I’m at Lambeau Field watching the game. Clay Matthews just executed a great sack on 49ers QB Alex Smith. Pack trailing 30-22 with less than four mintues left and about to get the ball back. Earlier, SF kicker David Akers tied the NFL record for longest field goal (63 yards) with a kick that hit the crossbar and bounced over.
And yeah, it is a great game.
the Conster
Just FYI, those of us who watched our teams win already *PATS* , 60 Minutes is interviewing the Seal Team 6 guy, who’s in disguise, and it’s worth watching. Needs its own thread. kthx.
If I ever post on BJ from Sanford Stadium during a Dawg game please slap me!
It’s a great half. The first half mostly sucked.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Go Stillers!
Good to see we know how to speak proper Yinzer here.
? Martin
Mom is happy. Tom Brady both won and wasn’t disfigured in the game. A twofer.
The Seal Team 6 guy is for realz. He’s bringing it. There was some woman in intelligence who convinced Obama that it was definitely bin Laden in the compound – 100% sure – then Obama gave the OK then went and pantsed Trump at the nerd prom.
This really needs its own thread. kthx.
Let’s have some moar replacement ref hate :)
Plus, go Iggles and Lions. However, seriously Eagles, how the F are going to beat anyone but Cleveland throwing 4 Effing interceptions!!!
This is exclusive – my strong sense of this is he’s been allowed to talk. You really need to watch this.
Serena wins again.. Awesome. Steffi Graf has to be sweating a little now…
Cap'n Magic
Speaking of Lions, the first woman to ref a regular season game was at Ford Field today.
one of the jasons
Chris Kluwe
Punt 5
Avg 48.4
Blk 0
In20 1
TB 0
@the Conster: I have no problem with this guy trying to make some money but what about the others.. If he wrote a joint book where they all could reap the rewards, then fine. That’s not what he did.
I was hoping Tebow would be around for this game so the Steelers could exact some kind of revenge for the last year. I guess giving Peyton a beat down in his return will have to suffice. Go Stillers!
That son of a bitch van OWEN
cut off ladens head!
@the Conster: Doesn’t it bother you that only one guy is getting money for his story? That’s what bothers me.
also, too.. it’s a compelling story.
@JPL: I’m sure the rest of the team is in touch, know what I mean? There used to be a SEAL “Hall of Shame” online that went after phony’s. We had one here in Athens that was pretty notorious and they didn’t fool around doggin his ass.
@JPL: What bothers me most is that he violated confidentiality agreements that he signed, and he is potentially putting our Seals at risk with the possibility of including something he thinks is fine to include, but is not really fine.
I’m sorry, but don’t be a fucking Seal if you have to talk/brag about it later.
I understand he promised to donate something like 39 cents to some vets org someplace so its all OK.
From the CyberSeals site
“The US Navy’s SEALs are arguably the most highly trained Special Operations force in the world today, but even they have physical and technological limits. Unlike the typical “super hero” SEALs described in pulp fiction novels or presented in action/adventure movies, today’s real SEAL is very “low profile”, unassuming, highly intelligent, highly capable, and extremely self-assured military man. Real SEALs don’t seek the public limelight or the attention of the media. Real SEALs do not need to hang out in bars regaling others with tales of covert actions as a means of boosting their own sagging egos. The real SEALs are widely known as “the quiet professionals”. A good general rule of thumb in evaluating someone’s claims of being a SEAL is this:
Those who talk the most, very likely did the least, and those who talk the least, very likely did the most.”
@Schlemizel: It’s my understanding they turned down the money…
I do find the story compelling though…
“Packers/9ers has been a great game.”
The fuck it has. 9ers haven’t won in GB since I was in 7th grade and Joe Montana was QB.
Ruthless Burger vs. Peyton who goes from one horse mascot to another. We’ll see whether the increasingly fragile Big Ben can survive against the long-in-the-tooth Peyton. Could be a really close game.
The Boys of the Old Breed was the site. They did good work but it went away quite a wile ago.
I had just gone to work for a company when it got bought by a larger outfit. They sent us a new VP & at an all hands meeting he talked about how he was not afraid of a challenge. He stated “I was a Navy Seal, I killed people”.
Now I grew up in a family of guys that had killed people & none of them would have said anything like that. I got up, walked out & sent my resume to a recruiter & was out of there in 6 weeks. That guy had already been exposed by the boys so after I found the site I made sure all my old work mates got the link.
