Obama wins CNN 48 to 40 with a stronger republican sample than normal.
Since they’ve been more Republican than “normal” in every debate, can we now just refer to this as a “CNN sample”?
“Obama wins CNN 48 to 40, even with a CNN sample.” See?
Romney did so bad tonight, he should go on an apology tour.
Please, for the love of all that is holy and sacrilege, why is it that Obama and other Dems will NEVER, and I mean NEVER, call out obnoxious Republicans when they use DEMOCRAT as an adjective or descriptive; as in “Democrat Congress,” or the Democrat Party?”
It is so clearly intended to be insulting and a blatant misuse of the proper verbiage, yet they take each slap in the face with the usual passivity which is why the pukes, and Romney keep doing it.
Romney used the term twice to Obama’s face tonight, and Obama who could have issued a firm, scathing, brief, and corrective slap down, just took it as per usual.
@Hill Dweller: Many in the media jumped the shark tonight, however. I thought Romney just looked really bad. He was very tight all night, except when the debate veered off into domestic issues. At the end, during his final statement, I thought he looked like he’d been physically pummeled.
I don’t see what’s so funny. We need two trillion dollars in additional military spending because America has fewer muskets today than it had during the Mexican-American War. Neglecting the Musket Gap is a dangerous policy, as all this nonsense about breech-loading “rifles” and “repeaters” with ammunition “cartridges” that pointy-headed liberal intellectuals keep talking about only emboldens the enemy.
“One does not simply go to war without horses and bayonets!” “I don’t always go to war, but when I do, I bring horses and bayonets.” “Oppan bayonet style!” The possibilities and endless, and all equally hilarious!
Made the mistake of listening to NBC post-debate (they won’t stream MSNBC in real-time). It’s 1984-time, where the media gives Romney a complete pass on his jettisoning of positions and conducts fact checking by parsing phrases. Even when I get a bit of MSNBC, I get to hear Steve Schmidt applaud the ability of Mitt to lie, intimating that this is the future of campaigning. Sigh.
I am kicking myself for forgetting about the debate. I was flipping back and forth between the Bears/Lions and Giants/Cardinals.
By “punchy” he means Tagg Romney. That’s his nickname, you know-I read it on the internet.
So all of you preemptive bed wetters here with all the navel gazing how mittbot could kick Obama’s ass on Libya, what say you now ?
Hill Dweller
@jwb: This was not a good night for Willard, and the viewers knew it. In fact, I think the win was decisive enough for Obama to make any media spin for Willard look ridiculous.
That touch football game with the pressers yesterday was really a terrible idea for RMoney. The old fart is still sweating.
Romney could only fail and by agreeing with Obama he was not offensive. That is the only thing I can think about his plan tonight. Maybe Romney is not capable of a plan.
Kos has poll results up:
BREAKING: CBS NEWS INSTANT POLL Who won the #Debate? OBAMA: 53%; ROMNEY: 23%, TIE: 24% (Margin of Error: 4%; Sample Size: 521) @CBSNews
Here’s our post-debate swing states poll, which found Barack Obama as the winner by a 53/42 margin: @ppppolls
CNN insta-poll: Obama 48, Romney 40
Oh, so we can comment in this thread now?
Hill Dweller
@katie5: Gregory and Todd have been every bit as bad as Fox reporters during this election.
@Disco: Let me check my binders to see if I can find the meme. Also, I can ask some women I know to see if they remember.
@Robin G.: They’re just basically saying that they realize they’re falling down on the job but that’s okay.. The media is treating venial sins as the highest of virtues. Argh!
Mittens looked WASTED. And he got wasted, too. But seriously, I wonder if he’s been going all jack Mormon on us and allowing himself to get fucked up to take the pain away.
Political Observer
The MSM is saying either draw or victory for Romney.
The only Rmoney apology tour I’ll entertain is one that involves tumbrels.
pseudonymous in nc
Wingnuts are now saying that because cavalry has been used in Afghanistan, Obama got fact-checked, showing both an inability to parse the word “fewer” and an admission that Rmoney got whooped.
So all of you preemptive bed wetters here with all the navel gazing how mittbot could kick Obama’s ass on Libya, what say you now ?
They probably haven’t said jack sh*t abut Libya since last week, when President Obama and Candy Crowley kicked the BS out of Romney’s carping critiques in short order. And since BS is all they had, it’s no surprise Mitt would let the Benghazi thing go.
Political Observer
This is the comments section of a site that, before the debate before this one, said that anyone the said Obama lost the debate is a traitor.
Let me repeat that: BEFORE THE LAST DEBATE EVEN HAPPENED people here were saying that Obambi won.
I just wandered over to RedState (I like pain) and they are all:
Ooooooooh!!! Obama just dis’d bayonets and horses. THAT’s gonna cost him the election for sure!
I. Shit. You. Not.
I didn’t watch the debate, mainly because my liver begged me not to. But that little clip up there…did Romney have that false smile pasted over his loathing all night, or was it just for that one shot? ‘Cause that’s not an expression that’s exactly presidential.
@katie5: Other than Steve Schmidt, I thought the MSNBC analysis was quite good. Of course, a lot of them agreed with my impression that Mitt was just trying to get through it without any major mistakes.
