Mark Halperin has a major sad about the pro-Obama SuperPac ad featuring the guy whose wife was killed by Mitt Romney’s corporate policies:
This new super PAC spot, called “Understands,” which the White House and the Obama campaign decline to repudiate, is a horse of a different color. It really isn’t about policy (although some Democrats will claim otherwise). It is meant to use the emotion of a tragic story told by a bereaved widower to make voters think Governor Romney is callous and indifferent, and even is accountable for a woman’s death.
Responsible journalists will continue to do their best in the Freak Show environment to truth squad every ad, video, and communication. But when lines of decency are crossed, more strenuous efforts are required.
A few points here:
- Are these the same “responsible journalists” who give the SwiftBoat attacks a pass?
- The actions of rich and powerful people have consequences. Sometimes these consequences involve the deaths of other people. Deal with it. This isn’t beanbag. Ayn Rand’s heroes didn’t sit around whining about what the moochers and looters said about them. Today’s Galtians shouldn’t either.
- When Mark Halerpin says you’re playing dirty, you’re winning. I love it when wingnuts whine about “Chicago-style” politics. It means they’re afraid. And I want them to be afraid.
I always love that ‘Chicago-style’. To most people, that either means deep-dish pizza or Sean Connery in The Untouchables. Neither of which will trigger much of an aversion reaction (well, I suppose the pizza can trigger a heart attack).
That ad, just like STAGE, hits you in the gut.
you got it simple.
this man, had a job with healthcare, at a successful company.
along came Bain, who ran it into the ground and bankruptcy and poof – the man had no job, no healthcare.
What do people do when they don’t have health insurance.,…they don’t go to the doctor, because, when you’re making a THIRD of what you once made…YOU FUCKING CAN’T AFFORD THE BILL.
so, you wait….and wait….until it’s too late.
THIS is what healthcare is all about.
NOBODY should have to worry about a fucking BILL if they think they’re sick.
Alan Grayson had it right, and that’s the other part of this.
The GOP’S Medical plan is…
if you get sick, DIE QUICKLY.
This man, in this ad, drives a stake through BOTH Bain and the GOP Stance on healthcare. There are whole lot of people who know someone who is uninsured. They relate to this man’s story. AND, THEY VOTE.
I know that Karl Rove puts out lies every fucking day and nobody is analyzing them.
EVERY ad Willard’s campaign puts out is DAMN LIE…yet, no ‘analyzation’.
but, as with ‘Firm’, they understand the utter power of this ad, so it has to be factchecked within an inch of its life.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Will they indeed, DIck?
Read more:
and Dear MSNBC,
Whatever Ed Rendell wants for those pictures he has of your head magoo with a goat or a chicken or Laura Ingram, I’ll contribute to his blackmail fund if you stop putting that douche on my TeeVee.
@dmsilev: I’ve gotten very little traction with my lame “Mitt Romney has a thin crust” line.
@dmsilev: I am partial to New York-style pizza myself but I’m not going to get the vapors if Obama runs a deep dish campaign.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
ah, someone else who can’t stand Rendell.
come sit by me
@MikeJ: Well, duh. It’s not like Romney is from New York or something. Try pointing out that he’s as white as clam chowder. That might work.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@rikyrah: You, me, Charlie Pierce and Paul Begala, who has long been my favorite of the ex-Clintonites. First round’s on me.
Patricia Kayden
What did Halperin call President Obama on Morning Joe? Douche?
Why would I take anything he says seriously after he showed his anti-Obama bias?
The MSM just isn’t comfortable with Democrats who aren’t shrinking violets.
Republicans are the abusive daddy party. Democrats are the co-dependent enabler who accepts it.
Obama is screwing up the narrative, damn it.
Hill Dweller
I only read the excerpt posted, but does Halperin dispute the veracity of the ad?
Has Halperin said anything about Willard’s welfare ad, which is a complete fabrication? Nothing, save Clinton signing welfare reform in ’96, in the ad is tethered to reality.
I’m looking forward to four years of the punditocracy crying about how Obama only won because he campaigned dirty.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Patricia Kayden: a “dick”, because OBama said there was bipartisan blame for our debt deficit, and we needed a bipartisan solution.
hackperin doesn’t like people connecting the dots aided by that chicago thug.
Just Some Fuckhead
Has this elusive creature ever been spotted in the wild?
