An anti-Obama movie claiming — without evidence — that President Barack Obama’s real father is an obscure African-American communist has been mailed to 1.5 million voters across the country, its creator told BuzzFeed Friday.
A reader in Ohio emailed this photo of his free copy of the film Dreams From My Real Father, which claims that the Chicago activist Frank Marshall Davis is actually President Obama’s father. He received it in the mail this week.
The film’s director and producer, Joel Gilbert, said that the film was sent out to more one million voters in Ohio; 200,000 after a mid-summer conference, and a million after that. He said that 50,000 copies had been sent to voters in Nevada and 100,000 to voters in New Hampshire.
They’re targeting SWING STATE voters, you Obot bitches.
Spaghetti Lee
Well, surely a trip to the Maury Povich show could clear this all up.
Omnes Omnibus
If a Chicago activist is his dad, why again did his mom go to Kenya to give birth?
But wait, how can Obama be a Kenyan Muslim if his father was just another black guy from Chicago? How can they take this away from us? It’s like finding out the Dos Equis guy isn’t really Mexican.
Communism, beeyotches! That will put a stake through the Kenyan interloper’s heart for certain.
This is of course why Noam Chomsky is Secretary of the Treasury.
Why did he have to show his birth certificate. … really…
So is the Pres an American citizen now?
They’re using trusted third parties for this. It’s very effective. You get an email from cousin Joe or nephew Phil, and you give it credence. It works WITH the on air advertising that generates the message that they’re all liars, drives down turnout on the “low information” voters.
Villago Delenda Est
@Omnes Omnibus:
Please, let’s perform one discipline in the mental gymnastics competition at a time, shall we? No mixing of the still rings with the parallel bars.
I Am Mitt's Smirk (né Studly Pantload, t.e.u.u.)
They could make any baseless allegation they want, and they went with “Commie dad”?
I weep for our landfills.
WTF?? Is North Carolina not a swing state any more?? I want my copy!!
That’s it, Romney has lost my vote!
Did the President also, too have to sell stock to support himself while in college?
@Omnes Omnibus: Ugh. Head hurt.
@Omnes Omnibus: It was part of her diabolical plot to make Obama seem more exotic than he was and also to instill in him an anti-colonialist hatred of the British empire. It wasn’t easy for her. She even had to get Al Gore to melt the snows of Kilimanjaro with his fat ass to make it happen.
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: Nope, I think these freaks have an explanation for it. It won’t make sense, but I want to hear it.
ETA: See, beltane gets it.
And the head of the Alabama GOP chimes in.
Loathe to say it, but some of these yutzes pushing multi-layered, complex, ultra-long tem conspiracies taking place over 50 years ago (with the added fillip of accusation via corruption of blood) are in dire need of medication.
They’re Bilderbergers cranked up to 11.
At what point can we charge these con artists with fraud?
OT a 26 year old man jumped into the tiger enclosure at the Bronx Zoo. He lost a leg to one of the cats. I feel for the people that work with the big cats. This is awful.
I know I am a bad person for doing this. I will atone for this tomorrow.
Jim, Foolish Literalist and Fact Checker
I actively stop myself from getting too confident about the actual election results. The economy sucks and people are stupid. That said, this does not frighten me.
@Peter: Every time I hear someone on TV saying that this is still a close race because North Carolina, I think, that’s not a good sign for Republicans, now or in the near future. And Obama’s within three in Arizona. Come on Cremona!
The oxy didn’t do Rush any good.
Assuming that this highly baseless allegation is true, who the heck cares?
Romney’s own great grandfather fled the United States to practice polygamy in Mexico. I don’t care about that either. In either case, neither Romney nor Obama had any influence as children as to what their parents/great grand-parents did.
Just wait for the movie that claims hes a rapist and pedophile
I can’t believe anti-Obama groups would make allegations that are not supported by evidence.