@Political Observer: WHATEVER.. I do think it is past your bedtime.. see u tomorrow..
@pseudonymous in nc: I think PO is especially adorable tonight. It’s so fun watching him flail miserably in trying to spin this into TOTAL VICTORY. I’m surprised he didn’t go immediately for the UNLIMITED CORPORATE CASH MAKES DEBATE MEANINGLESS. It would have been a much stronger line of attack. But I’ve never thought PO’s heart was really in this. He has to know he’s going to be unemployed the day after the election.
They need a foreshortened version of “Republican.” I suggest “Douche.”
Who in the hell in the Romney camp thought they could go to the well with the Navy in 1917 line? They’ve been savaged on that one for at least a week. Someone’s walking back to Boston tonight.
Political Derp is here?
His local public liberry must stay open late.
@Politically clueless: So willard wimped out on Libya, huh? Wonder why. Must be all the ass kicking in the last debate.
This fraud is toast. Stick a fork in his sorry little a$$.
@Redshift: It looked to me like Mittens was trying to get through the debate without PUKING. Seriously, I thought he was going to heave, except for the 30 seconds or so when he looked like he was going to cry.
As I said in previous thread, that was one of my favorite parts of the debate.
But, just thought of slight gotcha: submarines are called ‘boats’ in Navy lingo, aren’t they? Obama called them ships.
Is Obama really ready to lead? I dunno…
Edit: I also liked how badly R_mn_y’s debate Reagan smile/posture imitation wore. I thought that was touching. Gave ol’ M_tt a human touch of pathos, IMHO.
Yup, that was his countenance for pretty much the whole while whenever his mouth wasn’t open.
dead existentialist
Romney won the debate like the Cards won the pennant.
Or as Fox News would say: Cards beat Giants 0-9!
@WaterGirl: RIGHT?! He looked rough. His eyes were all bloodshot and puffy. Obviously had too many sleepless nights lately. Too bad for him, the cramming was all for naught.
Because the whole point is to elicit that exact reaction.
pseudonymous in nc
You just want to pat PO on its ickle head!
Interesting: CNN found that Romney’s lowest point of the night with women was when he said he would get rid of Obamacare.
Triassic Sands
Recently, I heard a Andrew Kohut (Pew) discussing the relative importance of the debates and he said that historically the final debate has mattered the most. That remains to be seen this year, since the first debate was so lopsided and the final debate was competing with pro football, but it would be nice if Kohut’s observation applies to this year’s election.
Romney wasn’t so much bad tonight as he was ridiculous. After a while all the flipping, flopping, and floundering gets really exhausting — for me, I assume it is such second nature to Romney that he does it without breaking a sweat.
Suddenly, Romney agreed with Obama on all sorts of issues. The big difference seems to be that whenever Obama did something good in foreign policy, Romney would have done it bigger, harder, louder, and sooner — especially sooner. Why he would have had crushing economic sanctions on Iran when they were still Persia.
According to the “instant” CBS poll Obama won 53-23 with 24 comatose percent thinking (dreaming) it was a tie. I think we all know who those 23% are.
It’s going to be a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonog election night. Followed by the words, “with state [X] declared, we can now announce Mitt Romney is the next President”.
@Triassic Sands: It was a mess for R%mn#y tonight (who is so disgusting to me after the first lie-a-thon of a debate I refuse to type his name). He lost 4 percentage points of the 27 percent!
@JWR: Too late, all Republicans already use it. They’ve been using it for long enough that the current generation don’t even realize it’s an insult, it’s just normal to them.
The problem has always been that there are very few situations where you can complain about it without looking whiny. Yeah, they shouldn’t put up with it, but that’s easy to say, the difficult part is how to not put up with it. Like most conservative bully tactics, if you spend all your time responding to the bullying, you don’t accomplish anything else.
pseudonymous in nc
Oh, look, PO can repeat back what you just said, like Big Silly Mittens! How cute!
Wow. CNN just called it a draw based on a poll Obama lead 48-40 with a 4% MOE.
@Political Observer: Dude, if you’re gonna troll, troll big: “Romney’s gonna take Florida, Penn, and Ohio. Game over at 11 EST.”
Unfortunately, with the remaining persuadable voters, Obama beating Romney decisively in a foreign policy debate will not move them because Obama is supposed to beat Romney decisively in a foreign policy debate.
What matters to them is that the president is black.
Chris Matthews was foaming all over this tonight. He said what no one else in the corporate press/media will say: Romney’s supporters do not care what positions he takes on any issue so long as his goal is to get that [insert racist epithet] out of the White House.
@Spatula: 18 years, IIRC. It was one of Frank Luntz’s turns of phrase that hurt Democrats in focus groups before the 1994 GOP Contract With America bullshit.
Alas, the power of evil is always out of balance to good.
Consider PO: If Obama wins the election, we’ll never hear from him again. Sure, we’ll make our japes the night of, and the few days after, at his expense, but his trollship will soon be forgotten.
However, FSM forbid, if Rmoney were to win, he’ll be here lording it over all. And we’ll all feel it, no matter what words we say otherwise. It will be devastating.
