This video is amazing (via). How do you debate a guy who just lies and lies and lies?
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This video is amazing (via). How do you debate a guy who just lies and lies and lies?
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Let’s just agree that Romney is a lying sack of shit.
Linda Featheringill
I saw that. Amazing. How are you supposed to respond to that?
Smarmy b@stard. Or is slimy more appropriate?
Ben Franklin
How do you debate a guy who just lies and lies and lies?
Normally, just dismantle each lie in order.
In this case; Stomp him, Hell’s Angels style.
Great vid. Methinks the Ryan version will have to be twice as long.
Will his vid include breaks so we can do our p90x work?
Tonal Crow
“There you go again, Mitt. Look, you can go on promising that unicorns will fly out of your ass and bless every American with 3 mansions, 2 SUVs, and a partridge in a pear tree, but the fact is you’re just lying. Again and again. That shows contempt for our intelligence. And it shows that you’re unqualified to be President. Blather all you want. We’ve moved on.”
Tonal Crow
“There you go again, Mitt. Look, you can go on promising that unicorns will fly out of your ass and bless every American with 3 mansions, 2 SUVs, and a partridge in a pear tree, but the fact is you’re just lying. Again and again. That shows contempt for our intelligence. And it shows that you’re unqualified to be President. Blather all you want. We’ve moved on.”
I just don’t see how one counters that live.
The lies must be taken apart after.
Great vid.
I just don’t see how one counters that live.
The lies must be taken apart after.
Great vid.
Cluttered Mind
@Tonal Crow: That’d stand a better chance of working if not for the optics of a black man calling a white man a liar. I think Obama is rightfully worried about what will happen if he treats Willard’s ridiculous lies with the contempt they richly deserve.
kd bart
Romney is basically a guy trying to sell you on his latest pyramid scheme or his secrets to making money in real estate without any money at his seminar down at the airport Radisson. He’s an aggressive confident talking huckster who’ll say anything to get you to buy into his latest scheme. Full of vagaries with the hope that you won’t become aware of his scheme until he’s long out of town with your money.
kd bart
Romney is basically a guy trying to sell you on his latest pyramid scheme or his secrets to making money in real estate without any money at his seminar down at the airport Radisson. He’s an aggressive confident talking huckster who’ll say anything to get you to buy into his latest scheme. Full of vagaries with the hope that you won’t become aware of his scheme until he’s long out of town with your money.
In other news, Obama has the pr0n vote.
gogol's wife
The site seems to already be broken.
I think I’m going to have to spend the evening watching MST3K versions of 1950s cautionary films on YouTube. It’s all I can handle.
When Al Gore showed his skepticism at Bush’s lies and evasions, the Village ate him alive.
Hill Dweller
Willard paid no price for all that lying. In fact, he benefited because everyone, liberals included, decided to shit on Obama for not rebutting everything.
I can’t believe this sociopath has a pretty good chance of being President.
@gogol’s wife: I’m not having any trouble with the site. Yet.
Tonal Crow
We can’t cave to that. The President is still black, and equal under the law to any white man. He needs to take this opportunity to demolish that vestige of racism — and Romney along with it.
@Cluttered Mind:
And Romney will just reply, confidently, “No, it’s not a lie, you’re lying… AGAIN”
@Cluttered Mind:
And Romney will just reply, confidently, “No, it’s not a lie, you’re lying… AGAIN”
@wrb: Not true. Romney has the look of a bully who, if pushed back hard enough, will shit himself and run crying from the stage.
In the meantime, I’m prepping for VP debate by popping open a Lagunitas Sumpin’ Sumpin’ and trying to forget about the 538 forecast. I’m pretty sure that’s the lowest it’s been since Nate started this election’s version.
PF37 +1
Higgs Boson's Mate
Why would someone who’s in line to have his own planet want to be president of a mere nation?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Cluttered Mind: I caught some of Obama’s interview with Diane Sawyer, and as Obama enumerated Willard’s… inconsistencies and evasions, Herself could only respond with a coy, would-be-sly “is Governor Romney lyyyyyying?” Yes, Diane, he is. You shouldn’t need it explained to you. They really are only interested in sensationalism and Village gossip.
@PsiFighter37: I highly suspect that Romney’s debate prep included a strong counterattack if Obama had forcefully confronted him on lying. Romney is not the type to back off in that case.
ETA: Also, as someone who does P90X myself, Ryan’s not doing it right (if the pictures released today are correct)…way too lean for the program. His legs are also a lot less muscular than they should be.
