I’ve been a fan of his work for years but never realized it until I started following Charles Dharapak on the twitter. He delivers the iconic photos every time.
WHEELS DOWN: MItt and Ann Romney arrive in Tel Aviv, Israel, photo via @AP twitter.com/CharlesDharapa…
— Charles Dharapak (@CharlesDharapak) July 28, 2012
Rmoneybot is looking a little jetlagged again, so looking forward to more world tour hiliarity.
Talk about whatever.
Addendum: It begins. Zeke Miller is there. Favorite tweet so far: “Romney asked one person where he was from and he replied DC. Romney: ‘Washington, DC! Thanks so much for being here.’”
Roger Moore
He looks like he’s about to go staggering off in search of BRAINSSSS! It’s the position of his arms that really does it.
Remind me again – who is paying for this trip? How much does it cost? And is Mitt getting a tax deduction for the privilege?
Fuckin’ up’s hard work…
Libby Spencer
@Roger Moore: Was thinking the same thing. The Zombie Apocalypse has begun…
Take me to your leader leader leader
take me to your scene scene scene…
Seattle’s Pudz.
Libby Spencer
If you click on the large version, the expression on Mrs. Romney’s face is priceless too. Does not look like a happy camper.
West of the Cascades
More evidence that the Romneybot’s circuits are frying – http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/07/summer-2012-travels-with-mitt-romney/?=id2
Romney’s Forced to Hoof It – 3:16 p.m. GST (10:16 a.m. EST) London traffic is so snarled here that Romney was forced to ditch his motorcade and walk from his hotel to the Irish Embassy, where he is scheduled to meet Irish Taoiseach Enda Kenny shortly.
Kenny asked Romney about his walk during the meeting, asking, “So you had to walk from the hotel?”
“Not bad at all,” Romney said of the adventure. “I enjoyed the walk. I guess you also had to walk.”
“Yes, we’re used to walking in Ireland,” said Kenny.
“I guess we didn’t have to walk,” Romney added. “It’s enjoyable to walk. It’s a beautiful day.”
Jetlag’s a bitch when you’re over sixty. I don’t know how Hillary does it but you can tell by her hair that she has it. She just deals with it better. She was a Wellesley girl. They never give up. I had a Wellesley girlfriend at about the same time that Hillary was there. They ate punks like Mittens for breakfast and then drank their milkshakes for lunch. Ferocious!
Do Mormons have a love affair with Israel like evangelicals or is this just the standard Republican trip?
Tonal Crow
From the cited NYT article:
Anyone who’s “tired and jet-lagged” into forgetting childhood socialization is simply unqualified to be President.
Further, Mitt did it on the very first day of a purely optional trip of his own scheduling. The President doesn’t have any such luxury. He’s got to be ready and able, 24/7/365. When the phone rings at 3am, and the National Security Advisor tells the President that Pakistan and India are on the brink of nuclear war, and that he’s got to talk them down personally, who do YOU want in charge? Some twit who’ll forget that he shouldn’t start off with an insult? Or the man who nailed bin Laden?
Tag: Romney’s worse than Sarah Palin.
@Roger Moore: His reboot must have failed. Or maybe he is in need of a new battery.
@fraught: Every time I get worried that Obama might lose to Mittstake, I remember that Obama beat Hillary, for God’s sake.
Hillary would wipe Mitt off the bottom of her well-traveled heel. As Obama is about to do.
The Romneybot is but a cheaply made imitation of Commander Data.
TeamRomney needs to hire a stylist for Ann Romney. The fish print and parrot print blouses, and the kaleidoscope art smock are not working.
@Libby Spencer: I can’t find the clip from Ab Fab, but Ann reminds me of Patsy and Edina arriving at the airport in Marrakesh…
Tonal Crow
I hear that Bain outsourced his manufacture to China.
Also too, what’s this stuff from his campaign staff about “Even the Energizer Bunny needs new batteries once in a while”? Do they really want to admit that?
Tag: Romney’s worse than Sarah Palin.
@Kane: Until I clicked to embiggen, I thought she was wearing a flak jacket.
That look is due to Romney desperately hoping nobody starts selling Olympic memorabilia with his picture on it this time around.