The only negative I have was they gave Jesse The Boobie Ventura a pass on his lie about being a seal
Now since I’m on antenna and don’t have that tivo thingy, I get to watch an ad about ladies passing drugs..
Making MOAR fried chicken tonight because it was so yummy the last time around. The south isn’t all bad. At this rate I’ll be eating grits and griping about the “Northern War of Aggression” by the end of the week. =)
Knew a guy who was in the Navy and said he was at Blackhawk down. No, he wasn’t.
Now he’s talking about the team. Yeah right.. Then share your money among all those who were there.
Gin & Tonic
@Schlemizel: One of the most modest and self-effacing guys I have known was Special Forces in ‘Nam for three tours. You couldn’t drag a “war story” out of him no matter how hard you tried.
Roy G.
As an old Vikings fan long transplanted from MN to San Francisco, it warms my heart to see Randy Moss and the Niners stick it to the Cheeseheads. Straight Cash Homie!
@Schlemizel: The stuff I’ve read by Seals said that Jesse was a Navy Diver, not an easy gig but not a Seal.
the Conster
The Seal Team used a plane from the failed 1980 Iran mission, to honor Jimmy Carter.
He’s being allowed to talk.
Actually I think I got the site wrong. The boys of the old breed was the book by a WWII Marine. Maybe it was boys of the old guard or something like that.
It was a fun site because they laid out the charges against the phoneys and gave details about their having been exposed
Dennis SGMM
I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
Wow, so Romney has already had to “clarify” his “I like some parts of Obamacare” statement on MTP.
On national TV this morning, with millions of people watching, Mitt Romney told David Gregory that there were parts of Obamacare he actually liked. In fact, he said, one of the goals of his healthcare plan “is to make sure that those with preexisting conditions can get coverage.” A few hours later, with approximately zero people listening, a spokesman quietly “clarified” what he meant:
Mr Stagger Lee
So now on Seattle sports radio, they are going to moan about how Matt Flynn should have started, Jesus on the Seattle Times site,they want Pete Carroll’s head. Well at least Steve Sarkesian (The Husky Coach) can sleep easy at night the wolves are baying at the VMAC.
@raven: Jesse could have been a Seal any time he wanted to be. He had been through the training. All he had to do was request the transfer.
But the truth was 32 Seals died for every Frogger that died in Viet Nam. I understand that & don’t hold his not asking against him. I can’t tell you if I would have if it had been me. But I do know I would never have claimed to be a Seal. I do hold that lie against him as yet another display of his (lack of) character.
I cheered when I heard an actual Seal cleaned his clock in a bar
@Dennis SGMM: Driving through some of the small ville’s in the Delta we’d catch glimpses of white dude’s in black pj’s and cone hats now and then.
@raven: didn’t get to see The Pacific but read his book years ago. I think an uncle was in his unit but he only ever told me one story and matched one Sledge told in the book. About having to dig in under fire and having to do it though buried bodies. This was not a jolly uncle
I don’t know about the website, but the book is With the Old Breed by E.B. Sledge, one of the better war memoirs. He went on to be a biology professor and died a few years back. He’s one of the two lead characters in The Pacific.
Actually, I wouldn’t hate on the replacement refs, they are doing a difficult job with insufficient training. The hate is reserved for the Owners, who locked the normal refs out and refused to negotiate further than “take it or leave it” in typical union busting fashion.
@Schlemizel: It’s wrenching, they didn’t fuck around when they made it. The first part is based on Helmet for My Pillow by Robert Leckie. My old man spent the war in the Pacific on a Navy APD that worked a good bit with Marine Raiders and UDT’s (precursors of SEAL’s) and had incredible respect for jar heads.
Mr Stagger Lee
@Batocchio: I need to rent that movie from Netflix again, that was compelling as well as the story of John Basilone the Marine hero of Guadalcanal.
They’ve let the Seal Team guy tell his story because (i) it’s true, and (ii) highlights Bill Clinton’s speech theme – COMPETENCE.
These Obama folks know what they’re doing. They release this info highlighting their signature accomplishment during all of the football games while everyone’s distracted, because they want this to be under the radar just like they got bin Laden. It’s subliminal – everyone’s so happy to be watching football instead of politics and they’re reminded of who got bin Laden.