What exactly about his comment made you yell “firebagger”?
pseudonymous in nc
Does PO have any other cute tricks, like sweating on command? That would be adorbz.
I’m pretty sure I used that “The 80s are calling, they want their foreign policy back” line myself, somewhere on this blog, back when Romney first called Russia the Soviets or treated them like our primary enemy — but I haven’t found it yet.
I’m still looking though.
Uodate: Nope, can’t find it. I wonder if someone else used it somewhere else. It sounds really familiar.
I think we will know before then, won’t we? I mean, it won’t be official, but if Obama wins Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin & Iowa, what else does he need from the contested states?
The problem has always been that there are very few situations where you can complain about it without looking whiny. Yeah, they shouldn’t put up with it, but that’s easy to say, the difficult part is how to not put up with it. Like most conservative bully tactics, if you spend all your time responding to the bullying, you don’t accomplish anything else.
Respectfully disagree. All it takes is firm and concise repetition of a firm and concise statement that Dems won’t put up with it. But yes, I’m sure some genius Dem consultant has concluded that to acknowledge it only perpetuates it. So naturally it’s been going on for 18 years. The Dems in general see codependence as a political lifestyle.
Suddenly, Romney agreed with Obama on all sorts of issues. The big difference seems to be that whenever Obama did something good in foreign policy, Romney would have done it bigger, harder, louder, and sooner—especially sooner. Why he would have had crushing economic sanctions on Iran when they were still Persia.
You forgot “whiter.” When the Romneybot 2000 was not in Perpetual Lie Mode, he kept flogging the idea that he would not only do everything that Obama was doing, but that he would make it work by shocking and aweing friends and foe alike with the power of his Mormon Whiteness.
The wingnuts and tomorrow’s Fox News pundits will cling to this with increasing desperation. It’s all they got.
I love that Obama not only called Mitt out on his ridiculous shit, but openly mocked him. Romney will pretend that this will bounce off his smooth surface, but it is gonna leave a mark.
@Spatula: Yes, I’m sure if Obama had spent the debate telling Romney he wouldn’t put up with a mean word, it would have been much more effective for winning the election than making the points he wanted to make.
It’s so simple, I can’t believe no one has thought of it!
@Spatula: As clueless as only firebaggers can be. Say gunnite whiner.
What matters to them is that the president is black.
Chris Matthews was foaming all over this tonight. He said what no one else in the corporate press/media will say: Romney’s supporters do not care what positions he takes on any issue so long as his goal is to get that [insert racist epithet] out of the White House.
That’s really what this election is all about.
The Undecided voter lines on CNN were fascinating to watch. Women consistently liked Obama better than Men. The Men liked Romney better than Women did. And Men particularly didn’t like it when Obama called Romney on a lie.
I’m betting most male undecided voters are white and they don’t like the black man being uppity to the white man.
Yes, I’m sure if Obama had spent the debate telling Romney he wouldn’t put up with a mean word, it would have been much more effective for winning the election than making the points he wanted to make.
A one or two sentence statement would have taken care of it. I don’t really think it would require the entire debate; you and amk are the only ones who think that.
And the Democratic non response to this 18 year long insult is another low-volume message to the public that Dems don’t respect themselves or fight back.
@Redshift: I know how to counter that problem without seeming whiny. Every time a conservative/rightwinger/Republican says the “Democrat” party, counter with the “Republic” Party. Make a habit of saying “Republic” every time one would normally say “Republican”, until, like them, Republic just trips naturally from one’s mouth.
@Triassic Sands: Huh. I thought I saw Nate Silver saying that the third debate hasn’t made as much difference as the first two historically wrt number crunching. Then again, other people say debates don’t matter at all, which apparently isn’t true. Anyway: it couldn’t have hoit, at least.
It’s a little depressing to realize that “foreign policy” basically consists entirely of the Middle East, the remains of the War in Afghanistan, oh yeah, and China. I wonder if anyone’s ever going to tackle the War on Drugs again, f’r instance.
@Triassic Sands: That is interesting, because Nate Silver basically wrote that the final debate doesn’t matter in the polls. My thinking is that the history on debates is too short to make meaningful projections of their impact.
To no one in particular (DNFTT):
When one side thinks their victory will be announced “seven minutes after the polls close”, and the other thinks it will be a “looooooooooooooo….ooong election night”, well any thinking being can work out who expects to win. Jest sayin.
@dww44: I’d be down with just renaming it the “Evil, Stupid and/or Batshit Party,” because, well, it IS.
From the Guardian debate coverage:
The Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald also thought it was a terrible debate.
I haz a happy.
The Guardian was also miffed that Europe rated nary a mention. They have a point, but the moderator picked the questions, so what can you do?
@Spaghetti Lee: Anyone who tries that shit is a wingnut teabagger, so basically we’re even.
Your theory would seem to suggest that all “persuadable” voters are lying about their persuadability.
Let me go beyond suggesting and simply say it: the remaining persuadable voters are not being honest, with themselves or with others, about their remaining persuadable. They have a preference. You can usually tell by the answers they give.
