What do I know, I’m just a hack blogger who drinks too much and falls in love with girls? But I’m not feeling the unstoppable Halperinian force of Ann Romney’s appeal to undecided women voters.
Update. Give it up for Metrosexual Black Abe Lincoln.
by DougJ| 189 Comments
This post is in: David Brooks Giving A Seminar At The Aspen Institute
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I don’t know, she’s coming off as a sympathetic figure compared to Christie – what a giant jerkoff.
Is The Sopranos back on the air?
Never mind, it’s just Chris Christie bloviating.
Yet, despite having the more intelligent, empathetic candidate with the better policies, Obama is tied with Romney.
Dammit, I always like Amy Sedaris:
Linda Featheringill
If I may invoke the show, Lie to Me:
The upper and lower halves of Ann’s face don’t agree.
Her eyes are full of stress and tension [due to public speaking?] and clearly show that she doesn’t want to be there doing that. Maybe she’s shy.
Good smile, though. Wonder how much practice she’s put into that?
Dennis G.
I think that Sully managed to capture the night with this:
And somehow Christie sounds like it is his first campaign speech of 2016. Is he praising Mitt or pissing on his grave…
Corner Stone
Who in the ever loving fuck thought it was a good idea to give Christie a platform for 2016?
New Jersey is on life support. How ’bout we talk about that, Gov.
Dennis G.
@Dennis G.: It is a FYWP night…
Corner Stone
Oh, Chris Christie. Can I ever quit you?
Christie’s flag lapel pin is — odd.
Oh, look. Color me unsurprised.
RNC Attendee Allegedly Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman, said “this is how we feed animals.”
Ni(CLANG) is any moment now.
Corner Stone
This may be the biggest funereal pyre I have seen in quite some time.
Corner Stone
Stop talking about teachers you fucking garbage time POS.
So what do we think so far folks? Between Ann and Chris, what’s the damage, objectively? I would make the evaluation myself but I couldn’t stomach watching.
Bobby Bacala 2016.
@psycholinguist: “she’s coming off as a sympathetic figure compared to Christie” Well, ummm, yeah.
Hill Dweller
I do have to say it’s been quite amusing watching the media act as Ann Romney’s PR agents since Willard wrapped up the nomination. They took the exact opposite approach with Michelle Obama in ’08.
Also too, Michelle Obama has been a great First Lady, but she doesn’t get nearly the press she deserves.
@Corner Stone:
I’ll Fed Ex him to you.
Corner Stone
Where’s Cassidy when you need him? Shouldn’t he be breaking Christie’s facial bones about now?
BD of MN
Can Christie make it through the entire speech without mentioning Mitt’s name?
Christie accuses the Democrats of “scaring and dividing.”
He is all projection.
General Stuck
Christie’s keynote will have to go down in history as the mother of all projection.
Ah, that must be it. The lapel pin is the flag cut into the shape of New Jersey.
@Arclite: I don’t believe the race is even close to tied for the reasons well documented in earlier posts today. There’s still the question of whether $2 billion can sell a lie well enough to move the vote, but everything about the way the pols are acting and the media are covering the race now suggests to me that Obama is up by at least 5 points, maybe even more. Personally, I think the internal polls are starting to show that many of the white hood dudes are thinking of sitting this one out and the GOP is shitting itself about getting trounced in all the down ticket races. Just speculation, though it would explain why they aren’t even pretending to hide the dog whistles any more.
Corner Stone
@DCLaw1: You don’t have to. They have both been dog whistling about “taking our country back”.
But Christie is a true FAIL on the epic sized scale of FAIL.
Did he just say “we [Republicans] believe in bipartisan compromise”???
Corner Stone
@BD of MN: Yep. Right until the last 5 seconds. That was brilliant eh?
I think Chris Christie is playing the role of the fat, failed, has-been stand-up comic.
Why do people keep saying this?
We don’t elect the President by national popular vote. Obama is comfortably ahead in the state-by-state electoral vote race.
We believe that most woman who have been raped were asking for it….
Corner Stone
The hard truths?
“Hard” must be the buzzword of the day.
