At least until his campaign poll-watchers decide renouncing Mourdock is the next best step in the ongoing daily “Principles? What Principles?” parade. Per Indiana expert & resident Doghouse Riley:
… Richard Mourdock is a lunatic. If he’s not completely unhinged it’s only because he didn’t come with hinges in the first place. This is not even open to debate. The only question which is open is how he (that is, the vast ocean of non-Hoosier lunatic money he compiled) got Indiana Republicans to join in in the primary, and what this says about the folly of democratic elections.
The three candidates (Mourdock, the Republican-Democrat, and the Libertarian) are asked about abortion, because of course they are. (No one is ever asked to describe the landscape of the surrounding fantasy world where a Senator’s opinion about abortion means squat, to the law, to the ethical questions involved, or to the sorts of political gyrations and elimination of half the country’s population which would be required to change the status quo.) All are agin’ it, because of course they are, including the Libertarian…. And Mourdock says that, even in the case of rape, pregnancy is still a gift from God. Because of course he did. Seriously. Of course he did. This is actually how these maniacs refined Todd Akin’s message over the past two months.
Mourdock was forced to come out afterwards to assure the voting public that he thinks rape is bad. This is the sort of non-apology apology which used to be considered de rigueur, and simply rote, but which recent events have turned into a needed clarification.
Now, if you’re like me, you watch Indiana politics, if at all, as a sort of spring training for dealing with your crazy relatives at Thanksgiving. If you want the political side of this, other than the increasingly moldy news that everyone in the Republican party is clinically insane, it’s that Mourdock is the one Republican Senatorial candidate Willard Mitt Romney has seen fit to make a campaign commercial for, which he did a couple weeks ago. But, then, you already knew about Romney’s decision-making skills, didn’t you? One-third of the Senate is up for reelection, and Romney chooses to help a guy who not only was dancing around in a tinfoil fool’s cap all season, but one you’d take one look at and remove your children from the playground he was sitting near. Not to mention that the Teabagging Mourdock campaign has become desperate enough to play ball with Mitt Fucking Romney….
Somebody needs to tell the downstream GOP candidates that The Handmaid’s Tale was never intended to serve as a technical manual.
“The Handmaid’s Tale Technical Manual” just needs to be a category.
Seriously? This is the one guy Romney endorsed? Dang…
For all its faults I like living in the United States. I’d rather not find myself living in the Republic of Gilead…
Well, thank God the freedom-loving, government interference hating Libertarian candidate is in this race. //
Robin G.
The degree to which these people hate women is staggering. It’s not a question of nuance, or five-steps-removed issues, or some bullshit about evolution; they just Hate. Women.
Is there a linky to mr. Doghouse Riley’s Intertubes site thing?
What possible reason could Romney have for not immediately demanding that this guy take down all the ads with Romney in them and publicly rejecting him?
It makes no sense – he has to know just how badly this will play, it’s getting attention all over the world.
Carl Nyberg
OK. The Republicans are crazy.
Are they getting crazier? Saying crazier things?
What is causing the outbreak of the crazy?
pseudonymous in nc
I’m not quite sure of the theological rigour behind “When God gives you rape, make rapenade”, but it appears to be a fairly common belief.
As I said last night, I’m not really glad that this is an opinion he stated in public rather than just thinking privately, because if Murdo McMisogynist gets elected — and it’s a toss-up race right now — all of his positions get retroactively validated as “electable” ones.
This won’t do Mourdock any favors. The guy is a pure nutbag, and now his crazy is all out there for everyone in Indiana to see. And if there’s one thing Hoosier voters don’t like, it’s someone who comes off radiating pure crazy.
I’d still give Mourdock the nod over Donnelly right now, but in 2 weeks? I’d say Donnelly’s got a real shot. ESPECIALLY if the Libertarian candidate steals disgruntled Lugar voters away from Mourdock.
I’m also hoping the Obama campaign does everything it can to tie the anvil that is Mourdock around Romney’s neck.
I think it’s pretty amazing that one day after the Romney commercial endorsement comes out that Mourdock makes the statement about rape babies being a gift from God. Way to step in it, Mitt.
I suspect this guy and that Akin clown are doing a lot to shine a light for mushy moderate/inattentive public on just how fucking unhinged the pro-life movement is. Which can only be good news.
Hey, Undecided Voters. Here’s the Republican Party on display. Wanna jump on board?
My extended family is all in Southern Indiana, where I’m guessing this won’t hurt Mourdock much. But surely this has to move some votes in other parts of the state.
On basically the same topic, Todd (Tawd) Akin’s first name is William and William Akin has been thrice arrested at anti-abortion protests. One can only imagine what sort of pictorial signs William-Tawd was toting.
