Dan Hodges at The Telegraph:
Finally, Romney has fatally shifted the expectation game. In advance of this debate, he was able to talk down his chances of success. This morning, his supporters are ecstatic – just look at my friend and colleague Tim Stanley’s take on the debate – and working themselves up into a frenzy at yet another ‘game-changing’ moment.
Romney will probably enjoy a small boost in the polls. And then the race will settle back down to where it was, which is a relatively tight national poll margin, but an insurmountable lead for Obama in the battleground states.
And when that moment comes, Mitt Romney will have finally run out of road. Because if you remember, we were told that the debates were his last chance. When it becomes clear to him, his campaign and his supporters that last chance has gone, the race will be called.
Go, as they say, read the whole thing.
Via commenter Patricia Kayden
I hope Dan Hodges is right about this, I really do.
In the meantime, David Gergen is busy giving Mitt Romney a verbal blowjob about how well he succeeded in humanizing himself to the electorate and how he was able to come across as a moderate rather than extreme radical. He’s been in the tank for Romney most of the election cycle.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@cmorenc: He’s been in the tank for Romney most of the election cycle.
Huh. Last night he said Willard was “flat out lying”
22 dimensional chess.
I’m pissed this gave Rmoney some breathing room. I was hoping for the “EXTERMINATE” option.
I trust in Obama, but he’s also just a man, can fail from time to time.
I don’t want these fuckers to have any HOPE – not in their candidate.
I can’t wait until the weekend when this cycle of Romney pimping switches to Ryan pre-Debate pimping. Also–I feel happy that with the twelve hour difference I am now so confused about what day it is and where I am that I am missing all the rending of garments. Can you people tell me when it is safe again to read the political blogs?
And Davy Crockett rides around and says it’s cool for cats, it’s cool for cats…
Thoroughly Pizzled
Obama got elected President for a reason. Romney’s victory is incredibly hollow – he only “won” in terms of style. His policy arguments were utterly unconvincing.
Ben Franklin
0 seconds ago
Nice try. Romney cleaned Obama’s clock.
23 seconds ago
Seriously – you must not have watched the debate – even liberals are howling about how bad it got.
57 seconds ago
To Dan Hodges: Congratulations! You went trolling for comments and hits — with an absurd story that you knew would be click-bait — and you won!
Of course, you have no credibility as a pundit now, but that won’t prevent you from trying this stunt again.
7 minutes ago
You stupid Oik! Obama was unfairly treated by the media!
He wasn’t allowed to have a teleprompter!
How do you want an intelligent black president to shine without a teleprompter?
11 minutes ago
If Dan Hodges was a boxing judge, the Republican contender would have to spark out the Democrat Champion,the referee count to ten,the Champs corner throw in the towel,and he`d still score it as a draw.
Recommended by 1 person
46 minutes ago
I’m British and I watched the debate last night and without a doubt Romney wiped the floor with Obama.
This causes a slight difficulty for the british media who like to portray an image of your president in which if you tossed him two loaves and two fishes he could have fed the whole audience and if someone from the audience shouted out sing “sittin’ on the dock of the bay” Obama would wink and say “for you random citizen…anything, and launch into song.
We have no concept that the money we earn actually belongs to us. At times this can be quite comforting,like when your walking down the street and your partner gives your butt a gentle squeeze, only in our case its the government taking our wallet from our back pocket and giving it to some Hobo to spend on booze.
It cuts out the middleman and saves you from being mugged or that’s the theory, you’ll still be mugged by a Hobo drunk on booze you’ve paid for but hey! our health service is free and you’ll be stitched up in no time.
When Bush 2 asked ” why are we giving money to people who don’t seem to like us very much?” we British sniggered at how naive you were, then we give money to Pakistan so they can build classrooms so their citizens can learn how to hate us in comfort.
Sometimes we are so clever even I can’t figure what the fxxk we are doing?
Recommended by 4 people
7 minutes ago
Yes, the left consider Xenophobia a bad thing because it is the antithesis of their “internationalism” –
you know where you are forced to ignore the things which made the country great on order to level yourself and the nation with those of “lesser” nations
On the other hand the sensible view is
We should not reduce ourselves to the level of the lowest but
“maintain our stature” and give them something to aspire to
but that will not do for the Left
the Left need the “able” of the world to lay face down in the mud so they can more readily get their jackboot across the back of our necks
The Anti-Bolshevik Revoluition is on its way
Just be prepared to turn the dirty tactic the left will use back against them
48 minutes ago
Scores were injured and numerous buildings were burnt to the ground in the city of Itsnotsobad after a riot was started by peaceful Muslims who expressed outrage over five straight days of no provocation or insults from the West.
Mahmoud Iwannariotbad, a local businessman who sells detonators, wire, and dynamite to the local mosque construction industry, stated that the violence began when a group of men hanging around in his store began discussing the fact that no new anti-Islam films, subway advertisements, or Pamela Geller blog postings had appeared for a number of days.
One of them began shouting, “They are NOT INSULTING us because they think we are all violent, stupid thugs and not peace-loving sons of the prophet. This is an insult to Islam! Let’s kill them!”
“Suddenly, they all wanted to buy detonators, wire, and dynamite,” Mr. Iwannariotbad continued. “I thought they were going to break ground for a new Islamic cultural center or something. There’s no reasoning with peaceful religious types when they get in the mood to build new mosques – they’re like animals.”
Recommended by 3 people
51 minutes ago
I stopped reading at …
“The second problem for Romney was that while he failed to land a
knockout blow, he kept piling into him. He was aggressive, too
This is Romney’s greatest weakness as a candidate. He lacks compassion”.
Boo hoo. Romney’s a meany !
The only folks out there who might say Romney lost the debate would be the Obama Phone Lady types. Of course, they probably won’t even know who Romney is or that there was a debate, but they’re definitely voting for more freebies from Obama’s stash.
Recommended by 2 people
John Van Stry
52 minutes ago
Obviously you watched a different debate than the rest of the world.
Recommended by 3 people
Marianne Herrmann
52 minutes ago
Finally…anyone with a soul could see what was going on..Romney was so bizarre looking with that loopy look in his eyes….he looked like he was on meds. He was craven enough to try to talk over everyone…he thinks he is so smart but he opposed the car bailout, he picked Paul Ryan who’s budget will cripple real people in our country, he had a horrible record as governor, and he thinks we are so damn stupid that we will believe his lies. He lied constantly. Anybody who votes for him is a sucker. You heard is 47% tape…he will privatize everything and give us vouchers and a kick in the ass.
