(Ted Rall’s blog)
Alex Pareene (latest recipient of a Trump hate-tweet) reports on the GOP’s newest scary campfire tale:
Consider yourself warned: If Obama loses to Mitt Romney in 2012, might he run again in 2016? Kathryn Jean Lopez says probably!
First, the National Review’s Jim Geraghty suggests that if Obama loses, the whining Democrats will, as always, cry foul, and say the result was illegitimate, just like they always do, especially as they did that one time when the Republican became president despite actually losing the election, and they will of course blame “Voter ID laws” just because said laws are designed to disenfranchise certain Obama voters, but most important, Obama is such a craven political hack that he will refuse to politely abide by the result of the election and he’ll definitely continue trying to run for president…
So! Obama will totally be so bitter and unwilling to face reality that he’ll run again in 2016 and try to become our first president to serve non-consecutive terms since Grover Cleveland, because he is simply unwilling to relax his grip on power. This is sort of the polite and not-quite-insane version of the “Obama will suspend the Constitution to make himself president-for-life” conspiracy, which is of course a modern update on the same conspiracy theories about President Bill Clinton, who we were also repeatedly told was too addicted to the office to go quietly when his time was done…
Minor history lesson (I’d forgotten how Bill Clinton was planning to use the Y2K Bug to appoint himself Dictator-for-Life, for you kids who think right-wing paranoia fantasies were invented in November 2008) and more hilarity at the link.
Apart from mocking idiots to encourage healthy sales in the WND website and adult-diaper market, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
Ben Franklin
The Brits may be storming the ecuadorian Embassy as we comment. It’s very odd, since the Embassy was set to make an amnesty decision Noon tomorrow
No sooner do I post as OT in previous thread than an Open Thread comes up. So repeating it here.
Harry Harrison, a writer probably best known for his Stainless Steel Rat series, has died at 87. Noted specifically because one of his novels was made into a movie so often mentioned here.
Patricia Kayden
If it would be constitutional for President Obama to run again in 2016 should he lose to Romney, I wouldn’t mind. But I’m hoping he whoops Romneybot’s butt in November.
I’m starting to wonder if Mitt isn’t bipolar and in the thralls of a major case of the sads. People are being so mean to him. I’m really starting to wonder if he is going to drop out soon.
@Hal: Maybe Ann’s MS will “take a turn for the worse” and he’ll “step aside for the sake of his family.” Or maybe his exhaustion will require him to quit the campaign.
Linda Featheringill
Mitt may be getting seriously tired. He is of an age where you can’t always recharge completely overnight. Fatigue could explain a lot of things that we’re seeing.
Two points: Grover Cleveland was able to do his feat because there was a somewhat disputed election and because Presidents were selected at the Convention. Grover didn’t have to campaign in primaries, for example, or raise nearly a billion dollars. And Grover didn’t have cushy post-Presidential pensions and bennies either.
There also wasn’t a term limit either. Grover could have run for even another term if popular enough, which meant that he wasn’t automatically a lame duck. Obama would automatically be a lame duck because he couldn’t run for still another term, which is why neither Carter nor Daddy Bush tried again.
The Republicans know this, so this is just paranoia talking.
General Stuck
It’s the Wednesday night blue plate special at The Hummingbird Cafe
I’ve been thinking for a while that he may have Aspergers Syndrome or some sort of personality disorder.
@AliceBlue: If that’s the case, he should have been diagnosed and disclosed that fact to the voters. It’s not like he doesn’t have access to the best doctors money can buy and all the money with which to pay them.
I’ve seen plenty of push-back on the Aspergers thing. Most people who are familiar with it seem to think Mitt’s just a dick.
No. Fucking. Way.
Mexico 0-1 United States
First win ever for the US in Mexico.
The Republicans know this, so this is just
paranoia talkinganother fundraising opportunity that targets foolish people.Speaking of foolish people, I watched the Fox interview with Ryan. Ryan is an ignorant fool, with a glass jaw that would put the Waterford Crystal NYC Times Square New Year’s ball to shame. I did not realize what a humongous fraud and poser this Ryan is. A real himbo.
Ryan has Palin potential, except much less entertaining. I do not see how the wingnuts have persuaded themselves that Ryan could hold his own in a debate with a paper bag with a frowny face written on it.
Any “Closer” watcher at BJ? I’m catching up on the last season of The Closer and OMG! Rarely am i surprised by this procedural shows, but I just watched the episode with the priest’s murder and I tell ya I.DID.NOT.EXPECT. that ending. If you are waiting to watching it, I won’t say what happened, but it was as shocking to you as it was to me?