[edited for mo betta link]
@Carl Nyberg:
The calendar. I expect The Crazy to increase asymptotically as we approach 6 November.
Patricia Kayden
“Somebody needs to tell the downstream GOP candidates that The Handmaid’s Tale was never intended to serve as a technical manual.”
Or as a prophecy. Wonder how Margaret Atwood feels about our current crop of Conservative US politicians. She must be glad to be in Canada.
@Carl Nyberg:
They were always just saying these crazy things to each other. Now they’re speaking in public but still thinking that it’s just the normal thing to say, to the disgust of almost everybody else.
The Bearded Blogger
@pseudonymous in nc: awesome phrase. Of course, the logical conclusion to this is fatalism:
“if there is a recession, God wants it and nothing should be done to stop it”
which is actualy not that far removed from Chicago School Economics right now.
The Other Chuck
@Carl Nyberg: It’s because they’ve always felt that way, but have recently come to realize that there is pretty much never any real consequence over anything they say, ever. No matter how vile. Even if they don’t make it into office, they’re set for life with wingnut welfare gigs.
The Dangerman
Especially since Mitt couldn’t give less of a shit about abortion (unless there’s a way to profit from it).
Because the 1% of course, don’t believe the normal rules (and decency) apply to them. As long as he thinks it’ll work, keep doing it.
The Bearded Blogger
@Carl Nyberg: They’re as crazy as they have always been in the past couple decades. But they’re out of the closet now, they are out and proud of their worldview. My guess is the information bubble… like people in North Korea that think Kin Jong il is widely read and admired around the world
Anne Laurie
@Bulworth: There is now, and thank you for catching my mistake!
Democrat Partisan Asshole
This story was #1 on Google’s news feed for most of the entire fuckin’ day. With “endorsed by Mitt Romney” or “disavowed by Mitt Romney” right in the pull quotes for every single story.
Now supplanted by “Feds sue Bank of America for ‘Hustle’ loan fraud”
Not gonna be a good week for Mittens. Good thing for him he’s gone into media seclusion until the election, he’s probably figured (correctly) that not stepping on his own dick is the best course of action and the one that will enable him to lose by the smallest possible margin. Which at the moment, ain’t looking too small.
@trollhattan: John L Lewis was probably arrested more than once for civil disobedience.
In a future handmaid’s tale world, those arrests will be a badge of honor for Akin.
I just hope we never get there.
@Bulworth: LMGIFY Bats Left/Throws Right (Actually, the link was in my history. No Google needed.)
Omnes Omnibus
@PreservedKillick: For a guy who has taken every position under the sun on virtually every issue, Romney does not react quickly. He and his campaign are not nimble; they can turn on a dime, but they must first come slowly to a halt.
@Carl Nyberg:
They’ve been saying these things in their own world for decades. They’re fucking tired of having to keep it to themselves, they don’t want to have to anymore. The entire world should hear them say these things and oooh and aaah at their brilliance and moral righteousness.
They’s sick of having to dogwhistle, they want to use bullhorns.
Good to see the Romney camp reverting to stumble-bum mode for the home stretch. I knew we could count on them.
I find it nearly impossible to believe that Indiana would vote a Democrat into office. I still feel the same about Missouri, but it’s looking like that might actually happen, so who knows.
We find those comments as offensive as the Rurrulz find a Negro Presnit telling them which Death Panel to join offensive. So they’re vote for Mr. God Raped You and his Republican Prez if it keeps out the Negro.
@The Bearded Blogger:
I think “out and proud” characterizes it well. They’ve been nursing resentment since they were told in the 60’s that they can’t say “nigger” anymore, and the floodgates have burst.
@Democrat Partisan Asshole: But, but, UNLIMITED CORPORATE CASH!
(Oh, and Time released a poll a couple of hours ago showing Obama up by 5 in Ohio, and winning the already-voted by a 2:1 margin).
Villago Delenda Est
@Carl Nyberg:
I suppose, but am guessing John Lewis has never buried nor distanced himself from his record. Why isn’t Tawd waving his RW Cred flag, high and proud?
[dramatic music and Colbert shifty eyebrows] What else is Tawd hiding?!
If the topic wasn’t so disgusting, this phrasing could be described as somewhat funny.
Meanwhile, Uncle Joe’s hittin’ on the ladies:
and this will make ’em swoon: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10021623629#post18
Just remember, ladies, the War on Women is all in your pretty, empty little heads. It’s a complete, total, coincidence that two different GOP Senate candidates would make dismissive remarks about rape, just like it’s a complete, total, coincidence that every GOP controlled state government has been introducing anti-women’s health measures at a record rate since the last election. None of this is any reason to vote a straight Democratic ticket this year, but it is a reason for you to get Mitt and his best friend here a samwich.
