Sorry for the Ryan picture below, I ripped it off from this website. At any rate, you all requested pet pics, and since I am Dr. Doolittle and my animals are around me whatever room I am in (except Rosie, who is hiding behind the chair guarding and gnawing on the chew toy I gave her earlier), it was a rather simple request to fulfill:
BTW- while I was out of town, my mom and dad watched the animals, and my dad fell in love with Tunch. He just loves the fact that he is a very deliberate cat, and every move is completely calculated, unlike many schizo cats that just berserk around. Dad said he had fun watching him stealth through the yard, and would yell at him “Tunch, I see you,” and Tunch would glare at him as if to say “Hey- quit ruining my game!”
Also, here is a youtube video of Tunch and Lily playing (talk about Cute Overload!), but for some reason I can’t get it to embed.
She’s an angel. He’ s adorbs.
Comrade Mary
I was about to thank you for the gorgeous pictures, then I clicked on that video link.
You magnificent, heartless bastard. Well played. Well played.
I shall raise the proper alarms, although I think wifey is eating.
Joseph Nobles
You know what’s sad? Ads in front of that Lilly/Tunch video. Totally spoils the effect.
Thank Jeebus for Click to Flash.
thnx fer pet pix. I can feel my blood pressure drop a few points.
You may have saved me from a stroke, Cole. What can I say? No good deed goes unpunished.
That cat is gorgeous. The dog ain’t bad, either.
But I wanna snuggle that boy.
Rickrolling? Seriously?
Cole, you bastard.
Dammit, I had never been rick rolled. Just another thing to get over.
Ash Can
You suck the farts out of dead pigeons.
I alt + clicked. Fuck you.
But I love your animals.
I spent last tuesday night explaining rick-rolling to two colleagues who don’t much like technology. Now they think I’m an internet genius.
Sweet little mugs.
Tunch looks touchable.
Cole you’re an ass. Lily’s adorable.
TUUUUUUUNCHIE! Oh my god I love that cat to bits. That second pic of him is so fucking adorable, I could just cry. And, yeah, Lily is cute and sweet, too.
But the vid? DIAF, Cole. Good thing I saw the tag before the video actually started. ::throatpunches you::
@Yutsano: Thanks for sounding the alarm, Yutsy! Totally made my night.
@goblue72: Thanks for taking one for the team. I was this close to clicking.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
I know all good Democrats are supposed to be avoiding Marriott hotels right now because of their connections to Romney, but goddamn are their mattresses comfortable. For once, I’m not waking up with a sore lower back from a crappy hotel mattress.
ETA: I must be hanging around here too much, because I knew it was Rick Astley even though it wouldn’t load on the iPhone.
@asiangrrlMN: Cole may not get out of this blog alive tonight hon. I highly suggest getting the Italian tuna and the crystal bowls ready. Tunch may be up for adoption…
@Yutsano: I’m on it! ::hustles to find best china and high qwality tuna::
(like the little halo-ish auea bit he’s got going on the back there)
Video wouldn’t load on my iPad. Muahahaahaaaaaaaa.
Cole you should ask Tunch about that deliberate thing
I bet he hasn’t broken any bones
karen marie
I was saying to my brother just yesterday that I was feeling sad because it’s been so long since I’d been rickrolled in quite a while. Thanks, John, for restoring my confidence in the interwebs.
Frickin’ rickrolled. Heartless. Cruel.
Boy, am I glad I saw Cole’s twitter update before coming to this post. Well played John, but next time wait a few minutes before announcing the Roll to the world ;-)
Not just rick rolled, but waited through an ad for it. Darn it. At least I saw happy pet pictures.
Thread needs two moar kittehs, so here is a pic of Laettner and Hurley when they were itteh bitteh kittehs.
Aw. My Tunch-esque cat died a week ago, so we’re down to one old tortie who can’t walk or hear very well, and doing the best we can to keep her on her various meds as long as possible.
McKayla is not impressed with Cole’s rickroll.
Thread also needs more dog.
Tried on earlier threads to post this, but disappeared into FYWP aether. One more time.
Banks and credit companies are up to the same crap, yet again.
How Rick rolls
FYWP to infinity. Try one last time, sans snippet. Go read.
Problems Riddle Moves to Collect Credit Card Debt
cats definitely hate it when you spoil the mood when they’re a-stalking.
I would really like some reporter to ask Mr. Sex Club how he can come out against birth control. Seeing as he is Mr. Sex Club.
Times like this I’m glad I have Flashblock installed on my copy of Firefox. Have to click an extra button to actually hear anything.
Oh, they had a little party down in Norway;
There was Harry, there was Mary, there was Grace.
Oh, they had a little party down in Norway,
And they had to carry Harry from the place.
