving up Uruguay and serving them well done so far. It is looking like a bad day for the Spanish speaking world.
To my uneducated eyes, this UAE team looks fast.
Edit: And so Uruguay promptly ties it up.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Adorable indeed. Dog bless you is a pretty cool organization, also.
Oh and a chance to show off my “kiddos.” Well, of course they aren’t actually mine, but they sure are cute, aren’t they?
Libby Spencer
@Litlebritdifrnt: You are not alone. Half my FB timeline is lamenting this horrifying lapse.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): It’s the Triplettes of Belleville!!
Me too. Sully had a good point. We piss and moan about our country all the time, but a foreigner doing it? That will just piss us off worse.
More cute than I can handle. Must reboot.
Libby Spencer
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): So sweet. Major squeeeeeee.
Culture of Truth
“Huh. Are those your dogs? I didn’t think so. They’re not very cute, are they? Ha ha.”
@Litlebritdifrnt: The latter part is sort of Basic.Human which is why it escapes the RomBot. You do seem do have a solid talent for the former though, along with deft language skills. I’m dying for the Now Show already, which should be an epic battle of the three tendencies.
My Lab gets jealous when I look at other dogs. Also, I’m having too much fun savoring the schadenfreude surrounding Mitt’s London visit. The latest is that he’s having trouble selling tickets to his fundraiser and has had to slash the ticket price in half http://order-order.com/2012/07/26/exclusive-romney-struggling-to-fill-tonights-fundraiser-prices-slashed/
I’m happy to say the British are abandoning their Oakshottian Burkean civility in savaging this assclown.
Thanks. Very cute. Awwww, the puppy wagged its tail and rolled over.
Really cute.
But a vid or napping puppies is not dynamic enough to get a horde of viewers. I will click the link a few times today, though.
I looked at the invite on the Guy Fawkes blog. Is that really Romney’s logo because it’s very unattractive. With all that money he’s getting, one would think he could have paid for a better graphic.
LOL some of the comments at the Guardian Live Blog are priceless
Mitt Romney may have to buy his own country if he wants to receive a warm reception anywhere. Even the right-wing Netanyahu seems to have lost his love for the Mittbot http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/07/26/1113809/-Netanyahu-Romney-Lying-About-Their-Friendship
We might see for the first time in Olympic history where a dressage horse is booed.
@Kane: I’m totally gonna watch. I’ve seen maybe a grand total of five minutes of dressage in my life, but I’m definitely going to cheer when Rafalca (stupid name) screws up.
I know you don’t like him but Sully has a really good post about Romney’s gaffes
That puppy cam did not want me to leave. I hit the back button about 6 times before I was able to escape back to here.
Cute puppehs.
Another good comment
J. Michael Neal
Uruguay looks like a different team in the second half.
@J. Michael Neal:
I see what you did there. :)
@Litlebritdifrnt: What gets me about the gaffe that started it all (“Those Olympics of yours: gonna be a disaster”) is how utterly avoidable it would be to anyone with even a modicum of understanding of human interaction. How hard is it to show up as a guest somewhere and say something nice about your host’s big new project?
Yankee Doodle came to London just to dressage the ponies…
Hill Dweller
The wingnuts are trying to change the subject by pushing another criminally edited video taking Obama completely out of context.
Exactly. You don’t go to a dinner party and tell the hostess that her beautifully laid out dining table looks like crap and you expect the dinner to be a disaster. I mean apart from anything else it is just bad manners. Like someone said elsewhere the man has no filter because he has surrounded himself with yes men toadies all his life who will always laugh at his jokes and tell him he’s right.
re Brits not lining up for Romney fundraiser:
Is it possible they have stricter and more immediate disclosure requirements in Britain?
Also, talk about a perp walk for LIBOR.
@Hill Dweller: Won’t work. Mitt is comedy gold. I’ll be off the old Python and Onion videos for the duration of the trip.
Good comedy is hard, and nothing can beat it. The wingers can try all they want, no one will even notice.
Keep it up, Mitt.
Edit: as I said in earlier thread, seems like Wonkette gave up and is just posting verbatim reports.
Click, whirrr, click…
whirrr, click
I just had a robocall from Wayne LaPierre, which started with a long screed of propaganda, and ended with a poll:
“Do you think it’s okay for the UN to take away our gun rights?”
Yes or no question. I chose YES, since “this is not a factual argument” was not one of the choices. Up with black heliocopters (sic) !!! Then I told the robot to fuck itself, but it hung up on me.
I was especially annoyed as I am awaiting a call from someone about fostering their dog, and I got excited when the phone rang. feh
@Litlebritdifrnt: Even, or especially, if the hostess’s dinning table looks like crap you don’t say so.
I guess we can be grateful that Romney didn’t vomit in the lap of some Minister or another. That’s something.
A thought: I wonder if Obama will apologize to Britain for Romney’s behavior…
@Elizabelle: I think as this is a campaign do, these are ‘sposed to be ‘mercans spontaneously (with no hinting from the banking/hedgie bosses, uh uh, no how, nada, none, Barclay’s officially denied it) showing up and donating out of the goodness of their very widdle hearts.
What you said. Oh apparently Cameron hurt the Mayor of Salt Lake City’s fee fees.
J. Michael Neal
@Litlebritdifrnt: That makes one of us. I thought all I was doing was saying that Uruguay looks much sharper in the second half than they did while the UAE was carving them up in the first.
Sometimes a soccer comment is just a soccer comment.
@J. Michael Neal:
Sorry! You are correct of course, sometimes a comment is just a comment, but I am still chuckling about Ricky Gervais getting Gary Linnaker(sp) to use some of the best “cliches” on air with the promise of a large donation to Great Ormond Street Hospital. It was brilliant.
@Hill Dweller:
I saw that. I’m thinking from now on Obama should start every speech with a jocular request to the audience to enter a contest (maybe on Twitter), to predict which talking points are going to be carved up, misrepresented, then skreed over. It could be fun.
Ha! My sister’s Pomeranian barks at the computer when she sees other dogs on the monitor. Also if you try to take her picture. She’s a bit of a princess.
Linda Featheringill
I have actually wondered if our ambassadors will send out quiet questions as to whether an apology is desired.
What rock have you been under the last 5 years. There are hundreds of puppy cams and yes, several are golden retrievers.
Talk about reaching for something to write about. How about writing about these global food riots that Cole says are nearly upon us. Go hang out at the local 7/11 (assuming you don’t already do that) and give us the man on the street story of how the food riots are going down.
Well, I went to see the puppies online but some doofus pulled out two lawn chairs and set them in front of the camera, so all you could see was her fat ass and the backs of two chairs.
Jay in Oregon
@Gin & Tonic:
Are you thinking of the JenniCam? She was certainly popular, though I don’t know if she was the first.
@foodriots: I see you are reading Mitt’s book on how to make friends and influence people. It’s working like a charm.
There’s something about “foodriots” that screams Derf, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.
Gin & Tonic
@Jay in Oregon: Yes, that’s the one. I recalled that myself, over lunch, after posting the question. The Wiki article is pretty good, although somewhat ambiguous about how “first” she was. In 1996 it was pretty revolutionary, though. Apparently it resulted in several academic articles as well. For instance, I bet you didn’t know that “JenniCAM reveals cultural tensions surrounding epistemological conceptions of vision, gender, and identity and raises questions for future conversations regarding the role of technology in the representation and
construction of gendered subjects.”