Recommended by 4 people
58 minutes ago
When Obama became the United States’ first black President, it was a novelty, a first—Now the novelty has worn off! The great paradigm shifting, Earth shattering, change Obama constantly banged on about, has not manifested! Now Americans desperately need a REAL CHANGE in their economic prospects…
Romney has a proven track record of producing wealth, and the right environment for capitalism to stand a chance of thriving. If any Americans know what’s good for them and their country, they’ll vote Romney…
Yes! Kirsanow over at National Review (via K. Drum) just compiled a small sample of the hysteria for our mocking pleasure (http://bit.ly/QKluKg):
– For the first time in his career, America saw Obama as he is: Banal, overrated, unprepared, impressively unknowledgeable — wrapped in a veneer of celebrity sophistication.
– Obama’s performance laid bare to average Americans the bias, corruption and fraudulence of the mainstream media. Watch them maneuver to mask the damage to themselves.
– A few obvious winners: Romney, voters, Rob Portman. A few obvious losers: Obama, the mainstream media, AARP.
– By cocooning Obama for his entire career, the media left him atrophied and overconfident.
– The next debate on foreign policy couldn’t come at a worse time for Obama. Even his media protectors are beginning to notice Libya.
– If Romney mopped the floor with Obama, imagine what Ryan will do to Biden. Get out the popcorn.
– Campaign donations to Romney will increase substantially.
– Romney’s was the best performance of any presidential candidate in the television age.
– Romney’s victory gives greater credibility to his campaign ads going forward. Obama’s defeat will cause more voters to question his campaign’s statements.
– Romney has earned the benefit of the doubt on assertions made in the upcoming debates.
– Failure revealed is a dangerous motivator. The Obama campaign will tune up the demagoguery and viciousness.
– Somewhere, Earl Weaver is smiling. Several innings left. But a three-run homer by Romney.
What really happened last night
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I watched the video and I think he said “Obama believed Romney was flat out lying.”
This thing by Hodges might be true but it has the ring of “good news for John McCain” to me. This debate was not DOOOOOOM, and it may not matter one bit in the final analysis, but I don’t see the point in pretending that everything went down just as planned. I do think he has a point that without any gaffes or YouTube moments to embarrass Obama, the general vibe among viewers that he was disengaged or had a bad night or whatever is an emotional response that will dissipate with time.
@Ben Franklin: Is there a point to spamming us with an endless series of someone else’s comments?
@cmorenc: Sure says something about Gergen and others that they think a person “humanizes” him/herself by acting like a total asshole.
Ben Franklin
In a word, context; something sorely absent from BJ.
You front pagers are better than this. Where are the detailed analyses of why it might have been that Obama was so off his game? Shouldn’t you be pushing him hard to do better, and demanding far better work from his support teams?
These rah rah rationalization posts are weak.
I was listening to the newly discovered progressive talk radio on the AM in my area prior to the debate, and the fill in for Ed Schultz (forget who it was excatly) kicked it off by saying what Granholm said: this one is in the bag for Romney already.
I’m beginning to think they were right, and not just part of the vast left-wing conspiracy. Did I miss something? How did Romney ‘win’ this? Am I living in the echo chamber? Am I not capable of objectivity? Dunno, but as far as the internet at large is concerned, Mitt hates big bird, and ROMNEY STRONG, OBAMA TIRED seems to be the crap du jour.
Fucking MSM.
Agreed. Obama’s been taking us for granted. If he doesn’t start winning the election, I’m not going to vote for him.
You seem to be responding to an imaginary comment. I said nothing about being taken for granted, or not voting for him.
In fact, what the hell are you talking about?
Eh, the article is a bit weak sauce, and creepily Halperin-esque in stretching to make its “good news for John McCain”-type point.
Different people can have different opinions of the same event. Who “won” is not a scientific fact – it’s popularity driven.
I’m not worried that Obama looked bad–I don’tthik he did.
I am worried that Romney’s decision to flat out lie, lie, lie, combined witht he corporate media’s failure to do journalism thereby legitimizing his lies, will revive his campaign. A revived campaign might not get Rmoney into the White HOuse but it might help a few Rethugs in Congressional races.
Ben Franklin
I see how ‘Spatulas” are made. Do you?
I thought your advice on how the front pagers should respond to last night was silly given the context. There really isn’t much point in “demanding” a better performance from Obama. It was an off night – we move on, the campaign moves on.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
I’m drunk and I can’t be bothered, frankly.
Obama had an off night. Today he backed up and started calling Mitt a liar. Romney still can’t win the electoral college unless the Republicans manage to entirely unskew the electorate. The media blather about crap.
Not much has changed.
Suffern ACE
Criminies. It’s worse than Breitburts death around this place.. Thank goodness we didn’t have as many front pagers then or we’d still be commenting on that.
Mike in NC
@Ben Franklin: WTF with regurgitating the comments?Telegraph’s a Tory paper, right? Duh!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Ah, that’s more in character.
Granholm said that? Now I’m surprised again.
Political Observer
It’s almost sad to witness the utter collapse of Obama’s political career. He was ensconced inside a MSM bubble where everyone treated him with kid gloves for so long that when he had to come out and go against a real opponent, with a fair moderator, he was blown the fuck out of the water.
Sorry, folks–that’s what Obama really is. Lame. Mediocre. Overrated. Flat.
The black Michael Dukakis.
@Ben Franklin: Thank you for filling us in on the moron contingent. It was enlightening (yawn).
Yeah, me too. I think the only significant tactical shift because of last night is the big money boys who aren’t also true believers will keep shoveling money into the WMR Failboat boilers. Had he face-planted, they’d be off the boat, today.
Old Dan and Little Ann
Rachel Maddow”s opening segment tonight detailed all the first debates for each incumbent President since 1976. I had to go after the count was up to 0-4 for the incumbents. But each year she showed the media bloviating about how poorly the incumbent had done. It was highly entertaining. I grew fucking sick and tired of reading all day about how poorly Obama did. My wife and I thought he did fine. WTF!
