I honestly don’t think I have been this run down since I was on active duty. Maybe when I was in undergrad and we went on spring break and played a lacrosse game every day, loaded up, drove to the next city, got hammered, played a game, got in the vans and drove to the next city, rinse and repeat for nine days. Eight days with ABL, then staying up late to watch the Steelers shit the bed, then two days on the road again, I am just wiped out. It doesn’t sound like much, but when you consider I normally have a real calm life, this has been a lot of activity for me. Only two more conventions this year, so I got that going for me.
Open Thread
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First, also, too.
Do a detox for a day or two–no alcohol, bed at a reasonable hour, drink lots of water, no red meat, no sugar, no wheat (if you can hack that). Make sure you get some cardio exercise, even if it’s just walking the pups. You’ll feel better.
Now is when you hit the casino Cole. Man, you sound lucky.
Little Boots
I’m sorry you’re run down.
at the risk of pissing off steve, I hope you feel better soon, john.
mai naem
It’s because you’re getting old. I have a friend who said her energy level totally changed once she hit forty and this is somebody who would live on six hours of sleep day in day out.
why no meat?
(dats crazy talk)
Also, if anyone has any doubt that the RNC, Romney and the entire rightwing establishment will destroy America to further their electoral chances.
This Tweet says it all.
Reince Priebus@Reince
Obama sympathizes with attackers in Egypt. Sad and pathetic.
” . . . so I got that going for me.”
Which is nice.
Welcome to parenthood.
So I knew the man that died today from the riots.
I’m so crushed right now I can’t breathe.
And extremely enraged at this reince person.
Little Boots
and I love abl,but eight days, well, wow.
He was chatting with a group of us and his last words were:
(2:40:22 PM) : FUCK
(2:40:24 PM) : gunfire
Little Boots
jeebus, what happened?
@GregB: I could not fucking believe that.
Priebus is that rare combination of douche and bag, all in one package.
some guy
LOS ANGELES — A filmmaker has gone into hiding after his movie attacking Islam’s prophet Muhammad sparked assaults on U.S. missions in Egypt and Libya, where an American diplomat was killed.
Writer and director Sam Bacile spoke on the phone Tuesday from an unidentified location. He remained defiant, saying Islam is a cancer and he wanted his film to make a political statement.
@Zyla: Shit, that’s terrible. I hope you’ll be able to find comfort in good memories.
@Little Boots:
The death at the Libyan consulate. Guy just got there last week, was an IT worker. Poor bastard had a wife and kids too.
Sigh… my Ron Paul friend has gone full metal truther. On the anniversary of 9/11, he chooses to make post after post on Facebook calling into question what really happened on 9/11, asking about how WTC7 fell, that there was no plane that actually hit the Pentagon, etc.
The guy has a degree from UCLA, but not in the sciences. He didn’t take any hard physics or chemistry classes at UCLA to understand the mechanics of how plans crash or buildings fall, but just “knows” it was all a government conspiracy.
I tried telling him to learn some science, and showed a link with actual photos of the plane wreckage inside the Pentagon, but he just goes on and says it’s all staged.
Little Boots
damn, sorry. that totally sucks.
So Netanyahu is now trying to intervene in the US election.
Um, doesn’t this constitute major news? Media?
Adelson’s peeps want us to elect his boyfriend so he can take us out back and give us the business.
I don’ want to be an alarmist, but as Josh Marshall said, this could be opening rounds in the end game of the Grand Game.
The Middle East is a tinder box and someone has been throwing matches.
This supposed film maker was funded by people and his propaganda was pushed in order to get a reaction.
That reaction is now being used as a political lever by Romney and the GOP.
It is a dangerous game.
@Zyla: Oh man, I’m so very sorry.
some guy
A dangerous game where one of my friends is now very dead.
I don’t even know how to process the rage I have towards anyone that caused this to happen and towards anyone that would seek to gain politically from it.
@GregB: Has Israel lost its fucking mind? They think they’re better off with neocons in power?
Wait, no, it’s Adelson money: hookers and gambling come to rescue the moralists.
I was afraid I’d have to live in interesting times…
Little Boots
and we have absolutely no idea what we’re doing there.
never have. never will.
@GregB: 2012 version of the Iran–Contra affair?
