I’m so much happier since I installed an industrial-sized Xanax lick next to my workstation. But getting through the next however-many-days-there-are-until-the-election might require the addition of an extra-large bourbon bong. I just want it to be over, damn it.
This is way worse than 2008, even though I was heavily invested then too. But now, I’m wandering around in a fog of free-floating anxiety that has left me fit for little aside from working, chicken-tending and child-chauffeuring.
Would mockery and derision help ease the pain? Maybe! Let’s examine a concern troll expressing concern about Obama’s reaction to Romney on the Libya flap during the debate the other night:
Democrats are using patriotism to drown out criticism of the president, just like George W. Bush.
So now Obama’s exposure of Mitt-Fucking-Romney’s inept, transparently cynical ploy to make political hay of dead State Department personnel is exactly the same as private citizens and others who were RIGHT ABOUT IRAQ being denounced as traitors by warmongering politicians after 9/11? Just. Fuck. Off.
Next up in concern trollery: Michael Medved:
Contempt: Democrats and Republicans Now See The Other Party As Worthless
The nation remains divided, in other words, not merely over which candidate counts as more qualified for the nation’s highest office, but over which contender is worthy and which one is, in the deepest sense, worthless.
This represents a level of vitriolic polarization unthinkable even four years ago. Then, virtually all liberals (very much including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton) expressed their admiration for John McCain and his heroic years of military service and often bi-partisan leadership in the Senate. At the same time, even the most conservative Republicans acknowledged Barack Obama’s oratorical gifts, beautiful family and historic achievements as the first non-white politician to conduct a serious campaign for the White House.
God, what a streaming pile of horseshit. This makes me want to douse Medved’s moustache in kerosene and set it ablaze and then apply for species reassignment surgery so I can enjoy the fellowship of other creatures unsullied by genetic kinship with such a breathtakingly stupid hunk of besooted carbon.
And what’s with this “first non-white politician to conduct a serious campaign for the White House” bullshit? Scoreboard, motherfucker! Obama kicked your sorry asses, and “most conservative Republicans” have been shrieking like lacerated hyenas from the moment the man won the nomination to this very day, not to mention the astonishing number who went full metal Exalted Cyclops.
And finally, Ann Romney on “The View” today, having the unmitigated gall to draw parallels between bicycling around Provence pestering the French about the Angel Moroni and military service made necessary by the wars her class so enthusiastically supports (verbally).
[On Mittens’ absence from Vietnam] “He was serving his mission, and my five sons have also served missions. None served in the military, but I do have one son that feels that he’s giving back to his country in a significant way where he is now a doctor and he is taking care of veterans.”“So, you know, we find different ways of serving,” she added. “And my husband and my five boys did serve missions, did not serve in the military.”
The candidate’s wife explained that Mormon missions were like military service in that “you’re going outside of yourself, you’re working and you’re helping others. And it changes you.”
Yeah, but probably not as much as “it changes you” when an IED blows your dick off. God, I’d rather walk around with a befouled diaper pail on my head than have to look at that hyper-privileged twit and her five beady-eyed spawn for the next four years if her lying husband finally gets to cross “Be President!” off his goddamned bucket list. FSM, spare us such an awful fate.
Uncle Cosmo
We interrupt this thread for a Public Service Announcement:
Carry on.
Preach, Sister Cracker, and please mail me a Xanax lick AND an Atavan-soaked water-filter.
Did they return with all their limbs? If not does it really count…
Did they return with all their limbs? If not does it really count…
yawn….slate…yawn. Another failing website crying out for clicks….like buzzfeed. If people just ignored them they would go away. But noooooooo, you have to provide a link because you bloggers all need to lick each others asses to get clicks.
What the fuck is he talking about Republicans praising Obama’s oratory skills? All I remember was “all he does is give speeches, and all those are from teleprompters” that shit was meant to be an insult if I remember correctly.
Chickenshit motherfuckers and one of them is going to “take a swing”. Sheeeet, fucking pantywaist, draft dodgin cult-ass punk.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Rewatching that Libya exchange, Romney’s would-be trump card was whether or not Obama had used the word “terror”. I’m drowning that out by saying “What the fuck are you even talking about?”
This may be the weirdest fucking political “controversy” I’ve ever seen. And now I’m gonna have to watch St Stewart mewl sanctimoniously about it, probably using McCain-Graham talking points?
Hill Dweller
Willard made the same stupid analogy in ’08, and paid a political price for it. Mrs. Romney should have steered clear of the subject, or, at least, avoided making the same stupid mistake.
Their missions were serving their religion, not their country; and they sure as hell weren’t risking their lives.
The Willard clan annoy me more than Caribou Barbie did in ’08.
RossinDetroit, Rational Subjectivist
Holy wow.
Ben Franklin
And I think when the president turned and looked at Gov. Romney and made that assertion, saying, basically, “Don’t question me on this, in terms of my caring,” I thought it was a powerful moment.