Jeff Spender
@Political Observer:
I’m actually disappointed in this comment. It doesn’t live up to your usual Grade-A standard.
Either you’re slipping or you snorted too much of the crystal tonight.
We’ll miss you.
@Political Observer:
Cash money bet there, sonny? How does ten-thousand sound, is that a good number?
Dan Hodges is pretty much the british Pat Caddell. Thought i might mention that.
Thanks for this. I have refrained from responding to the spew of self-flagellation coming from the left post-debate. I watched the entire thing in real time on CNN, and I noticed Obama looking very unenthusiastic and staring down at something on the lectern.
I also noticed his jaw clench a couple of times. Quite simply, he was stiff and uninspiring because he was flabbergasted that
1) Mitt Romney would lie and attack so egregiously
2) Doddering Jim Lehrer couln’t command the direction of the debate.
3) Obama coudn’t forcefully respond, because of the nig factor.
gogol's wife
@Old Dan and Little Ann:
I was literally sick to my stomach (a Bidenism, but true) last night, because I knew that Romney was not going to “face-plant,” and I knew that the moderator would let him talk as much as he wanted, and I knew that the pundits would praise him no matter what he did. It was like a slow-motion car accident. And I didn’t even watch the debate (except for about 7 minutes, where Obama looked just fine to me and Romney looked like a lunatic used-car salesman, but whatever).
Ben Franklin
It was enlightening (yawn).
Heh. What’s boring is the intransigent nest of huzzahs and self-congratulatory snarkism combined with the competition for most clever comment braced with alcohol and the attendant ego-enhancement substituted for rational discussion in a free forum.
Corner Stone
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
Then what’s the fucking point?
Political Observer
Face it–when the Mulatto Wonder finally faces a real debater, with a real moderator, he finally is exposed to everyone as the empty shell of an overrated phony that he really is. It was beautiful, but a little sad. I almost felt sorry for poor little Obambi, deer in the headlights.
Almost. Lol.
Jeff Spender
I know that we need another opinion in this place like we need another troll, but I believe that in the grand scheme of things, this debate won’t really matter.
I tuned in and sort of had it in the background. I didn’t hear much to catch my interest.
Really, just another poorly conceived piece of political choreography.
Moving on.
@Ben Franklin:
Too much stupid in that comment thread!!!
Ben Franklin? What are you doing? Ben Franklin? Stahp!!!
Thank you but I am not going anywhere. I am taking refuge here until someone here tells me I can venture back to reading the rest of the internet (though the Great Firewall keeps me from reading a lot of stuff)
I’m sure that infinity monkeys typing for infinity years couldn’t come up with a word on this topic that hasn’t been uttered already today…..but does anybody ever stop to think that being the fucking President IS, in fact, hard work? And maybe the man had other PRIORITIES yesterday than devoting every ounce of energy to kicking Mittass to smithereens in a bullshit scripted shitshow — and only the first of THREE — that, underneath all the bullshit, everybody knows isn’t gonna be any kind of a game changer?
And with that being said, I think the disses of his performance are vastly overstated.
Corner Stone
@Political Observer: Mulatto? Really.
Those were aquatically environed perfect killing machines you just propelled yourself over.
Ben Franklin
Fed up. That is all…
LOL. I gave up on the rest of the Internet in 2010. Has it changed much?
And Why TF isn’t BJ blocked by the Great Firewall? What are we doing wrong?
Political Observer
Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton managed to kick ass at the debates despite being President.
Maybe Obambi is just in over his head, as we’ve said all along? The boy needs to learn how to walk and chew gum if you ask me.
Political Observer
@Corner Stone:
Lighten up, Frances.
gogol's wife
@Corner Stone:
Yes, I think we’re in ban-worthy territory here.
@Baud: I definitely didn’t get that out of his comment. Do you need some smelling salts?
Corner Stone
@Political Observer: Holy shit. First you went with Mulatto now you’re going with “the boy” ?
C’mon you fucking hump. At least try for God’s fucking sake.
@Monkus: “Somewhere, Earl Weaver is smiling”
Um, Earl Weaver is still alive…
The only lasting thing from this debate will be that Mitt wants to fire Big Bird. It’s meme-tastic and has already taken over the internet as far as the debate goes.
Mitt looks like the guy who has fired you, your family, your neighbors and friends. And now he wants to fire Big Bird. He’s the guy people love to hate and firing Big Bird does nothing to change that image.
It’s the little things that stick–the checking of the watch, the sighs. And firing Big Bird.
That is not a win for Romney.
Nah, I’m good.
I know right. Come on John, get working on geeting the chinese censors angry!
The twitter is definitely verboten. And so are yuotube videos. Some sites just fail to load at all but they seem random.
I think I would go crazy if I couldn’t read BJ though.
@Political Observer: The “Mulatto Wonder”? That’s pretty solid trolling if your goal is to be banned.
I note that I am just old enough to remember the exuberance after the first Reagan-Mondale debate, knowing that that senile old fool had finally been exposed for what he was. And sure enough, the end of his political career swiftly followed about four years later.
Um, Mrs. Sarah? I’d say that qualifies as actual racism and grounds for banning under the Cole Rules. And then we’d be rid of this dipshit stinkbug of a troll. Jussayinzall.
@gogol’s wife:
Despite appearances, Obama actually ended up having more time on the speech-clock.
some guy
@Political Observer:
Breaking News: Obama Up by 3 in Colorado, 3 in Florida, 5 in Ohio. developing.
Political Observer
@Corner Stone:
Need some pearls and a fainting couch? We can’t say “boy” now?
The largest city in the state of Illinois is CHICAGO! Oooops! There I go again! I mad a OMG DOGWHISTLE!
@Ben Franklin: Meh, it is what it is. I wasn’t worried about the debate afterwards, and I’m not worried now. I’m going to throw a couple bucks O’s way, do some voter registration, get the word out, and chill the fuck out. I would be doing the same thing whether we were behind or ahead.
Corner Stone
@Political Observer: You’re not even trying man. At least give it a fucking legit shot. This is sad. What happened to you?
Political Observer
@some guy:
LOL, for now. Wait until the debates are fully accounted for in the polling.
Obambi is fucked. Victory is now in site for Romney and the Republicans.
