It seems that Rush Limbaugh Fat Bastard has uncovered the secret agenda of the Kenyan usurper and his alliance with al-Qaida:
What if Ayman al-Zawahiri and other al-Qaida leaders gave up Osama Bin Laden for the express purpose of making Obama look good? Giving Obama stature, political capital. Obama got Osama! I mean really, do you think al-Qaida depends on Osama Bin Laden any more, like it did?… So they give him him, they give away his location. We go in, SEAL Team 6, Obama puffs up… Keep him in power, furthers the cause… Do you think the militant Islamists will be as hopeful of getting rid of Israel with a Republican president or with a Democrat president? Just throwing it out there.
I guess we can expect Mitt and his fellow white supremacists to start folding this paranoid fantasy into his stump speech any day now…
Just throwing it out there.
David Koch
but, but, but… I thought they located bin Laden because of Bush?
Davis X. Machina
@David Koch: That statement is no longer operative….
Omnes Omnibus
That would be a recipe for disaster. For Mitt. I almost hope he does it. OTOH there should be some things that are over the line even for this crew.
It is striking that this is a man of national prominence, someone who millions listen to daily.
a long, long time ago, i worked summers at the brookfield zoo outside chicago. the monkeys use to throw it out there all the time, much to the dismay of zoo visitors.
David Koch
I guess the stock market doubled in 4 years because they’re militant Islamists who want to get rid of Israel.
Just throwing that out there.
@Omnes Omnibus: You would think so, but if the race continues on its current trajectory, Mitt may be so desperate that he may try this. The man clearly has no shame or depth he won’t sink too, so I find it very plausible he could ape Limbaugh if he’s desperate enough.
Omnes Omnibus
@gf120581: I prefer to retain my illusions as long as possible.
Dennis SGMM
Can we no longer deny that a portion of our nation has gone mad?
It’s not like Fox and Friends are far from promoting this now . . .
Brookfield! I have a nephew who worked at the zoo many years ago. We’re probably related.
Sorry about that. You don’t have to tell anyone.
Now they’re really starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel.
After today’s national polls and the new FL/OH/VA polls that show Obama leading in all of them by 5-7 points, I can almost taste the wingnut tears. Time to break out the coattails.
I gave another $100 to the Kenyan usurper tonight. After voting in the local primaries (there was a surrogate judge’s race on the ballot in NYC…that was it), I feel like I’ve fulfilled my civic duties for the evening.
Patricia Kayden
Shouldn’t Romneybot and ilk be trying to get independent voters? He already has the White skinhead/KKK/Nazi/bigot vote completely wrapped up. Following Limpbag’s lead wouldn’t help him, in my opinion.
Comrade Mary
TNC: “Rush Limbaugh argues that a masked Muslim swapped Obama’s birth certificate, parachuted out of a black helicopter, perched on a grassy knoll and shot Osama Bin Laden thus proving that the president is a Muslim.”
The right has lost its collective mind thanks to there being a N*clang in the White House. That has become clear.
What if Limbaugh took such massive doses of Rx pharmaceuticals and abused them so badly, that he went deaf and had to have implants to restore his hearing?
There is evidence for that.
What if that behavior also addled his mind?
No direct evidence for that, but more plausible than Al Qaeda plotting with Obama to make him look good.
I guess the dozens of number twos and threes that have been droned bombed gladly gave up their lives as part of the plot, too. Sure, the math demands it.
Just Some Fuckhead
As far as accusations go, it’s not particularly novel.
Another Halocene Human
@PsiFighter37: The emoprogs in Florida are now saying they’ll vote for Obama, even though the Democratic Party is wholly owned subsidiary of Corporate America and the working class will never be free with them in charge. Oh, and they will NOT have anything to do with OfA but they will be making phone calls for local candidates.
I hope they flip Stearns’ former seat blue. Please consider donating a few bucks to JR Gaillot.
Jim C.