@raven: Uncles all were Marines that did the islands in WWII (well, except for the ‘slick’ one, he was a Navy Pilot). Given that family was already full of drunks and depressives its hard to say how much damage this did but not a one of them was healthy.
When I was a kid I would wish I could have been there so I could understand what it was like, but as I have gotten older I believe I was lucky to have spina bifida and be ineligible to go to Viet Nam.
@the Conster: So this wasn’t an anti-commander-in-chief hit job?
@the Conster:
In one way I hope you are right – its about time Dems used all the tools to fight back.
OTOH I really don’t want to think of them as that cynical. I do not want our military used as a campaign prop by anyone
No. It was a complete and vivid description, complete with models of the compound and helicopters, of the raid – with interesting details about the trip out of the compound that only would be released with permission. It’s must see. He was proud of what was accomplished and really conveyed how thorough and important all the attention to detail was. This will make Romney look like he’s got a big red rubber nose coming off the Clint Eastwood yelling at clouds shit show.
@Schlemizel: Obama’s team didn’t choose for this guy to write an unauthorized book, didn’t choose the timing of this book, and saw what happened to Kerry in 2004.
That’s why I don’t have any worries about the military being used as a campaign prop by Obama.
OTOH I really don’t want to think of them as that cynical. I do not want our military used as a campaign prop by anyone
@Schlemizel: My aunt died last week, the last of that generation in my family. I have a bunch of vmail’s she and my uncle, who was on the ship before the war started but kept stateside because of his special qualifications in the administrative area, sent my day. It’s touching to read how they tried to keep his spirits up. When I wrote my cousin about his folks he said that my old man was the reason he “sought combat”. He was in the the Hill Fights and 881 and has had a very difficult time ever since. When I volunteered for Nam it was because of him and my old man. Vicious cycle, I’m glad we have nothing but female children in the family now.
@the Conster: Thanks for the info. I am perplexed, though, because everything else I read seemed to indicate that he was dissing Obama and saying the official version was b.s.
Though I did kind of wonder when it was Fox that outed the author. Seems like nothing can really be taken at face value anymore.
@WaterGirl: I don’t think so but I missed the first 20 minutes. What I saw was business.
@raven: Video of the Seal interview appears to be up on the 60 minutes website already, in 3 parts:
Guessing computational lag from previous polling over weighting the more recent numbers reflecting current trends. Have to look at the way they compute their numbers to be sure.
President is elected in November, not June so don’t worry about it.
ETA: At least I’d look if I gave a damn what TPM says about anything. I don’t. So I won’t.
one of the jasons
@Anya: PollTracker at this point likely reflects Romney’s convention bounce, not Obama’s. If you mouseover the rightmost data points, you’ll see they’re representative of the state of the race 3 days ago.
@WaterGirl: Cool, I’m fading fast but I’ll check it soonly.
@zombie rotten mcdonald: Good point, the owners are scum. However, the replacements are scabs. I agree some have done well, but we had Seattle getting the extra time out, plus the was a vicious late clothesline tackle against Vick that was completely missed. Yes, I know Vick blows and should never be anywhere near an animal, but if a tackle like that could happen to him, it can happen to any of your guys.
@WaterGirl: Did you know Bobby Spencer? He passed away a couple of weeks back.
@JPL: I read that the author was musing about leaving the military and the rest of the team turned on him as a deserter/quitter/etc. and got him transferred out to an undesirable assignment. Apparently, there’s no love lost between them, let alone a desire to share rewards.
Jerzy Russian
Manning seems to be a better passer than Tebow was.
The latest round of tracking polls show President Obama maintaining or expanding his lead.
Gallup: Obama 49%, Romney 44%
Reuters/Ipsos: Obama 47%, Romney 43%
Rasmussen: Obama 49%, Romney 45%
Mark Halperin notes that in the wake of New York Times and Politico stories suggesting that the electoral college math still favors President Obama, the Romney campaign put out a new TV ad in Wisconsin.
“Once upon a time, the Romney campaign dreamed of putting New Jersey, New Mexico, and Oregon in play. Now, just a few months later, they are on the precipice of giving up on Michigan and Pennsylvania, and they are still behind in Ohio. So using money to try to make Paul Ryan’s Wisconsin competitve is sensible, maybe essential. Right now, Romney-Ryan has fewer electoral college paths than Kerry-Edwards did at this point in 2004.”