Old Dan and Little Ann
@gogol’s wife: I watched it from beginning to end and enjoyed Obama laying down the facts grew annoyed at Mitt being an obnoxious asshole. I turned to MSNBC right after and watched them gnash and wail for about 3 minutes before turning it off. I should have stuck to just reading about sports on the intertubes today. But I definitely suggest looking up the Maddow clip tomorrow. Today’s news was the same recycled bullshit the media has been playing for at least 26 years.
The Dangerman
The only gaffe was by Romney and Twitterverse is howling at the posts of FireMeElmo and FiredBigBird (FireMeElmo is far more funny, but this picture from Fired Big Bird had me howling):
@Political Observer: Man, you’ve lost a step or two.
Mike in NC
DougJ, you’ve got to dial it down a notch or two!
@Political Observer:
Jim Lehrer is corporeal.
24 hours after the debate, the dominant meme is Fire Me Elmo.
Romney won? How so?
gogol's wife
In the part I watched, he allowed Romney to interrupt and respond to something Obama said, but when Obama tried to do the same, he cut him off and then spent five minutes saying that they only had three minutes left.
If I had Mitt’s millions, I’d do nothing but sit in front of my computer with BJ open and click refresh every 10 seconds.
I go crazy when the servers here hang up.
This year for Holiday/Ramendan I am going to beseech the FSM to bestow unto Balloon Juice better trolls with his noodly appendages. You’re welcome in advance.
He/she tore an ACL doing his/her touchdown dance last night.
Jeff Spender
@Corner Stone:
He used to be entertaining, occasionally.
Now he really stepped over the line. Not cool.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Political Observer:
Good use of hyperbole and vulgarity, and I really like the beat of “Lame. Mediocre. Overrated. Flat.” although I would have put “lame” on the end to give it a little bit of assonance and a slightly better rhythm. And Black Michael Dukakis is very good – skipping History’s Greatest Monster and going straight for History’s Greatest Loser. That said, the “fair moderator” might have stretched credulity just a little too far.
Corner Stone
@Political Observer: No, you can say boy all you like. I have an 8 year old boy for example. He’s a boy.
But you’re making me sad here. You used to kill threads in real style. Trot out uselessly out of context polls or other anecdotes that had no meaning. Just a magnificent display or repeated crash and burning of any thread you showed up in.
What’s the point of calling Obama a Mulatto, or saying “the boy”? Those aren’t mistakes or dis-information.
It’s just sad.
@Corner Stone:
Hey Zeus, between this and Levenson’s “carnal knowledge of that fine pullet” I’m going to have to start carrying a stack of 3×5 BJ Quip(tm) cards. My brain’s too fried to rememberize them all!
some guy
@Political Observer:
Obama goes up 6 points today in the Gallup Tracking poll. It appears Big Bird has a lot of friends among undecided voters.
some guy
@Political Observer:
Obama goes up 6 points today in the Gallup Tracking poll. It appears Big Bird has a lot of friends among undecided voters.
@Corner Stone:
That is all.
@ranchandsyrup: Ours apparently thinks that a debate “win” is some sort of free pass to start posting racist comments.
Political Observer
@some guy:
He’s up four. O 49 R 45. But the Gallup is a three-day tracker, so the debate isn’t fully priced in yet. Wait until Sunday. I bet Romney has a slight lead then.
@Political Observer:
Well, if its a ‘legitimate’ victory, the electorate has a natural ability to vote and shut that down.
Davis X. Machina
@ranchandsyrup: An end to piecework, for starters, would be a big help. The need to troll in quantity is affecting quality.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: This is what I heard him say:
Political Observer
Just rubbing your faces in it. DOGWHISTLES OMG!
Anyone who criticizes Obama is already called a racist, so what’s the fucking difference?
Ben Franklin
I’m going to throw a couple bucks O’s way, do some voter registration, get the word out, and chill the fuck out.
A wise plan. I don’t plan on anything different but the assholes who control the dialogue here are enablers, in the sense they encourage Obama to play the ‘non-angry black man’ and their phear is palpable. I say ‘go home with the one who brung ya’ but don’t let him drive drunk. Go ‘all in’ or go play with your package, and they masturbate with alacrity.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
He writes for the Telegraph, so I assume he’s fucked up or mad. That doesn’t mean he’s wrong on this one.
@Burnspbesq: Honestly, I thought Romney’s performance was pretty damn good, if you ignore the lack of truthfulness and stuff. I figured it might take a couple days before people realized, “Hey, he basically promised to repeal all of Obama’s major programs, and keep all the good parts with none of the bad parts, without it costing anybody anything.”
But in the context of a strong performance, the Big Bird thing was an amazing unforced error. What on earth would possess someone to make THAT their single, solitary specific example? Even John McCain was clever enough to say he’d cut research on deer mating rituals or some other bizarre thing.
What is the one line from this debate that people will actually remember a week or a month from now? You are correct, sir.
@Political Observer: I can’t hear you man, turn the shrill up to 11, please.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Ben Franklin:
Welcome to Balloon Juice.
I thought we were asked to push from the left. If there is no point in demanding anything from Obama here, there is no point in anything written here at all. Oh wait…
I’m looking for some constructive criticism and analyses and some “get your ass in gear” directed at O from our side.
You tell me how the president of the united states shows up looking and acting like that last night, with so much on the line. wtf? There’s no excuse for it. He was not engaged.
And everyone here is calling out Mitt’s lies. Please explain why the hell Obama didn’t call out the lies last night?
You seem to be saying “nothing to see hear…move along…”
Yeah, usually I just ignore the trolls because they’re pathetic, but when they start going full-out racist, fuck that noise. Ban this piece of garbage, please.
@Davis X. Machina: You think it’s sweatshop trolling? Contracting it out to child laborors?
Political Observer
And Ryan is going to give VP Bitme the whipping he so richly deserves next week.
Chyron HR
@Political Observer:
Dude, for once Romney came out ahead, even if it is just for a day. You’re allowed to bask in your VICTORY! for a while before you go back to pimping the imaginary future polls that only exist in your head.
@Steve: Just like Bush I’s checking his watch and Gore’s sigh, the only thing people will remember is that Romney wants to fire Big Bird. This is not a win.
some guy
Breaking News: Electoral College to determine victor. developing.