The only thing that they can be persuaded on is whether to vote or not. Every one of them knows for whom they will vote, if they do vote.
@Brachiator: he and Jeremy Scahill were wailing to each other on Twitter about how awful it was. Scahill did give Obama a back-handed compliment about the debate, though.
@Spatula: Agreed, but Obama knows that it isn’t worth the effort to stoop to that level, and he would look like a prissy pedant, instead of Presidential.
The wingnuts and tomorrow’s Fox News pundits will cling to this with increasing desperation. It’s all they got.
Unfortunately, that’s not quite all they have. They also have millions of really stupid voters. The hardest thing for me about this election is that with all he’s got going against him, I still believe Obama should be up by 15-20 points against a candidate as pathetic as Romney. And the reason he isn’t is the same reason Bush won* in 2000 and was re-elected in 2004 — really stupid voters. Some people point to selfishness (I have in the past), but selfishness would mean than rational voters would vote in their own self-interest. For Romney to have anything like his current standing in the polls, there have to be millions of idiots who say they’ll vote for Romney, despite what that will do to them personally. And the only way I can figure most of them doing that is if they are unaware of the chasm between what they need and what Romney is offering; something that isn’t exactly a secret.
*Maris’ 61 home runs were a lot more legitimate than Bush’s 2000 SCOTUS appointment.
You may be right. I don’t know how to reconcile the difference between Silver and Kohut. It may be not simply that there are too few data points for a meaningful conclusion, but also that the overall complexity of elections and voter actions are simply not well enough understood. Economists love the idea of the rational consumer because it makes life relatively simple for them, but there is nothing remotely rational about many, many American voters. Add to that the fact that people often don’t answer truthfully and who knows?
Please, oh please, oh PLEASE let the rightwingers respond by dressing up in their Confederate Re-Enactor uniforms and memeing “We still have enough bayonets to take care of YOU!”
Please, please, pleeeeeassseeee…
PLEASE let’s see us some Confederate troops brandishing bayonets. Just lay it right OUT there in time for people to see which side they’d like to line up with.
They can sit on horses if they like. I think Rafalca’s not busy lately! I’m sure she’d lend a hoof. Not like she gets to choose what she does- I’m sure we can all relate with that.
Me- I voted for the guy who LAID this trap, fully aware of the symbolism of both horses and bayonets in this campaign. I voted for Obama.
He trusts America to react a certain way to the sight of angry Confederate troops with rifles and bayonets. Or, rather, two certain ways… and he’s run the numbers on it.
PLEASE let this work. It’s the cleverest thing I’ve ever seen…
Because President Obama is principled and focused, and understands that Romney’s fuckery is a distraction, and if he had “called him on it” he would have looked smaller for doing so.
I bet Punchy and Starey lurved that little exchange.
Plus, the Giants win the Pennant!
I was (and still am) partial to “wrong and reckless.”
Spaghetti Lee
It’s already a meme
Thank god for that. That’s the only way my generation can absorb information.
Hill Dweller
The Kenyan usurper slept through the first debate, but still won 2 of 3 debates…without his teleprompter.
The MSM has been appalling for the last month.
KS in MA
@catclub: YAY!
Hypatia's Momma
@Spaghetti Lee:
tl;dr. Next time, rage comic. thx
Obama won the over all debate decisively.
Obama also won the moments. These moment will be played over and over tomorrow by the media. This will work to improve the perception Obama won.
@Spaghetti Lee: Would some cat macros be helpful here?
Robin G.
Watching Chuck Todd is physically painful. Also, his goatee makes him look like a hamster.
@Mike from Arlington in the previous thread:
Since they’ve been more Republican than “normal” in every debate, can we now just refer to this as a “CNN sample”?
“Obama wins CNN 48 to 40, even with a CNN sample.” See?
Romney did so bad tonight, he should go on an apology tour.
Please, for the love of all that is holy and sacrilege, why is it that Obama and other Dems will NEVER, and I mean NEVER, call out obnoxious Republicans when they use DEMOCRAT as an adjective or descriptive; as in “Democrat Congress,” or the Democrat Party?”
It is so clearly intended to be insulting and a blatant misuse of the proper verbiage, yet they take each slap in the face with the usual passivity which is why the pukes, and Romney keep doing it.
Romney used the term twice to Obama’s face tonight, and Obama who could have issued a firm, scathing, brief, and corrective slap down, just took it as per usual.
@Hill Dweller: Many in the media jumped the shark tonight, however. I thought Romney just looked really bad. He was very tight all night, except when the debate veered off into domestic issues. At the end, during his final statement, I thought he looked like he’d been physically pummeled.
I don’t see what’s so funny. We need two trillion dollars in additional military spending because America has fewer muskets today than it had during the Mexican-American War. Neglecting the Musket Gap is a dangerous policy, as all this nonsense about breech-loading “rifles” and “repeaters” with ammunition “cartridges” that pointy-headed liberal intellectuals keep talking about only emboldens the enemy.
@PeakVT: loved what? Bears won…something else happen tonite?
Spaghetti Lee
“One does not simply go to war without horses and bayonets!” “I don’t always go to war, but when I do, I bring horses and bayonets.” “Oppan bayonet style!” The possibilities and endless, and all equally hilarious!
