The utterly awesome Rosie Perez discusses the advantages of ethnicity that poor Mitt Romney must forgo:
<div align=”center”><iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
(via TPM)
Can I just say that Rosie Perez has mad skillz — and that you may consider this a gay Latina Mitt Romney open thread.
Uncle Cosmo
“but actually,”…what? I’ve listened to it 3 times & I still can’t puzzle out what she says when her voice drops at the end.
Otherwise, es un hoot.
I LOL’d. That was awesome.
ZOMG SHE SAID VAGINA!! Teh delicate wingnut fee-fees are gonna get sooo hurt by that!
Rosie rocks my existence. And the worst part is Willard still wouldn’t get it.
@Uncle Cosmo: The last line? “But saying jokingly that you wish you were might actually lose it for you.”
She still looks like Jack Nicholson as The Joker. That’s gotta be harder than anything.
Love Rosie Perez, the original Fly Girl and one of my fav parts of “Do The Right Thing”. I still hear the way she said “Moo-oo-kie” with that thick azz accent…lol.
She still looks good too. Muy caliente Ms Perez
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Jamey: Huh?
Wow, that Jewish Council for Education and Research is doing some good ads. Aren’t they the folks that brought the Samuel L. Jackson “wake the fuck up” ad?
@Alison: When a Latina does that octave drop…RUN. Do not walk, do not ignore it, do not try to defend yourself, just run. Something is about to get broken and it might just be you.
(BTW Latinas rule.)
@Violet: That do be them. They must have some deep pockets too.
I wonder if there’s an español version…
When she started talking about a “clean-cut Hispanic man” my brain heard it as “a clean, cut, Hispanic man.”
That’s more than I want to know about Mitt.
dr. bloor
@Jamey: Um, no. Actually, she does not. I know this because never once while watching Jack Nicholson in a film have I thought, “Damn, I want to run away to a deserted tropical island with him.”
Andrew Sullivan is still doom and gloom in a post titled “How Obama gave the campaign back to Romney”:
He says he’s still “deeply demoralized.” I guess Obama is no Margaret Thatcher.
somebody had to say it
The only vajayjay Sully is interested in getting inside.
When Rosie Perez opens her mouth, razor blades come out.
Now THAT, is a fucking smackdown!
@MikeJ: Well, it *is* from the Jewish Council for Education and Research :P
Damn. Let’s elect Rosie!!! This is brilliant.
Hill Dweller
@Violet: I don’t give a fuck how Sullivan feels, nor if he votes for Obama again. To be frank, I really wish you hadn’t brought his bullshit here.
@g: Rosie can take Schumer’s Senate seat. Oh and she was born in Brooklyn.
@Violet: Please don’t block quote Sully here unless it is in the service of mercilessly mocking him. I’m really trying not to read him.
@Uncle Cosmo: She says – “But saying it jokingly? It just may lose it for you.”
@Jamey: WTF is wrong with you?
Odie Hugh Manatee
I used the complaint generator on Rmoney and the results were almost pitch perfect.
How many different versions of Randy Andy Sullivan HAZ A SAD do we really need to hear?
@Hill Dweller: +1.
Yow. “Serious as a heart attack” pretty much describes the last 30 seconds.
@Jamey: Yeah… I don’t see that at all.
Hill Dweller
@FlipYrWhig: The Presidential debates have never had any real influence on the election until this year. It changed this year because people like Sullivan shit the bed, and started throwing around words like “lazy”, giving the media all sorts of cover to act like Obama committed a crime. Fours years of being President, but one bad debate and Sullivan is ready to slit his wrist.
I really hope Sullivan votes for Romney.
@Jamey: Idiot, aren’t ya?
@Hill Dweller: Sully was just DYING for an excuse to get back into Tory good graces. It just so happens Obama handed him that excuse, however flimsy that is.
@Hill Dweller: I didn’t watch the debate. My wife and in-laws watched it while I tried to do some work. We’re all Obama supporters. I asked them after it was done how it went. Their response was, “Pretty boring.” So the extent of the hue and cry over however it went down… I dunno, it’s felt way disporportionate for a week and a half.
