Feeling a little tired and under the weather, but psyched for a night of Olympics.
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by John Cole| 37 Comments
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Feeling a little tired and under the weather, but psyched for a night of Olympics.
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Is it very hot where you are?
Have to admit that I was pulling for the girl in the weight lifting competition to smash the world record but she couldn’t do it, she crashed the Olympic record but failed to beat her own world record. I understood why she tried, and was sad when she failed. Congrats on the Olympic record though.
opie jeanne
Watching baseball right now, Angels/Rangers. I’ll get to watch the Olympics later.
#RomneyShambles advice column.
David Koch
Godfather is on tonight
So, my Dad had a “cardiac incident” today. That pretty much sucks…. but luckily for him, he was not at home in the WV boonies. If he had been home, he’d probably be dead now.
He’s recovering in a hospital before the docs go in and have a look around tomorrow.
Suffern ACE
Can’t watch tonight. I’m busy practicing my synchronized bathing routine for the 2014 world championships. It’s a new sport and I’m getting in on the ground floor.
Maybe it’s ancestral chauvinism, but I was infinitely more interested in the Vancouver games. I’m sure it’s just a character flaw.
Spoiler alert… TENNIS
Not gonna say who won but there was a match today decided by the third set 25-23… That is all
Unfortunately, someone lost.
opie jeanne
Yesterday, this happened across the street from us. We were interviewed and they used my husband’s comments (edited to make it sound like he supports everyone being armed to the teeth to defend themselves) on two of the three stations:
Surprisingly, the local Fox affiliate did a much better job.
Right now I am seething because of the stupid comments being made to us by friends and acquaintances who seem to be unable to comprehend this simple report. They are all saying “so glad you’re ok” as if it was the owner who got shot. And the owner had a cell phone and a conceal/carry permit when he found the car running in his driveway and went inside to hunt the burglars instead of waiting outside for the cops. He’s lucky they didn’t take his gun away from him and shoot him with it, and yet people seem to think HE was the one in danger. Some are saying it has inspired them to get guns so they can be ready, or saying that THIS will warn away other would-be thieves, or jumping to a lot of conclusions that are not supported by the report or even reality.
The owner arrived home at lunch and found an unfamiliar car in his driveway with the motor running. We think he was already armed because who is really stupid enough to enter a 17,500 sq ft building like that if he has to get the gun inside? We also think it was a .22 because the burglar couldn’t have made it to his car if he’d been shot with anything larger. The owner is super conservative, 65 but looks at least 10 years older, lives in a $7million house, and goes to China a lot to bring Jesus to the heathen Chinee (sic). Right now he’s so shaken by his macho Republican fantasy slamming into the brick wall of reality that it will probably have a negative impact on his health. We figure the house will be on the market within six months.
David Koch
@khead: hope he has the best of outcomes.
As Mitt Quayle would say, “a heart is a terrible thing to waste, especially if you have one”.
@khead: So sorry to hear that. Best wishes to your entire family and hoping for a full recovery.
Roger Moore
@opie jeanne:
Wow, that guy is an idiot. It seems to me that if you return home and it looks like there are burglars in your house, at the very least you should call the cops before going charging in to confront the burglars. It would also be a good idea to turn off the engine, take the keys, and lock the doors of the get-away car so the burglars can’t escape easily if you they go out a different way from the way you go in. And maybe it would be extra smart to wait near the get-away car so you can get a drop on the burglars while their hands are too full of loot to shoot back, and where the cops can easily support you if they get there before the burglars come out.
@opie jeanne:
I am trying not to make a nasty remark about the gun toter.
@Roger Moore: Or do all the tricks with the car, grab your camera, wait in safe location and grab some solid evidence as they leave with loot.
Scary! Glad he was where he could get help in time.
Big hugs and lotsa good thoughts for you and your dad.
opie jeanne
@Roger Moore: Taking the keys out of the burglars car and locking its doors is a really great idea.
I had to remind my cousin (lives in Wyoming, married to a total RW nutcase/libertarian) that while I like my stuff and want to keep my stuff, it’s still just stuff. It’s not worth risking my like to save, and I didn’t see how Jesus would approve of shooting some guy who is trying to take my stuff.
One theme that ran through the comments was how relieved they are that we are ok. It’s not like the gun-totin’ missionary came over here and tried to shoot us, nor did we enter a house with burglars inside who turned out not to be armed. The sheriff had a great take on it, but only Fox reported what he said about the shooting part of it.
Too many comments saying that the good guys won, and a strange theme appearing cheering on the conversion of people to arming themselves, as if gun ownership is a religion.
