Thanks to everyone who threw money at the insane cause of John Cole and Imani Gandy presents “LOUDMOUTHS ACROSS AMERICA TOUR 2012.” I can’t tell you how excited I am to go.
I can’t decide if I am more excited to post pictures of ABL with Tunch, Rosie, and Lily, or the actual DNC. At any rate, I will be bringing a laptop, an iphone, and a video camera for both me and for ABL to carry around to record the madness.
Roger Moore
I predict that you’ll be much more excited about posting pictures of the DNC, because you’ll never manage to get the other four together for long enough to take a picture. Rosie will refuse to sit still for long enough to have her picture taken, and Tunch will hide from all the ruckus.
John and Imani, sittin’ in a tree … ;-)
chuck butcher
Bated breath awaiting the chaos and shredding of dignity and ABL hand covered eyes…
Roger Moore
B. L. O. G. G. I. N. G.
Spaghetti Lee
If you want me to draw you guys a logo, I will. Maybe the two of you walking away from an explosion wearing sunglasses?
@Roger Moore: First comes whiskey! then comes YouTube! then comes Rosie shredding their convention entry tickets to pieces while everyone else is passed out on the floor.
There’s a really shitty La Quinta on the north side right at 77 and 85, steer clear.
Roger Moore
And let me say that I’m very excited that your co-blogger is going to have plenty of opportunities to take and post pictures of your ugly mug. We know how little you like to show of yourself on the blog, so it’ll be great for somebody to show us the real John Cole.
I think someone’s in love…
General Stuck
Sounds like true love to me.
Dabs a little misty eyed.
Watch out for Hurricane Isaac!
David Koch
Well worth it.
Can’t wait for ABL to square off against FDL at the Kos tent.
ETA: that is if FDL can get to Charlotte without getting their car towed away for not having their registration tags.
Warren Terra
Did you miss the post where she claims to be allergic to cats? Presumably including even generously proportioned dyspeptic ones?
ETA Oh, and per last night’s thread on the topic: Needs Moar Fear And Loathing references. You are planning a road trip to a convention with your attorney friend from Los Angeles.
General Stuck
Every great adventure needs a theme song.
@David Koch: Hopefully the Southern Dragon will be in Tampa and not venture up there.
TaMara (BHF)
This is going to be EPIC!
How’s the collection coming?
Hungry Joe
@Spaghetti Lee: The cousins!
Patricia Kayden
Very happy to have helped a little. Will attend the DNC convention vicariously through both of you.
David Koch
They’re on a mission from God.
Don’t get yourself arrested there John.
But if you do, go wild and tell the media you’re a Republican.
@David Koch: More like “Chicago – Prologue / Someday (August 29, 1968)”
Roger Moore
@General Stuck:
I was thinking something more along these lines.
Hunter Gathers
@Warren Terra:
We were on the highway, just outside of Charlotte, when the drugs began to take hold. I remember saying something like, ‘I feel a little light-headed; maybe you should drive….” And suddenly there was a terrible roar all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge bats, all swooping and screeching and diving around the car, which was going about a hundred miles an hour with the top down to Charlotte. And a voice was screaming “Holy Jesus! What are these goddamn animals?”
@chuck butcher:
John has dignity? Where?
@Hunter Gathers: Bad Craziness.. . . . .
David Koch
Balloon – Juice convention road trip theme song
@Warren Terra:
@David Koch:
Okay, now I’m torn between wanting a Photoshopped poster of them as the Blues Brothers and wanting a Photoshopped poster of them as HST and Dr. Gonzo.
My money will be in tomorrow’s mail. If you have time and a good supply of Pravastatin drive on over to Spartanburg (pronounced Spot-tenburg) and go to the one-and-only, heart attack-central Beacon-Drivein for a Chili-Cheese-Aplenty. Don’t be squeamish, go for the gold.
Left Coast Tom
@David Koch:
In that case I guess we’ll have to settle for ABL taking a picture of John trying to get Rosie to sit still in the same place he’s already gotten Lily to pose.
So awesome that you are taking all the recording devices.