Between the Reid thing and the reaction to the Priorities USA ad, I’m completely convinced that nobody has a clue what to do when Democrats finally decide to stop fucking around, That ad is amateurish bullshit that lacks the degree of technical accomplishment necessary to qualify as “manipulative”, and it still hit the Romney campaign and all the VSP hangers-on like a cinder block to the testicles because Democrats aren’t supposed to be mean.
@Hill Dweller:
The negro Democrat is saying impolite things to the rich white man with broad shoulders and a strong jaw line.
Who cares about facts?
the Conster
I was hoping for a take away Halperin quote in there somewhere for Romney that is as awesome sauce as “this is all good news for John McCain!”, but wow, they got nothin’. Halperin’s trying, but he’s just not into Romney. No one is. Popcorn plz!
@Hill Dweller: In the article that DougJ is quoting from, Halperin discusses the Romney ad, but basically says it’s no big deal because both sides routinely lie. The Obama SuperPAC ad is much much worse because, well because, well shut up, that’s why.
Mark Halperin lost all credibility as a potential responsible person with the work he did with the bush43 administration. I mean really.
Chicago pizza is fine even though it isn’t pizza. At least that’s what my NY family would say. Me…I live in central California. Round Table & Mountain Mikes. I’m in no position to complain.
the Conster
@Patricia Kayden:
“kind of a dick”.
Mark Halperin can go bite a fart.
“Lines of decency” like the birther smears?
“Lines of decency” like Reagan saying about Vietnam era antiwar protestors “If it takes a blood bath, let’s get it over with”?
“Lines of decency” like George W. Bush ordering the torture and murder of innocent people?
“Lines of decency” like Republicans lying us into an illegal war of aggression?
“Lines of decency” like Ann Coulter explaining that “We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed”?
“Lines of decency” like Michelle Bachmann publicly stating that she wants her supporters “armed and dangerous”?
“Lines of decency” like Glenn Beck saying that “the progressive movement…is a cancer that must be cut out” and other eliminationist rhetoric?
“Lines of decency” like Wall Street financial crime lords looting America until our entire financial system collapses?
Where are those lines of decency, pray tell? Haven’t seen any journalists except Chris Hedges up in arms about those so-called “lines of decency” for the last 30 years…
joel hanes
For once Halperin and I agree on something.
The charge has the advantage of being true; Mr. Romney shows no signs of understanding that his great good fortune carries with it duties and obligations. Privilege, he understands.
Poor guys. GOP falling entirely out of lockstep, flinging things at one another while Dems pull out hidden brass knuckles. We should find them the fife music for “The World Turned Upside Down”.
Bernard Finel
Lest DougJ think I am out to get him, let me enthusiastically support this post.
I’d much rather be accused of “playing dirty” than just sitting there getting kicked in the teeth.
Plus, I have to say, there is something of a sheer joy of combat in this Obama campaign and in Reid’s baiting of Romney that I don’t think we’ve seen from Democrats at the national level since the Clinton years.
Hill Dweller
@dmsilev: I don’t expect much from Halperin, but the Willard welfare ad is a complete fabrication. They don’t attempt to deal with reality.
Even Ron Haskins, longtime Republican welfare guru, called the ad bullshit today.
@Patricia Kayden
Fucking everything is bad news for Obama with this waste of CO2.
Fucks like him should be forced to spend a year living on min wage with no god damn health care and then we’ll see how outraged they get over ads like this.
The whole political process is a fucking game to them. That the Paul Ryan granny starving budget has actual consequences, huge ones, for tens of millions of people, matters not. Too abstract. They won’t be harmed, so let tax cutting’ jeebus work his magic! Because freedom!
Halperin and his ilk are a festering boil on this country’s ass. Fuck him.
@dmsilev: Here’s a Chicago-style comment:
Fuck Mark Halperin. If he comes to this city its boxing gloves and bruises, unless he wants to go pipes and chains and broken bones.
the Conster
Keep reminding yourself that Romney was far and away the most electable of the primary fail parade. Think about that.
So when Bush sent thousands of American to their deaths Halperin was so outraged he declared American Exceptionalism dead?
See, we need more posts like this so we can gather and bash on the GOP and their media enablers.
@Bernard Finel:
I didn’t think you were out to get me. I hope you don’t think I”m out to get you either.
joel hanes
in central California. Round Table & Mountain Mikes.
