Have at it!
It’s a great morning to be a Democrat. All the wingers in my stream on facebook are having a sad this morning. You know your candidate has a problem with truth telling when he gets fact checked by the moderator in the middle of the debate. Rmoney claimed that Obama never called it terrorism or an act of terror for 14 days, when in fact he used those words the next day.
In addition to using the phrase “act of terror” in the Rose Garden announcement of 12 September, the President got very explicit on the 13th of September at a speech in Colorado:
So what I want all of you to know is that we are going to bring those who killed our fellow Americans to justice. (Applause.) I want people around the world to hear me: To all those who would do us harm, no act of terror will go unpunished. It will not dim the light of the values that we proudly present to the rest of the world. No act of violence shakes the resolve of the United States of America. (Applause.)
God, Rmoney is a disgusting human being.
Angry uppity Black thug berates and insults kind old religious white man…..more at 10pm.
There’s another debate tonight? Great!
During the primaries I read a story about how Ann hated campaigning, how the stress caused her MS to flair up and how she really didn’t want Willard to run.
I responded in the last thread to a post by Kay that this might be the cause of the expression she wore during the debate. I wanted to find some of those stories but the googles are failing me. Does anyone have links to these things?
Maybe it was just a wingnut smear campaign but I’d like to find one or two of them.
Chyron HR
Debate? I saw a black guy savagely beating a white man and assumed it was The Wire.
I went to bed early last night.
All the wingers in my stream on facebook are having a sad this morning.
The centrists are really pitching in for the stop, because they really do not want that panicked section of the D line turning around and charging downhill on them, because, uh, there aren’t nearly enough of them to uh… Oh. SHIT.
You know your candidate has a problem with truth telling
My brain interpreted this as lying for some reason… yeah. Romney totally has a problem with the telling truth as in he cannot bring himself to engage in such low class behavior. It would boggle the mind but: Rupert Murdoch!
[‘Did ya hear? Lincoln *tricked* them into attacking Fort Sumter. All his fault. What a terrible man.’]
Sooner: Thanks for putting up an open thread. I figured that everybody was sleeping in late this morning. That’s all for now.
this is a must read. It something I have been saying for 20 years now, its nice to see the NYT catch up
The Self-Destruction of the 1 Percent
black onion
All the wingers on my local-ish paper are all saying how Romney won.
The cognitive dissonance runs very very deep, even when presented with facts.
Funny how all my Romney-leaning friends have suddenly become raging centrists.
master c
@Chyron HR: need to recycle this today. awesome.
Jon Rockoford
Best line and proof that Obama is far smarter than Romney: “Please, proceed Governor.”
In other words, here’s some more of your own petard governor, host yourself up. The idiot Romney, flustered and anxious to do his alpha-male-boss-bully shit, proceeded to comply.
Genius. And so delicious.
Excellent tweet
Romney is a kind man if you are one of the 0.01% or a fellow mormon .. otherwise, your are a worthless “one of them”.
@Chyron HR:
Mitt has been running for office since 1994. Ann started showing symptoms of MS in 1997. Ann has been all in stumping for Mitt being much more involved and visible than most presidential candidate spouses. Her choice.
Stress includes anger that exacerbates symptoms of illness. I think she is one furious woman, spitting mad that this campaign has been so “hard” and not a smoother ride to their “turn” in the WH.
Overheard in my doctor’s office this morning: I’m a registered Republican. I tried to like Mitt Romney, but I just can’t.
Southern Beale
My thoughts on the debate last nigh. It was definitely Obama’s night.
The Red Pen
Some notes for Mitt Romney:
No one cares about whether Obama said, “act of terrorism” or “terrorist attack.” You’ll get a do-over in the next debate you you’ll just look like a dick trying to push this point. Please do so, asshole.
We aren’t energy independent if we are importing oil from Canada. Canada is a foreign country, dumbass. Also, too, having a dad who was, “born in Mexico to American parents” does not mean you understand immigration.
