Sitting next to ABL in the nosebleed seats in the Arena. No liveblogging, but we are doing that twitter thang.
*** update ***
Kal Penn endorses the John Cole pants free election.
This post is in: Because of wow., Election 2012
Sitting next to ABL in the nosebleed seats in the Arena. No liveblogging, but we are doing that twitter thang.
*** update ***
Kal Penn endorses the John Cole pants free election.
Comments are closed.
It’s ok. DougJ’s got the liveblogging covered.
Comrade Mary
Don’t tease us with promises of fist fights and passing references of nosebleeds without delivering. Can’t you at least link to some YT footage of hockey fights?
Robin G.
Very envious. We need a full on-blog summary later, even if John+15 is writing it.
Just Some Fuckhead
Start a USA chant, John.
dude. dude, you are on a road trip with two super hot and spicy individuals. girls love guys that are hanging out with other pretty girls. abl and the companion should be able to get you hooked up with some cutie there.
go for it.
What have you ruffians done with Heather?
Do they have the “PEANUTS!” guy walking around?
Are you wearing khakis and one of your new shirts-the gray one?
Cuz I think I just saw you cheering Rahmbo.
Comrade Jake
Lots of crowd shots on the teepee. This convention looks quite a bit different than the RNC. I don’t know what it is. Just can’t quite put my finger on it…
Check your pits before you participate in the wave, Cole.
Also, bet you can get a paper airplane to the stage.
@eldorado: If you can’t get laid at the DNC, you can’t get laid.
Comrade Jake
Teevee. Damn autocorrect.
@becca: Or is it Rhambo?
Whatever, I still think it was Cole on PBS.
@MikeJ: not casting stones. but mister cole is stepping out, and should not waste this opportunity.
Just Some Fuckhead
John, Kal Penn just did a shoutout to you:
You don’t even have to put pants on!
Rita R.
Kal Penn just gave you a shout-out John — “You don’t even have to put your pants on!!”
Tweet more abuse at Andrew Sullivan, please.
Comrade Mary
Rita R.
Darn, beaten to it.
? Martin
I’m guessing Cole has that 130 decibel voice in him. I wanna hear a ‘TUNCH!’ during one of these speeches. Cal Penn’s would have been ideal, but I’ll take one of the later ones.
Omnes Omnibus
Craig Robinson is one seriously fucking tall dude.
So when Barack Obama deep throats the RIAA/MPAA robber barons and the Wall Street crime lords and the military-surveillance-torture complex, we’d all like to know:
Or spit?
Comrade Mary
Caps lock off now. It’s OK, don’t call the paramedics.
Aww. Siblings talking now!
hep kitty
yahoo article: One Person Who’s Better Off Under President Obama: Mitt Romney
Tim F.
Whoever at NPR decided to balance out their commentary team with Matthew Continetti should just resign. WTF, Michelle Malkin was busy?
hep kitty
yahoo article: One Person Who’s Better Off Under President Obama: Mitt Romney
@eldorado: @MikeJ: This x100
Culture of Truth
Lilly Fucking Ledbetter!
Just Some Fuckhead
Whoa, Lily Ledbetter is an actual person??
The Dangerman
Hey, nice Pubes!
/suddenly craving White Castle
@Tim F.:
I have never wanted to punch someone in the throat as much as that asshole. And I only heard him for 10 minutes on my drive home from work.
John Cole, ahead of the curve as always. No Pants 2012!
Omnes Omnibus
@Culture of Truth: I never knew her middle name before.
Kal’s adorable and funny. Watching on CSPN and yes it’s much better. And aren’t the Dems so much looser and happier than the GOP!?? OBAMA BIDEN 2012!
Culture of Truth
Love her accent
@Culture of Truth: That ain’t no accent, dawg.
General Stuck
Lily is kicken ass. And she ain’t from New York.
“Making sure our economy works for everybody”
Loving it.
@Culture of Truth: True grit. Looks like an Obama supporter. She a Dem? She should run for something, dammit.
Just Some Fuckhead
Oh lord, I just saw Terry McAuliffe. Tell me that slimy fucker isn’t speaking.