Linda Featheringill
These guys are always dreaming up terrible [thrilling?] things that will happen after Obama loses this election. What if Obama doesn’t lose? Do they have any scenarios for that?
@NotMax: Repeating what I said in the last thread (and extending it a bit):
Bummer. He was a master of the genre. I also liked the anthologies he put together — he choose good stories that worked well together. He reportedly was working on another book, although keeping it a secret. His most recent book (in the Stainless Steel Rat series) was published in 2010.
Not a chance that Mitt will drop out voluntarily. Keel over mid-speech, maybe, when his programming finally shorts out.
What the hell is there to be paranoid about? “Oh no – if Obama loses the election he might run for office again in 2016! The HORROR!!!”
I mean at least the “suspend the Constitution and declare himself Caesar” apocalyptic fantasy has some sinister actions going on. The idea that a politician who loses an election might run for office again is like the opposite of a sinister power grab. It’s kind of the way the system is supposed to work, really, if the politician is popular enough.
But Obama wouldn’t bother with it. If he gets kicked out of office the last thing he’s going to want to do is come back and clean up a second Republican-induced disaster.
Old Dan and Little Ann
Does anyone know about N.C piloting a successful voucher care program years ago that has saved the state money?
Eric Lindholm
Congrats: Ted Rall invokes Godwin’s Law and you go along gleefully, just like the sheep you are.
Historical context: Nazis = socialists. KKK = mostly Southern Democrats.
Only if “overprivileged asshole” is now a diagnosable personality disorder.
Spaghetti Lee
In that scenario, do you envision President Obama accepting defeat gracefully? Do you picture him congratulating President Romney on his victory, and pledging to do everything possible to ensure a smooth transition? Do you think the president will be ready to move on to post–White House life, focusing upon memoir-writing, building his presidential library, some charitable and foundation work, and plenty of golf?
Um, yes? Yes I do envision that? It’s the scary, rampaging, dictator Obama that you guys have made up in your heads. He doesn’t actually exist, and the real one is quite different.
That last sentence is so awesome, I want to marry it. BWAHAHAHA! Best laugh I’ve had in days.
Warren Terra
Fun story:
ETA The comments are, of course, a sewer.
Brian R.
@Linda Featheringill:
Especially for someone who can’t resort to caffeine. Good point.
I’m watching Lawrence O Donell and the lady from the Grio had a good point. Dems are not known to fight back, it’s our job to be doormats and Dems refuse to do that and THAT’S NOT FAIR! to Mitt Romney.
@Eric Lindholm:
You have a problem with robust political speech?
Robin G.
Watching old episodes of The French Chef. Happy birthday, Julia Child!
I’m afraid that I see this as an entirely possible outcome this November. This election is going to be brutal in republican-controlled states.
@Violet: Mitt does not come across anything like an Aspie. I’ve heard people speculate that he might have some sort of anxiety disorder, but one has to wonder why anyone with an anxiety disorder would run for president. In any case, something’s not quite right with the man.
@Eric Lindholm: Wrong on both counts.
Yes, the KKK had a lot of what were then Southern Democrats, they also had lot of Southern Republicans. Nobody has disputed that, and it is also irrelevant today.
The Nazis were so opposed to socialism it isn’t funny. Like sending socialists to the concentration camps opposed.
Hill Dweller
@Spaghetti Lee: Actually, I don’t think he’ll play a lot of golf. I suspect he does it now because it’s a chance to get out of the WH, and be outdoors in relative privacy, without having to go to Camp David. With more free time, and the ability to move around more freely, I doubt golf will be high his agenda.
@geg6: Did you watch the clip? It was unbelievable. Brit Hume came prepared to fluff and toss softballs, but I guess Hume sort of assumed that Ryan would bring more than two talking points, and could walk and chew gum at the same time (that is, understand how to compare and contrast the Ryan and Romney ‘plans’).
Seriously, a painfully hilarious interview.
The look of disbelief on Hume’s face. You can practically see him thinking ‘Yeebus, you cannot even handle that softball? I’ll coach the dude and see if he can respond….. Oh fer gawds sake… I’ll try to step him through the pitch…. WTF?… Does he not know one damn thing?…’
Brian R.
@Eric Lindholm:
Because their name was the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, they had to be socialists, right?
Just like how, because the official name of East Germany in the Cold War was the German Democratic Republic, that means they didn’t have communism there, but were really a democracy!
And just like how, because the official name of North Korea today is the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, they must not be a dictatorship!
Hooray! Taking things absolutely literally is fun!
Never mind that the socialists and communists were some of the first people rounded up by the Nazis, and never mind that their top allies were corporate leaders like Farben and Krupp and the old aristocracy. Facts are liberal!