We’ll try to stay serene and calm
when Alabama gets the bomb
who’s next?
More of same: Alabama GOP Chair Goes Birther, Says Obama’s Communist Upbringing ‘Verified’
Warren Terra
The insult of this vile calumny on the proud legacy of Malcolm X will not stand.
The success rate on ordinary bulk mail hovers around 1%. Really? Seriously?
@Maude: what are you atoning for?
Roger Moore
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
So it may be factual, but that doesn’t mean it’s true.
Omnes Omnibus
@JPL: I think Maude might be one of the tigers.
@beltane: Because it was an Immaculate Communist Conception, and the manger was in Kenya. And Che, Mao and Uncle Ho were the three wise men.
Or something.
Felanius Kootea
@Maude: This says he didn’t lose a leg as originally reported, but is in critical condition after being mauled (he is able to speak though). There’s still no explanation for why he did it.
There’s no way this guy mailed 1,000,000 DVDs out.
However,he does want the media to say that he did.
Buzzfeed fell for this.
Given that Obama is in his 50’s, I bet that his father had a 10% bigger dick than Joel Gilbert does now.
@Omnes Omnibus: comment still stands.
The Dangerman
Since AOL doesn’t send out disks any longer, at least this years Christmas tree decorations will have one more.
Isn’t this the kind of shit that goes out the weekend prior to the election? Have they turned it to 11 early or are we going for 12 or more this year?
Post Citizens United, with non-disclosure of monied donors entrenched, it is not out of the realm of possibility.
Sad to say.
Roger Moore
@Felanius Kootea:
Best guess: because he’s a fucking idiot. Mind altering substances may also have been involved.
@gbear: well Rush would agree with you.
Omnes Omnibus
@JPL: Point taken. Note that there has been no denial of tigerness by Maude.
OT, but seriously, I’m beginning to get the Palin vibe from this guy. Isn’t he supposed to be smart?
Romney: My campaign doesn’t need a turnaround
@scav: Such a slow reader today I am. All Hail NotMax!
kd bart
I’m still waiting for evidence that George Bush showed up in Alabama.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist and Fact Checker: Obama is within 3 in Arizona? We need to send Paul Ryan to speak with more old people ASAP.
Okay, we’ve reached Stage 8 – Desperate Flailing, added style points for it costing at least a fair amount. I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of such a pathetic Hail Mary – and this is including Palin.
I went off topic.
As long as I am OT, read Wil Weaton’s last three posts about the pigeon.
It’s like when they said be quiet a school, I had to talk.
In 1961, Mau Maus buried Obama’s real birth certificate there.
@Omnes Omnibus:
LOL. I like mine with ketchup.
Jim, Foolish Literalist and Fact Checker
@beltane: Just one poll, but I don’t think Purple Strategies leans Dem. Other polls show it close to ten apart.
@lamh35: Romney got burned equating the military with the troops and he is determined not to let this happen again. Therefore,let it be known that Mitt Romney (the troops) is not the same thing as the Mitt Romney for President campaign (the military).
@Felanius Kootea:
Thx. People do stuff like that. The problem is the tiger now have a taste for people. In the wild, if a big cat attacks people, it will continue to do so.
I had a short lie down and am just bight eyed and busy tailed.
I think we are missing the real question. Did this mailer use the socialist post office or free market this? The answer will likely tell us that this is a liberal plant out to make real Americans looks stupid.
And we have an early front-runner for the Understatement of the Decade award.
The funny part is: Obama is being accused of being the child of a communist?
Um, really? How is that his fault?
And how many kids born in cities in this country in the 60s and 70s had commie parents? It must be like 20%.
These people are too fucking stupid to even gin up a proper accusation. They should just accuse him of being black and be done with it.
@jayackroyd: That would require one hell of an Amway-style network for it to work. Color me skeptical.
O/T: Prepare for the freakout.
@lamh35: wtf
Villago Delenda Est
@kd bart:
And evidence that he reported in to his reserve unit in Massachusetts.