This is the dumbest thing I’ve heard out of a conservative since yesterday.
For those who remember those days – was there anything comparable to this after Kennedy, our first Catholic, was elected? I know it was the age of the “liberal consensus,” but you had plenty of loud and angry outliers in both parties, plus a still-widespread anti-Catholic bias.
Oh boy. Looks likes Limbaugh’s last shipment of happy pills may have been slightly tainted.
Anyway, we all know that the real secret is that Barack Obama traveled back in time to fake the evidence of his own birth.
@Jim C.: Just wait until tomorrow. Somehow, they’ll top this.
Peak wingnut is a lie.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Jim C.:
Sounds like you’ve been out of the loop for awhile.
Comrade Mary
@dmsilev: Yeah. And the next thing you’ll tell me is that Obama is a hobbit. Pull. Other. Bells on.
@Comrade Mary: Nonsense. He’s too tall to be a hobbit, and besides we’ve seen enough beach photos of him to know that he doesn’t have hairy feet. He’s half-elven. Just look at the ears if you don’t believe me.
Or something like that.Suffern Ace
@Chris: Not likely. I mean how many loops do you have to crawl around to make everything Kennedy did look as if he was following orders from the Pope? Of course maybe he was hiding it so well that you wouldn’t know the damage he was doing to Protestants.
Just Some Fuckhead
@dmsilev: Erudites can’t mate with elves, dork!
Newly restored color movies from 1899.
Oldest color film footage dates back to 1899
Maybe there will be some shocking clues about Nobama time travel in there.
But even if not, fascinating video with the story.
The Republic of Stupidity
I’m guessing the number ‘27%’ will figure in here sooner or later…
Kinda like people did with shit before cities build sewers.
JR in WV
Many years I got a new manager, lots of software industry management experience. He seemed like a good guy, eventually asked me to apply for a manager level job to be his assistant. He listened to public radio, classical music, everything seemed good.
Then I was in an office close to his, and I noticed the murmur of talk radio after noon. It was Rush! Bad news, new boss was right-wing nut. I started listening to Rush for the first time as I drove to lunch.
Shortly I learned that Rush was an unconscious truth-teller, all you had to do was reverse everything he said!! Replace Democrat[sic] with Republican, replace lies with truths, replace light with dark and white with black, and it magically turned into the truth.
I mean, you have to select the reversal to fit the context, but if you reversed his every point with the appropriate opposite construct, you very nearly had a Delphic Oracle!!
The man then went deaf, and then got arrested for illegal narcotics trading. I expected his career to end right then. Imagine if Dan Rather was found to be illegally abusing narcotics! But no, his acolytes found that this weakness only meant that Rushbaugh was human, and still remained infallible.
Thus showing how discerning the acolytes of Rushing Limberger really are. Now he’s going to work on President Obama, who has shown in the last 3 years how a democracy is meant to be managed. The contrast is particularly amazing after seeing the sterling example of how not to do it President W just supplied the nation.
I’m still amazed that the Republican Party continues to exist. 27%, Baby! 27%!!
If I could only figure out a way to make a buck off the 27% without Rushian behavior, I’d be really well off, and able to donate to the big funds to support democracy! The catch is you have to be crazier than the 27% to lead them, and few are called.
@dmsilev: Actually… he’s a child of Imrazôr and Mithrellas and probably related to Prince Imrahil. But you’re not supposed to notice!
@Or something like that.Suffern Ace:
I, personally, am fascinated with how people squared the “he’s an agent of the Vatican” rumor with the “he’s an agent of the Kremlin” rumor.
Probably the same way their grandchildren square “Obama wants to impose Sharia Law!” with “so we’ll all be forced to have gay abortions!”
ETA: however the hell that is.
I’m not saying I believe this, or think it is true; I’m just throwing it out there for some heady contemplation and discussion.
The Republican Party at this point is an active evil that must be stopped at all costs, and it is the duty of any person who values truth, respect, logic, and other worthwhile qualities to actively oppose them.