Thanks for dropping by, numbnuts.
@burnspbesq: And Mexico won the Olympics. Great win for the US
@Eric Lindholm:
Better trolls, please.
@NonyNony: depends on whether you can get a tax deduction from it.
The Dangerman
Which is why the Nazi’s started off with wide support from the American Right (Henry Ford, Hearst, et al).
@Brian R.: Well, hey, you can give old folks lousy coupons that don’t buy shit, and call it Medicare. But they are the same thing. You gotta understand the code. Words mean what I need them to mean right now in order to BS you.
Ted Rall throws big messy (metaphorical) hand-grenades. It’s his schtick, and always has been. And he’s just as brutal with Obama and the Democrats.
@Walker: This troll obviously graduated with honors from Glenn Beck University. Please show some respect.
Glad they finally admitted it after all these years.
It was a smash-and-grab job, as the English football writers like to say. The US converted its only real scoring chance, in the 80th minute, and a makeshift central defense (Cameron and Edu) and Timmeh made it stand up. Timmeh stoned Chicharito twice in the last five minutes (which is doubly droll because they will face each other again on Monday night).
Suffern ACE
@jl: He’s the rare wonk who doesn’t come off like a Mr. Know It All.
The only disorder Mitt has is called entitlement and self-absorption. He is throwing a fit because for the first time in his life he isn’t getting his way just because. I loathe that man.
On the other hand, Michelle Obama gave an object lesson today in campaigning with class and making a point of rebutting the ugliness thrown at her husband. Michelle rocks!
@Eric Lindholm:
Yeah. That’s why they liquidated the KPD and SPD, yet left the business class intact.
@jl: Palin II, the himbo version? Wow. Did he wink as well at the camera?
Huh? He’s yet another right-winger with an IQ somewhat above room temperature, who the press has deemed an “intellectual.” That was apparent from the get-go.
Walter Homple
Seeing a clip of Vice President Biden’s remarks in Danville, VA reminds me to ask, who will be the interlocutor in the VP debates?
If Biden can’t keep up with Ryan on budget numbers, he can always do his Cab Calloway imitation to confuse the audience and work his way out of trouble.
@The Dangerman:
That can’t be right. It has Socialist right there in the name! And authoritarian demagogues seeking to take power by exploiting popular support never, ever lie in the names of their organizations. That would be dishonest.
Next you’ll be telling me that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is neither Democratic nor a Republic. And that would just be insanity!
Brian R.
Which is totally why, in the famous words of Martin Niemoller:
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me–and there was no one left to speak for me.
I guess when they came for the Socialists, they were inviting them to dinner and not the death camps, right?
Congratulations, you’re officially the stupidest fucking person on the internet.
@CarolDuhart2: No, blank stare, stammer, deer in headlights, stammering. Palin probably quicker on her feet than Ryan. I have never seen anything like it.
Judge for yourselves.
Paul Ryan: Obama is Gutting Medicare to Fund ObamaCare- We Want to Save Medicare
Jeebus, I wonder if other clips of Ryan interviews I’ve seen were fricken rehearsed. But those were bogus quickies on TV news, and complete BS. I guess Hume didn’t do his homework and thought Ryan could hold up for an non rigged, if super softball, interview.
The Other Chuck
This has been bugging me: the link to 538 in the blogroll on the right is pointing to the ancient site. It should switch to the nytimes site and probably get renamed to “FiveThirtyEight”
Hill Dweller
@Valdivia: Michelle can run circles around Romney and his Stepford wife, and she only dabbles in politics occasionally.
Eric Lindholm
Let’s ignore history because it interferes with our self-serving narrative. Hooray!
Mike in NC
@Eric Lindholm: Viking Douchebag indeed
Surmise that the graduation tradition at Glenn Beck University involves running up on stage and tearing your diploma from the double-ply roll.
Eric Lindholm
In other news: Robert Byrd wasn’t really a KKK member because he brought lots of cash to West Virginia.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Eric Lindholm: Yes, we can tell that’s what you’re doing.
Brian R.
In other news, Larry O’Donnell is absolutely hammering Mitt and Queen Ann over the tax returns issue. Awesome. Glad to see he’s not letting them off the hook.
I drove home from work today, already in a tense mood because (a) it was a long day (still kinda working, even now), and (b) was riled up from all this voter ID crap.
So I’m listening to traffic/news radio, and the station guy is interviewing this idiot woman from _Politico_ on all the negative campaigning in the presidential race.
