All that Putin porn the wingers drooled over..IT’S FAKE!
Couldn’t these idiots at least find real pictures of a shirtless foreign tyrant huntin’ n’ fishin’ to whack off to?
by DougJ| 68 Comments
This post is in: Green Balloons
All that Putin porn the wingers drooled over..IT’S FAKE!
Couldn’t these idiots at least find real pictures of a shirtless foreign tyrant huntin’ n’ fishin’ to whack off to?
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He is neither an angel nor a centerfold.
Feudalism Now!
In Soviet Russia, photos fake you!
Personally, I would have used this, but that’s me:
Staged, not fake.
Spaghetti Lee
Hell, I’m disappointed by this. I thought he was our best chance for a real-life James Bond bad guy.
the Conster
Conservatives are so fucking weird.
I don’t get it. Russia is known for its gorgeous women and yet the one Russian the wingnuts chose to fap over is a middle-aged man. Am I missing something?
I think they’re holding out for Sarah Palin.
I clicked one link to see the dumb wingnut compare and contrast. One Obama pic looks like he is body surfing and I doubt that is faked. Why is body surfing sissy? Maybe Obama is just swimming in the ocean, and just looks like body surfing, which could be on SS no no list, just like poor old Joe can’t hot rod no more.
Edit: And even if he is ocean swimming, what is sissy about that?
So wingnut stuff was dumb even before Putin let out the no so secret secret.
Might be a subtle Putin push to favor Mitt. Putin figured OK for gullible in Russia, but if gullible were swallowing the PR stunts in US and they might vote for Mitt, then Putin better disillusion them?
Or was story that Putin is going to dawn a beak, and fly a light aircraft to guide geese on their migration too over the top? Putin really going to do that or is it a spoof?
Angel is NOT a centerfold.
Angel is a droopy, aging old white man.
Where’s a memory hole when you need one?
You didn’t include my favorite one.
Well, who are your target audience for crude propaganda?
gogol's wife
This is not news to anyone in Russia.
@Mojotron: Love that the bag says “Magic Horse Feed” on it.
gogol's wife
It was cranes, not geese, and he didn’t wear a beak, but yes, he did that.
dr. bloor
I’d love to have someone photoshop him on the sheer face of a cliff with the Dos Equus guy. Or maybe Ted Nugent.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
Hey, there is this: Vladimir Vladimirovich DOES hold black belts in Judo and in Karate. He DOES shoot expert with the Makarov pistol. And he was trained as a field agent in the Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Besopasnosti, one of the best intelligence organizations in the world.
The man is something of a badass, staged photos or no, blockheaded American conservatives knob-bobbin’ him or no.
Linda Featheringill
The picture in the upper left corner:
I always wondered why he was hunting in the brush country without a shirt on. The flora pictured there can actually hurt if it comes into contact with your precious little skin.
I realize that these pictures play to a Russian culture but they always remind me of what I think Genghis Khan was probably like. Leftover cultural influence?
Staged or not, Putin Is actually a black-belt judoka, and actively supports the sport in Russia. One of the few things I actually admire about the guy.
And our wingnuts have a crush on him? Ugh. Move to Russia, creeps.
ETA: Ivan got there first. (Shakes fist.) IVANNNNN!
They understand this isn’t the Iliad right? Global supremacy won’t be determined by one-on-one combat between our two nations’ great champions? We won WWII despite FDR’s physical impairments?
Their entire party is a fraternity of morons who are unable to distinguish politics from Hot or Not.
The Moar You Know
@beltane: Nope.
I REALLY didn’t want to go to RedState!
Now I have to take a shower!
Roger Moore
And have a very disturbing idea of “Hot”.
Parallel H
Nothing cements one’s status as a serious big daddy foreign policy analyst like falling for Russian propaganda.
@Roger Moore: Hold up there. There is nothing wrong with finding someone of Putin’s body type attractive. I know a few straight women and gay guys who are all over that. You just have to be into older men, and he is pretty well in shape for his age!
Of course, I don’t imagine a lot of Republican men would want to describe themselves as “into older men”…
@Ivan Ivanovich Renko:
Okay, but can he take Obama off the dribble?
Roger Moore
I think the wingnuts are judging Putin by his political type (guy who likes to project an image of manliness) rather than his physical type (old guy who’s in good shape for his age). That’s what I think is disturbing about their idea of hotness.
hep kitty
Putin Thanks Romney for Calling Russia No. 1 Foe
That’s OK. Wingers have moved on. They are now drooling over Paul Ryan porn.
Equally fake, but at least it’s Amurrikin.
hep kitty
@Ivan Ivanovich Renko: It’s propaganda but apparently not unrepresentative of the man.
It’s sissy because:
A) No animals were harmed or killed
B) No humans were stomped or otherwise beaten
C) No automatic nor semi-automatic weaponry
D) Excessive melanin of the participant
E) You can’t do it in Kansas or other parts of Real America
F) Because SHUT UP!
I hope this helped clear things up.
@Ivan Ivanovich Renko:
There’s weird psycho-sexual shit going on in the GOP mind. If any of them were the least bit introspective they could examine that.
Boy, I am sorry I clicked over and read some of that diarrhea that counts as commentary at RedState. What a pathetic bunch of white men with imaginary enemies.
Bill in Section 147
Kind of a balder Romney or an older Ryan. And just as real.
