You might know him from his books, essays or his contributions to This American Life, but perhaps you didn’t know that he was a remarkably talented and generous artist. And goddam was he funny:
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You might know him from his books, essays or his contributions to This American Life, but perhaps you didn’t know that he was a remarkably talented and generous artist. And goddam was he funny:
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Enhanced Voting Techniques
how about “Ana and Eve”? Why does the Right always think about two guys when the gay thing is mentioned. Why can’t we have long, detailed national dialog about two attractive women?
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Because for many, discussions about lesbians, especially attractive ones, come to premature endings?
Drat about Rackoff.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: A lesbian couple petitioned a rabbinical court in Israel demanding religious recognition of their marriage. The Orthodox rabbis were forced to conclude there is no prohibition of lesbian relationships in the Torah. I thought that was mildly amusing.
Was just in the car and listening to Terry Gross’s show on NPR. It was a repeat of a 2010 interview with Rakoff. Very good if you can catch it.
He said he didn’t like being a child and always thought his inner age was somewhere between 47 and 53. He died at the age of 47. So poignant.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Because two women kissing turns them on.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Because a wingnut man thinks that attractive women are lesbians only because they haven’t met them yet (the wingnug man) and if they had sex with them (the wingnut man) they (the lesbian) wouldn’t be a lesbian anymore. This only applies to attractive women; they don’t consider “unattractive” women to matter and hold no fantasies about them.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: The bible isn’t against lesbians.
I loved listening to him in TAL. RIP.
he was one of the first people I met moving to NYC and made me feel very welcome and that I belonged. Will really miss him.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
and BTW, that wasn’t to trivialize Rakoff’s death. 47 is just to young in this day and age.
Here’s a page from Fresh Air that should link to downloadable audio in a few hours. Right now, it has text and links to other pieces by/about Rakoff.
Rakoff was great. He went too soon. His piece on the live TAL show was pretty touching.
Rakoff was great. He went too soon. His piece on the live TAL show was pretty touching.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: I don’t think anyone that wrote about possible amputation “There are other extrafunctional and noncosmetic realities I have to consider, . . . How does someone without a left arm know he’s having a heart attack, for example?” would be at all upset at a tribute thread with jokes therein.
David Hunt
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Personally, I think it has to do with the right’s view that women shouldn’t have control over their sexuality even in a heterosexual context. All important decisions should be made by men. Since the women are irrelevant, they envision male homosexual acts, so that’s what they talk about. I’ll leave it to others as to why those thoughts disturb them…
NYTimes had a nice piece on Rakoff.
Didn’t know about him in life. His book of essays sounds worth reading.
Too young.
Roger Moore
It’s amazing how male centered the Bible is. It was clearly written by men for a male audience and just didn’t consider stuff like lesbianism to be an issue. Who cared what women did that wasn’t related to the all-important role of producing babies?
Freddie deBoer
A great talent, who I respected a great deal. Very sorry to see the news.
@Roger Moore:
During the Victorian era in England homosexuality was illegal but lesbianism was not because Queen Victoria refused to believe that it existed.
@Roger Moore: Which is fascinating considering the tale of Esther. Not to mention the book of Ruth, which is essentially a lesbian love story doctored up for ancient Jewish sensibilities.
PS I think Rakoff would approve of this discussion. :)
That “God didn’t make Adam and Steve” thing always pissed me off. He did too make me!
OT, Huntsman, Sr. says he’s not the source of Reid’s info, but:
A commenter on NYTimes thread suggested listening to Rakoff’s audiobooks, read by the author himself.
There’s a pleasure to look forward to.
@Elizabelle: The bits he read on the Fresh Air repeat today were delightful. He seemed very funny.
It’s the Most Fabulous Story Every Told!
I just wonder if Romney’s releasing his tax returns — as he should and must — will make him so toxic the GOP goes with another nominee.
Someone who didn’t participate in the clown car calvacade primaries.
Huntsman Sr. gives good advice, but you wonder if there’s an ulterior motive.
@Roger Moore:
I’m not sure it was about audience exactly, I think it might have been more practical than that.
If we interpret at least parts of it a rules of conduct, and, moreover, rules of conduct to ensure the lineage, it does make a sort of sense. What women do sexually with other woman doesn’t endanger the lineage, doesn’t ever really slow it down because they’re generally being married off by the will of their fathers and can still pop out legitimate heirs. No reason bother with rules — except for adultery with men, which is covered. Men’s (specifically, sons’) homosexuality can threaten the lineage if they choose to ignore their wives and thus needs to be under explicit control.
@Violet: That’s a weird quote. George Romney said, “Pay your taxes for at least 10 or 12 years”? Something is getting lost in translation.
@Roger Moore:
WRT the “Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve” bit, especially so, since the first part of the Genesis story said god made man in his imagine, and then, oh, yeah, made Eve so he’d have a playmate.
Culture of Truth
There are so few lesbian sex scenes in the Bible. What a ripoff.
Comrade Mary
Rakoff was an amazing talent. Those pieces in mistermix’s last link are an unexpected bonus, too.
I loved listening to Rakoff talk, for reasons I could never express properly, but I think these two people hit it out of the park.
David Rakoff was a giant kitty.
David Rakoff was the voice of God.
Comrade Mary
This American Life just posted video of one of Rakoff’s last performances from May of this year. You simply must see this.
Comrade Mary
And one more piece of beauty to round things off: this is the song that closes off David’s performance.
@Comrade Mary:
Thanks for that link. I saw that and was bawling by the end of it.
@Comrade Mary: OT, but I have to thank you for your info last year on the clear 3M bandages. Was that you> I just tripped in the yard and landed on hands and knees. Hands pretty torn up, but i washed them and just used my last 2 of the bandages. Thought of you, gratefully, and here you are. If not you, it was another Mary.
one handed typing, left hand worse than right
Sad about this. I enjoyed his work, and by all accounts, he was a lovely human being as well.
Comrade Mary
@WaterGirl: That was almost certainly me, Water Girl. I’m glad they’re working for you! (The soreness will fade a bit, then comes the stiffness, but it does get better. Have a drink to help you relax :-)
I loved his books, and his TAL pieces. Here’s one of my favorite quotes:
“If psychoanalysis was late 19th century secular Judaism’s way of finding spiritual meaning in a post-religious world, and retail is the late 20th century’s way of finding spiritual meaning in a post-religious world, what does it mean that I’m impersonating the father of psychoanalysis in a store window to commemorate a religious holiday?”
— David Rakoff in “Christmas Freud,” a segment of the Christmas and Commerce episode of This American Life.
Tim in SF
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: How do we know it wasn’t Eve and Lilith? I mean, as long as we are talking about mythology, go for broke.
I was a big fan and bought several of his books; what a loss.
My favorite story on TAL was Rakoff’s linking his best friend’s betrayal with the fable of the tortoise and the scorpion in verse form :