Made the mistake of listening to NBC post-debate (they won’t stream MSNBC in real-time). It’s 1984-time, where the media gives Romney a complete pass on his jettisoning of positions and conducts fact checking by parsing phrases. Even when I get a bit of MSNBC, I get to hear Steve Schmidt applaud the ability of Mitt to lie, intimating that this is the future of campaigning. Sigh.
I am kicking myself for forgetting about the debate. I was flipping back and forth between the Bears/Lions and Giants/Cardinals.
Good to hear Obama kicked ass again.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Sly: But what of the disturbing lack of bow-and-arrow-based weaponry?
Robin G.
Mark Halpern is now claiming Romney wasn’t flustered. “He started surprisingly nervous, but then he got his footing.”
Then he proceeded to say that Romney’s basically the worst candidate ever, but does well on optics, so in the end it won’t matter.
I’m just sort of gaping at the TV right now.
@Robin G.: I think he looks like a “hairy anus”
Spaghetti Lee
By “punchy” he means Tagg Romney. That’s his nickname, you know-I read it on the internet.
So all of you preemptive bed wetters here with all the navel gazing how mittbot could kick Obama’s ass on Libya, what say you now ?
Hill Dweller
@jwb: This was not a good night for Willard, and the viewers knew it. In fact, I think the win was decisive enough for Obama to make any media spin for Willard look ridiculous.
That touch football game with the pressers yesterday was really a terrible idea for RMoney. The old fart is still sweating.
So when do the nutters start braying about how Obama said he wants to round-up and take away your
gunsbayonets during his 2nd term?Disco
Help me. What was the meme from last week’s debate? I’ve already forgotten.
And don’t forget the Mineshaft Gap.
Romney could only fail and by agreeing with Obama he was not offensive. That is the only thing I can think about his plan tonight. Maybe Romney is not capable of a plan.
Kos has poll results up:
BREAKING: CBS NEWS INSTANT POLL Who won the #Debate? OBAMA: 53%; ROMNEY: 23%, TIE: 24% (Margin of Error: 4%; Sample Size: 521) @CBSNews
Here’s our post-debate swing states poll, which found Barack Obama as the winner by a 53/42 margin: @ppppolls
CNN insta-poll: Obama 48, Romney 40
Oh, so we can comment in this thread now?
Hill Dweller
@katie5: Gregory and Todd have been every bit as bad as Fox reporters during this election.
@Disco: Let me check my binders to see if I can find the meme. Also, I can ask some women I know to see if they remember.
@Robin G.: They’re just basically saying that they realize they’re falling down on the job but that’s okay.. The media is treating venial sins as the highest of virtues. Argh!
Mittens looked WASTED. And he got wasted, too. But seriously, I wonder if he’s been going all jack Mormon on us and allowing himself to get fucked up to take the pain away.
Political Observer
The MSM is saying either draw or victory for Romney.
It’s over folks. This was Obambi’s Grand Finale.
The Eighties Are Calling …
(Be sure to check at the Asteroids game at the bottom of the page.)
@MikeJ: wow.. hopefully those who thought Romney won will be able to get health care under ACA.
@Disco: Fillies in binders with bayonets, I think.
Villago Delenda Est
The only Rmoney apology tour I’ll entertain is one that involves tumbrels.
pseudonymous in nc
Wingnuts are now saying that because cavalry has been used in Afghanistan, Obama got fact-checked, showing both an inability to parse the word “fewer” and an admission that Rmoney got whooped.
@Political Observer:
@Spatula: Word. It’s an obvious insult, and the longer Dems let the “DemocRat” thing go by, all the easier for every Republican to use it as such.
Jay C
They probably haven’t said jack sh*t abut Libya since last week, when President Obama and Candy Crowley kicked the BS out of Romney’s carping critiques in short order. And since BS is all they had, it’s no surprise Mitt would let the Benghazi thing go.
Political Observer
This is the comments section of a site that, before the debate before this one, said that anyone the said Obama lost the debate is a traitor.
Let me repeat that: BEFORE THE LAST DEBATE EVEN HAPPENED people here were saying that Obambi won.
I just wandered over to RedState (I like pain) and they are all:
Ooooooooh!!! Obama just dis’d bayonets and horses. THAT’s gonna cost him the election for sure!
I. Shit. You. Not.
I didn’t watch the debate, mainly because my liver begged me not to. But that little clip up there…did Romney have that false smile pasted over his loathing all night, or was it just for that one shot? ‘Cause that’s not an expression that’s exactly presidential.
@Punchy: Punchy and Starey Romney, that is.
@Hill Dweller:
They’re obviously looking to be traded for one big busted Fox News blond to be named later.
@pseudonymous in nc: Iran wouldn’t have a nuclear program if we had more horses and bayonets.
Hill Dweller
Reuters also has Obama winning the debate by 30 points.
Anyone in the media trying to spin this for Romney will look ridiculous.
pseudonymous in nc
PO’s still totes adorbz.
@katie5: Other than Steve Schmidt, I thought the MSNBC analysis was quite good. Of course, a lot of them agreed with my impression that Mitt was just trying to get through it without any major mistakes.