It’s a TBoggism. He can get away with writing darn near anything (pbuh).
Yup. All pregnancies are a gift from god. Especially if that god is one sick fucker.
These assholes are truely “made in his image”.
@Thoughtcrime: Are we *sure* that The Onion hasn’t staged a hostile takeover of Politico? Because that certainly sounds like an Onion Biden article.
(nb: If The Onion took over Politico, it would represent a dramatic improvement in the quality of the latter’s coverage.)
Romney is just what this country needs in a President: A spineless wimp who’ll throw trash on his enemies and can’t stand up to his friends.
The “GIR” fellow actually believes what he says, which is almost a relief in the very strict sense that there is little pretending to be done about him. (I know lots of righties who can afford to send their daugthers to “Switerland for a semester” and don’t worry about the war on contraception.)
And I’m getting tired of having so many “What’s worse, the fool or the knave” examples from the GOP this year.
@pseudonymous in nc: stole the “rapenade” line from you, facebooked and the fainting couches are filling up fast. I asked the people in line to clutch their pearls instead. Regardless, I am in your debt. ETA: Tbogg, I am in your debt as well.
Republican rape questionnaire-
How would you describe your rape?
A) Forcible
B) Legitimate
C) Easy
D) Emergency
E) God’s Will
Please note that your answer will not in any way influence a republican’s ability to care about you personally. However, it may determine if you have to give birth to your rapist’s child.
And speaking of The Onion,
( From their just-posted Mourdock story.)
his running mate wanted to:
1. redefine rape
2. says RAPE is just ‘another mode of conception’
3. is the sponsor of the NATIONAL Personhood bill
4. is the sponsor of the NATIONAL FORCED ULTRASOUND BILL
and you think that this clown in Indiana upset Willard?
Schweeet! Loves me some Joe. “You all learned what the word ‘malarkey’ meant, right?“
Now let’s see Onion Joe top this. [edit] I see dmsilev beat me to it!
MoarrapeMourdock is polling at 45.8%. IOW a solid plurality of the good people of Indiana are mentally defective and morally bankrupt.gene108
@pseudonymous in nc:
What are the chances of the Dem’s retaking the NC General Assembly or Senate?
From what I gather from folks in NC it doesn’t look good. A Democratic governor is the firewall between a semi-functioning state government and whole lot of right-wing crazy.
Murdoch can think what he wants about the nature of God’s will. I don’t find that offensive. And he is free to spout off about his bizarre beliefs.
The offensive and vile part is that he will work to impose his religious views on others in public office, in what is supposed to be a secular state and separates civil government and religion.
But, good on R_mn_y for standing by this religious fanatic who thinks he has the right to impose is sectarian view of God’s will on others, and get many women and children killed.
I hope R_mn*y shouts his continued support for this murderous nutcase from the rooftops.
The GOP is on a roll.
They should make a Broadway musical – the hit songs are already written:
“Always Look On The Bright Side Of Rape”
“Every Rape Is Sacred”
Me? I’m waiting for the Collector’s Edition of “To Serve Republicans”
I believe that “asymptotically”, by definition, means there is an upper bound.
@The Bearded Blogger:
I think at some level, they realize this is going to be amongst their last gasps of actual political power.
They used to be at the top of the totem pole, but they no longer are.
Americans are no longer a deeply Christian nation, we are more secular than anything right now.
Gays are getting legal rights, such as serving in the military, and will probably be able to legally marry within this decade.
There’s a “half-‘Rican” in the White House and his black wife and kids.
The rural South is getting inundated with Latino immigrants.
Things are getting more equal and they know they aren’t on top any longer by default.
They’ve decided to go down kicking and screaming, instead of embracing how much better America has become in the last 50 years.
pseudonymous in nc
@gene108: The state-level gerrymandering is going to make it hard to retake the legislature, and barring something very unexpected, Pat McGroin is going to be governor, because he has the rich donors (and undisclosed tax returns). Perdue made some executive decisions that alienated her supporters, and Dalton has inverted coattails from that.
I fully expect the next couple of years to be spent whoring the state to corporate interests in a race to the bottom vs SC, TN and GA, but, as the line goes, other states are available. (Which is why it’s funny to hear trolls mock the idea of going somewhere better, when the US has historically celebrated that desire. Being in a place doesn’t mean you’re of it.)