If you’re ever in north Tahoe, Village Pizzeria in Truckee is worth the time and effort to find. Not a chain; the owner and staff love pizza, Truckee loves them back. six stars out of a possible five.
It’s bizarre how much sympathy pundits and political press have for Mitt Romney.
They spend a good part of every day talking about how the wildly rich and powerful Mitt Romney is being treated unfairly.
They had some sort of weird little brother/ big brother crush on Bush, but
this sympathy thing is new to me.
Every fucking day they’re complaining about someone being mean to Mitt Romney. It started with Bain and it just never ends.
I don’t think it’s sympathy for Romney. They’re sad because they see their privileged little world slipping away.
Agreed. I’m tired of watching Democrats bring a spork to a gunfight.
@Baud: And money isn’t proving as powerful an elixir as they have been told it is.
I’m not quite sure what to make of it either.
In a truly just world, Halperin would be obligated to hire a security detail to walk him to his car every morning just to avoid angry baseball bat and machete wielding working men. They’d have to sweep the underside of his car for bombs, and vary his routes, as well.
the Conster
Think of it as a good thing – they’re lashing themselves to the SS Failboat, so they’ll all go down together. Buh bye!
Halperin talking about the Freakshow and journalists aiming for the truth when they can’t call Romney a liar? shoot me now.
Brian R.
To paraphrase Mark Halperin, Mark Halperin sounds like a dick.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
Or the shorter: Halperin is a WATB
@Bernard Finel:
I don’t remember the joy of combat so much. Bill Clinton always seemed to me that he wanted everyone to like him.
Just Some Fuckhead
It may be just the blogpageturner this site needs. Remember how awesome the AnneLaurie/ABL deathmatch was? I think the Obot-Firebagger wars are losing their luster. You guys could take this thing to whole nother level.
Srsly. It a sure sign of the decline and fall that the very same media hacks who were too busy sucking Bush off to notice we were being lied into a war still feel qualified to pass judgment on anything, ever. In a sane world, they’d have been so ashamed they would have lined themselves up against the wall and shot themselves on live TV to show their contrition.
But no. Mark fucking Halperin and David FUCKING Brooks are alive and well and still lecturing their inferiors about all manner of things. Bring on the fucking meteor already. I should have hitched a ride on Curiosity.
@the Conster:
Yes, but Mitt Romney was far and away the most electable Republican of the entire sick sadistic psychotic crew this year.
Think about that.
Let that fact sink in.
Tremble with fear and loathing at its implications.
Brian R.
They see the commoners are starting to grab the pitchforks, tar and feathers, and they’re scared shitless that once the little people get done with Little Lord Fuckleroy, they might turn on the sycophants and jesters assembled in his court.
Keith G
One of the best things I’ve read here in quite a while – an awesome formulation.
Keith G
Tell that to Bob Dole.
Mitt Romney killed that woman just as surely as if he’d picked up a knife and stabbed her 47 times, like he did that hooker in Altoona.
@Bernard Finel: This.
Go for the ‘nads, then the jugular. These soulless two-bit ratfuck Republican criminals and their Gaia-damned enablers in what’s left of an American press can choke on their own Gaia-damned shit, starting with that useless tool Halperin.
Linda Featheringill
This particular ad brings out my inner schizophrenia [sorry to use the term so loosely].
On the one hand, it is heavy handed and basically accuses Romney of killing this guy’s wife. That is a very strong accusation and should never be made lightly.
On the other hand, this man’s story is not unique. Lots of us know a person or more than one that lost a good job and then lost health insurance and then died too soon, or perhaps a family member died too soon. Regardless of the facts about this particular spokesperson in the ad, a basic truth has been revealed. No health care or too little health care plus too little money kills.
BTW, I understand it hasn’t been aired anywhere yet. I don’t know how I feel about that.
David Koch
Misty May says she’s retiring, so tonight may be the last time we get to see her incredible apple-bottom in a skin tight bikini. :( sniffle :(
The Other Bob
DougJ you read my mind on all three points.
@Keith G: You know, it’s funny, I can barely remember Bob Dole, although he was around a long while, and I am well old enough to remember it. I remember things like him holding a pen in the non-functioning hand, and I remember him speaking of himself in the 3rd person, and finally I remember the blue pill ads, he was a real pioneer there. I don’t remember much else except he was always around.