What accent?
@Yutsano: Well, when you’re a pundit, there’s never any disincentive to making a huge hairy fuss over everything that happens in politics. If you’re wrong, everyone forgets. If you’re quick off the blocks, you can get tons of credit. I think there was a race on to be the first to declare that Romney had kicked Obama’s ass. Sullivan won.
Hill Dweller
@Yutsano: PPP was saying on twitter that almost all the support Obama lost after the first debate was from white people.
Like Sullivan, I think there were a lot of people looking for an excuse to vote against Obama.
Hot damn I am laced.
I’ve had 4 glasses of champagne that’s been on ice for nearly a year, 2 of each of Rogue Yellow Snow IPA + Flying Dog Imperial Pumpkin IPA, and the dranks from earlier (1 Avery IPA, 1 Green Flash Imperial IPA, and 1 beer that I am too drunk to remember)..
God I love Sundays
Here’s a party rock link for the masses. Awesomness ensues
Xecky Gilchrist
@FlipYrWhig: it’s felt way disporportionate for a week and a half.
No doubt. My experience was just like yours: didn’t watch it myself, people who I know who did said it was a yawnfest. Then came… the Wigging.
The Pale Scot
I am being stalked by a wolf spider. Last week it crawled out from underneath my windshield wipers as I was sitting in the car waiting for a neighbor, ran up the windshield stopped and just started staring at me. I got out to brush him/her off the car and drove quickly away, leaving it a mile away from the house (I thought). Less than a week later I found it or another keeping post beside the bathroom sink. I caught and released it into the backyard. This evening it or another was hanging out next to the outside door’s handle as I walked up to go in. I barely saw it by the light of the 15 watt bug light. It was carrying a huge egg sack underneath it’s body. When it saw me it dived into a hole in the door’s screen, fortunately the door window was closed. I figured it would be stuck there and I could deal with it in the morning. Half hour later it was gone, I saw it walking away into the night as I was locking up.
I had just come back from watching Walking Dead with a friend. Now scenes from Arachnophobia plus zombies are spinning thru my head.
WTF? I like spiders, they eat insects, and wolf spiders are big enough to to go after the big roaches down here in FL. But I don’t want to share quarters with them.
Just had to let someone know. If there’s a report of a spider bite/s related death in the Tampa area, the fucker is green and 3 inches across with eight eyes. Put out a bolo.
Seriously I can’t get the picture of eight black eyes staring into mine out of head. What am I suppose to do, load a shotgun with bird shot and keep it handy. How do I explain that one?
@The Pale Scot: Do they bite? I get mysterious bug bites every couple months that make me want to put on a gas mask and go Ghostbusters on my apartment.
Sorry to continue talking about What Sully Thinks, but cripes, this says a lot more about Sullivan than Obama. “It’s all about meeee!”
I think I’ll apply that approach from now on. The Texans sucked tonight against Green Bay. HOW DARE THEY? THIS IS A PERSONAL INSULT!
Hill Dweller
@FlipYrWhig: I didn’t watch the debate live, but after seeing the meltdown, watched it the next day. Perhaps my expectations were so low it influenced my opinion, but after watching it, the hysteria was criminally disproportionate to the actual debate.
I was on Twitter, mainly with Bloomberg and they were tweeting what was said. Brad De Long was beside himself saying Romney lied. There was no hint that Obama was “off his Game”.
It was manufactured by the media.
pseudonymous in nc
@Hill Dweller: Sullivan wasn’t a permanent resident in 2008; he isn’t a citizen in 2012; he should be eligible for naturalization in time for 2016.
@pseudonymous in nc: Fuck Andrew Sullivan. I couldn’t give two drizzly shits how that man feels about U.S. politics.
Fuck him and the (probably British) sanctimonious horse he rode in on.
@The Pale Scot: I killed my first redback this weekend. The bastard was trying to set up home right next to my front door. Chemical warfare did her in.
Fuck Rosie Perez for appearing in the labor bashing propaganda film “Won’t back down”.
@The Pale Scot: @PsiFighter37: Wolf spiders do occasionally get delusions of grandeur. However they are not poisonous and biting humans is rare.