Breaking News: Tucker Carlson has been replaced as Internet’s biggest joke by Fired Big Bird. developing.
Breaking News: President Still Black. Must credit Drudge
Comrade Mary
@Political Observer:
yes! here I was yesterday morning trying to get an idea of what you all thought about the debate and the site was frozen. very frustrating.
Political Observer
Mulatto is not a racial slur.
Jeff Spender
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
I totes heard this in my head as if Richard Attenborough was saying it.
@SatanicPanic: He hasn’t had much to celebrate so he’s over exuberant. But that doesnt excuse the overt racism.
Corner Stone
That dude has always spooked me right the fuck out. Who can look at him?
I don’t know what blog you’re reading, but I’ve read plenty of (well-deserved) criticism of Obama’s performance, including from fellow Obots. And there is no such thing as “pushing from the left” in this context because there is no left/right when it comes to debate performance. And we really don’t have time to dwell on the errors because the campaign is moving full speed ahead, with or without us, and I prefer with.
Mike E
NPR was veddy inneresting today: muted, almost stealthy truth-squading; and, the often breathless Talk Of The Nation had a fill-in host instead of repub Neal Conen, where the debate was covered briefly (w/callers) in a middle segment bracketed by 2 convos with a MacArthur Award novelist and some culinary writer. Hmm…
Listeners were like, wtf with all the lies ‘n shit? And…On to the next seg. Funny. As in, Strange.
Comrade Mary
Apologies to DougJ. I should have known better.
Wait. You’re really saying Obama froze up because Romney lied (totally unpredictable, I know!) and 400 year old Jim Lehrer was incompetent, and someone would call him a n—– if he took charge? wtf? This is what you expect and excuse from him? Why?
@Baud: lulz.
@Political Observer: Oooh-kay. How do you categorize it? Something you’d call a random dude in a sports bar?
Sarah, Proud and Tall
I don’t ban, because it’s not my blog
; if Cole gave me the keys to be able to ban, I lost them down the back of the sofa many years ago;and you lot do a perfect job of mocking the dickhead anyway.If Cole wants to ban him, on the other hand, he should go right ahead.
(Hope you are well, dear.)
Political Observer
An archaic way of saying “Biracial” that I used as a joke.
@Political Observer: You’re right. I suggest you continue to use these terms whenever and wherever possible, it can only help your cause.
@Ben Franklin: I understand where you’re coming from to a point. I don’t think that this debate was a loss for the team for different reasons like this:
And they’ve barely had 24 hours to get things together. Romney opened himself up to so much criticism after that debate, he isn’t going to know what hit him. Obama knew that Romney was going to lie his ass off, and that’s what he did. So what if he gets a few points in the next day or so? The MSM wants their horserace, and they were going to spin it that way no matter what. The president looked presidential last night, and Romney looked desperate and like a bully.
@Political Observer:
If, in your “Very Special Dictionary” whipping is defined as “100mph chatter comprising words assembled in a fashion that make no sense” then yes, whipping it shall be.
Political Observer
And btw, that word is still used in Spanish and Portuguese as a neutral descriptor to this very day. So piss off.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Political Observer:
Watch yourself. Kindly old lady fiction aside, I know where the ban button is and I will push it.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
He’s the token Laborite at the Toriest of Tory papers. Kinda like Chunky Bobo, except that he can think and write.
Political Observer
That sounds exactly like what Bitme does.
Literally folks. Literally.
Corner Stone
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
Oh thank goodness. I thought for a few minutes he was talking to just me.
Remember folks: unless you admit that you’re a racist piece of shit, you’re definitely not a racist piece of shit. Those are the rules for conservatives, so accept them.
@Political Observer: Suggest switching to “mestizo” to attract the Hispanic vote.
@Political Observer: Why is it no longer used?
@Valdivia: Isn’t there some way around the Great Firewall? I remember James Fallows talking about it when he lived in China.
Political Observer
I don’t know, why is “cokatrice” no longer used?
I remember Obama calling him out on his tax plan, his health care plan, and his stance on financial regulations.
Political Observer
Why is “thou” “thy” etc no longer used?
Corner Stone
@Political Observer: Come on man. This is beneath you. Just say Obambi is an unqualified buffoon and doomed to defeat.
We can all get behind that.
Ben Franklin
I was telling them all to calm the fuck down, last night. It was like Walking Dead, even the regulars were crying like neophytes. It was a Manichean nightmare.
Political Observer
Let me guess: you guys probably think “niggardly” is a racist thing to say too, right?
Exactly. In cricket terms, Romney was on his way to a comfortable hundred when he got greedy. He went for the boundary on the wrong ball, and deflected it straight to first slip. Out.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
He used ‘braced with alcohol’ to reply to a comment by a guy who’s been sober since ’84. I can’t trust his judgement…
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: I’m confused. You just said you don’t/can’t ban anyone.
If you can, you should. If not, fine.
Political Observer
Hint: “Niggardly” has nothing to do with race. Really. It’s not even related to the word you’re thinking of and predates it by several centuries. Yet you can actually get kicked off of TV now for using it.
@Spatula: It wasn’t a great performance. But how relevant are debates to his job anyway?
BTW, checked out your website, you have some skills, great stuff
some guy
Breaking News: Racist troll can’t understand why nobody likes his racist humor. developing
Political Observer
Still need a citation that mulatto is actually a racist slur, and not just archaic. No, Negro isn’t racist either.
There is. You can get a VPN and circumvent it that way. Right now I am here for just a few weeks and if I really need it I can go use a computer that has it. But if I do come back to stay I will definitely get it, because it really sucks not being able to see sites you want and not be able to do searches on google without them being altered or blocked.
Ben Franklin
@Corner Stone:
Do me a favor and stop sucking Dick. It’s not going to raise your stature.
Mike E
Why am I all of a sudden hearing douche sounds on my lappy?
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Political Observer:
You’re a cockatrice.
Will no one rid me of this loathsome troll?
Bill E Pilgrim
The guy’s got it right about the expectations thing. What’s going to happen when Mitt Romney is expected to clean the floor with his opponent every time, and doesn’t, one time? Say he makes some incredible gaffe, as he has a way of doing, or just comes up against a more combative Obama after the Obama campaign tweaks the approach and decides to go that way.