What really irritates me is that Sam Stein from Huffpo also has jumped onto the “beyond the pale if it’s democrats” BTPID bandwagon. I swear, everyone who’s on Morning Joe is building their audition tapes for Fox News.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
I didn’t like the ABL/AL wars. I liked me and mistermix fighting with EDK though.
Halperin and his ilk don’t like this sort of thing because it reveals the inherent sociopathy of our society.
They’re the courtiers and courtesans of that society, and it worries their silly little heads.
You mean to tell me people are using EMOTION in a POLITICAL CAMPAIGN? Heavens to Betsy!
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@DougJ: didn’t the ABL/AL wars wipe out an entire colony of ewoks?
Man, the ads here are just getting nonsensical. Ad for getting a degree in Homeland Security and it shows a dog sniffing someones underwear.
Well at least Lily can find employment.
Umm, like, claiming President Obama’s re-election committee is suing to restrict military voting rights in Ohio.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
I’m running a special on hand-upholstered fainting couches.
It’s quite funny that someone would get their panties in a twist over this ad. After all, the GOP base screamed, “Let him die!” when a similar question regarding the uninsured was posed at a debate during the primaries. Heck, Tyler Cowen wrote a piece about healthcare that said, “Sometimes poor people will die because they are poor.”
How can mentioning something, which at this point is essentially the official party line, be considered beyond the pale?
Pointing out that Republicans are in favor of people and policies that result in less job security, less income, and less access to healthcare, and that this does indeed lead to some people dying that otherwise wouldn’t, isn’t really and different than saying that the GOP wants less environmental regulations. Isn’t it pretty much just common knowledge at this point?
Trolling for jobs, I suspect. It’s how they do.
On a scarcely related topic, I’m almost certain this is not Ann Romney at a Bain Xmas bash. She’d hire somebody.
Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.)
I think it would be funny to write Rand’s books so the heroes sit around whining about how awful it is that the moochers say such mean things about them, only who has the 9000 years it would take to rewrite Rand’s shitty books?
Just Some Fuckhead
Cmon, DougJ. You know I love you like a dirty picture book but that wasn’t fighting. You guys were simply frontpaging a debate that should have been a series of comments in the same fucking post.
Know that rage you feel when you think I’m picking on ya? You need to channel that. Don’t say no, hon, just think about it.
I’m not convinced of that Altoona thing, but people are talking about it, so we have to report it!
Comrade Jake
Is this the ad that someone in the Romney camp responded to by saying the guy would have been covered by Mittens’ health care plan in Massachusetts?
@Just Some Fuckhead: Let’s not speak of that shameful period. But, if flame war is what you want, then why don’t you and stuck start that war. Popcorn is on me.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
That’s not rage, that’s playing along. The only one here who can make me rage is burnbesq.
Hill Dweller
@Comrade Jake: Yes
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@DougJ: heh.
/resisting the urge to jump on this one.
Just Some Fuckhead
No way! He’s like the funniest thing EVER. I think yer reading him wrong. Imagine he’s doing a really awesome parody of what you think he actually is.
@MikeJ: Altoona? I thougth it was in Castle Valley.
Romney did a fucking tour of the country where he stood in front of closed-up businesses and blamed Obama. Even if the business had shut down under Bush, he didn’t care. Republicans get a free pass for playing this game all the damn time.
Has anyone told Mark Halperin how Obama is supposedly trying to take away the military’s right to vote in Ohio? Where does that one rate on the ol’ decency meter?
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Just Some Fuckhead: Sometimes I pretend that’s what he’s doing. He’s like a trifecta of asshole. And that’s coming from me. (I don’t play well with others)
@Comrade Jake:
…and my prayers are a fever on my brow, and the sweat just pours down, please please please Dear Gaia in heaven, let it be so, please …
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@BruceFromOhio: I’m pretty sure Comrade Jake is correct.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
I think he probably he is doing a parody, but he does it so well, I can’t not take the bait.
@BruceFromOhio: Hate to give you a link to politico, but Romney spokesperson cites Massachusetts health law.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Anya: That was the 11 year old boy he dumped in the park.
The hooker was in Altoona.
Comrade Jake
Well I think it’s precisely what happened. Which makes anything Halperin says mostly noise compared to the epic fail that is team Romney.
If Halperin is having the vapors, we’re winning. And winning bigger than anyone in the Village can wrap their minds around. Like young Bernard, they don’t remember a fighting Democrat. And anyone who thinks Clinton was the epitome of such brave Dems of our glorious past is too young and/or ignorant to have a clue as to what a fighting Dem looks like.