And she makes an idiotic statement along these lines: “Some people were hoping that the entry of Paul Ryan would lead to a real discussion of the issues…”, the presumption being of course that he’s an intellectual, policy wonk.
Jesus, most of the “top” journalists are too fucking stupid to breathe.
@Hill Dweller:
I love her. She is one amazing lady I wish there was a First Lady debate so she could show that horrid harpy Ann how it’s done.
ETA: and now I need a cigarette after this:
@Eric Lindholm:
Thank you for being honest with us. It’s nice to know that you realize what you’re doing.
The next step now is to stop doing it.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Eric Lindholm:
Who, outside of your imagination, has ever said that? You really are a moron.
Haven’t had time to watch it yet, what with being insanely busy at work and home. Kids move into the dorm next week and that is the busiest week of the year for us student aid officers. And the buildup to move-in day (or days, depending on whether you are an athlete or an RA or other student leader or a freshman or just a regular returning student) is almost as nuts. Been a crazy year, in many ways. And there have been recent home problems (a backed up sewer, creating enough damage to necessitate making a homeowners claim) that have taken up every minute when I’m not at work. I simply can’t keep up with the stupid leaking out of the Rombot’s joints. As is always, always the case, fanbois of that bitter hag, Ayn Rand, are the stupidest people on the planet. In a statistical tie with Scientologists, which would make anyone with a working neuron or two ashamed to show their faces in public. The fact they don’t aren’t and, in fact, flatter themselves that they are all Howard Roark just confirms the fact of their stupidity.
gogol's wife
Why, why are people arguing with this person?
Chyron HR
@Eric Lindholm:
What’s the matter, Eric, is history interfering with your self-serving narrative?
Brian R.
@Eric Lindholm:
Did the guy who insists Nazis were socialists actually just write that?
Impressive. Gosh, I wonder what actual historians have to say about this stupid argument you seem to have gotten from Jonah Goldberg?
Go ahead. Ignore history and historians because it interferes with your self-serving narrative.
Uncle Cosmo
@Eric Lindholm: Your Sketch-A-Wretch needs better punchlines. Oh, and you are a fucking waste of essential nutrients & energy–pond scum could make more constructive use of them than you do. Isn’t it time you gave them back to the planet?
gogol's wife
Although I’ll admit it is pretty funny that he thinks the Nazis were socialists.
Hill Dweller
@Valdivia: Give her a little time to prepare, and I bet she’d pummel Willard in a debate.
Wha? Southern Republicans?
The correct rejoinder is that the parties have drifted considerably since then, and the racist shitstains who used to be Southern Democrats are now Southern Republicans.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@gogol’s wife: This is more in the “point and laugh” category, I think.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Eric Lindholm: I can’t tell if this is snark, or if you are profoundly stupid.
@Walter Homple
Martha Raddatz (ABC) – Oct. 11, in KY. First time for her moderating a prez or veep debate.
If that Fox interview is the real Paul Ryan, Schieffer has some work cut out for him. Biden, HRC, my mom with way too much New Year’s champagne in her, could cream the Fox interview Paul Ryan like a blender working on a ripe avocado.
Brian R.
@Eric Lindholm:
Robert Byrd was a KKK member in the 1940s.
David Duke was a KKK member and the Republican candidate for governor of Louisiana in the 1990s.
Which of these seems to better reflect the current state of things?
@Eric Lindholm: Let’s invent a new political spectrum to serve our own narrative and call it history. Hooray!
Ash Can
@General Stuck: I <3 ur pix :)
@gogol’s wife:
Nah. That’s a common right-wing shibboleth.
Brian R.
@gogol’s wife:
Seriously. It’s like arguing with a two year old with head trauma.
Ash Can
@Eric Lindholm: Tee hee!
@gogol’s wife:
Because it’s a slow night and an open thread and sometimes it’s fun to poke the slimeballs with sticks.
In the old days we got some good trolls to poke. The trolls we get around here lately are just so stupid and lame. Like their heart isn’t in it anymore. We just get cut-and-paste trolling like “Nazis are Socialists” or “Robert Byrd” or “Obama needs to release his college transcripts”. Not nearly as fun as some of the offbeat trolls we used to get around here. Sigh.
@Hill Dweller:
she would kick his ass :)
@Chyron HR:
Actually, I think it’s usually rendered “First they came for the Communists,…”
Ash Can
@Brian R.: You’re right. He might really be damaged. I shouldn’t laugh.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@NonyNony: Or that the Republican party believes in representing all of the people in the country.
The Other Chuck
(re-quoted the link cuz it’s so awesome). He comports reasonably well in the interview til about 4:00, when the train wreck starts.