It was. It was archetypal. Obama has a dark side, and he shouldn’t be afeered of it.
You have got to love Whoopie Goldberg sticking the shiv in so neatly. First she gets Ann to admit that plenty of Mormons serve in uniform and then she forces Ann to explain why her six guys never bothered. And all in this faux polite, wondering, tone. I’m surprised Ann didn’t phone out to have her killed from the green room.
Xecky Gilchrist
@Hill Dweller: Their missions were serving their religion, not their country
The Rmoneys seem to have a blind spot with this, don’t they. Like Mitt counting his charitable contributions (likely the tithes) as “taxes.”
I was thinking about this a lot today. Wondering what the hell sort of hell this country will descend into if he’s elected. Wondering how so many people could be so stupid. Then thinking “oh wait, Bush 2.” And after we descend into some Escape from New York City sort of hell will anyone be allowed to vote us out of it, or will have our voting rights have all been eroded by then.
Romney/Ryan are exponentially more dangerous than McCain/Flailin, but cloaking their evil so much more effectively, at least when it comes to some severely stupid voters.
This election is depressing the hell out of me. And volunteering here in CO is feeling so discouraging when considering the polls out of the state and the effing voter suppression efforts of our POS Sec’y of State.
Where’d you get the xanax lick?
Hill Dweller
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I’m still not sure what the Obama campaign thinks they’re gaining by going on that show. He already has most, if not all, of that audience.
Also too, they have to know Stewart is going to pretend to be a journalist, asking questions with a wingnut framing, for at least part of the interview.
I’m glad you said it. Little boy jerk.
I’ve at times listened to Medved, usually when he has his monthly ‘Conspiracy Day’, where he invites people to call in their craziest theories. And boy, do they.
But this election has brought out his worst quality: Sneering condescenion. And fuck, if he didn’t have that jerkwad Dick Morris on the other day.
Charitable contributions that his church used for the Prop 8 campaign to advocate their hatred for homosexuals. It is disgusting that it is tax deductible.
There is an admittedly twisted part of me that really wishes the Romney kid would have run down and taken a swing at the Pres only to have Obama lay him out cold on the floor. He could then turn to Mitt with a “Now what are you gonna do motherfucker” look on his face. That would be worth all of the bs so far in this campaign.
We didn’t have no fucking IED’s. We had good old fashioned booby traps and mines!
Yeah! Just got my ballot in the mail. Even if I get hit by a truck before November 6, my vote for Obama is going in.
@Hill Dweller:
True. But they are useless unless they actually go out and vote. I’m assuming he wants to get them fired up enough to vote.
Oh, and a note to Ann and her brood. Doing a religious version of selling Girl Scout cookies door-to-door is not the same as serving in a war zone. Just saying.
But I’m with Anne. I feel like a kid in the back seat saying, “Are we there yet? Are we there yet?’
And the fact that I’ve already mailed in my ballot makes me even more impatient.
gogol's wife
I need one of them “You-know-what licks.” I now have jaw pain from clenching my teeth all night, I can barely chew. And I know it’s from stress, because it gets worse every time there’s one of those stupid debates. I don’t understand why everyone isn’t a basket case, since we’re in danger of having Romney keep digging the hole W. started. There’s a great article about the hunt for Osama bin Laden in Vanity Fair. I can’t believe Obama isn’t getting credit for the way he’s conducted foreign policy, and it’s all coming down to whether he said this word or that in a press conference.
@Paul: Indeed, they also need to be reminded when the election is. It’s pretty surprising how easy some kids forget. One of my roommates had to be dragged down to the polls by my other roommate last election.
gogol's wife
Okay, I’m in moderation because I repeated a phrase that’s in the original post. This is ridiculous!
hep kitty
Damn! What you said, Miss Betty.
Bravo! I am sick of this shit. After what I saw/experienced throughout the Bush admin. – quit whining and suck it, you soulless, sociopathic America-hating bastards that don’t know shit about Middle East foreign policy (Exh. A, the Bush/Cheney admin) so shut your fucking piehole.
Oh wait, I take that back. Keeping fucking that chicken. Obama 2012.
@quannlace: I wonder what she would say if someone came up to her and said, “back in 2008 I went door to door for Obama, even though I am really uncomfortable talking to strangers, does that count as military service too?”
@gogol’s wife: Cleared. And yes, Xanax is a moderation trigger.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Paul: He shoulda gone on Colbert. Colbert would’ve lobbed Romney talking points and positions, in character, like big funny softballs
hep kitty
Heard on the radio today that the woman who asked the pay equity question appeared on some teevee show and said she was still “undecided”
gogol's wife
I still want some. (Not really.)
Ben Franklin
True. But they are useless unless they actually go out and vote. I’m assuming he wants to get them fired up enough to vote.
Cornel West is gonna vote for Obama in November….
@Paul: http://www.vice.com/read/cornel-west-plans-to-vote-for-obama-in-november-and-protest-his-policies-in-february
Judas Escargot, Acerbic Prophet of the Mighty Potato God
@Hill Dweller:
Dirty Little Fact: The Romney’s don’t distinguish.