Tim F.
To be fair, I suppose they were afraid that Malkin might bite someone.
Brian R.
Lily Ledbetter just stomped on Mitt Romney’s balls. Hard.
OMG, Lilly is divisive.
LOL! I remember thinking back to an ancient era when there seemed to be no difference between the parties, so who did it matter who you voted for. Did I dream this?
Lilly Ledbetter is Kicking ASS !!!!
Culture of Truth
“23 cents may not sound like much when you have a Swiss bank account”
@eldorado: Guys are also envious about JC hanging out with two hot-looking and witty women. What could be better?
Oh my gosh, Lily Ledbetter was awesome. Awesome!!
@Just Some Fuckhead: I was hoping that was just a wharf rat in the hall.
Culture of Truth
Deval Patrick:
“Are you fucked up?!?”
wait, what?
Linda Featheringill
@Culture of Truth:
She doesn’t have a classic speaking voice and manner but she moved several women to tears and many more to shouts of approval.
Good for you, Lily!
@Culture of Truth: I got material for every family reunion from now until 2016.
Shawn in ShowMe
I have no doubt that Mrs. Ledbetter could break Chuck Norris over her knee. Seventy-four year old Amazon warrior queen.
Just Some Fuckhead:
Nah, Macauliffe is just gonna project his thoughts into the audience with his vampiric mind-talking skill.
Sucking blood has its advantages, apparently.
Omnes Omnibus
“A lot more interested in having the job than doing the job.”
Lily Ledbetter reminds me of the local Dem GOTV coordinator when I was in HS. Same accent, same drive, same self confidence. Things didn’t get done, she’d kick ass and take names, believe me. Need more people like that our there.
Edit: almost forgot: same sass!
@General Stuck: She rocked it! The SO listened to her speech and said she should have been put in prime time (he previously had no concrete idea what the LL Act did beyond “equal pay for women”). I admit it’s hard to imagine topping her.
Too bad she can’t run for office. Well, she could, but being from Alabama…I’m sure it’s going to be slim pickings there.
Just Some Fuckhead
John can marry Tunch in Massachusetts, apparently.
“More interested in having the job than doing the job”–Deval knows the RMoney agenda, he does.
Oh yes, glad I was a volunteer for Deval–he’s grown into the job, just as Barack has :-)
Deval Patrick is cracking skulls.
Omnes Omnibus
@Just Some Fuckhead: No one said anything about man on cat.
I want to marry Gov Deval Patrick.
Robin G.
I’m ready to vote for Deval Patrick for anything he asks for.
Culture of Truth
“It’s time for Democrats to grow a backbone and stand up for what we believe!”
well sure, but he’s from Massachusetts.
So who knew Kal Penn reads this blog lol no pants !!
S. Holland
@Violet: Awesome! 23 cents in my head forever!!!
Deval Patrick lighting it up on the stage right now. A potential 2016 contender?
Just Some Fuckhead
Now THIS is a fucking speech.
dead existentialist
Patrick is on fire.
Deval Patrick has ’em going now! Stand up for the President and what we believe! Yeah!
Wow. ‘It’s time for Democrats to stand up and grow a backbone.’
Just wow. My home state governor. I hope he can be my president one day.
The show. It has been stolen.
S. Holland
General Stuck
wow. Duval is on fire, maybe this convention can finally get the dem party out of the Reagan inspired crouch of fear it’s been in for such a long long time.
Old Dan and Little Ann
Forget it, he’s rolling.
dead existentialist
Patrick is on fire.
Deval ate his Wheaties today. Damn!
Wow, just look at that crowd. Looks like America. A beautiful multi-hued America. That’s my country!
Comrade Jake
I think Patrick just gave Romney the people’s elbow.
Paul W.
Holy shit Deval Patrick is a boss! I’m gonna rewatch this speech tomorrow.
Culture of Truth
Those 7 year-olds are already way ahead of the tea party
Deval Patrick..I am in love. Holy cow he is awesome.
Lily & Deval kickin’ ass and takin’ names. It’s because of strong and fair-minded people like them that I am a hardcore Democrat. Four more tears!