Oh, they had to carry Harry to the ferry,
And the ferry carried Harry to the shore;
And the reason that they had to carry Harry to the ferry
Was that Harry couldn’t carry any more…
@gex: You’re thinking of Jack Ryan of Illinois.
Lily and Tunch… Yay, go pets. Thanks JC.
R Johnston
Rafi is not amused at being Rickrolled.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I wonder if this thing with vampire boy is the most boring daily show segment ever. Yup, I think it is.
Somehow the effect isn’t the same when you click on the link and get a fifteen second contact lens commercial before the video starts. Your victims should at least have to listen to that familiar couple of seconds of synth and drum machine before they kill the tab.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: That was terrible. There was one time Judah Friedlander was on, and it was either entirely inside jokes, entirely stoned, or both. Not boring necessarily, but painful to watch. Pattinson was similarly painful but for different reasons. I guess we’re supposed to care deeply about him?
The prophet Nostradumbass
Edit: Bah, that didn’t work.
Rickrolling deserves a
@burnspbesq: SQUEEEEE! Doggeh is cute, too.
@R Johnston: So cute and so menacing at the same time!
@FlipYrWhig: So sorry for your loss. It’s hard to lose an animal companion. My condolences.
@R Johnston: Kittehs are very rarely, if ever, amused.
The Interweb is a hell of a thing. I mean, “Rickrolling” is a thing! WTF?!
Also too: Fix your blog!
Rick Rolled? You bastige!
I expect more from you!:)
Anne Laurie
Breeders sometimes call a dark spot on a white animal’s head (or a white spot on a dark animal’s head) an “angel kiss”.
From the location of his “kiss”, the angel had to sneak up on Tunch from behind.
This is probably the first time I have enjoyed being rickrolled. I needed to get rid of that image of Paul Ryan bodysculpting with Bart Stupak from the earlier post, and it seems to have done the trick.
Just an aside, but as someone who is roughly your same age:
For all of you who are still fortunate enough to have your parents around, take the time to appreciate your luck. I lost both in their late 40”s, and I really envy the ability of so many people I know to complain about dealing with mom and dad. (Not that you’re doing that here, John. Just a general observation.))
Also too: I find Led Zepplin’s “Kashmir” the ultimate in brain cleaner. Got a Cyndi Lauper song stuck in your head?
“Da-na-na, tst, da-na-na, tst, da-na-na…”
@asiangrrlMN: Many thanks for that.
Be grateful you have these animals and this relationship with them.
It appears the coyotes have been preying from the woods surrounding our neighborhood, probably driven in because of the severe drought.
Ten days ago, our beloved 14 year old female cat Josephine did not come in for breakfast. By two days later, while searching for her and talking to neighbors, it became clear that in the past two weeks as many as four or five neighborhood cats had vanished.
I do not have to explain to many of you who love their animals how deeply distressing and gut wrenching this is.
This little cat was my pal every night, climbing into my lap while I read or watched TV or a movie, literally melting and draping herself across my lap and thigh. Her favorite game was to take over my office chairs in my upstairs and downstairs study, and taunt me with the fract that she had gotten to the chair first and it was hers now, and I could not have it.
She was, of all the cats we have had over fifty years, the smartest, most affectionate, and most deeply socialized and bonded cat of them all.
We are finally coming to grips with the fact she is dead and gone.
But we are NOT liking it. Not one bit.
@HeartlandLiberal: How awful for you…my condolences. She sounds like she was a wonderful companion, and she lived the life of Riley with you.
Lily = good. Tunch = good. Cole = bad.
That was some bullshit Cole.
Lily & Tunch WIN!
Lily is as adorable as ever, but those are the cutest pics of Tunch I have ever seen. Such a softie!
@FlipYrWhig: ::hugs::
@HeartlandLiberal: I’m so sorry for the loss of your beloved, wonderful Josephine. ::hugs to you, too::
Triassic Sands
That’s funny. Tunch has quite the camouflage coat — if he lived in the Far Far North. I’ve read that tabbies were the original coat of self-domesticated cats and they do look a lot like some wildcats. Tunch looks a little more like a polar bear who found a patch of exposed dirt and got a little on his head. Pretty? Yes. Stealth? Hardly.
I wonder what birds and rodents that Tunch stalks think he is — a big old snow ball rolling toward them?
Concerned Citizen
Dude, Rick rolled? That’s bad form. Isn’t that too old to be funny? Rick rolled? I’m still not sure how I feel. It’s like I felt after watching Primer. (Primer is a great movie, but confusing. I don’t mean to elevate this prank with a great movie, just my reaction to it.)
Concerned Citizen
A pox on all your houses! Rick rolling is a bad idea.