Today, the Romney camp accused black President Obama of “gutting” white President Clinton’s welfare reform plan and promised that future white President Romney would promptly restore it. They don’t say “black” and “white” of course, but see the ad for yourself — the subtext is pretty obvious. An excerpt:
“Under Obama’s plan, you wouldn’t have to work and wouldn’t have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check.”
That’s a big fat lie, of course: The waiver the administration is requesting doesn’t get rid of the work requirement but rather gives states greater latitude in fulfilling it via their own programs, something states’ rights-conscious Republicans would normally support. And hey, look who did support just such a waiver when he was a governor!
My point in bringing this up isn’t to reiterate that Romney is a shameless liar and hypocrite, though he certainly is. And of course the implication that indolent, swarthy slackers are able to smoke crack and watch TV all day funded by welfare checks wrung from the wages of hardworking white folks has been an extremely effective GOP lie for 40-some years now.
What I find extra puke-inducing about the whole thing this time around is the messenger, as if Romney — or anyone in his family — has the faintest idea what it’s like to be a hardworking shmoe. Hearing this lie packaged from the Romney campaign is like listening to a bailout-snarfing bankster asshole talk about the “moral hazards” involved in providing relief to struggling mortgage holders.
They’re the entitled pricks who don’t know the meaning of a hard day’s work and think the world owes them a living. Maybe it’s just me, but I find the same lie from that source even more annoying than when I hear it from the brain-dead Dittohead at the feed store.
[X-posted at Rumproast]
Romney is indeed both a liar and a hypocrite, but in this case I think the liar part is more important. Yes, it’s true, Romney himself once requested this very same thing, but guess what – Romney himself once signed Obamacare into law on the state level, and that fact hasn’t caused his campaign to shut down just yet.
The more important point, as BC ably explains in this post, is that the claim Romney is making simply isn’t true. The work requirement has not been removed, period.
Interesting detective work from NPR:
One Clue To Romney’s Veep Pick: Whose Wiki Page Is Getting The Most Edits? – Sen. Rob Portman’s wiki page is in the lead, with 16 edits so far today.
General Stuck
By election day, I figure Romney will be making ads that claim Obama is the black anti christ, collecting white souls for dubious intent. This is going to be known as the wallslinger campaign, with republicans hoping to make the public so sick of politics, no one votes.
We’re in Willie Horton territory now. And there’s three months to go.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
The Dangerman
Romneyhood: Adventures in sure would (for us!)
(OK, needs work)
Hill Dweller
Both the Utah and Nevada governors released statements this afternoon saying they weren’t trying to getting rid of the work requirement with their waver requests.
Romney’s inept campaign either failed to realize they’re also impugning the Republican governors’ motives, or they just don’t care.
Apparently, Willard’s hired-gun retort to the Tax Policy Center evaluation of his economic plan leaves out considerable detail (we’ll call them facts) to achieve the desired conclusions.
Let’s face it–if Willard could simply buy the election for cash money (and a third-round draft pick in the sport of your choice) he’d do it today and save us all the fuss. It won’t be for lack of trying.
I’ll reserve judgement until Glen Kessler gives the Rmoney camp a “mostly true” rating with sprinkles on top and 5 lollipops.
Replace the word “welfare” with “trust fund” and you’ve perfectly summed up the situation for the offspring of the megawealthy.
Watched Morning Joe idiots this morning. Have you noticed how they are ALL talking about how sad it is that this is a “small campaign”? I think there’s a hint of “if the Dems are winning, it can’t possibly be an important election” unlike the 2010 midterms which changed American politics for …. 47 1/2 minutes. (Or my God 1980! Say it in hushed and reverent tones.) But anyway, pisses me off. These issues are at the heart of the thing, the central struggle — role of government, what’s a fair share, what do we want to build (or destroy) etc. And, I’ve learned in the last five years, race is one, if not the, fulcrum around which our politics turns. In that sense, Romney is an ideal GOPer — he’s just a walking talking simulcrum of all the crap in this very very important election.
@Hill Dweller:
That’s happened before, most notably with Romney showing up to various states to say “The economy here sucks!” and the Republican governor saying “no, the economy is doing OK and getting better”.