Also, that picture of him wearing a backwards cap is just off-the-charts amateurish.
Roger Moore
@kd bart:
Or a missionary trying to hook you on his crazy ass religion. Or are we not allowed to talk about that?
Tonal Crow
Al Gore was not aggressive enough. He sighed. Obama must do better, as per my comment above.
Roger Moore
@Higgs Boson’s Mate:
Because he has a Messiah complex.
@jwb: I don’t think so. I think Romney’s strategy consisted of lying until he could slip in the last word. He knows Obama is too polite generally and would never have act like the prickish asshole he was.
pseudonymous in nc
You call him a liar in front of a large national audience and see what the media do once they get off their collective fainting couch.
OT: I got quoted by Fallows!
(the first one not the deeply deeply silly second one)
gogol's wife
@Tonal Crow:
Did you actually watch the Bush-Gore debate? The sighing was a very minor aspect (I didn’t even notice it) until the media blew it up into a big thing. (Sound familiar?) Gore was sharp, aggressive, and intelligent, and if he’d been allowed to become president we would be in a much, much better place than we are now. I am seriously depressed at the prospect of how far we can sink under a Romney presidency.
Alpha males never explain and never justify, just know if they say it forcefully that it must be true. And now suck me beautiful!
The media then dutifully sucked away.
@TheMightyTrowel: I had wondered if you were an archaeologist because of your handle.
Love this video in most ways. Hate the cheap shot at the end because, while it made me laugh, it means that if I were to send this video to any of the swing voters I know they will be turned off by that and come to doubt the credibility of the other parts as well. There are a couple of references that are more partisan-sounding than they need to be as well. I mean, if the point of the video is to pump up partisans like me, then great. But if it is to use to help educate the people who don’t already know that Romney was lying out his ass, then it could accomplish that better.
And who will be the one to push back hard enough? I don’t think that’s Obama’s style or within his comfort zone or whatever. Joe Biden, maybe. We’ll see how he does tonight, because it’s highly likely Ryan will greatly exceed Rmoney’s LPM (Lies Per Minute) rate. I just worry about Biden losing his cool, and saying something like “You lying little motherfucker. Did Mitt learn his lying from you? Or you from him? Because, frankly, both you guys make Joe Isuzu* look like a paragon of honesty. Now, if you can’t speak without lying, kindly STFU. … I’m sorry Martha, where were we?”
*Not that any of the low-information voters know who Joe Isuzu was. So, feel free to substitute another notorious liar. Baron von Munchausen (i.e., in print, not in real life)?
@Cluttered Mind:
Would any white person, who is bothered by that, vote for Obama otherwise?
Tonal Crow
@gogol’s wife:
I listened to the entire thing.
I noticed it immediately, and worried that…
Sharp yes. Intelligent yes. Aggressive, unfortunately not enough.
@MoZeu: Yes, I was amused and irritated by that as well. I also thought it would have been better without the music. There were also a couple of lies that lacked proper documentation.
Glenn I
You could nod thoughtfully while he lies, allow him plenty of time to finish his prevarications, then tell everyone what great ideas he had (aka Romneycare), especially the ones you copied (now Obamacare).
Ben Franklin
@Tonal Crow:
He needs to take this opportunity to demolish that vestige of racism—and Romney along with it.
It’s clobberin’ time.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Well, twelve years is such a very long time, you can’t expect people to remember things like the Iraq War, Katrina and the total collapse of the American economy forever.
Ryan’s debate prep has been leaked.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
@jwb: Yup I am. Dr. MightyTrowel and all. I go on rants about ancient history and the pre-modern world a lot at TNC’s place but here it’s not so relevant.
@Roger Moore:
The China White Horse Prophecy? Does Mitt study it because of a potential substance abuse problem entwined with his Messiah complex? Would it be irresponsible to speculate?
@TheMightyTrowel: My spouse is a Dr. Archaeologist.
Wait – you’re married to Mighty Trowel? I’m so confused.
@SFAW: Not as far as I know, though Dr. Archaeologist uses a mighty trowel as a logo.
Great video for people like us. Average voter is not going to go through this parsing – not even the average educated potential voter because it is just too long. what’s needed is a shorter, more intense “he is a chronic liar and he will never be trustworthy” motif.
Oh and a mountain of hurt in the next three debates delivered by Messrs. Biden and Obama.
Does Dr. Archaeologist like pina coladas? Getting caught in the rain?