I really love how he says over and over how both Romney and himself (just so there’s no confusion) would repeal ObamaCare, all of ObamaCare, every damn last sentence, word, and _comma_ of ObamaCare. So basically, lifetime caps and recission? All back. Repealed ObamaCare after all.
Oh and at around 9:00 you can hear the cock crow as he Denies the Messiah Ayn Rand the third time.
What … a … tool.
@gogol’s wife:
That’s such a right-wing thing that there’s a book about it.
It’s by Jonah Goldberg, so you know it’s stupid.
Can’t wait for @Eric Lindholm to stalk and single-handedly take out those burgeoning soçialist cells popping up all over his beloved homeland, namely those hotbeds of sedition, the White Supremecists with their overt Nazi(=soçialist) fetish. Weird that they’re all so white too, perhaps he’ll decide some heavy-handed but necessary racial profiling would be in order to take them out completely.
@Walter Homple:
I’m assuming you’re a racist troll. If not, explain your snark, because Paul Ryan doesn’t do budget numbers assface.
Brian R.
Now O’Donnell is hammering Paul Ryan on the fact that he’s denied his documented love of Ayn Rand. Even showing old interview between Rand and Johnny Carson. It’s amazing.
Strontium 90
@Brian R.: I was certain this was a spoof troll, but then I clicked over to its blog and it appears to be the real deal. Jeesh. I wonder if it is hard work being that painfully stupid.
So THAT, fellow Republicans, is why you need really effective, long-term voter disenfranchisement! To keep that sort of terrible result from ever happening.
All strictly legal of course. Nudge nudge, wink wink.
Thanks for Michelle clip. Wow, what an intro she gave. Inspiring.
Guess we will hear from thoughtful GOPpers tomorrow who are concerned that Michelle might be hurting the ticket, the way she is behaving. Probably better if she stayed home more :).
Ash Can
@Walter Homple: Paul Ryan’s hair will spontaneously combust. Take it to the bank.
Hill Dweller
Ugh. Brian Williams is on The Daily Show tonight. Both Williams and Stewart will futilely try to be funny while still doing their best Broder impersonations.
The Dangerman
How come we only rank trolls obviously being paid only minimum wage by the Romney campaign?
@NonyNony: Am I imagining things or didn’t Rushbo bring up the Nazi=soçialist thing within the last week or two? One of his real-flipouts, otherwise I wouldn’t have run across it in transcript.
Lot of trolling going on lately. Too bad none of it is even Darrell-class.
Brian R.
Niemoller changed the text a couple times. One version had it as socialists, a later one as communists.
Either way, Eric thinks it TOTES proves that the Nazis were liberal hippies. It’s why they cozied up with Krupp and Farben, you know, and why a real anti-capitalist like Henry Ford was promoting them hard in the 1930s.
@scav: If the Nazis were soc1alists than the Aryan supremacist Eric Lindholm is also a soc1alist, and the Republican party is also a soc1alist party.
Brian R.
@Strontium 90:
Are you kidding? That’s got to be the easiest thing in the world. Just get your marching orders from Rush and Fox News and spout it out.
Roll over, little doggie. Play brain dead. Good boy.
Eric Lindholm
“Although I’ll admit it is pretty funny that he thinks the Nazis were socialists.”
That’s just classic. Classic!
@The Other Chuck
Newsflash for Mssrs. Romney & Ryan:
Neither the president nor the vice-president has the power or authority to repeal a law. The prez can only sign a repeal passed by both chambers of Congress.
Promising something outside the purview of the office being sought is plain, sloppy foolishness.
@geg6: Watch Valdivia’s Michelle clip. Inspiring and from the heart. Will refresh you.
@beltane: And he’s his own grandpa too.
@Strontium 90:
Of course he’s a true believer. A parody troll would put more effort into it to be more interesting or to be funnier or at least to look like he’s trying to start an argument.
Posting “Robert Byrd! Democrats are the real racists!!! The Nazis were Socialists!!!” is so lazy that only a true believer – who is convinced that facts are on his side even when they are not so his words must be correct even when they are not – would bother to show up at a blog and post it.
couldn’t you just hear the hate? ;)
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@scav: “the White Supremecists with their overt Nazi(=soçialist) fetish. Weird that they’re all so white too,”
Remember, only non-white people can be truly racist. White people are the true persecuted class.
It’s really hard to fit all of these wingnut fantasies together. Cognitive dissonance is sort of painful.
The only consistency that I can find, is that if it’s bad, it’s the fault of a woman, a f4g, a ni-clang, or a liberal.
And if it’s good, it’s wingnut.
My head hurts.