Halperin has cheered me up tonight. He’s never wrong, if you take his analysis and turn it upside down. Obama and Reid should triple down. Halperin says so.
OT Via Yahoo News: We’ve been waiting for this…
The president and the founder of Susan G. Komen for the Cure are both stepping down from their roles, the nation’s largest breast cancer foundation said in announcing a major leadership shakeup Wednesday. The high-profile departures come in the wake of continuing fallout from Komen’s decision earlier this year to briefly end funding for Planned Parenthood.
President Liz Thompson will leave Komen next month and founder Nancy Brinker, who has long been the public face of the charity, will relinquish her chief executive’s role for a position focused on fundraising and strategic planning, according to a statement from the Dallas-based organization.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@MikeJ: Also, Crooks and Liars (so you don’t have to shower after you click)
@Linda Featheringill: I have no qualms about it primarily because regardless of whether its accurate that Bain killed this woman by taking away her healthcare, it IS, inarguably, an accurate description of Republican policies. It would be out of line if it was simply a character attack, trying to imply something about Romney’s past that was completely unrelated to what he was proposing to do as President. Instead this ad perfectly captures what is at stake in the election. Whether or not Romney is responsible for taking away her healthcare, he is campaigning on a platform of taking away healthcare for 32 million people. These are the people who yelled “let him die” at the debate. This ad just illustrates what society looks like when you literally let people die. Democrats would be doing society a great disservice if they didn’t make ads like this. They need to make more.
Just Some Fuckhead
@danah gaz (fka gaz):
Yer thinking of the homeless guy. He and his rich horse buddies hunted and killed the boy on his estate.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Nah, he never killed a homeless guy.
He would bribe them with $20 to fight each other, and then produced those “Bumfight” videos.
“Be afraid, be very afraid!” LMFAO
Heh, indeed…..Glenn Kessler and Ken Rudin on NPR today were complaining about how bad it’s gotten and how this Obama ad goes over the line. REALLY? This from the same people who didn’t blink at all with the shit that’s been spewed by Tea Party members, “that birth certificate ain’t real” Trump, “palling around with terrorists” Palin, “the feds are just out to get me” Arpaio, and on and on and on. But this, this ad that tells the truth, this is over the line. F*ck all of the MSM so-called journalists from the far right all the way over to the centrist loving mofos. Hypocritical jackasses, one and all.
I used the Google to check if Halperin was as outraged when Saxby Shameless equated Max Cleland, a decorated veteran and triple amputee with terrorists. Somehow the Google cannot find this moral outrage.
Brian R.
The more Nostradumbass thinks it’s a bad idea, the more I’m convinced it’s a great one. He has a worse track record when it comes to wild-eyed predictions than Bill Kristol and Miss Cleo combined.
@dmsilev: Mitt is as white as Karl Rove’s shiny white ass. ;)
Mark S.
Amen brother!
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
Colbert is ripping the living bejezus out of Papa John’s dude AND his manhole covers. That’s going to be a keeper clip.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@MikeJ, @Anya, @Just Some Fuckhead, @Cacti: I smell meme.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Brian R.:
Now yer just being a big silly.
@danah gaz (fka gaz): I stand corrected, then.
We should demand Romney’s Cranbrook School transcripts. You’ll be amazed the kinds of details you can get from school transcripts.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@danah gaz (fka gaz): @MikeJ too (FYWP broken edit)
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Anya: hehehe…
Just Some Fuckhead
@danah gaz (fka gaz):
Yer thinking of mimi, the housemaid whose face he hacked up with a gold tiepin for accidentally throwing away the stock section of yesterday’s newspaper.
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): It’s times like these that I miss having a teevee (though I’ve never had it before).
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant):
I’ll betcha Colbert can have a statistically measurable impact on pizza sales near college campuses. It’s a pity the dorms are empty.
I am fascinated by the Emergency Food Ads.
@MikeJ: I grew up in Altoona. Altoona hookers make Patty the Daytime Hooker look like Sydney Biddle Barrows.
I say it’s war with everyone and everything Right Wing. Let’s get to work.
Heck, this was the core of her philosophy, the semi-rational springboard she used to leap into the abyss of madness. She penned that Celestia-awful love letter to the murderer emphasizing at great length that what she found really admirable and sexy about him wasn’t the murder itself per se, but that in unnecessarily chopping up a girl whose ransom had already been paid he showed vividly how absolutely unconcerned he was with other people’s ideas of morality! That got her tighty whities a little tightier and less whitey.
