The West Wing lives. Sort of. One of the best campaign ads this cycle, no doubt:
<div align=”center”><iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
(Look for verbal easter eggs, btw.)
Also too: open thread.
the Conster
I wished I lived in Michigan so I could see how the story ends. Well done, Bridget McCormack.
ETA: They weren’t kidding about her being hot. She’s the whole package!
? Martin
How the fuck did a state supreme court candidate pull that off?
Y’Obama? C’mon man, step it up!
[Oh, derp. The name was too far removed for me to put 1-1 together.]
David in NY
@? Martin:
Sister in the cast.
That was one heap of awesome!
I caught a “boo boo” in there, and at first thought this ad was clowning on Romney.
Lots of star power for such a nobody.
Pro tip for candidates: when running for office, particularly in down ticket races, it’s helpful if you can arrange to have a famous sibling with lots of famous friends who are willing to put together a viral video for you.
I just saw this on Boing Boing. Sent it to all the like-minded Michiganders I know.
What a coup. Holy shit.
The Dangerman
@? Martin:
Barack is hoping Michael Douglass is free (I’ll shoot the video for free if he brings Catherine or at least the secret on how one marries a hot starlet young enough to be…).
Corner Stone
So one is named Mary Catherine McCormack and one is named Bridget Mary McCormack?
TaMara (BHF)
Just watched it a bit ago. Loved it. Who is Mary McCormack? From Mary McCormack’s lips, with a twinkle in her eye: “I don’t know but I hear she’s hot.”
And who names their daughters Mary McCormack and Bridget Mary McCormack?
Corner Stone
@The Dangerman: $$$
What do I win?
David in NY
@Corner Stone: Think they’re Irish?
“It’s an Apocalypse Now?”
The Michigan Supreme Court is technically a nonpartisan election, but she is very much a Democratic nominee. The court is actually prone to some ridiculous partisan shenanigans, not much different from what we’ve seen recently from the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Democratic control would be a pretty big deal.
General Stuck
Thank the lard. The Romney campaign is in full reboot to pull themselves out of the frying pan and into the fire.
And where better to hump that chicken than in Florida speaking to the AARP.
Absolutely goddam right. Man the ramparts. As the Roman General opined upon seeing Rome in flames – “perfect time for a weeny roast”
These clowns got nothing on John McCain in the fine art of political suicide.
Tim in SF
“It’s an apocalypse, now?”
Dammit. Weisman beat me to this one.
If only ALL the political ads we see this year could be this enjoyable! I always go through our whole ballot when we get it in the mail but that’s because I have time to really look at it. Some years with all our ballot measures it would take me 20 minutes or longer to vote if we were still going to a polling place(hint, hint – make vote-by-mail required for the entire country!).
I hope she wins her race!
Temporarily Max McGee (Soon Enought To Be Andy K Again)
@Corner Stone:
My mom and each of her ten O’Toole sisters has “Mary”- or some form of it- in their names.
Shawn in ShowMe
Even had the soaring music at the end. Absolutely perfect.
I know they were doing this to support a fellow cast member’s sibling but they must have been one helluva tight-knit cast. I didn’t think that kind of camaraderie existed in TV anymore.
ha! I have a friend who knows her and thinks very very highly of her. Just emailed it to him. Awesome.
How is it that Alison Janney appears to be aging in reverse?
Warren Terra
@Corner Stone:
The third sister is Catherine Bridget McCormack.
(no, not really).
@TaMara (BHF):
Catholics. It’s not as popular now, but it was quite the thing until recently for every daughter to be named Mary + a middle name and be called by their middle name. In my own family, I’m still not entirely clear on whether my mother’s birth name was Annette Marie or Marie Annette (and unfortunately she passed away when I was a child, so I can’t just ask). G’s aunt is legally named Mary Colette and called Colette. Etc.
@TaMara (BHF): She’s an actor. Was recently seen in In Plain Sight on the USA cable channel, playing a US Marshall with the Witness Protection Program.
Salvatore mea. Self-assessment day. Or four hours of saying why I r the awesome. I swear root canals are easier.
That was wonderful. Out of everyone, Allison Janney was looking pretty damn good all these years later!
Rick Massimo
Allison Janney …
Um, what were we talking about?
I Am Mitt's Smirk (né Studly Pantload, t.e.u.u.)
Who da man? Reid da man!
Harry Reid Calls Off Votes To Prevent Scott Brown From Ditching Debate With Elizabeth Warren
Outstanding. I love the fact that the cast is willing to do this stuff because it actually makes a difference to voters on major issues today.
Hungry Joe
@TaMara (BHF):
Mary McCormack and Bridget Mary McCormack’s parents.
Shoot, that was easy. Next?
If I had a fairy godmother who could turn me into someone else for a day, I would have to flip a coin to decide whether I’d be Janelle Monae or Allison Janney.
Corner Stone
@Warren Terra: Wouldn’t it be Catherine Mary McCormack?
@General Stuck:
Next time, they should hold down F5 during the reboot.
James E. Powell
@TaMara (BHF):
And who names their daughters Mary McCormack and Bridget Mary McCormack?
I take it you don’t know a lot of Irish-American families.
@dmsilev: How many BSODs does it take to tank a Presidential Campaign?
@I Am Mitt’s Smirk (né Studly Pantload, t.e.u.u.): That’s hilarious. I’m hoping to be able to stream it online.
Maybe someone will give us updates.