@murakami: No mention of Petraeus or Giuliani.
Roger Moore
@Hill Dweller:
I’m going with “don’t care”. Romney has shown no inclination to care the tiniest bit about who gets hurt by his campaign. The next time he worries about fallout to his fellow Republicans will be the first.
@dmsilev: He’s always been hated by Republicans who ran against him. He’s simply trying to broaden that feeling to his whole party.
@trollhattan: I started reading that paper and stopped when they started asserting Ricardian equivalence. The authors are hacks.
Bobby Thomson
Obama’s planRmoney’s tenure as CEO,you wouldn’the didn’t have to work andwouldn’tdidn’t have to train for a job. They justsend you your welfare checksent him at least six figures every year.ETA: Beautiful post title.
patrick II
This is just on more link in the broad theme of escape of culpability for the ruling class for high unemployment in this country. The financial sector has a meltdown and unemployment goes up. Mitt is personally involved in job losses for Americans through the Bain investment strategy of sending jobs overseas. And then they blame the working man for being lazy, or young college graduates for taking the wrong major, or blacks for being black as the cause of high unemployment.
Fuck Mitt and the dressage horse he rode in on.
@JPL: Patreaeus: 3 revisions in August, last on August 4. Giuliani: last edit July 27.
I like the odds produced by the Wiki edit index: Portman, Rubio, TPaw, Ryan. I think all of them would be very good choices, for different reasons. Hard to beat Portman, TPaw and Ryan though for sure awfulness.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@murakami: Portoman is the kind of hopelessly bland white guy Mittens has been yearning for.
PSA: Today is Sidney Poitier day on Turner Classic Movies.
“Patch of Blue” up at 6 p Eastern.
“Raisin in the Sun” at 8 EDT.
“To Sir with Love” at 10:15 EDT.
Infinitely better to watch the quiet dignity and character that Poitier brings than think about either Kathleen Parker or Romney Hood.
pseudonymous in nc
Glenn Kessler got an expert from the NRA to confirm that “strapping young bucks” is a reference to deer. Five Pinocchios and a Jimminy Cricket!
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Roger Moore:
The one of the reasons why a President Romney is so undesirable for the country. Mittens will be almost under constant attack from his own party for the day one.
In this usage I believe it’s a formula for, “How many Ricky Ricardos does the candidate equal?”
Their conclusion: Willard=0.25 Ricardos.
Welfare? Cripes-in-a-handbasket.
Anyhoo, I find that a former-Republican buddy of mine takes it for granted that Mitt lies all the time, so I think it’s common knowledge. And I think that More Lying All The Time is probably not the way to overcome that impression.
Bubblegum Tate
Oh, and by the way, that waiver that Romney is all asshurt about now? Yeah, he was one of several Republican governors who asked for the waiver back in 2005. I think that Wonkette headline pretty much nails it: “Mitt Romney So Mad About Obama Doing a Thing Mitt Romney Asked For”
Reagan got rid of the training programs for people on welfare. He got rid of CETA which was a successful training program.
The jobs aren’t there.
The Clinton Welfare Reform Act is cruel and demeaning to those that can’t get jobs or have a rich Daddy give them money.
f space that
@ChrisNYC: I saw that too. What a bunch of schmucks. Rmoney wants to gut what little remains of the safety net, but the election is not about big issues. Morning Hoes, despicable creatures.
Villago Delenda Est
@Roger Moore:
This is where the Nixon/Rmoney comparisons break down. Nixon may have been a weasely lying sack of shit, but he was careful to win the support of fellow Republicans by campaigning for them and supporting them, knowing that he was building up a fund of chips to cash in when he made another run at the Presidency.
Nixon carefully and loyally supported Goldwater (even though he knew Goldwater was doomed) and in ’66 campaigned on behalf of Republicans everywhere he could.
Nixon understood how the system works. That he wasn’t entitled to anything. That he had to earn a position through careful networking and support.
Rmoney, on the other hand, thinks he’s a fucking royal.