The positronic matrix took a number of iterations to develop, in all fairness to Dr. Soong.
@Trentrunner: Obama/Biden also beat McCain/Palin by an electoral vote count of 365 to 173, and team Obama won roughly 10 million more votes than team McCain. Where is Romney going to find those 10 million votes?
Chyron HR
@West of the Cascades:
“Feet. Ground. Locomotion.”
@Tonal Crow:
Dr Who got rid of a PM by saying, “Don’t you think she looks tired?”
@fraught: Is that like the Smith girl in Sex in the City?
I’m afraid I’m as clueless as Romney on this one, what does DC mean in the context of Israel ? (I mean, I assume it doesn’t refer to Washington, DC, or I’m really not understanding that tweet)
Roger Moore
The plan is that he’ll get most of the difference from people who are upset about the state of the economy, and the rest he’ll get by suppressing the Democratic vote.
@efgoldman: Data would never tie his cat to the roof of a shuttlecraft.
It just struck me that this brief overseas trip is the most work Mitt Romney’s ever done in his life. The Romneys are strangers to hard work and it shows,
@Tonal Crow:
Do they really want people to think of him as a bunny?
Vote for the bunny!
@Kane: I was trying to figure out what she was wearing. I guess money can’t buy taste.
And on the “tired and jetlagged” front, where did Mitt fly into London from, Australia? From North America it’s an easy flight, even back in tourist from the west coast like I have to do. First class passage from the USA to the UK? If you can’t manage that, how can you possibly manage the presidency?
Libby Spencer
@Riilism: I’m hopelessly out of touch with pop culture. I keep hearing about these Ab Fab women and have seen a couple of photos. No idea who they are. I suppose if they’re a hot new thing I should use my google-fu and figure it out…
Anyone who includes as a part of his defense a report by an unnamed staffer back home that they hadn’t thought to brief their candidate sufficiently before letting him wander into the glare of an opening day of an internationally followed event, does rather leave the impression that the staff are out to lunch and the lead can’t get of out a flattened cardboard box without extensive coaching. And the Batteries defense, did they send out a campaign volunteer with that one? Just where is the unlimited corporate cash being spent? Sure as hell ain’t on staff.
@Libby Spencer: They’re a hot old thing. It’s short for “Absolutely Fabulous”, it’s a British series, and yes you should google it. Maybe there are clips on Youtube.
@Riilism: Cindy McCain always reminded me of Patsy. Ann Romney is more like Edwina wearing a Patsy wig, but without the drugs, alcohol, and tobaccco.
@NancyDarling: You’re right, it does look like a kevlar jacket.
Libby Spencer
@Caravelle: Don’t know that it does have any context in Israel. Just thought it was amusing that Rombot assumed the guy traveled overseas just to be there. I would assume most of the attendees are ex-pats or there on business.
@Libby Spencer: Ab Fab’s been around since the 90’s. Hilarious show IMO. You should check it out if you have the chance…
Libby Spencer
@Caravelle: Oh. I haven’t had anything but a really old TV with rabbit ears for many years now. Don’t get many stations. But I do vaguely remember watching that show when I had cable.
That’s the episode when they make a buck by selling Saffy into slavery.
Who’s not coming back?
Will Mitt sell Ann?
Amir Khalid
Apparently, this trip has been such hard work for Mitt that jet lag made him forget his manners on the first day of the first, and one would have thought the easiest, stop on his itinerary. Back in America, he’ll face a longer and more grueling campaign itinerary until election day. How does he expect to get through that?
@Kane: In absolute agreement here! Ann’s outfit is hideous.
Tonal Crow
Perhaps they’ve outsourced the staffing and are spending the rest on peacock’s-tongue appetizers?
Yep, missing all the things that would make her interesting…
@Libby Spencer:
or maybe brought in to make Mitt look like a hero to Israelis with crowds mobbing him.
According to WAPO, Romney has violated his negotiated agreement with the press, and has barred them from his Israel fundraiser. (Via LGF).
Libby Spencer
@Valdivia: After his adventures in Anglo-Saxon relations, I imagine he must be giddy with relief that they’re not openly mocking him.
We are looking for an IT security person In Eagan Minnesota. This is a perm job, 40 hour weeks, benefits.