Ben Franklin
Pawlenty resigns as co-chair. Guess what he’s gonna do?
Linda Featheringill
What, pray tell, is a verbal easter egg? I tried the google machine but it wasn’t helpful.
Elizabeth Warren personally asked me to let everyone know that her debate with Scott Brown will be live on C-SPAN tonight at 7pm Eastern time. You can also watch it online at
Okay, so maybe it was in an email she sent to her entire list of supporters.
And okay, so maybe it came from her campaign manager and not directly from her.
Still, I hope we get to see chicken-shit Scott Brown get an ass whooping tonight at 7pm eastern on C-SPAN.
Tom Levenson
@Linda Featheringill: Easter egg, via Wikipedia:
I tossed the “verbal” in there ’cause I wanted to point people towards the dialogue.
Ben Franklin
Hey, thanks for that…
Erik Vanderhoff
Talk about being born to the right family.
@Ben Franklin: I guessed wrong (fox news)
You so know Joel Silver wouldn’t have participated. Alan Alda? Jimmy Smits?
Linda Featheringill
@General Stuck:
In Florida, 17.3% of the population is age 65 or older.
[West Virginia is #2 in old folks at 16.0%.]
I believe the overall national figure is something like 13% oldies.
Lurking Canadian
@JPL: Why would Brown try to weasel out of the debate. I mean, I get that he’s a lightweight and Warren’s awesome, but isn’t he losing right now? In what sense is it a wining move to skip te debates if you’re losing? Especially when you are running on your tough-guy-drives-a-truck persona, you are going to give the impression that you’re afraid of a fight with a grandmother?
Beloved actors is right. It was like seeing old friends who are still just as fun as they always were, and it’s as if you last saw them yesterday.
They got everything right – the dialogue, which character said, what. Brilliant, just brilliant.
Edit: I do wish they had listed all 15 of the states that handles their ballots this way.
@Lurking Canadian:
Maybe the idea of having the grandmother beat the crap out of you in a debate seems worse?
Linda Featheringill
@Linda Featheringill:
Medicare in Florida:
FWIW. It seems right now that Republicans are ahead of the Democrats among folks 60 and older in Florida by about 10 points.
@Lurking Canadian: He had good cover. He’s only missed one vote in the Senate and the MA citizens would forgive him. Fortunately, Harry Reid was very accommodating and sent him on his way.
danah gaz
Just sayin’ =)
Villago Delenda Est
Oh, that was roast awesome drenched in awesomesauce with a side of awesome fries, anticipating a big three scoop bowl of death by awesome.
Absolutely pitch perfect in all ways…the dialogue, the visual style, and the message.
“Ok, explain this to me like I’m a two year old, and try to do it like you’re not.”
Could we please have a debate thread? Warren-Brown debate starts in 9 minutes.
Live on C-SPAN TV tonight at 7pm Eastern time.
Watch online at
So, are you Mary Mnemosyne or Mnemosyne Mary?
Let’s find out how many Republicans own and use computers. Because maybe the computer, cell phone, and now smart phone have passed them by.
Just think back ten years and this webad would not have been possible and how many people who ahve dumped land lines and now get their information regarding their voting intentions from a non TV, cable, newsprint, radio world are actually going to vote.
Scott Alloway
Didn’t read the comments. Went straight to the “Leave a Reply” to say, “WOW. What a great ad!” I loved it and I’m a fussy SOB.
You think you’re joking, but my meatspace first name actually is a version of Mary (one o’ them furrin non-English versions, but Mary in another other language still counts as Mary). When two Catholics have a daughter, how could it be anything else?
@I Am Mitt’s Smirk (né Studly Pantload, t.e.u.u.):
Harry BRASS and Nancy SMASH!!
Great Ad!
If Sorkin didn’t write it, someone did a great job of approximating his WW style.
I live in Michigan and she has my vote after seeing that.
@Ben Franklin:
Pawlenty and the Financial Services Roundtable have written Romney off. No way would he have left the campaign if there was a chance of Romney winning. Access to the White House is an incredibly valuable asset. Romney, if he were to win, would have owed Pawlenty.
That’s not just a hoot…it’s f@#$in’ BRILLIANT!
Josh Steinberg
@ Tom Levenson,
Just looking at your comment on Cosma Shalizi & IQ (in context of Andrew Sullivan).
As Steve Hsu (involved in the Cognitive Genomics Project) has pointed out, anyone who understands factor analysis realises that you can have correlations and a single largest factor even if there are no underlying causal reasons (i.e., it is just an accident). Nonetheless, these models may still be useful.
Prior to the availability of molecular studies the heritability of type II diabetes was estimated at 0.25 using all those methods. Now molecular studies have identified at least 9 loci involved in the disease. There are other examples in relation to height. So you can’t say that heritability studies, with all their seemingly ridiculous assumptions, are worthless.
In fact, reading Shalizi closely, you’ll see that he doesn’t think they are either. For instance, he says:
***If you put a gun to my head and asked me to guess [whether there are genetic variants that contribute to IQ], and I couldn’t tell what answer you wanted to hear, I’d say that my suspicion is that there are, mostly on the strength of analogy to other areas of biology where we know much more. ***
Also, in his article on g he seems to accept in the footnotes that intelligence or cognitive ability, as operationally defined by psychologists, is important for economic development.
His criticism of g is also met here. Still just 1 g: Consistent results from five test batteries Johnson et al
Intelligence Volume 36, Issue 1, January–February 2008, Pages 81–95