Ben Franklin
Thank the Gods…a ‘Romney’s a liar’ thread
If it’s Portman, I’m hoping Obama can get Natalie to do some spots for him.
He can go ahead and choose one of Bush’s budget directors who helped end the tyranny of the Clinton budget surplus and who is also about as exciting as watching paint dry.
Portman does seem able to utter a lucid sentence without shitting himself, which makes him preferable to his party’s last VP choice. But other than that, I don’t see much upside other than the illusory hope he’ll swing Ohio to Mittens. Which I doubt he’d be able to do.
Roger Moore
And since nobody else has said it yet, way to go on the post title. You’re maintaining a proud Balloon-Juice tradition.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Yup. Our Willard’s lack of empathy and overpowering sense of entitlement are Dumbya on the steroid of arrogance, without that underlying insecurity. Combine that with his utter indifference to foreign policy, which means he’ll hand the keys over to some neocon, and we could be in for a world of hurt, in the event.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: hey, I’m echoing you again! I saw Portman on TeeVee as a Romney surrogate and I thought really must be bombing, this guy has all the enthusiasm of Eeyore with a hangover. I’ve seen him a couple of times since, and that’s just his demeanor.
El Cid
Here’s what’s bad:
One of my Obama-hating friends, who buys into every anecdote imaginable about how the lazy blacks get all the free handouts from the Democrats etc etc., just described Mitt Romney as coming off as a complete slimeball, as selfish, stuck up, and he doesn’t understand why the fuck the Republicans picked him.
He doesn’t think Romney’s going to win, and every time he sees Romney, he can stand him even less. He doesn’t know anyone of his Republican friends who likes Romney.
This is the effect Romney’s having on people.
Roger Moore
I think the upside to most of the likely VP candidates is that they’re so boring they won’t be able to upstage Mitt. That has the added bonus that they’re unlikely to have any really messy skeletons in their closets that could cause the campaign problems.
Villago Delenda Est
So, what would happen if the Fine Young Cannibals met up with the Fapping Young Schmucks?
Would it be a dining experience to die for?
Patricia Kayden
@Bubblegum Tate: So shouldn’t Obama’s campaign make an ad showing this? Just have a smirking photo of Romneybot in the background with a voiceover pointing out that he asked for the exact same waiver that he is now running his mouth against. Ditto the ACA.
How much flip flopping can one man do? He’s got to have whiplash by now.
Villago Delenda Est
@Roger Moore:
That’s Sir Mittens’ role in the campaign, and no one had better horn in on it!
I attended a campaign event back in ’04 for Kerry with Bill Clinton and Natalie Portman, so I’d guess she’d be happy to do it if they ask her.
@El Cid:
It’s worth repeating that thanks to NASA’s interplanetary rover we now know more about the surface of Mars than we do about Mitt Romney’s tax returns.
The scoreboard reads
NASA Curiosity: 1
Press Curiosity: 0
@Roger Moore:
Yes, indeed, it is a very fine title.
Roger Moore
She could help him prove that he cares about Israel.
Oh, the messy joys a meticulously anonymous plain brown wrapper can disguise.
So, the first? yes. The second? evil giggle.
The Moar You Know
@Maude: Most Dems love Bill Clinton. I do not.
This and NAFTA are the two big reasons why. Yeah, the nation did better economically while he was in office. Well, actually only some of the nation did better, blue-collar workers and the working poor pretty much took it in the shorts for his entire term in office.
“Demeaning” is exactly the right word for Clinton’s welfare “reform”.
And yet calling for their heads on pikes is considered trolling.
I’m sorry, but short of that does ANYONE see things changing for the better?
Bruce S
I think that the Obama campaign, or at least one of the supportive groups doing TV ads, should start making “Liar!” an explicit campaign theme.
The Other Chuck
Maybe he can get Wavy Gravy to campaign for him. Mr. Gravy’s birth name is “Hugh Romney”.
@El Cid: That is same reaction to Romney the chief teabagger flame thrower in my family has: Romney is a slimy Wall Street swindler.