To their minds, this is a Mormon Nation. The rest of us just haven’t realized it yet.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Ben Franklin: Did you see where Buzz Bissinger used Cornel West (“Obama is the Black Mascot of Wall St”) and Paul Krugman (The Stimulus was too small!) as justifications for his vote for Romney?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The thing I don’t get at all is this. Let’s say it’s all true: the administration had advance warning, didn’t act in time to prevent it from happening, panicked and tried to bluff their way through it… That worst-case scenario is no worse than, say, September 11, or the USS Cole, or the Beirut Marine barracks, or any number of other things that terrorists have done when other presidents were in charge. So WTF is this supposed to be the worst fuckup EVAR!?
gogol's wife
@Ben Franklin:
Oh gee, that’s big of him. And he says,
“A Romney administration would be a catastrophic response to an already catastrophic condition. I still get in a lot of trouble with my left-wing comrades on this—that I would still support Obama winning while continuing to tell the truth about drones dropping bombs on innocent people, which I consider war crimes, about the Wall Street government, about the refusal to close Guantanamo, about [section] 1021 of the National Authorization Act where you can detain citizens without trial or even assassinate citizens based on the decisions of the executive branch. All of those things to me are morally obscene. It’s a matter of telling that truth, strategically. I think we have to ensure that we don’t have a takeover by conservative right-wing or we’re in a world of trouble.” I’m too polite to say what I think of Professor West. He doesn’t really have to worry about what will happen in a Romney administration, so he can have the luxury of his irresponsible and attention-seeking criticism of Obama.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
You don’t have to watch anything you don’t want to watch. Change the channel or turn off the TV.
Ben Franklin
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
The protest vote he embraces is verklempt. Neither I, nor Cornel West are suggesting that alternative.
Good ol’ William Fucking Saletan, the “liberal Republican” who thinks race has a genetic effect on intelligence. Of course he thinks Obama’s smackdown of Romney is a bad thing: its an example of a Democrat fighting and winning so therefore it is not to be celebrated, only criticized.
This is a classic example of a “converted” Republican who found a more lucrative career concern trolling Democrats.
gogol's wife
@gogol’s wife:
Oh, yes, and Obama did better in the second debate because Cornel West’s prayer for him “kicked in.” What an ass.
General Stuck
Sorry to hear that Betty. Xa nax always gave me the weeby jeeby’s. More of a Quaalude guy meself.
But I have just the story to bring you back to reality, and then some. Calm the nerves and restore yer faith in republicanism. Or something along those lines.
Ben Franklin
@gogol’s wife:
I disagree. You’re imputing bad motives to West, based on your interpretation of his quest for ego enhancement. It’s easy to dismiss contrarian pov when you use that escape hatch.
General Stuck
Sorry to hear that Betty. Xa nax always gave me the weeby jeeby’s. More of a Quaalude guy meself.
But I have just the story to bring you back to reality, and then some. Calm the nerves and restore yer faith in republicanism. Or something along those lines.
hep kitty
@Ben Franklin: That was truly great. I could not imagine the President showing anger, however appropriate or righteous. I know that’s what a lot of people wanted him to do. But after these 4 years I couldn’t imagine him doing so.
I believe Obama is in control of his emotions at all times and he chose this as a perfect opportunity to demonstrate to the country that he is indeed the President of the United States. It was sort of a command for respect that has been earned, in the form of a statement of fact. Respect that is owed and is denied this President. That’s what makes it so great to me.
It is a fine piece of lawyerly art.
gogol's wife
@Ben Franklin:
If he weren’t a “contrarian,” no one in the major media would pay a bit of attention to what he said. He’s figured out that if he disses Obama he will get a larger platform. He has a HUGE ego. He doesn’t care one whit about poor people in this country or he wouldn’t be playing this game. This doesn’t take much interpretation. It’s quite obvious.
I played with the letters and found that Will Saletan is an anagram for tedious douchnozzle.
True story.
My dear, departed mother, Jane – (http://www.flickr.com/photos/luvlymikimoto/2596257955/) – had a best friend named Betty. Her Betty was an awesome woman (like my Mom). You, too, are awesome, Ms. Betty Cracker.
Thank you so much for this.
You do understand, I presume, that that is exactly how the bad guys want you to feel, and that if you give in to those feelings, they win.
@eclecticbrotha: Don’t forget he also things girl parts are kinda squicky and that even though it’s gross to think and talk about, the best venue for sorting out whether a woman can/should get an abortion is in the US house of reps.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Ben Franklin: Bissinger isn’t casting a protest vote, he’s the world’s loudest and proudest low=information voter, or, more likely, has the most confused, incoherent and head-spinning justification for
being a ‘life-long Democrat for Romney”voting to get his taxes cut.Ben Franklin
@hep kitty:
It was nuanced, indignant anger, at exactly the appropriate moments.
Nice rant, but hang in there Betty.