Just Some Fuckhead
It takes a Devallage.
Deval Patrick is giving me chills. He’s awesome!
Old Dan and Little Ann
Governor Deval was on roll.
Omnes Omnibus
Now that was a speech.
General Stuck
@General Stuck:
Deval, idiot.
dead existentialist
Oh my. I need a cigarette after that.
Poor O’Malley.
Robin G.
I just threw my panties at the TV. Wow. Speech of the night, and I think we’ve seen damn good speeches.
Okay, THAT was a speech.
The fact that David Brooks is whining about it on PBS suggests it was really good.
Comrade Mary
Oh, yeah. I think I’m going out to buy a package of cigarettes now.
Wow. Just wow.
Just Some Fuckhead
Sucks to be O’Malley and have to follow THAT.
Culture of Truth
“What does ‘creed’ mean?”
GOP: “That black guy who beat Rocky?”
I feel bad for O’Malley having to follow that. I hope he’s got a barn burner.
This election is so O V E R.
Oh to be a fly on the wall in Boston watching this explosion of energy. Second only to watching the real time reaction to Clint.
Our future president, Martin O’Malley.
Driving around in Maryland and seeing all the Obama signs and bumperstickers does my heart good.
Culture of Truth
O’Malley reminds me of my insurance salesman
Comrade Mary
And now the guy from Maryland gets to spread some nice, bland mayo all over things.
I know the Netroots (or at least Kos) is pretty high on O’Malley, but he’s got an awfully hard act to follow. I don’t care that he’s got signs in the stands helping him out with this. “Forward, not back” doesn’t do it.
Deval Patrick crushed it tonight.
Oh, dear. This “Forward, Not Back” thing is silly.
@Culture of Truth:
I figured it out
I figured it out
With a pencil and a pad I figured it out!
Seven and a half cents doesn’t buy a hell of a lot,
Seven and a half cents doesn’t mean a thing!
But give it to me every hour,
Forty hours every week,
And that’s enough for me to be living like a king!
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
Deval Patrick, Lilly Ledbetter, and little Zoe’s mom, in three speeches, are about as stark a contrast as you can get to the horseshit in Tampa. I’m not sure how many people will see any of those speeches, but they’re about as powerful a rebuttal as you can get.
Robin G.
Oh, Martin. Shaddup and sit down. You’ve been schooled.
Deval Patrick brought his A game. Terrific speaker, who connects.
Just Some Fuckhead
America will never elect an Irishman.
Comrade Mary
Call and response by white people makes me want to genuflect and eat pasty bread bits. Pass.
Patricia Kayden
All the speakers at the DNC are so good that I am really looking forward to President Obama’s speech. Nice to see diversity among the speakers and in the audience.
gogol's wife
Patrick was incredible. I never saw him before (heard of him, of course). This kind of reminds me of Obama’s ’04 speech, but feistier, less poetic. Very good. I can’t watch much of this, it’s too rich for my blood, but that cheered me up.
Shawn in ShowMe
Martin O’Malley apparently is the host of a new game show “Forward Not Back.” I’ll take Mitt’s Swiss Bank Accounts for $500, Martin.
Culture of Truth
“Yes, we are all individuals!”
O’Malley is better at the one-on-one interviews rather than speechifying.
You all realize that you cannot have one electric speaker after another?
Deval made Rahm look like an amateur
Robin G.
This is an awful speech. I really hate O’Malley, and I pray to God I won’t be forced to vote for him.
@Violet: A little back and forth chant at a convention is good, silly or not. Get people fired up and ready to go. Too bad he started slow and undersold the Old Line story.
I’ll take it. good speeches tonight overall so far. Better than the competition.
Wadda people want, and empty chair, or some ‘ample’ stingy shouty guy fluffing himself for 2016?
O’Malley just described the Bush presidency–“when being a woman was a pre-existing condition”–someone had to do it, after all, since RMoney was running from it. So thanks, gov!
@Violet: As a Marylander, that was painful. Mrs. P fast-forwarded through it.