Regarding Romney’s odd mode of operation: as Krugman pointed out, traditional GOP politics was built around traditional banking and other business, which required building and maintaining good relationships. While, Romney’s leveraged buyout business is built around exploiting and then breaking relationships and raking as much cash from the rubble as possible.
note: I elaborated on Krugman’s descirption.
@Roger Moore:
In a competently run campaign, the first rule of a VP pick is that he shouldn’t upstage the top of the ticket. If Mitt picks someone “exciting” (like McCain did), everyone should know it means he’s desperate. If he follows the rule, it’ll be a white-bread-and-mayo sandwich.
Either way, win.
@Villago Delenda Est:
No “may have been” about it … but I agree that compared to Mittens, Nixon looks like Pericles. I come from a long line of Nixon-haters, but goddamn if I don’t actually miss the old bastard sometimes.
And am I the only one to notice that every single guy in that photo looks like Greg Marmalard?
@Redshift: Krazy train Biden and Obama? Didn’t crazy ol’ Joe do some upstaging? Biden certainly wanted to upstage, it turned into a running gag on SNL.
And even so, I notice the white-bread-and-mayo sandwich has no meat, or veggies, or avocado, nor nothing.
Mitt Romney’s Made in America Campaign in a nutshell.
OK, wait… I don’t have to work? They just send me a check? Why wouldn’t I wouldn’t vote for Obama then?
Bubblegum Tate
@Patricia Kayden:
Absolutely. Will it actually happen? I have my doubts.
You’d need golden pikes. They iz special.
@Hill Dweller:
They don’t know how to play the dog whistle correctly. They think they can just blow as hard as they can on the damn things and there will be electoral music.
Roger Moore
@Bubblegum Tate:
It won’t happen because the issue is going to die a natural death in a few days, so it won’t be worth it for Obama to keep it going. If Romney somehow manages to keep the issue alive and it turns potentially problematic for Obama, then you can expect to see the ads about Romney being one of the governors who asked for these waivers.
@Roger Moore:
And that would seem to include himself.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Roger Moore: I’m guessing you are correct there. Since this is just Romney’s campaign dusting off Atwater’s dogwhistle it will probably be more or less ignored – at least by anybody who’s vote actually counts for something.
Obama’s campaign knows their demographics. The only people this ad plays to are the people that would never vote for a Ni-CLANG! anyway.
@Bruce S:
Agreed, it needs to go meta. One thing that worries me that we may be seeing Swift-boating by a thousand cuts from Romney — the lies are coming so fast and furious now, about one a day, and they’re getting more and more outlandish, that I think the pace of the lies will outstrip any good faith efforts to debunk them. Not that the press will make any vigorous good faith efforts that way, just as they didn’t with the smears against Kerry in 2004. If the Dem side tries to answer each one it will look defensive and will burn up all its media opportunities just trying to set the record straight. However, if the theme can be developed that Romney is a big whopping liar of unprecedented proportions even for a politician, maybe, just maybe a press that’s already inclined to dislike him will jump on board. There was a little of this developing among pundits just before Romney’s excellent overseas adventure, and perhaps more could be nudged in that direction.
I think Rmoney should be referred to permanently as “Elder Romney.” I looked it up and it is the proper title as per the following link.
Tie his supposed piousness around his neck. He’s unemployed per his statements, he travels around the world trying to drum up goodwill for him, his church (who crow nonstop about the LDS church coming favorably into the mainstream), and his run for the highest office in the land. His lack of actual proselytizing is no different from his time in Paris sitting his chickenhawk @ss out of ‘Nam.
It also bespeaks of the pompousness of the church. I say this unashamedly because I can call it nothing else as I have sat through their meetings where “outsiders” are allowed listening to children barely able to wipe their own noses stand up and brashly declare, “I know this is the one true church and Joseph Smith the true prophet of God.”
Kind of puts Mitt’s other BS into perspective, nu?
Rmoney- the anticandidate
@The Dangerman:
Mebbe this as a way to illustrate the most prominent attributes of Lord Mittington?