@Zyla: So sorry to hear that.
Between Romney’s desperate ass and this di*ck Rinse Penis…ugh!
No Limits
@BGinCHI: If Netanyahu was blinded by his hate and love of war and destruction he’ll know that a Romney presidency spells doom for Israel. World leaders are not defying Obama openly because their populations love Obama, but if Romney becomes president then everyone will be openly against Israel. Europeans are sick of defending Israel. It’s not sustainable.
Dee Loralei
@Zyla: I’m sorry for your loss. So, so, sorry.
Between Romney’s desperate azz and the dochey head of RNC…ugh!
No Limits
Spaghetti Lee
Oh Christ save me from pompous Republican blowhards talking about how ‘pathetic’ Obama’s response was to this. You know what’s pathetic, you shriveled dickweeds? Trying to start a fucking war, trying to get thousands of people killed, because you evil assholes think it might be a good way to topple a president you hate. And ‘sad’. Oh, yes, they’re so very, very sad. They so sincerely wish things could have been different. Evil little pricks are probably cackling it up, cheering about how a murdered State Dept. worker finally gave them the wedge to start their wonderful little war with Iran that they’ve wanted for 15 years.
Seriously, I can understand wars for self-defense, but what kind of fucking asshole prick goes out and starts a war just because he fucking feels like it? Because it’s the only thing that can bring pleasure to their twisted little lives? Jesus fucking Christ, if Likud and Bibi and AIPAC didn’t have such massive validation complexes, we wouldn’t be in this mess. There doesn’t even seem to be a remotely putative reason for this. Kristol and the rest aren’t even trying. They think we’re destined to invade Iran because they want to, because it’s what we do, because they need to see people die for their rotten little cocks to get hard.
(Unclenches teeth) That said, I still find it hard to believe that this incident will lead to World War III. I think Obama’s too smart to let himself be led by the nose by monomaniacal warhawk assholes. He’ll say what needs to be said in public until he gets re-elected, then he’ll tell AIPAC and Bibi to go fuck themselves.
Ferd of the Nort
How can you tell Mitt Romney is a vulture capitalist?
Ask him to take a position and he grabs all of them.
@BruinKid: I guess if one of my friends came up with that, my response would be:
1. the US government isn’t that good a keeping secrets
2. the government isn’t that efficient.
The second could work with a Paulite. I would even think most north campus folk would gain enough critical think’n skills, Philosiphy, maybe. Then again I was more of a bi-campus person (most classes in Bunche and Beolter).
I am sorry to hear about your friend.
@Zyla: Sorry for your loss.
@lamh35: Rancid Prince is a horrible piece of shit. He should be shamed out of the party for that tweet. Hell, he should be shamed out of the country. Where is their patriotism? They’re all party before country instead of the other way around. Pathetic.
Little Boots
is it wrong to miss Steve?
is it wrong to miss John?
Spaghetti Lee
Also, I think the Iraq War is not remembered that fondly, and even people who thought it was morally just might not want to repeat it again. This isn’t 2003. People are sick of war. AIPAC and the like are the only people whose loins are still stirred by the idea and they’re the ONLY people who want a war right now. At the risk of getting stuck in anecdata, I can’t think of a single conservative Republican I know who wants war with Iran. It’s all about jobs, etc. If they want a war, they’re going to have to find a reason other than the tide of public opinion-that’s all dried up.
Hill Dweller
@Spaghetti Lee: I don’t really trust the Village, but the statement Willard and Priebus are jumping on came from the US embassy in Egypt before the attacks even took place. They have to point that out.
I’m hoping the Willard and RNC attacks backfire.
@Zyla: Shit, that’s terrible. Poor man didn’t deserve to be caught in the middle of a feud between crazies. At this moment I am really in despair. It seems as though the world is taken over by religious fanatics.
My heart goes out to his loved ones.
Little Boots
@Hill Dweller:
I think they will, mostly. romney’s doomed, but congress, oh that will continue to suck. hope Obama gets that.
@godlesssailor: True fact, I referenced/paraphrased this monologue when I was giving the toast for my brothers wedding
It was a wise decision
Fuck the Talibangicals who started this latest shit.