Culture of Truth
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: It was a workman-like performance. If he weren’t following Deval Patrick, it would have come off better.
@mclaren: Go away you disgusting little creep.
? Martin
I have to admit, aside from the first-time speakers being a bit (understandably) unpolished, this has been much more solid than I was expecting. Lily really brought it in a way that Patrick and Penn and O’Malley can’t. They all gave great speeches, but Lily personifies the issue in a way that the others can’t.
O Malley was trying for inspiration. He’s better with scary straight-faced intensity.
@raven: thank you. Listen to the wise Raven. Everyone can’t be the big charismatic star. Everyone pitches in, does what they can. We R Dems.
What do you want? the GOP convention was last week. You didn’t tune in for drama queens, prima donas, and self promoters, you snoozed and you losed.
@Omnes Omnibus:
The Dems have a deep bench. 2016 is going to be a free-for-all.
Just Some Fuckhead
I recognize this guy from Menudo.
@Comrade Mary:
I did like the card stunt visuals of the FORWARD signs popping up and then the NOT BACK (though they only had it sync’d a couple of times in the middle for some reason).
Julian has an amazing smile. Reminds me of the President.
Comrade Jake
Wow Jimmy Smits has lost weight.
If that speech sticks, Deval has to be considered as a serious contender, if he wants it, for 2016.
Julian is not lighting it up so far.
Culture of Truth
holy fuck, what if this guy could carry Texas in a national election?
Shawn in ShowMe
What the hell got into Deval? He was Larry Holmes at the 2008 convention. He was Muhammad Ali tonight.
Faux News
@Poopyman: Same here. I hope our Gov. O’Malley gets a wonderful appointment under President Obama’s second term. US ambassador to Ireland would be great. That way LT Gov. Anthony Brown could be our next Gov and move on up from there!
Point being! What a choice we have this election – could it be any starker? Progress, or Regression? Choose, America!
This is why Chuck Todd earns the big bucks:
Spaghetti Lee
I know it’s easy to get caught up in the emotion of it all, but man, it sure seems like there’s been one home run after another tonight.
Some speakers have been better than others, but it seems like they’re all owning and embracing what it means to be a liberal and a Democrat. No running towards the middle. Must be why Bobo and Sullivan are so bummed out.
“It’s paying off”–“Yes it is!”
This guy kinda sucks
@Baud: Tweet posted at GOS:
The Democratic party bench is so deep every candidate has a twin ready to go in their place. Deal with it.
Ha ha! Joke about borrowing money from your parents. Excellent.
@Culture of Truth:
Stand up for what we believe! Torture, kidnapping of American citizens, murder of children without accusing ’em of committing a crime, warrantless wiretapping of all American citizens, groping and frisking of Americans everywhere they go without charging them with a crime, unlimited GET OUT OF JAIL FREE cards for every Wall Street crime lord and endless monopoly rights for every greedy corrupt ISP and medical industrial monopoly and big pharma company and bribe-taking doctor.
Just Some Fuckhead
He’s better when the rest of the band is harmonizing with him.
If it’s all electric, people get too tired too quickly and stop listening.
@? Martin:
Lily has direct experience. That matters.
Old Dan and Little Ann
Me and Julian down by the schoolyard.
fleeting expletive
Julian Castro is gorgeous! His twin brother is too, but I think they are fraternal twins. I’m enjoying the C-SPAN coverage.
@Baud: Any comment – hell, EVERY comment in this thread is more cogent than Chucky fucking Todd’s pronouncements.
Oh, snap, nice setup on Romneycare.
Fluke bucket
@Robin G.: LOL! Thanks. I can go to bed now.
Patricia Kayden
Loving Julian Castro’s speech.
Glad word went around to always remind people that Romney is a good man, an honorable man, no one comes to damn him… Just totally wrong about everything is all.
I think Castro’s doing really well. He’s sort of in his body, responding to the crowd. Not a barn burner but what he’s doing — he’s holding the crowd, they’re listening — is hugely hard, I think.
Okay, it’s not fair to other speakers that they got to go after Deval Patrick.
You should get a job on Fox News. They love people like you.