Ann used it repeatedly, as is Christie.
Ann Romney reminds me of a horrible experience I once had with a realtor whose services I declined to use. There is something about these rich blonde housewives and their sneering ways that makes me want to use all kinds of forbidden sexist words.
Christie’s third chin feels the suffering of America.
Dennis G.
I love how Chris Christie’s speech was “fill in the blanks” when it came to Mitt. He could have filled in those lines with any name from Cain to Santorum to Paul and not one other word of it would need to be changed.
But that’s OK, because Christie is running for office for Pete’s sake…
Corner Stone
Uhhh…fear in every corner of America?
Yeah. You fucking d-bag.
Remember the end of the movie The Body Snatchers?
Jeff Garlin is Gov. of NJ? He’s still funnier as Larry David’s sidekick.
Mark S.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Chris Christie will never be president.
Corner Stone
I have completely lost the the plot of whatever 2016 platform thread Chris Christie is talking about anymore.
General Stuck
Cool, Chritie is channeling Carter’s malaise speech, it went over so well the first time.
Shorter Christie – we are going to have to fuck you, America, but promise to kiss you first.
“That we were too small”
Oh laaaaawwdddd
Corner Stone
This is incoherent.
@Spectre: I feel guilty about laughing at this.
El Cid
The Onion covers the RNC.
Christie Is promising to restore the
ReichAmerican century!!Mark S.
Jesus. I wonder if that 1948 Dixiecrat convention was as bad as this one.
Something must wrong with the teleprompter. Both Ann Romney’s and Chris Christie’s rhythm is really awkward.
It’ll have to be FedEx truck shipment, too big and too heavy for overnight. Or ground. Stated in a more eloquent manner, they won’t take 350 lbs of shit in a 5 lb bag.
Corner Stone
Just as much as Obama in 2004 planted his fucking flag of greatness in the earth with his convention speech?
Christie is doing the EXACT opposite with this brutal, brutal, brutal convention speech tonight.
This is awful.
As they cut to Princess Ann and His Mitteness, with her dour face and bored/polite applause, I keep expecting her to give a back-handed wave like that queen of the Anglo-Saxonys across the pond.
Old Dan and Little Ann
I just stood up! Christie has me hypnotized. USA! USA!
Shorter Chris Christie:
Stop dividing America you union scumbags, teachers and moochers.
I agree. Now there is lots of talk about what percent of the white vote Rmoney needs to win. But in what state? It really doesn’t matter if Rmoney gets 98% of the white vote in say Texas because he’s going to win Texas anyway. The only thing that matters is the percent of the white vote or any other vote in Florida, Ohio, Virgina, Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire and to a lesser extent Nevada and North Carolina. The rest of the states are decided.
Tell me that Obama is clearly losing Virginia, and I’ll begin to panic.
Dennis G.
Fat Bastard has left me uninspired. I love how Romney was just an add-on to his schitck…
She looks like a cross between Nancy Raygun, a stepford wife, and a plastic mannequin from wally world.
OK I know those are pretty much all the same thing.
Christie’s awful too. Jeebus, the media puffery of the GOP is evident tonight. Every person reported to be a great speaker is barely competent.
I’d say “pugilistic”.
Rachel Maddow says “selfishness.” 18 minutes before he said the word “Mitt Romney.”
She says this is Christie’s acceptance speech for the 2016 nomination.
@beltane: Go ahead, use the word. I called her a bitch in a previous thread. It will make you feel better.
Corner Stone
Christie was awful. Tweety can shut up now.
Christie wants you to vote for Christie in 2016.
Gov. Christie is supposed to be a shining star for the Repubs???? Geez this speech suuuucked.,, And he needs to lose some of that weight, he will not make it through 2 months of a primary run…
Matthews is sucking up to Republicans 5ever tonight. First he lied about what Santorum said, and now he’s praising Bobby Bacala.
“I don’t even think his wife warmed him up tonight. Because it’s just too hard to do.”
Tee hee.
Corner Stone
@GregB: “We believe in teachers. Not teachers’ unions!”
“We believe in the right to arbitrarily fire any teacher who we feel is being paid too much!”