Eric Lindholm
Look, I know you people were hypnotized by the Obama campaign in 2008, but c’mon. You know the Obama presidency has been a monumental failure by any objective measurement.
Please…come back to sanity.
Love, your friend. – E
If he did that’s might be why I’ve seen an uptick on the “Nazis were Socialists” trolls showing up on various blogs.
Even lazier than I give them credit for if they’re just parrotting Limbaugh’s latest mouth diarrhea.
@The Dangerman: The best trolls of all were sent by Hillary’s campaign in ’08. Republican trolls are cheaply made imitations of the high-end trolls Hillary sent us.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@jl: I wish I could see inside the minds of swing voters. What do they see when they see smarmy Willard doing his indignant Hermann Munster schtick about hoe hateful Obama is, and see BO talking about MO and vice-versa, when they see the Lady Ann just about trembling with rage that people are “attacking us!”
Were those two ladies in red t-shirts saying “Dubuque sisters” nuns at an Obama rally?
@NonyNony: You can tell he’s the real deal because genuine conservatives practice Wikipedia logic. As long as they can cite one source to support their claim – no matter how absurd that source may be – there’s no need to even argue with you, they just automatically win. It’s the only way they can sustain their parallel reality.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Steve: Well, to be fair, wikipedia got sort of inconvenient, what with all of the reality-based stuff in it. Facts, history, that sort of thing.
That’s why they made conservapedia. To keep the wingnut bubble of ignorance unbroken.
@Eric Lindholm: C’mon. You can do better than this.
@Brian R.:
Didn’t you forget Prescott Bush?
The Dangerman
That’s one of the problems when outsourcing trolls to some 2nd or 3rd world locale.
I’m sorry I missed the Hillary trolls (I’m reasonably sure I found this here joint after that fight was done).
Strontium 90
@NonyNony: I guess the hard work is in the continued ability to ignore objective reality.
@The Other Chuck: Ryan is either truly stupid, and has been protected by media, or he is such a snot nosed arrogant punk, he thought Hume would just prompt him to repeat two or three talking points for nearly 12 minutes.
Maybe Ryan confused Hume with Hannity or something.
It’s like Hume understood he at least had to go through the motions of being a journalist, and was stunned that Ryan hadn’t even prepared for that.
I don’t know if Hume and lil’ Wallace will continue to go through the motions of being journalists after Smith leaves/gets fired, but you have to be either really stupid or really arrogant to think they will pull Hannitys for Fox and Friends BS all the time.
@Eric Lindholm:
You’re on crack, right? He’s managed to make decent progress on cleaning up the mess that the previous office holder left for him with a hostile Congress fighting him every step of the way. He’s put into place a health care reform that will let my kid keep his coverage until he gets a job. He managed to get that fucker bin Laden which the miserable failure who held the job before him didn’t even think was important.
Sure he doesn’t walk on water and piss pure gold. By by the objective measure of comparing him to actual previous Presidents he’s better than the four that came before him by a substantial measure. Hell I can only think of one or two in the 20th century that was objectively better – FDR and LBJ. And even LBJ is weak since he had fewer Congressional obstacles and chose to escalate Vietnam.
Keep trying troll. Your troll-fu is pathetically weak.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Strontium 90: I’ve been holding out for Obama to declare the last week of October national “Don’t Drink Drano” week. That should cut down on the trolls, and also counter the rabid vote-suppression going on at the moment – at least to a degree.
Aren’t they off talking about the economy if they’re going to spend the entire election lying about welfare reform and Medicare?
I thought the whole Romney Plan was jobs, jobs,jobs?
So far this week it was:
Lie abot welfare reform
Lie about Medicaid
Ann Romney imperiously dismissing demands for taxes
Mitt Romney complaining people from Chicago are mean
I’m confused. I thought pundits and conservatives directed us to speak only of the economy?
Linda Featheringill
@NotMax: #106
Details, details. Geez.
Strontium 90
@The Dangerman: myiq2xu was the best. Relentless and nasty, but not obviously a moron. A worthy troll. Those were the days…
Eric Lindholm
Steve: really? I’m just making this up?
OK, I’ll wait (patiently!) for your information indicating the Nazis were NOT socialists and the Southern Democrats were NOT the ones pushing Rosa Parks off the bus.
This will be good.
“couldn’t you just hear the hate? ;)”
Being a white guy, I guess I should have gotten all skeered. But I got all misty eyed and choked up and touched by the end.
@Eric Lindholm: Still weak.
At least put some effort into it and PRETEND you’re paying attention.
Gawd, I’m bored.
Also too, TR.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Eric Lindholm: Already linked to. Jonah Goldberg is a moron. He’s smarter than you though, because he got you to buy into his bullshit scam.