Be sure to get plenty of footage of you two at the cocktail parties, becoming besties with Tweety, Luke, Andrea, Brian and all the other top tier media whores.
A fucking commercial trying to get money for the “Wounded Warriors Project”. Goddamn it that is the job of the fucking government that got them wounded.
Hunter Gathers
I know that Cole and ABL’s plate might be full, but if one of them could give Luke Russert an atomic wedgie, that would be ten zillion kinds of awesome. Or slipping David Gregory a mickey. That would kick ass as well.
So how about a BJ meet-up in a drinking establishment while there?? I am flying back through Charlotte on Sept. 6 (after taking another shift of dealing with my parents’ illnesses in Ky) and I’ve secured a ticket to the convention & the acceptance speech that night in the stadium!! So excited! It would be complete if there was some BJ festive beverage drinking that day or evening while I’m there!! Anyone else going?
ABL and CWG’s Excellent Adventure.
@metalgirl: Very shortly we’ll get the standard, “leave me alone” from Cole.
@Hunter Gathers:
I started re-reading my personal bible again today. I love that scene. It so perfectly captures what I adore about HST. Fear and Loathing ’72 is up next. Been years since I read either one and John and ABL have inspired me to re-visit the writing that most influenced me and my politics in my youth.
I still want to kick in, so I hope you’re still taking donations, Cole. A couple of days and I can swing it.
I think I’m as excited for the blogging that will come of this as you are about the trip.
Is that sad? I don’t know. Don’t really care. My life is very small and tame, it’s the little things that keep me going :P
Linda Featheringill
@Spaghetti Lee:
@Hunter Gathers:
Seeing as how Cole and ABL will be socializing with an eye toward media appearances and general self-promotion, this is unlikely to happen.
Yup, this is going to be absolutely epic. We’re all there with you in spirit, Angry Black Lady and Curmudgeonly White Dude!
And yes, we’re all jealous and wish we could be there to witness the shenanigans.
I’m angling for a meetup here in the ‘Burgh for their sendoff. Cole is picking up ABL at PIA, which is 15 minutes from my house. I think a bon voyage drinkee is apropos. And I’m so jellus of your tix I could scream.
David Koch
This has to be dry satire. UR too cute to have a tame life.
karen marie
@Roger Moore: And for those of you who had the wherewithal.
@Warren Terra:
Needs more DRUGS.
Omnes Omnibus
Well, duh.
@metalgirl: I’ll be there! I got one of those OFA Community tickets for Thursday.
John is a well-known misanthrope who likes us all better from a distance, but I’m hoping ABL might be less antisocial.
If not, screw them; we should get together along with any other Juicers who are there!
(If you’re in VA, you can still request tickets; deadline is tonight. There may be similar opportunities for other states, but I don’t have the details for those.)
dance around in your bones
@Warren Terra:
Ok, I did my part last night but here’s one more F&L quote:
Mike in NC
@raven: During the Bush/Cheney epoch, I used to get crap in the mail every week asking for money to “buy stuff for the troops”: junk food, books, body armor, etc. I did some research and discovered at least one of these outfits had links to Dubya.
pseudonymous in nc
@Spatula: Poor Kitchen Implement has a sad.
Are pets allowed in bars in Charlotte?
Surely; Sarah Tall And Proud wouldn’t miss an opportunity for a G&T-even if she has to fly to another continent to imbibe.
Which I’m sure she would.
As she should.
If you will.
Be that as it may.
Not at all off-topic – Why We Fight:
For some reason I’m on the Tea Party email list, and they send this shit all the time. So bear in mind that this is what the TP faithful are immersed in:
… And so it goes on and on.
So I’m in for a Benjamin for you guys, and OFA gets another helpin’. The TP/Republican party is a scourge on this land.
Mike in NC
Our Republican neighbors own a condo in Charlotte and were dreaming of renting it out at some exorbitant rate for the convention. Been there several times; Charlotte is basically a pleasant but boring city, though not quite as bad as Raleigh.
Concerned Citizen
@Warren Terra:
The sporting editors had also given me $300 in cash, most of which was already spent on extremely dangerous drugs. The trunk of the car looked like a mobile police narcotics lab. We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Ballantine ale, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls. Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug-collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.