We’re going to kick some ass.
Gekko/Galt is the anvil
We are the HAMMER!
Hammer it home
hep kitty
Oh, and the fact Mitt walked right into that (well he actually tap-danced his ass, whilst twirling a flaming baton) into the cave of no return, that doesn’t hurt either
gogol's wife
You sound like my husband. Actually, you don’t, but the sentiment is the same. Today he was comparing it to the Battle of Yorktown. It was close, but the good guys won. Please God let it be so.
Of course that most likely means that he has some veterans as patients, like pretty much any doctor, not that he is working for the VA.
Is there anyone in the medical field who can check on this? His name is Ben, he lives in Boston and specializes in internal medicine.
Cornel West is my favorite cartoon character. He’s better entertainment than Daffy Duck and Woody Woodpecker combined.
@Miki: Nice picture. You know that you can get a “static” url for photos that will only show the picture you want seen?
like this
@gogol’s wife:
Wow. That’s eight pounds of false in a five pound bag. Did Romney write that?
Windy City
It looks like the wingnuts are firing up the old wurlitzer over the president’s use of the word “optimal” to describe what happened in Libya. It’s already front-paged at Drudge’s house of pain. At this point, all they have left is to take crap wildly out of context. I’m sure this will make its way into Tuesday’s debate. Ugh. This election can’t come soon enough.
Ben Franklin
And you’re Huckleberry Hound, or is it BooBoo Bear?
Political Observer
Only NINETEEN DAYS LEFT until President-Elect Romney!
gogol's wife
I think you’re kidding, but just in case, no, that’s Cornel West.
@Calouste: Welcome to Carney Hospital a member of Steward Health Care, the largest fully integrated community care organization in New England.
@raven:thx. I always thought copying the url for the photo would do the same thing ….
What I’ve seen says he’s a resident in radiology.
gogol's wife
So really hands-on at those veterans’ bedsides, right?
dance around in your bones
This is one of my favorite Ramones songs, because I feel so…..similar. I wanna be sedated.
‘Specially nowadays. Well, really, since about 1980. Before that, it was all about having a good time.
Hill Dweller
@Windy City: The twitter machine describes the exchange like this: Broder…err…Stewart: “I would say and even you would admit it was not the optimal response – at least to the American people as far as all of us being on the same page.”
Obama: “Here is what I will say, if four Americans get killed it is not optimal. And we are going to fix it, all of it. And what happens during the course of a presidency, you know the government is a big operation at any given time, something screws up and you make sure you find out what’s broken and you fix it.”
@Miki: It does but it give access to your entire account. If you go to the “View All Sizes” in the upper right hand corner you’ll get choices of photo sizes. Right or control click on the image you select and you’ll see a “copy image location”. Hit that and you’ll have that static url in your clipboard, You can then title it in the body if the message, hit the Link button above and paste the url in.
gogol's wife
@Hill Dweller:
What the hell is Stewart talking about?
Memo to Ann:
False equivalence.
It is not either/or.
They could have opted to do both. But didn’t.
…I heard from an inside source that the line of questioning might make resonate with regulars here. Worth a listen.
Political Observer
The Romney Surge has shown no signs of stopping today. He’s now up SEVEN POINTS in Gallup!
Democrats are going to lose yet again…
Doing a great job ignoring the scumbag. Keep it up!
Ben Franklin
+1…if only it could be habitual.
What I wouldn’t give for the Rmoney offspring to be invited for a ‘friendly’ game of hoops with the President. Please, please, please, if god ever loved me, this would happen.
@raven: There’s a scumbag? I just hear random buzzing.
BTW spicy teriyaki is serious NOM!!
@Miki: A black and a blue!
@Political Observer:
Gallup had Carter up 8 points a week before the 1980 election.
gogol's wife
Who are you talking to? There’s nobody by that nym here.
@Hill Dweller:
Fucking Stewart jumping on that foolishness.
The not optimal outragers were fine with George W. mocking a hunt for WMD’s.
Goddamn I am tired of the endless shitstorms over nothing.
Hill Dweller
@gogol’s wife: Stewart was concern trolling about the administration’s statements after the attacks.
I knew Stewart would pull this shit. I still don’t know why the campaign thought going on his show was a good idea. There was nothing to be gained, and lots to be lost. Sure enough, the MSM will follow the wingnuts’ lead, and spend the next couple of days claiming Obama’s use of “optimal” means he hates America. Willard will also start using it in his stump speech.
@Political Observer: We’re quaking at our boots with these cross-tabs, PU. Just quaking.
West -53-47-O+6
Please, by all means keep having your Magic Underwear Boy run up huge margins in the one region that won’t help him get the most critical swing state EVs. Oh, and there’s also the bothersome details about Gallup being one of the least reliable of all the major tracking polls by past results and very shaky methods for LV screens, but don’t let that bother you. Keep drinking your pee.
Please, people, let’s remember this was the same person who ran around screaming VICTORY!!! when his team was losing.