@raven: Before I’d read Sledge’s book, hearing or seeing something about the Pacific always brought a lot of things to mind, but for me, Peleliu was never among them. A s a casual consumer of WWIi history, I’m not sure I’d ever heard of Peleliu but I swear was the only thing I thought about for a month after reading it. Same thing after seeing the the HBO special and then picking up Ledkie’s book. Simply unimaginable.
“He says he’s got a 53-point plan or whatever, I don’t know.”
— Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R), quoted by the New York Times Magazine, commenting on Mitt Romney’s economic agenda.
Any realistic path for RomBot runs through Florida and Ohio. He needs both of them and, according to the polls, he has lost the latter and losing the former.
ETA: Wisconsin is a sideshow.
Jerzy Russian
@Soonergrunt: Drop your linen and start your grinnin’.
@lamh35: stop it! You’re just trying to cheer me up!
@raven: Sorry to hear that but I don’t know him by name. But if he hung out with you guys, I might know him by his face. Sometime if you get a chance, maybe you can link to a photo.
I have not lost any friends, well not since my boyfriend died suddenly when I was 21, but losing a friend would be hard. This isn’t your first, even this year. So hard.
I had a couple of cousins who joined the corps & toured SE Asia in the late 60s. A couple of others became very anti-war & man there were some battles. The pressure on them must have been awful. I took crap for not going down & joining they must have really caught hell.
My boy joined in peace time (98-99) and I begged him not to do it. He just couldn’t understand how fast war could come. The worst was he was in Afghanistan during the build up for Iraq & realized his people were getting screwed over and left behind.
Suffern ACE
There are few people who I would dread more receiving a dinner invitation from than Bob Costas. How did he get to be the doyen of American sports broadcasting?
I really need manning to start handing the ball to mcgahee.
My wife, who is a GB native did not find this afternoon’s game very good. I’m curious to see what will happen with the review of the TD. And as I type it, they just reversed it. Sadly, they got that one right. but they must bring back the refs. now.
Ruthlessburgher is looking better than a long time. But Peyton Manning has clearly transitioned well to Denver and given Mile high stadium he should do well as a passer. As a Pittsburgher, I am not conceding anything.
Jerzy Russian
And the 2 point conversion is good!
The Dangerman
Was that ball catchable?
Bring back the real refs indeed; Arizona almost got boned at the end of the game with the Seahawks.
Steffi is a legend and will always be a legend. Her legacy is secure. I don’t know why Serena fans always feel like they have to trash Steffi. Relax Serena fans, Serena is a legend and may very well become the best of all time. No need to trash other legends in the process.
Wow, good game by Denver.
Hail to the Redskiiiins! Hail victory! Braaaaves on the warpath! Fight for old DC!
Yes, it’s racist as hell, but I love my team right now.
Jerzy Russian
And another touchdown by the Donkeys!
Ben Roethlisberger is going to get killed this year. That line is a big steaming pile of shit and the running backs are worse.
Frank Snepp can’t be amused at this SEAL thing. He wrote Decent Interval in 1977, after the evacuation of Saigon (remember the photo of the helicopter leaving the embassy?), got sued by the CIA for breach of his employment contract (publishing the book without their permission), and in the end the Supreme Court ruled against him. The CIA attached the book’s profits and placed him under a lifetime gag order. It was a good book.
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Thoroughly Pizzled
Fuck the Packers.
I’m at Lambeau Field watching the game. Clay Matthews just executed a great sack on 49ers QB Alex Smith. Pack trailing 30-22 with less than four mintues left and about to get the ball back. Earlier, SF kicker David Akers tied the NFL record for longest field goal (63 yards) with a kick that hit the crossbar and bounced over.
And yeah, it is a great game.
the Conster
Just FYI, those of us who watched our teams win already *PATS* , 60 Minutes is interviewing the Seal Team 6 guy, who’s in disguise, and it’s worth watching. Needs its own thread. kthx.
If I ever post on BJ from Sanford Stadium during a Dawg game please slap me!
It’s a great half. The first half mostly sucked.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Good to see we know how to speak proper Yinzer here.