The Klown
Mitt Romney:
Ha. I was going the same place. But seriously, Cole, you should see a doc. I’m wiped out, but it’s because I’m fucking unhealthy. There’s a reason for everything.
I made the mistake of reading conservative tweets about this event for the last 25 minutes.
I’m a pacifist buddhist, and I am filled with such rage I can barely see straight.
These scum see people like my friend as fucking chess pieces on a gameboard. I can’t understand or comprehend such astounding callousness.
A man is dead and they’re making hay on twitter that Obama’s passivity was as complicit in his murder as the horribly misinformed people who carried out the attack in the first place.
Congratulations, Sarah, and Reince, and all the rest.
I am now a lifelong Democrat. I will never ever vote for anyone from your party as long as I live.
@Zyla: Hugs. To you and his family, and all his friends.
The Rmoney attacks are pissing me off so incredibly much. I have no idea how someone’s mind works if someone dies and instead of feeling normal human sorrow, they instead try to capitalize on that loss for their own personal gain.
I truly hope that there is some sort of consequence, in this life or the next, for moral bankruptcy.
Little Boots
the hell happened to omnes?
David Koch
Okay, I saw “Hunger Games” and it didn’t live up to the promotion.
I can understand why women would love it, as it is rare when an entire movie is built around a strong woman.
But the weren’t any special effect to talk about, the story was a basic romance, no kick ass scenes like Buff the Vampire Story, and they didn’t get into the politics of economic exploitation by the 1 percenters.
Syria has a mutual defense compact with Iran.
An attack on Iran is an attack on Syria.
The Syrians could use a war as common cause to rally the people for the government.
Where Syria and Iran go, it is likely Hezbollah will follow.
The Dude abides and JC needs a Whambulance. You’re over the line!
John Cole: welcome to my world. 150 nights on the road for a few decades. Make or break events every time. 5 weeks in a row, that’s srsly tough.
I know that truly bone-dead feeling, but sweetie, you’ve only skimmed the surface.
The joys of the truly self-employed.
Regarding the Middle East situation(s): this is second-hand information, unverifiable and believable only within those limits, but where I live – the southwestern U.S. near three major military bases and a key missile range – initial preparedness and dire expectations are at the forefront. And raw nerves. This could go badly.
And with more certainty, this: the Republican presidential nominee (and his masters and minions) will only make it worse.
Cole, I know this is a strange request to ask, but since you have a somewhat larger microphone, it would give me immense relief if you could write something about this ugliness for tomorrow in your trademark style.
@David Koch:
Actually the book sort of does. The movie was pretty lame, with the exception of making the peter kid randomly chosen instead of volunteer. It made the “which side is he on” subplot work a little better, but other than that it wasn’t very good, even for a sci-fi YA novel made into a film.
Were you as annoyed by the shot length in the opening montage where she’s headed to the forest? Probably none over .20 second and absolutely nothing is happening. They used longer shots during the quick cut fight scenes in the last act. When she’s supposed to be contemplative it looks like somebody is just spinning the shuttle wheel on the Avid as fast as they can, and when they fight they have wide shots where you can see where everything is and what’s going on. I actually was pleasantly surprised that the editing wasn’t hyperactive in the fights, don’t get me wrong. But if it was going to be incomprehensible, that’s where it should have been.
? Martin
Cole, we’re about the same age and the same thing happened to me a lot last year. Between getting older and getting heavier, I’d run out of gas pretty fast. Dropped some weight and it’s gotten WAY better.
Just a thought.
I am really, really sorry for you.
another friend has a decent writeup
Condolences on your loss. Thoughts and prayers go out to your friend’s family.
@Zyla: Oh God no. Shit.
@Zyla: May he be at peace in his next existence, and may you find yours in this one. And that eulogy was awesome.
The trailer for the film looks like the film should be called Protocols for the Elders of Islam.
rootless_e posted a link to a really interesting opinion piece that’s running in today’s Haaretz:
Clinton’s slap in the face
The full story requires registration, but the bits that rootless posted were quite fascinating:
So Clinton says we’re not going to set a timetable for Iran (ie we won’t invade them) and, a couple of days later, American embassies in Egypt and Syria are attacked because people are upset about an anti-Islamic movie directed by an Israeli-American.