@Xecky Gilchrist: The media wanted a horserace. Therefore they set Teh Narrative that Obama lost so they would get a horserace. It’s a total manipulation by them and a lot of white folk fell right in line. It’s honestly depressing.
The Pale Scot
According these pictures AYEA
I think I want to avoid that.
If you live in the south your just going to get bit, unless you live in one of those gated communities with the chemlawn and the exterminators and stay in the house or lin-ni (sp?).
Just look up bedbugs to make sure it’s not them, most likely skitters or noseeums that sneak in from the outside. If it’s bedbugs just torch the place and start over.
@The Pale Scot: Everything is a war with you, isn’t it ?
@The Pale Scot: Okay, definitely did not get bitten by those. Goddamn, it looks like shit got REAL when that happened.
I’m going to go back to chugging my coconut water in peace, now…
The Pale Scot
@TheMightyTrowel: Hey, do listen to Mysterious Universe? It’s a guilty pleasure of mine, they were talking about the spiders down there. But it’s those teeny-tiny deadly jellyfish that freak me out.
@PsiFighter37: If it helps, a lot of those are from South America, and most of the bites on that image search are from brown recluse, which are REALLY nasty pieces of work.
@Yutsano: Yeah, not helping, and I will continue to NOT think about it while I sober up vigorously for my 6:30 wakeup (in 6 hours from now). JFC
I haven’t seen it mentioned here, but I’ve been following a lawsuit in suburban Texas. Some cheerleaders decided to put Bible verses on signs and banners, including a huge banner the football players have to burst through to enter the field at the beginning of the game. Some interesting legal issues at play.
Regardless, however, I thought this quote from one of the cheerleaders was unbelievable:
@The Pale Scot: Not a mysterious universe listener (they’d probably take away my phd if i ever slid into crypto-zoology or pseudo-archaeology). A lot of the fauna down here freaks me out, i’m trying to learn the great Australian art of denial.
Ash Can
@The Pale Scot: Wolf spiders are big and not too pretty, but harmless. Show it the door, make sure all of your screens are closed, and sleep well.
[With apologies to Rosi] “Oh, Rosie; oh, girl.”
That was great: crisp, clear, direct, to the core. Has she been talking to Sarah Silverman?
Some tens of millions of Americans are prepared to vote for Willard. I simply cannot comprehend.
@Hill Dweller: That was my impression as well. Obama gave a mediocre performance, but it was not horrible. His media support, however, was horrible. Compare how conservative supporters handled Ryan’s performance with how liberal supporters handled Obama’s performance. The vast majority of the polling was lost in the aftermath, when liberal supporters went insane and decided doing the Romney’s campaign’s work for them was somehow a good idea.
I also wish that everyone would just get over the idea that Sullivan has ever been on our side. Sullivan has only ever been on his own side and will always and forever only do what is in the best interest of Sullivan. He may occasionally be a temporary ally, but don’t ever count on him.
The Pale Scot
Como? Que? I don’t use exterminators and am pretty accepting of the ten or so bites I currently have on my legs, the yard is Au-natural.
I meant the post in a humorous vain, isn’t there a Stooges piece or something with Mo shooting up the place trying to get a fly?
Uncle Cosmo
@Alison: Muchas gracias, hon. Maybe it’s time for me to visit an audiologist…
Another Halocene Human
@Yutsano: The only vajayjay Sully is interested in getting inside.
I sort of more imagine peeking out of it a little gloved hand holding a black shiny leather whip handle, ready to admonish to Andy’s fat bum (as he waits on hands and knees for) the punishment it and he so richly deserves.
The brain bleach is complementary.
Another Halocene Human
@Yutsano: Rosie can take Schumer’s Senate seat.
@Another Halocene Human: That sounds more like a Japanese hentai film. Though it needs moar tentacles.
The Pale Scot
MU cracks me up. They do things tongue and cheek, mostly anyway. Except for the rationalization of life after death. But I think A tea party rally has them beat. Or David Barton and Ken Ham. The black eyed kid stories are good fun.