? Martin
Mom is happy. Tom Brady both won and wasn’t disfigured in the game. A twofer.
zombie rotten mcdonald
As a Packer fan, NO IT HASN’T.
Here comes the full throated whine about the refs from the crybaby Packer fans!
Thoroughly Pizzled
How could the refs let a PUBLICLY OWNED team lose?
Steelers win!
the Conster
The Seal Team 6 guy is for realz. He’s bringing it. There was some woman in intelligence who convinced Obama that it was definitely bin Laden in the compound – 100% sure – then Obama gave the OK then went and pantsed Trump at the nerd prom.
This really needs its own thread. kthx.
Let’s have some moar replacement ref hate :)
Plus, go Iggles and Lions. However, seriously Eagles, how the F are going to beat anyone but Cleveland throwing 4 Effing interceptions!!!
@the Conster: So where’s the fucking news?
@the Conster: And he ain’t for “realz” if he’s hiding like a fucking thief in the night.
the Conster
This is exclusive – my strong sense of this is he’s been allowed to talk. You really need to watch this.
Serena wins again.. Awesome. Steffi Graf has to be sweating a little now…
Cap'n Magic
Speaking of Lions, the first woman to ref a regular season game was at Ford Field today.
one of the jasons
Chris Kluwe
Punt 5
Avg 48.4
Blk 0
In20 1
TB 0
@the Conster: I have no problem with this guy trying to make some money but what about the others.. If he wrote a joint book where they all could reap the rewards, then fine. That’s not what he did.
@the Conster: I got it now
@jackmac: Actually Akers was the fourth field goal kicker to kick a field goal 63 yards…and I am 99.99% sure about that.”;)
@the Conster: Fuck, now I need to see it from the start.
the Conster
@the Conster:
Yup – it was a woman in the CIA who actually got bin Laden. Fucking a/
@the Conster: Seals and SF have always been the military arm of the CIA, no problem there.
TG Chicago
Agreed that the 60 Min SEAL interview and the Serena performance at the US Open are\were great stuff.
the Conster
I’m recording it. I’m sure he’s being allowed to talk.
the Conster
@TG Chicago:
Old Dan and Little Ann
I was hoping Tebow would be around for this game so the Steelers could exact some kind of revenge for the last year. I guess giving Peyton a beat down in his return will have to suffice. Go Stillers!
That son of a bitch van OWEN
cut off ladens head!
@the Conster: Doesn’t it bother you that only one guy is getting money for his story? That’s what bothers me.
also, too.. it’s a compelling story.
@JPL: I’m sure the rest of the team is in touch, know what I mean? There used to be a SEAL “Hall of Shame” online that went after phony’s. We had one here in Athens that was pretty notorious and they didn’t fool around doggin his ass.
Been a busy day on the campaign trail for a Sunday.
So some cool down music. I love this song. The lyrics are very beautiful and it just so happens Jason Mraz is an Obama supporter.
Enjoy: Jason Mraz (featuring Darryl Hall) – I Won’t Give Up
@JPL: What bothers me most is that he violated confidentiality agreements that he signed, and he is potentially putting our Seals at risk with the possibility of including something he thinks is fine to include, but is not really fine.
I’m sorry, but don’t be a fucking Seal if you have to talk/brag about it later.
I understand he promised to donate something like 39 cents to some vets org someplace so its all OK.
From the CyberSeals site
“The US Navy’s SEALs are arguably the most highly trained Special Operations force in the world today, but even they have physical and technological limits. Unlike the typical “super hero” SEALs described in pulp fiction novels or presented in action/adventure movies, today’s real SEAL is very “low profile”, unassuming, highly intelligent, highly capable, and extremely self-assured military man. Real SEALs don’t seek the public limelight or the attention of the media. Real SEALs do not need to hang out in bars regaling others with tales of covert actions as a means of boosting their own sagging egos. The real SEALs are widely known as “the quiet professionals”. A good general rule of thumb in evaluating someone’s claims of being a SEAL is this:
Those who talk the most, very likely did the least, and those who talk the least, very likely did the most.”
@Schlemizel: It’s my understanding they turned down the money…
I do find the story compelling though…
“Packers/9ers has been a great game.”
The fuck it has. 9ers haven’t won in GB since I was in 7th grade and Joe Montana was QB.