IF (big IF) the two things are related, I think Bibi just fucked himself, ’cause no matter how much the US loves Israel, the American people are not going to play that shit.
There is something to be said there. But will someone in the press actually be able to do some real investigative work? What about the Israeli press.
If it comes to light that is what happens, I for one would be very interested in seeing what the outcome will be.
Sorry, forgot to say that rootless_e’s post is in the thread below.
Also doing something like this is very foolish. You cannot contain what happens when you provoke the middle east in this way. These people have been abused by western powers for so long that they’ll just react to anything.
Leave them the fuck alone and let’s move on to alternative power and let them figure out what kind of people they want to be.
@Zyla: Internet advice. Don’t drink for more than three days in a row. Things can escalate.
David Koch
@MikeJ: I was annoyed that the movie was 2:22 long. In comparison, Apocalypse Now is 2:33 and that flick is jammed packed. The actual hunger game didn’t start until the 1:09 mark. Almost half of the movie was the first act.
So after a while, I figured that this would be a standard soap opera, that what it turned into. And it’s fine at that level, but without any interesting CGI, like Titanic or Superman circa 78 (similar soap operas), or any interesting action like BVS, the attention was undeserved.
@Mnemosyne: If you wish to add another data point, Bibi is going to be in NYC next month for a UN conference and asked for a meeting with Obama. Obama said no.
Or something like that.Suffern Ace
@Mnemosyne: Yep. Suddenly that preview that was pasted awhile got translated into Arabic. Something stinks.
I have to admit, I have absolutely no fucking idea what we’re going to wake up to tomorrow. I’m pretty sure the only military action we’re going to see from the US is sending in military escorts to get all of the diplomatic personnel out of Egypt and Syria. After that, I have no idea what’s going to happen.
ETA: Also, too, Obama may be slow to anger, but I think a whole lot of people are going to find out the hard way exactly what happens when you really piss him off.
This can’t be a coincidence.. but yeah. If he does a good job though, it will backfire on Romney. Or Romney can say the wrong thing and make it worse and someone will have to tell him to shut the fuck up.
Odie Hugh Manatee had the official Romney response in the thread below:
I’m sure the Republicans thought this was all very clever, but I suspect that this is not going to make Romney look as good as they thought.
? Martin
I don’t think they are.
1) It’s not just the movie (made months ago) but Terry Jones jackassery of trying and executing Mohammed in effigy today. That was also cited as possible motive today.
2) Israels argument would be more powerful if these things happened in any relationship to Israel, and they didn’t really.
3) It’s 9/11 and it’s the only real excuse fringe Muslims need to do stupid shit (just like Terry Jones needed no more excuse to do his stupid shit).
Bibi is being a dick because Bibi is a dick. He wound Israel up before the 2008 election as well. He likes fucking up our politics and he’s found willing patsies in McCain and Romney.
That all said, I won’t cry for the producer of that movie if bad things happen to him. Doing stupid shit should have consequences.
My condolences. I don’t know how it feels but I can feel your rage when reading twitter comments. There will always be light at the end of any dark tunnel. Keep the faith.
? Martin
@Cain: It doesn’t sound like this is an ongoing demonstration, so I don’t think they’re going to evacuate. They’ll probably send in more security, though.
I think the US is sufficiently invested in both countries doing well that we won’t want to bail out over something like this.
OT: on the local election front….
just to show that I wasn’t talking out of my ass earlier when people were talking about what races were tight and where to put their cash….
Suzanne… take heart, mayhap there are still enough sane people left in the state to make this a reality.
Unrelated to the chaos at hand, did anyone see this:
Here I was told that it cost us $27 trillion. Instead the $182B to AIG has already been paid off in full and is turning a profit. In fact, we still have another 16% of the company to sell.
My conservative barometer PJM’s gone all in behind Romney’s statement. Since this is an Islamphobia/Obama-bashing two-birds-with-one-stone thing, I expect them to come to it like pigs to slop, so, hopefully, it does backfire and it’ll do so on all of them.
(If the Egyptian embassy statement did indeed go out before the attacks, shouldn’t be hard).
@? Martin:
I agree, I don’t think the two things are connected.