Bravely bold Sir Romneyhood rode forth from Camelot
He was not afraid to die, O brave Sir Romneyhood
He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways
Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Romneyhood
He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp
Or to have his eyes gouged out and his elbows broken
To have his kneecaps split and his body burned away
And all his limbs hacked and mangled, brave Sir Romneyhood
His head smashed in and his heart cut out
And his liver removed and his bowels unplugged
And his nostrils raped and his bottom burnt off and his penis…
He is brave Sir Romneyhood,
Brave Sir Romneyhood who…
To fight and……………
Brave Sir Romneyhood ran away
Bravely, ran away…away…
When danger reared its ugly head
He bravely turned his tail and fled
Yes, brave Sir Romneyhood turned about
And gallantly he chickened out
Bravely talking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat
Bravest of the brave, Sir Romneyhood
What are the odds that those six schmucks with Mitt in the photo love the money but despise Mitt?
What are the odds that those six schmucks with Mitt in the photo love the money but despise Mitt?
Bobby Thomson
@Roger Moore: Nope, in before 6:00. But the title deserves all the accolades it gets.
I agree about the brass ones it takes to compare having meetings and talking on the phone as hard work to being say, a day laborer for 8-10/hr. I’m in my sixth decade and I have been for the last 4 months working as basically just that, a day laborer, not even for money, just room and board. I’ve lost about 20 lbs and look a lot better but this is how I have to spend my retirement? Clearing brush, pouring concrete, digging ditches, just to eat not have to sleep under a bridge? And I’m a lazy fucker? If all the conservatives in the world spontaneously caught on fire I wouldn’t walk across the street to piss on them. At least not till it was time to wash the cold ashes off the sidewalks.
@Ruckus: This is a tough summer to be doing that kind of work, too.
I want to ask if you know how your dog is adjusting to the new home, but I don’t know whether you are keeping in touch or if you felt like you just had to let him go completely.
I admire you greatly.
tell it
tell it
El Cid
@Ruckus: If you worked harder you’d be on Wall Street. Parasite. Look at you, living off some job creator. You should be ashamed. I’m not sure about those cookies. I don’t think you made them.
Keeping semi in touch. They sent me a picture of him in the car on the way to his new home and he looked both grand and a little pissed. But that was him, cranky when he is not eating, sleeping, sniffing, peeing or pooping. OK, riding in a car comes real close to being in that group of things he likes.
I have asked about him but you are right, letting go is best. I still think about him of course and hope his last couple of years are better than I could give him.
@El Cid:
I have too much respect for myself to work on wall st. Of course that’s only a rationalization mind you.
IMO, the smears against Kerry worked because the Repugs were able to build them up into a (semi-)coherent narrative: John Kerry protested the Vietnam War because he’s a coward who faked injury so he could escape combat.
If you go back and look, that’s really what the narrative was. And it hit all kinds of sore spots that we still have about Vietnam and hippies and Baby Boomers from that entire era.
If they can figure out a similarly (semi-)coherent narrative to use against Obama, I’ll be worried, but so far they’re recycling all of the same “Islamofascist socialist foreign America-hater” stuff they flung at him in 2008 that no one except the far right responds to. I think the only attack that could seriously damage Obama would be a populist, anti-banksters one, but they can’t run that attack with Rmoney as their candidate. They might have been able to slide it by with Gingrich or Huckabee, but they both have damage even more serious than Romney’s, so that was never going to fly.
Villago Delenda Est
@danah gaz (fka gaz):
The base that Rmoney must pander to in order to keep their attention and to get them to the polls.
Thank you.
You should admire my friend who gave me a place to stay and food to eat. As I said here before otherwise I’d be living in the alley behind your house, eating out of your trash.
ETA. That’s the editorial you, by the way.
Well, one of them ratted him out.
Ditto Maude’s admiration. I’m glad you have something, and hope you can climb out of this hole.
I was just reading my email and had a post from Linked In about a jobs seminar to discuss jobs and hiring. I read for about 30 seconds and gave up. Most of the posts are from job creators about how there are no good people out there or how uncertainty and regulations and taxes are killing their business and changing politicians in DC will fix everything.