The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. And I knew we’d get into that rotten stuff pretty soon.
” But our trip was different. It was to be a classic affirmation of everything right and true in the national character. A gross physical salute to the fantastic possibilities of life in this country. But only for those with true grit. “
Ash Can
I chipped in way less than a lot of people here did, but I still feel entitled to say that Imma kick your sorry rump from Pittsbugh to Milwaukee and back if you don’t post pics and/or video every hour on the fucking half hour.
@Poopyman: If only they would actually follow through and give up if Obama wins reelection. They always predict the end of the world to squeeze more from the rubes, but they never follow through.
Spaghetti Lee
Trust me, Tea Party guy, you went ‘over the edge’ a loooong time ago.
@Concerned Citizen:
It should be noted, however, that this was before he’d been to a Republican convention…
Exurban Mom
I’m sitting here wondering if ABL has figured out what proper tribute/offering to bring to Tunch. This must be carefully considered….perhaps tuna should be involved.
Ash Can
Oh and PS, make sure Imani and her pal check their shoes when they go to get dressed the following morning.
John O
It woulda been worth more to me had you two been at the RNC.
Just sayin’.
@Exurban Mom: I dunno. In keeping with the F&L theme I believe some good drugs would be more appropriate.
Look out Haskell, it’s real!
Ash Can
@John O: Even Sarah Proud and Tall’s stash of narcotics wouldn’t be enough to get Cole and Imani and her pal, plus Joe Biden (because you know that hookup’s inevitable) through the RNC.
Speaking of good drugs, here’s the next block from the TP email:
I mean, is this just the Ci@1is talking?
John O
Shit, JC/ABL, a ton of video and clever chat at the RNC could have made you millionaires.
John O
@Ash Can:
I stand corrected, and am still laughing.
dance around in your bones
Goddamn it, I was just gonna post that one.
Raoul Duke: When I came to, the general back-alley ambience of the suite was so rotten, so incredibly foul. How long had I been lying there? All these signs of violence. What had happened? There was evidence in this room of excessive consumption of almost every type of drug known to civilized man since 1544 AD. What kind of addict would need all these coconut husks and crushed honeydew rinds? Would the presence of junkies account for all these uneaten french fries? These puddles of glazed ketchup on the bureau? Maybe so. But then why all this booze? And these crude pornographic photos smeared with mustard that had dried to a hard yellow crust? These were not the hoofprints of your average God-fearing junky. It was too savage. Too aggressive.
Too much? It could happen.
Spaghetti Lee
More, more, more
Is Ron Popeil writing copy for the Tea Party now?
dance around in your bones
Ok, what triggered moderation THIS fucking time?
Was it the word
I threw in a few coins. This trip is gonna be epic. With pictures and video!
I think Cole is secretly hoping to find Susie Sampson at the convention. I’m not sure ABL is willing to play wingman, though.
Hunter Gathers
Does that mean Obama’s granting illegal immigrants superpowers? Who gets to be Iron Man?
John O
Dude. There’s no need to yell, plus, it isn’t your website. Seems to me like they try to do and succeed at doing a damn fine job here.
@raven: IIRC, Brawny paper towels is owned by the Koch Bros. Makes it even worse.
@Redshift: Cool! I know I got an email from the NC OFA organizer tonight that my “credential for the 2012 convention in Charlotte will be ready for pick-up on Thursday, August 23rd, or Friday, August 24th” at the downtown Raleigh office (130 East Morgan Street, Raleigh, NC 27601) which will get me into the acceptance speech Thursday night. I would assume anyone who shows up there to get a credential would get one. I’m thinking I might go over there and get an extra or 2 since I know a few other people who would like to go but aren’t good about actually doing anything about making it happen :)
Not sure how to share my contact info without blasting it to the entire BJ world. Any ideas?
@David Koch: Um. Gross?
@raven: La Quinta means “behind the Denny’s” in Spanish fyi
This is epic.
I am hoping Mama ABL and Papa Cole get married, and we can all be their blog children! SO COOL.