Phil Perspective
@KevinNYC: You’re 100% correct!! I want to know what post office he mailed them from. What DVD factory produced them.
@lamh35: As has been mentioned by that great historian Chris Rock, McCain did not choose him as VP.
@BGinCHI: Isn’t Bill Kristol the child of a communist?
Can we contribute? I’d like to see every self-described Independent get at least one of these before the election. If the production quality is as good as the historical accuracy and political effectiveness of the “Obama is the love-child of a Communist” line, we really want waverers to see this.
Reason #12311 why SuperPac money isn’t as fearful as it sounds: An abundance of money doesn’t spend itself wisely or effectively. Idiots can waste a lot of money, and grifters gotta grift.
@beltane: I’m pretty sure he was raised a poor black child.
That is, assuming The Jerk is a biopic of his life.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
Yep — they’ll probably have to euthanize a perfectly good tiger because this guy decided to be an a- hole. Once a big cat figures out it can injure or kill a human, it’s only a matter of time before it hurts or kills one of its handlers.
Jeff Spender
I have a few of those 1935F notes. As well as some silver dimes and nickles.
The notes aren’t that valuable (about $1.35), but the silver coins are pretty rare and fetch a nice sum. I’m holding on to them because they were passed on to me and I have some sort of weird attachment to them (I also have a few pennies from 1907, but those aren’t rare).
Roger Moore
@Jeff Spender:
I once received silver quarters as change in two separate transactions in less than a week. And this was in the 90s. I could instantly tell that something was up because the sound was different; a silver coin rings in a way a sandwich coin doesn’t. I also have a couple of rolls of Morgan silver dollars I inherited from my grandfather. Feeling them made me realize what high quality poker chips are trying to imitate.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
Exactly. I had read a book a long time ago about a big cat hunter. He was hired to kill cat that had attacked villagers. He would follow them for days or weeks until he was close.
Roger Moore
You’re probably thinking of Colonel Jim Corbett and his book Man-Eaters of Kumaon. It’s definitely a fantastic read.
Y’know, the laser focus of the GOP on jobs jobs jobs would be impressive if it were’nt wearing me out so much.
How dooo they do it?
@Roger Moore:
Yes! That’s the one. I don’t know anyone else who has read that. It was a brilliant book and he was a life saver.
Randy P
It’s pretty obvious that “communist” and “Russia” are showing up all over the Republican world at the same time as the scary boogey-man. My question is why? Don’t they have any mileage left in scary Mooslims? Did they decide the American people weren’t scared of terrorists any more?
This is pretty sad, actually.
Meh. I get those e-mails from cousin Joe. He’s a moron. I love doing the “Reply All” thing to his e-mails and with links showing just how stupid he is. His “friends” also reply all – begging him to shut up and stop mass e-mailing them. I don’t think he’s going to be a great spokesperson for the whole “Obama’s really the son of a commie” thing.
And the only e-mails I get from nephew Phil are automatically generated crap from LinkedIn reminding me that he wants to “join my network”. Right. Like I want anyone to think I’d be a reference for that alcoholic shiftless layabout…
It’s gonna be reallllllllly interesting watching the Full Tinfoil Jacket brigade trying to reconcile these two utterly mutually exclusive urban legends into one unified field of wingularity.
Ah, so he actually does tell the truth on occasion!
grandpa john
@1badbaba3: I keep waiting( in vain it seems) for someone in the media to bring up the topic of how many job creating bills (0) the repub house has introduced
@grandpa john:
The only one they introduced is the one to keep their jobs.
This fellow is probably frightened by the sight of his own slippers in the morning.
@Randy P:
I’m actually serious. The Republican Party has made a fetish out of a 1950s America that never really existed. They’ve been trying to put everything back into the box – gays in the closet, women at home, non-whites as second (or third) class citizens. It’s only natural that their Leave It To Beaver cosplay would turn towards other things that Fantasy 1950s America had that we don’t have – like a cartoonish Soviet Menace to be the “bad guy” in their Massively Multiplayer Offline Role Playing Game.