Every time the camera shows the “We Built It” logo, I have to muse:
New Deal? No, you didn’t.
New Frontier? No, you didn’t.
Great Society? No, you didn’t.
Just Some Fuckhead
Christie in a blond wig is what this convention needs.
mai naem
I think Chris Christie thinks he’s doing the Republican version of the Obama speech of 04.
I think Ann Romney thinks Chris Christie screwed her poor Mittie and she’s gonna tell Mittie that Chris Christie will not get any position in the Romney administration once she moves into the West Wing.
I think Mitt Romney’s wishing he could speechify like Chris Christie.
El Cid
More capturing the spirit of the RNC from The Onion.
I know, it’s unrealistic to imagine any of them getting their own hands dirty and engaging in physically threatening combat, but still it captures the themes.
Fineman: Christie speech was “nasty and mean in tone.”
I’ve never seen such divisive, angry rubbish. And then they call President Obama polarizing.
Suffern ACE
@Corner Stone: And they’re all paid too much. The real money needs to go to school CEOs.
Couldn’t get him on a hand truck, anyway. Oh, well it was a nice try. Christie never worked a day in his life. At least Nixon delivered newspapers when he was a kid.
The Dangerman
Will man-boobs be in vogue then?
@PurpleGirl: When I first wrote the comment I called her a bitch but then I re-wrote it for reasons of civility. The hell with that, civility is overrated.
Just Some Fuckhead
@mai naem:
I got the same thing. I was surprised he didn’t hold up a Christie For President 2016 6X tee shirt at the end.
@NotMax: The convention hall they’re standing in? No, they didn’t.
AA+ Bonds
The Republican delegates also attempted to shout down their own party’s representative from Puerto Rico, to the point that Priebus had to grab a microphone and tell them to calm down
Chris Christie comes across as the bully who used to punch you in the gut, then steal your lunch money, then spit in your face. Some people like that, but most don’t.
Also, I hate bringing up the fat issue, but a lot of Americans are shallow. Christie is just too ugly and fat to get elected. Elections are based on looks and personality nowadays and Christie lacks both.
Just Some Fuckhead
@The Dangerman:
Hopefully, bushy handlebar moustaches and coats with long tails will be.
David Koch
Thank goodness Christy isn’t fat like Al Gore.
Lord knows the Village would never tolerate that.
@Dennis G.:
Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t vote for Christie instead of Obama.
NEVERTHELESS, the GOP’s chances to beat Obama would have been MUCH stronger with Christie as their 2012 nominee than with Romney. I can see Christie’s gruff purportedly no-nonsense persona would appeal to many voters whom Romney simply leaves cold as a cod on ice. Unfortunately, 2012 was the year when the zeitgeist was right for a candidate like Christie to be the GOP nominee, but he may find that by 2016, with an improving economy and national outlook, the moment for his particular type of appeal has passed by.
Shorter version: the GOP picked the wrong guy to run in 2012. But OTOH the nomination was probably Christie’s to take away from Romney back last fall, but Christie blinked, thinking his chances better in 2016.
Just read the summary of the speech. Please tell me this was the music she was introduced to-
Suffern ACE
@Elizabelle: Well they’ve been doing for four years now, so why stop? @Just Some Fuckhead: They must have taken away a different message from the 04 speech.
I wouldn’t call Ann Romney a bitch. Not at all.
She is a beautifully coiffed and attired, very attractive woman who is trying to tell the delegates and us that she and Mitt are just like us.
She put on a Southern twang to do it, she tries to sound like she knows how it is for a working mother and so much to do. Yes, she has survived breast cancer and MS, but she’s got excellent healthcare and no one in that house sits up at night wondering how they will pay the medical bills and replace Ann’s income while she’s undergoing treatment.
She’s out of touch, in her well cut red dress and the “Krugerand earrings”. (NotMax’s description; loved it.)
I agree with this.
Aren’t there rumors out there that Christie has health problems? Also, what happens if Christie loses his re-election bid next year? What the hell is he going to do for three years to stay in the public eye?
