Sister Simone Campbell from the Nuns On The Bus–I learned in a (relatively liberal) Catholic school, that you don’t mess with the Nuns. They’ll fuck you up.
Governor Jack Markell, Delaware speaking now. This guy needs public speaking training.
Don’t know who this is. She’s doing great, though at 8:00 PM CT
Small Businessman, Bill Butcher talking about the American Recovery Act, 8:05 PM CT
Kamala Harris, CA Attorney General, 8:07 PM CT
And now a video about the DREAM Act, 8:13 PM CT
Benita Velez, of San Antonio, TX 8:14 PM CT
Cristina Saralegui, hispanic TV personality, 8:20 PM CT “Romney would turn Medicare into a book of coupons”
Austin Wiggan, Founder and retired CEO of Carmax Incorporated. 8:27 PM CT
Video about the Auto Industry bailout, 8:30 PM CT
Karen Somebodyorother, 2nd generation Auto Worker from Ohio, 8:32 PM CT
Bob Kane, President, UAW, 8:35 PM CT
It looks like Sandra Fluke got pre-empted. Charles Johnson just pointed out that she was supposed go ahead of the auto bail out thing.
Republicans and the Debt–Rep.Chris VanHollen, going after Paul Ryan hammer and tongs. 8:52 PM CT
They just brought out victims of Bain Capital. Fucking AWESOME! “What I fault Romney for is for making money without a moral compass.” “Romney and his partners shut our company down.” “When Romney and Bain took over the mill, they loaded it up with millions of debt.”
Sandra Fluke, 9:00 PM CT Standing Ovation. Three standing ovations.
Jim Sinegal, Founder and CEO of Costco, 9:08 PM CT
Elizabeth Warren, 9:15PM CT
First Night of the conventions viewership goes to DNC. 4 million more than RNC.
Paul Ryan requested Obamacare cash for his district.
Randy P
Just for that extra does of schadenfreude, has anyone seen any TV ratings comparing the two conventions?
Hey soonergrunt, I know you just post and don’t run the place, but could you ask JC about adding a next and previous post link at the bottom of the page? Certainly make it easier to tell when a new thread comes up.
I love this nun.
@Randy P: Saw on Twitter that DNC has HUGE lead by the numbers over RNC
And that’s with Pro Football tonight. GO BRONCOS!
nothing new to say, just wanted to be a part of the new thread.
also, still pissed cole is MIA on convention coverage.
so there
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
@Randy P: Supposedly 26 million watched the first night for Dems, vs 22 million for Repubs, but I’m assuming that’s just the 10:00 hour rather than the whole thing.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Wow, I’m glad I turned this on to catch Sister Simone. The better angel of my nature hopes that Timmeh Dolan’s fat-coated heart doesn’t explode at the sound of this obstreperous woman talking about feeding the poor and comforting the sick.
1st night of DNC bests RNC in TV ratings race:
I love her! Fantastic speech.
NPR remarked that one of the big differences between the RNC and the DNC is that there are a bunch of kids @ the DNC.
He had no idea why (or so he said).
I’d hazard a guess that most parents would be hesitant to bring their kids to a place where there might be a bunch of concealed weapons.
Suffern ACE
I will not give up this thread for the similarly named thread that has stomped on it. No one likes a bully.
@Suffern ACE: No one likes a bully who doesn’t read his own blog.
@arguingwithsignposts: Cole hungover maybe?
The governor of Delaware is not knocking it out of the park.
This is possibly the most unsurprising sentence ever written in English.
@Suffern ACE: And yet, this thread shall live on.
Srsly, the only reason I made a new one was to make room for the live blogging. I’ve never done this before. Cut me some slack, will ya?
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
Markell actually reminds me: if people haven’t gotten a chance to read the new Taibbi piece on how Romney made his money, it’s just brutal.
How was Hickenlooper?
blah blah blah small business blah blah blah. When do the prime time speakers come on?
Deval and Rahm are both killing David Brooks and Mark Shields on the channel that I’m watching. If only I weren’t speaking metaphorically. David brooks is so bootlicking he might as well have a riding boot attached permanently to his lower lip. What a cringing Uriah heep of a man. And as for Mark Shields? If he doesn’t have premature dementia there’s no excuse.
@Comrade Nimrod Humperdink: Does he say that Romney made $27 trillion dollars?
I just watched a conversation between Judy Woodruff and Julian Castro during PBS’s coverage of the DNC. She actually asked him that if the democratic party is a “big tent” party, is there room for people who are pro life? Castro tried his best to answer the question, but Woodruff kept pushing the point that somehow the democrats were not reaching out to pro life voters. Of course, it never occurred to her that pro choice covers just that….your choice. Go ahead, chose not to have an abortion…your right. Ugh. The discussion continued until the talking heads on the coverage team (including fucking Bobo) were in agreement that the vastness of middle america has a much more complex view on reproductive rights that either party reflects. A pox on both your houses was the upshot. I immediately turned off the TV and headed to the liquor store. I need a drink to get that crap out of my head.
@Soonergrunt: suggestion – include a time stamp with your updates.
@Violet: Hickenlooper was light-years ahead of the governor of Delaware or the small business administrator – the B team, maybe.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Okay, Sullivan needs an intervention
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
@MikeJ: Nah, but the story about KB Toys was pretty interesting.
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
@Violet: He had good news about the growth of craft brewing.
Suffern ACE
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: No. Next question.
ding dong
They said Frank. Nutter and some other people got scrapped to keep on time.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: From that post:
WTF? Gratingly smug? Huh?
First Cole forgets his pants and now Soonergrunt wants his slacks cut.
Mary G
I put in the last thread – ABL’s Twitter says they can’t get into the convention hall. Possible credential problems? She is demanding that they let the tiny black lady in.