Speaking of murderers, whatever happened to Glenn Beck? Is he doing shortwave broadcasts from the van he lives in at this point? And does anyone in the wingnutosphere acknowledge his existence anymore?
Hey it’s all good everyone, Romney really didn’t kill that lady. See even though her husband had the misfortune of losing his insurance through some a difficult but necessary decision by Bain to streamline staffing and resources at his company, she still retained her primary insurance through her employer. And being she worked for a thrift store I’m pretty sure it was one of those gold-plated type coverages. I mean too bad she died but at least Governor Romney has been vindicated (even though he was innocent regardless since he retroactively wasn’t CEO of Bain during this time period), and now WaPo and Politifact can dole out their 72 pinocchios and flaming pantaloons to that mean Mr. Obama and his scurrilous campaign.
@David Koch: She has an apple bottom? You are white.
OK, so Bain comes in, loots a Steel company, walks away with Billions and the steel factory where this guy works closes. No question that happened.
Next, because the steel factory closed, this poor guy lost his job and his health insurance. No question that happened.
Next, because they had no health insurance his wife didn’t see a doctor for a period of time. No question that happened.
Finally, the wife got sick enough to take to the County hospital, she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and she died within a month. No question that happened.
So whats the beef Halprin? This timeline is undeniably true. You don’t like the facts? Tough shit. The fact is that this happens every day in America. And yes, Mitt Romney is culpable in this womans death. Deal with it.
@David Koch:
I have no idea who Misty May is, but I deeply, deeply enjoyed this comment.
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant):
Holy Halls of Butthurt, Batman! Can these assholes just Go Galt already?
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Citizen_X: This van?
Just Some Fuckhead
We already know it’s war. What we lack are the commanders that will execute anyone who appears to be retreating.
@Just Some Fuckhead: I’m available for that position. :)
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Just Some Fuckhead: This subthread just keeps getting more delicious.
Stop it. I swear I’m gonna pee myself. =)
Right. Pearl-clutching by Mark Helperin over “lines of decency”? Doth mine ears deceive me?
Markie, bubby, let me refresh your memory.
Willie Horton?
Swift Boat Veterans for Truth?
Circulation of rumors about John McCain’s illegitimate black baby during the South Carolina Republican primary in 2000?
Obama is a Kenyan imposter?
Where’s the long form birth certificate?
The “Democrat” Party?
“Don’t retreat, reload!”
Any of these ringing a distant chord?
Decency seems to be a concept with which Republicans have a distant relationship, and it’s been a nodding acquaintance at best for quite some time now. You may therefore understand why your fevered concerns over Democrats’ campaign tactics tend to confuse people a bit. Or perhaps not, since all good Villagers know that only Republicans are supposed to use campaign tactics that actually work.
Fuck your lines of decency, and fuck the horse you rode in on, and fuck you too, B’rer Halperin.
Just Some Fuckhead
@danah gaz (fka gaz): Hehehe, the best part is that it is so fucking easy to do. lolz
Just Some Fuckhead
Cacti nearly killed me with the Bumfights.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@Anya: This bit better show up on the Comedy Central site right quick or there will be…trouble.
I still remember a few years ago randomly tuning into that nimrod Hugh Hewitt (believe me, these are things I avoid if possible) and he had Halperin on, who I wasn’t familiar with at the time. The whole time Halperin was begging Hewitt to love him and believe him that even though he worked in it he was not part of the liberal media. Hewitt would say things like, “Oh I dunno Mark you haven’t sufficiently licked Zombie Reagan’s balls” and all Halperin could do was go “Oh please please please Mr. Hewitt I promise I can do better!”
And that’s basically all I ever needed to know about Mark Halperin.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@handy: Somalia awaits.
Halperin is such a worm. Remember back in the spring, when Joe Biden said he supported gay marriage, and the media went into a frenzy wondering what Obama would say? Obama gave his cool, measured and admirable interview supporting marriage equality a day or two later. But before that, I just remember Halperin on some show, grilling some Dem with this, angry, possessed look on his ugly face.