The whole thing is blown so far out of proportion anyway, that by the time of the next debate superhuman powers will be attributed to Romney, and anything less will seem like abject failure. And from there, there’s nowhere to go. Because in this whole theater review style of political journamalism, that’s how it works, they love the big dramatic reversal but only once, in one direction.
Corner Stone
@Ben Franklin: WTF are you talking about?
Gergen believes Romney is a moderate, so wasn’t lying last night. Of course, that means Romney has been lying for 18 months.
So Gergen and Obama really agree, although Gergen hasn’t quite gotten there yet. Romney’s a liar. The only question is, was Romney lying then
or is Romney lying now?
Obama says “lying now” and Gergen says “lying then”. I would just say “yes”.
Joey Giraud
Very well put. Quite right
@Burnspbesq: You follow the strangest sports. I bet you even know the correct pronunciation of “dressage.”
Hill Dweller
@Political Observer: You’re the real victim here. All this reverse racism you’ve had to endure is shameful.
some guy
Money spent on the RMoney campaign is money not spent on downticket Republicans. Money money money
Jeff Spender
@Political Observer:
One thing I want to ask is why you come here. Don’t you have a spouse or a child you could go hug instead? I read this blog in the background when I’m studying medicine. It helps me decompress because it’s really kinda whacky in a lovable way.
What’s your deal? If you really are just trolling, I kind of think that’s a really sad commentary about who you are. I don’t think I could live my life with so much negativity.
I hadn’t watched Romney interact with anyone before, and what I saw last night was Romney smirking whenever he wasn’t speaking. Highly unattractive.
Also, too, he seemed to have neglected combing his hair yesterday. The part was all over the place.
@Political Observer:
Your “joke” is unfunny and offensive.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@Political Observer: Ah. A joke. Yes. Now I see.
@Political Observer: Dude, you could be more niggardly with your comments.
Ben Franklin
@Corner Stone:
Uh. How about redemptive self-awareness?
Sarah, Proud and Tall
I apologise. I was inexact and engaged in hyperbole for effect. I don’t think I should ban anyone, because it’s not my blog and I think mockery is better than banning.
ETA: I’m also open to counterarguments.
@Political Observer: About three more comments and you’re going to emerge upside-down in China.
@Political Observer: What was the joke?
I mean, is the joke that one of his parents was black and one white?
Is that the funny part?
@Joey Giraud: Thank you, sir. I get tired of my fellow liberals always going to Defcon 1 every time they perceive that something is going wrong. They did it during the 08 campaign, they did it during the ACA debate (I still will never forgive Hamsher and Dean for openly stating that the bill should be killed), during the debt ceiling debate, and during this campaign. Obama beat the fucking Clinton political machine back when he was that black, funny-named, junior senator from Illinois who gave that really good speech back at the DNC convention in 04. This guy is one of the greatest political operatives I have ever seen in the 29 years I have been on this planet, and I’m quite sure he knows exactly what he’s doing.
Joey Giraud
@some guy:
Exactly. I doubt if Obama is this reckless, but if he were confident enough in the polling, why not throw a debate to get the right-wing sugar daddies to waste money on Romney rather then the Congress?
Dressage bores me. I prefer rhythmic gymnastics. Or team handball.
Another Halocene Human
@Ben Franklin: Fuck, yeah. I heard some of the audio from the debate and I didn’t hear a word Romney said. I was just thinking about a) how desperate he sounded and b) how much asshole vibes he was giving off.
But I guess if you haven’t done round after round with an assholish boss just like him for 6 years it doesn’t quite have the same effect.
Obama sounded like Obama to me.
I also heard some Jill Stein. Nothing she said really was all that exciting. Don’t get the appeal.
I mean, “wah wah student loans”. The real issue is massive defunding of government and the choice we made to make students pay tuition rather than fund our universities like they do elsewhere in the world, not the lack of jobs when grads get out. JAYZUS!
checked out your website, you have some skills, great stuff
Thankyou! Did you see the Obama?
@Violet: My cousin uses Personal VPN which unblocks everything, encrypts your entire connection for security, and doesn’t get blocked daily. http://www.surfbouncer.com
@Political Observer: there are different reasons different words become “archaic”. for mulatto, it is because of the connection to slavery And racial oppression,which was exactly your point.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: I’m fine with mockery when they’re just being dumb. When they start in with actual racist bullshit though, I think the “haha just laugh and point” idea ignores the vileness underneath it. I don’t know anything about you IRL but it can also come across as quite steeped in privilege.
He’s arguing that it’s fine to call black people “mulatto” and “negro”. I don’t find that worthy of mocking, I find it repugnant.
Is there any sane reason to refill the troll feed bucket so often?
@Political Observer:
You fucking dumb as dirt piece of shit.
“Niggardly” is a word that has nothing to do with race at all.
“Mulatto” and “boy” are words steeped in hideous racist history.
No wonder you’re a lapdog for Romtron.
@Spatula: That drawing of MLK is awesome.*tips cap*
Another Halocene Human
@Political Observer: Ooo, two comments to blatant race-baiting?
Methinks the wingnut joygasm is … faked.
Another Halocene Human
@eemom: but does anybody ever stop to think that being the fucking President IS, in fact, hard work? And maybe the man had other PRIORITIES yesterday than devoting every ounce of energy to kicking Mittass to smithereens in a bullshit scripted shitshow
Amen, sister.
The Fat Kate Middleton
Sixty-seven years on this planet for me (which makes me old enough to be your gramma, and I would love it if that were so, I think). Anyway – totes agree w/you regarding Big O’s political skills. And that’s why I’m out knocking on doors and phoning phones in a way I’ve never done before. Drones, yes – they’re hellish. But we have got to get the O back in office again, or we’re all (and I mean all, as in all in the this world) screwed. GOTV, folks.
Obama did poorly last night. But he’s a smart guy with a big lead — a big lead that he built by himself — he’ll find a way.
Corner Stone
@Ben Franklin: Oh thank goodness! Sheesh, for a minute there I thought you meant I was some type of sycophant to those in FP positions on this one blog on the interwebs! That would have really disturbed me no end!
So to hear it’s really more about the power of self-reflection and self-understanding and my complete lack of relative awareness and relative position in the larger schemes of what occurs on this blog, well, that was indeed a great stroke of good fortune and refreshment for my soul.