Read that as, “has lady parts.”
Craft Brewer: I know you’re not supposed to endorse a competitor, but this time I’m going to make an exception. good line.
Robin G.
@aimai: It’s beautiful. David Brooks is slime and he’s making our guys look amazing.
ooo! cali attorney general is gorgeous!
Mary G
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Andrew, your misogyny is showing.
@Mary G: What? Noooo! Nobody put ABL in a corner!
Kamala Harris, California AG.
For the defense.
Knows a thing or two about leadership.
@Mary G: Sillivan’s misogyny is always showing. That fucking tory piece of shit should still be in the “Mock” category.
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
@Mary G: Well, in Sully’s defense, he should know gratingly smug when he sees it… oh…
Why yes she is, thankyavermuch. Is she speaking actual words? She pops up on our teevee machines a lot here and I forget to listen. Smart money has her aiming at higher office. Gov if Jerry forgos term the fourth or Boxer’s seat.
It’s not just Sully’s misogyny showing when he talks about Warren. He also has deep hatred of poor people. Warren pushes his buttons big time and is one of those politicians who forces Sully to drop his mask and truly show who he is.
@Violet: Sullivan dislikes ladies. Unless they remind him of the nanny he wanted to have as he was growing up. His worship of Mrs. Thatcher is a tell.
@MikeJ: Except he worshiped Thatcher, so it’s not completely about lady parts. I can’t figure exactly what the issue is.
WHY THE FRACK WERE ABL AND COLE TRYING TO GET IN 40 MINUTES AGO??????? THE CONVENTION STARTS AT 5 P.M. EASTERN TIME!! seriously, what the hell are they thinking they are doing out there????? they missed gabby douglas, emmanual clever, videos, nancy pelosi, the 12 (9) democratic female senators… the list goes on and on.
The ones they should want to see are the ones on before 8, the speakers for the democrat volunteers! The primetime speakers are tempered for primetime coverage!
what the hell else are those two idiots doing all day long in charlotte anyhoo??? SERIOUSLY
Mary G
Oy vey, now Sullivan is saying that Sister Simone’s speech “cheapens religion to associate it with such a partisan event.”
This Twitter is going to give me a heart attack.
@Comrade Nimrod Humperdink: I was gonna say. About the only person more gratingly smug than Sullivan is Niall Ferguson.
TaMara (BHF)
@arguingwithsignposts: I’ve been sitting here, how the hell did I miss Hick? Next thing you know I’ll be so absorbed in Balloon-J that the Big Dog will have come and gone without me noticing.
p.s. Soonergrunt, can’t believe JG walked all over your thread. I can relate. ;-)
Thatcher’s a man, baby!
/A. Powers
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
@FlipYrWhig: I dunno, there’s something about Matt Continetti that makes me wanna give him a serious swirlie…
@Mary G: Sillivan is going to be a mess after this is over. At least half of the speakers today have been women.
@Mary G:
He did NOT. Somebody needs to crush the Tory fuckwad under a boulder. Is that civil?
am i wrong to actually LOVE the soundtrack the dems have used these last 2 nights between speakers? i know, just snippets, but still its awesome. someone should compile a cd
Mary G
News from ABL:
@TaMara (BHF): I’M NOT GIVING UP! I’M GONNA HOLD ON TO THIS THREAD AND COLE CAN HAVE IT WHEN HE PRIES IT FROM MY COLD, DEAD HANDS! Or when he deletes my admin account. Or I get bored. Whatevs.
I’ve never felt more sorry for a fake ass Tea Tard before in my life. Soledad O’brien and friends eviscerate Amy Kremer who is painfully horrific.
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
Did they only get credentials for the first night? Are there restrictions about the times they can get in? I’m confused now about the nature of the credentials they have and what the rules are.
Christina Saralegui (sp?) is absolutely fantastic…it took a Latino to tell it straight…Good on Her !!
I think the President coming tonight is why the hall is closed earlier than people thought it would be
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Comrade Nimrod Humperdink: From what I gather, they clamped down security because of Obama’s surprise visit, and now are letting people in again? Not sure.
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
Heh. “Don’t boo. Vote.” Nice.
“Don’t boo, vote!”
Love this woman.
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
@trollhattan: Jinx
@Comrade Nimrod Humperdink:Jinx!
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
@trollhattan: Just give up, I’m faster
@Comrade Nimrod Humperdink:
I think at this point, some sort of interweb singularity takes over.
calliope jane
Cristina (Saralegui)!!! WOw. Very cool.
“Don’t boo. Vote!”
She talks of the dreamers. And ends with talking about voting (and voting registration, too). So great.
Omnes Omnibus
@Comrade Nimrod Humperdink: Women I have known would suggest that this is not always a good thing.
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
@Omnes Omnibus: Well now, I wasn’t talking about that…
Suffern ACE
@Mary G: Didn’t we just go through 24 hours of listening to the right wing faint that God needed to be invoked on a party platform? Or did I miss pread those posts on Facebook that stated that if His name wasnt in the democrat’s book, their names wouldn’t be in the book He keeps in heaven.
Omnes Omnibus
@Soonergrunt: You fuckers made me join twitter. There will be consequences.
@Omnes Omnibus: Twitter is simple. Disconnect brain, begin typing.
It’s very much like commenting on Balloon-Juice, come to think of it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Soonergrunt: At the moment, I am just following people. Twitter suggested I follow Nicki Minaj.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Omnes Omnibus: what’s your twitter handle?
Omnes Omnibus
@The prophet Nostradumbass: Tweeted you.
@calliope jane:
Obama was using that line in his labor day speech. He used it often enough that the crowd would shout out the ‘VOTE!’ response line.