Allen West is getting desperate. So desperate that he is accusing his opponent — who has never been elected to Congress — of cutting Medicare.
Yes. Allen West is telling Florida voters that his never-been-elected opponent Patrick Murphy cut Medicare.
He thinks you’re stupid, Florida, and he thinks he can get away with bald-faced lying.
[read full post at ABLC]
At least he didn’t accuse him of throwing spears.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
They’re all pulling pages from the Rmoney Campaign Playbook:
Be a lying sack of shit 24/7 and count on the press to
a) Not call you out on it, and
b) Be afraid to call you out on it because they’re scared of the wingnuts.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
peach flavored shampoo
With respect to disturbingly large portions of the Florida populace, he’d be dead-on correct.
Send Patrick Murphy back to Kenya.
The Republic of Stupidity
There is a solid precedent at play here, you know…
After all the state did elect Lex Luthor as its governor…
I’m hoping we hit the national trifecta on November 6, Walsh, Bachman and West all out on their collective asses. And for a bonus, King from Iowa out as well.
I threw some money at Murphy a few weeks ago. If you can spare it, give him 5 or 10 bucks.
I’d so love to see West go down in Nov.
Steve King has a solid opponent too (Vilsack), so if you want to try to defeat that asshole go and give her a few bucks too.
What peach flavored shampoo said.
The DCCC has decided to support Jim Graves against Bachmann. It’d be nice if they’d help out Murphy too.
[‘Would I be a bad person if I admitted that I’m kind of enjoying watching the R’s openly display all that crap that I figured was floating around their degraded souls?’]
West got elected once, no reason to think the same folks won’t elect him again.
Post Truth! It’s our new reality.
Villago Delenda Est
West is a war criminal who should be in prison, not Congress.
Go Patrick Murphy!
The Republic of Stupidity
WOuld it be safe to say that West is torturing the truth here?
Repug tv ads in Northen Calli are doing the same thing.
Maybe he’s thinking of the Patrick Murphy from Pennsylvania.
But it’s a different group of people, thanks to redistricting, and turnout is very different in presidential years than off-years.
Citizen Alan
I’m pretty sure it’s not the same folks. Didn’t his district change to become bluer?
comrade scott's agenda of rage
From a NYT piece back in July:
Higgs Boson's Mate
If the media doesn’t come down hard on West then we know what future elections are going to look like. The hands-off attitude towards Romney/Ryan’s lies is disturbing enough, this takes it to a whole new level.
@The Republic of Stupidity: Too soon? We should just be walking on by after all.
@Villago Delenda Est:
So’s Oliver North and so should he be. It’s not war crimes if you’re American.
Roger Moore
I suspect that it would be war crimes if he were a Democrat. Or is that saying the same thing because everyone knows Democrats aren’t Real Americans(TM) anyway?
Davis X. Machina
@Roger Moore:
The usual Democratic war crime is not enough providing enough war… even when we try to meet them half-way, as in the Balkans. (Cf. McCain and Co, ca. 1998…)
Um, not to rain on anybody’s parade, but did anyone in this comment thread actually watch the commercial in question? Are you unfamiliar with the meaning of the word “would”?
@Roger Moore:
@Davis X. Machina:
Actually, our big crime in the Balkans was that we didn’t side with Milosevic. Because he would have exterminated all those stinking hajjis in Kosovo and Bosnia, and then the world would be a better place.
No, really. That’s not a parody. That exact argument crops up on wingnut blogs now and again.
(I suppose it would be too much for them to scratch their heads and riddle me WHY it is that al-Qaeda & co have had so much less success recruiting from the Balkans than from other parts of the world for their Death-To-America crusade. Whatever the reason is, we can be certain Bill Clinton’s policies had NOTHING to do with it).
@jo6pac: They are NRCC ads, all dark and scary. They never mention that Republicans voted to cut the same money when they voted for Ryan’s budget.
I didn’t realize that Alan West has infallible powers of precognition that allow him to say ahead of time what his opponent would do if elected. I guess that was how he knew those Iraqi prisoners were terrorists who had to be shot in the head while in custody.
Triassic Sands
History would say he’s correct.
Once again, history says he’s right.
Those are the two main reasons Republicans are still competitive in elections. Americans (many, many of them) are stupid. And lying works.
@lacp: actually I think he’s running in a different district this time
@Mnemosyne: I in no way mean to defend West, but it is not at all beyond the pale for politicians/candidates to use the subjunctive (Candidate X would do this!). Now, I suppose it becomes questionable when its not derived from the candidates own platform/history/party platform. But West would not be the first, and Republicans not the only ones.
HA! Alan Keyes is funnier.