Ruthless Burger vs. Peyton who goes from one horse mascot to another. We’ll see whether the increasingly fragile Big Ben can survive against the long-in-the-tooth Peyton. Could be a really close game.
The Boys of the Old Breed was the site. They did good work but it went away quite a wile ago.
I had just gone to work for a company when it got bought by a larger outfit. They sent us a new VP & at an all hands meeting he talked about how he was not afraid of a challenge. He stated “I was a Navy Seal, I killed people”.
Now I grew up in a family of guys that had killed people & none of them would have said anything like that. I got up, walked out & sent my resume to a recruiter & was out of there in 6 weeks. That guy had already been exposed by the boys so after I found the site I made sure all my old work mates got the link.
The only negative I have was they gave Jesse The Boobie Ventura a pass on his lie about being a seal
Now since I’m on antenna and don’t have that tivo thingy, I get to watch an ad about ladies passing drugs..
danah gaz
Making MOAR fried chicken tonight because it was so yummy the last time around. The south isn’t all bad. At this rate I’ll be eating grits and griping about the “Northern War of Aggression” by the end of the week. =)
@JPL: good for them
It was a secret mission. This guy could be blowing smoke out his rear.
Knew a guy who was in the Navy and said he was at Blackhawk down. No, he wasn’t.
Now he’s talking about the team. Yeah right.. Then share your money among all those who were there.
Gin & Tonic
@Schlemizel: One of the most modest and self-effacing guys I have known was Special Forces in ‘Nam for three tours. You couldn’t drag a “war story” out of him no matter how hard you tried.
Roy G.
As an old Vikings fan long transplanted from MN to San Francisco, it warms my heart to see Randy Moss and the Niners stick it to the Cheeseheads. Straight Cash Homie!
@Schlemizel: The stuff I’ve read by Seals said that Jesse was a Navy Diver, not an easy gig but not a Seal.
the Conster
The Seal Team used a plane from the failed 1980 Iran mission, to honor Jimmy Carter.
He’s being allowed to talk.
Actually I think I got the site wrong. The boys of the old breed was the book by a WWII Marine. Maybe it was boys of the old guard or something like that.
It was a fun site because they laid out the charges against the phoneys and gave details about their having been exposed
Dennis SGMM
I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
Wow, so Romney has already had to “clarify” his “I like some parts of Obamacare” statement on MTP.
Within Hours, Mitt Romney Takes Back Everything He Said About Preexisting Conditions
Mr Stagger Lee
So now on Seattle sports radio, they are going to moan about how Matt Flynn should have started, Jesus on the Seattle Times site,they want Pete Carroll’s head. Well at least Steve Sarkesian (The Husky Coach) can sleep easy at night the wolves are baying at the VMAC.
@Schlemizel: EB Sledge, his work was most of the second half of “The Pacific”. His audio interviews with Studs Terkel are available online and Auburn has a site dedicated to him. He was a wonderful man who ended up an ornithologist and professor .
@raven: Jesse could have been a Seal any time he wanted to be. He had been through the training. All he had to do was request the transfer.
But the truth was 32 Seals died for every Frogger that died in Viet Nam. I understand that & don’t hold his not asking against him. I can’t tell you if I would have if it had been me. But I do know I would never have claimed to be a Seal. I do hold that lie against him as yet another display of his (lack of) character.
I cheered when I heard an actual Seal cleaned his clock in a bar
@Dennis SGMM: Driving through some of the small ville’s in the Delta we’d catch glimpses of white dude’s in black pj’s and cone hats now and then.
@raven: didn’t get to see The Pacific but read his book years ago. I think an uncle was in his unit but he only ever told me one story and matched one Sledge told in the book. About having to dig in under fire and having to do it though buried bodies. This was not a jolly uncle
I don’t know about the website, but the book is With the Old Breed by E.B. Sledge, one of the better war memoirs. He went on to be a biology professor and died a few years back. He’s one of the two lead characters in The Pacific.
Edit: Ah, the commentariat is quick around here!
zombie rotten mcdonald
Nah, not really. the refs were fucking up on both sides.
zombie rotten mcdonald
Actually, I wouldn’t hate on the replacement refs, they are doing a difficult job with insufficient training. The hate is reserved for the Owners, who locked the normal refs out and refused to negotiate further than “take it or leave it” in typical union busting fashion.