Dawn brings a new day!
Judas Escargot, Acerbic Prophet of the Mighty Potato God
@Political Observer:
Never did get the Biden hate.
thanks for that link!
Joey Giraud
Well, I really enjoy reading something sensible, like what you said. Makes up for all the sturmendrang here.
It has been a rough 30 years for liberals, progressives, etc. And for people who care a lot and read a lot, it’s hard to accept that so many voters know more about toothpaste then about the candidates and the policies.
Yeah, Obama has deep political smarts and we almost don’t deserve to have him, and while I give him a huge benefit of the doubt.. I’m sure he does make mistakes.
I wonder what he really thinks of his performance.
No matter. It’s impossible to know for sure.
But I do know that Romney was a chilly, hyperactive, chattering twit last night, and Obama was controlled, self-contained and warm, and that difference works it’s way into the subconscious swing voter mind, no matter what the pundits say.
The Fat Kate Middleton
@Joey Giraud: Exactly. I watched all but the first three minutes, and this was what I saw. And so did my Republican relatives, actually, according to the emails I received tonight.
Right now, if you go to Google and type “Romney” into the search bar, by the time you get to the “N” the first suggestion is “Romney”. The second suggestion is “Romney Big Bird”. For all the opining about who won and who lost last night, it’s pretty clear what the big takeaway was for a lot of people: Mitt Romney wants to fire Big Bird.
Nate Silver just increased Obama’s chances of winning to over 86%. LOL!!!
Joey Giraud
@Corner Stone:
Well played sir!
The best sarcasm has a different and correct meaning for each recipient.
Tom Q
@Bill E Pilgrim: I agree. Romney’s been given his biggest reprieve of the season in much the same way Mondale was taken vaguely seriously as a winner for a few days after Reagan completely lost the plot in the first ’84 debate. In each of those cases, the only way the suddenly-revived challenger was going to continue to rise was if he got the same level of fail from the incumbent in a second debate. Reagan only had to toss off that lame one-liner about not exploiting Mondale’s “youth and inexperience”, and we were back to status quo ante. Same thing’ll happen here. The chances of Obama having a second inexplicably listless debate are in sub-zero range, and the basic poll positions of the two candidates will revert to pre-yesterday.
Of course, the wingnuts are convinced last night was “the real Obama finally uncovered”. Today while I was getting a haircut, some loudmouth was going on about “he’s never been challenged in public like that before”. I thought about saying “You lie!” to him, but I was pretty sure he’d miss the reference.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
I apologise as well if I sounded flippant, and freely admit that I am probably quite wrong. I think PO is contemptible and repugnant. However, I just don’t think banning is the answer.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Political Observer:
You really should apologise and move on.
Thank you, Publius. The original 8×10 is still available.
I was not even aware of the photo on which I based this portrait until I went hunting for MLK inspiration.
Corner Stone
@Joey Giraud: I’ve been watching a lot of Naruto Shippuden lately. Those mofos really drop some knowledge.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: and just like that he was gone. Off to tell tales to his racist buddies about how he was called a racist. But we knew he’d be back. there are predictions still to maul and a Baghdad Bob role to fill.
There are a lot of people here whistling past the graveyard. Face it: Obama lost last night. We’re all fucked. In the weeks after Romney’s inauguration, Big Bird will be found dead in an alleyway with a needle in his arm and the investigation will result in Oscar getting busted for dealing smack out of his trashcan and pimping out Elmo and Snuffleupagus to furries.
And that will be on your heads for not FREAKING THE FUCK OUT OMFGBBQ111 every time the Obama campaign experiences a setback. So drop the false bravado before it’s too late.
@Political Observer: Is the funny part that biracial is not something you should want to be?
Is that where the humor is?
@Spatula: I’m going to bookmark your site for the future; my apartment complex won’t allow me to put nails in the wall, and I’m most likely moving across country within the next year or so.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: I don’t think banning is the answer because I think a reminder that Romney fans are racist idiots helps our team and keeps them fired up. On the other hand, when I see people actually get trolled into debating him on whether he’s racist – like if you find him the right definition for “mulatto,” he’s going to relent and say “you’re right guys, I’m racist” – I sort of want to advocate banning just to save these commentors from themselves.
grandpa john
@kay: Gergen? I personally would discount anything that senile old fart has to due to senility
Sarah, Proud and Tall
Sadly, he always will be, in some form or another.
Hill Dweller
@Publius39: SKEWED!
Corner Stone
No. No.
I refuse to let that happen. I’ve got bird seed and worm farms access as needed.
I’m NOT going to let this happen!
Corner Stone
@Steve: You’re kind of missing it as well.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: troll behavior is fascinating. You guys need a new server, make DougJ put on a Master Troll Seminar. He can be the Mystery (of pick up artist non-fame) of trolls. Sorry DougJ but UNLIMITED TROLL CASH.
@Hill Dweller:
LOL. I meant to say that to Spatula earlier. I don’t agree with him on the politics, but the dude’s got talent.
grandpa john
@LanceThruster: no, but that doesn’t stop BJ commenters does it?
@Corner Stone:
The one bright spot is, Bert and Ernie move to Iowa, get married and enjoy a high standard of living thanks to Bert’s line of designer fetish wear.
But it’s grim for everyone else, I’m not going to lie. Mr. Hooper gets eaten by Rizzo and his pack.
@Spatula: Yeah, that’s really cool. Almost looks like a stencil
Thank you, I appreciate that. :)
But seriously? NO nail holes? No one is supposed to hang anything but doilies on their walls? WTF?
@grandpa john:
I’ll admit I’ll wade into the fray when I haven’t identified the genus, but after that, it’s truly a fool’s errand.
You no likey? awww…and we were such good friends before.
Joseph Nobles
I still feel the same way about the debates as I did last night. Governor Romney gave his supporters the debate they wanted. President Obama did not.
If Obama had wiped the floor with Romney, I would be crowing about it today. Instead, I’m resigned to it. I know plenty of ads can be made from Romney’s performance, and all the GOP has got is some lame Smirk video on the President. But none of those ads will be seen by 67 million people – the estimated audience of the debates. So it is what it is. I don’t think this is a dealbreaker, and now the Romney preparations are a known factor – pound on Obama enough to satisfy his loony base, while making as much a break for the center ground as possible.