Hill Dweller
@Calouste: They had Dubya up 13 in late October 2000.
gogol's wife
I may not have any of that stuff Betty has, but I’ve got Shirley Temple, “Laugh You Son of a Gun” by Ralph Rainger. This will cheer anybody up:
Lurking Canadian
@Xecky Gilchrist: Somebody needs to explain to them that despite whatever they might think, the US is not at this time a Mormon theocracy.
Political Observer
The South includes Florida, Virginia, and North Carolina, need I remind you.
You’re about to lose.
Suck. On. It.
dance around in your bones
@General Stuck:
Dude, where do you get the disco biscuits anymore? Loved those things. Made me love everybody else, too.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I don’t have transcripts in front of me, but what I remember of the admin’s response to Bdnghazi was included a lot, “to the best of our knowledge…” “based on what we know so far…” and “investigation is on-going…”, or as Obama put it another time, “I like to know what I’m talking about”. AFAIK: We know that the attackers named the video as least part of their motivation; we know it was a local group, that is not know to be affiliated with Al Qaeda; that it was/is perfectly plausible that this was a near-spontanous attack. I still don’t understand why anyone not affiliated with Rupert Murdoch or Reince Preibus is trying to say the administration “misled” or tried to cover anything up. I haven’t seen any credible evidence that there was, in fact, intelligence that was ignored.
God, what a streaming pile of horseshit. This makes me want to douse Medved’s moustache in kerosene and set it ablaze and then apply for species reassignment surgery so I can enjoy the fellowship of other creatures unsullied by genetic kinship with such a breathtakingly stupid hunk of besooted carbon.
Pure. Freaking. Gold.
Thank you.
@hep kitty: it may just be that she’s afraid to put her opinion in the public record – i read somewhere she was getting marble-countertopped by wingnuts. or she may be too oblivious to have formed an opinion of course, who knows?!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’d forgotten this “Al Smith Dinner” is a robe-kissing ceremony for the vile Timmy Dolan.
@Ben Franklin:
“Howls of derisive laughter, Bruce.”
@Calouste: Actually, it’s possible he sees patients at a VA. As a rule, VA medical centers are affiliated with medical schools and their hospitals, and their students and residents also work at the affiliated VA. The Google tells me that Harvard/Beth Israel has a resident named Benjamin Romney, a graduate of U of Utah. Beth Israel appears to be affiliated with the Boston VA Medical Center. None of this tells me he will choose to practice at a VA when he finishes his residency, however.
@Political Observer:
No, I knew that actually. See, all three of those are ones Obama could plausibly forfeit and still win-and he’s not down in any of those by double digits either at present. As usual, your troll party hates facts that don’t fit its theories. Eat a dick buddy.
First Chris Wallace off message and now Ben Stein? Are they trying to provide cover for Mitt’s feint to the center?
@Political Observer:
Someone explain to this idiot how the Electoral College works.
The wingnut hive mind is a thing to behold. My brother’s wingnut pal, when told that Dinesh D’Souza was fired from King’s College, his response:
Fired for telling the TRUTH!
@burnspbesq: Oh yea because night after night and day after day the BJ community changes it’s mind by talking to it. Get a clue barrister.
@Political Observer:
If Romney wins Florida, Virginia and North Carolina, and all the McCain states plus Indiana, he has the grand total of 252 EVs. Which by a complete coincidence is exactly the same number of EVs he is short of winning as the number of days he has left to write his concession speech.
@burnspbesq: My 6 year old son is trying to teach the cat how to do arithmetic. He is having better luck with the cat than any of us would with PO.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@hep kitty: I read that interview. She’s a teacher, adamantly pro-choice, has insurance on her parents’ policy because of PPACA, but she’s concerned about the deficit, so she might vote for the guy with teh $5 (or 7) trillion dollar plan to blow it up, because he knows the business world.
Political Observer
Getting closer and closer and CLOSER in the Buckeye State…now well within the margin of error.
It’s only good to present a Republican with facts for a few instances, for your pure amusement, since they’re going to ignore them anyway. He’ll be back thinking he’s challenging my “manhood” temporarily. Just wait.
It’s a shame that Reggie Love no longer works for the Prez. I would love to see those Romnoids try to fuck with Reggie.
Will folks please stop allowing PO to step on these threads? IGNORE IT
Ben Franklin
Laughing at your own lawyer jokes again.
In keeping with your professional abstention from admitting error, let me add my own…
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!
Patricia Kayden
Yeah. I read Saletan’s article this morning on Slate and my eyes rolled violently in my head. Seems like the media is invested in the “but both sides do it” meme. Even if they have to twist reality to make that argument.
I went to the county Dem dinner tonight.
We had a good turnout, and we’re a 60/40 R county.
I can also report that we had people from a swing county (50/50) to the east, and an (urban) county still further east, union people and county chairs and they feel “confident”. These were private conversations and if they felt bad about our chances, they would tell me that, I think.