Are New Jerseyites really going to re-elect Christie? Is he really that popular?
The last time a fat man was POTUS, television hadn’t been invented.
@cmorenc: Christie would have a heart attack before finishing the primaries. He’s seriously out of shape. Saw him talking to Matt Lauer this morning and he couldn’t even sit on the stool/chair they had for him. He had to kind of prop himself up against it. Primaries are grueling and involve long days and lots of travel. I just don’t think he could do it.
J.D. Rhoades
Ann Romney: I want to talk about love.
Chris Christie: We don’t want to be loved, we want to be respected.
That’s an odd point to make for a politician. For a Mafioso, not so much.
mai naem
@Just Some Fuckhead: I am surprised somebody in the hall isn’t coming by and smacking Lawrence O’Donnell upside the head with a rolled up newspaper. He’s doing that truthiness thing that doesn’t go down well with the Republicans.
I love Al Sharpton on MSNBC. Chris Christie is the Ralph Cramden of the Repub Convention. I could never stand Al Sharpton in his previous incarnation but somebody very sharp at MSNBC saw something in Al Sharpton that I would have never seen.
@cmorenc: Christie is evil but at least he believes in it. Romney is just evil by default. If I’m going to vote for evil, I want fucking Cthulhu.
Mark S.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
You are killing tonight!
Matthews: “It was a barn burner!!! Only Mitt Romney didn’t like it!1111”
Now Chris Matthews is comparing him to Jackie Gleason.
Ooh, and a little Winston Churchill reference thrown in too.
Because everybody can relate to moving into your future husband’s family compound at age 17, to keep yourself out of circulation while your betrothed dodged the Vietnam draft in France.
Water balloon
CNN is loving this stuff. Erin Burnett was literally crying after Ann Romney’s speech.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Violet: He’s absolutely precious with his sky blue elastic waistband fatspants pulled up to his manboobs.
But this is interesting, Chris Matthews saying Mitt Romney reminds him of Prince Charles, visiting a strange culture. That Romney’s not a red meat Republican, like Christie.
That’s an inspired comment.
@Water balloon:
And CNN wonders why their ratings are at record lows.
Just Some Fuckhead
All she was missing in her box seat was the dangly lace handkerchief to express her approval or disapproval with the performers.
@Water balloon: Well of course Erin Burnett likes it. She’s rich and can relate to Ann Romney’s tales of “hardship.”
mai naem
@Water balloon: Erin Burnett also said it was okay for China to be sending over lead containing toys and melamine containing dog treats. Fcuk her with a baseball bat with no lube.
Chris Christie will probably have stomach bypass surgery and tell everybody he built his new body by himself with no help.
They’ve done a great job of making her look like she’s from Texas.
@Elizabelle: Chris Matthews has been hilarious today.
John King is drunk on the air again.
I hate this trend where TV sets, have to be set up, “in the crowd”…
I hate it in sports, and I hate it in news. I don’t want to watch a show where the people that are supposed to be talking, have to yell over the damn idiots in the background.
Stop it.
Move the sets to areas isolated from the great unwashed, so we can hear what you’re saying without you screaming, and pausing because people are heckling and distracting you.
Just Some Fuckhead
@mai naem:
“Working out with Paul Ryan”.
El Cid
@Elizabelle: I thought that was well put — Prince Charles visiting a tribe in New Guinea, Romney’s watching all this like some curious outsider.
Corner Stone
I’m envisioning a series of co-ed mud wrestling events across the tri-state area ala John Candy in Stripes.
So, on the whole, fail?
@mai naem:
He and Huckabee can go on tour together.
kd bart
Christie’s only comfort is that Pres. Clinton bombed his speech at the 1988 Democratic Convention.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Corner Stone:
Maybe a Sumo tour with Limbaugh?
@Corner Stone:
It’s a good thing I’m not eating right now. I think you just managed to gross out everyone in the thread.
Corner Stone
Tom Brokaw??….waiting to see
Mark S.
I think Christie would turn off a lot more voters with his personality than he would turn on. He comes across as an asshole.