Don’t spend 80 minutes insisting you’ll create 12 million jobs and then blurt out, “the government doesn’t create jobs! the government doesn’t create jobs,” when it’s not even your turn to speak. Yes, you just remembered that Frank Luntz told you to say that, but you missed your chance and now you look like a freak. More of that, please.
Responding to Schlemizel @3. Oops.
@prufrock: Translation: I dont like Mitt, but I’ll still vote for him over the Negro….
Linda Featheringill
@Punchy: #1
Yep. Was it good for you? Gimme one of those cigarettes.
Comrade Javamanphil
I was really enjoying my day until NPR put Jonah Goldberg on my radio during pledge drive.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Schlemizel: I’ve also seen her say that she talked Mitt into running this time.
I’ve always had a sense that she didn’t want to be denied the destiny she’s always been told was hers, to be in the center of the fulfillment of prophecy.
Why is the timing of when President Obama called the Embassy attack an ‘act of terrorism’ such a big deal? I was baffled when Mitt was freaking out about it during the debate.
I want to know what “I came through small business” means.
Are they seriously going to allow this fraud to now pretend he had a “small business”?
Why not just depart from reality completely, and let him claim credit for anything at all?
And here was me, listening to the Disaster in Detroit, instead of Willard the Rat Master get schooled. Then again, nobody was liveblogging the Yankees getting their tails beaten down here at BJ :-)
I’m breathlessly waiting for Staples to announce their sudden sales on binders.
@The Red Pen:
one of the bot’s stupidest moments. The fucking CD is amazing.
I saw what you did there 8-{D
@dlwchico: That President Obama didn’t say it RIGHT AWAY shows he’s a supersecret Muslim. Also too that he didn’t keep saying it every five minutes proves he sympathizes with the terrorists.
peach flavored shampoo
@Comrade Javamanphil: Is that the guy everyone calls “Doughy Pantload” or am I confusing my fat white lazy Republican mouthbreathers?
What is telling is this is a President who is phrasing very carefully and correctly because he does not have all the facts in hand, rather than blustering off the cuff.
Typical Obama.
I guess Romney would have sent in a battalion of Marines right away, but there we have our differences.
It certainly is funny that all these guys who claim government doesn’t creates jobs are government employees!! Perhaps they should resign.
Ash Can
@amk: Excellent tweet indeed. Sharing the stage with one. Who happened to be the president of the USA. And was pwning Mitt’s sorry ass.
If at Obama’s next rally they’re not handing out binders full of pictures and resumes of successful women, then someone at O-Camp needs to be canned. This is Tire GaugeGate(TM) in reverse.
I’ve always thought that if Romney kept his dumbassery in check thru October, he’d win this. Alas, he could not.
AA+ Bonds
FoxNews.com just moved their ‘BIAS ALERT’ headline on how Candy Crowley asked Romney mean questions about Libya to the top headline
‘BIAS ALERT’ has been their big eight-week pre-election push but this is the first time I have ever seen it as the top headline
@Jon Rockoford:
That was a thing of beauty.
@Kay: In the letter of the law, a “small business” is any business with less than 500 employees. Bain probably qualifies. So, technically, yes he ran a small business. Except there’s a bit of a difference between running a vulture capital fund and running the corner hardware store, so while he may be legally correct it won’t pass the laugh test.
You’ve gotta be shitting me. Facebook is now telling me that Crowley walked back and is saying Romney was actually right on Libya?
Your liberal media.
Brian R.
Obama-Biden 2012: How’s It Taste, Motherfuckers?
Fester Addams
I gather Bishop Romney isn’t used to people actually arguing with him.
I just assume that the only way Rmoney can reach orgasmic release is during the dismantling and selling off bits of small companies.
When he says “I came through small business” he is making a plea for help – a desperate cry for Drs. Ruth and Drew to intervene and repair his broken sexual proclivities.
Wait….NE had a 4.0 quake? WTF? They dont frack in NE, right? Can we blame this on Obama?