Need to have knowledge of system security scanning using tools like NeXpose, Nessus, Nmap and how to identify false positives. Ability to explain what the risks are for particular vulnerabilities. It would be a real plus if the person had experience with pen testing with tools like Core Impact or Metasploit – better still if they have done it manually. A CISSP is nice but not required.
Give me a shout out here if you know someone and we can figure out a way to exchange emails.
@wrb: Are the boys with ’em? My money’d be on the boys….
@Libby Spencer:
yep. Apparently Adelson is bringing in a bunch of his buddies for the fundraiser (the one he closed to the press–is it too much to hope someone might sneak a tape of it and post it?) which is 50k for a ticket. They got 30 couples to pay that to be with him for breakfast.
Tonal Crow
Has Mitt offered Bibi a ham sandwich yet?
Tag: Romney’s worse than Sarah Palin.
Libby Spencer
Perfect. Hope he keeps pissing the press corps off. That worked out so well for Gramps McCain.
Amir Khalid
We mustn’t be too surprised. At Mitt 2012, remember, competence will get you fired, especially if the boss is afraid you’ll outshine him; and the boss himself is no paragon of excellence. Never forget the Debate Coach!
@jenn: There is potentially the innocent victim of by the Lie-beral media Card to be brought into play still. Would come in handy as it could be combined with the Evil Evil Yupean Lie-beral Press card when building a hand to explain away the GB no-longer-so-special-relationship kurfuffle. He’s needling them?
Mitt really does look like Thurston Howell. Never mind who briefs him; who dresses him? Does he listen to anybody?
Tonal Crow
@Libby Spencer: I sure hope Obama is warming up the grills and is stocking up on tender steaks, fatty fries, awesome pizzas, and every variety of alcohol. They way to the press’s hearts is through their stomachs.
Tag: Romney’s worse than Sarah Palin.
Amir Khalid
“I’m altering the agreement. Pray I don’t alter it further.”
— Darth Mitt
CW in LA
@Amir Khalid: Are you referring to this?
I either didn’t know about this or forgot about it. Being born into money sure seems to allow a person to avoid the consequences for a remarkable level of incompetence.
Favorite tweet so far: “Romney asked one person where he was from and he replied DC. Romney: ‘Washington, DC! Thanks so much for being here.’”
Sorry, but what is so noteworthy or interesting about this?
@scav: Mitt doesn’t need the votes of the “Lie-brul Media” crowd. He’s already got them. Half the reason he was in England was to fund raise for his campaign. “Your country sucks, now give me money!” isn’t exactly a winning strategy.
CW in LA
@gnomedad: Listening to a person suggests they know more than you. And Willard must already be super-duper smart. After all, look how rich he is.
I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to talk about this, but I keep thinking it, so I’m gonna do it anyway.
Am I right in thinking that MS is exacerbated by stress? Because I keep wondering, just like I did with John Edwards, what they hell is he doing running for president when surely his wife will pay the price of all the stress of running, either with her health or with her life?
@CW in LA: rmoney is a merciful tyrant. he could have dealt with that jumped-up braggart the way ataxerxes handled mithridates.
Libby Spencer
@Tonal Crow: Free food and booze is surely the way to win their hearts.
Amir Khalid
@CW in LA:
None other.
@Amir Khalid: Ha! Although, I think Mitt has a little too much of the craven numnutz quality to qualify for ‘darthness’. (I mean, you have to be PREPPED to not insult your hosts at a social event?! Good lord, that’s pathetic.)
@Zifnab: But he still seems to be running to attract their attention and get them to the polls. His sketch isn’t etching to the center at all. He still seems to be searching for their hot-button-subject du year.
@WaterGirl: If she is as shielded from the fray as it appears she is, there really won’t be much stress for her to deal with.
@WaterGirl: I think most of us really don’t understand how pampered Ann’s life is. Yes, MS sucks, but she stays in the best hotels (which are bigger and nicer than everyone’s home on BJ), has paid staff to meet every whim, the best medical and support care money can buy, and has had this her entire adult life.
I’m much more worried about the mother of 2 with MS who’s just getting ready to put in another shift tonight because she needs the extra $ to try to pay for an overpriced underwhelming health insurance policy.