And the tone of his hostile, prosecutorial questions was, “What, is Obama some sort of homo-lover, a pal of the queers or something? Answer meI!” He was just unhinged and nasty, thinking that Biden’s statement had put the President in a “gotcha” position he was rabid to exploit. Demanding answers, in a way that struck me as kind of homophobic. He reminded me of a nerd in school who was bullied who takes on the worst attitude of bullies. “I demand to know if the president is some sort of friend to the f-gs, because I want to damage him with this- tell me!”.
And Obama’s cool, calm, brave and historic declaration that he supported marriage equality a day or so later just made Halperin seem like the nasty little gossip-worm he is. Petty, small, a supporter of a bigoted status quo. Whatever happens in November, Obama took a brave stand, and Halperin has not a tenth of that quality of character.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Arundel: Halperin’s worried Democrats are gonna make Republican ball-licking seem gay. I try to be amused
Mitt wants a dirty campaign, and by gawd he shall have one. I’m feeling better about this.
Just Some Fuckhead
Are you really prepared to kill a Steely-Eyed Realist?
So, Halperin’s declaring that he’s angry about this? Foes are marked for vengeance? It’s a little like Bane being played by Peter or Harry Brant. I don’t think I’m as intimidated as I’m supposed to be.
Jewish Steel
Me too.
Bobloblaw used to crawl up your ass pretty good, if I recall.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Jewish Steel: Everyone knows how much I adore ABL but the Bobby Lobbers banning was practically a cardinal fucking sin.
We were this close to snagging the first Muslim pledge in the Cracker Pack fraternity.
He was learned and capable, in the tradition of the old Hamnamid Dynasty, a warrior and a proud Musselman, too proud to come crawling back after a banning (unlike recent banees, who stink of the shame of ostracization- a foul differentness, akin to an open, festering, infected wound, drawing stares of revulsion and unspoken pleas to return to the noplace where they deserved to be, sparing all of us the indignity of futher interraction with them.)
Bobby Lobbers was reasonably unreasonable, persistent without being insistent and a worthy opponent in the steel cage match of ideas.
I have no idea who he was or who he might be but he is missed.
Jewish Steel
@Just Some Fuckhead:
What an encomium!
Maybe he will read it from commenter heaven and return to us. He could angry up the blood but goddamn if he wasn’t a quality read almost every time he posted. Put some thought into it. That’s all I ask. Is that really so hard?
can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
they’re living in a world of their own making. f**k ’em if they can’t handle it.
Judas Escargot, Acerbic Prophet of the Mighty Potato God
“If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.”
-Dorothy Parker
Right/Left = Impulse/Thoughtfulness
Right-wing troll Mark Halperin is one of the worst clowns “in the Freak Show” and one of the principle reasons I stopped subscribing to Time magazine.
Halperin’s sycophancy to right-wing extremists has been widely reported, if Time magazine wanted to engage in ‘responsible journalism’ it would have fired him years ago.
Aaugh! C’mon, Man. You’re killing me here.
@Cacti: Obama has a badass side, just like Nancy Pelosi. The right hates that rather a lot.
This whole thread is full of win. I love the Nevada-style politics Reid is playing, and I love the fact that the right is freaking the fuck out because the Dems are continuing to swing hard. Well, some of them, anyway.
For years, the Dems have tried to mollify, explain, and apologize for, what, being right? Fuck that shit. Put me in the camp of, you reap what you sow, you muthafuckin’ beeyotches. A little Johnny Cash to express how I feel.
ETA: My favorite inter-blog war is when Cole cusses out the commentariat.
Carl Nyberg
Amen, Brother Doug!
The corporate media has way too much blood on its hands–blood that it refuses to acknowledge–for the pundit class to have moral authority in the way Halperin is invoking.
Carl Nyberg
Here’s the killer ad Romney could make about Bain.
He could have a series of rank and file workers tell about how Bain bought the company and fired a bunch of managers who were inefficient.
As better managers took over the company performed better. Similar businesses in the region went under. But the one managed by Bain didn’t. It grew.
The community as a whole experienced a resurgence because the business grew.
But of all the companies managed by Bain capital, that’s never been the story, has it?
Right/Left = Impulse/Thoughtfulness
Authoritarians of all stripes may hate Glenn Greenwald, but he has an unwavering moral compass.
Today Glenn Greenwald points out Time magazine’s Mark Halperin is (paraphrasing) one of the sleaziest media personalities to call themselves a ‘journalist’:
Halperin’s incapable of recognizing “responsible journalism”, I’d hate to think that’s why he’s still employed by Time magazine.