As far as southern democrats… newsflash: It’s not 1962 anymore. History lessons are wasted on you, so I won’t elaborate, except to say that the southern democrats fled to the republican party post CRA.
Eric Lindholm
NonyNony: really? Even the Associated Press reported today that this was the weakest recovery since, well, ever.
But since it’s Obama, gosh, didn’t he have a hard climb? I’m sure you’d be so patient if there were a Republican President.
Yawn…is this all you guys got? I have to go to work tomorrow. You know what I mean? Work?
I did too. And I am a latina!
ok gang, long day ahead tomorrow so off to bed. g’night.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Eric Lindholm: “You know what I mean? Work?”
Yes. And next time you bag my groceries, keep the damned cans in a separate bag than the produce, you idiot.
I am missing Darrell more and more with each troll post.
@Eric Lindholm: You just may be the stupidest fucking person on the Internet, which is quite the accomplishment.
@kay: Shhhh! They think they’re really clobbering Obama on this Medicare thing. Lot of people going to realize how they were bamboozled in 2010.
Eric Lindholm
Danah Gaz: are you smarter than me? Wanna bet on that? You seem awful brave.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Killjoy: ssshh. Don’t let Jim Hoft hear you say that. It’s his only notable accomplishment.
Do they earn merit badges by whipping out the lace gloves, delicate hankies and going all passive-aggressive Petunia after a bit? It’s practically hard-wired into the genome.
@Eric Lindholm: Lame. Quite lame.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@danah gaz (fka gaz): Hey, come on, don’t insult grocery clerks like that.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Eric Lindholm: non-sequitur fail. Looks like I won before you even got out of the gate.
Eric Lindholm
Oh Killjoy, you are quite the…something. I can’t quite conjure up the emotions to care.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@The prophet Nostradumbass: I’m not. Just the ones that can’t do it correctly.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@danah gaz (fka gaz): I meant, by suggesting our Viking friend is one of them, you’re insulting them.
Eric Lindholm
Well, all you high-schoolers are quite against me! This should fill you with motivation when you’re making my sub/grinder/hoagie at Subway tomorrow.
Chyron HR
@Eric Lindholm:
Hint: “I’m going to sleep because I have a job because I’m better than you lazy niglibs” only works if you stop posting afterwards.
Strontium 90
@Chyron HR: Heh. Win.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Eric Lindholm: “Well, all you high-schoolers are quite against me!”
Here’s a high school grammar lesson:
Well, all of you high-schoolers are against me.
Apparently you didn’t make it past ninth grade.
Also, how clever of you to recycle my insults. I guess that’s because you are smart, amirite?
Strontium 90
@Eric Lindholm: asked and answered…
Eric Lindholm
Really? Oh because you losers all depend on my substantial tax revenues. Niters!
has no one written anything about this yet?
devo releases new song called “don’t roof rack me, bro” about seamus and mitt. awesome.
@Eric Lindholm: Tears, man. Tears.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Eric Lindholm: You’re even recycling someone else’s insults. How clever of you!
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@thatguy: I heard it. It was meh. Frankly, I’ve always liked the idea of Devo more than I like their music, so color me biased.
Eric Lindholm
Danah Gaz: I have a degree in English. Sometimes I dumb down my comments for the common people – like you.
You dumb. Me smart. Me make money. You take.
How’s that? Did you grasp that?
Not even the trolls are rushing to proclaim the special wonderfulness of Willard and the Soulless Blue-Eyes. Last one I can think of that had a real man-crush was VICTORY!. Who am I forgetting?
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Eric Lindholm: Isn’t it past your bed-time? (looks up-thread)
Now piss off kid, you’re boring me.
Bahahaha! The guy has said he’s leaving like 5 times. He’s become the victim of his own mindless trolling.
@Steve: Certainly keeps his campaign promises like a Republican.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Eric Lindholm:
Where’d you get it, Kensington University?
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Steve: What struck me as strange is that he claimed to have an English degree.
Does Liberty University offer those?
Or did he steal it?
Ah well, I guess it doesn’t matter.
ETA: hah, it looks like I wasn’t the only one to question that. =)
Ash Can
The jokes write themselves.
@Eric Lindholm: Liar: nobody makes money with an English degree.
@Eric Lindholm:
You should brush your teeth because I can still see Ayn Rand’s short and curlies in them.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Killjoy: LMAO… I thought the same thing, but I didn’t want to be a jerk.
Since that ship has sailed, allow me to posit a rather uncharitable observation.
Most people that hold English degrees that I’ve met are either high-school teachers, Vietnam era draft avoiding hippies, or both.