@Schlemizel: It’s wrenching, they didn’t fuck around when they made it. The first part is based on Helmet for My Pillow by Robert Leckie. My old man spent the war in the Pacific on a Navy APD that worked a good bit with Marine Raiders and UDT’s (precursors of SEAL’s) and had incredible respect for jar heads.
Mr Stagger Lee
@Batocchio: I need to rent that movie from Netflix again, that was compelling as well as the story of John Basilone the Marine hero of Guadalcanal.
zombie rotten mcdonald
@Roy G.:
How did the Vikings end up last season? Refresh my memory. Heh.
It’s a good day when the Packers lose.
@Linnaeus: Hell yes, Go Bears!
No Hines, DAWG gone!
No Hines, DAWG gone!
Amen , yay Niners!
Heh. I’m a Lions fan, myself.
the Conster
They’ve let the Seal Team guy tell his story because (i) it’s true, and (ii) highlights Bill Clinton’s speech theme – COMPETENCE.
These Obama folks know what they’re doing. They release this info highlighting their signature accomplishment during all of the football games while everyone’s distracted, because they want this to be under the radar just like they got bin Laden. It’s subliminal – everyone’s so happy to be watching football instead of politics and they’re reminded of who got bin Laden.
@raven: Uncles all were Marines that did the islands in WWII (well, except for the ‘slick’ one, he was a Navy Pilot). Given that family was already full of drunks and depressives its hard to say how much damage this did but not a one of them was healthy.
When I was a kid I would wish I could have been there so I could understand what it was like, but as I have gotten older I believe I was lucky to have spina bifida and be ineligible to go to Viet Nam.
@the Conster: So this wasn’t an anti-commander-in-chief hit job?
@the Conster:
In one way I hope you are right – its about time Dems used all the tools to fight back.
OTOH I really don’t want to think of them as that cynical. I do not want our military used as a campaign prop by anyone
the Conster
No. It was a complete and vivid description, complete with models of the compound and helicopters, of the raid – with interesting details about the trip out of the compound that only would be released with permission. It’s must see. He was proud of what was accomplished and really conveyed how thorough and important all the attention to detail was. This will make Romney look like he’s got a big red rubber nose coming off the Clint Eastwood yelling at clouds shit show.
Thoroughly Pizzled
@Linnaeus: Last place in the NFC North, for now.
Since there’s no open thread, imma crash this NFL party.
TPM Poll Tracker is showing Romney up by 1.8. Can someone explain to me how’s that possible with all the talk about ‘an Obama convention bounce’?
OT – Romney takes back what he said on MTP about keeping some parts of Obamacare.
@Schlemizel: Obama’s team didn’t choose for this guy to write an unauthorized book, didn’t choose the timing of this book, and saw what happened to Kerry in 2004.
That’s why I don’t have any worries about the military being used as a campaign prop by Obama.
@Schlemizel: My aunt died last week, the last of that generation in my family. I have a bunch of vmail’s she and my uncle, who was on the ship before the war started but kept stateside because of his special qualifications in the administrative area, sent my day. It’s touching to read how they tried to keep his spirits up. When I wrote my cousin about his folks he said that my old man was the reason he “sought combat”. He was in the the Hill Fights and 881 and has had a very difficult time ever since. When I volunteered for Nam it was because of him and my old man. Vicious cycle, I’m glad we have nothing but female children in the family now.
@the Conster: Thanks for the info. I am perplexed, though, because everything else I read seemed to indicate that he was dissing Obama and saying the official version was b.s.
Though I did kind of wonder when it was Fox that outed the author. Seems like nothing can really be taken at face value anymore.
@WaterGirl: I don’t think so but I missed the first 20 minutes. What I saw was business.
@raven: Video of the Seal interview appears to be up on the 60 minutes website already, in 3 parts:
Edit: transcript on the page above, with links to the 3 videos.
Guessing computational lag from previous polling over weighting the more recent numbers reflecting current trends. Have to look at the way they compute their numbers to be sure.
President is elected in November, not June so don’t worry about it.
ETA: At least I’d look if I gave a damn what TPM says about anything. I don’t. So I won’t.
one of the jasons
@Anya: PollTracker at this point likely reflects Romney’s convention bounce, not Obama’s. If you mouseover the rightmost data points, you’ll see they’re representative of the state of the race 3 days ago.
@WaterGirl: Cool, I’m fading fast but I’ll check it soonly.