Calming news of the day:
1. ABC/WaPo poll has Obama by 3, same as before Denver debate. h/t TPM
2. 2nd straight day of uptick in Barack’s chances at 538. The freefall has stopped, finally.
Another Halocene Human
@PsiFighter37: nice track
seriously, though, pace yourself
Read something recently that drinking goes up as sleeping goes down, think that happened to me lately. Gonna try to sleep more. Alky makes you sleep worse anyway.
The Pale Scot
@Yutsano: “Wolf spiders do occasionally get delusions of grandeur”
So I can treat ’em with Clozapine or convince her she’s Jesus Christ and send her down the road the Baptist church to straighten them out.
tundra twit – morons made me rich
@Another Halocene Human: Now I remember, I had a Left Hand Chainsaw IPA. A bit flat for that ABV – things at that level need to abuse my hopping sensitivities.
And pacing is for those who are dead. But, to be even-handed, I am not drinking anything else tonight except for water and coconut-infused non-alcoholic beverages.
Another Halocene Human
@Xecky Gilchrist: No doubt. My experience was just like yours: didn’t watch it myself, people who I know who did said it was a yawnfest. Then came… the Wigging.
Wake me when Return of the Son of the Wiggening II is over.
@Hill Dweller:
1. I think its a given fact that if this country is handed over to Rethugs to destroy again white folks will be to blame.
2. I think it is also a given fact that if the Rethugs were pro-gay rights Sullivan would be a Rethug.
Another Halocene Human
@Yutsano: Um, time to panic again: there are brown recluse spiders in Florida (black widow, too).
One of my coworkers got bit by one randomly. His whole arm swole up and he was out of work for almost three months.
@Maude: @Hill Dweller: @Xecky Gilchrist: That’s a relief. For a while I wondered if I just didn’t get how much people could possibly be bothered by Obama’s looking down because I also tend to look down when talking. I was like, wow, maybe everyone thinks I suck to some embarrassing degree at speaking too.
The Pale Scot
@Another Halocene Human: You’re not helping.
Another Halocene Human
110 The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
2 The Lord shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies.
3 Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth.
4 The Lord hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.
5 The Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath.
6 He shall judge among the heathen, he shall fill the places with the dead bodies; he shall wound the heads over many countries.
7 He shall drink of the brook in the way: therefore shall he lift up the head.
Another Halocene Human
@The Pale Scot: Well, at least he lived?
I’m not dead yet. Actually, I’m feeling a lot better.
The Pale Scot
@Another Halocene Human: The older I get the more I think Calvinism will be the end of us all. Back in the ’70s I watched a clip of Ian Paisley standing next to a column of Catholic civil rights marchers attempting to duplicate Dr. King. He called ’em ” Advocating violence and rebellion against the state”, week later Derry’s in flames.
I thought that that guy is nuts, “good to be an American!”. Couple of years later it was supply-side economics and moral minisculities. Not a tissues difference between the fundies here and Paisley. If you don’t agree to let them run things it’s the gallows for ye all.
Hill Dweller
@FlipYrWhig: I suspect a lot of Obama supporters endure an unending stream of shit from ignorant people. People they regularly see(family, coworkers, etc.) hate Obama. Their support probably strains relationships with family and friends. I bet there are days when their support waivers.
After the entire media apparatus was calling Obama a lazy loser, and facing ridicule from their Willard supporting friends/family, some people jumped ship.
That said, I suspect a good chunk of those people are still willing to vote for Obama if he gains some momentum.
ABC/WaPo post shows Obama up 3 nationally. Gravis Marketing (!) shows Obama up 2.5 in Colorado.
Both Nate’s place and Sam Wang’s show Romney’s bounce flattening. At the crescendo of Romney’s support, he’s still down in over half the swing states per RealClearPolitics.
I’m certain this means Cokie will be proclaiming the president has lost his way on my en pee are station tomorrow morning.
Good times.
Patricia Kayden
I used to love reading Sullivan’s blog every day. I’ll have to forgo it until the elections are over. Will be interesting to read him after Romney becomes President. I wonder if he will acknowledge his role in framing President Obama as a loser based on just one debate performance.