In dreams he moves with Reaganesque clarity. In dreams he has climbed many mountains. In dreams he has excellent times in the running events. And in the dream he appears fiscally conservative never spending, spending, spending his own deficit. He is also in dreams a wonk, so perfect for rightwing fap.
I picture myself sweating, laying in the dark like Kurtz as I write of this man, this dream.
Gin & Tonic
@SFAW: Nah. This
Комитет государственной безопасности
is showing off.
Yeah, but at least the Russians have the sense to follow the rule “Pictures or it didn’t happen!” The Repubs don’t even have that.
I guess it is now standard cult of personality stuff, but really. The Wingnuts should seek therapy for the Strong Man Fetish; it’s not gay (not that there’s anything wrong with that) it’s a desperate attempt to paper over their personality fissures with some external authority.
To be clear: it has nothing to do with sexual orientation. It has everything to do with their misogyny and character disorders.
@Gin & Tonic:
Whatever. You and Renko can fight over who’s more of a commie.
And, frankly, it’s not that much more of a show-off attempt if you leave out OGPU and NKVD, mой друг
Hey, Paulie
RuizRyan had pictures from his ‘thon!ChrisNYC
The one on the horse has serious Bo Derek vibes.
Those soft, fuzzy sweaters were too magical to touch, I guess.
Not enough Vodka in the world. . . .
Man hides artifacts so he can find them for the cameras. Potemkin leader: Potemkin manhood. Whatever he may have had, he’s attained the stage of frantic and increasingly laughable (if slightly worrying) combovers. Put your shirt on and stop looking so desperate and needy — or no, go ahead, let your freak soul fly for all to wonder at.
They aren’t faked, they’re staged. In common with the vast majority of images of politicians that we are treated to, including those of your favorites.
@Heliopause: There’s staged and there’s desperate. The man’s about to go full-on 90-year-old grannie in 7-inch-heels and shorty-shorts delusional.
Fluke bucket
@SFAW: Where is Condi Rice when you need her?
Yeah, but I’m still waiting for pics from his 20 fourteeners.
Omnes Omnibus
@Fluke bucket: Shoe shopping?
Basically, authoritarian manliness power pr0n designed to impress the usual 27-ish percent knuckledragging nationalist yahoos in the country. Big problem is that Putin seems to have decided that the only way he’s going to leave the Kremlin is in a box, so these things don’t bode well for international relations.
I’ve been blogging the Putin Sexy Time for a while now. Fun stuff!
Putin is desperate? Seems to me he’s been in the catbird seat for a long time.
Putin cracks me up. he’s a straight up gangsta. A KGB trained gangsta.
hep kitty
Those Russian men like to let it all hang out during summer. I guess they try to make the most of some warm weather while it lasts, with those teeny bathing suits and fish-belly white paunches. Putin is ripped compared to most of his comrades.
Omnes Omnibus
@Heliopause: Perhaps there is a difference between desperate to seem manly and desperate to stay in power?
hep kitty
The state of the Romney campaign today is the natural progression and acceleration, the crescendo if you will, of the craven, soulless pursuit of and pandering to teabaggers that Mitt has already been doing from the beginning. I can’t imagine it getting worse but it will.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Do you think Obama is desperate to be seen as loving the troops when photographed speaking in somber tones to them, or desperate to be seen as engaged when he is photographed in rolled-up shirtsleeves at the scene of a disaster, or desperate to be seen as a traditional family man when he is photographed on the way to church with the family in its Sunday finest, or desperate to be seen as a regular guy when photographed visiting a diner or shooting hoops?
Funny stuff. Not sure why he needs a crossbow to help the whales, though. That looks a little sketchy.
I think the funniest part is that America’s right wingers thought those were actual action shots of Putin’s everyday life and not publicity photos. I’m not sure these guys should be allowed to watch TV or movies anymore since they seem to have trouble distinguishing between reality and fantasy.
@Omnes Omnibus: Exactly. These photos aren’t about appearing to be leader-powerful, these are personal testosterone-lifts, cult-of-personality, coconuts down the underpants fables. They’re far beyond the day-in day-out white fibs everyone engages in when putting their best foot forward or the rolled-sleeve traditional symbols and they’re becoming a torrent which makes them even funnier.
Or something like that.Suffern Ace
@scav: I don’t follow Russia as much as I should. But are there rumors that Putin is in poor health?
@Fluke bucket:
Out blaming Jamie Gorelick for Benghazi, Cairo, and Yemen.
I thought it was 40?
But what I want to know is: isn’t a 14-er a little young for him to be hittin’ on? Or did you mean something else?
@Or something like that.Suffern Ace:
Well, he HAS been having nightmares (or perhaps hallucinations) of seeing Sarah Palin’s face watching him from her window. But outside of that, I hadn’t heard anything.
Patricia Kayden
@SFAW: Why would he be having nightmares about a beautiful, articulate, brilliant vixen watching his every move?
@Patricia Kayden:
You’re thinking of Tina Fey, I’m guessing. And, no, SHE most definitely doesn’t induce nightmares.
TMZ claims they have exclusive photos of Vladimir scaling the walls of a posh hotel.
Yes, Putin on the Ritz.
Triassic Sands
Photo Captions:
Top Left: Hunting baby gophers.
Top Right: Hunting baby foxes.
Center Left: Hunting baby fish.
Center Right: Hunting (for female) baby black belts.
Bottom Right: Hunting baby seals.
Quite the hunter. To bad he didn’t hunt for his shirt before all the photos were taken.