Chyron HR
@grandpa john:
They don’t need job-creating bills, silly:
“Without actually doing anything, we’ll actually get a boost in the economy.” – Mitt Romney
I read all the books written by Jim Corbett. He is a folk hero among the people in Kumaon hills of Northern India.
Hey, by wingnut standards half the people on this blog – or more – would be considered commies, or comsymp pinkos* at best.
I don’t know about you, but it gives me a nice warm feeling to know what good company I’m in. Not as warm as Paul Ryan after that AARP meeting, but warm.
*Yes, there are still people who use terms like “comsymp” and “pinko” in all seriousness. My understanding is that most of these people live in Texas.
I only read the one. He should be. He did dangerous work.
Well, anyone truly in the know realizes that The One is the secret love child of Malcolm X and Rosa Luxemburg! (Never mind that Rosa L was murdered six years before Brother Malcolm was born–such is the power of the Communist Conspiracy that it reaches BACK THROUGH TIME to work its dire purpose!)
@scav: I woudn’t expect anything less. That’s the only way he can say the N word.
This is similar to what the ratfockers did in 2008 when a DVD about radical Islam was sent as a newspaper insert in swing states.'s_War_Against_the_West
does this make him the prodigal son?
@Randy P:
Taking down Osama Bin Laden probably has something to do with it. The nutters don’t want to mention that.
@grandpa john: And they kept yammering on to Obama “where are the jobs, Mr. President?”, but won’t even allow debate on bill he sent them. Beyond their Lifers, do they really think the rest of us aren’t on to them?
@Randy P:
The War on Terror has been down sized and the hysteria has been extinguished by Obama. They hate him for that.
They miss Senator McCarthy.
Look we all know that Obama has a time machine. It’s the only way to explain the birth certificate.
And don’t say “oh it’s okay because his father was an American Commie and not a Kenyan Commie as previously indicated”. Clearly neither of these men are actually Obama’s father. Obama is one of a legion of clones grown by the 22nd century Comintern and sent back through time to enure the rise of International
CommunismIslamofascismLiberalismTalk-Like-A-Pirate-DayismFlying-Spaghetti-MonsterismCommunism. Frank Davis and Barack Obama Sr. were obviously also grown in the same clone banks and sent back to an earlier point in the timestream to play their own parts.All of this will be revealed in all its gory details in the mass mailed pamphlet that I plan to send out as an “October surprise” sometime before the end of September. Also my YouTube channel, and the website that will blow the lid off the whole conspiracy. I just need to get Alex Jones to return my phone calls and then BAM! TAKE THAT, LIEBERAL OBOTS!
(You know, honestly, someone who wanted to monkeywrench the GOP could buy one of the conservative mailing lists and pay for a few mass mailings just like that – Obama is the son of Sasquatch, Obama is a space alien, Obama is working with the mole people who dwell at the center of the Earth, Obama is the secret love child of Ronald Reagan and Tab Hunter. The loons would believe them all, and repeat them. And now part of me is wondering if someone hasn’t been doing just that.)
wasabi gasp
Finding stuff like that in my mailbox would be creepy.
@danielx: I bet they still say Red China too.
Well, there’s someone also running for president who really does say he has one.
(Warren Ashe, 2nd in the list at the link).
ding dong
@BGinCHI: are you kidding me? If Michelle’s brother’s wife’s sister’s uncle’s wife’s stepdad’s late father was a communist under stalin just to get into college, it would be Obama’s fault.