I have one thing to say:
If your business is not doing well it is because DEMAND is fucking down or you are incompetent. That’s it. Period. Full Stop. End of discussion. And just so you don’t think this comes from a disgruntled job seeker, I’ve owned two businesses for 22 of the last 34 years. One ended from a natural disaster and one from this
depressionrecession. It is demand, it is always demand and it will always be demand. Any thing else is someone blowing smoke. Up their own ass.WaterGirl
@Ruckus: They are probably spoiling him like crazy! Think about that. :-)
Edit: I will chime in with Maude and others.
Uh, I’d beat you to the trash can, every time.
A youngster with knees that can still run I’ll bet.
That’s what makes this less painful.
Thanks everyone.
As much as it may sound like it I’m not looking for sympathy. I’ve seen people who have had it far harder than me and fewer options as well. I think that is the real crime here, that so many people are in the rush for the almighty fucking dollar that “we” forget that these are real people with real lives at stake, and that everyone’s lives actually are improved when we aren’t out fucking them over.
On the same principle, I assume, as hanging the nobility with silken nooses instead of hemp.
I must be all mixed up. I thought you hung nobility with barbed wire. Rusty barbed wire.
This is as serious a question I can muster in the silly season yet every single American is owed the answer.
Why is it that Elder Romney’s entire focus is what wonderful things their new and improved tax schemes would mean for everyone (all that matters to them), but hide any said policy as it specifically apply to them. F#ck your generic blather…show just how boned you got through the years that you’re crying about, and crunch the numbers for the proposed give-aways for you. You were the squeeky clean elder telling people abouts the secrets of the universe which makes you a marvelous person (the LDS equiv of an honor student or eagle scout dispensing eternal truths) and now you’re like the infomercial tax guy (why couldn’t it be a truly friendly helpful exposition?). Show how horrible it was, and show how it will get better for Joe Root Beer as well as you captains of industry.
And what amazing character trait did you bring forward from your youth, in conjunction with your current established mendacity, that makes you privileged without question to keep all your dealings in the shadows?
Show us how your church figures its 10% tithe. Can they reverse calculate how much you “make” and therefore pay taxes on? If that does not match their numbers, would they feel taken and require you to settle up, or would they take whatever hefty chunk you and whatever % off your partners in vulturing that are also linked by your church toss their way? If you are involved in shady or questionable things (or illegal) – could your fully tax free (to LDS) tithes come back to you to bankroll shadowy deals and pump up the #s for everyone?
Does a church even need to money launder? Are their receipts like Vegas in that theoretically, any number can be claimed and who’s to really know? They’re no angels also, too, because they illegally failed to declare their moneys shoveled into to CA’s prop 8. And what of the govt’s position? Why is it they they trust themselves with all this information that an elite is making fortunes on but it’s then not part of the public record in any meaningful details, but not even be sure themselves unless others pointed it out to them? And this at the time when the govt showed no interest or understanding what the robber barons were doing.
I want to know what everyone who tells us what we need to do with our money tell us what they’re doing with their money (and Pelosi and Feinstein and Reid et al can follow suit).
The power to tax is the power to destroy, but even though that is supposed to work both ways, seems only one part of the spectrum is being destroyed.
AA+ Bonds
The title for this piece is really bad :( please try to change only one word in a cliched phrase to make a pun in a headline
AA+ Bonds
Oh and destroy capitalism
Also the dog is better off because it is at least 10 to 15 degrees cooler where he is now. Where I am it was about 100 yesterday and today and I live about 5 miles from the coast. It’s 86 right now at 10:30
I was recently back in Kansas and ran into a few of the guys I went to high school with. They’re farmers and we got to talking about politics, of course, and they all got around to bitching about Obama’s point that the government helps businesses work. Knowing there’s a drought on, I asked how that government-sponsored USDA crop insurance was helping out this year. They were pissed, but admitted they’d needed it to keep their farms not only this year but the last. “Maybe that’s the kind of thing he was talking about, huh?” I asked.
@Ruckus: Yeah, the old dogs feel the heat. So glad there are good things like this that you can hang on to as you feel the loss of letting him go.
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us? (formerly MarkJ)
@Kirbster: Or CEO of Bain Capital and “On Leave” for that matter.