And, like, they can have blog sex and, and if Cole’s cyber condom breaks, Cole will spray his BALLOON JUICE into ABL’s lady business that she is always writing about, and they will have even MORE blog babies!
Hee hee ha ha…this is so great hanging out and pretending to have a family or something here on a blog.
Concerned Citizen
@Redshift: Man, I wish he had lived a little longer. He’d of loved this shit.
Imagine a man in the depths of a Christian binge. He can do no wrong. This country is getting weird man.
dance around in your bones
Actually, La Quinta means “a fifth”…, of tequila ;)
@dance around in your bones: Yo se pero detras de Denny’s es mas comico, Verdad?
chuck butcher
OK, hypothetical retroactively applied “dignity”
chuck butcher
OK, hypothetical retroactively applied “dignity”
That shit has always made me a little bit crazy. If it’s important enough to send troops into harm’s way, it’s god damn important enough to raise some fucking taxes.
Awwww….the little kitchen implement is still clamoring for attention, but it claims to lead such a full and wonderful life. It makes me wonder if it was really just full of shit and is so pathetic it needs to come here to get its human interaction, even of it only scorn and pity.
@metalgirl: I picked the wrong time to have be away from the blog for a while, of course. If you happen to check back here, you can email my backup address at squeaky_laforge at yahoo dot com.
@metalgirl: And I guess post a reply here if you do, since I don’t check that email unless I have a reason to.
This is going to be AMAZING.
I expect pictures, and lots of them, especially of the two of you challenging MSM’s Finest to drinking contests and then waking up the next morning in one of the three “computer-timed fish fountains” wearing nothing but balloon animals.
Oh, and maybe some political blogging, too.
dance around in your bones
Pues, por cierto, ese.
Pero la estacionamiento detras de la Denny’s me recuerda de Rush fucking Limbaugh y la criada de el.
Your usage WAS funnier, I admit.
Ash Can
@John O: I mean, really — could you see those four with a fifth of good bourbon/vodka/single malt/ Maui Wowee in Tampa at the RNC?
I’d just hope Cole et al. would ditch Uncle Joe before shit gets real. Barack would personally take the Blue Line el out here to Harlem and the Kennedy and walk over to my house and beat the holy living shit out of me for suggesting this kind of hijinks to his VP. Or worse, Michelle would do it.
Imani Gandy (ABL)
@Spaghetti Lee: can it be in slo-mo?
Imani Gandy (ABL)
Just bought my flight to Pittsburgh. There’s no turning back now. Somebody’s going to end up dead.
::touches nose::
@dance around in your bones: Rush es un pendejo, nada mas. Buenas noches compadre
Comrade Luke
Are you gonna put Rosie & Lily on the roof of the car on your way down?
karen marie
@John O: There aren’t enough drugs to do the RNC.
Lies, everyone knows it means “behind the Cracker Barrel”
dance around in your bones
Si, un GRAN pendejo.
I wish I knew how to say enormous mendacious disembodied anus en español…
‘gigante mendaz incorporedo culo’ might do it.
Ash Can
@Imani Gandy (ABL): Define “dead.”
@Redshift: Sent you email :)
@dance around in your bones: How I miss Hunter.
Man, I’m jealous that Cole gets to meet ABL!
on the other hand, this might be the first time that house has seen a single woman entering the threshold. Bet the piglets will all go into a jealous fit of rage.
bob h
It’ll be “Miami and the Siege of Chicago” for 2012.
Amended: a single woman who is not also a close blood relative.
[This space intentionally left blank for your West Virginia relation-sexin’ jokes.]
dance around in your bones
@Beauzeaux: Sigh….don’t we all.
Well, at least those of us who knew him back in the day…..or came to know his writing later.
A Humble Lurker
@Spatula: Aw, someone didn’t find any children to fondle last night?
Crangry, it was my pleasure. You’re welcome.
Captain Goto
@geg6: Previouly active poster, recent lurker from Yinzerburgh is in…
Paul in KY
@Concerned Citizen: Ballantine Ale! Haven’t seen that brew in 25 years.