So, in short, fuck Ann Romney and her MS. Even with it, she’s better off than 99% of the rest of us without it. Fuck her.
ETA: And another “Fuck Ann Romney” for trying to pass off her dressage as MS treatment. Nice way to exploit others’ suffering so we don’t notice your obscenely wealthy lifestyle. Fuck you, Ann Romney.
Holy shit, one trip abroad for some modest back slapping and he’s pie-eyed, jet lagged and talking gibberish?
Looking forward to Mitt getting the 3AM call.
Can’t wait until he’s caught saying something like “Jesus was my favorite Jew”.
Wait for it …
Jeebus. For someone with more money than god, Ann Romneyis the tackiest dresser I’ve ever seen. Everything she wears looks like something on the clearance rack at Ross Dress for Less.
OT, but is anyone else having major problems scrolling in Libby’s threads? I’m not having this problem in Cole’s or mistermix’s posts. If it was FYWP, wouldn’t it be happening in all posts? And before the tech geeks jump in, yes, I’m not very tech savvy but I’ve never run across this problem before so I’m wondering why.
Roger Moore
Of course not. Citizens United is really about free speech/free press, not about campaign finance. So you’re free to spend as much as you want on nominally independent campaign ads (free speech!) but not on campaign staff (not free speech). IOW, the Unlimited Corporate Cash! can only be spend on ads, nothing else.
Jay C
@Libby Spencer:
Yeah, wait ’til the Israeli press starts in on him: they’re infamous for a pronounced lack of deference to their own politicos; uptight foreign politicians holding closed-door fundraisers in their country probably won’t rate
the usual US-media-level asskissing Republicans expecta similar level of leeway.jprfrog
Which adviser failed to note that observant Jews may not use conveyances on Shabbas (Sabbath — Saturday)? Rmoney is of course not a Jew, but it might be taken by some as a mark of disrespect (or lack of awareness — who knew?) that is whole silly caravan arrived by jet on that day. Not a major point, I know, but piling on is such fun.
Tonal Crow
This has got to make it into a series of campaign ads.
Tag: Romney’s worse than Sarah Palin.
Update on Kevin Drum’s cat. Turns out he lives about 2 blocks from me, so it may well have been his cat I saw, but haven’t seen him since. We’ve spread the word through our friends who live all around his neighborhood, so hopefully we’ll track him down.
Evolving Deep Southerner
@Roger Moore: Well, yeah. But seems like if you had all your media buys covered, it would free up money for staff. Money’s fungible – and in Rmoney’s case, almost literally infinite.
he arrived after the sabath came out, at nightfall. even if he flew during it.
@jprfrog: I don’y think that particular issue means very much. The ultra-orthodox who might care about these things with regards to other Jews really don’t give a rat’s ass about what or when non-Jews eat or how and when they travel.
Shawn in ShowMe
Ann Romney is one of those society B listers Edwina has to settle for when Catherine Deneuve and Helena Bonham Carter call Bubble to cancel.
@Shawn in ShowMe: Now I am picturing a never-made episode focused around Edwina trying to get Ann Romney to drink some Dom Perignon to get her to lighten up a little. Hilarity ensues.
Even the wingnutty Jerusalem Post is bashing Romney.
Romney’s “rough start”.
@Trentrunner: I’ve also been irritated by the bullshit about a several hundred thousand dollar professionally trained&ridden jet setting horse being a necessary treatment for her MS. If it’s actually her health that Queen Anne is concerned about, she would probably benefit more from some cheap rescue horse she actually rode and cared for herself.
Dan Senor needs to spend less time yukking it up on Morning Joe and more time prepping his candidate. Isn’t he supposed to be Rmoney’s foreign policy guy? At least there doesn’t seem to be any chance that Senor will outshine nim at that rate.
Reruns of Ab Fab can be seen on BBC.
@GregB: At least the Jerusalem Post acknowledges that the visit is meant to win over Evangelical Christian voters. I wish Haaretz wasn’t paywalled because I’d love to read their take on it.
I’m loving this. I know Mitt’s crying foul about a ‘Saturday Surprise’ but I doubt we’ll hear much from the Obama campaign. Never interrupt your opponent while ue’s making a mistake.