Villago Delenda Est
@Political Observer:
You’d better start sharing that shit, Taco, because if you don’t, I’m definitely going to rat on you to the DEA.
America needs more catapults.
@Spatula: yeah, score cheap little points. Typical firebagger style.
@Political Observer: LOL, you just witnessed an UNLIMITED CORPORATIST CRASH
@Political Observer: That sweet autumn breeze, courtesy of furious wingnut / troll spinning. It feels so good on the skin.
Political Observer
@pseudonymous in nc:
Pseudofuck is totally a loser.
Who is going to win NC this year?
This just in from CNN. “SF splits runs with Cards 9-0!”
Triassic Sands
@Robin G.:
Hamsters the world over are deeply offended.
@Political Observer: WHATEVER.. I do think it is past your bedtime.. see u tomorrow..
@pseudonymous in nc: I think PO is especially adorable tonight. It’s so fun watching him flail miserably in trying to spin this into TOTAL VICTORY. I’m surprised he didn’t go immediately for the UNLIMITED CORPORATE CASH MAKES DEBATE MEANINGLESS. It would have been a much stronger line of attack. But I’ve never thought PO’s heart was really in this. He has to know he’s going to be unemployed the day after the election.
They need a foreshortened version of “Republican.” I suggest “Douche.”
Who in the hell in the Romney camp thought they could go to the well with the Navy in 1917 line? They’ve been savaged on that one for at least a week. Someone’s walking back to Boston tonight.
Political Derp is here?
His local public liberry must stay open late.
@Politically clueless: So willard wimped out on Libya, huh? Wonder why. Must be all the ass kicking in the last debate.
This fraud is toast. Stick a fork in his sorry little a$$.
pseudonymous in nc
PO’s so totes adorbz!
They’ve been doing it for at LEAST 12 years.
@Political Observer: Ruprecht, put the cork back on the fork.
@Redshift: It looked to me like Mittens was trying to get through the debate without PUKING. Seriously, I thought he was going to heave, except for the 30 seconds or so when he looked like he was going to cry.
@Political Observer:
Just make sure you show up here on November 7.
As I said in previous thread, that was one of my favorite parts of the debate.
But, just thought of slight gotcha: submarines are called ‘boats’ in Navy lingo, aren’t they? Obama called them ships.
Is Obama really ready to lead? I dunno…
Edit: I also liked how badly R_mn_y’s debate Reagan smile/posture imitation wore. I thought that was touching. Gave ol’ M_tt a human touch of pathos, IMHO.
Yup, that was his countenance for pretty much the whole while whenever his mouth wasn’t open.
dead existentialist
Romney won the debate like the Cards won the pennant.
Or as Fox News would say: Cards beat Giants 0-9!
@WaterGirl: RIGHT?! He looked rough. His eyes were all bloodshot and puffy. Obviously had too many sleepless nights lately. Too bad for him, the cramming was all for naught.
Political Observer
Oh, I will. I will. I will be here on November 7th, you loser motherfuckers. To rub your whiny liberal faces in your defeat.
Luther, Obama’s anger translator from Key and Peele, showed up tonight.
“This ain’t battleship, bitch!”
Hill Dweller
Willard looked smarmy, sweaty and weak.
Seriously, why do cons always go for ALL CAPS for emphasis? The occasional bit of mail I get from conservative causes does this a lot.
What the fuck are you talking about, Bot?
@Political Observer:
Seven minutes after the polls close in California, every media outlet, including Fox, is going to call it for Obama.
Bubblegum Tate
Because the whole point is to elicit that exact reaction.
pseudonymous in nc
You just want to pat PO on its ickle head!
Interesting: CNN found that Romney’s lowest point of the night with women was when he said he would get rid of Obamacare.
Triassic Sands
Recently, I heard a Andrew Kohut (Pew) discussing the relative importance of the debates and he said that historically the final debate has mattered the most. That remains to be seen this year, since the first debate was so lopsided and the final debate was competing with pro football, but it would be nice if Kohut’s observation applies to this year’s election.
Romney wasn’t so much bad tonight as he was ridiculous. After a while all the flipping, flopping, and floundering gets really exhausting — for me, I assume it is such second nature to Romney that he does it without breaking a sweat.
Suddenly, Romney agreed with Obama on all sorts of issues. The big difference seems to be that whenever Obama did something good in foreign policy, Romney would have done it bigger, harder, louder, and sooner — especially sooner. Why he would have had crushing economic sanctions on Iran when they were still Persia.
According to the “instant” CBS poll Obama won 53-23 with 24 comatose percent thinking (dreaming) it was a tie. I think we all know who those 23% are.
Political Observer
LOL no!
It’s going to be a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonog election night. Followed by the words, “with state [X] declared, we can now announce Mitt Romney is the next President”.
@Triassic Sands: It was a mess for R%mn#y tonight (who is so disgusting to me after the first lie-a-thon of a debate I refuse to type his name). He lost 4 percentage points of the 27 percent!
@JWR: Too late, all Republicans already use it. They’ve been using it for long enough that the current generation don’t even realize it’s an insult, it’s just normal to them.