? Martin
@MikeJ: Here’s Propublica’s tally:
926 Recipients
$603.8B Total disbursement
$340.2B Total returned
$87.1B Total revenues from dividends, interest, and other fees
$-176.5B Total net to date
I don’t think the latest AIG sale is in that, nor does it really account for the value of assets we still hold (⅓ of GM, 1/6 of AIG, etc.)
Freddie/Fannie is the bulk of that loss, though 100% of their profits come back to us, so it’ll keep getting paid down. GM will likely be a loss, but not a massive one.
But that’s TARP plus other bailouts. We never spent the whole $700B authorized, so it’s a bit inaccurate for anyone to site that figure as ‘taxpayer loss’.
Or something like that.Suffern Ace
@Chris: Especially if it is a calm the fuck down message. Although I would expect several to believe that the purpose of diplomats are to inflame the population of the host country with insults.
Suffern ACE
@Or something like that.Suffern Ace: Well scratch that. I keep forgetting that Bolton is their foreign policy adviser. Of course they think diplomacy is about insults and threats.
Dennis SGMM
You have my deepest condolences for the loss of your friend. Please be extra careful with yourself while your emotions work themselves out.
I drove by the Pentagon after the attack. The hole in the side of the building was massive. How the hell can something like that be staged?
@tjmn: Elves, man. Elves.
@Zyla: I’m so sorry for your loss, Zyla.
From the BBC
This shit is going to be ugly.
The prevailing.. I hesitate to use the word “theory”, but.. is that it was a missile of some sort instead of a plane. No, it doesn’t make the slightest bit of sense.
@Zyla: My deepest sympathy to you and his family.
I agree that it is all the more reason not to entrust Republicans with anything. Simply put, they have no honor.
@some guy:
I’m happy to kick in to a bounty bucket on this fucker.
Based on the manic pace of ABL’s tweets I suspect she’s high octane all the time. Fun, sweet and exhausting. You on the other hand I suspect are set in your ways and therefore alterations in your routine cost you emotionally. Put the two of you together for nine days and wham.
How’d I do?
@Zyla: It’s a great idea and hopefully Cole saw your comment. I’m so sorry for your loss and Romney’s reaction was terrible.
When are some people going to be arrested for treason?
I’m so sick of religion, and its bullshit I could scream. When a “belief” system can dictate foreign policy, and not sound reasoning and diplomacy, I’d ready to pack it in.
The Rmoney campaign, in a riches of cynicism mode, advised releasing his “statement” before midnight last night. Tone deaf? Not even close.
These idiots are so goddamned ignorant about foreign policy, not to mention meddling in an extremely delicate situation, they should just sit down and STFU.
What person in their right mind would even consider voting for a Republicant these days?
And John, sorry to hear that you’re “run down”, but at age 71, I find that taking a multi- and 1,000 mg of C everyday helps tremendously and keeps me going pretty much full speed. You might want to check your bp and sugar levels everyday, too. I was carrying extra weight and it almost put me into diabetes-land; have shed almost 40 lbs and feel terrific. No restaurant food–ever, esp fast food! It will cause blood sugar to rise like a balloon. I’m controlling hbs with diet only and count carbs.
I also take a nap when I need it. : )
P.S. I’m also raising my great-grandson who will be 3 in Dec. Best thing that ever motivated me.
Libyan Ambassador killed by enraged mob. Said mob enraged by obscure you tube video showing muhammed to be committing paedophellia. Film supported by Terry jones the koran burning florida pastor.
Mitt Romney has called obamas response disgraceful. This is perhaps relevant to the election.
The NYTimes has Romney as “apparently unaware” that he’s wrong on the timing of the diplomat’s statement.
Why would they put that in a news piece?
Why offer an excuse that Romney himself hasn’t offered?
He said what he said. Let him explain it. I mean, Jesus, they wouldn’t go the OTHER way. They’d never write “Romney was aware of the timing but said it anyway”.
He’s a fucking menace. He thinks this is a game. Can no one shut him up?
@kay: the free speech porn, the gun porn and the msm. The troika that brings america down.
John is hitting geezerhood young and letting us all see it unfold before us. It’s OK. Some of us are boomers and actual geezers (although most of us don’t act it so much, hey you! get off my lawn hippy!)
If they can’t get a statement from the idiot’s campaign excusing what he said, then just write what he said.