The Other Chuck
@SFAW: I believe the asymptote is Nov 6 on the X axis, and crazy is on the Y.
crazy → ∞
Aka the Wingularity
to these men rate is just a hypothetical concept. they believe it happens to other people, to other women. not women in their families. I’d like to see one of these guys raise a child who was the product of a rape committed on their wife or daughter. Ya, you know that kid would be otta there.
these men have obviously never been raped or they would be singing another tune.
this is just part of the american white christian? taliban trying to impose their beliefs on others. its all about control over women.
Sm*t Cl*de
“When God gives you rape, make rapenade”
God gave me duct tape but the tapenade sure tastes funny.
El Cid
This is standard right wing practice:
Take a fictional dystopia written from a liberal, left, or just vaguely humanist perspective, and written to express a warning of how certain bad tendencies could end up playing out…
…And then read it as an instruction / inspiration manual.
1984 as a guide to how to run a party and how best to view the role of the population and information.
The Handmaid’s Tale as a guide on how to fix things with the wimminfolk.
The Jungle as a guide to better meat processing standards.
And so on.
Indiania is a similar gift from God to remind chunks of the upper Midwest that sheer batshit is not limited to the South. Well, that and connecting the IL and OH portions of the Tollway.
Asymptotiacally to what? Infinity?
Wait a sec. “The folly of democratic elections?”
Go fuck yourself, Riley.
Evolving Deep Southerner
@pseudonymous in nc: I just moved to the Triangle in December and I have loved, loved, loved it here compared to the shithole where I was born (the northeast Georgia foothills) and the shithole I just left (the shit-kickingest portion of Upstate South Carolina.) I love the vibe here, I love the pride the people take in living here, most people seem pretty smart and nice and prosperous …
I’m not secretly carrying some kind of Shithole Curse around with me, am I? Please tell me I’m not. Because if I am, I’ll move back to South Carolina for the greater good and to spare the innocent.
@El Cid: Yes. “1984” and “The Handmaid’s Tale” are Republican playbooks. I hadn’t considered “The Jungle” and don’t think it fits this theme, but I could be wrong.
I urge everyone to read or re-read those two books again, ASAP, and let the true horrors of what the Republicans would bring us sink in.
Sm*t Cl*de
“Lord of the Flies” — an instruction manual for homeschooling.
@SFAW: Asymptotically means the value (what ever that is) approaches zero but never becomes zero. If graphed with X and Y axis, the asymptotic line approaches the axis but never reaches or crosses it.
@PurpleGirl: Better explaination (from the Free Dictionary):
A line whose distance to a given curve tends to zero. An asymptote may or may not intersect its associated curve.
Anne Laurie
@burnspbesq: Readjust your snarkmeter, esquire. Riley’s not writing a tax brief, and is therefore permitted to use sarcasm.
I do love it when people try to school me on this stuff.
Actually, it means the difference between the bound (or boundary, if you will) and the curve approaches zero. In other words, the curve of the expression approaches the bounding line, i.e. the asymptote, but never reaches it as one of the variables – whatever variable is being plotted along X-axis – goes to infinity.
ETA: Although I have never seen an asymptote plotted as having a constant X value, I guess one could theoretically do it that way. It would kinda flout mathematical and graphing convention, but it’s not as if math is an exact science.
ETA2: One hopes that the “Free Pictionary” definition was just transcribed minus a word or two, rather than a complete cut-and-paste., because it it wrong, as it appeared in your comment.
@The Other Chuck:
See my “ETA” in 70.
Lurking Canadian
I think I have failed to parse this correctly, because y=tan(x) does exactly that, without flouting any conventions.
And more generally, asymptotes need not be constant. It is easy to define a function that asymptotically approaches y=x, for example, but grows without bound.
@Lurking Canadian:
I disagree re: y=tan(x), but it may be only a semantic disagreement: the dependent variable is the one approaching infinity, not the independent variable. Generally, with asymptotes, they’re defined in terms of the independent variable approaching infinity.
Regarding your second point: I agree, asymptotic curves need not have a constant value, they need only be straight. Poor thinking on my part to try to portray it that way (i.e. constant) originally
@firebrand: Also, contrast Mourdock with Lugar. Okay, Lugar had been in DC forever. And in the 1970s he was Nixon’s favorite Mayor (of Indianapolis), which would make him a moderate Democrat today). But Lugar was a very responsible Senator, especially on foreign affairs and nuclear disarmament (Nunn-Lugar).
Mourdock, of course, is an extremist who would bring nothing to Indiana because he would be ostracized in the Senate.
The ad at the top of the comments is for “Christian” maternity clothing: a pink or blue t-shirt with a quote from Samuel: “For this child I have prayed”.