Yikes, in that larger photo he got the crazy Bachmann eyes.
Libby Spencer
@Jay C: One can hope the U.S. media will take a lesson from that.
Shawn in ShowMe
Edwina’s elevator pitch to Ann: Sin is in, sweetie.
Good. He is probably wandering. I hope someone sees him.
It had to be him you saw. He takes up a fair amount of space, like Tunch.
Libby Spencer
@GregB: Oh my. From the link:
A secret foreign policy address? That doesn’t look suspicious…
Chat Noir
@Martin: Thanks for the update, Martin. I have three cats, two of whom are the same age as Inkblot so I can understand the worry and sadness at the Drum household with kitty being lost. I keep giving mine extra love and skritches since yesterday (not that they go without). I actually had a dream overnight that they found Inkblot and he was returned safe and sound.
@Libby Spencer: Nothing to see here, move along little proles…
I know that we’re all supposed to point and laugh on cue, but I’m at a loss to understand just what’s supposed to be so horrible about the pic and the quote.
Don’t overplay your hand, kids. The man had a miserable couple of days, but that doesn’t mean everyone’s going to think “bozo” whenever he appears from this point forward.
@MikeJ: wow, never heard of The Pudz! Fanatastic.
Shawn in ShowMe
Let’s back up a minute. What day where Mitt is forced to interact with people outside his own camp hasn’t been a miserable day for Mitt?
@max: I’ve had that song as a permanent earworm since about 1981. I cannot hear the phrase “take me to your leader” without hearing that song. Same way I can’t recite the preamble to the constitution without hearing schoolhouse rock.
Anne Laurie
When Romney started running for governor, ten years ago, he actually bragged to the press corps that “Ann thinks the climate in Salt Lake City is better for her health, but nobody runs for president as governor of Utah.”
His handlers managed to hush that up, at the time. But when you think of the multiple levels of FAIL in that statement… well, I’m sure the Obama campaign has a video, which they are saving for the RNC convention.
Hill Dweller
@different-church-lady: While I agree with you about the pic and quote, Romney has had far more than a bad couple of days. He has been bumbling his way through this election for months.
If not for the Brits stating the obvious and shaming our press corps, I’m not sure they’d ever admit Willard has little political skill and/or charm.
Villago Delenda Est
Yeah, but she interjects herself into it every so often in defense of the android.
That can’t be good for her health.
It tells us a lot about Rmoney that he doesn’t put a stop to it, that he’s willing to sacrifice his wife’s health for his Presidential ambitions.
Shouldn’t he have Lieberman along to tell him the difference between
SunniSephardic andShiteAshkenazi Jews?rmirth
Nope. Our press corpse will take it as a sign to go even easier on Mitt … they’ll suck up to Mitt and his staff and ask powder puff questions to demonstrate their “independence”.
@MikeJ: Good lord. Nerd minds think alike. I was just going to post that but decided to read the thread, convinced someone would have made the connection. And there you were.
@Hill Dweller: I ain’t saying he’s not going to do something stupid every day of the campaign. I’m saying you have to wait until he actually does the stupid thing. Otherwise people start tuning you out, or worse, start having sympathy for him.
I have to admit, unless there’s another city that “DC” also refers to, I’m not getting why Romney saying “Washington DC” in response is so gaffe-a-riffic.
I think it’s because he is in Jerusalem and utterly surprised to have an American there to support him.
Mike G
I’m not a huge fan of Sacha Baron Cohen, but this new character of his, “Mitt Romney”, is hilarious.
Except that by law he’s not allowed to accept campaign donations from foreigners. So, what, he thought that his staff had scheduled an illegal fundraiser? Or he doesn’t know that it’s illegal to fundraise from foreigners?
Still not getting it. I’m holding out for a quality #romneyshambles comment, TYVM. ;-)
Libby Spencer
@different-church-lady: I did explain my amusement up thread. So sue me, I have an odd sense of humor. I laugh at movies too, when no one else does.
As for gaffes, still waiting. Not that I expect we’ll hear about them now that the Mittness Protection Program is fully operational again.
this wasn’t a fundraiser just people meeting him in the lobby of the hotel. I am just assuming in his Galtian Lord mind the people there to meet him were Israeli fan boys, because you know all of Israel hates Obama and loves him.