Palate cleanser from one of the greatest keynote speeches ever made at a televised convention, Mario Cuomo’s address in 1984:
So many good things in that speech which still hold vital relevance. Well worth reading (or, better, viewing) in full again.
Christie’s speech was but a wan imitation.
kd bart
How surprising. Gregory and Brokaw liked it.
Corner Stone
@Mark S.: He is a complete asshole. That speech was one of the most career ending God awful debacles I have seen.
It’s like if Rick Perry tried to remember which division he would cut and just started telling people they were in for some hard truths.
Wow, am I glad I am not watching this.
@kd bart:
No surprise that Tweedledee and Tweedledum liked it. If there are any two more transparent, shallow villagers than Gregory or Brokaw, let me know.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Didn’t see Christie, caught a couple of minutes of Brokaw who seemed to have a Very Serious hard on over it.
TG Chicago
@J.D. Rhoades: I was thinking the same thing. Did nobody coordinate the Ann and Christie speeches?
I thought Ann Romney was alright, but… this was my first time seeing her, and I was told she was the super awesome charismatic one of the couple. Maybe she seems like she has a pulse compared to Mitt, but she was no better than adequate.
Both Mrs. Romney and Gov. Christie had some really weird moments in their speeches. The delivery struck me as fine, but not great. But in both cases, the content occasionally just got a bit offtrack.
I LOLed when Christie said that the Democrats plan is to be behind the wheel when we drive off the cliff. How on earth does that make sense? And Romney’s stuff about how women are more important than men? Bizarre overcompensation. If Michelle Obama said that, Republicans would be calling for her head.
I don’t care what Tom Brokaw has to say.
He’s uncompelling and offers no insightful analysis.
Either make me mad, make me think, or make me laugh. If you’re not doing any of those, what are you doing on my TV?
Hallelujah! I was out of contact with TV or the Internet for the ENTIRE FUCKING EVENING! wooohoooo!!!
Fuck you,
Joseph GoebbelsFrank Luntz! Your evil way with words holds no sway tonight!Just Some Fuckhead
@Mark S.:
I stayed up til 3AM this morning preparing; working on material, writing and rewriting.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Blissfully, Brokaw is nearly imcomprehensible at this late stage in his life.
kd bart
The amazing thing that you’ll learn at the RNC is that the US had no President from 1/20/2001 to 1/20/2009.
Brokaw is icing down his Christie chubby.
The man is such a useless font of beltway bromides mumbled in a self important manner it is just tiring.
Andrew Sullivan on Colbert now.
But Robert Gibbs talking about the very angry convention tonight. So true.
Gibbs does not think that Romney in 3 years has told anyone a “hard truth.” Has no idea why Christie was saying that.
“A very, very strange night.”
@kd bart:
The GOP hasn’t had a President since 1988, let them tell it.
Yeah, I wish Brokaw would just go narrate furniture commercials and nature documentaries.
He’s ridiculous as an analyst.
Gibbs needs a different haircut…
I keep glancing at the TV wondering why Tom Arnold is talking about politics.
@Elizabelle: Actually, I’ve watched Prince Charles visit other cultures and he manages to handle everything they throw at him graciously. He never showz embarrassment and he is never distant. And he and his late wife trained their kids to do the same.
The Mitts don’t measure up.
Why do you hate nature-lovers and people who are shopping for furniture?
Is there a country song about being a ” coal miner’s granddaughter?”
Just Some Fuckhead
Shouldn’t he be selling reverse mortgages to America’s Greatest Generation??
I don’t understand how Brokaw was ever a succesful anchor. He has a major speech impediment.
Selling whatever, Brokaw’s got a great voice and delivery.
Analyzing politics? No no no no no. He topped out at anchor.
Corner Stone
Santorum has had some plastic surgery done.
David Koch
@Water balloon:
CNN is still on the air? I thought they folded 15 years ago
@Corner Stone:
I think he got botoxed.
Corner Stone
Santorum hates Romney. It is so obvious and he’s not even trying.
Looks as if Santorum dipped into Boehner’s stash of bronzer.
TG Chicago
@DCLaw1: In my view, “fail” is a little strong, though I guess if they were trying to reach out to undecideds, I suppose it may well have failed.