@ChrisNYC: Yeah, he’s comfortable up there. And he’s GORGEOUS. Easy on the eyes is always good.
Mark B.
Castro is pretty good. I can see him on a national ticket some day.
@mclaren: I’m not sure if you’re trolling, satirizing, or just being an asshole, but go fuck off.
Culture of Truth
@mclaren: You forgot lying. Oh wait, that’s just you.
General Stuck
In other news
Aroldis Chapman is Gawd!! Reds!!
? Martin
@Culture of Truth: Texas will be a Dem state within 8 years either way, but yeah, he’s hot shit. If he can pull a national campaign together in 4 years (a tall order for a mayor, btw) he’ll carry the state. The only thing Texas needs is latino turnout.
Spaghetti Lee
You didn’t call Obama a whore this time. Points off for that.
Okay, now he’s building the energy. I’m getting chills from this speech. This kid has a future!
Obomney care back handed compliments have little Toddler flumoxed?
Kick ass sassy tough as nails blond Southern lady scare him? Todd doing quick ball checks, what?
OK now he’s a little more comfortable.
Comrade Jake
Ignore mclaren. The dude who takes a dump in the punch bowl is not there to make friends.
Judging by the reactions on this thread, Castro should have given this speech without pants (or as we like to say, a la Cole).
@Violet: Yes, gorgeous. Big fan of the 40s hair, all slicked.
This crowd is going to have collective coronary when Michelle steps out. Pumped.
Bill E Pilgrim
> I think Castro’s doing really well.
I agree.
I was worried that the headline from tonight would be about a large-boned man on stage arguing with an empty cat. Wearing no pants. And the man wasn’t either.
Robin G.
I think I’d like Castro a lot more if I wasn’t still having Patrick aftershocks.
Was that a marathon cut, just then?
@mclaren: Trolling or a weak attempt at satire?
Hard to tell without the tags.
@Baud: @PsiFighter37: She’s off her meds again. Per thang. She’s not usually much for the homophobia though.
Comrade Jake
So how cute is his daughter?
Deval already went? Do they replay this stuff?
Culture of Truth
Castro was sensational. Shut it down!
Shawn in ShowMe
“My mom fought hard for civil rights so I instead of a mop, I could hold this microphone.”
Nicely played, Julian.
Castro started slow, but he finished strong. Good speaker.
@General Stuck:
The Dems are telling a story for three nights. This is great.
It’s about smarts, experience, know how and caring about the people of this country.
Grumpy Code Monkey
Patrick was a firecracker, but Castro’s getting the job done.
And yeah, deep frickin’ bench for 2016. And not just deep, but young. These guys are going to be around for a while.
I’ll see your Rubio and raise you two Castros. He had a good connection by the end.
This is making me anxious to see President Obama open a can of whoop-ass on R-money in the upcoming debates. Same for Biden giving Ryan Popeye’s old twisker punch.
Just like a car. D to go forward, R to go back.
Julian! Julian!
Who was the guy from Ohio that was first off, ahead of the ex-gov of Kansas?
I thought that was a hellofa speech he gave. That was what Dems should have been saying all weekend when asked the BS question about “are we better off?”
mai naem
Colbert and Stewart are going to have fun with that little girl twirling her hair.
El Cid
Castro gave a good speech, but it was written by his secret father Fidel and sent via Kenya to his teleprompter.
Castro got better towards the end. That said, it is going to be hard beating what Deval laid on the convention tonight.
Well, unless Michelle crushes it.
Brian R.
So .. Patrick 2016, Castro 2024? Sound good?
dead existentialist
I wasn’t going to watch any of this, but, man, am I glad that I took a look-see. Most of this has been inspiring.
And now Her Awesomeness is up next.
I need a towel . . . .
Let’s say you’re right about every complaint you make. Do you think Romney will approach even one of those issues in a way we’d agree is an improvement? Even you must realize Obama is at worst the lesser evil. Try to focus. You only get to choose one. One of them will be president. When you fail to vote for Obama you’re voting for Romney.
Take your medication, please.
@Grumpy Code Monkey:
And they’re making thier points credibly (i.e. telling the fvcking TRUTH!)