I dunno, that theory is just as likely as a major political party losing its ever loving mind because a black man is president. I mean really, the amount of disinformation that would have to be generated would take an entire media empire to brainwash these simple folks to believing that a man, previously serving in Public Office, could somehow be illegal and suspect of being a heinous plot borne to fruition by the most comedic of means. Hell, you would need print, tv and radio all working in coordination in blatant disregard to the facts all in the name of making a buck and bringing down a once storied party that championed civil rights.
This is a public service announcement:
Dear Republicans, a clarification of terms in order. SWING does not mean what you think it means. The term SWING STATE refers to a state which has the potential to vote for the candidate of either major party in a national election, depending on circumstances. Now that we’ve cleared up this little misunderstanding, you may now continue getting your electric boogie cosplay freak on, if you still want to do that. We’re non-judgmental about those sort of things. Just please not in front of the children, OK.
That is all.
I know what I do with all the free DVDs I get in the mail….
Used to be that wingnuts in Deer park, Texas had to go down to the local Hallmark store to get their propaganda vids. Now they come in the mail.
Ain’t technology grand? And the post office — I’m glad they’re making money off this nonsense.
I’m gonna send DVD’s of the movie “WOLVERINE” to all the wing nuts I can. It’s a pretty good movie.
Bob In Portland
So this means that Obama is a natural-born US citizen!
@Bob In Portland:
I wish they’d make up their minds.
Omnes Omnibus
@Maude: I wish they had minds to make up.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
I don’t recall anyone euthanizing the tiger that leapt out of its cage and attacked the guys who had been bothering it, at the San Francisco Zoo a couple of years ago.
I don’t know what has happened in other instances involving animals, from bears to tigers to whales, who have attacked humans at zoos and wild life refuges. Sometimes these animals are rare or hard to obtain.
Drive-by Nomad
@I Am Mitt’s Smirk (né Studly Pantload, t.e.u.u.):
@NonyNony: I thought that Obama was created via artifical insemination from a combination of 10 sources of sperm (ala Twins with Danny Devito and Arnold Schwarzenegger). Except instead of being scientific geniuses, each of Obama’s fathers had a different way that he hated America.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Inside of their heads is a vacuum.
Shit, the whole “keep God on our money” thing was a real complaint??
karen marie
@dmsilev: He’s working hard to make it Lifetime Achievement.
@Dexter: The oldest national park in India is named after Jim Corbett. I’ve been lucky enough to spend a weekend there … one of the most beautiful natural sites I’ve ever seen. Corbett became a conservationist and helped to establish the park. A remarkable man.
El Cid
Thank you!
So, is this like the 21st century equivalent of the AOL floppy disks we used to receive in the mail constantly?
How many people are even going to bother opening that thing up, much less put it in a DVD player from some unknown, unrequested source? What a waste of money. At least it helps the postal service.
Mike S.
Obot bitches?
Sorry, I didn’t realize that balloon-juice had become synonymous with LGM.
@KevinNYC: Of course they did. Ben Smith is always good for the anti-Dem troll bait. Remember his Politico column where he claimed that the Obama campaign was going to attack Romney’s religion because they said they would highlight how ‘weird’ he is. Seriously. Just yesterday he even tweeted that Obama’s so-called ‘can’t change Washington from the inside'”gaffe” was ‘his worst’ since he met Joe the Plummer. Which is the stupidest thing his said since the day before. I don’t know what DougJ sees in this tool.
Rita R.
The zoo has said nothing’s going to happen to the tiger, and he’ll be back in the exhibit very soon. Which makes sense, because it didn’t do anything aggressive until this guy jumped into its territory. I’d actually bet the tiger was traumatized by the whole thing.
Felinious Wench
Nah, Soshulist is the preferred term around these parts.
Got in a shouting match with a guy at the grocery store who saw my Texans for Obama t-shirt. Him shouting about Obama’s a Soshulist and me gently saying “Sir, can you define what a Socialist is for me?”
“Obama!” He’s one!”
“Ok. You have a good day, now!”
Felinious Wench
@Rita R.: Thank God that tiger didn’t have a gun.