@zombie rotten mcdonald: Good point, the owners are scum. However, the replacements are scabs. I agree some have done well, but we had Seattle getting the extra time out, plus the was a vicious late clothesline tackle against Vick that was completely missed. Yes, I know Vick blows and should never be anywhere near an animal, but if a tackle like that could happen to him, it can happen to any of your guys.
@WaterGirl: Did you know Bobby Spencer? He passed away a couple of weeks back.
@JPL: I read that the author was musing about leaving the military and the rest of the team turned on him as a deserter/quitter/etc. and got him transferred out to an undesirable assignment. Apparently, there’s no love lost between them, let alone a desire to share rewards.
Jerzy Russian
Manning seems to be a better passer than Tebow was.
Obama Bounce Still Growing
Uh oh. Denver scores on Pittsburg.
Last Chance for Wisconsin
@kindness: Yeah. Great, isn’t it?
@raven: Before I’d read Sledge’s book, hearing or seeing something about the Pacific always brought a lot of things to mind, but for me, Peleliu was never among them. A s a casual consumer of WWIi history, I’m not sure I’d ever heard of Peleliu but I swear was the only thing I thought about for a month after reading it. Same thing after seeing the the HBO special and then picking up Ledkie’s book. Simply unimaginable.
Quote of the Day
Any realistic path for RomBot runs through Florida and Ohio. He needs both of them and, according to the polls, he has lost the latter and losing the former.
ETA: Wisconsin is a sideshow.
Jerzy Russian
@Soonergrunt: Drop your linen and start your grinnin’.
@lamh35: stop it! You’re just trying to cheer me up!
@raven: Sorry to hear that but I don’t know him by name. But if he hung out with you guys, I might know him by his face. Sometime if you get a chance, maybe you can link to a photo.
I have not lost any friends, well not since my boyfriend died suddenly when I was 21, but losing a friend would be hard. This isn’t your first, even this year. So hard.
I had a couple of cousins who joined the corps & toured SE Asia in the late 60s. A couple of others became very anti-war & man there were some battles. The pressure on them must have been awful. I took crap for not going down & joining they must have really caught hell.
My boy joined in peace time (98-99) and I begged him not to do it. He just couldn’t understand how fast war could come. The worst was he was in Afghanistan during the build up for Iraq & realized his people were getting screwed over and left behind.
Suffern ACE
There are few people who I would dread more receiving a dinner invitation from than Bob Costas. How did he get to be the doyen of American sports broadcasting?
OK–back from the half. Come on Broncs!
@Suffern ACE: Attrition.
Jerzy Russian
Looking good with a score of 14-13.
Suffern ACE
I really need manning to start handing the ball to mcgahee.
My wife, who is a GB native did not find this afternoon’s game very good. I’m curious to see what will happen with the review of the TD. And as I type it, they just reversed it. Sadly, they got that one right. but they must bring back the refs. now.
Good god. Bring back the real refs.
Ruthlessburgher is looking better than a long time. But Peyton Manning has clearly transitioned well to Denver and given Mile high stadium he should do well as a passer. As a Pittsburgher, I am not conceding anything.
Jerzy Russian
And the 2 point conversion is good!
The Dangerman
Was that ball catchable?
Bring back the real refs indeed; Arizona almost got boned at the end of the game with the Seahawks.
My team won so all is good.
Steffi is a legend and will always be a legend. Her legacy is secure. I don’t know why Serena fans always feel like they have to trash Steffi. Relax Serena fans, Serena is a legend and may very well become the best of all time. No need to trash other legends in the process.
Wow, good game by Denver.
Hail to the Redskiiiins! Hail victory! Braaaaves on the warpath! Fight for old DC!
Yes, it’s racist as hell, but I love my team right now.
Jerzy Russian
And another touchdown by the Donkeys!
Ben Roethlisberger is going to get killed this year. That line is a big steaming pile of shit and the running backs are worse.
Frank Snepp can’t be amused at this SEAL thing. He wrote Decent Interval in 1977, after the evacuation of Saigon (remember the photo of the helicopter leaving the embassy?), got sued by the CIA for breach of his employment contract (publishing the book without their permission), and in the end the Supreme Court ruled against him. The CIA attached the book’s profits and placed him under a lifetime gag order. It was a good book.