Suck on it, Goppers!
Culture of Truth
This is Day One? Criminy!!
I think C-Span will do a rebroadcast.
@El Cid: Not until it was approved by the Imam and checked against Marx
mai naem
@Schlemizel: Ted Strickland. I can’t remember he either lost the governors or senate race. He was the governor. He’s almost as good as Sherrod Brown.
@Grumpy Code Monkey: Gotta love how the Dems talent spot and raise people up. I mean, GOPers had 8 years with GWB and pfft. Pulled up the ladders. And that’s how you end up with Dick Armey running your “new” movement.
@Baud: I hate to be the Chuck Todd defender, but that’s not a horrible observation. A bit shallow, especially for those already in the know, but your typical NBC viewer is an idiot and has no idea what’s actually happening in the world.
“It’s a relay, not a sprint”–yes, we build it together, work together, Mr RMoney.
Oh yes, yay CSPAN!
I see what you did there.
I am trying to do my duty and watch the convention, but Bob Schieffer is breaking my balls. Seriously. Balls. Breakin’ ’em.
P.S. Eclare, working on an e-mail to you!
El Cid
I thought Michelle killed it in 2008. And my god she was hot.
Culture of Truth
eye of the tiger!!
@plaindave: Her vote shall be pure. She’ll vote for Jill Stein/Willard. Because only by disaster can true progressive purity arise!
Fair enough, except it was a tweet. Maybe there are a lot of uninformed people who follow Todd’s tweets, but I’m doubtful.
@mai naem: Yeah! His delivery needs work but he had some great lines
“Mitt Romney never saw the point of building something when he could profit from tearing it down.”
“Barack Obama is betting on the American worker. Mitt Romney is betting on a Bermuda shell corporation.”
“Barack Obama saved the American auto industry. Mitt Romney saved on his taxes.”
“Barack Obama is an economic patriot. Mitt Romney is an outsourcing pioneer.”
@mclaren: You see, people? Clint Eastwood’s not the only one fighting Invisble Imaginary Obama.
Like I’ve mentioned earlier, I don’t do sports but when comparing conventions, this is like a blowout against a team you just can’t stand. They can put in injured reserves and still rack up the points.
F Mitt Romney for his shltty-ass “fire the coach” spew.
Mitt will do to the country what Shrubya did to his ball team.
Culture of Truth
@Narcissus: He came. He rocked. He went. Vini Rocky Vinci
General Stuck
The emotional tone of this convention first night is absolutely spot on.
TaMara (BHF)
Cole just tweeted he got his picture taken with Reggie Love. Damn. Hot damn. [[fans self]]
He needs to post that.
@Baud: i would assume uninformed and follower of Todd’s tweet was a tautology
Brian R.
Hey, remember when Republicans tried to make Michelle Obama this scary America-hating harpy?
Yeah, nice try, assclowns.
Burn! A mom with 5 kids, most of whom are already serving. Wow! Just wow.
Mitt…how are your spawn “serving” their country again?
@Elizabelle: thanks
Yowza! Michelle! HAWT!
Great intro from the military mom.
Ash Can
Did I hear right — FLOTUS is speaking tonight too? I saw in an earlier post that Cole got spiffed up for the occasion. For the most glamorous and brilliant First Lady this nation has quite probably ever had? He’d damn well better!
Omnes Omnibus
Nice dress.
Brian R.
I really wasn’t going to watch much of this, but daaaaamn, the Democrats have been bringing the high heat tonight. Wow.
I shouldn’t be having inappropriate thoughts about a First Lady. I really shouldn’t.
Uh oh. No sleeves. Reagan respected the office so much he never even removed his jacket (except when he did).
Why does Michelle hate America?
(she’s so pretty and so sweet and so smart – must drive the neo-Klan crazy)
Damn Michelle is so beautiful. Every time I see her I am struck by her beauty.
@Culture of Truth:
well, “rocked” does not translate well so I went with “ruled”
as best my HS Latin can do:
venit. dominatus. vicit.