Does anyone have a breakdown of the audience/questioners in attendance? It sure looked to me like the candidates spent a lot of time with middle-aged and older white men in the background. There was one black man, a few women, the two latinos (seemed like a couple, she asked the question). But mostly the audience of “undecided voters” seemed to be white men.
If most of the “undecided voters” out there are white men, that’s pretty telling.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
Actually, the look on her face is one you’ve seen: it’s the look of the cheerleader that’s NOT dating the most popular guy in the room.
@peach flavored shampoo:
One and the same but don’t be too mean to him. Given what we know of his mothers past he might be the son LBJ never had.
(LBJ called his mom “One of the best I ever had”)
Ash Can
@dlwchico: The timing is a big deal because Romney, his campaign, and the GOP in general have sweet ever-loving Fuck All to nail Obama on.
Great morning indeed if this is true:
Housing permits up by 11%. Forecast was 1% for September.
Saw that on twiterer just now.
@AA+ Bonds:
And this is why FoxNews is known as the propaganda outlet for the Republican party.
@comrade scott’s agenda of rage: The son she was sitting next to had a similar look on his face and he does not, to the best of my knowledge, suffer from MS. That mean, entitled expression on the faces of the Romney family are attributable to the fact that they are mean, entitled people, not to any medical condition.
@Brian R.:
More importantly, where’s Political Observer to talk about Romney Ryan 2012? Cat got his tongue?
@Chris: She cannot walk that back. It will not help. Millions of people saw that live and what they saw cannot be unseen. But how can Mittenz be right when POTUS said this:
Brian R.
Because, as I read somewhere earlier (here?) Republicans think that foreign policy is essentially a game of Jeopardy in which the only thing that matters is who buzzes in first with the right word.
Guiliani used to insist that Obama’s problem was that he didn’t say the magic word “terrorism” enough. Romney seems to have bought into that camp too. Fucking idiotic.
@Santiago: This is just a sign that the housing market has gone Spinal Tap, and that under a real president like Mitt, the permits would have gone up by 1,111%. And shut up, that’s how.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
@Chyron HR:
You sir, win the internetzez for today. I’ll ship them to you overnight via USPS.
Davis X. Machina
@Chyron HR: Funny. I was also thinking of The Wire last night
You come at the king, you best not miss.
AA+ Bonds
Facebook says one thing and it is a wordless scream indistinguishable from a mechanical tone
@Brian R.: And we saw how well that worked for Giuliani’s presidential run. (Noun, verb, “nine-eleven”)
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Dork: I found out the other day that the Dallas Fort Worth are is on a fault line. Check out this map of the US for your area’s hazard rating: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/01/22/us-fault-lines-graphic-ea_n_432948.html
Chris T.
@Kay: Bain was a small business. “Small” refers to the number of employees, not the price of the -hookers- talent.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
@Comrade Javamanphil:
As soon as Innscreep began the introduction to the piece, I switched stations (I was driving into work).
And NPR wonders why they get criticism. Oh wait, they don’t wonder why.
Davis X. Machina
@Dork: Not unusual in Maine — probably it’s glacial rebound, mostly. The crust, deformed downwards by the mass of the glaciers many millennia ago, is still returning to where it was, like the Pillsbury Doughboy’s tummy. This causes lots of little quakes.
We have 3’s regularly. This one was a bit bigger.
Greg Sargent now saying housing construction jumped 15% in September, the highest in 4 years.
She got the emails and text messages from her paymasters, advising her to do a Wolf Blitzer if she wants to keep getting her sweet, sweet pundit money.
Both sides!
Bobby Thomson
Link? It’s a lie, and we need to nip these viral e-mail lies at the source.
Ash Can
@Chris: I dIddn’t see PO runnIng around here wallowing in our tears after the last debate, so I’ll be pleasantly surprised if s/he shows up today.
Little noted what with the splatter and sputter of debate verbiage, a worthy decision affirming the rule of law over the rule by panic and revenge.