I was expecting more from Ann Romney. I thought she was supposed to be pretty good as a speaker. I felt she was decent, but nothing at all special.
Christie had the “regular guy” thing going for him, but I’m not sure that’s what America wants in a President. He wasn’t terrible, but I don’t think he launched himself into the stratosphere either.
BTW, I’m talking solely on presence and delivery here. Obviously the content was terrible, but I’m a partisan, so they weren’t speaking to me. Then again, as I mentioned upthread, some content was pretty questionable even for people still making up their minds.
Shawn in ShowMe
I’m not interested in seeing the Romneys in the White House, but I am interested in seeing them in their own reality show. Or maybe a guest appearance on an established reality show, like Basketball Wives: “Girl, I told you not get into it with Little Miss Mormon. That bitch don’t play!”
@Corner Stone: @GregB:
Damn it, does this mean I have to turn the channel if I want to see how Santorum fucked himself up?
Is it bad? Please tell me it’s bad.
Give Brokaw a break. He’s just doin what he has to do to keep his Bush tax cuts. After all, he earned them.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Fred Dalton Thompson does that. (As does Henry Winkler and Robert Wagner.)
Ann Romney isn’t going to change any body’s mind. She is what she looks to be, the wife of a very rich man. She has very little in common with the majority of women in the U.S.A. She hasn’t had to work for a living, she hasn’t had to do without, she has had good medical, etc. What it boils down to, she has a horse which has better medical care than the majority of Americans & she has enough money to get a $77K tax deduction for the horse because its theoputic. Ya, right.
Unless you are a 1%ers you have nothing in common with Ann Romney & she woudn’t give you the time of day, if it weren’t for the fact she is trying to get votes for her husband.
Corner Stone
@spiffy: It’s not Joan Rivers bad or anything, but it’s clearly obvious. And he has quite the healthy tan now as well.
@Shawn in ShowMe
Lifestyles of the Rich and Fatuous?
Corner Stone
If I were with that woman on the car commercial and we were talking about going to Bora Bora? Driving a damn car would have zero to do with anything at all.
J.D. Rhoades
@TG Chicago:
But see, if Michelle Obama said it, it’d be threatening. They know Ann’s just joshing. You can tell by her little giggles. It’s really the man who is supreme. It’s literally an article of faith.
dance around in your bones
@Corner Stone: Those aren’t pillows!
Oh, wait – that was Planes, Trains, and you could land an aircraft carrier on those shoulders.
J.D. Rhoades
But they ate tuna casserole, and had to sell some of Daddy’s AMC stock to pay Mitt’s way through college!
@TG Chicago: Thanks. Yeah, that’s what I was wondering primarily: could tonight do anything to meaningfully move the needle for R&R. I didn’t watch any of it, just couldn’t. But it sounds like it was a combination of bitter and thematically confused (in addition to being stuffed to the gills with lies, but lies can be effective if sold as part of a coherent narrative).
3 cheers for Andrew Sullivan:
“I was just wrong to think the Republican party would have the good grace to work with an incoming president.
…They set out to destroy this guy from the get go, which is why re-electing [is so important]”
Says GOP is even nuttier than 4 years ago.
“If you really want to cut the debt, you’ve got to have compromise, and the one thing Romney and Ryan won’t do is compromise …”
pseudonymous in nc
Again, Francine Romney.
Colbert: “You’ve got an English accent, but that doesn’t make you a conservative.”
Andrew just called Piers Morgan something they bleeped out.
You must catch this on re-broadcast.
And I maintain that there’s next to nothing Mitt can do in his own speech to close the likability gap or make the positive case for himself. Too boxed in by Obama campaign characterizations, longstanding public perceptions, the self-imposed vagueness of his candidacy, and his utterly uninspiring public speaking skills.
And in just a few days, the Obama campaign juggernaut will roar in with its trademark gleaming presentation, ending with its most powerful weapon: Obama himself. The sum total will be that it is something vs. nothing, and that even if you are disappointed in the something, you feel absolutely nothing for the nothing. Unless you are hellbent on seeing Obama defeated.