He came, he ruled, he conquered
El Cid
What? Teachers will work without pay? Hell, yes, let’s do it!
mai naem
I don’t mean to sound shallow but Michelle’s hotter than Ann Romney. And I ain’t even going to mean girl. And, oh yeah, Ms. Obama did not have to do a stupid “we looove you women!!!”
@Omnes Omnibus: Given the Midwestern penchant for understatement, I assume you are sweating right now? :)
Ash Can
@TaMara (BHF): Whoa Nellie! That’s one for the family album, all right!
Grumpy Code Monkey
Just have to say, if you can’t be there live, C-SPAN is the one and only way to go for this. I don’t think I could deal with needless “commentary” from professional stenographers.
God Michelle is gorgeous. And funny.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: I could also have just said. “Damn.”
I dunno, she don’t look like no first lady to I ever seen before, if you know what I mean . . . and I bet you do
Those Robinson parents really kicked ass all over the United States. I mean, normal people and they raise TWO really successful kids. Should write a book!
General Stuck
Stop it Michelle, you’re making this fake general to go all misty eye.
dead existentialist
“They didn’t begrudge success . . . ” Sweet!
“We learned that truth matters.”
She just her hubby re-elected. God bless her.
Mark B.
Michelle’s speech is heartfelt, but a little low energy after Patrick and Castro.
Watching Michelle Obama. She is a natural public speaker. Of course, it helps that she is also seriously photogenic but mainly because we are hearing a serious intellect and a very articulate one at that. I only hope she doesn’t upstage Prez. :)
Culture of Truth
Current speaker is so beautiful. Is she married?
Oh, right.
Deval Patrick not only hit it out of the park, he dinged Romney’s limo in the parking lot.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mark B.: I am watching C-span. What are you watching?
Mark B.
I don’t understand. Shouldn’t they have a crazy old guy talking to an empty chair?
Culture of Truth
Yes but energy is not the same as effectiveness. Castro was fantastic, but Michelle gets you on an emotional level.
“The quiet moments, late at night.”
@Mark B.: It’s not really the place for the first lady to be a firebreather. She’s hit a home run tonight.
Mark B.
@Omnes Omnibus: Msnbc: she’s gaining momentum. It’s a good speech, I just felt it was a slow start.
@Mark B.:
Watch for “Furniture Thursday.”
Mark B.
@MikeJ: Agreed
General Stuck
@Mark B.:
It is the FLOTUS roll to deliver ‘heartfelt’, and to humanize Barack. There is also steel in Michelle to go with the positive vibes.
Culture of Truth
There, you see what I’m talking about
Robin G.
God she’s good.
Lord Jesus Perm
Wow at Michele Obama’s speech.
That’s all I can say right now.
Well so far. In the battle of Day 1s, the democrats win by several orders of magnitude.
I wasn’t keen on the tune in the background when she exited. Don’t know what I’d prefer though.
I have to admit that I thought that the GOP had accomplished the seemingly impossible at making an inanimate wooden object seem human, and, of course, I’m speaking of the Chair. Tonight I dust off and proudly plant the 2008 Obama/Biden yard sign that I’ve been saving for this occasion.
Sorry Chair. You were good, but Michelle, holy guacamole….and a guy named Castro, dio mio, were gooder. I’m sure that you’ll do OK. Bootstraps etc., etc. See ya in 2016.
Watched it from open to close. This how Democrats should have been in 2010 and it is awesome to watch. I predict a real convention bounce.
Wasn’t sure about watching the whole night but I’m glad I did. (Thanks to arguingwithsignposts I switched to cspan and the livestream was very good.)
Michelle’s speech was great.
Deval Patrick rocked.
Julian Castro is a comer. He was very good and got better as he went. As was his brother. I wish I could vote for them both. (I can’t stand Andrew Cuomo…)
Lily Ledbetter and the military mother were great.
On another thread I said I loved the diversity of the Democrats and all the stuff they were wearing. It was some crowd.
JR in WV
I agree with your description totally but don’t feed the trolls,
it just gives them an egoboo to do it again.
Go out tomorrow and volunteer to phone bank for Obama and a Democratic candidate for congress!