Davis X. Machina
@Todd: She’ll wind up, before week’s end, being shuttled from safe house to safe house one step ahead of breitbart.com’s really real true patriotic American patriots….
@Todd: @Chris: Bullshit. here’s what they are trying to us for their CYA:
Political Insider
CNN’s Candy Crowley: Mitt Romney ‘right in the main’ about Libya
8:07 am October 17, 2012, by jgalloway
The most dramatic moment in Tuesday night’s debate between President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney was over the topic of Libya, when moderator Candy Crowley of CNN intervened.
Here’s the transcript, courtesy of Politico.com:
ROMNEY: I — I think interesting the president just said something which — which is that on the day after the attack he went into the Rose Garden and said that this was an act of terror.
OBAMA: That’s what I said.
ROMNEY: You said in the Rose Garden the day after the attack, it was an act of terror.
It was not a spontaneous demonstration, is that what you’re saying?
OBAMA: Please proceed governor.
ROMNEY: I want to make sure we get that for the record because it took the president 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror.
OBAMA: Get the transcript.
CROWLEY: It — it — it — he did in fact, sir. So let me — let me call it an act of terror…
OBAMA: Can you say that a little louder, Candy?
CROWLEY: He — he did call it an act of terror. It did as well take — it did as well take two weeks or so for the whole idea there being a riot out there about this tape to come out. You are correct about that.
Soon after the debate was over, Crowley’s colleagues at CNN questioned her about the exchange:
Said Crowley:
”I knew the president had said ‘These acts of terror won’t stand,’ or whatever the whole quote was. Right after that, I did turn around and said [to Romney], ‘But you were totally correct that they spent two weeks telling us that this was about a tape, and that there was a riot outside the Benghazi complex, which there wasn’t.’
“So [Romney] was right in the main. I just think he picked the wrong word.”
@Davis X. Machina: God damn, I learn something every day here. Thanks!
Bobby Thomson
OK, now I see what this is about. Here’s what Crowley actually said:
To defend herself from charges of bias and/or throw Mitt a lifeline, she’s now emphasizing what she went on to say starting with “It did as well,” but she’s not denying that the president did use the words “act of terror.” Which is much ado about nothing, but if you’re going to make it the crux of your attack you’d better be right.
More to the point, the other stuff Crowley said is just silly and wrong. The “idea [of] there being a riot out there” was front and center from the start, and largely driven by the right wing, not the administration.
She did temporize at the time, in the debate and she is still temporizing. I don’t understand why it is so hard for our masters of the universe and pundits to remember the obvious fact that what gets said in public about a developing international crisis is ALWAYS a lie and should be a lie. I so wish Obama had said to Romney “When you’ve sat in the big chair you will realize something that businessmen and talk radio blowhards don’t seem to know: you never tell the whole world the first loud thought that comes to mind. The President of the United States can’t pay people to be yes men, and doesn’t get paid to satisfy the ego of shock jocks. You can bet your boots that when there is an international crisis everyone in the administration avoids making stupid, off the cuff, remarks.”
He seems to do that a lot. For example, when he intended to say “I want to help the poor”, the wrong word came out, and it became “fuck the poor.” And when he intended to say “I want to save Medicare”, it somehow came out as “kill Medicare.”
Or perhaps vice versa.
It’s an inadvertent mistake, anyone could make the same mistake. So lighten up, you O-bots.
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us? (formerly MarkJ)
I wonder if anyone in the news media will do any soul searching over the fact a bunch of undecided (read least informed and decisive) voters asked more penetrating questions than professional journalists? I realize the questions last night weren’t great but they were far better than Jim Lehrer.
@Chris: I haven’t yet seen evidence of this on either Twitter or the blogs I follow.
@Bobby Thomson: Yes, that’s not walking it back, that’s just clarifying what she meant about the second part of the quote, which I wondered about last night in this very thread.
hep kitty
I was very disappointed in Obama’s performance.
hep kitty
After all the teeth-gnashing, I just couldn’t help myself.