The problem has always been that there are very few situations where you can complain about it without looking whiny. Yeah, they shouldn’t put up with it, but that’s easy to say, the difficult part is how to not put up with it. Like most conservative bully tactics, if you spend all your time responding to the bullying, you don’t accomplish anything else.
pseudonymous in nc
Oh, look, PO can repeat back what you just said, like Big Silly Mittens! How cute!
Wow. CNN just called it a draw based on a poll Obama lead 48-40 with a 4% MOE.
@Political Observer: Dude, if you’re gonna troll, troll big: “Romney’s gonna take Florida, Penn, and Ohio. Game over at 11 EST.”
I’m surprised I have to explain this shit to you.
James E. Powell
Unfortunately, with the remaining persuadable voters, Obama beating Romney decisively in a foreign policy debate will not move them because Obama is supposed to beat Romney decisively in a foreign policy debate.
What matters to them is that the president is black.
Chris Matthews was foaming all over this tonight. He said what no one else in the corporate press/media will say: Romney’s supporters do not care what positions he takes on any issue so long as his goal is to get that [insert racist epithet] out of the White House.
That’s really what this election is all about.
@Spatula: 18 years, IIRC. It was one of Frank Luntz’s turns of phrase that hurt Democrats in focus groups before the 1994 GOP Contract With America bullshit.
Spaghetti Lee
I honestly don’t care, myself. It’s only an insult if you let it be, and I’ve never felt insulted.
@James E. Powell: Your theory would seem to suggest that all “persuadable” voters are lying about their persuadability.
@Spatula: egg.sack.lee. As clueless as only firebaggers could be.
How about “RePUBE?”
Alas, the power of evil is always out of balance to good.
Consider PO: If Obama wins the election, we’ll never hear from him again. Sure, we’ll make our japes the night of, and the few days after, at his expense, but his trollship will soon be forgotten.
However, FSM forbid, if Rmoney were to win, he’ll be here lording it over all. And we’ll all feel it, no matter what words we say otherwise. It will be devastating.
PO represents our collective fear.
@Political Observer: Should we bookmark this?
Wait, I’m having flashbacks to Sadly, No!’s comment threads before the 2008 election…
What exactly about his comment made you yell “firebagger”?
pseudonymous in nc
Does PO have any other cute tricks, like sweating on command? That would be adorbz.
I’m pretty sure I used that “The 80s are calling, they want their foreign policy back” line myself, somewhere on this blog, back when Romney first called Russia the Soviets or treated them like our primary enemy — but I haven’t found it yet.
I’m still looking though.
Uodate: Nope, can’t find it. I wonder if someone else used it somewhere else. It sounds really familiar.
James E. Powell
I think we will know before then, won’t we? I mean, it won’t be official, but if Obama wins Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin & Iowa, what else does he need from the contested states?
Political Observer.
@joes527: Which demographic cares about horses and bayonets? Civil war reenactors?
@different-church-lady: I’m not surprise you have to explain it to him. Our boy’s a bit “slow”.
@Anya: Southern white men.
Respectfully disagree. All it takes is firm and concise repetition of a firm and concise statement that Dems won’t put up with it. But yes, I’m sure some genius Dem consultant has concluded that to acknowledge it only perpetuates it. So naturally it’s been going on for 18 years. The Dems in general see codependence as a political lifestyle.
Bobby Thomson
@Killjoy: Win.
Your fantasy of you against the Baggers is very important to your self image, isn’t it?
Did you just make up the egg thing? Wow, you are so clever.
@Triassic Sands:
You forgot “whiter.” When the Romneybot 2000 was not in Perpetual Lie Mode, he kept flogging the idea that he would not only do everything that Obama was doing, but that he would make it work by shocking and aweing friends and foe alike with the power of his Mormon Whiteness.
The wingnuts and tomorrow’s Fox News pundits will cling to this with increasing desperation. It’s all they got.
I love that Obama not only called Mitt out on his ridiculous shit, but openly mocked him. Romney will pretend that this will bounce off his smooth surface, but it is gonna leave a mark.
@Spatula: Yes, I’m sure if Obama had spent the debate telling Romney he wouldn’t put up with a mean word, it would have been much more effective for winning the election than making the points he wanted to make.
It’s so simple, I can’t believe no one has thought of it!
@Spatula: As clueless as only firebaggers can be. Say gunnite whiner.
Handy: If you don’t ride the Obot Crazy Train 24/7, amk screams “firebagger” at you.
Doing so apparently makes her feel she has a home at BJ.
@James E. Powell:
The Undecided voter lines on CNN were fascinating to watch. Women consistently liked Obama better than Men. The Men liked Romney better than Women did. And Men particularly didn’t like it when Obama called Romney on a lie.
I’m betting most male undecided voters are white and they don’t like the black man being uppity to the white man.
A one or two sentence statement would have taken care of it. I don’t really think it would require the entire debate; you and amk are the only ones who think that.
And the Democratic non response to this 18 year long insult is another low-volume message to the public that Dems don’t respect themselves or fight back.