That said, I don’t know too many English majors. I do know quite a few STEM majors, and I married a religious studies major (though I tease the spouse about that =), )
Just putting it out there, FWIW
@danah gaz (fka gaz):
I was an English minor. It was about as useful as my Broadcasting degree.
Walter Homple
@Brian R.:
Close but no cigar: here it is in the original language:
„Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten,
habe ich geschwiegen,
ich war ja kein Kommunist.
Als sie die Sozialdemokraten einsperrten,
habe ich geschwiegen,
ich war ja kein Sozialdemokrat.
Als sie die Gewerkschafter holten,
habe ich geschwiegen,
ich war ja kein Gewerkschafter.
Als sie mich holten,
gab es keinen mehr,
der protestieren konnte.“
From: http://www.martin-niemoeller-stiftung.de/4/daszitat/a31
Note that they first came for the Communists, not the Socialists. Of course, this happened before Bill Maher and Jon Stewart got on TV, so it was probably unfair to spring it on you.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@karen: =) ouch.
I hope you’re old enough that you managed to pay that college debt off.
@danah gaz (fka gaz):
Yeah. I graduated in 1987, when Liberal Arts degrees were still useful. ^_^
I’m just sad he left before he started making “you live in mom’s basement” jokes. Those are really incisive.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@karen: Nice. To be fair, at least having a BA degree carries some transferable benefits. Otherwise my S.O. would be totally screwed as well. =)
@Walter Homple: What’s a “Sozialdemokrat”? I’m curious if you know.
Chyron HR
Can somebody provide a link to the National Review article where they speculate on why Romney actually (not hypothetically) ran for President again four years after he got spanked in 2008? I seem to have missed that one.
@General Stuck:
Jeez, Stuck, you’ve gone from no hummers at all to
standinghovering room only in just a few weeks.Bobby Thomson
Perhaps we should shoot him.
@Eric Lindholm:
Dow Jones Industrial Average the day Obama was inaugurated: 7,949
Dow Jones Industrial Average today: 13,164
Gain: 65% in 3 years and 7 months.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Bobby Thomson: Ruthless People?
ETA: Just looked at the link, yep.
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Calouste: You’re late. Little Eric went to bed, so he could dream up ways to pay much tax muneez to us godless Communists, with his lucrative English degree.
What? You don’t understand me? Look up-thread. =)
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@The prophet Nostradumbass: this link would have been better
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
I’m waiting for Walter’s answer to that myself. That German word sure seems to have a familiar word that’s currently under dispute embedded in it, doesn’t it?
Social Democrat.
Wikipedia Entry
ETA: Or did I miss the snark in your comment?
Bobby Thomson
@danah gaz (fka gaz): Oh, thanks. I was trying to find that.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Bobby Thomson: Muffy, meet Adolph. Adolph, EAT MUFFY!
danah gaz (fka gaz)
@Bobby Thomson: de nada.
I’m fairly good at ferreting out youtube clips, despite the fact that I don’t ever visit youtube unless directed for some reason. The universe blessed me with a talent that would otherwise be wasted if it weren’t for the occasional obscure movie reference. =)
danah gaz (fka gaz)
speaking of youtube clips – this sums up Eric rather nicely, IMO
The Other Chuck
@danah gaz (fka gaz): I’ve always hated that clip. It’s a funny and clever line, given the most awful wooden delivery in the history of showbiz.
Yeah, what a terrible fucking hack a person who did that would be. Like, for instance, Mitt Romney since 2008…
In fairness, there were more than a few people on the left who believed the same thing about Bush-Cheney (esp. Cheney) in the 2006-2007 timeframe. This is one of those rare times when “both sides do it” is accurate. (Full disclosure: I used to spend a lot of time on the Great Orange Satan back in those days, so I had lots of exposure to the crazies on our side at that time.)
Ah let me see here if Obama is so additicted to power, why will hewait to run again in 2016 if defeated in 2012, rather than just declaring marshall law and cancelling the 2012 elections? OH wait that is a logical question. We are dealing with the tin-foit flat earthers here.
@Chyron HR: @Chyron HR: Or Tricky Dick in 1960/1968 and Ronaldus the Great in 1976/1980
What would really be criminal would be if, say, Obama were to win the election with more electoral votes but have fewer popular vote totals than Romney. That would be unforgivable and unConstitutional.
Walter Homple
My reference was to VP Biden’s “put y’all back in chains” remark.
As to Ryan not doing budget numbers, check this out.
Walter Homple
As I’m sure you know, Social Democrats believe in evolution to a socialist system by democratic means.