@Chris: Facebook: not a news source of record.
@hep kitty: You’re right — he should have taken a knee at the end there instead of going for that last field goal.
@Dork: The house here near Boston shook for about half a second. Seemed more like a mini-tornado went by, but then I went outside and it was clear as a bell. Usually there’s rumble component, but this time it just sounded and felt like hella wind pushing on the windows.
The Red Pen
You also don’t say anything about a developing intelligence picture. Sometimes you don’t even say anything about it when it’s developed.
Someone following the evolution of what the Obama Administration knew, plus following chatter on the street might be able to deduce critical information about “methods and sources” that would damage our intelligence operations.
Unfortunately, Obama can’t quite get away with schooling Romney on that. Maybe a surrogate can do it in the news cycle. It certainly reveals how these undercover-agent-outing motherfuckers don’t really care about national security.
Appended that for you.
@Santiago: I believe it – I can’t even drive down my street as there is so much construction
Thanks. I was posting from my smartphone, where I still haven’t figured out how to make linkees, but further investigation did confirm that that was what happened. Sorry for the concern-trolling and thanks for posting the transcript!
hep kitty
@What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us? (formerly MarkJ): You know, that lady that asked Romney about how his admin would be different from the Bush admin (and she acknowledged that Bush admin contributed a great deal to the mess were are in! – I was totally taken aback by that level of understanding from an undecided!)
Well, I haven’t finished watching it yet but now I feel bad for calling them all stupid. That was a great and highly relevant question.
x2, x3, x4
Judas Escargot, Acerbic Prophet of the Mighty Potato God
As someone raised by a single-parent, I noticed that line. Glad others did, too.
Fuck you, Mittens.
Ed Drone
@Comrade Javamanphil:
Not the best way to increase giving, is it?
Ed Drone
Is there a source for an Obama-for-president tire gauge? I’d surely love to have one.
Evolving Deep Southerner
The. Best. State. Supreme Court. Campaign. Commercial. Ever. Period.
This campaign has had a woeful dearth of “Smoky and the Bandit” music. Paul Newby has rectified that in this masterpiece.
hep kitty
@Ed Drone: Now that my satellite radio finally pooped out, I have to listen to NPR ocassionally. Thanks for affirming that my reasons for cringing when I have to tune in are valid.
TG Chicago
If you needed any more evidence that Politifact has given up on their mission, check this out:
They’re saying that Romney’s statement that the President waited 14 days to call it “terror” is Half True. What utter nonsense.
@Comrade Javamanphil: Yeah, why wasthat fucktard polluting my ears? What, Jennifer Rubin was lying on her couch, nursing her hangover and couldn’t come to the phone?
The “calling it terror” is just like the Kennedy-Nixon debate in which the central exchange was about Quemoy and Matsu. Does anybody care? Did anybody care THEN? No and No.
Amazing how politicians/media tie themselves into knots over questions completely irrelevant to 99.99% of the citizenry.
Another Halocene Human
@Evolving Deep Southerner: brilliant!
I have to wonder if Crowley was ACTUALLY THERE IN THE ROSE GARDEN when he said it, too? That’s be sweet.
Was she covering the WH that day? Or did she just report it that day, so of course she remembers exactly what he said.
Either way, I got the feeling that Obama not only knew RMoney was going to tell a whopper (“please proceed”), but that Crowley was going to be vividly and personally very much aware of how blatant it was.
I’ll bet their oppo team sat up watching FAUX and listening to Limblow for a few days straight before the debate, documenting all the lies and fantasies, and knew exactly what kinds of whoppers were going to come out.
Maybe the audience was clapping because this whole issue is so misguided and trivial and such a FAUX distraction: who gives a shit what you call it and when??! What matters is what you DO about it afterwards, how well, and how soon.
dance around in your bones
@aimai: What a great comment, aimai.
As usual, late to the thread.