Three more debates to go.
Another Halocene Human
@Spatula: Tough crowd.
@Another Halocene Human:
Well, it is true that everyone is a critic, but hey, that’s part of putting one’s self and work out there as an artist.
Especially now that Cole has outed me as the vile and despicable “Spatula.” :D
Let’s see if Satanic thinks THIS looks like a “stencil.”
@Spatula: ? I wasn’t being sarcastic, I like that one a lot.
ETA- I used to have a lot of fun making stencils and block prints. I still do the occasional block print, but I’m busier with music than art nowdays. I didn’t know that was a diss.
Hmmm…now I’m suspicious I am being mocked again. :D
Oh well, either way, thank you for caring enough to look. :D
Did you check out the Marilyn Monroe?
@Spatula: Haha, I reread my response and I thought “Oh crap, that does look like I’m snarking.” Sorry man, I was just wondering how you did it. The Marilyn is really cool. It’s really nicely balanced.
Keith G
The above is just whistling past the graveyard rationalization. One of Obama’s highest priorities right now has to be getting reelected. It’s that or say goodbye to all he has worked for. When you own-goal lose the first of three, you hand your opponent a tremendous gift. One more off night and more “independents” might give Romney a second look.
I know that Obama hates the spin, theatrics, and game playing of politics, but this is the job he signed up for and a lot of peoples’ lives will be totally fucked if he doesn’t get this right.
So yeah, he better get his ass into debate prep. One screw up is a data point. Two is a trend – and an really tough ditch to crawl out of.
Original Lee
@cynn: I agree with you. I have watched the debate twice now, due to having to watch it again this afternoon with my son, who had to write a paper about it. I think Obama was looking down because otherwise the expression on his face would have read much too clearly, “I can’t fucking believe I have to stand here and listen to this shit when I’ve got a situation in Syria to deal with. Plus, it’s my anniversary.” Obama started out looking up more and looking at Romney frequently, but the longer the debate went on, the harder time I think he had keeping control of his body language.
Thank you, Satanic. I consider that MM piece to be one of my best.
I was thinking today that last night was really the very first good campaign day Romney has had since he outspent all the rest of the clowns in the clown car last March.
That’s a long stretch of time without being able to say, I WON — so in the spirit of good old-fashioned American generosity, I say to all the trolls, enjoy it. Cheer for your guy. Sneer at your opponents. Do a happy dance on the front lawn. Pump your fist in the air.
You’re going to do a lot more losing than winning in the weeks to come. Your candidate comes across like a determined used car salesman, and women can’t stand him.
Rand Careaga
Elsewhere today (including upthread here) I’ve seen it suggested that the debate outcome (being scored, that is, as a “win” for Mister Mitt) could have a positive consequence either unintended or deliberate. The model goes something like this: had Obama wiped the floor with the Republican presidential candidate, the right-wing money hitherto supporting his campaign would have dried up. The “malefactors of great wealth” would have made a cold-blooded calculation that, five weeks out, the GOP presidential drive had cratered, and diverted their cash downticket, where such money can do far more dollar-for-dollar damage. By keeping Romney propped up for a couple of more weeks, the theory goes, Adelson remains at the roulette wheel rather than wandering off to play the slots.
If an inadvertent consequence of a lucklustre performance, then another example of Obama’s luck. If he actually threw the fight for this reason, that’s some serious eleven-dimensional chess he’s got going there. Speaking for myself, I thought Obama seemed off his game, but I see no reason for any of us to collapse onto the fainting couch. Andrew Sullivan will always do that sort of thing more entertainingly.
You sure do piss me off quite frequently. But dang, dude, you are talented. Seriously. Wow.
@Ben Franklin:
I hail from franklin’s family of rigin.
Fuck off.
Svensker, thank you very much for saying that. The talented part, not the piss you off part. Although that’s ok too. ;D
Let me know if you see something you like and I’ll give you the Balloon Juice discount.
@Jeff Spender:
Mooore Obaaambi!
@Political Observer:
@Political Observer:
Are you reverse racist?
@Lojasmo: He’s totes not racist at all. Just ask him.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
Plēz du.
mai naem
Just remember the Daily Telegraph is a conservative paper. Not a whackjob paper, but a serious conservative paper which supports the Tories and the Republicans. Because I can’t think of any other non-whackjob conservative paper, I will compare it to the WSJ in the US. This is not a good thing for the Mittster.
@Political Observer:
No, no. You misunderstand. The. Terms are not racist. You are.
James E. Powell
@Joseph Nobles:
But none of those ads will be seen by 67 million people – the estimated audience of the debates.
I am trying to think of what you might be basing this statement on, but I can’t think of anything. Will none of those 67 million people be watching TV between now and election day?
Or do they all live in states that are not within a blue mile of being competitive?
Joseph Nobles
@James E. Powell: I’m sorry, I missed you asking this question. The ads on the show I was watching came on and I went to go grab a soda from the fridge.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
“How can she possibly resist the maddening urge to eradicate an idiot at the mere push of a single button? The beautiful, shiny button? The jolly, candy-like button? Will she hold out, folks? Can she hold out?”
Press it, you know you WANT TO! :)
@Odie Hugh Manatee: She’s a fictional 93 year old woman. She is led into temptation very easily here.
Odie Hugh Manatee
That’s my hope. :)
In the US, these are the same pundits that cheered loudly before the Iraq War.
Bobby Thomson
Taco is annoying, but stupid. He damages only himself.
Sorry, SP&T, but The Telegraph is a Tory rag and Dan Hodges is their in-house concern troll, which may be a bit unfair to The Telegraph given that they do identify Hodges as a Blairite (“Dan Hodges is a Blairite cuckoo in the Miliband nest”). But then that’s hardly something they could hide from their British readership.
Nonetheless, that Op-ed is pure click bait and shouldn’t be taken any more serious than that.
Then he has something to smile about, doesn’t he?
Pro tip: if you’re spending a lot of time explaining how it is you’re not racist, then you’re probably racist.
@Political Observer:
You must be a FoxNews viewer and have your own reality. Ronald Reagan got creamed in his first debate against Mondale. Hell, I ought to know as I was a Republican in those days. It was not until the 2nd debate when he came back and won.
@Political Observer:
Reagan did very badly in his first debate in 1984.