@Shawn in ShowMe:
Ann Romney is one of the many weird Americans who show up periodically on AbFab and babble about their auras and their all white rooms and religion.
@Anne Laurie: Jaysus, every time I hear another anecdote the Romneys spew out, he looks worse.
David Koch
What time does Romney posthumously baptist Anne Frank?
Mike G
“Obama has never apologized for America, but now America has to go around apologizing for Mitt Romney.”
Before, the most publicised fact about Mitt Romney was that he’s a Mormon, although doubt is growing about the second ‘m’.
Forget Ann’s horse in the dressage competition. Apparently she is married to a prancing jackass
Mitt Romney isn’t even qualified to represent the U.S. as a tourist. #AmericanBorat
MI6 refuses to confirm Romney meeting, fueling speculation he may have been fooled by an Austin Powers impersonator
Ahead of Romney’s Israel trip, advisory team reminds him that “Hi, I baptized your dead grandma” is not acceptable greeting.
At this point, it would be an improvement for Mitt if he tested positive for steroids.
“I don’t always travel to England, but when I do, I remember to insult the populace. Stay Republican, my friends.”
“The trip was meant to make him look presidential… it made him look like Mr. Bean.”
You can tell MittRomney’s doing badly when he starts getting booed by rich white people #AmericanBorat
Mitt Romney is now, officially, an international embarrassment. Our policy of containment has failed.
Dear Great Britain: Yeah. We know. Sorry. Welcome to our world. –Signed, America.
Mitt Romney makes George Bush look like Aristotle.
Mitt Romney retroactively cancels visit to London.
@Mnemosyne: Just a mild weirdness, in that he also assumed that anyone from Wash DC must have flown in, ignoring that even an ex-pat residing in Jerusalem might respond with their US point of origin when asked where they’re from by a fellow American. Not a Gaffe, just General Oddness, and probably only a negative-star one at that.
@Mike G:
As if they ever remind him of a single damn thing.
In the final scene a partially undressed Ann, makeup smeared, is doing lines with Patsy.
Not Sure
@Tonal Crow: Actually, he’s Sarah Palin with better hair.
@Not Sure:
What’s wrong with Palin’s hair? It fills her head quite nicely.
West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.)
Well, I know I’m putting the cart waaaaay in front of the horse, but if Romney does, indeed, lose (and lose fairly soundly), would that spell the end of his political career? Surely the Republicans would not entrust him with 2016, would they? Of course, Granpa Munster (Ron Paul) just ran at 78.
@West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.): It’s been over 40 years since a guy who lost in the general election ran again.
“Hello, Mr. Prime Minister. Y’know, we’re the real Jews.
“Mormons, I mean.”
“Where’s the shitter?”
“‘Ello Cleveland!”
@Mike G:
These are all priceless.
Mitt Romney retroactively cancels visit to London.
Israel is also important to Mormon end times theology.
However, even though Jesus will return first to Israel, the “New Jerusalem” from which he will personally reign over an earthly theocracy will be built in…
Jackson County, Missouri.
Roy G.
Since both Mormons and Israelis are both known generally for their well honed sense of superiority, it ought to be interesting to see how both sides react to each other. Otoh, Bibi is too polished to drop his mask, and I think Rmoney understands in his gut why his fellow egomaniacs in the Senate genuflect to AIPAC, and will follow suit.
@Cacti: Heh. Where else would Jesus choose to return than right in the center of the USA? Also too: Huge Royals fan.
@Anya: These people are RANK AMATEURS and tis is just one more way it shows.
Mitt is failin palin all over again.
But we all know where Romney is really from…the Bizarro World from the Superman comics.
Or perhaps just the planet Kolob.
@Kane: Where is Romney going to find those 10 million votes? From white, non-college educated men (and women) that are unemployed because Bush and Co. destroyed the economy. Let’s not get cocky. Yeah, red state cons hate Romney, but anybody who thinks they’re going to vote for Obama is dreaming. Add Citizens United money, massive voter suppression, and a teabagger friendly media in full freak-out mode, and it doesn’t look good.