They’re fucking monsters, and you can’t live with monsters.
Omnes Omnibus
They steal all the covers, don’t they?
Haven’t you learned anything we’ve tried to teach you?
OK, one more time, repeat after me:
1) “Both parties are exactly the same”
2) “There’s no difference between Bush and Gore”
3) “Obama hasn’t earned my vote, he’s just the same as Bush was”
There will be a short quiz on this material, tomorrow.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
I think we can all agree that Romney is an Iksar.
Rita R.
Sigh. Looks like Rush is on the drugs again. Wonder if he’s paying his maid better this time around to score for him.
The Republican Party has been driven off the cliff by the fever dreams of Roger Ailes and Rush Limbaugh and the morality-free political scheming of Newt Gingrich dating back to the 1990s. These three are the Patient Zeros of the craziness that has now infected the whole party.
Ethics and all that completely aside for the moment, the problem is, you have to. No alternative short of basically committing genocide, at which point you won’t need to worry about them being monsters – the new world will have plenty of its own.
Anatoliĭ Lъudьvigovich Bzyp (formerly Horrendo Slapp, Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.)
I must note my outrage that you have smeared the good name of Fat Bastard by likening him to Rush Limbaugh. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?
@dmsilev: No.
There really has been nothing like this in my life time (60 years) until Clinton was elected. Rush shoveled this type of shit before that but it wasn’t until 1992 that they went completely insane with the volume turned to 11. the 90s were all about running any remaining sane republicans out of the party so this is all they have left which makes it that much worse
Triassic Sands
Thank, Jeebus, the fat bastard isn’t a conspiracy theorist. It’s good to see that he’s grounded in reality and dealing in hard, verifiable facts.
I can only think of one person more in need of mental health help than Rushbo. That would be his fourth beard.
Just throwin’ that out there.
Just Some Fuckhead
She’s gotta be a mess after being forced to wear little girl panties and speak in babytalk all these years.
Just throwing it up here.
People, people! Don’t call him fat. That’s mean.
Call him puckishly plump.
Much better.
@Rita R.: Grover. You forgot everyone’s favorite treason muppet Grover.
Rush’s latest seems pretty ordinary to me. No, srsly. Anyone remember Osama bin Laden’s little broadcast shortly before the 2004 election? Which the Rses carried on about saying it “proved” ObL wanted Kerry to win. Of course it showed the opposite, but Rush’s idea isn’t new.
@Emma: Perhaps from one of their younger children, some descendant of whose married a Haradran after the Ring War when Harad had become an ally of Gondor.
@Chris: The mindset, the ethos, the whatever it is that gets these otherwise sometimes good people to act like monsters. Like they get possessed by some foul spirit from the Underworld, called Fox News, among other names.
Rita R.
You’re right, Grover is the fourth horseman. (Sorry for switching metaphors.)
Good ol’ Rush, always good for a laugh. During his legal trouble with prescription drugs, I recall his lawyer saying (presumably with a completely straight face) “I can’t understand why my client is being treated this way”.
Of course, the overwhelming response was “because he’s rich and white, asshole. If he wasn’t, his fat ass would already be on the way to Raiford.”
Equal justice under the law…snork, snork.
Well, we can clear this up right now — let’s get out the Ouija board and ask Osama what really happened.
Man, I sure would hate for the Republicans to put out a ridiculous conspiracy theory that also reminds any clueless swing voter who’s been in a cave since 2009 that Obama got bin Laden. Man, that would ruin my whole birthday….
@JR in WV: People have been making billions off the 27% now for the last 30 years, starting with Richard Viguerie, Karl Rove, Faux News, and Rusho. But as Sir Thomas Moore (Paul Scofield) told Sir Richard Rich (Johh Hurt), after Rich perjures himself at Moore’s trial: “Why Richard, it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world… but for Wales?”