Seems from Violet’s quote that Sullivan does not believe that President Obama can win the next two debates anyways, so in his eyes, Romney has already won.
That is good news. Wouldn’t it be great if pundits lose this?
Despite how hard they’ve worked to beat him? :)
@Patricia Kayden:
The generous, rational interpretation would be “you take the good with the bad”. That would apply to both Sullivan and Obama.
But since Sullivan doesn’t give that to Obama, I don’t think I have to give it to Sullivan.
Obama can’t be as good as Sullivan set him up to be, and then so bad after one poor showing in a debate. Andrew Sullivan is wrong about one of the two things he believed or believes.
Ben Cisco
I’m going to go ahead and state for the record: FUCK ANDREW SULLIVAN. There’s a reason his blog is on (and should have STAYED on, TYVM) the mock list; he’s nothing more than a whiny little IGMFY Tory that’s spreading
gloom and doombullshit about an election he isn’t even eligible to vote in. Please WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE.Lurking Canadian
Ok, the media needs a horse race, the narrative must be fed, I get that. But if they were going to choose a spin to put on the debate, they DID NOT have to choose the Newt Gingrich spin that he’s lazy and uninterested in the job, and they DID NOT have to let Junior Romney get away with calling the President of the United States an unruly child. I’m with VDE at this point. Burn it down and salt the earth.
That Perez ad is awesome. Had me laughing out loud for quite a while.
@Ben Cisco:
I wish Sullivan would just speak for himself.
“Obama’s supporters” I am so, so sick of “opinion leaders” putting words into millions of peoples’ mouths.
I THINK is what he means. They always have to create this fictional army standing behind them.
@Hill Dweller:
I hope he actually slits his wrists.
@The Pale Scot:
We had bedbugs (got them from a BEAUTIFUL B and B on the south shore of Lake Superior) They were hell to terminate.
Bagged the bed and pillows, washed everything in hot, and steamed every corner and crevice.
Watched the Rosie Perez clip twice, and a few of the Sarah Silverman ads too. Very well done.
Shall we lock Andrew Sullivan and Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz in a padded room together until the election? For their own good. They’re too delicate for this world.
They can rule their own little soundproof empire, and we can “get to work.” To elect Obama and Democrats, without their “help.”
No, it wasn’t. We were watching it live and despairing at the lackluster responses Obama was making. He was on the defensive, reactive, irritable and unengaged. It was as bad as everyone said it was. Pretending that the media made it all up sounds to me like the Repubs saying the polls showing Obama ahead were “skewed”. Denial is not a winning strategy.
@Svensker: Here’s what I think. Go back and watch the debate. There is a point where you can see Obama’s demeanor changed. He seemed pissed, and obviously I’m not in his head, but I suspect he was thinking to himself, “wow so this mofo here is gonna just disavow every darn thing he’s said for the past 18 months. Should I let him just keep digging his grave and use it later or call him out?” For good or nil, I bet he just decided to call him out and all the writing he did was to write down every lie Mitt told and get back to the strategy people and get to work.
What he did not expect and could not expect is for the media to be so invested in the horserace narrative that they were eager to write the Romney comeback narrative. I’m sure he also didn’t expect the freak out from the allegedly supportive liberal pundits (not including Sullivan who one can expect to overdramatize everything) and the ensuing fallout and freak out.
Matt McIrvin
@Svensker: I didn’t actually watch the debate; I was watching other people’s responses on the web. But there was a point not far in when Ta-Nehisi Coates liveblogged that Obama “looked tired”.
(As an ubernerd, I was instantly reminded of the moment on Doctor Who when the Doctor takes down Harriet Jones’ government by muttering the same observation in someone’s ear. At the time, I thought it was implausible.)
Coates works for The Atlantic and may have been affected by that environment somehow. But he’s certainly not invested in any kind of close horserace, and there seems to have been something going on.
Matt McIrvin
I recall a bunch of pre-debate articles by media-watchers about how obviously this was going to be the next phase, though they didn’t necessarily guess how it would happen. Presumably Obama’s too busy to immerse himself in this meta-meta stuff, but he probably has someone whose job it is.