There are no guarantees, of course, but I would just say don’t let the pundits get you rattled :)
Who’s that yapping? Is that soonergunt’s seven-pound dog?
@KoolEarl: Or else reply with a simple VICTORY!! and leave it at that.
dance around in your bones
@Political Observer: Nobody here is buying your shit. Go peddle it somewhere else. Piehole.
@burnspbesq: I never roll in mud with pigs. Everyone gets dirty and the pig enjoys it.
@Political Observer: :: giggle ::
Strangely, and undoubtedly due to sheer coincidence, our pet moron forgot to mention a pair of contemporary Ohio polls both of which showing Obama having a 4-5 point lead.
Funny that.
Thanks for the report, Kay. That’s good to hear.
@Ben Franklin:
You’re babbling again. Take your meds.
Ms. D. Ranged in AZ
@gogol’s wife:
This annoys me too, but it doesn’t surprise as they’ve never given him credit for anything. Seriously can we name one single thing that they said he did good job on? Just one thing….I honestly can’t name one.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Watching TRMS, Tweety is sitting right behind Obama and Dolan at that dinner Not all four hour perma-boners are a drug related.
Romney makes a funny. He’s wearing a flag pin with his white tie. Come on.
S. Holland
@gogol’s wife: Oooh, I’m on your same page….sleep is next to impossible….I’m avoiding all polls…in short, I’m worried to death…..I simply cannot believe how many people fall for Romney’s lies….how stupid, literally, are they!?!? Do they not read anything???? How can any sane woman cast a ballot for them?!?! Stupid, stupid people hold us all hostage!
Ben Franklin
Exit the field at half-time, then declare victory. You got anything else?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
sounds like Dennis Miller wrote most of Romney’s jokes
S. Holland
@Calouste: I literally pray you are right!!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: So Willard overpaid for them. Good to know!
Political Observer
@Ben Franklin:
We’re close to the 2:00 warning, and it’s Romney 17 Obama 7.
Hill Dweller
@kay: Kay, I see your asshole Sec. of State is still playing games with early voting hours. Is there anything to be done about the shortened hours?
This morning I found myself out of Paracetamol (a very powerful pain killer that works better than anything that the US has to offer). I went hunting around in the medicine cabinet to see if I could find a replacement for my back pain (driving, sitting in hospital rooms, long story, tell it later). All I could find was my husband’s Oxycordone so I took one of them and figured I was good.
I took the pill at 6:30 am, by 7:30 am I was throwing up my guts, and continued to throw up my guts until about 11am. I couldn’t even keep down a cup of tea. My pupils were like pinpoints, my head felt like a bag of cotton candy and I got the old nausea thing going on every fifteen minutes.
You know I couldn’t even imagine anyone taking this stuff let alone get addicted to it. I will never take it again, ever.
They have people from the “stagehands union” working out of the Teamsters hall in Toledo. I was dying to find out what that was all about but I didn’t follow up. Where did they come from? :)
Shawn in ShowMe
@Hill Dweller:
I was assured on a previous thread that Stewart is “just a comedian” and that folks who object to his acceptance of right-wing framing have morphed into “firebaggers” and “concern trolls.”
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I fail to find most of his act funny. Maybe I just dislike him so much that I can’t appreciate his barbed humor?
Political Observer
Romney really funny tonight.
General Stuck
STuck’s VERY Accurate Jiffy Instant Poll.
OBAMA = 113%
ROMNEY = Big Nuttin
@Litlebritdifrnt: You got that sciatica?
Political Observer
Romney referred to Obama as the “44th President”.
@General Stuck: WINNING!!
@Angela: I think that’s it because it’s not bad at all.
This is a very odd campaign. It’s tough to get a feel for it. It just doesn’t seem to have a stable dynamic, especially between what you hear in the media and what people on the ground say.
We’ll see what happens. I’ve gotten to the point where I’ve tuned out everything except BJ.
Matt McIrvin
@Paul: Yeah, it’s base turnout. With the Daily Show audience the goal is probably to keep them from figuring they’re too smart and pure to actually support a major-party candidate, and staying home or voting for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Angela: I liked the line about what he and Ann wear around the house. The rest of it, whining about the media, making fun of Biden, the redistribution line, that all sounded like Miller, and you can tell it’s a very Republican crowd. He’s still talking to his base. Bringing up contraception at this event strikes me as a major faux pas
Matt McIrvin
@Litlebritdifrnt: Paracetamol, in and of itself, is actually the same stuff we call acetaminophen (Tylenol). But in the UK, I think you can get it with codeine, which we can’t here any more.
@raven: Yeah, that must be it. I like Obama’s delivery and humor better.
Seemed to me like Romney had two writers — a comedy writer and a conservative writer. He started out pretty funny, and then went off into lines that could only possibly be “funny” if you’re in his camp.
No, my Mum who is visiting right now, had a heart attack on Monday morning. She was airlifted from the local hospital to The Heart Institute a couple of hours away. I spent hours in the car, and then hours in an uncomfortable ICU chair watching her. Several more hours in the car, more hours in the hospital room. My shoulders just can’t take it.