The burglar may die. I am not against self-defense, nor am I against gun-ownership, but this was unnecessary self-defense and now someone may die.
opie jeanne
@Maude: During the Komo4 interview they kept trying to get us to say that we didn’t like the owner. It was weird.
I have spoken to him exactly once, five minutes worth, when I was hunting for my cat last spring. Rang the bell, introduced myself, handed him the flyer and left. He is not a warm-fuzzy guy. Pretty cold. Not sure I like him but AI don’t have a big enough sample. Of course, the fact that we’ve lived here almost two years and that’s our total interaction with the neighbor directly across the street is indicative of something.
opie jeanne
@khead: Here’s to a speedy and successful recovery. Scary thing. Very scary.
Wow, in gymnastics Maroney just stuck the landing like a lawn-dart.
@Suffern ACE:
Not sure if parenthood or sexytime?
Roger Moore
@opie jeanne:
And, in fairness to the guy, it’s the kind of idea that’s a lot easier to think of when you’re safely in front of your computer with plenty of time to think, rather than worrying that armed burglars might be coming out of your house any minute. I mostly think the thing to do is to call the cops and wait for them to show up, rather than rushing in to confront the burglars and only call the police when you’re actually face to face with them. The rest of the stuff I suggested is gravy.
Remember the women on August 3rd at 9:30 am. I have U-Verse which generally sucks, but cable and DirecTV also suck, but worse. Anyway one advantage is I can record the Women’s Soccer game even if I miss it. I don’t need to see it when it is played, I just don’t want to know who wins before I see it. Kind of like premature ejaculation, after it’s taken its toll, takes all the anticipation away and you don’t care anymore.
@khead: Thats a scary thing even if you are in the best of circumstances, glad he was near help & it ended well. Hope they find a very simple fix tomorrow & it just keeps getting better from there.
How bout that Dawg! Go Allison!
Well this is one dead-ass thread.
Thx for the kind words.
Kinda weird…. Dad is a bit of an outlier for back home. Most folks his age are dead.
A widower, age 79. Has/had claustrophobia so he worked a grand total of one mine shift in 1953 before he said to hell with that, quit smoking 50 years ago, good diet, and he loves him some Jesus so no serious vices.
Not that I didn’t expect this…. someday. Just not today I guess. Doc says he’s gonna be fine tho.
If you were at the opening ceremonies, perhaps you can find yourself in this pic (scroll to zoom in if need be). Bonus points if you can find the man on top of the grassy knoll….
Forgot to add h/t Bits and Pieces….
@Narcissus: Even though I know the outcome of the Women’s Gymnastics, I still love watching them. The things these young ladies do with their bodies are phenomenal.
I’m rooting for Gabby D, but man that Makayla girl sure did stick that damn landing.
I turned on the TV just after she stuck that landing. All the announcers were talking about it and I kept waiting for the replay but they didn’t show it.
pseudonymous in nc
I watched the women’s final live — won’t spoil it, but will note that it didn’t take four hours from start to finish, and the BBC’s coverage kept up with the simultaneous stuff in the rotations pretty well and maintained a genuine sense of drama throughout. Amazing what you can do without a five-minute vaseline-lens profile and five minutes of commercials for every ten minutes of actual coverage.
Alexandre Despatie diving tomorrow morning.
EMHO relief for (tens) of thousands.
@pseudonymous in nc:
It hasn’t happened here on the Left Coast yet but I am already deeply, deeply pissed off at NBC for the endless friggin’ commercials and the amount of time they waste on Up Chuck and Personal crap. Back in civilized times (warning: all you kids get off of my lawn) they used to actually show the competition instead of the parents in the audience making faces as their darlings trip over their own feet. The men’s team competition somehow managed to avoid showing any of the rings, probably because the American team didn’t have the proverbial snowball’s chance of even seeing the medals get awarded to the actual winners, who might have been worth watching … and every single replay was of one of the gymnasts making a mistake. Negativity AND chauvinism, what a winning combination that is. Fuckheads.
@lamh35: @Violet: It was basically perfect. It should have scored much higher than it did.
I am very tired and cranky, and my digestion is not cooperating. I had a really hard time sleeping last night. At one point I dreamed that one of my bosses started choking me because I’d forgotten to do something.
I think I may be feeling a leetle stressed at work.
JR in WV
“It’s just work!” is what I would tell myself. Didn’t help. Woke up in the wee hours, upset. Finally I started getting up for 10 or 15 minutes, writing ANGRY email, Not sending it (important part of plan) and feeling so much better I could go right to sleep.
Worked for AG Ashcroft too! GW Shrub, whoever. Make it really on point and vicious – then just turn the machine off and go back to bed. NEVER send it. Esp to boss!
But the stress is discharged, like grounding static.