Why are they guessing at what he knows or doesn’t know? They’re bending over backward to supply good intentions. Nothing is “apparent”. Just leave it out.
@kay: The article should have been on the oped page.
@Zyla: So sorry for your loss, Zyla. Thinking of you today.
All of this is why Israel should never dictate US foreign policy. Bacile is an Israeli Firster and a traitor to the US. Israeli speakers, even this morning, are going on and on about Iran–they want war and on their terms, somethng Rmoney and the Republicants are supporting. They intend to push this meme by any means necessary.
Bacile is being aided and abetted by the crazed rightwing evangelical, Jones, of course, and by tacit agreement by the entire rightwing. Deport both of these hatemongers since they despise the US, and this President, so much. Freedom? Not with their kind. Ambassador Stevens is the first ambassador to be killed since 1979. Relations with Libya are a delicate matter, as with other countries, and this kind of interference in foreign policy is treason.
This kind of shit, the underbelly of the internet, is pure hate and is getting people killed–it’s ignorant and leads to more ignorant behavior. It’s what will lead to some kind of censorship eventually, and who wants that?
@Violet: I don’t know about the not eating meat bit (modest portions of agreeable foods), but the bit about sleeping (lots of sleeping), drinking lots of water, and moderate walks sounds about right. I would also avoid TV and try to limit your computer time the next couple of days.
P.S. Welcome to middle age.
@Zyla: I am very sorry to hear the loss of your friend, especially in such a horrible and shocking fashiong. Words never make these things better, but know that you have touched others on this blog.
I encourage Juicers to read the article in Vanity Fair.
It focuses, in part, on the way Obama found a path to intervention in Libya that prevented thousands of civilian deaths and lead to the overthrow of their corrupt leadership. The article gives me tremendous faith in the president’s decision making. And it gives me renewed anger at extremists who think that killing our ambassador and other staff members is a good way to make a point, about anything. The U.S. stopped a fucking genocide in your country, Libyans. Thanks so much for your gratitude.
Over at NYT, Chunky Ross Douthat has thrown in the towel on R&R; in typical weasel fashion of course, but there it lies anyway. Can dotty George be far behind?
J.D. Rhoades
@GregB: I could not fucking believe that.
Priebus is that rare combination of douche and bag, all in one package.
I could totally believe it. Jon Stewart,as usual, nailed it with his description of Priebus at the RNC: “angry drunk guy.”
Ben Cisco
Holy crap, Infinite Ericks got one (sorta) right:
Of course, this was AFTER Romney stuck his foot down his throat again…
J.D. Rhoades
Oh my god…I’m so sorry, Zyla.
J.D. Rhoades
I have looked at Obama’s statement a haf dozen times, and no matter how hard I squint, I can’t find an expression of sympathy for the attackers.
Romney and Reince lying again. Whocoodanode?
Just in–3 others killed in Libya in addition to Amb Stevens.
All right then, Bacile and his facilitators have the blood of 4 on their hands. All Americans, I would assume, in that embassy.
When will this madness stop?
@Zyla: I am sorry about your loss. Such terrible news. My heart goes out to you and to your friends family.
Ben Cisco
@Zyla: My condolences on your (and our) loss. May the Prophets guide him home and grant you solace.
@Older_Wiser: Yea, just in. I posted it here 2 hours ago.
@raven: No reason to be snarky. I simply haven’t seen it anywhere else until just a few minutes ago.
I simply won’t comment here anymore if that’s your wont.
@Older_Wiser: You are not the only old and wise guy here!
You need to get out more!
@Older_Wiser: Take it easy.
Patricia Kayden
You’re sounding tired. Cheer up. Just think of all the fun you’ve had — so much that you’re now slowly coming back down to earth. At least ABL never got a good photo of you. That should make you happy.
poor mitt, always relegated to the children’s table.
well, i guess our october surprise came a month early. gonna go pop some popcorn and wait for my draft number to get called up.
From Greg Sargent’s blog:
Another crazification factor spotted in the wild!
Four diplomats were killed in Libya.
Obama used the word outrage and I agree with it.
The filmmaker can stay in hiding for the rest of his life. He is scum.
His own personal views on a religion are his and he was aware of tensions about mocking Muslims.