@Hill Dweller:
No, and what’s important now is not longer hours but instead certainty and no more chaos.
They need to be able to plan. The problem in 2004 was, the rules kept changing. We’ve had problems with people not getting absentee ballots here, but we have time to fix it. We’re in better shape if we know the hours than if we’re waiting for judges.
@blingee: speaking of ass licking, how much longer you going to be down there inserting your head into your osn ass? And will it cut off the oxygen going to your head? ( I hope)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: i cringed on the contraception rif too. And loved Obama’s line about the middle names.
Romney lies so frequently that he couldn’t even get through a comedy routine without lying — talking about “Obamacare mandates for the Church.”
@hep kitty: Apparently she’s getting death threats after some wingers found and posted her personal information on line.
@Judas Escargot, Acerbic Prophet of the Mighty Potato God: Well, you know, once you die, you’re fair game for them…
@Litlebritdifrnt: Oh I’m sorry to hear that. Hang in there.
lojasmo +2
Also, galup’s LV screen sucks. Can’t wait for the next debate. Can’t wait for Election Day.
Higgs Boson's Mate
Ann Romney is right on the money. I clearly remember those days in good old Vietnam when we’d be burning the leeches off of our legs with lit cigarettes (Or joints, depending) during a little stroll through the boonies, or fending off a night attack, we’d always say afterwards “Well, at least we’re not Mormon missionaries. Now those guys have it really tough.”
“Only four years ago, Democrats expressed admiration for McCain, who was a POW! But now they don’t like Romney! PARTISANSHIP! WAAAH!”
You know what? Maybe, just maybe, the reason we went easier on McCain is that whatever his faults, and he had many, he was willing to sign up for a war that his parentage would easily have allowed him to avoid, knowing what the price might be, and indeed paying a price in the end, something incredibly rare in politicians of his age, and we find that worthy of respect (as you didn’t when Kerry and Cleland were running).
Maybe, just maybe, the reason we’re harder on Romney is that he had the same opportunity, ran away to France instead, and has the fucking arrogance to now suggest his “service” there was somehow equivalent.
In other words maybe, just maybe, we find McCain has some redeemable qualities that Romney just doesn’t.
Gah! You fucked it all up!
Romney has all the style, grace, and wit of Richard Nixon.
@Higgs Boson’s Mate: Or OJ’s if we were real lucky.
Ben Franklin
In other words maybe, just maybe, we find McCain has some redeemable qualities that Romney just doesn’t.
What you’re suggesting is a short-hair away from heresy…
dance around in your bones
Ok, so apparently all my recent comments are vaporizing, prolly cause I used brand drug names?
No worries, they weren’t that perceptive anyway.
Not to mention Florida, Virginia, and NC are on the east coast. Hmmm.
ETA: It is quite unlikely that florida, NC and VA are contributing to the huge gap in the Gallup “south” segment.
Higgs Boson's Mate
You don’t mean smack loaded, opium dipped, Cambodia Red bombers, do you? Why, American boys wouldn’t even think of indulging in such abominations.
this has been a PSA.
For your own mental health, get on the fucking phones. If you’re in a swing state, get out on the street.
Or volunteer to help support the people who ARE on the phones, ARE on the streetss. Bring ’em a pizza. Do something.
Don’t just sit there feeling depressed. That shit can do you in.
When my daughter was 4, she was trying to do her older brother’s homework (he was in Kindergarden). She kept writing that 4 + 6 = 11. We kept correcting her, but she insisted she was right. I sat down with crayons, put 4 on one side & 6 on the other, had her count them separately & together, then said “see, 4+6 = 10. She looked at them disdainfully & said, “well, that is just wrong”.
Miraculously, she did not grow up to be a Republican. That is completely their reaction to any fact they do not like.
The Fat Kate Middleton
Oh my, yes.
Hence, why I am allowing my house to be used as a staging area for our precinct. How many of you are phoning, walking, knocking, etc., etc.? I don’t want to hear from you otherwise – and I include you, PO.
Matt McIrvin
@Litlebritdifrnt: Sorry to hear about your mother. Best wishes.
@General Stuck:
I’ll just leave this here:
To make a donation to the Mahoning County St. Vincent De Paul Society, money can be sent to P.O. Box 224, Youngstown, Ohio 44501.
KY, TN, SC, GA, AL, MS, north FL outside the cities. If those places were formed up into one dysfunctional nation, it would be named “The Feudal Impoverished Autocracy of Shithole”.
dance around in your bones
One of my comments that got vaporized was sympathizing with you about sitting around in a hospital while a loved one is in peril.
Been there, done that. It sucks. So take care of yourself and I am glad to hear your Mum is doing ok.
Yep. Did two shifts last weekend, I’ll do at least two this weekend, maybe three.
Doooo Eeeeet! It’s fun, really.
Self talk is supposed to be internal.
@cosima: W was WW 1. Mitt would be WW2.