@Redshift: I know how to counter that problem without seeming whiny. Every time a conservative/rightwinger/Republican says the “Democrat” party, counter with the “Republic” Party. Make a habit of saying “Republic” every time one would normally say “Republican”, until, like them, Republic just trips naturally from one’s mouth.
Submitted for approval: Republicant.
@Triassic Sands: Huh. I thought I saw Nate Silver saying that the third debate hasn’t made as much difference as the first two historically wrt number crunching. Then again, other people say debates don’t matter at all, which apparently isn’t true. Anyway: it couldn’t have hoit, at least.
It’s a little depressing to realize that “foreign policy” basically consists entirely of the Middle East, the remains of the War in Afghanistan, oh yeah, and China. I wonder if anyone’s ever going to tackle the War on Drugs again, f’r instance.
@Triassic Sands: That is interesting, because Nate Silver basically wrote that the final debate doesn’t matter in the polls. My thinking is that the history on debates is too short to make meaningful projections of their impact.
To no one in particular (DNFTT):
When one side thinks their victory will be announced “seven minutes after the polls close”, and the other thinks it will be a “looooooooooooooo….ooong election night”, well any thinking being can work out who expects to win. Jest sayin.
@dww44: I’d be down with just renaming it the “Evil, Stupid and/or Batshit Party,” because, well, it IS.
From the Guardian debate coverage:
I haz a happy.
The Guardian was also miffed that Europe rated nary a mention. They have a point, but the moderator picked the questions, so what can you do?
@Spaghetti Lee: Anyone who tries that shit is a wingnut teabagger, so basically we’re even.
@Robin G.:
…but then he got his footing”
Found it in his mouth did he?
James E. Powell
Your theory would seem to suggest that all “persuadable” voters are lying about their persuadability.
Let me go beyond suggesting and simply say it: the remaining persuadable voters are not being honest, with themselves or with others, about their remaining persuadable. They have a preference. You can usually tell by the answers they give.
The only thing that they can be persuaded on is whether to vote or not. Every one of them knows for whom they will vote, if they do vote.
You guys,
This is so easy. It’s Fucking Asshole.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Brachiator: he and Jeremy Scahill were wailing to each other on Twitter about how awful it was. Scahill did give Obama a back-handed compliment about the debate, though.
@JGabriel: This may be what you were thinking of.
@Spatula: Agreed, but Obama knows that it isn’t worth the effort to stoop to that level, and he would look like a prissy pedant, instead of Presidential.
@Political Observer:
Judas Priest. Take a long walk on a short pier.
Triassic Sands
Unfortunately, that’s not quite all they have. They also have millions of really stupid voters. The hardest thing for me about this election is that with all he’s got going against him, I still believe Obama should be up by 15-20 points against a candidate as pathetic as Romney. And the reason he isn’t is the same reason Bush won* in 2000 and was re-elected in 2004 — really stupid voters. Some people point to selfishness (I have in the past), but selfishness would mean than rational voters would vote in their own self-interest. For Romney to have anything like his current standing in the polls, there have to be millions of idiots who say they’ll vote for Romney, despite what that will do to them personally. And the only way I can figure most of them doing that is if they are unaware of the chasm between what they need and what Romney is offering; something that isn’t exactly a secret.
*Maris’ 61 home runs were a lot more legitimate than Bush’s 2000 SCOTUS appointment.
Triassic Sands
You may be right. I don’t know how to reconcile the difference between Silver and Kohut. It may be not simply that there are too few data points for a meaningful conclusion, but also that the overall complexity of elections and voter actions are simply not well enough understood. Economists love the idea of the rational consumer because it makes life relatively simple for them, but there is nothing remotely rational about many, many American voters. Add to that the fact that people often don’t answer truthfully and who knows?
@Hill Dweller: When are they NOT bad?
@Political Observer:
LOL, this asshole still around?
Please, oh please, oh PLEASE let the rightwingers respond by dressing up in their Confederate Re-Enactor uniforms and memeing “We still have enough bayonets to take care of YOU!”
Please, please, pleeeeeassseeee…
PLEASE let’s see us some Confederate troops brandishing bayonets. Just lay it right OUT there in time for people to see which side they’d like to line up with.
They can sit on horses if they like. I think Rafalca’s not busy lately! I’m sure she’d lend a hoof. Not like she gets to choose what she does- I’m sure we can all relate with that.
Me- I voted for the guy who LAID this trap, fully aware of the symbolism of both horses and bayonets in this campaign. I voted for Obama.
He trusts America to react a certain way to the sight of angry Confederate troops with rifles and bayonets. Or, rather, two certain ways… and he’s run the numbers on it.
PLEASE let this work. It’s the cleverest thing I’ve ever seen…
Because President Obama is principled and focused, and understands that Romney’s fuckery is a distraction, and if he had “called him on it” he would have looked smaller for doing so.
Kindly fuck yourself.
Or he looks weak and unwilling to stand up for himself or his party.
Kindly kill yourself.
@James E. Powell: The safe states and four you mention come to 255. Easy routes to 270:
FL (29)
MI (16)
NC (15)
CO (9)+ NV (6)
VA (13) + NH (4)
There are a lot of paths to victory.