Corner Stone
@dance around in your bones:
I love the smell of musk in the morning. It smells like…victory!
Corner Stone
Ok, who’s taking bets? I’m saying Mitt uses the phrase “our country” at least twice in his speech.
Corner Stone
Ann Romney is just as robotic in public as her husband.
Anyone who says differently has never seen her.
“They were turned on by Romney’s wife”
Matthews, going pure id.
@mai naem:
I agree. I like Prince Charles, and think he’s a class act.
There’s something vulnerable about him, too.
But Matthew’s example fit watching Romney watch Christie.
@dance around in your bones:
How’d you like to be sitting in the back of one of those small, packed-to-the-gills regional airjets and see that fat fuck waddling down the aisle as the last passenger to board?
I’d be scrambling like a monkey trying to find that In-Flight magazine that lists all the planes in the fleet and their specs—frantically trying to calculate max takeoff weight—and hoping to god for that 20% redundancy that engineers always talk about.
dance around in your bones
@Corner Stone:
Whut, like this?
Seriously, I think you could land an aircraft carrier on each of Christie’s shoulders.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
pseudonymous in nc
According to the Twitters, he called him a twat. Which is a little bit politer than Stephen Fry, who defined “countryside” as the act of murdering Piers Morgan.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@pseudonymous in nc: Hah! I’m only vaguely aware of who Piers Morgan is. People seem to dislike him.
dance around in your bones
I’d volunteer for the emergency exit seat.
(“Sure, just give me the spiel, I’ll make sure everybody gets out ok….yeah, that’s the ticket!”)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Probably because he’s a Murdoch tool who was knee-deep in the hacking scandal yet seems to have emerged unscathed.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@spiffy: ah, that explains why he was hired by the network that does “real journalism”
Just Some Fuckhead
@cbear: I’d say, “Hey! Waitress! Can I get my peanuts *now*?!”
@Corner Stone: And I thought it was just me!
@Just Some Fuckhead: I’d be telling all the flight attendants that I smelled something burning and was pretty sure I saw some flames coming out of one of the engines.
Ann Romney didn’t give a great speech, but it was still probably the best speech of the night Chris Christie was flat and boring.
Worst speech: Ted Cruz. Foregoing the podium for a TED like motivational speaker role, it was a silly speech, accented by flailing his arms around and pacing about the stage, and was not telegenic at all. Thankfully for the GOP, it didn’t air anywhere except on C-SPAN.
This has been a fun convention so far. Looking forward to Paul Ryan tomorrow.
A billboard on the New Jersey Turnpike.
@pseudonymous in nc:
I would be willing to give Stephen Fry a special dispensation to use the “C” word. Him, no one else.
I know he would only use it when absolutely necessary, and use it to its most devastating effect.
Another Halocene Human
@JWR: Christie is a joke who was never funny.
Another Halocene Human
@Corner Stone: actually: arbitrarily fire any teacher who dares to teach evolution or makes the kids turn in work to get a passing grade or who doesn’t get along with the principal. Teachers who do not go along with the principle’s fads are counterrevolutionaries and Troskyites who will be tried, unpersoned, and shipped to Yuma to work in the picking fields.
I don’t understand how Brokaw was ever a succesful anchor. He has a major speech impediment.
You mean the fact that he can open his mouth and make stupid noises?
A billboard on the New Jersey Turnpike.
Are they going to paste ads on his ass and make him stand still?
He’s big enough but all the barfing by the people driving by might be a traffic hazard.
Oh, you were serious?
No Ann, you vapid, self-absorbed twit, you do not love me. If you did, you wouldn’t shill for your creep of a husband who thinks it’s just fine to make a rape victim carry to term the spawn of her rapist.
Ann, you are a disgusting, self-entitled, pandering, phony. Now please do us woman a favor and go straight to hell.
I’m incredibly late here, but yes. I was struck by how much of it was us vs them. There was no “we” in the sense that we are all one country. Divisive & wanting it that way.
kd bart
CNN stopped doing real journalism somewhere around the time Bernie Shaw retired.