Except the Nazis win
@Ben Franklin:
Ah that’s why I love Ballon Juice. The witty banter and sexual tension around here always reminds me of the “Sam and Diane” days on Cheers.
@Matt McIrvin:
I am currently looking at a bottle of prescription acetaminophen with codeine in Minnesota.
General Stuck
I can’t think of a better cause than to put up a ACt Blue donate link for this Youngstown, Oh soup kitchen, that was totally FUBARED by the peevish fascist shitpile known as Paul fucking Ryan. Again. a link to the story.
Some homeless people in Ohio thank you.
@Lojasmo: Mmm…codeine. Almost worth going two hours north to get.
Or something like that.Suffern Ace
So does any other democracy hold comedy events where they expect their major candidates to perform comedy routines?
@Political Observer:
If so, alert Guinness. First time in recorded history.
@Uncle Cosmo:
FTFY. Steve Gilliard is partying in heaven tonight.
Now on other topics…
Now?!?? What’s this ‘now’ shit, B’rer Medved? Doth mine eyes deceive me? Did I imagine that whole unpleasantry about the impeachment of Bill Clinton, current Republicans’ new BFF? Was Newt Gingrich’s memo about language a fignewton of the imagination?
Do the following names mean anything to you at all? Limbaugh, Coulter, Savage, Hannity, Erickson….anything?
And yes, current Republicans are pretty much worthless.
Michael Medved – fucking low rent version of David Brooks.
@trollhattan: Do Mittbots dream of electric Benjamins?
Well yeah, but none of those states are VA or NC. Also, too, even considering N. Fla, Florida is unlikely to contribute to the gap (unless gallup calls N. Florida “south” while the peninsula is “east”
Spelling and grammar, much? Snark is much more effective when written correctly…
@Todd: You left out AR and OK or as I like to call it, Little Texas.
@Yutsano: ::shudder:: I have a gut that is… rather sensitive… to opioids. You only make that mistake once (well, twice.)
@Paul: And listening to Stewart usually causes “Too Hipster Cynical Syndrome”.
Ben Franklin
The complete comment makes for accuracy, too.
Laughing at your own lawyer jokes again.
In keeping with your professional abstention from admitting error, let me add my own…
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!
@TheMightyTrowel: Opioids are my friends, especially morphine.
@Matt McIrvin:
Isn’t that what Tylenol-3 is? They gave me some this summer after my root canal. I only took one, because I have a very similar (though less immediate) reaction to opiates as Litlebrit. Vicodin was a freakin’ nightmare.
The Pale Scot
Is there somewhere I can watch the whole interview? ABC & UTUB only have segments.
General Stuck
I tried. But am only a powerless peasant of Balloon Juice.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@General Stuck: Hey, I’m in.
I may change my nym to Jim, Powerless Peasant. Especially if the unthinkable happens, which will make it true.
Original Lee
@MikeJ: Radiology – one of the specialties where you don’t actually have to interact with the patient. Why am I not surprised?
There’s just too much to process. Too much opinion. Too many polls. Too much spinning by campaigns and lobbyists of various stripes and political media.
I just try to narrow it a little. I only follow one polling outfit, and I get to where I truly hate pundits, so that takes care of that problem.
One thing I think is a factor is that people in swing states may actually KNOW more about Romney because he’s here all the time, so we get SOME substantive coverage from local news. They’re finding out some about Romney, despite his efforts to run a complete campaign based on not telling anyone anything.
Other than that, nationally, it looks like a big mess of horse race and 5000 opinion pieces every day. I think it’s bewildering and exhausting to people.
Can I also say I’m amazed that Mrs. Romney is now bragging about how selfless the Romney clan are for not showing up to take part in these wars they’ve now enthusiastically supported for 2 generations?
She’s insufferable. The bragging and the pious little lecture to the plebes is a new fucking low for Republicans.
Dr. Ben Romney is affiliated with Carney Hospital which has a lousy reputation and is in a mixed race, poverty stricken part of Boston. He is an internist, but not board certified. He was training in radiology in Utah, but switched after a two years to internal medicine. He may not be experienced enough to take the exams for board certification. No obvious bad marks like malpractice are apparent from a quick search.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Therein, for me, lies the rub, and it’s the part that never gets mentioned, the chicken-hawkery I am constantly amazed, and depressed, and disgusted, that the Iraq War has all but disappeared down our political memory hole, that Romney’s support for the Iraq war won’t even be a factor in this race. Rachel Maddow was marveling that Paul Ryan was touring yesterday with Condi Rice. THat’s how I felt when they made such a fuss about her RNC speech, and talked about her as a possible Veep. I thought it was insane, then I checked, and that stumblebumb nitwit has a 65% approval rating. The
Odie Hugh Manatee
My wife’s mother is named Betty (Elisabeth) and was a seriously funny woman with a real sense of humor. She could mix serious with funny and deliver lines that just killed you.
Betty Cracker is a credit to the Betty Team. :)